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On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 04:36:34 GMT, "Landshark"
wrote: "Steveo" wrote in message ****er needs a bullet to separate him from his sick habit. The parents need a bullet too for allowing their children to accommodate him. Man you got that right, especially the parents for letting him have the kid. They are nothing better than pimps. Being around money and celebrity does some strange things to people's judgement. Also some people are really dense when it comes to the true potential ugliness in the world. Dave "Sandbagger" |
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![]() "Dave Hall" wrote in message ... Yes, it's deliberately done with a bit of a shock value. It's to counter the rampant mindset that someone isn't really doing anything wrong simply because the FCC is too incompetent and understaffed to catch them yet. Dave Well Dave, I'm not going to continue, it's fruitless. In closing you can go on your crusade against the FCC scofflaws, but their "crime" as you like to put it is very minor. If they are using Freeband or amps, their actions are much less of a consequence. Litterbugs add tons of garbage that costs millions a year to clean. Speeders cost millions a year to enforce against and kill hundreds of people while causing accidents because of speeding. I just find that there are more important things to worry about than someone that's using power or talking on the freeband. I worry about speeders maybe hitting my kids, drunk driver hitting someone I care about, drugs in my kids school etc etc, not about labeling someone a criminal for using a linear or freeband. You can go around and see sociopath and anarchist around every corner, I fore one am going to worry about what directly will affect my family, not what is illegal and not going to affect virtually anyone such as freeband use and linear. Landshark -- __ o /' ) /' ( , __/' ) .' `; o _.-~~~~' ``---..__ .' ; _.--' b) LANDSHARK ``--...____. .' ( _. )). `-._ `\|\|\|\|)-.....___.- `-. __...--'-.'. `---......____...---`.___.'----... .' `.; `-` ` |
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On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 17:13:37 -0400, (I
AmnotGeorgeBush) wrote: :29 -0400, Once again you base your mistaken opinion on technicalities and semantics. Someone who murders someone is still guilty of a criminal act regardless if he's been caught yet. Being pronounced guilty is only a formality. The same holds true for the FCC rules. (Here we go again. DAVE, is Michael Jackson guilty? ) I don't know. But whether or not the court pronounced him as such doesn't change the acts that he may or may not have done. Once one is found not guilty in the US by a court of law and/or a jury of their peers, you can not claim he is guilty, regardless of what he may have done as relating to his case. Do so and you'll be broke after being sued for defamation of character along with anything else concerning libel or slander laws. I educated you once before on the conditions of libel cases. I'll be glad to provide the links again. But the long and short of it is that you can't just sue someone for libel unless you can prove that damages were sustained as a result of the alleged libel claim. (Doesn't change the acts he may or may not done? If he's done something wrong, found guilty then he's a criminal. If he done nothing wrong, went to court and was found not guilty, he should still be labeled a criminal because he's being accused? ) What if he's done the acts he was accused of, .but because of an inability for the state to prove it, or the credibility of the witnesses becomes cloudy and he walks, what does THAT make him? Depends on the verdict. There are only three possibilities,,,,,innocent, not guilty, and guilty. Technically, innocent and not guilty are the same thing. Most criminal case verdicts are declared either guilty or not guilty. (Think before you answer, are you there? sitting in the jury box? listening to the testimony? following the judges orders concerning what type of evidence you are going to hear? not formulating any opinion until you and the rest of your fellow jurors are deliberating the case? Of course not, so how can you say because someone here is running a 1000 watts and talking on the freeband is a criminal? ) If you witness someone killing another, do you need a jury verdict before you know that that person is a murderer? You can "know" (translated in your case to being a simile for "believe") anything you wish, but even if you witnessed such an act, you are not permitted to publicly call him such IF he was tried and found other than guilty. Your belief is irrelevent. The truth is irrelevant? What a warped world you live in. A world where labels mean more than the truth. - (I heard someone on 2 meters last night, swearing, threating people, is he guilty of violating FCC rules? ) Absolutely! If the law defines a particular act as criminal, then if you engage in that act, you are engaging in a criminal activity. Being labeled as such by a court is only a formality and a convenient excuse for people who want to thumb their nose at the law, and wish to ease their guilty conscience, by trying to convince themselves that their activities aren't really criminal because they haven't been caught yet.. (chuckle),,you go on trying to convince *yourself" you have the right to call one a criminal for what you perceive constitutes such. If you were to publicly refer to one with their proper name as as a criminal, based only what you present here and erroneously believe constitutes such criminal activity (such as maintaining, on more than one occasion, that one's posts in this group you -think- may belong to a certain identity, is "proof" enough (for you) to refer to the person as a criminal), a small