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  #51   Report Post  
Old November 3rd 04, 04:25 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Peter)
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
resulting in possible serious injury and/or death, none which can be
attained via what another may deem offensive or illegal speech.
Hi Twisty.

Yo' Brain!

The problem with some people is that, in spite

of having two eyes, two ears - but just one

mouth - they still use their yapper more than

their ears, eyes, and brains put together. Don't
get me wrong, I'm not saying they don't have a
brain or that it doesn't work... but it doesn't

matter how good the engine is or much you

rev it if you have left the gearbox in neutral.

I NEVER said I agree with any of those

opinions, just that they exist among some

people - different people have different

outlooks on life. It must therefor fair to say that
arguing with me that those opinions are not

valid is about as much use as farting into a

wind tunnel.

Not sure what post you are replying to, but my reply was regarding the
analogy of driving a car. I certainly was never attempting to convey
that you agreed or disgreed with any of the above.

If they want to argue that those opinions do

not exist, that everyone believes in the same

notion of right and wrong, then that's

different... then either everyone on the group

is a Keyclown or there are no Keyclowns.

Either way, they can retire from the group in

the safe knowledge that we all agree.

You know, Twisty, my Son has recently hit

*that* age. You know the age, where they

suddeny find any taboo subject to be either

cool or downright funny.

At that age, swearing is great fun and anyone

they don't like has to be "gay". If someone who
is accused of being gay touches something,

that object becomes "full of gayness". Touch

it, and you will become gay. At that age, they

have the ultimate get out clause for any

situation that they wish to avoid...

I remember those days. Went through them a few times.

=A0=A0=A0"Could you go to the shop for me, Son?"

=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0"Going to the shop is gay!!"

=A0=A0=A0=A0"Time to go to school, Son"

=A0=A0=A0"School is gay!!"

=A0=A0=A0"You can go out to play when you have done
your homework" =A0 "Homework is gay"

Yea,,,what I experienced was pretty muh the same thing. I've heard the
"gay" term from the boys and "pathetic" from the girls, but as far as
overuse went, the girls won hands down. While the boys may say "That
player is really gay on their team",,,the girls would say "Like, that
gay player, on that, like, gay team, is like, really gay."

Unfortunately, some people clearly never get

beyond that stage - they are destined live their
lives with the mentality of a child.


Agreed. It's the Sluggo Syndrome. Maturation ceases prematurely for
whatever reason.

=A0=A0"It's getting late, Dad, time for you to get back
to the retirement home" =A0 "The retirement

home is gay!!"



Had a dream about dxing across the big pond last night....must be time
to dust off the equipment after hardly being touched all summer. I have
a few things to do, but I'm hoping to be in tip-top radio shape by
Christmas. Freakin' hurricane Jean put some water where I didn't want it
and I got to replacing and shoring up some things and you know how that
goes..ended up redoing just about everything.

  #52   Report Post  
Old November 3rd 04, 04:54 PM
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message

.resulting in possible serious injury and/or death, none which can be
attained via what another may deem offensive or illegal speech.

Hi Twisty.

The problem with some people is that, in spite of having two eyes, two
ears - but just one mouth - they still use their yapper more than their
ears, eyes, and brains put together. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying
they don't have a brain or that it doesn't work... but it doesn't matter how
good the engine is or much you rev it if you have left the gearbox in

I NEVER said I agree with any of those opinions, just that they exist among
some people - different people have different outlooks on life. It must
therefor fair to say that arguing with me that those opinions are not valid
is about as much use as farting into a wind tunnel.
If they want to argue that those opinions do not exist, that everyone
believes in the same notion of right and wrong, then that's different...
then either everyone on the group is a Keyclown or there are no Keyclowns.
Either way, they can retire from the group in the safe knowledge that we all

You know, Twisty, my Son has recently hit *that* age. You know the age,
where they suddeny find any taboo subject to be either cool or downright
At that age, swearing is great fun and anyone they don't like has to be
"gay". If someone who is accused of being gay touches something, that
object becomes "full of gayness". Touch it, and you will become gay.
At that age, they have the ultimate get out clause for any situation that
they wish to avoid...
"Could you go to the shop for me, Son?"
"Going to the shop is gay!!"
"Time to go to school, Son"
"School is gay!!"
"You can go out to play when you have done your homework"
"Homework is gay"

Unfortunately, some people clearly never get beyond that stage - they are
destined live their lives with the mentality of a child.
"It's getting late, Dad, time for you to get back to the retirement home"
"The retirement home is gay!!"



