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Ah, I see you didn't understand the subtle
differences. I told Jim that I don't post political diatribes. That is factually accurate, as I have never yet started a thread which was politically oriented. Hello, Dave. How's it been going? No one accused you of starting anything relating to politics. You seem unduly paranoid lately. I do, however RESPOND to other's posts on political matters. And you accomplish this with telepathy? No, you ~post~ your responses. =A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0=A0(Politics & Religion are a never ending debate, that's why I am going to stay out of that subject.) Probably a wise decision, unless you're like me and enjoy watching the other side dance. Dave "Sandbagger" n3cvj Still waging imaginary wars and taking up "sides". Will wonders never cease? |
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N3CVJ asked:
When have I ever been hypocritical? you wrote all of the following And who would they report them to? The FCC has already shown time and time again that they have better things to do than worry about out-of-band CBers. I was involved in the DFing of a local 2 meter repeater jammer a few years back. We found him in short order, even though he was using a HT. He was reported to the FCC, and they sat on their laurels. Not until the SAME GUY was found causing malicious interference to the local police and fire frequencies, did the FCC finally get off of their collective butts and do something. After it was all said and done, the guy got what amounted to a wrist slapping. The point is, don't expect the feds to help rid the airwaves of Freebanders. And any ham that tries to "take the law into his own hands" will most likely end up full of lead...... _ I want to put this to rest once and for all. It seems that many of our ham friends here, have used the excuse that "I can work the world with 1 watt, so YOU don't need an amplifier". Well, lets set the record straight: Misleading statement: " I can work the world with 1 watt". Facts: You can work the world with 1 watt, IF the ionospheric conditions are proper AND you are on a suitable frequency band. You CANNOT do it anytime you want, you are at the mercy of mother nature. Secondly, what most of these QRP guys have also failed to meantion, is that their "working of the world" was most likely via the CW mode. CW, because of its narrow bandwidth, offers excellent signal to noise ratios, easily 10 db better than a typical CB. If a CW contact were running 1 watt, and they were at your noise threshold, they would need to jump to 10 watts to make the same contact on AM. These "fantastic" claims aren't worth a nickel on the CB band, where most of us just wand RELIABLE (Meaning at ANY time) communications with other LOCAL stations. _ I take offense to the "holer than thou" attitude displayed by many hams toward Cbers. They flaunt their "superior equipment" and tell the CBers, to get ham licenses, and then are the first to complain to their ham buddies, that the reason the ham bands are going to pot, is because of all the CBers that are moving up there. Ham radio and CB radio are both communications services. Both offer their respective users with a forum for enjoyment. Each service has it's own unique appeal that is not duplicated on the other. - Ham radio is full of serious discussions and one can learn alot from just listening. On the other hand though, a constant diet of technobabble gets VERY boring fairly quickly. CBers are less technical, and as a result, are more like talking to "regular" people. Topics are more varied, and you can "fool around" without fear of upsetting the "kilocycle kops", and have more fun. Dave C & W Communications CB Sales and Service (610)272-8709/(610)539-8709 |
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On Thu, 7 Apr 2005 18:48:24 -0400, (Twistedhed)
wrote: N3CVJ asked: When have I ever been hypocritical? you wrote all of the following And who would they report them to? The FCC has already shown time and time again that they have better things to do than worry about out-of-band CBers. I was involved in the DFing of a local 2 meter repeater jammer a few years back. We found him in short order, even though he was using a HT. He was reported to the FCC, and they sat on their laurels. Not until the SAME GUY was found causing malicious interference to the local police and fire frequencies, did the FCC finally get off of their collective butts and do something. After it was all said and done, the guy got what amounted to a wrist slapping. The point is, don't expect the feds to help rid the airwaves of Freebanders. And any ham that tries to "take the law into his own hands" will most likely end up full of lead...... And this is wrong how? I want to put this to rest once and for all. It seems that many of our ham friends here, have used the excuse that "I can work the world with 1 watt, so YOU don't need an amplifier". Well, lets set the record straight: Misleading statement: " I can work the world with 1 watt". Facts: You can work the world with 1 watt, IF the ionospheric conditions are proper AND you are on a suitable frequency band. You CANNOT do it anytime you want, you are at the mercy of mother nature. Secondly, what most of these QRP guys have also failed to meantion, is that their "working of the world" was most likely via the CW mode. CW, because of its narrow bandwidth, offers excellent signal to noise ratios, easily 10 db better than a typical CB. If a CW contact were running 1 watt, and they were at your