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Obviously you need to go back and read his original post, all the other guys here got it I think... Look, you are now just standing there like an idiot with his pants pulled down... John "Frank Gilliland" wrote in message ... On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 07:55:47 -0700, "John Smith" wrote in : Frank: U R an idiot... U can't tell the difference between forced to use an "L-Match" to be able to use a radio and thinking it is a "magic device." Focus, "John"..... where, in any of his posts, did he say he was being "forced" to use any type of matching device? He didn't. Troll? I was hoping you were just a troll instead of a ma'roon! At least a troll can be communicated with... So you wrote the book on trolls? ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 14:14:25 -0700, "John Smith"
wrote in : Frank: Obviously you need to go back and read his original post, all the other guys here got it I think... Look, you are now just standing there like an idiot with his pants pulled down... Blah, blah, blah. Stay on topic. Once again, where did he say he was being "forced" to use any type of matching device? Where did he say his SWR was 5:1? And why can't you address the fact that millions of CBers don't use a matchbox yet don't blow their finals? ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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Go home fool, there isn't anyone left here now wondering if you are a ma'roon, you have shown all... you can hang around and try to trick the newcomers, I guess... John "Frank Gilliland" wrote in message ... On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 14:14:25 -0700, "John Smith" wrote in : Frank: Obviously you need to go back and read his original post, all the other guys here got it I think... Look, you are now just standing there like an idiot with his pants pulled down... Blah, blah, blah. Stay on topic. Once again, where did he say he was being "forced" to use any type of matching device? Where did he say his SWR was 5:1? And why can't you address the fact that millions of CBers don't use a matchbox yet don't blow their finals? ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 14:31:01 -0700, "John Smith"
wrote in : Frank: Go home fool, there isn't anyone left here now wondering if you are a ma'roon, you have shown all... you can hang around and try to trick the newcomers, I guess... Let's try this again, but this time I'll seperate the issues so you don't get confused: 1) Where did the original poster say he was being "forced" to use any type of matching device? 2) Where did the original poster say his SWR was 5:1? 3) Since very few CBers use a matchbox, why don't the millions of other CB radios have blown finals? Now is -that- too hard for you to comprehend? You made the claims, now back them up. ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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FOOL!!! His original post makes ALL of that clear, if not, one or two of his other posts after will fill you in... John "Frank Gilliland" wrote in message ... On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 14:31:01 -0700, "John Smith" wrote in : Frank: Go home fool, there isn't anyone left here now wondering if you are a ma'roon, you have shown all... you can hang around and try to trick the newcomers, I guess... Let's try this again, but this time I'll seperate the issues so you don't get confused: 1) Where did the original poster say he was being "forced" to use any type of matching device? 2) Where did the original poster say his SWR was 5:1? 3) Since very few CBers use a matchbox, why don't the millions of other CB radios have blown finals? Now is -that- too hard for you to comprehend? You made the claims, now back them up. ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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![]() wrote in message ... Hams are, by definition, amateurs. Radio has been my -profession- for about 25 years, including a BS in EE from EWU (including a minor in communications). I worked as a BE for about 12 years, before that at a radio comm shop (while going to college), and before that as a radio tech in the USMC (MOS 2841). Nowdays I have my own part-time shop for both radio and audio equipment, and do some bartending on the side (better perks than any radio work!). Oh yeah..... and I've been a CBer since I was about 10. You left out the whole truth. In addition to your one sided horn blowing of above...................... 1. At age 10 you decided that you were tired of being beat. You learned to trick other kids into believing that you had a value other than that of a punching bag. You accomplished this by starting to go down a path of deceit that you continue to go down today. 2. At age 33 you decided you'd give up on girls. You continue to be a virgin to this day. ( not counting farm animals) 3. At the advent of the Internet you discovered that you could puff up your low self esteem through a series of put down others to inflate yourself posts. You quickly learned that the truth is not this issue. All that matters is to make yourself look good. Just spew a bunch of non related technical matter into a post and no one will be the wiser. There are more. These are just the obvious ones. If others would like, they can continue the list. It shouldn't be to difficult. 4............ 5.......... ect. Is your name "ect"? |
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On Mon, 1 Aug 2005 14:46:55 -0700, "John Smith"
wrote in : Frank: FOOL!!! His original post makes ALL of that clear, if not, one or two of his other posts after will fill you in... Well, let's find out just what he said, shall we? ===== On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 11:45:50 -0500, driver42 wrote in : Hi, If I'm not able to set the SWR in the trucks that I drive will it hurt the radio or just give me decreased range? ===== I don't see anything about a 5:1 SWR. I don't see anything about being "forced" to use a matching device. Now is a good time to dispell more CB mythology: Many of you already know that in order to double your range you need -four- times the power. But it also works the other way -- if you reduce your power to one fourth (i.e, you are losing 3/4 of your power, which would mean a pretty high SWR) you have -only- decreased your range by one half. So an SWR of 2:1 or 3:1 (or, conversely, squeezing a couple extra watts with a tweak-n-peak) isn't going to have a noticable effect on your range. Let's continue with the scenario that you are losing 3 watts (3/4 of your power) due purely to reflection. Ok, so that power gets dumped back into the final where it's dissipated as heat. That's three extra