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  #11   Report Post  
Old November 19th 04, 09:47 AM
JuLiE Dxer
Posts: n/a

Hey, brainiac...

This specific spammer has been a severe problem here and in many other
newsgroups with his off-topic political postings. Do the research..
You'll see he's hit the shortwave newsgroup probably 100+ over the
last month with his off-topic political spam.

  #12   Report Post  
Old November 19th 04, 02:28 PM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 22:53:37 -0500, "TBA" wrote

Maybe and probably I don't have all the answers or the right ones,

That's an understatement.....

but my
bone of contention is - that we need to defend our country at any cost.

That "any cost" phrase is the problem. The US is founded on some basic
priciples, such as human equality and unalienable rights. If the cost
of our security requires the sacrifice of those principles then we are
effectively destroying our own country. Please read this speech:

to NOT play by any "rules". The others could give a **** less about the
Geneva Convention, so why the hell should we?

Because we are not them. If we are going to justify any war against
uncivilized people then we MUST be more civilized than them.

They use our respect of it, as
a sign of weakness and play on it.

They play on our fears. They play on our horror of watching someone
being beheaded. They play on our respect of human life and civil
rights. They play on anything they can, and if we start violating the
Geneva Convention (like we did at Abu-Graid) then they will play on
that, too -- in fact, that's exactly what they did.

They WANT us to stoop to their level, to fight without regard to the
rules. Because when we do it justifies their own use of such tactics.
And then they can proudly proclaim to the world, "Look at the US, the
world's greatest superpower! Look how they commit the same crimes they
condemn! The world can no longer deny American hypocrisy!" And that is
the rally cry for everyone who has been victimized by America to take
up arms against the US, and wage war by any means they wish.

Not a pleasant picture, and certainly NOT a positive step towards our

The root of hatred against the US is several decades of bad policies
in the region. We effectively created these terrorists. If we want to
defeat them we must FIRST change the policies that cause the hatred
and therefore prevent the creation of more terrorists. THEN we can
hunt down the remaining terrorists with the assurance that more won't
pop up to take their places. That's a much better plan than nuking
half the planet. And much more civilized, too.

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 100,000 Newsgroups
---= East/West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---
  #13   Report Post  
Old November 19th 04, 02:34 PM
Posts: n/a

Oh, I get it, it's an INSULT NEWS GROUP - which is what usually populates
this news group! As to that poster, sorry, I didn't take notice of that,
since it wasn't just an insult. I actually passed it off as perhaps worth
reading. If you're going to turn one in, you better sharpen your pencil,
because there is a hell of a lot here that would constitute as spam. ALL the
insults which have no relevancy to topic for starters. Boy, you have enough
to keep you busy for a LONG time. And - any one of them could always come
back to bite you in the ass - one way or another. You don't have a clue of
who you deal with on here.

I think you're fighting a losing battle............ Kick back, relax and
uh - since I see you're supposedly a female, don't let this get your panties
all bunched up.

Actually, I think you'll be hard pressed to prove anything - since I believe
this is an "unmoderated" newsgroup and many ISPs could give a crap less.

Brainiac? WOW - I'm impressed. Have a nice day Ms. Julie. I'll stay clear of
your broom. Just make sure you fly high enough.


"JuLiE Dxer" wrote in message
Hey, brainiac...

This specific spammer has been a severe problem here and in many other
newsgroups with his off-topic political postings. Do the research..
You'll see he's hit the shortwave newsgroup probably 100+ over the
last month with his off-topic political spam.


  #14   Report Post  
Old November 19th 04, 02:43 PM
Posts: n/a

When the enemy comes calling again, you go hide in your pit (in your momma's
panties) - the rest of us will cover your ass. Actually, the best idea would
be to offer you up as a sacrifice.

We're talking about the defense of our country, if you don't agree, then
you're a part of the problem, not the solution. There is a statement of
"Lead - follow - or get out of the way". Do us all a favor since you don't
feel we need to do the utmost to protect our people. GET THE HELL OUT OF THE
WAY. I will not back down from my feelings of what is needed to protect
this country. NEVER. These ignorant *******s kill innocent children - men
and women. They do not pick military targets. THEY NEED ANNIHILATED. With
your attitude, may they pick you next.


