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  #12   Report Post  
Old March 18th 04, 02:05 AM
Posts: n/a

twist i'll give you the gold star for trying and even actually talking on the
bowl every now and then with little to nothing and trust me i mean this in the
most respectfull way but your way of talking on the bowl is the mud duck way.
when you can key down and as i said "consistantly" take out ducks and get your
named called then your doing something. and yes trust me i know all about
talking on the water, its for this reason alone my little 1200 watt dead key
and 4 kw pep on AM is known for taking out the entire houston area from the
shores of sandy galveston island. theres guys in the dome dunning 3cx5000 tubes
and even barnaby jones with a 4cx10,000 tube and i do my McNasty with just four
3-500z's. if i was side by side with them boys or even a mile or two inland off
the water i wouldnt have a chance. i've worked dx from shrimp boats in the gulf
running 2 pills and even bigger at times and i know for sure that what you say
about talking on 6 from the middle of the water is bull****. being in the
middle of the water doesnt always make for a bigger signal escpecially when you
trying to talkthru land locked guys running beams and thousands of watts. the
bowl isnt about mother nature. its about competing against other stations,
anybody can yell and scream long enough to prove a point but to actually be a
super star it takes power.

From: (MrTimNebo)
else thinks one needs thousands of watts to be heard on the bowl from
the water? Anyone?
you need thousands of watts on channel 6 NO
MATTER where you are if you actually want to
be consistently talking and taking out mud


Ahhhh...this I grant you,,,,,your use of the term "consistently" is what
constitutes the difference.
I get on the bowl once per week......I do NOT use thousands of watts
from the water and I damn sure don't need thousands, even hundreds of
watts to make a contact,,,,sure,,,there have been times when I couldn't
get through,,,,,but keep repeating the same number or handle (those are
the rules, I didn't make them) enough, and if you're being heard,
someone is going to let you know it, even if it's only to get you to
shut the hell up,,,no doubt about it, I have been victim to this,,I
can't ghetto talk and I don't try to talk any other way than what the
good Lord give me, and lemme tell ya'...when some of them boys hear a
white boy in their receive, and that's all they hear,,,,(thanks to mama
nature FIRST, output and antenna second) they will reply. In fact, every
time I have been on for the past month or so, it's been heavy Texas. In
fact, Texas has been the norm everytime I go out in the morning,,why the
hell you think "GW" is bleeding from the gums so frequently? Shux..,this
past week I was sitting on the RAMP talking to WitchDoctor in Beaumont
(sp)and he said I was raping his receive.,,then there was 187, Mr Audio,
Smooth Operator, Mr. Bodine,,,,,,,can't remember right off the bat who

sure anybody can sit out there on the water or

anywhere else and yell there handle between

keys all day and get heard every once in a


I didn't design the rules,,,,just play by them. I'm not into long
conversations,,,I'm into the hit and run,,,although the round tables and
SSB is my exception.

and if your lucky enough somebody on

the other end of dx land may even confuse

you for the real deal

Nah. So far, I'm the only "Twisted", unless of course, my fan club takes
to the air like they do in here with my choice of identity. Emulating a
thing of beauty, and all that jazz. Although I have, for some reason,
confused some and been called "Mister Twisted" a few times. I changed my
mic battery and it hasn't happened since.

but to be the real deal

sheer rf power is needed. you sir are not the

only one living by water..........

