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  #51   Report Post  
Old April 30th 04, 04:25 AM
Posts: n/a

From: (Frank=A0Gilliland)
In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
In ,

(Twistedhed) wrote:
Frank Gilliland wrote:
"Hmmmm..... You beg for me to prove my
military service by conversing with vets"
I mentioned it one time, which hardly constitutes begging, and you
seized upon it,,,a fish flopping around out of water. The begging came
from you, daily, in the form of many subject headers and redundant

Seems to me that it was -YOU- that was

begging for me to come to a military group of

your choosing so that you could "watch your

yellow tail get forced between your legs".

on a group that you can't produce,

I invited you a single time. That you interpret such as "begging" is
more of your maladies which ail you.
Not my group to produce, chubby.

But it -IS-!

But it isn's my group, and no matter how many times you wish it be, and
say ti over and over, it simply won;t make it so. I schooled you in your
deteriorating delusional ways severl ears ago and you should have
learned from those experiences.

Ok, let's play your spin: Does the phrase

"Where's this group, Twisty?" somehow imply

or suggest in any way that I think it belongs to

you? If I have ever used any phrase such as,

or similar to, "...your group", are to too stupid

to understand that I was not referring to it as

your possession? And did you not already

state that it was Ssgt. Kessler's group?

I did. That doesn't negate you claiming it was MY group, and reaffirming
your bloated ignorance.

Have you forgotten so soon what you wrote:

"I''ll go to email, if you come to the armed

forces group of my choosing."

Have you forgotten what you wrote:
"I will contact these businesses experiencing interference on the
freeband from cbers and post the results here." What's good for the
goose, chubby.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's right, Twist, go

swimming in vintage google-juice looking for

an excuse to back out of your obligation!

But,,,YOU backed out of YOUR unsolicited claims and obligations long
before the favor was returned, chubby. You get angry when *your* rules
are forced back in your face, chubby.

It's no wonder your mommy


Poor Frankie,,can't handle it when his game is returned. LOL..Hey
Gilinad,,when you can communicate effectively without off topic insult,
come on back..and as you so adeptly illustrated with your lack of
effective communication knowledge, when one makes a claim and says they
will do, they must be held to it prior to that person being permitted to
demand or ask anything of another. I said I would post the URL to the
good Sergeant's group upon your providing for your claims that you
danced around for over a year and a half. Deal with it, or continue to
get angry and blame me for your incompetence and inability to do so,,it
really doesn't matter except for your puppet-on-a-string factor, in
other words,,,you are to be toyed with at my whim.

I can't go there if I don't know where to go. I

don't know where to go because you refuse to

provide that information. You refuse to provide
that information because.....why?

ask you the same thing regarding your claims. You are no body special
and need held to your own rules, no matter how unethical and shoddy, ad
I'm just the person to make you do such.

The rule is -YOUR'S- Twist: "I'll go to email, if

you come to the armed forces group of my


You made a claim I asked you to produce long ago. That you refused to
provide for the claim disqualifies anyone else doing so for you. Again,
you first. Merely provide for your lies,,,er,,claims, and again, I will
gladly post the URL and you can do what you will with it.

You said that I should go there so "we can all

watch your yellow tail get forced between your

As you said (see above).
You aren't afraid of that, are you Frankie?"

Nope, I'm not afraid at all, and that's why

-YOU- are afraid to disclose your chosen


Again,,,answer the claims you said you would, and I will post the
group's URL for ALL to enjoy.

End of story, then.

I met your conditions.

No, you didn;t. My "conditions" were stated when you made the claim,
which were "provide for it, Frank, don't talk smack, merely show us."
You failed to provide, et here you are asking another to provide for
something else.

Don't welch by adding more conditions

because you can't meet your end of the deal.

You "welched" long ago on YOUR claim, Gilliland.


claim to have screwed up entering my email

address, blame your dysfunction on ME,

No,,I said that MAY have been the reason. Coming from you, nothing is to
be believed.

On the contrary, Twist, your credibility is the

issue here.

Not at all. Merely because you claim such, doesn't make it so. It never
did. In fact, you are the one that has always had credibility problems,

Only with you, Captain Couch-Potato.