"Frank Gilliland" wrote in message
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 22:53:37 -0500, "TBA" wrote

Maybe and probably I don't have all the answers or the right ones,

That's an understatement.....

but my
bone of contention is - that we need to defend our country at any cost.

That "any cost" phrase is the problem. The US is founded on some basic
priciples, such as human equality and unalienable rights. If the cost
of our security requires the sacrifice of those principles then we are
effectively destroying our own country. Please read this speech:

to NOT play by any "rules". The others could give a **** less about the
Geneva Convention, so why the hell should we?

Because we are not them. If we are going to justify any war against
uncivilized people then we MUST be more civilized than them.

They use our respect of it, as
a sign of weakness and play on it.

They play on our fears. They play on our horror of watching someone
being beheaded. They play on our respect of human life and civil
rights. They play on anything they can, and if we start violating the
Geneva Convention (like we did at Abu-Graid) then they will play on
that, too -- in fact, that's exactly what they did.

They WANT us to stoop to their level, to fight without regard to the
rules. Because when we do it justifies their own use of such tactics.
And then they can proudly proclaim to the world, "Look at the US, the
world's greatest superpower! Look how they commit the same crimes they
condemn! The world can no longer deny American hypocrisy!" And that is
the rally cry for everyone who has been victimized by America to take
up arms against the US, and wage war by any means they wish.

Not a pleasant picture, and certainly NOT a positive step towards our

The root of hatred against the US is several decades of bad policies
in the region. We effectively created these terrorists. If we want to
defeat them we must FIRST change the policies that cause the hatred
and therefore prevent the creation of more terrorists. THEN we can
hunt down the remaining terrorists with the assurance that more won't
pop up to take their places. That's a much better plan than nuking
half the planet. And much more civilized, too.

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet
News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 100,000
---= East/West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---

  #15   Report Post  
Old November 19th 04, 03:10 PM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 08:43:22 -0500, "TBA" wrote

When the enemy comes calling again, you go hide in your pit (in your momma's
panties) - the rest of us will cover your ass. Actually, the best idea would
be to offer you up as a sacrifice.

We're talking about the defense of our country, if you don't agree, then
you're a part of the problem, not the solution. There is a statement of
"Lead - follow - or get out of the way". Do us all a favor since you don't
feel we need to do the utmost to protect our people. GET THE HELL OUT OF THE
WAY. I will not back down from my feelings of what is needed to protect
this country. NEVER. These ignorant *******s kill innocent children - men
and women. They do not pick military targets. THEY NEED ANNIHILATED. With
your attitude, may they pick you next.

Your reaction is one that is clearly based on fear. It's not a bad
thing to admit fear -- on the contrary, there is a proverb that goes
something like, "Courage is fear that has said its prayers". But if
you let that fear control you then the terrorists have already claimed
you as their victim.

----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 100,000 Newsgroups
---= East/West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---

  #16   Report Post  
Old November 19th 04, 07:46 PM
Posts: n/a

JuLiE Dxer wrote:

Hey, brainiac...

This specific spammer has been a severe problem here and in many other
newsgroups with his off-topic political postings. Do the research..
You'll see he's hit the shortwave newsgroup probably 100+ over the
last month with his off-topic political spam.


Wasn't I married to you once?
  #17   Report Post  
Old November 19th 04, 07:59 PM
Radio Flyer
Posts: n/a

"pickle" wrote in message
JuLiE Dxer wrote:

Hey, brainiac...

This specific spammer has been a severe problem here and in many other
newsgroups with his off-topic political postings. Do the research..
You'll see he's hit the shortwave newsgroup probably 100+ over the
last month with his off-topic political spam.


Wasn't I married to you once?

I bet it didn't last long!

  #18   Report Post  
Old November 20th 04, 02:49 AM
U Know Who
Posts: n/a

"Frank Gilliland" wrote in message
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:49:34 -0500, "TBA" wrote
in . net:

"B. Peg" wrote in message
If you read the article, the range of the missile is 6000 miles.