filing fee would be paid (AFTER your criminal charges) and you would be buried in civil court by someone versed in what you mistakenly perceive as the law. What criminal charge would I be liable for? There is no "crime" for stating that someone is a criminal. There is that little thing called the 1st amendment. You know, that little provision that allows nutcases and fruitcakes alike to spew all sorts of hate, rhetoric and nonsense. There might be a civil action depending on the conditions and the people involved. The National Enquirer and other tabloids are full of people who would like to sue, but for some reason don't. Why is that, do you suppose? Of course, as always you are more than welcome to provide some examples of case law to back yourself up. After the criminal charges were applied you, the civil matter would be only a formality, based on your guilt from the outcome of the criminal trial based on your libel/slander/defamatory comments, which are in turn based on -your- erroenous beliefs. What crime would I be guilty of? Speeding is not considered a criminal offense. Neither is dxing Ah, there's a difference. If you are operating a legal part 95 type certified CB radio on authorized CB channels, and you talk some DX, I would be inclined to agree with you. You would be in violation of a minor rule, which would amount to a slap on the wrist. However, once you set foot on the freeband, you lose your authorization by rule to operate a transmitter, and you are no longer considered a CB'er, but an unlicensed pirate radio transmitter. Operating an unlicensed transmitter on a frequency which you are not authorized for, is a far more serious offense, than simply DXing. It's not the DX'ing that will get you popped on the freeband, it's operating an unlicensed transmitter. The you should have no problem citing an example where one of these mystery people you are always invoking claimed they thought stealing from a cable TV service was legal/acceptable/non-criminal. When you give me your name first. Until the law changed and got some teeth. Now people who sell cable theft devices face serious jail time. But not dxers. Not all DX'ers are guilty of criminal behavior. Those who freeband are. Anyways, those who sell illegal cable boxes are a much different scenario than the first you invoked. Selling illegal converters carries a much harsher charge than merely using one, but it does illustrate how far off topic you are wliling to run. It was used as an illustration of how some people view such "victimless" crimes as somehow less than serious enough to consider criminal. (You can't, you are not a sheriff, judge & jury, to which is the only way someone can be classified a criminal, after being convicted, before that they are only a suspect. ) Maybe in a legal sense, LOL,,as opposed to what? The legal sense is the only manner in which you may legally refer to one a criminal. Do it ay other way and you are opening yourself to penalties. Such as? Using your own warped logic (admitting something on the internet is the same as a guilty plea in a court of law) concerning what is said among internet babble, the mere fact that you were informed of the law on many occasion, yet continue to refer to certain proper names as a criminal, can enhance your penalties because you continued to break said laws. Even though you may correctly plead ignorance, such is never held in a court of law as a valid excuse for one breaking the law. So go ahead, sue me. And only a court of law can determine such proof, not you, not your observational skills, not your "knowing" based on beliefs, and certainly not your (mis)interpretations of the law. You are guilty. You know it, and I know it. The fact that you get away with it in a legal venue, doesn't change that. You are simply playing semantics games. But you know as well as I do that the system is flawed, and many times guilty people walk for various reasons. Irrelevant. You continue to express extreme difficulty in comprehending that you may not refer to these people as criminals. I can and I will. Sue me if you think you can. But you won't because you'd have to reveal your identity, and your anonymity means more to you. Conversely, some innocent people are wrongly convicted. But if I witness a crime, I don't need a jury to tell me that the perp is a criminal. You most certainly do if you wish to say it publicly or to another. I can say anything I wish. The 1st amendment protects that. Did the alleged "child molester" brag to a bunch of people on an internet forum that he did indeed molest children? More of your ignorance. I can say I shot Kennedy....it means ****, except to you. Why would you admit to a crime you didn't commit? More revealing is your admittance to the likelihood that you tend to lie frequently. Admitting to an unlawful activity is the same thing in principle to pleading guilty in a trial. Good gawd oh mighty. Here's where you get schooled again. not only do you have no clue who one is on the internet, you are incompetently and incorrectly claiming hearsay is the same thing as pleading guilty. Your ignorance of the law has no bounds, So, basically, you summed it up quite nicely, and anonymous non-person admits to partaking in a criminal activity. So where's the problem? Is this non-person engaging in criminal activity or not? The fact that he hasn't been tagged by a court is irrelevant. It may be "unofficial" but that's all I need to see to make up my mind. Of course, you do. You have been mispronouncing people on the internet as "federal criminals" as long as you have been spoon-fed carefully scripted information. They deserve what they get. If people want to pretend to be things that they are not, then they can make no charge of libel, since these "cartoon characters" do not really exist. You can't have it both ways. Anonymity cuts both