noise threshold, they would need to jump to 10 watts to make the same contact on AM. These "fantastic" claims aren't worth a nickel on the CB band, where most of us just wand RELIABLE (Meaning at ANY time) communications with other LOCAL stations. And this is hypocritical how? _ I take offense to the "holer than thou" attitude displayed by many hams toward Cbers. They flaunt their "superior equipment" and tell the CBers, to get ham licenses, and then are the first to complain to their ham buddies, that the reason the ham bands are going to pot, is because of all the CBers that are moving up there. Ham radio and CB radio are both communications services. Both offer their respective users with a forum for enjoyment. Each service has it's own unique appeal that is not duplicated on the other. Again? - Ham radio is full of serious discussions and one can learn alot from just listening. On the other hand though, a constant diet of technobabble gets VERY boring fairly quickly. CBers are less technical, and as a result, are more like talking to "regular" people. Topics are more varied, and you can "fool around" without fear of upsetting the "kilocycle kops", and have more fun. Did you like me better back then? But how is that hypocritical? I still PERSONALLY feel that way. But I also recognize the letter of the law, and the penalties that go with violating it. You like to accuse me of confusing civil and criminal issues. But you still can't seem to differentiate someone's personal opinion, from a matter of fact and law. Both of these statements are true: If you freeband you are a federal lawbreaker. I personally don't care if you do. Dave "Sandbagger" http://home.ptd.net/~n3cvj |
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On Fri, 8 Apr 2005 10:57:39 -0400, (I
AmnotGeorgeBush) wrote: From: (Dave*Hall) On Wed, 6 Apr 2005 10:11:51 -0400, (I AmnotGeorgeBush) wrote: That was not meant as a criticism, just a neutral observation. Sure, sure,,a "neutral" observation whose first knee jerk reaction when Dogie was busted was to jump to his defense and lie and say someone someone withdrew the complaint against him to the FCC. You're lying again. I never made any such claim. I simply offered that based on Doug's "notoriety", that he MIGHT have been framed. Are you stating that this scenario is impossible? Your reasoning for your bizarre behavior means something only to yourself. Your first instinct was to deny it took place, call me a liar, then turn around in your next sentence and attempt to explain WHY you made such a claim. Very bizarre, David. The only thing "bizarre" is your inability to comprehend simple concepts. You accused me of stating that someone withdrew the complaint. I made no such statement. That's a lie on your part, predicated, no doubt, from your inability to remember who said what over the years. You once tried to claim that I accused Keith of something. When pressed on the issue, (While you scrambled through google) you finally had to back off when you realized that you make a mistake. But true to form, you would never be a man and admit it. Are you man enough to apologize now, or will you just spin this some more to lay down even more smoke? The contingency recognizes this fact and several have illustrated and commented on your position and hypocrisy. ....of one (you). Despite your paranoia, I am not Frank, Jim, Shark, or anyone else that has commented on your bizarre hypocrisy. Despite your obvious paranoia, I never said you were. I am no more hypocritical than any of those who have claimed the same of me. You claiming the majority misunderstands you via explaining what you "really" meant after the fact (usually accompanied by you misapplying definitions of words and terms) adds to the joke. No, you are claiming there's a "majority" Yes, I did claim there was a majority on man occasion. (Which has been strangely silent), You always default to denial mode when other people tell you your behavior is hypocritical. It's called denial. No, it's called correcting an error. You still cannot demonstrate anything hypocritical that I've posted. I'm forced to conclude that you don't know the meaning of the word. So for your edification: hy·poc·ri·sy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (h-pkr-s) n. pl. hy·poc·ri·sies 1.The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness. 2. An act or instance of such falseness. Now, where have I ever professed a belief, virtue, or feeling that I don't possess? the truth is there is only you. Classic denial. I wasn't the one telling you about your hypocritical political diatribes, despite your need to believe I am now posting as Jim, or anyone else. I never mentioned that. Guilty conscience? Provide even ONE example of my misuse of any term. Empirical evidence, for one. But you outdone yourself concerning your knowledge of the laws governing your hobby regarding Civil Disobedience. You have absolutely no idea what the concept of civil disobedience is do you? You think it's your "get out of jail free card". You are so far off, it's not even funny. Despite being taught and educated on this matter several times, You are not capable of educating anyone. Your legal and political views are akin to the malcontents and subversive slackers of the 1960's. you fecklessly insist such an act (such as dxing) makes one a federal criminal. It does and it is. The FCC (a FEDERAL agency) via the communications act of 1934 clearly defines both civil AND criminal penalties for violation of the law. The fact that you haven't been caught yet does not change