You have been posting your opinions about

this email respose as if I had not been

accepted, even going so far as to provide a '

possible' excuses for the rejection. If I was

rejected, why would SSgt. Kessler request

personal information from me, as I stated


Well then, there you go...I must have entered everything as requested,
correctly. What problem do you have supplying the moderator with the
information he is required to have prior to you being admitted? Oh,,we
all know the answer to can't supply proof for anything, as has
been the case for your entire usenet life and reason you are the
admitted (forced) liar of

Do you hand out your SSN to strangers?

Why lie about it , Frank? Ah, never mind, you don't even know you lie.
What does the ssn have to do with anything? I know damn well you weren't
asked for it as that is not a condition of the group, but you go ahead
and continue to make stuff up, chubby.

Well, maybe you do, since it's probably just as
fake as everything else about you.

Non-sequitur. Say relevat, stay focused, and stop lying.
Once again, take your fat foot out of your trenchmouth and answer the
questions that have been posed to you for years concerning your
unsolicited claims,

We've been down that road dozens of times,


No Frank,,we haven't..."I" have,,and each time I ask, you cry like
someone took their ball and went home. You have yet to provide a single
example for either of the claims you made, unsolicited, I may add.
And you always clam up when faced with all the questions -you- have
ignored over the years.
Now stick to the topic at hand -- where's that

group, Twist?

,and I will happily post the URL for not only you, but for anyone else
that wishes to join. First asked questions deserve first answers, that
is proper decorum and how edffective communication works, yet you still
are unabel to be taught such simple concepts. Go on now!
Ok, if you really want to play that game,

You began this "game" long ago by hurling out ridiculous claims with
nothing to back them but your lying azz, chubby. No dice.

then all these issues came long before you

started begging me for answers to your

problems. You made several claims about me

for which I have repeatedly asked you for

proof. Once again, where is your proof to

support your claims that:

- I posted pornography;

I never claimed you posted pornography.

- I am part of a conspiracy against you;

I never claimed you were part of a conspiracy.

- I accused you of child molestation;

- I accused you of homosexuality;

- I am female;

- I forged posts in your 'name';

- I am Doug Adair;

- I am Leland Scott;

- I am Glenn Sparks;

- I "insinuated" that I was Glenn Sparks;

- I made up a news story about a CBer sued

by his neighbor;

- I live in Issaquah;

- I said I lived in Issaquah;

- I am Ben Lee;

- I said Issaquah was "local" to Spokane;

- I am N7VCF;

- I claimed to be N7VCF;

- I am a child molester;

- I am Aaron Voobner;

- I don't have a base antenna;

- I own a Japanese car.

You said it yourself, Twist: "First asked

questions deserve first answers, that is proper
decorum and how edffective communication

works...". Get busy.

Exactly, chubby,,,,only, your time line is way out of whack, as is your
misattributions to myself. Nevertheless, do you not notice all your
beefs have one thing in common? They all are about YOU, poor Gillilnad.
All your moans and whines begin with "I" , illuistrating how great a
deal and emphasis you place on my personal thoughts concerning yourself.
You need, as you have always been told, to focus on the reality of the
room topic, chubby, which your unsolicited claims of which I asked you
to produce, are directly related. My personal beliefs of you can be
attributed to just that,,,,MY beliefs, but YOUR claims, are intentional
lies concerning nothing but bull**** related to cb.

And don't forget to polish your badge:

-----=3D Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =3D-----

No need with slaves like yourself, chubby.
You could have saved yourself more anguish, and merely said, "I lied
again", but then again, if you did that, I wouldn't get to enjoy
directing your behavior in usenet.

  #52   Report Post  
Old April 30th 04, 05:52 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:


snip right to the meat and potatos (couch-potatos, that is)

Do you hand out your SSN to strangers?

Why lie about it , Frank? Ah, never mind, you don't even know you lie.
What does the ssn have to do with anything? I know damn well you weren't
asked for it as that is not a condition of the group, but you go ahead
and continue to make stuff up, chubby.

Only you would know that, Twisty. In fact, you assumed the email was a rejection
even after I made a statement contrary to that effect. There are only two
reasons you would know that, Twist: 1) You forged the email, or 2) the group is
real but you intentionally screwed up the form to avoid putting your name in as
the person referring me. I suspect the latter since you offered such an error as
your pre-emptive excuse for my rejection, the letter stated I was rejected
because nobody invited me, and because you are too paranoid to use your real

-YOU- screwed up, Twist -- don't blame it on me.