Nope,,but I'm in a very small contingency of those who are out ON the
water talking DX on the bowl,,,,,,and letmetellyouthis,,,,,,,I don;t
know what you run, and I ain't gonna ask...but, hypothetically, if you
are blowing 1000 watts on land,,and take that 1000 watts out to
sea,,,,,,,,,,,,,you know what? Big difference. Major difference. HUGE
diffference. MEGA difference. You know who the military radio
communications officer in this group is,,,,email him and ask him if what
I am saying is not the absolute gospel concerning AM voice transmission
from the water. I've even talked barefoot on 6,,at 4 AM EST from the
shelf that leads into the middle grounds (sometimes called "The
Shallows") between us. C'mon down. Bring your rig. Sometimes believing
is in the eye of the beholder. This is exactly how I was turned on to
the south St. Pete crew...the big man just had to see it for himself.
Now, not only did I add another name to my very short list of kick ass
radio techs,,but am meeting plenty of good folk that I NEVER would have
met if not for channel 6. I had no idea there were so many bad asses in
the bay area. I know about the Orlando Crew, Daytona Crew, and Miami
Crew (RIP), but I had no clue what was going on in my back yard. I do
now. Nope,,I sure as hell ain't no real deal when it comes to the big
boys,,,,I'm just fortunate enough to have found mother nature's sweet
spot,,,and it's soaking wet.

  #14   Report Post  
Old March 18th 04, 04:47 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (jim)
Twistedhed wrote:
(Jim Hampton)
Whatever mistakes he made, Twist, number one was to use the US postal
service. You ain't dealin' with the FCC there. They have *no* sense of
humor whatever.
Would you happen to have a URL?
73 from Rochester, NY
=A0=A0This was on the rain report not too long ago. I'll see if I can't
get you a url and more information citing the's crazy
down here,,,Spring Break officially began last week and I can't keep up
this year...think I just may take a looong summer vacation road trip
this year.

hey twisty take a charter boat during bluefish

season here on the island. nice........

Wow,,can't believe you said that,,,,I HAVE taken a Bluefish charter out
of Sheepshead Bay years ago,,great fun and big toothy fish,,,great
fighters. Special places on my list of things to do in your area: Visit
a good college bud in Plainview who has been after me for years to come
visit,,,,Lindys, the best cheesecake in the land, Rockaway (old memories
of Rockaway and Coney Island) and I can't forget the Village,,,,,if I
can recover from the check I just mailed to Unca Sam by summer,,,,NY may
definitely be on the itinerary...wife wants to go to Maine and I was
thinking about even going a bit further. We have a standing invite from
a longtime DX club member who I have talked to for many, many years on
Cape Breton Island,,"Canso" to be exact. Been to Canada, but never up
in the extreme northeast corner. If NY is on the itinerary, I'll be sure
to let you's been awhile since I've been to the big
city,,,,with the exception of Miami and Atlanta.

  #16   Report Post  
Old March 18th 04, 05:20 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (MrTimNebo)
twist i'll give you the gold star for trying and

even actually talking on the bowl every now

and then with little to nothing and trust me i

mean this in the most respectfull way but your

way of talking on the bowl is the mud duck

way. when you can key down and as i said

"consistantly" take out ducks and get your

named called then your doing something.

No doubt, my man, I'm most certainly a duck on the bowl..I'm not
interested in taking anyone out, but I do understand you MUST do that to
be heard there. Check it out,,,,after all these years of channel 6 being
the channel to avoid, or tune, or set your swrs, etc,,,suddenly, I was
made aware of a way in which to be heard on the bowl. Now,,I have also
been privy to a certain man's technological savy that he is in the
process of applying to the water....this man now wants his own boat
after seeing for himself what I was running (practically nothing) and I
am shuddering at what he will accomplish,,EVENTUALLY. This man is
interested in taking his landlubber amp to the water and he is hellbent
on making it work. I can't take what he usually uses for an amp on the
boat,,..I'm not (and couldn't do it anyway) going to place that kind of
strain on my electrical system and I damn sure ain't modifying anything
to accomodate that kind of power. But one can blow a few hundred legal
watts on 10 meter if one is licensed and that few hundred watts suddenly
is reflected in power "power" (IE: 100 watts to the third, fifth,
twentieth, fiftieth power, (whatever) etc, etc,.)
Now,,,imagine what wouild happen if one devised a manner in which to
smoke multi-thousands of watts from their boat.
A visiting "vacationer" dropped anchor in Tampa Bay back in 1999 or 2000
for about a week. He had twin diesels and some kind of watts
transmitting big power. Everyone in the bay who was on the air back then
remembers this fella,,,,,when he keyed, he rendered the entire HF
spectrum useless for those of us on the peninsula. Dirty, dirty,
dirty,,,,,he left after about 4 days and things returnde to normal
(whatever that is).

and yes trust me i know all about talking on

the water, its for this reason alone my little

1200 watt dead key and 4 kw pep on AM is

known for taking out the entire houston area

from the shores of sandy galveston island.