that. You very clearly are suffering some sort of massive block, some type of learning disability that prevents you from comprehending the differences between what constitutes civil and criminal penalties, despite being properly instructed each time you shout your ignorance concerning this subject. You erroneously claimed, "it is perception" (yours, albeit wrong) that distinguishes between such. Your problem is that in your narcissistic mind, that you believe that you know what's "proper". Someone can't be "educated" when the "teacher" is further off the rails than the "student". Your knowledge of the law is the worst that I've ever seen anywhere. I have a cousin who's a lawyer and he just shakes his head at your ignorance. Stick to fishing. It's probably the only subject you know anything about. You really should take some remedial education courses, including a course on reading comprehension. That way you wouldn't be so quick to accuse others of saying things they never said. Have yourself a good weekend, old man. Same to you. See you on Monday.... Dave "Sandbagger" http://home.ptd.net/~n3cvj |
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![]() From: (Dave=A0Hall) On Fri, 8 Apr 2005 10:57:39 -0400, (I AmnotGeorgeBush) wrote: From: (Dave=A0Hall) On Wed, 6 Apr 2005 10:11:51 -0400, (I AmnotGeorgeBush) wrote: That was not meant as a criticism, just a neutral observation. Sure, sure,,a "neutral" observation whose first knee jerk reaction when Dogie was busted was to jump to his defense and lie and say someone someone withdrew the complaint against him to the FCC. You're lying again. I never made any such claim. I simply offered that based on Doug's "notoriety", that he MIGHT have been framed. Are you stating that this scenario is impossible? Your reasoning for your bizarre behavior means something only to yourself. Your first instinct was to deny it took place, call me a liar, then turn around in your next sentence and attempt to explain WHY you made such a claim. Very bizarre, David. The only thing "bizarre" is your inability to comprehend simple concepts. Such as you saying.."I never made any such claim",,followed by "I only offered that based on Dogie's notoriety." The market of any such "inability" has been cornred by yourself, as you remove all doubt. You accused me of stating that someone withdrew the complaint. I made no such statement. That's a lie on your part, predicated, no doubt, from your inability to remember who said what over the years. Nah,,,you said it. You once tried to claim that I accused Keith of something. When pressed on the issue, (While you scrambled through google) you f finally had to back off when you realized that you make a mistake. But true to form, you would never be a man and admit it. Go on then and ask Keith, since you brought it up. You most certianly blamed him. And while you are invoking such past discussions, it would serve proper at this time if you were held to your own espoused standard that what took place in the past is irrelevant, as you just told another. Then again, you have a set of rules for everyone else, not adhered by yourself..aka, another glaring example of your hypocrisy. Are you man enough to apologize now, or will you just spin this some more to lay down even more smoke? Look how far you ran from your initial denial of defending Dogie. Off you go now, with all the smoke you can muster (a little puffy whiff). The contingency recognizes this fact and several have illustrated and commented on your position and hypocrisy. ....of one (you). Despite your paranoia, I am not Frank, Jim, Shark, or anyone else that has commented on your bizarre hypocrisy. Despite your obvious paranoia, I never said you were. As Frank, Jim, and Shark have all illustrated your hypocrisy AND commented on it, yet, for some perplexing reason known only to yourself, you acknowledge only myself as recognizing it and commenting of it. I am no more hypocritical than any of those who have claimed the same of me. You claiming the majority misunderstands you via explaining what you "really" meant after the fact (usually accompanied by you misapplying definitions of words and terms) adds to the joke. No, you are claiming there's a "majority" Yes, I did claim there was a majority on many occasion. (Which has been strangely silent), You always default to denial mode when other people tell you your behavior is hypocritical. It's called denial. No, it's called correcting an error. You still cannot demonstrate anything hypocritical that I've posted. You ask others to provide for their claims after you make unsolicited claims you felt important enough to invoke, but not provide (proof) yourself. I'm forced to conclude that you don't know the meaning of the word. So for your edification: hy=B7poc=B7ri=B7sy =A0 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (h-pkr-s) n. pl. hy=B7poc=B7ri=B7sies 1.The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness. You asking for anyone to provide for any of their claims is hypocrisy, David, because you refuse to provide for for the majority fo your own. You can deny all you like. It's my pleasure. 