You said it yourself, Twist: "First asked

questions deserve first answers, that is proper
decorum and how edffective communication

works...". Get busy.

Exactly, chubby,,,,only, your time line is way out of whack, as is your
misattributions to myself. Nevertheless, do you not notice all your
beefs have one thing in common? They all are about YOU, poor Gillilnad.
All your moans and whines begin with "I" , illuistrating....whine, moan,
bitch, sob, boo-****ing-hoo.

Now we all know that you are arguing not to prove a point, but just for the sake
of arguing. What's the matter, Twist -- are those late-night movies boring you?
Or did your mommy ground you for maxing out her credit cards?

And where's that group, Twist?

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  #53   Report Post  
Old April 30th 04, 06:01 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
From: **
(I Am Not George) Group: ** Subject: ** Where's that page, Twist? Date: **
Wed, Apr 28, 2004, 4:57pm (EDT-3) Organization: ** X-Trace: ** 1083196677
29784 (28 Apr 2004 23:57:57 GMT) X-Complaints-To: **
NNTP-Posting-Date: ** Wed, Apr 28, 2004,
11:57pm (EDT+4)

Frank Gilliland wrote:
Hmmmm..... You beg for me to prove my

military service by conversing with vets

I mentioned it one time, which hardly

constitutes begging

spin that, assclown)
Nothing to spin. To wit: N7VCF yammered:
"You beg for me to prove my military service
by conversing with vets".
"Conversing with vets" refers to my invitation to you,,er HIM, to come
to the group of my choosing. My many reiterations of failing to produce
your, er HIS knowledge of military training and lingo has nothing to do
with the group, of which I invited him, a single time. Your inability to
follow a thread and remain on topic, due your mild retardations and
communication deficit, coupled with your homosexual fanaticism of
speaking of asses when speaking with men, is your problem, cowardly one.

Now I'm "George"? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

No one called you Geogre, chubby. You two are so much alike, it's a
natural reaction.
Where are those results, Gillinad?

Here's your badge, Twist. Polish it thoroughly. THAT's funny,attempting to give something I took
from you long ago.....LOL..only in your delusions,
Now,,where are those results, in addition to this company you claimed
you work for that is "legally permitted to transmit on the freeband"?
Don't keep yourself waiting for that URL too long, chubby. You've been
in spasms for over a week with your unorthodox begging.

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored

: )

I'm glad you feel that way. Now here's MY badge, Twisty:

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  #54   Report Post  
Old April 30th 04, 06:03 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:

snip excuses

Where's that group, Twist?

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  #55   Report Post  
Old April 30th 04, 05:10 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Frank=A0Gilliland)
In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
snip right to the meat and potatos (couch-potatos, that is)

Do you hand out your SSN to strangers?
Why lie about it , Frank? Ah, never mind, you don't even know you lie.
What does the ssn have to do with anything? I know damn well you weren't
asked for it as that is not a condition of the group, but you go ahead
and continue to make stuff up, chubby.

Only you would know that, Twisty.

Wrong, chubby, All who belong to the group know that. It's simply not a
prerequisite to the group, but that didn't stop you from entering it and
attempting to lie.
Case closed.

In fact, you assumed the email was a rejection
even after I made a statement contrary to that


No, I never assumed it was a rejection, chubby.
The only manner it could possibly be a rejection is if you refused to
confirm your military status.

There are only two reasons you would know

that, Twist: 1) You forged the email,

One can't forge from webtv, chubby. Since you appear incapable of taking
the abuse department at webtv's word for such, one can only pity cush
repeated ignorance.

or 2) the group is real but you intentionally

screwed up the form to avoid putting your

name in as the person referring me.

If that occurred, it was an honest mistake, but somehow, I don't think
that occurred. What I think occurred, was you received the email as all
who are referred do, asking you to confirm your status. Faced with yet
more public humiliation and no way out, you did what you always
do,,,,run, run, run, as fast as your chubby legs can take you, and
obfuscate with yet another subject, this time, in the form of your
obsession on finding information somewhere on the PERSON that sent you
the email, instead of focusing on the topic, something your mild
retardations and massive communication deficits will not permit. When
your ignorance did not permit you to find anything on an email name
(which has nothing to do with anything except in your feeble mind), you
began to cluck and squawk, and such became your subject and focal point.

