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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Article poste via Voila News - http://www.news.voila.fr Le : Mon Jan 3 01:42:23 2005 depuis l'IP : [VIP 628865746701] |
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Group: rec.radio.cb
Date: Fri, Dec 31, 2004, 4:12pm From: (Jerry) Slam me all you like, I STILL don't what is going on. I have no clue why you feel you are being slammed, persecuted, nor why you have the need to falsely accuse others of "going ballistic" for merely pointing out your errant behavior of responding to forges. _ Referring to yourself as "Lt. Colonel" when speaking to Florida is an ego thing, Jerry, as your rank (unlike the army, navy, marines, or af) is not recognized by civilians. Stay with Tennessee and Georgia. ????????????????????????????????????? ????????? Ho hum. I still I don't know what you are talking about-- That isn't surprising at all. In fact, you plead ignorance every time your trolling, violation of the hammie creed, and behavior unbecoming of a hammie is pointed out. or CARE for that matter. If you had integrity, you wouldn't need others to illustrate your actions contradict your claims. If I responded to "forges", Your use of he word "if" attempts to cast doubt on your actions when such have never been clearer. No "if" about it, you most certainly responded to forges. So tell me how "responding to forges" has anything to do with anything? The mere fact you need such actions explained is telling enough, especially when coupled with your pleas of non-knowledge and memory difficulty. I have seen LOTS of people respond to forges in here How irrational. Attempted abdication of your personal action by invoking another's behavior is what is wrong with this country and more specifically, you. And if I did, so what? Your use of the word "if" attempts to cast doubt on your actions when none exists. You were shown the error of your ways. So what has "responding to forges" got to do with anything? It illustrates you are about causing trouble. It illustrates denial is your prime knee-jerk reaction....but a few of your character flaws. When examined, it illustrates you use a smokescreen concerning legal issues to justify your behavior unbecoming of hammie, let alone an officer in the CAP. You are unable to effectively communicate and express yourself regarding cb or its users in any fashion other than that which pertains to legality, to which I invoke, borrow liberally, and paraphrase yourself,,,,,"HO HUM.....ZZZZZ". Whatever the "error" of my ways is, SO? Same can be said of those who use roger beeps and cb lingo that you go on about like a little old lady...so? LOL,,,, One's "errors" are like an opinion: everyone has them. But of course they do. Only you incite trouble and are the exact opposite of what the hammie creed professes. I didn't know it was "illegal". Neither are the roger beeps and echo, you hypocrit..lol...having one set of rules for yourself and another for everyone else......you need more schoolin' Oxendine...good thing you hang in rec.radio,cb. It's not illegal to act like a jerk, Jerry, or to run around and practice poor hammie technique, or to give the CAP a black eye like you have done over the years. I have a very strong feeling the CAP chain-of-command will not ignore what they are about to learn concerning the behaviior of one of their officers in public venues. You may attempt such a defense with the proper party when appropriate. Nevertheless, you may wish to have a decent hammie explain the hammie creed to you, as you feel it is your right to disrespect people based on your personal opinion. You have plenty to learn regarding proper communication and etiquette. _ You have a one track mind concerning radio legalities and permit it to effect your life,,,both here and outside the group. The problem with your approach, is no one else shares your obsession with trolling for illegalities online, regardless the trivial or important nature you attach to your obsessions responsible for upsetting you so. It seems to be upsetting you more than me. Your misinterpretations are not only frequent, but second only to your claims of memory impairment. To be fair, everything you have said has been not oly way off base, but absolutely false, beginning with your accusation that you were being persecuted. If I want to post news items, I'll do it. You needn't act so bizarre and misinterpret the solicited comments you seek on such as bothering another. Seems to me YOU are the one that is angry, for if it didn't bother you, you wouldn't respond. Twas you that responded to *my* post, Jerry, not the other way around. Your lucidity is beginning to wane more often than usual. Once again, your behavior is very errant and bizarre, but allow me to place it in very plain terms for you......when you make a post in usenet, it is to solicit response, whether you can comprehend such or not. When that response comes, it is not because someone is angry with you Jerry, but because that is how the usenet works. it's not really black magic, it just seems that way to you at this lowest point in your life. I told you 2 years ago that the stuff concering Pilot, etc was coming to pass, and you didn't believe it. I said nothing of the sort. Your accusational lies are coming looser and faster..illustrating anger and desperation. Now that it IS, you're just mad and have to have someone to take it out on. Then you will have no problem presenting and posting it, reverend JO.....lol..but of course, you are merely falsely accusing out of anger once again. But what *you* are angry about, being inducted into the rec.radio.cb death pool based on your behavior on the net, your health, family history (ages of