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  #41   Report Post  
Old May 20th 04, 05:36 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In , "Randy"

Hello Frank

Can you recommend a book or two that will teach me about CB
fundamentals, repairing and tweaking?

I have an little electronic background and even own an oscilloscope. I
think that if I learn the workings of a CB from the ground up it will be
easier for me to troubleshoot them. The first book should be very basic so I
can get the fundamentals down before diving off into the deep end.


"The Radio Amateur's Handbook" by the ARRL is exactly what you are
looking for. You can usually find a copy at your local public library,
or pick one up on ebay for just a few bucks. Just about any edition
printed in the last 20-30 years will be fine. I do -NOT- recommend any
of these 'CB-tweak-n-mod' books or CDs -- not only because most of the
mods are illegal, but because most of the information is gathered from
wannabe techs and power-junkies that have little experience and even
less formal education in electronics. Learn electronics the right way
and you won't have to unlearn a whole bunch of CB-voodoo later on.

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  #42   Report Post  
Old May 20th 04, 05:45 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (TwistyguzzleNutz)
(Twistedhed) wrote in news:10046-40AB6ECC-8
What started it? N8wwm getting his clock cleaned after harassing cbers
for discussing various aspects of radio.

Lets rephrase and have you tell the truth, for

talking about Illegal Cb activities

LOL..yea,,and there is your incompetence,,,,,you cry about the SUBJECT
matter, just like N8 and his defenders of his bile, like yourself.

His butties KC8LDO, N7VCF,
WA3MOJ and N3CVJ all ran to defend him and his (felonious) law breaking
ways while harassing others.

I have never seen anyone of the Hams you

mention defending his felonious law breaking.

Only because your retainment is poor,,epitomized by your massive deficit
in communications. Besides,,thse who matter HAVE seen it.
They pushed too hard and sealed their own reputations as law breaking
lids and have been angry ever since.

So you are saying the Hams you named are

all law breakers?

That communication deficit again from whcih you suffer really has you in
binds,,,try again,,,what I said , it just waht I meant,,,,
"They pushed too hard and sealed their own reputations as law breaking
lids and have been angry ever since."

Yes,, N8 has broken the law,,,yes, Lelnad has broken the law, even made
posts trying to obtain information on how to circumvent the law,,,,yes,
N3CVJ has broken the law,,
Hence their tired acts of trying to get off-topic personal information
on those they are unable to debate intelligently. When the tables are
turned, they begin to menstruate all over this group.

You have every ham whom you named

personal information,

Yes,,,but that is not by my doings or my hand.

we have from you a cartoon character name,

And you can't get over that bothers you to no end.

you goons from have taken to

showing up at said hams homes. you, nor

steve nor the whole 5 of you who make up the
keyclowns won't have enough balls to post

thier real name or address.

I'm taking a quote from you,,,But,,according to Frank, he presented my
name AND my address, in fact, he claimed he has produced it many times.

So it is you, and your ilk that menstrates when
asked who you really are if you are all that is

holy as you say you are you should have a

problem saying who you really are.

Wrong. Cb uses handles, not personal identification methods. Asking for
personal identification of cbers is off-topic, a personal problem of
those seeking it, and not the manner in which cb operates.

Every ham

out here who has posted his call has more

gumption and backbone than you ever will.

Not at all true, We have felons that you defend and there have been many
hammie sthat have posted their call with no interest in those cbers who
do not identify themselves. In fact, only those who have a malicious
personal agenda are preoccupied with others identities. Look, at every
turn, one can find experts stressing the need for certain privacy on the
net,,,because a few of you clowns screwed up and decided to act the fool
and play games and harass people while posting your calls illustrates
*your* lack of integrity and intellect, honesty, true character,
ignorance and agendas,,not anyone elses. Stop looking to others to blame
for your foul ups.

nothing you say should be taken with any truth
you are an anonymous cartoon character,

nothing more nothing less

And you posted this with no call, illlustrating the hypocrite you have
always been when made to adhere to your own non-sensical warblings. Once
again, cb is anonymous, get over yourself.

  #43   Report Post  
Old May 20th 04, 10:08 PM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In ,
(Twistedhed) wrote:

I'm taking a quote from you,,,But,,according to Frank, he presented my
name AND my address, in fact, he claimed he has produced it many times.

Are you referring to me or N7VCF?