See,,,and if you think back,,,you and I haven't made a contact since
that SSB thing a few years ago when the hurricane was in the Gulf
directly between us,..and if you remember,,we had zero conditions, not
much of signal on each other, but was able to hear each other's audio.
The band was quiet except for us...what I'm getting at,,,,is I don't
think the Gulf Coast of Fla and the Gulf coast of Texas really needs
"conditions" to make the contacts. Sheer power across unobstructed water
is damn near magical.

theres guys in the dome dunning 3cx5000

tubes and even barnaby jones with a

4cx10,000 tube and i do my McNasty with just

four 3-500z's. if i was side by side with them

boys or even a mile or two inland off the water
i wouldnt have a chance.

Exactly. That's exactly what I have been doing,,,getting up and over
some of these heavy hitters with water and not a lot (by comparison) of
power. I can even talk from the dock at times,,,,pull 50 yards or so on
to the pavement and nothing,,,zip,,nada, as far as transmit goes.

i've worked dx from shrimp boats in the gulf

running 2 pills and even bigger at times and i

know for sure that what you say about talking

on 6 from the middle of the water is bull****.

I'm not going to try and change your mind. You have an open invite at
any time. It's not bull****,,why else you think "gw" is all over me all
of a sudden? "Cause I'm in his receive and he cant stand it.

being in the middle of the water doesnt always
make for a bigger signal

Oh, yes it does. Given the parameters I cited, the water always will
increase your signal.

escpecially when you trying to talkthru land

locked guys running beams and thousands of


Tim,,,,as you said,,,if you are on the coast of Texas on the beach, or
parked with your wheels in the sal****er, I dont give a damn what poor
ass CF is running, he ain't getting in between me and you from Houston
when we are both on the water with nothing between us,,,,,assuming, of
course, we are both running SOME power.

the bowl isnt about mother nature.

Agreed, as I can get your coast any day of the week, practically. But it
sure plays a large part.

its about competing against other stations,

anybody can yell and scream long enough to

prove a point but to actually be a super star it

takes power.

No doubt. I'm no superstar and I didn't ask for this worldwide status.
KC8LDO Lelnad insisted he try his hand at Kingmaker and for some reason,
he chose me. Tim, next time I get on, I'm gonna email you,,,let your
ears be the judge, or you can always look at CF and the manner in which
he cries about my newfound joy.

  #17   Report Post  
Old March 18th 04, 05:32 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (gw)
(I Am Not George) wrote in message
(Twistedhed) wrote:
I didn't design the rules,,,,just play by them.

So you play by the rules on the bowl but you

dont play by FCC rules LOL what an asshole.

(yeh right check it out)

No need to check it out,,we agree,,,you ahve become quite the asshole
since the days GW used to email me and say"The band is open, let's

.......he is a extra class ham

LOL..prove it, gimpy,

and he goes over to a cb friend's house to talk
on the bowl with a stock 4 watt radio.....

..which is responsible for your bizarre behavior and babbling like a
turned out lot lizard. Quite an unhealthy predilection you have toward
myself. With all the undeserved but appreciated attention you shower
upon myself, I can't help but think you have more in common with Geogre
and his circle of homosexuals he brought to this group.,,I mean, why
else would a normal adult man spend his time crying on a usenet board
about something that he has no control over? Hhahahhah....what a chump
you have been played for. Someday, IF another takes pity on you, you may
be included in what's taking place all around your angry little world in
which you see me as resposible for, after all, only Team Lelnad worships
me as their personal God..LOL. Try again.

give me a freekin break.....