"Topol-Ms have been deployed in silos since 1998. The missiles have a
range of about 6,000 miles and reportedly can maneuver in ways that are
difficult to detect.
Earlier this year, a senior Defense Ministry official was quoted as
telling news agencies that Russia had developed a weapon that could make
the United States' proposed missile-defense system useless."

I don't think Afghanistan is the primary mission for the weapon.


You may be correct (I'm hoping you're not), however I feel that they know
the U.S. isn't their problem. We aren't! At least not as of the last time
heard any news of U.S. and Russia muttered in the same breath. I think
they're just doing a bit more than we did post 9/11. First they had that
Theatre incident and now the school - what, about a year apart? ALL
people. I believe they're just reacting a bit differently. "IF" they are
intending on going after those gutless cowards, then I'm behind them 100
Man, if Russia and the U.S. both buddied up and "really" went after them -
WOW. There would be rivers of brown - probably mixed with a lot of red.
**** would be running down their pants and out into the streets. We ALL
to quit playing games. NO RULES. JUST KICK ASS.

You betcha! Kill all dem ragheads and let God sort 'em out! Sure, some
innocent people will get in the way. But hey, why worry about thirty-,
forty-, or even a hundred-thousand civilians if you can vaporize a
couple hundred terrorists in the process?

I'd be a bit more concerned about Iran (not forgetting North Korea) -
than Russia. They're the ones with the Psychos in charge. Most of our
problems lately have arisen from the Sand Nations of the world. IF it
weren't for all the oil, I'd say to hell with them, eliminate them all or
not deal with them. They claim to be our friends yet they're the ones
as cock roaches and attacking. IF they were our friends, then they would
take any and all steps to wipe out those among them responsible. With all
the money they're getting for oil, they can't say they can't afford to. I
think they've all been out in the sun too long, their brains are fried.

That would certainly be a "final solution" to our problems.

I say use whatever tactics are necessary to wipe the scum out - once and
all. Take no prisoners. Make the (only) rule - stop or die. No exceptions.
These scum bags play by no rules, we need to adapt to their way of playing
by no rules.

Damn straight -- that's the attitude that made America great!

They're using our system of playing by rules - against us. That
is our weakness. Eliminate the rules as they have, take off the gloves and
can bet - they'll stop in their tracks. As I said - STOP OR DIE. Most of
them are dumb enough to want to die anyway, so - fine - shoot the scum. Do
them the favor. Do us all a favor. Eradicate the scum from the world.
gutless *******s aren't human. They're animals. RABID animals. They need
deserve to be put down.

Absolutely! Just because they look like humans, walk like humans,
think like humans.... naw, they MUST be animals or they would be able
to speak English!

As for the French and the rest, they need to
recollect their balls and get in the system of defense. The first time
cower down, they're history. To cower down to this scum is to have no
That scum will pick up that fumble and run with it. That's what they hope
for. That pumps them up even more.

By golly, just nuke the French while you're at it -- they don't speak
English either!

Russia doesn't seem to be too willing to
allow anymore of that crap to happen in their country. Russia is showing
they still have balls. My hat is off to RUSSIA!

The heck with that! Why wait for the Russians to rebuild their
military? Just nuke them too! After all, they used to be a bunch of
inhuman commie *******s that couldn't speak English, so just waste
them all before they turn communist again!

Frank, this guy may actually be George Dubya. Be careful with him.

  #19   Report Post  
Old November 20th 04, 10:46 PM
Posts: n/a

In article .net,
"TBA" wrote:

Oh, I get it, it's an INSULT NEWS GROUP -


"JuLiE Dxer" wrote in message


Don't get excited JuLiE is just a Troll.

Please don't cross post Troll crap across newsgroups. Thanks.

Ventura, California
  #20   Report Post  
Old November 21st 04, 07:46 AM
Posts: n/a

I leave you all with this... Osama's own words in an interview. And you
wonder WHY "I" want to see him and all his followers DIE............ Cower
down if you want, you'll be among the weak. It's kill or be killed. These
animals have ALL Americans marked. These are OSAMA'S words, not mine.


In his own words:

In an interview with ABC correspondent John Miller on May 28, Bin Laden made
the following comment on the fatwa issued calling Muslims to kill Americans
regardless of whether they are civilians or military:

"Allah ordered us in this religion to purify Muslim land of all

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