ways. Now that you shout to the world your mistaken belief that what one posts on the internet is tantamount to an admission of guilt in a US court of law, all one can do is laugh at you or feel pity. I'm the one laughing. At you for getting your panties in a knot defending the non-words to non-people over the internet. Besides, your position can get you sued, should you exercise it as you claim, Nope. Not a chance. You'd have to prove actual damages. But first you'd have to prove that "twistedhed" (or whatever other sock name you use) is a real entity and subject to defamation. Your anonymity is your enemy at that point. Do you think tabloid newspapers would be in business if it was THAT easy to win a libel case? You know nothing about the reality of law. You, like Frank, read words, but can't apply them in the real world. You have no way of knowing what someone, such as myself, does or doesn't. No, I don't. But if you admit to operating on the freeband, then you deserve to wear the badge of federal criminal. Only you (And your hairdresser) knows for sure. Because you mistakenly believe everyone that posts from webtv is the twisted who rang your bell and a sock puppet, doesn't make it so. No, but in this case it does. You can change your name, but not your "personality". Wrong again. I can sit here and tell you I robbed banks, killed Kennedy, was single-handedly responsible for the theft of the Star of India, and broker counterfeit Monets,,,it means ****,,,,,,of course,,,except to you, who has these warped beliefs regarding legalities responsible for so many errors in your comments. I can't convict you in a court of law, but that doesn't mean the court of public opinion won't be influenced. The degree of proof in much different. You can hide from the law, but you can't hide from yourself or God. Your excuse that a court of law hasn't convicted you, is a truly feeble excuse and poor justification for your anti-social behavior, and won't protect you in the court of public opinion. Typical of all slackers and scofflaws. And your comments are typical of those consumed with hate and those of little tolerance for all but your own beliefs. If you are saying that I have a problem with people who disregard the law at their own personal whim, and then fabricate weak excuses for it, then you'd be correct. What you profess as sound moral principles, ranks right there with your denial the legality of roger beeps, the denial the existence of the federal DOT, and your claim there is no federal speed limit (there is, and it governs all commercial vehicles). And until you can prove those claims, you are still ****ing in the wind. But the fact that you claim internet babble is the same thing as a guilty plea in a court of law, most certainly governs when you may or may not publicly refer one as a criminal. This is not a court of law. This is the court of public opinion. The standards of guilt are much different. As long as we have imaginary identities, committing alleged crimes, I will call them on it as long as I need to. You don't like it? Too bad. Dave "Sandbagger" http://home.ptd.net/~n3cvj |
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On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 13:40:56 GMT, "Landshark"
wrote: "Dave Hall" wrote in message .. . Yes, it's deliberately done with a bit of a shock value. It's to counter the rampant mindset that someone isn't really doing anything wrong simply because the FCC is too incompetent and understaffed to catch them yet. Dave Well Dave, I'm not going to continue, it's fruitless. In closing you can go on your crusade against the FCC scofflaws, but their "crime" as you like to put it is very minor. If they are using Freeband or amps, their actions are much less of a consequence. Litterbugs add tons of garbage that costs millions a year to clean. Speeders cost millions a year to enforce against and kill hundreds of people while causing accidents because of speeding. I just find that there are more important things to worry about than someone that's using power or talking on the freeband. I worry about speeders maybe hitting my kids, drunk driver hitting someone I care about, drugs in my kids school etc etc, not about labeling someone a criminal for using a linear or freeband. You can go around and see sociopath and anarchist around every corner, I fore one am going to worry about what directly will affect my family, not what is illegal and not going to affect virtually anyone such as freeband use and linear. Mark, Please don't get me wrong here. I'm not on any "crusade" I'm simply pointing out a matter of fact with regard to what the people who break the law by operating out of band technically are. Once you key the mike on the freeband, you are breaking the law. A law which carried criminal penalties if and when one is caught. But that is only a formality. If those who rabidly attack this truth would simply own up to their complicity in this area, then we can move on. As long as people live in denial, there will be no progress. Personally, I don't care about freebanding or DX. Hell, some of my best friends are freebanders. I used to do it myself. But I am not trying to kid myself or other people by attempting to downplay what this activity is in the eyes of the law. Do what you want. I'm not turning people in. I'm only pointing out what it is that they are guilty of. Dave "Sandbagger" |
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"Landshark" wrote:
"Steveo" wrote in message ****er needs a bullet to separate him from his sick habit. The parents need a bullet too for allowing their children to accommodate him. Man you got that right, especially the parents for letting him have the kid. They are nothing better than pimps. Landshark Right on. $10 million hush money for a sleep over. Sick! |
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Dave Hall wrote:
On 13 Apr 2005 21:56:43 GMT, Steveo wrote: Dave Hall wrote: Did the alleged "child molester" brag to a bunch of people on an internet forum that he did indeed molest children? What do you think about a dog that is making a living but refuses to feed his children, to the point of getting tagged with a felony for it? As a parent, I am particularly offended by it. Anyone who is found to have been deliberately negligent to his children deserves far more than my scorn though. Exactly. I know there are child support disputes that are hard to rectify and a few of my friends have been down that road but somehow it gets resolved one way or another. The only guy I know that abused the system so bad that he got a court ordered head shrinker, and a felony out of it is N8WWM Doug Adair. |
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Dave Hall wrote:
On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 04:36:34 GMT, "Landshark" wrote: "Steveo" wrote in message ****er needs a bullet to separate him from his sick habit. The parents need a bullet too for allowing their children to accommodate him. Man you got that right, especially the parents for letting him have the kid. They are nothing better than pimps. Being around money and celebrity does some strange things to people's judgement. Also some people are really dense when it comes to the true potential ugliness in the world. Jonny cockring took that million dollar excuse to the grave. |
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"Landshark" wrote:
"Dave Hall" wrote in message ... Yes, it's deliberately done with a bit of a shock value. It's to counter the rampant mindset that someone isn't really doing anything wrong simply because the FCC is too incompetent and understaffed to catch them yet. Dave Well Dave, I'm not going to continue, it's fruitless. In closing you can go on your crusade against the FCC scofflaws, but their "crime" as you like to put it is very minor. If they are using Freeband or amps, their actions are much less of a consequence. Litterbugs add tons of garbage that costs millions a year to clean. Speeders cost millions a year to enforce against and kill hundreds of people while causing accidents because of speeding. I just find that there are more important things to worry about than someone that's using power or talking on the freeband. I worry about speeders maybe hitting my kids, drunk driver hitting someone I care about, drugs in my kids school etc etc, not about labeling someone a criminal for using a linear or freeband. You can go around and see sociopath and anarchist around every corner, I fore one am going to worry about what directly will affect my family, not what is illegal and not going to affect virtually anyone such as freeband use and linear. Landshark I'm still waiting for my first NAL. Reckon how many more years than 27 I have to wait yet? |
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![]() "Dave Hall" wrote in message ... On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 13:40:56 GMT, "Landshark" wrote: "Dave Hall" wrote in message . .. Yes, it's deliberately done with a bit of a shock value. It's to counter the rampant mindset that someone isn't really doing anything wrong simply because the FCC is too incompetent and understaffed to catch them yet. Dave Well Dave, I'm not going to continue, it's fruitless. In closing you can go on your crusade against the FCC scofflaws, but their "crime" as you like to put it is very minor. If they are using Freeband or amps, their actions are much less of a consequence. Litterbugs add tons of garbage that costs millions a year to clean. Speeders cost millions a year to enforce against and kill hundreds of people while causing accidents because of speeding. I just find that there are more important things to worry about than someone that's using power or talking on the freeband. I worry about speeders maybe hitting my kids, drunk driver hitting someone I care about, drugs in my kids school etc etc, not about labeling someone a criminal for using a linear or freeband. You can go around and see sociopath and anarchist around every corner, I fore one am going to worry about what directly will affect my family, not what is illegal and not going to affect virtually anyone such as freeband use and linear. Mark, Please don't get me wrong here. I'm not on any "crusade" I'm simply pointing out a matter of fact with regard to what the people who break the law by operating out of band technically are. Once you key the mike on the freeband, you are breaking the law. A law which carried criminal penalties if and when one is caught. But that is only a formality. Ok, fine. Understand Dave, you come across as an over-zealous person on a crusade against "anyone" that does something illegal, not a thing a normal person would do. If those who rabidly attack this truth would simply own up to their complicity in this area, then we can move on. What? You mean turn themselves in? millions of people in this country break laws everyday, are they all going to walk down to the jail and say "I just broke this law, arrest me". I'm sure they all sleep very soundly every night. As long as people live in denial, there will be no progress. Personally, I don't care about freebanding or DX. Hell, some of my best friends are freebanders. I used to do it myself. But I am not trying to kid myself or other people by attempting to downplay what this activity is in the eyes of the law. It's illegal, as copying video tapes, DVD, CD, alcohol across state lines, etc etc. Do what you want. I'm not turning people in. I'm only pointing out what it is that they are guilty of. Dave I never thought you were turning people in. They are not guilty of anything, other than their conscience. |
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