2. An act or instance of such falseness. Now, where have I ever professed a belief, virtue, or feeling that I don't possess? See above. the truth is there is only you. Classic denial. I wasn't the one telling you about your hypocritical political diatribes, despite your need to believe I am now posting as Jim, or anyone else. I never mentioned that. LOL..exactly at what point does one recognize their daftness? Is it before, during, or after you claimed no one but myself illustrated or mentioned your hypocrisy? Guilty conscience? Sociopaths do not have consciences. Reversing your uneducated opinions at your whim serves to illustrate only your ineptness regarding the area you fancy yourself educated. Provide even ONE example of my misuse of any term. Empirical evidence, for one. But you outdone yourself concerning your knowledge of the laws governing your hobby regarding Civil Disobedience. You have absolutely no idea what the concept of civil disobedience is do you? You think it's your "get out of jail free card". You are so far off, it's not even funny. =A0 =A0Despite being taught and educated on this matter several times, you are unable to comprehend such. You are not capable of educating anyone. Your legal and political views are akin to the malcontents and subversive slackers of the 1960's. The definition of the term has not changed, your personal feelings and bleeding from the gums, not withstanding. You fecklessly insist such an act (such as dxing) makes one a federal criminal. It does and it is. It doesn't. An inability to distinguish between federal, criminal, and civil acts displayed by yourself is not shared by anyone else, only you. You are assuming all rules and laws governed by a federal agency are criminal and this simply isn't so. Your error, is you mistakenly believe the term "federal" can be interchanged with the term "criminal" wehn relating to the rules and laws they govern. This is your bad, Dave, not anyone elses. The FCC (a FEDERAL agency) via the communications act of 1934 clearly defines both civil AND criminal penalties for violation of the law. The fact that you haven't been caught yet does not change that. Yet, the fact one hasn't been convicted of such DOES change -your- mistaken position. The fact that you disagree with the US laws and justice system that does not allow anyone to refer to another as a criminal unless they are found guilty and pronounced as such in a court of law, is irrelevant, as it again is your ignorance responsible for your mistaken belief. Only a court of law can refer to one as a criminal, and yes, the fact that one has NOT been caught yet (as you tried and failed with) most certainly abdicates them from being referred a criminal,,,,,again, the fact that you disagree with our justice system is YOUR bad. _ You very clearly are suffering some sort of massive block, some type of learning disability that prevents you from comprehending the differences between what constitutes civil and criminal penalties, despite being properly instructed each time you shout your ignorance concerning this subject. You erroneously claimed, "it is perception" (yours, albeit wrong) that distinguishes between such. Your problem is that in your narcissistic mind, (snip) Try and not permit my education of you to allow yourself to become angry, as when you become angry, you get off topic and personal and must be corrected and brought back in to the fold. AS much as your need dictates, such is not about me, it's about your inability to properly distinguish the differences between civil and criminal penalties, and the fact that a federal agency governs such, does not make it a federal crime, as you mistakenly and repeatedly maintain. You should have realized such when you were informed about the Federal DOT's existence (you denied their existence). The Federal DOT enforces many rules and laws, and they are all not of a criminal nature, despite your inability to comprehend such. If you need more examples, you may indicate such and they will be provided. Someone can't be "educated" when the " teacher" is further off the rails than the "student". Your knowledge of the law is the worst that I've ever seen anywhere. Yet, it was I who taught you roger beeps were legal for cb (you had to confirm it with the FCC), after you cried for months that they were illegal. Your reasons for doing so, are irrelevant, it merely illustrates whose knowledge of the law is compromised. You are the only one taking issue, Dave. Ask anyone on ths group, anyone at all, if they agree with you regarding your claim of what constitutes a federal criminal. Off you go now... I have a cousin who's a lawyer Hehehe,,,as I said,,,off you go now. You find it important enough you feel you must mention you have a cousin who is a lawyer, but no identification, resutling in you not providing for your claim.. You found it important enough to claim you have a friend who was busted by the fcc, but will not provide for the claim. You feel it important enough to claim you have cops who are friends who gave you the wrong definition of Pa law, but of course you will not provide for the claim. You find it important enough to claim you went to a tech school, but will not provide for any claims. It's your pattern, David. "Statistical probablities" as you like to call it,,,,,,same as googling "anarchy". Socks and only your name comes up. Stick to fishing. It's probably the only subject you know anything about. I also know boats, and that you were seen coming a mile away when you bought yours. You really should take some remedial education courses, including a course on reading comprehension. That way you wouldn't be so quick to accuse others of saying things they never said. That's pretty funny, considering the source, but let's remain focused. Your gaffe of using "criminal", "civil" and "federal" as similes when referring to the dx law just because such is administered by a federal agency, is wrong. That's all there is to it. Have yourself a good weekend, old man. Same to you. See you on Monday.... David T. Hall Jr. "Sandbagger" N3CVJ |