those in your family dropping like flies at middle age) and unsolicited info supplied by two no codes, a general, and a novice..in that order. Smart money predicts you will stroke or have an MI and die in the next three years and that you will not suffer, but go very fast. Don't take it personal, but if my family began kicking off all at the same young age, I'd find a hobby that didn't upset me like cb does you. If I am "dialling in to Canada", so what? What has it got to do with anything? The same relation as the legalities you invoke. The same relation as you invoking anothers behavior to justify your own. And what "actions" would that might be? PROVE where I have broken a regulation or have had an NAL. Your obsession with rules and regs is not shared by this group and is not even a remote topic acknowledged by the majority of us, for which you seem to live. Search court records to find "dirt". Court records? Why would I wish to search court records? You are a legend only in your own mind. See above. (www.123nc.com ), You won't find it. Not even a speeding ticket. So there!!! I'm not interested in your background, Jerry, as you were forced to expose your misery right here among our pages. Your entire life story plays out among your posts and IF there was anything one wished to know of you, it can be found among your heretic ramblings. _ Lt Col??? Florida???? What in the world are you talking about? =A0=A0 You are resembling a bowling pin more and more with each post you make, Jerry. I also see, you are a great ng liar. Shall we proceed with this issue where you refer to yourself as a Lt. Col in the CAP? If I did, what did it have to do with this newsgroup? Why Jerry, I have never seen so many replies from you begin with "What 'if'...... It has very much to do with your professing you had no idea what I was referring when I mentioned "Lt. Col" to you. All you have, are "if's" Jerry, but just for your sanity's sake,,,it has the same relevance as your obsessions. Also, the CAP, especially officers, are held to communty standards, and if one of their members is deliberately harassing people because of their LEGAL choices, such as you often do, I believe their superiors have a right to know, the same belief you hold when you feel one is wrong in their actions. You may wish to explain your errant behavior and conduct unbecoming of a hammie to the CAP by pointing to what other people say and do. _ =A0=A0You have turned into one who is the exact opposite of which the hammie creed respresents. Perhaps the CAP should receive some of your more colorful posts where you troll and harass cbers because of their lingo. EEEEEEEEWWW! That must really get to you. Once again, excuse you. It is your issue, I merely noted your errant and bizarre behavior,,again. The lingo, I mean. Oh no,,I find it quite colorful,,I use it myself. In fact, I am quite fond of it, and the mere act of you taking issue with it illustrates your hypocrisy and bias of the two services. Heck, the lingo speaks for itself. All you gotta do is listen to the CB. =A0 So does the hammie lingo, but for yet another odd, bizarre, and errant reason, you harass people for their use of such lingo. Such behavior most certainly violates the hammie creed. That lingo issue burns you more than echo and roger beeps, it would seem. Many legal issues get you riled, Jerry, and for no reason other than your personal anger and dislikes. This makes you a lid, Jerry. N8WWM, don't know the man, never met him. You most certainly have had extensive email correspondence with him, but I never claimed you met the felon. Still, I find it fabulous you had the knee-jerk reaction to disassociate yourself from such a notion conceived and brought forth only by yourself. He can post whatever he wants to. Doesn't affect me. I'll post what I want to. That IS how ng's work. Ironic that someone of your licensure status repeatedly expresses such difficulty regarding the simplest of communication skill, but then again, I have always maintained that some of those who are licensed in communications know the least about it. Tennesee and Georga???????????????? You are rambling........... Perhaps, but that rambling is in your playgroud, Jerry. You regularly play with Fl, Tn and Ga when you play "gimme status" with your CAP games. What in the world???????????????????????????? Pardon me, but I simply don't understand this. Hehe,,,that's what you said concerning your self-professed status as a "Lt Col", also, until the truth was forcibly extracted from you. Your cornfusion may be because you struggle with proper communications and cite memory impairment. In fact, when instructed properly, you acknowledge everything you previously claimed, is too difficult for you to grasp. if you behaved yourself you wouldn't have so many dilemmas, both real and imagined. None of this makes any sense to me. Fl, Tn, Ga, "gimme status"??? That could have been said to you the last time you said "I dont understand" concerning my comments about you self-espousing your "Lt Col" title, but I figured if I waited long enough, you would disqualify your own statements...you never fail to disappoint. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Again, Ho Hum and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Happy New Year, K4KWH! (yawn) Ah, go back to your radical preaching, Jerry. After all, you do refer to yourself as a man of the cloth, in addition to being a Lt Col in the CAP. Although, I've never met anyone who refers themself a minister (who harasses God's children and admits taking pleasure in other's misfortunes), a hammie (who harasses legal cbers) who claims he is a Lt Col in the CAP who harasses people based on absolutely nothing more than his personal opinion. You are quite the man of the cloth, k4kwh. Indeed. |