I suspect the latter since you offered such an

error as your pre-emptive excuse for my

rejection, the letter stated I was rejected

because nobody invited me, and because you

are too paranoid to use your real name.

LOL,,here you go again, crying about identities in a cb group. You sure
have it bad, chubby.

-YOU- screwed up, Twist -- don't blame it on


Nothing to blame, chubby. Watching you roll off-topic every time you
fail to produce for your own claims needs no blame, hell, everyone sees
you for what you are...the ng liar.

You said it yourself, Twist: "First asked

questions deserve first answers, that is proper
decorum and how edffective communication

works...". Get busy.

Exactly, chubby,,,,only, your time line is way out of whack, as is your
misattributions to myself. Nevertheless, do you not notice all your
beefs have one thing in common? They all are about YOU, poor Gillilnad.
All your moans and whines begin with "I" , illuistrating....

whine, moan, bitch, sob, boo-****ing-hoo.


Your temper is escalating and your bp rising. Whne you begin tossing out
the unecessary insults and vernacular consisting of obscenities when
faced with that of which is too painful for you to handle and deal
(realized and neatly illustrated by your need for snipping text), you
When you can manage to provide for your own claims in the order you
presented such unsolicited lies,,,er,,,claims, I will happily post the
URL, and not a moment sooner.
Back on your knees for the weekend begging, chubby.

---=3D Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =3D----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!

  #56   Report Post  
Old April 30th 04, 05:21 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Frank=A0Gilliland)
In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
snip truth that makes Gilliland menstruate

Where's that group, Twist?

On cue now,,,ah two,,ah three,,,,

But Lelnad IS a df,,everyone recognizes that except you, Adair, Hall,
and Geogre,,,,,you know, those who defended N8 and his behaviors at all
costs. Watching you lie about a dead man and his posts has illustrated
perfectly, those I wished to illustrate your behavior to.

"I work for an organization that is legally authorized to use the
freeband" - Frank Gilliland

"I have admitted lying in this newsgroup, and on more than one
occasion". Frank Gilliland

....which negates any claim you ever made.
But just for kicks and giggles, you need held to your own low standards
and only I can make you howl for weeks on end, each and every day. Which
company could that be, chubby? LOL..and while you sit there scratching
yourself until you bleed all weekend, think of soemthing clever to say
or another reason to run like hell from your claim of contacting all
these companies that are assigned to the freeband that receive
interference from illegal cbers which you claimed you would
"investigate" and then "post the results" so there "would be no doubt,
once and for all." Ahh one and ahh two and ahwayyy we goooo...

Maestro Twist (Dave, Mike, Foghorn, Roger,,etc,)

: )~

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-----=3D=3D Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =3D-----

"Shining just like gold"

  #57   Report Post  
Old April 30th 04, 08:54 PM
Posts: n/a

Give it up twist. Franks a putz and liar and your not looking to good arguing
with who alls know is a liar.
  #58   Report Post  
Old April 30th 04, 09:26 PM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
snip right to the meat and potatos (couch-potatos, that is)

Do you hand out your SSN to strangers?
Why lie about it , Frank? Ah, never mind, you don't even know you lie.
What does the ssn have to do with anything? I know damn well you weren't
asked for it as that is not a condition of the group, but you go ahead
and continue to make stuff up, chubby.

Only you would know that, Twisty.

Wrong, chubby, All who belong to the group know that. It's simply not a
prerequisite to the group, but that didn't stop you from entering it and
attempting to lie.
Case closed.

In fact, you assumed the email was a rejection
even after I made a statement contrary to that


No, I never assumed it was a rejection, chubby.

Your pre-emptive excuse proves otherwise.

The only manner it could possibly be a rejection is if you refused to
confirm your military status.

As I said, it was rejected because I wasn't invited. Would you like to see the

There are only two reasons you would know

that, Twist: 1) You forged the email,

One can't forge from webtv, chubby. Since you appear incapable of taking
the abuse department at webtv's word for such, one can only pity cush
repeated ignorance.

or 2) the group is real but you intentionally

screwed up the form to avoid putting your

name in as the person referring me.