watts in a transistor conservatively rated to handle a certain amount of -continuous- heat dissipation, which is usually something along the lines of 4 watts. Mind you that 3 or 4 watts isn't a whole lot of power; if the heat sink can handle 4 watts without a problem then an extra 3 watts isn't exactly going to melt the knobs. Regardless, the final -isn't- dissipating this heat continuously (unless the OP is one of those asshole broadcast types that keys down for half an hour), so normal operation certainly isn't going to "cook" the transistor. And I already mentioned that these transistors are rated to handle 30:1 SWR -continuously- without damage. If you want proof of these FACTS then feel free to refer to the data sheets for the final transistors most commonly used in CB finals. ===== On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 13:27:48 -0500, driver42 wrote in : My problem is that I'll be moving from truck to truck so I wont have time to set the SWR correctly. Most of our trucks have factory installed double antenna's which I'm not too thrilled about. ===== I don't see anything about a 5:1 SWR. I don't see anything about being "forced" to use a matching device. Looks to me like he said the trucks already have antennas installed. Assuming they are CB antennas, it's more than likely that the antennas have already been trimmed for use with a 50-ohm radio (since all CB radios are 50-ohm radios). Unless something is broke, the antennas are probably going to give a reasonably good match to -whatever- radio he picks (because, once again, all CB radios are 50-ohm radios). ===== On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 21:33:43 -0500, driver42 wrote in : My problem is that I'll be in a different truck everyday and wont be able to set the SWR the way I want to. ===== I don't see anything about a 5:1 SWR. I don't see anything about being "forced" to use a matching device. What I -do- see is concern about setting the SWR, which is another mythconception (and not just with CBers but with a lot of hams). A 1:1 SWR does -NOT- mean the antenna is operating at it's best efficiency. It -DOES- mean that the load is 50 ohms nonreactive. But a 50 ohm nonreactive load can be darn near anything: a carbon resistor, a dummy load, a bad coax working as a tuned stub, or even a corroded 9' whip with a mount caked in mud (seen both scenarios firsthand). As I stated before, an SWR meter is a go/no-go meter. If it normally reads 2:1 then suddenly jumps to 6:1, that's a good indication that something has gone wrong with the antenna or coax. And -THAT'S- what an SWR meter is good for..... a "something's wrong" meter (IMO, they should probably be replaced with idiot lights like those in a car.) If you want to tune your antenna for best efficiency you -NEED- to use a field strenght meter. Period. Now........ once again........ 1) Where did the original poster say he was being "forced" to use any type of matching device? 2) Where did the original poster say his SWR was 5:1? 3) Since very few CBers use a matchbox, why don't the millions of other CB radios have blown finals? ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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![]() "Frank Gilliland" wrote in message ... On Sun, 31 Jul 2005 08:36:55 -0700, "John Smith" wrote in : tnom: Yep, I always worry about terminology... It will allow you to tune the antenna/coax from a 5:1 to a 1:1 and run your transceiver into it--WITHOUT BURNING OUT THE FINALS. Guess what, John: Most of the finals used in CB radios today (and for the past 20+ years) can withstand SWR of 30:1 indefinitely. And that includes the power transistors used in amps, too. Frank, to be fair, you must now finish this statement. Even at 3 watts, some of these tiny radios and chassis don't have enough mass to dissipate the heat that will be created by the miss-match. Sure, you can add a larger sink and forced air cooling, but stock, they won't take it. And it's never a bad idea to check the heat sink and mica insulator and replace the grease with Arctic Silver 5 or some comparable superior thermal compound. I lost an MRF477 due to improper installation by the manufacturer. The screw had been stripped and was not making proper contact with the heat sink, and that was with a reasonable SWR. |
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On Mon, 01 Aug 2005 22:49:22 GMT, "U-Know-Who"
wrote in : "Frank Gilliland" wrote in message .. . On Sun, 31 Jul 2005 08:36:55 -0700, "John Smith" wrote in : tnom: Yep, I always worry about terminology... It will allow you to tune the antenna/coax from a 5:1 to a 1:1 and run your transceiver into it--WITHOUT BURNING OUT THE FINALS. Guess what, John: Most of the finals used in CB radios today (and for the past 20+ years) can withstand SWR of 30:1 indefinitely. And that includes the power transistors used in amps, too. Frank, to be fair, you must now finish this statement. Even at 3 watts, some of these tiny radios and chassis don't have enough mass to dissipate the heat that will be created by the miss-match. Sure, you can add a larger sink and forced air cooling, but stock, they won't take it. I have yet to see a CB radio that couldn't handle a 3:1 SWR (unless it was improperly installed, as you mention below). And I know that those plastic Cobra 19's and those micro-Midlands can be keyed at a normal duty cycle without -anything- hooked up to the antenna jack. Some of the older radios are a bit fussy, especially those with the 2SC799. But those are becoming quite rare -- probably for just that reason. The 2SC2078 and other modern CB finals are solid transistors that are pretty darn hard to blow, with or -without- a heatsink (the TO-220 case dissipates quite a bit of heat all by itself). And it's never a bad idea to check the heat sink and mica insulator and replace the grease with Arctic Silver 5 or some comparable superior thermal compound. I lost an MRF477 due to improper installation by the manufacturer. The screw had been stripped and was not making proper contact with the heat sink, and that was with a reasonable SWR. I have seen a few Unidens with those thick, grey, rubber heat-sink insulators -- worthless crap like that shouldn't have even been installed at the factory. Another problem I've seen is amp junkies (audio and radio) who replace their own transistors and use -WAY- too much heat sink grease. They were never taught that it's only meant to fill the air gaps where there's no direct contact -- IOW, just a little dab'll do ya. But I will qualify my statement to say that the RF transistors are rated for continuous 30:1 SWR -only- when they have a sufficient heatsink. ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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