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![]() Group: rec.radio.cb Date: Mon, Jan 3, 2005, 11:23am (EST-1) From: pam (itoldyouiamnotiamnotgeorge) . (k4kwh) wrote in news:8423-41D96698-207: How irrational. Attempted abdication of your personal action by invoking another's behavior is what is wrong with this country and more specifically, you. Yes every time you cry about Doug and what he has done you prove your point, Doug commits felonies on his own, independent of anything anyone else may say or do. That our usenet topic of choice dictates his behavior, is involuntary. by invoking anothers behaviour now go wash off Mopar and I are your Godz, otherwise, your material wouldn't shine as it does when you plagiarize and pay us proper homage. you demented assclown. It's ok, my pet. When you grow up you may grasp the concept and understand the need for your behavior. Until then, you have no choice but to make do and learn from those of us who are in the know. |
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![]() Group: rec.radio.cb Date: Mon, Jan 3, 2005, 9:38pm From: (Jerry) "Twistedhed" wrote in message ... Group: rec.radio.cb Date: Fri, Dec 31, 2004, 4:12pm From: (Jerry) Now you ARE delusional!! I could ramble on and on and about things that don't exist if I wanted. That's what you are doing! I only have a few comments, then I am going to sit back and let you spew your nonsense. 1. Family and health issues? My father is 91-still on his feet. Everybody, with the exception of those who died in accidents have made it at least into their 80s. Glad to hear it. Now, if you can read between the lines, and can manage to stop working personal issues into your threads, I will do the same. Can you please stop injecting irrelvant bull**** into the thread? Please? 2. Whatever you say concerning this "Lt/Col" stuff , I haven't a clue what you are talking about. And if I WERE a member of an organization such as CAP, my actions with regarding "forges" and this newsgroup has no affect, so tell whomever you like. Gee Jerry, denying your status is..well..futile, and to be frankly, a bit troubling, when such is so easily confirmed. What *that* organization does, and it's members do, it only applies to the scope of the duties laid out WITHIN the group, no effects participation in a newsgroup--same as it would be with the Moose Lodge, or Elks or Masonic. Wrong again. The hammie creed thingy appleis here, also. And speaking of the Masons, their creeds dictate their behavior 24 hours per day. For crying out loud, please stay relevant and on subject of that of which you know. If it were possible to interfere with one's affiliations--whatever they may be--, they'd never be able to keep anyone around. See Masons. I can hear it now : "HE SAID SUCH-N-SUCH AND I DON'T LIKE IT" "I'M GONNA GET SO-N-SO IN TROUBLE" =A0 Yeah, right. Behavior. 3. Minister?? You really ARE nuts now!! For I have NEVER been a minister, am not one now, and never will be one. =A0 So you can try to make something out of that as well, for it is FALSE. I worked in the transportation industry for 23 years. How you got me mixed up with a "minister" is beyond me. I didn't mix you up with anyone, but I really am not interested in your personal life,,,,,,these things were illustrated to remind you, you were wandering and invoking subjects that had nothing to do with the original thread. 4. My "licensure" also has nothing to do with anything. It does. That you are unable to grasp such,,,I'll leave it at that. If I want to make a comment, and someone doesn't like it, well , too bad. Back at you concerning roger beeps, echo, and talk of amplifiers. 5. Well, I've 'misbehaved' before, and I reckon I'll probably do it again. it all depends on one's point of view. Deliberate responses to what you know are forges, isn't a point of view. It's an intentional act unbecoming of one who attempts to come across as one concerned with legalities, what's right, and doing things by-the-book according to the rules. I am now done responding to this thread since, despite your protestions to the contrary, I really don't give a rat's ass what you think. Once again, excuse you, as it (again) was *you*, not I, who began "protestations". That's what this group is anyway, right? It's all about one upmanship, right? At least the manner in whcih you operate and view things have never been more clear. Hmmm, kinda like the CB! LOL! Cb is happening for many of us..especially the dx on the freeband. Oh yea,,,I have some figures for you,,,see you next post. Bye, now. Happy New Year! |
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K4KWH wrote:
Ho hum. I still I don't know what you are talking about-- or CARE for that matter. Lt Col??? Florida???? What in the world are you talking about? Tennesee and Georga???????????????? You are rambling........... I don't know what you are talking about.... _ Posted=A0-=A003 Oct 2004=A0: 13:17:25 Have you used the whip combo on the Low CAP freqs? (I am reluctant to mention the band, but you know which one it is. BTW, I check into Florida, Georgia, and Tenn. Wg nets pretty regularly these days. Jerry Oxendine |
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![]() Twithed whined effeminately: "Now, if you can read between the lines, and can manage to stop working personal issues into your threads, I will do the same. Can you please stop injecting irrelvant bull**** into the thread? Please?" His Masters reply now: Thank you for showing your abject obedience to the AKC in jumping up and down like a kid who has candy taken away. We know all of your posts are dedicated to that, and it is a subject of much humor to us. |
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