  #53   Report Post  
Old November 3rd 04, 04:55 PM
Posts: n/a

"U Know Who" wrote in
message ...

And he speaks in the 3rd person about himself. Delusional? You
be the judge.

As long as people will listen and respond, he will keep playing his
playground games in this group.
Do yourself a favor, killfile the poor sad bar-steward.



  #54   Report Post  
Old November 3rd 04, 04:55 PM
Posts: n/a

"DR. Death" wrote...
"Peter" wrote in message

Post snipped for brevity...
against laws restricting freedom of communications

"freedom of communications" only pertains to verbal communications
not radio or TV ect.
I can only surmise you believe you have rights in this issue the same as
others believe they have the right to drive a car.

Please go back to the parts you snipped, AND READ THEM.
Where do I say that I believe I have such rights, or that I believe in
certain freedoms?

I note that, although I refer to some people being "pro-legal", you do not
accuse me of referring to myself at that point.

I get the idea that you select a certain part and twist it to mean something
different, so that you can feel the need to argue over something.
To back up your argument, you take PART of a sentence totally out of context
to use as a suggestion that I am on a certain side.


  #55   Report Post  
Old November 3rd 04, 08:30 PM
DR. Death
Posts: n/a

"Peter" wrote in message
"DR. Death" wrote...
"Peter" wrote in message

Post snipped for brevity...
against laws restricting freedom of communications

"freedom of communications" only pertains to verbal communications
not radio or TV ect.
I can only surmise you believe you have rights in this issue the same as
others believe they have the right to drive a car.

Please go back to the parts you snipped, AND READ THEM.
Where do I say that I believe I have such rights, or that I believe in
certain freedoms?

I note that, although I refer to some people being "pro-legal", you do not
accuse me of referring to myself at that point.

I get the idea that you select a certain part and twist it to mean

different, so that you can feel the need to argue over something.
To back up your argument, you take PART of a sentence totally out of

to use as a suggestion that I am on a certain side.


OK, here is the entire post. I only snipped it because it was the only part
I felt a need to respond to. I still stand behind my original post that
transmitting on C.B. is not a right but a privilege, just like driving a
car. It is not a right under the constitution it is a privilege.
I did not suggest in my post that you were on ANY side. You read that into

"Peter" wrote in message
"harvey" wrote in message
ok after a few monhts of reading here and some digging, my assumptions



The theory is that Keyclowns are illegal CBers, and Antikeyclowns
those who oppose illegal CB. However, that is all just a cover for
the truth. Some people are just hell bent against CB and those
who use it - as demonstrated by their inability to post CB related
messages, and their use of the term "keyclown" being aimed at anyone
they dislike - without any proof of any kind that they use any
illegal CB of any kind.

The homosexual hate messages are just the physical manifestation
of the mental problems within the minds of those who hate some
people so much that they will chase them around trying to anoy them.
Rather than trying to make their own lives better and more enjoyable,
they wish to make other people as unhappy and mentally unwell as

Although they try to mask what they are with some claim to respect
for the law, they are often unmasked as their own criminal activities
or "brushes" with the FCC or police are made public.

That being said, there are some on this group who are pro-legal, some
who are against laws restricting freedom of communications, and others
who walk the line between - believing that the law is often an ass, and
may not always be technically correct.

This is the part in which you make reference to "freedom of communication".
If you can show me where in the constitution that mentions C.B. radio or any
court decisions upholding freedom of communication by way of C.B. radio, I
will retract my statement and issue an apology.

For example, distance rules. In America, you have a "No DX" rule. If
you do not reply to a signal, does that mean it did not go over that
distance? This law is often seen as a technically unsound and legally
unenforceable law.