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On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 11:41:29 -0400, (I
AmnotGeorgeBush) wrote: The only thing "bizarre" is your inability to comprehend simple concepts. You accused me of stating that someone withdrew the complaint. I made no such statement. That's a lie on your part, predicated, no doubt, from your inability to remember who said what over the years. Nah,,,you said it. Then provide the google link as proof. You once tried to claim that I accused Keith of something. When pressed on the issue, (While you scrambled through google) you f finally had to back off when you realized that you make a mistake. But true to form, you would never be a man and admit it. Go on then and ask Keith, since you brought it up. You most certianly blamed him. You want to eat crow again for something you had to reluctantly back off from before? You really don't learn your lessons. Until you can provide the proof, you're simply spinning yarns. Are you man enough to apologize now, or will you just spin this some more to lay down even more smoke? Look how far you ran from your initial denial of defending Dogie. Look how far you go to deflect the topic (again!). You made a specific accusation, and cannot back it up. Not you try to change the subject. You always default to denial mode when other people tell you your behavior is hypocritical. It's called denial. No, it's called correcting an error. You still cannot demonstrate anything hypocritical that I've posted. You ask others to provide for their claims after you make unsolicited claims you felt important enough to invoke, but not provide (proof) yourself. Translation: You are unable to provide the needed proof, so you resort to your predictable deflection tactic. I'm forced to conclude that you don't know the meaning of the word. So for your edification: hy·poc·ri·sy * ( P ) Pronunciation Key (h-pkr-s) n. pl. hy·poc·ri·sies 1.The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness. You asking for anyone to provide for any of their claims is hypocrisy, David, because you refuse to provide for for the majority fo your own. You can deny all you like. It's my pleasure. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Such is the circular nature of your reasoning. Guilty conscience? Sociopaths do not have consciences. Reversing your uneducated opinions at your whim serves to illustrate only your ineptness regarding the area you fancy yourself educated. Ah, so you now admit to being a sociopath? That's a progressive sign. Thank you for answering my question. You did see the (?) at the end of my question right? You are not capable of educating anyone. Your legal and political views are akin to the malcontents and subversive slackers of the 1960's. The definition of the term has not changed, your personal feelings and bleeding from the gums, not withstanding. You fecklessly insist such an act (such as dxing) makes one a federal criminal. It does and it is. It doesn't. An inability to distinguish between federal, criminal, and civil acts displayed by yourself is not shared by anyone else, only you. You are assuming all rules and laws governed by a federal agency are criminal and this simply isn't so. Your error, is you mistakenly believe the term "federal" can be interchanged with the term "criminal" wehn relating to the rules and laws they govern. This is your bad, Dave, not anyone elses. The real joke is that you don't even bother to read the links your posted to the stories about your boy "Bob Noxious". In them they state that it's a criminal violation to operate an unlicensed transmitter. The only difference between the FM broadcast band and the freeband is the frequency, and the visibility to the public. The FCC (a FEDERAL agency) via the communications act of 1934 clearly defines both civil AND criminal penalties for violation of the law. The fact that you haven't been caught yet does not change that. Yet, the fact one hasn't been convicted of such DOES change -your- mistaken position. The fact that you disagree with the US laws and justice system that does not allow anyone to refer to another as a criminal unless they are found guilty and pronounced as such in a court of law, is irrelevant, as it again is your ignorance responsible for your mistaken belief. Once again you base your mistaken opinion on technicalities and semantics. Someone who murders someone is still guilty of a criminal act regardless if he's been caught yet. Being pronounced guilty is only a formality. The same holds true for the FCC rules. Only a court of law can refer to one as a criminal, and yes, the fact that one has NOT been caught yet (as you tried and failed with) most certainly abdicates them from being referred a criminal,,,,,again, the fact that you disagree with our justice system is YOUR bad. Yep, the old subversive ploy of thinking that "it's only guilty if you're caught" mentality. Typical of all slackers and scofflaws. The Federal DOT enforces many rules and laws, and they are all not of a criminal nature, despite your inability to comprehend such. If you need more examples, you may indicate such and they will be provided. There are no federal traffic cops. There is no federal speed limit. Besides, they are not the FCC. I have a cousin who's a lawyer Hehehe,,,as I said,,,off you go now. You find it important enough you feel you must mention you have a cousin who is a lawyer, but no identification, resutling in you not providing for your