If that occurred, it was an honest mistake, but somehow, I don't think
that occurred. What I think occurred, was you received the email as all
who are referred do, asking you to confirm your status. Faced with yet
more public humiliation and no way out, you did what you always
do,,,,run, run, run, as fast as your chubby legs can take you, and
obfuscate with yet another subject, this time, in the form of your
obsession on finding information somewhere on the PERSON that sent you
the email, instead of focusing on the topic, something your mild
retardations and massive communication deficits will not permit. When
your ignorance did not permit you to find anything on an email name
(which has nothing to do with anything except in your feeble mind), you
began to cluck and squawk, and such became your subject and focal point.

Well then you think wrong, as usual. Shall I post the proof so you can have
something more to whine about?

I suspect the latter since you offered such an

error as your pre-emptive excuse for my

rejection, the letter stated I was rejected

because nobody invited me, and because you

are too paranoid to use your real name.

LOL,,here you go again, crying about identities in a cb group. You sure
have it bad, chubby.

I'm not the one who's paranoid, Twist.

-YOU- screwed up, Twist -- don't blame it on


Nothing to blame, chubby. Watching you roll off-topic every time you
fail to produce for your own claims needs no blame, hell, everyone sees
you for what you are...the ng liar.

Oh, but I needed a means to discover what you knew about the response. That's
why I was intentionally vague. You promptly stepped in and offered a 'possible'
excuse for a rejection. You have been busted again, Twist!

Now, where's that group, Twist?

You said it yourself, Twist: "First asked

questions deserve first answers, that is proper
decorum and how edffective communication

works...". Get busy.

Exactly, chubby,,,,only, your time line is way out of whack, as is your
misattributions to myself. Nevertheless, do you not notice all your
beefs have one thing in common? They all are about YOU, poor Gillilnad.
All your moans and whines begin with "I" , illuistrating....

whine, moan, bitch, sob, boo-****ing-hoo.


Your temper is escalating and your bp rising. Whne you begin tossing out
the unecessary insults and vernacular consisting of obscenities when
faced with that of which is too painful for you to handle and deal
(realized and neatly illustrated by your need for snipping text), you

When you are frantically typing your characteristic rhetoric in an attempt to
avoid the facts you tend to transpose both letters and prepositions.

When you can manage to provide for your own claims in the order you
presented such unsolicited lies,,,er,,,claims, I will happily post the
URL, and not a moment sooner.
Back on your knees for the weekend begging, chubby.

Alrighty. Where's that group, Twisty?



"...but I admitted I was wrong, Like a man! Something you and QRM
have a problem with. You guys are wrong and you both know it and
are both too small to admit it."
---- Twistedhed ----


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-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
  #59   Report Post  
Old April 30th 04, 09:28 PM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:
snip truth that makes Gilliland menstruate

Where's that group, Twist?

On cue now,,,ah two,,ah three,,,,

But Lelnad IS a df,,everyone recognizes that except you, Adair, Hall,
and Geogre,,,,,you know, those who defended N8 and his behaviors at all
costs. Watching you lie about a dead man and his posts has illustrated
perfectly, those I wished to illustrate your behavior to.

"I work for an organization that is legally authorized to use the
freeband" - Frank Gilliland

"I have admitted lying in this newsgroup, and on more than one
occasion". Frank Gilliland

...which negates any claim you ever made.
But just for kicks and giggles, you need held to your own low standards
and only I can make you howl for weeks on end, each and every day. Which
company could that be, chubby? LOL..and while you sit there scratching
yourself until you bleed all weekend, think of soemthing clever to say
or another reason to run like hell from your claim of contacting all
these companies that are assigned to the freeband that receive
interference from illegal cbers which you claimed you would
"investigate" and then "post the results" so there "would be no doubt,
once and for all." Ahh one and ahh two and ahwayyy we goooo...

Maestro Twist (Dave, Mike, Foghorn, Roger,,etc,)

: )~

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----

"Shining just like gold"


Where's that group, Twisty?



"...but I admitted I was wrong, Like a man! Something you and QRM
have a problem with. You guys are wrong and you both know it and
are both too small to admit it."
---- Twistedhed ----


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-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
  #60   Report Post  
Old May 3rd 04, 04:42 PM
Posts: n/a

"I work for an organization that is legally authorized to use the
freeband" - Frank Gilliland

"Everything I say is a lie" -Frank Gilliland

"I have admitted lying in this newsgroup, and on more than one occasion"
-Frank Gilliland

"I will contact those businesses that are assigned to the freeband who
experience interference from illegal cb users and post the results" -
Frank Gilliland

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