So that's your problem,,,you can't get a break when I'm
keying...LOL...always my fault for your misery......hahha..I freakin'
love it!

twisti must have found another waterlogged

bail of marijahooch......whata


"Maroons" need post via perhaps I am a "maroon",,,,,but
you're frustrated, and there ain't nuthin' you can do about it
except.....get madd!

Laying down the law around Tampa Bay!

The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct
proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong

  #19   Report Post  
Old March 19th 04, 02:10 AM
Posts: n/a

Twistedhed wrote:
From: (jim)
Twistedhed wrote:
(Jim Hampton)
Whatever mistakes he made, Twist, number one was to use the US postal
service. You ain't dealin' with the FCC there. They have *no* sense of
humor whatever.
Would you happen to have a URL?
73 from Rochester, NY
This was on the rain report not too long ago. I'll see if I can't
get you a url and more information citing the's crazy
down here,,,Spring Break officially began last week and I can't keep up
this year...think I just may take a looong summer vacation road trip
this year.

hey twisty take a charter boat during bluefish

season here on the island. nice........

Wow,,can't believe you said that,,,,I HAVE taken a Bluefish charter out
of Sheepshead Bay years ago,,great fun and big toothy fish,,,great
fighters. Special places on my list of things to do in your area: Visit
a good college bud in Plainview who has been after me for years to come
visit,,,,Lindys, the best cheesecake in the land, Rockaway (old memories
of Rockaway and Coney Island) and I can't forget the Village,,,,,if I
can recover from the check I just mailed to Unca Sam by summer,,,,NY may
definitely be on the itinerary...wife wants to go to Maine and I was
thinking about even going a bit further. We have a standing invite from
a longtime DX club member who I have talked to for many, many years on
Cape Breton Island,,"Canso" to be exact. Been to Canada, but never up
in the extreme northeast corner. If NY is on the itinerary, I'll be sure
to let you's been awhile since I've been to the big
city,,,,with the exception of Miami and Atlanta.

cool. hitting the bluefish in august is prime. plainview is 30 miles west.
thats is some heavily populated area. cant compare miami & atlanta to nyc.
those are podunk...the maritimes are beautiful. good luck up there but mind
the mosquito's. if in maine hit bar harbor.

  #20   Report Post  
Old March 19th 04, 02:58 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (wa3moj) cut, snipped, and otherwise
edited a remote post attesting to another topic and attempted to create
a new meaning and thread with:
(Twistedhed) wrote: one can blow a few hundred
watts on 10 meter if one is licensed and that few hundred watts suddenly
is reflected in power "power" (IE: 100 watts to the third, fifth,
twentieth, fiftieth power, (whatever) etc, etc,.) Now,,,imagine what
wouild happen if one devised a manner in which to smoke multi-thousands
of watts from their boat.

why you want to **** up the CB band

so others cant use it?

I wouldn't. The only thing I f'ed up,,is you,,,look at yourself,,,shamed
so bad you need to f' up other people's posts like the lying lid KC8LDO
has become.

you are like a child Twistie, a child

A child that gets the better of you time after time, yet, you are he one
that can not master adult conversation and communication.

A visiting "vacationer" dropped anchor in Tampa Bay back in 1999 or 2000
for about a week. He had twin diesels and some kind of watts
transmitting big power. Everyone in the bay who was on the air back then
remembers this fella,,,,,when he keyed, he rendered the entire HF
spectrum useless for those of us on the peninsula. Dirty, dirty,

is this your fantasy Twisted

Your word of choice.

you are an extra class ham

And you're a shamed nocode that has tarnished your reputation beyond
redemption. Don't believe me, merely look up your call,,,,,almost 20,000
hits,,,,what a lid.

who worships

jammers and Qrmers worship my jockstrap and everyone knows it.. Ha!

I think.

No,,that's your problem, you never think. If you would think, you
wouldn't be placing your ignorance on display every day and night for
the entire world to enjoy and be relegated to sitting in the dark all
the time.

The likelihood of one individual being correct increases in a direct
proportion to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong

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