claim.. You found it important enough to claim you have a friend who was busted by the fcc, but will not provide for the claim. You feel it important enough to claim you have cops who are friends who gave you the wrong definition of Pa law, but of course you will not provide for the claim. You find it important enough to claim you went to a tech school, but will not provide for any claims. It's your pattern, David. Far be it for you to chastise anyone for not providing for their claims when you can't even reveal your own name. You who claims to embrace the concepts of anonymity. You want me to give you personal information, yet you can't even come from behind that clock of gutless anonymity. Stick to fishing. It's probably the only subject you know anything about. I also know boats, and that you were seen coming a mile away when you bought yours. Oh, this should be good. Another subject where I'll clean your clock and not even break a sweat. What could you possibly know about my boat or any boat in general? Dave "Sandbagger" http://home.ptd.net/~n3cvj |
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![]() "Dave Hall" wrote in message ... On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 11:41:29 -0400, Once again you base your mistaken opinion on technicalities and semantics. Someone who murders someone is still guilty of a criminal act regardless if he's been caught yet. Being pronounced guilty is only a formality. The same holds true for the FCC rules. Here we go again. DAVE, is Michael Jackson guilty? Think before you answer, are you there? sitting in the jury box? listening to the testimony? following the judges orders concerning what type of evidence you are going to hear? not formulating any opinion until you and the rest of your fellow jurors are deliberating the case? Of course not, so how can you say because someone here is running a 1000 watts and talking on the freeband is a criminal? You can't, you are not a sheriff, judge & jury, to which is the only way someone can be classified a criminal, after being convicted, before that they are only a suspect. Only a court of law can refer to one as a criminal, and yes, the fact that one has NOT been caught yet (as you tried and failed with) most certainly abdicates them from being referred a criminal,,,,,again, the fact that you disagree with our justice system is YOUR bad. Yep, the old subversive ploy of thinking that "it's only guilty if you're caught" mentality. Typical of all slackers and scofflaws. Nope, it's called a guilty conscience, to which you can only be called guilty in front of the lord all-mighty, everything else has to be done through a court of law. Dave Landshark -- Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. |
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On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 04:47:24 GMT, "Landshark"
wrote: "Dave Hall" wrote in message .. . On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 11:41:29 -0400, Once again you base your mistaken opinion on technicalities and semantics. Someone who murders someone is still guilty of a criminal act regardless if he's been caught yet. Being pronounced guilty is only a formality. The same holds true for the FCC rules. Here we go again. DAVE, is Michael Jackson guilty? I don't know. But whether or not the court pronounced him as such doesn't change the acts that he may or may not have done. Think before you answer, are you there? sitting in the jury box? listening to the testimony? following the judges orders concerning what type of evidence you are going to hear? not formulating any opinion until you and the rest of your fellow jurors are deliberating the case? Of course not, so how can you say because someone here is running a 1000 watts and talking on the freeband is a criminal? If you witness someone killing another, do you need a jury verdict before you know that that person is a murderer? If the law defines a particular act as criminal, then if you engage in that act, you are engaging in a criminal activity. Being labeled as such by a court is only a formality and a convenient excuse for people who want to thumb their nose at the law, and wish to ease their guilty conscience, by trying to convince themselves that their activities aren't really criminal because they haven't been caught yet.. You can't, you are not a sheriff, judge & jury, to which is the only way someone can be classified a criminal, after being convicted, before that they are only a suspect. Maybe in a legal sense, but that's a poor justification for engaging in criminal behavior, and saying; "you can't call me a criminal because a jury didn't convict me yet". Only a court of law can refer to one as a criminal, and yes, the fact that one has NOT been caught yet (as you tried and failed with) most certainly abdicates them from being referred a criminal,,,,,again, the fact that you disagree with our justice system is YOUR bad. Yep, the old subversive ploy of thinking that "it's only guilty if you're caught" mentality. Typical of all slackers and scofflaws. Nope, it's called a guilty conscience, to which you can only be called guilty in front of the lord all-mighty Isn't that enough? , everything else has to be done through a court of law. You can't serve time and be branded a "criminal" until found guilty in a court of law. But the fact that you might get away with a crime, doesn't lessen what you truly are. Playing word games doesn't hide that fact. Dave "Sandbagger" http://home.ptd.net/~n3cvj |
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