Here in the UK, when CB was first legalized, our Government opted to
restrict distance with tech spec rather than trust to some "no DX"
rule. What they did was to put in rules regarding antenna length and
height from the ground.
Those who stuck within the law were radiating 4 Watts of RF at a height
well below that of radio and TV equipment, and often caused interference.
It was soon worked out that, to avoid harmful interference and grief, the
way to go was NOT what the law said. The rule was broken everywhere, and
never enforced. Eventually, the government saw their error, removed the
height rule and relaxed the length rule, allowing us bigger homebase
antennas at any height within local planning rules.

Some say that stupid laws often needs a hard push before they will be
changed, and illegal action becomes necessary - would the RA have removed
that height rule if CBers had not proved it wrong by their illegal use?
Would the UK Government even be considering changing outdated and

sexist family law if it was not for the illegal actions of Batman and


I wouldn't have liked to be the person who had to make the call to the
"Sorry to bother you, your majesty... but Batman is on
your ledge, and he's asking to speak to you."
Aparently she watched it on TV.



  #56   Report Post  
Old November 9th 04, 12:44 PM
Posts: n/a

"Peter" wrote:
I never seem to find the time to get the big antenna back up, I will

to make the time - before the snow gets here.

Good luck with the antenna, Peter. Oh btw, your clock seems to be wrong.

Take Care.
  #57   Report Post  
Old November 9th 04, 04:08 PM
Posts: n/a

"Twistedhed" wrote in message

Not sure what post you are replying to, but my reply was regarding the
analogy of driving a car. I certainly was never attempting to convey
that you agreed or disgreed with any of the above.

I was referring to other people, who seemed to reply to my post as if I was
claiming some desire to break laws.

Had a dream about dxing across the big pond last night....must be time
to dust off the equipment after hardly being touched all summer. I have
a few things to do, but I'm hoping to be in tip-top radio shape by
Christmas. Freakin' hurricane Jean put some water where I didn't want it
and I got to replacing and shoring up some things and you know how that
goes..ended up redoing just about everything.

I never seem to find the time to get the big antenna back up, I will have to
make the time - before the snow gets here.



  #58   Report Post  
Old November 9th 04, 04:12 PM
Posts: n/a

From: (Peter)
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
Not sure what post you are replying to, but my reply was regarding the
analogy of driving a car. I certainly was never attempting to convey
that you agreed or disgreed with any of the above.

I was referring to other people, who seemed to
reply to my post as if I was claiming some

desire to break laws.

Ah, you know how it is,,the two who delude themselves with imagined Phd
status are ready to tell you all about yourself, for no charge, on the
internet, in a semi-obscure cb group. You can't buy this sort of
entertainment without contributing to the Jim Henson Memorial Fund.

I never seem to find the time to get the big

antenna back up, I will have to make the time -
before the snow gets here.

Brrrr...making me shiver just thinking about it. We just shut the A/C
off not long ago....camping and hunting season is here (finally). From
this month through March,,,,nothing is finer than this here latitude and
longitude. While the great white north shivers, I'm doing the Jimmy
Buffet thing. Send me your freaks,,,I mean "freqs", when you get your
ears up and on.



  #59   Report Post  
Old November 11th 04, 07:52 AM
Posts: n/a

"Steveo" wrote...

Oh btw, your clock seems to be wrong.

Every now and then my systems seem to lose time or go back to 1997...
causing OE to delete messages in the cache.

I had noticed that my time zone appears to be off, it should now be
corrected, but my clock appears to be about right. If you are looking at
the two time stamps, the ISP is stampint the time that the message goes
through their server.



  #60   Report Post  
Old November 11th 04, 02:38 PM
Posts: n/a

"Peter" wrote:
"Steveo" wrote...

Oh btw, your clock seems to be wrong.

Every now and then my systems seem to lose time or go back to 1997...
causing OE to delete messages in the cache.

I had noticed that my time zone appears to be off, it should now be
corrected, but my clock appears to be about right. If you are looking at
the two time stamps, the ISP is stampint the time that the message goes
through their server.

I looks right now. Your last post was way off so it was sorted out of place
over here. No biggie.
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