"...but I admitted I was wrong, Like a man! Something you and QRM
have a problem with. You guys are wrong and you both know it and
are both too small to admit it."
---- Twistedhed ----


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  #44   Report Post  
Old May 21st 04, 06:57 AM
Posts: n/a

SWR will not make a difference in the whine and as a matter of fact it may
worsen it if you went down to 1.5 to 1. Same as having a good ground will
make on difference in the whine. You need to have those fixed if you plan on
transmitting to save the finals. Try re-routing the coax and using ferrite
chokes on the cables coming from the alternator. I do believe that the 29
has a NB or ANL switch on it. try using them and see if that makes a

"Randy" wrote in message
I drive a 9900 International. I am getting a loud whine in the CB speaker,
but not in the radio speakers, even though they share the dual antennas.

whine increases and decreases with the rpms of the motor. After
disconnecting the coax from the CB transceiver the whine is gone. Does

mean the coax or antennas are definitely the problem? ... or are they just
picking up on a problem with the alternator? The coax will be extremely

to replace, maybe impossible since this is a company truck. The alternator
would probably be easier to repair.

Any help to eliminate or even reduce the whine would be greatly


  #46   Report Post  
Old May 21st 04, 05:39 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Dave=A0Hall)
On Thu, 20 May 2004 11:45:11 -0400,
So you are saying the Hams you named are
all law breakers?
N3CVJ has broken the law,,

Prove it.

You already have,,many times in your past posts. In fact, you have
admitted to it on many occasion. Most recently, Mopar presented one of
your posts concerning your amp use on cb...let's have admitted
to owning an illegal amp,,a "Dave -made". Claiming you used it only on
hamie freqs is not only a laugh, but a lie, as the amp is not allowed to
be bought or sold,,,of course, you can always say it was traded or given
to yourself in an attempt to meander around the law, but none believe
your claims anymore. Besides, you haev posted some gems concerning such
acts as "getting around the law".

What "laws" have I broken that you, yourself,

are not similarly guilty of?

Justifying your illegal behavior by pointing to another's behavior
doesnt cut it.

People in glass houses......

Oh, but I didn't begin with the stone throwing,,you did and were called
on it long ago and you have never moved beyond it. Remember, I'm not the
one justifying my behavior, nor have I ever tried. You, on the other
hand, have attempted excuse after excuse for your illegal radio
behaviors in the past and are loathe to admit your actions. I readily
admit freebanding and respond only when addressed concerning such and I
have never attempted to placate my freebanding by pointing to your or
any other's illegal actions..such behavior is reserved for yourself,
one who needs blame others for his actions,,,,,a classic case of not
being able to stand and accept responsiblity for your own actions.




  #47   Report Post  
Old May 21st 04, 08:14 PM
Dave Hall
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 21 May 2004 11:39:19 -0400, (Twistedhed)

On Thu, 20 May 2004 11:45:11 -0400,
So you are saying the Hams you named are
all law breakers?
N3CVJ has broken the law,,

Prove it.

You already have,,many times in your past posts. In fact, you have
admitted to it on many occasion. Most recently, Mopar presented one of
your posts concerning your amp use on cb...let's have admitted
to owning an illegal amp,,a "Dave -made". Claiming you used it only on
hamie freqs is not only a laugh, but a lie, as the amp is not allowed to
be bought or sold,,,of course, you can always say it was traded or given
to yourself in an attempt to meander around the law, but none believe
your claims anymore.

I also have a Texas Star. Both amps are legal for me to use on the
hams bands, once the proper RFI modifications were performed.

I did get the Dave Made amp in exchange for services rendered. Some of
my former radio customers often ran a bit low on cash. I was always
willing to entertain equitable trade opportunities.

Besides, you haev posted some gems concerning such
acts as "getting around the law".

What "laws" have I broken that you, yourself,

are not similarly guilty of?

Justifying your illegal behavior by pointing to another's behavior
doesnt cut it.

If you are going to accuse other people of being "lawbreakers", while
you yourself are guilty of the same, is pure hypocrisy.

People in glass houses......

Oh, but I didn't begin with the stone throwing,,you did and were called
on it long ago and you have never moved beyond it. Remember, I'm not the
one justifying my behavior, nor have I ever tried.

And THAT is the root of your problem. You have no shame. A classic
sign of anti-social personality disorder.

You, on the other
hand, have attempted excuse after excuse for your illegal radio
behaviors in the past and are loathe to admit your actions.

Who's "loathe" to admit anything? If it is google searchable, that
means that I said it. If I were ashamed of it, I simply would not have
admitted to it.

admit freebanding and respond only when addressed concerning such and I
have never attempted to placate my freebanding by pointing to your or
any other's illegal actions..such behavior is reserved for yourself,
one who needs blame others for his actions,,,,,a classic case of not
being able to stand and accept responsiblity for your own actions.

The thing is I am no longer operating illegally in any manner. You
however, are. I have accepted the wisdom of following the law. When
will you mature enough to do the same?



You must really love my call. Jealous?

  #49   Report Post  
Old May 21st 04, 10:23 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Dave=A0Hall)
On Fri, 21 May 2004 11:39:19 -0400,
On Thu, 20 May 2004 11:45:11 -0400,
So you are saying the Hams you named are all law breakers?
N3CVJ has broken the law,,

Prove it.

You already have,,many times in your past posts. In fact, you have
admitted to it on many occasion. Most recently, Mopar presented one of
your posts concerning your amp use on cb...let's have admitted
to owning an illegal amp,,a "Dave -made". Claiming you used it only on
hamie freqs is not only a laugh, but a lie, as the amp is not allowed to
be bought or sold,,,of course, you can always say it was traded or given
to yourself in an attempt to meander around the law, but none believe
your claims anymore.

I also have a Texas Star. Both amps are legal

for me to use on the hams bands, once the

proper RFI modifications were performed.

But as usual, when questioned, you were and are, unable to present such
modifications that made these amps "legal" as you claim.

I did get the Dave Made amp in exchange for

services rendered.

Hahaha,,there you go,,now how did I know? You're very predictable.

Some of my former radio customers often ran

a bit low on cash. I was always willing to

entertain equitable trade opportunities.

Hey,,,explaining and justifying how you come to use "loopholes" of he
law, something you posted criminals only criminals do, illustrates your
hypocrisy mah' vously!

Besides, you haev posted some gems concerning such acts as "getting
around the law".

What "laws" have I broken that you, yourself,

are not similarly guilty of?

=A0Justifying your illegal behavior by pointing to another's behavior
doesnt cut it.

If you are going to accuse other people of

being "lawbreakers", while you yourself are

guilty of the same, is pure hypocrisy.

Return fire You had probems with your personal live and come out here
and took out your dilemmas on those who speak of topics, such as amps
and freebanding, referring to them as criminals. It was I who
illustrtaed your hypocrisy to the masses to which you meekly replied: "I
guess you'd be surprised by the stance I took back then"..but alas, none
were surprised, as all were aware of your personal problems with cbers
who do what you used to do. There you have it, YOU were the lawbreaker,
accusing others of doing the same.

People in glass houses......


=A0Oh, but I didn't begin with the stone throwing,,you did and were
called on it long ago and you have never moved beyond it.
Remember, I'm not the one justifying my behavior, nor have I ever tried.

And THAT is the root of your problem.

No,,that is the root of YOUR problem, feeling you are somehow elevated
to one of status and owed an explanation when in fact, just the opposite
is true, .,you are status starved because you have none in life, so you
seek it here and arrogantly feel you are owed an explanation or
justification for other's actions.

You have no shame. A classic sign of

anti-social personality disorder.

Yet, you haver no qualifications for making any judgement based on what
you are force fed and permitted. Couple this with your demands for
anothers justifications for their actions, and I would surmise many
agree your behavior is much more in line with a " personality disorder"
than any others in this group, save for N8 and Lelnad.

You, on the other
hand, have attempted excuse after excuse for your illegal radio
behaviors in the past and are loathe to admit your actions.

Who's "loathe" to admit anything? If it is

google searchable, that means that I said it.

You've said many things in google yet are apt to "forget" it,,,the
Phelps station master you never owned is testament to such examples.

If I were ashamed of it, I simply would not

have admitted to it.

Self-contradictory. You claimed you are a "changed" man and was wrong
for your behavior on the radio not so many years back, yet it hadn't
stopped you from posting it at the time....if anything, it is a classic
case of one who obviously was SO distraught with their life at one
point, they felt a drastic change was needed, so now they (you) attempt
to portray yourself as above others that did exactly what you did
concerning radio, as ,if you had some sort of epiphany that made your
past radio behavior "sociopathic"..,,,hyuk...what a card...a
hypocritical sociopathic card,,but a card no less.

admit freebanding and respond only when addressed concerning such and I
have never attempted to placate my freebanding by pointing to your or
any other's illegal actions..such behavior is reserved for yourself, one
who needs blame others for his actions,,,,,a classic case of not being
able to stand and accept responsiblity for your own

The thing is I am no longer operating illegally

Well, there you have it,,,you first ask me to prove you operated
illegally, then you admit it. See Davie, how you attempt to weave and
bob when faced with the truth,,you become tangled in your web,,,just
like the Phelps you never owned. After all, this all comes down to one
thing, you're a chronic liar whose fannie is continually pinched by the
other chronic liars,,,Frank and Lelnad and Dogie and Geogre..

in any manner. You however, are. I have

accepted the wisdom of following the law.

When will you mature enough to do the same?

Dogie was busted out on his illegal behavior, as was yourself, You'll
end up being cured of your obsessive demands and compulsive disorder
concerning other people's actions you have no control over long before I
justify my actions to the likes of yourself and n8wwm.




You must really love my call.

What on earth would give you such an idea, other than a communication


Of an arrogant extra who came to hammie radio by ways of illegal cb
only fairly recently? Oh Davie,,,,if only you could hear the laughter of
our readership base, you might realize it is laughter directed at your
WILD claims.

  #50   Report Post  
Old May 21st 04, 10:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Sit Ubu, sit,,er,,Frank.

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