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  #1   Report Post  
Old September 11th 05, 08:58 PM
Posts: n/a


O.K. I'll make an attempt to tell what's going on down here right now. It's
hard to do for several reasons. First, because there is so much , it's hard
to talk about. Let's try to focus on the positive.

You're right to be sick about New Orleans. They've turned into a bunch of
animals over there. The idiots are shooting at the people who are trying to
help them???? I think for the most part it's due to the frustration caused
by the lack of response by their State Government....I mean, an SOS call?
Give me a break.

Everybody is so focused on what's going on in the Superdome, the Mississippi
story is going un-reported.

It's one of the bright things that are happening here now.

We are NOT leaving our people to wallow and starve in their own filth ,and
the cadavers of loved ones. Were finding the live ones and getting them
north as fast a possible. Most of the hundreds showing up here have at least
had a meal, and a bath.

Haley Barbour the Governor and his administration will come out as true
heroes in this disaster once the total story is told. The differences
between the Louisiana and Mississippi responses are truly startling. Haley
and MEMA had already had Mississippi declared disaster areas TWO DAYS before
Katrina hit......What does that mean? A lot........

It means we had a two day head start on recovery. It means we had
pre-positioned response teams...FULLY EQUIPPED ! It means we already had
supplies being loaded on trucks to go to the coast while the hurricane was
still going on. It means Federal representatives from FEMA were already IN
State when it hit. Which means somebody on the Satellite Phone moving troops
and aid our way while Louisiana was still trying to get ....... .

We have been dealing with looters a little differently on the coast. Once
you shoot a few and leave their bodies laying in front of the store with
their arms full of booty, the rest get the idea pretty quickly. Hasn't been
a big problem. In the case of breaking in to get survival
and water. The police have shot the locks off the doors and helped take the
stuff to distribution points.

School buses to haul refuges to shelters north, an idea Louisiana JUST
figured out by the way, have been running shuttle since Wednesday morning.

They are pouring in here by the hundreds. Red Cross has been doing a GREAT
job on setting up relief shelters in our area.

The local Governments have opened all of the convention centers and school
auditoriums to them. I know it's hard to believe, but the local Friday night
Football games have ALL been canceled this week. Our efforts are going
elsewhere this weekend. My daughter is the editor for the local University
newspaper. She asked me what she could do for these folks, and I told her"
The main thing they need right now is bottled water". So she made a few
phone calls and set it up with her newspaper and the local T.V. 24 hours they had collected over 600 gallons. This story is
typical and is happening all over this part of the state.

Pulpwood haulers (lumberjacks to you Yankees) who showed up at Interstates
and main feeder hi-ways heading south. Started cutting up the downed trees
with their own chainsaws, and loading them up with their hydraulic boom
hauling trucks. Opening the way south for our relief effort...nobody called
them....they just showed up and started doing what had to be done. Welcome
to Mississippi The local churches are jumping in too. Emmanuel Baptist has
been cooking and serving three meals a day for 1500 people at the shelter
there since Wednesday. Where is the food coming from? Strangers are just
showing up at the convention center and dropping it off. Red Cross is
providing some of it, but the majority is just showing up....from people who
aren't seeking and never will be recognized. It's happening all over the
state. again and again. Welcome to Mississippi.

Our local hotels are full of people here from New Orleans.....most are
starting to run out of money, so we have begun collecting for their hotel
bills and providing them with meals at the shelters. Quite a few in town
have taken them in to their own homes...knowing they may be there for
months. I filled up one guy's tank at the gas station Tuesday because he
only had enough money for a few gallons. Welcome to Mississippi.

  #2   Report Post  
Old September 13th 05, 08:07 PM
The Magnum
Posts: n/a

"TNT" wrote in message

// SNIP//

Sounds absolutely great and the way things should be. The news groups always
home in on the lowest common denominator on any event like this, often
completely missing the untiring selfless commitment by many people who, like
you say, will never be known.

Theres many burning questions George Bush must answer, to the way this
disaster was dealt with. Theres already been one resignation.. whether he
was a scapegoat or actually directly responsible for "inefficiancy" i dont
know but this will not go away..

  #3   Report Post  
Old September 13th 05, 08:34 PM
Kevin, WB5RUE
Posts: n/a

This problem in New Orleans (and MS) is not so much an indictment of the
government action and/or inaction but an indictment on the liberal "war on
poverty." The city of New Orleans has a Democrat leader, the State of
Louisiana has a Democratic governor. The war on poverty is a total failure
in the state of Louisiana...under DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP. No? Then why are
there so many "poor" in New Orleans (70% below "poverty level)? It
certainly isn't from "Republican obstructionism" because all of the leaders
are Democrats. It's because the "poor" are the cash cow of the Democratic
party. Democrats get their glory from counting the number of people they
are helping. Republicans get their glory from the number of people who NO

Give a man a fish (welfare check, WIC, food stamps...) and he'll eat for a
day (and come back for more tomorrow, vote for you on election day and teach
his children the tricks of the trade).
Teach a man to fish (teach him skills, give him a meaningful job, teach him
accountability) and he'll have food for a lifetime and teach it to his

Kevin, WB5RUE

"The Magnum" wrote in message

"TNT" wrote in message

// SNIP//

Sounds absolutely great and the way things should be. The news groups

home in on the lowest common denominator on any event like this, often
completely missing the untiring selfless commitment by many people who,

you say, will never be known.

Theres many burning questions George Bush must answer, to the way this
disaster was dealt with. Theres already been one resignation.. whether he
was a scapegoat or actually directly responsible for "inefficiancy" i dont
know but this will not go away..

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  #4   Report Post  
Old September 13th 05, 10:30 PM
The Magnum
Posts: n/a

"Kevin, WB5RUE" wrote in message
This problem in New Orleans (and MS) is not so much an indictment of the
government action and/or inaction but an indictment on the liberal "war on
poverty." The city of New Orleans has a Democrat leader, the State of
Louisiana has a Democratic governor. The war on poverty is a total

in the state of Louisiana...under DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP. No? Then why are
there so many "poor" in New Orleans (70% below "poverty level)? It
certainly isn't from "Republican obstructionism" because all of the

are Democrats. It's because the "poor" are the cash cow of the Democratic
party. Democrats get their glory from counting the number of people they
are helping. Republicans get their glory from the number of people who NO

Give a man a fish (welfare check, WIC, food stamps...) and he'll eat for a
day (and come back for more tomorrow, vote for you on election day and

his children the tricks of the trade).
Teach a man to fish (teach him skills, give him a meaningful job, teach

accountability) and he'll have food for a lifetime and teach it to his

No ones disagreeing with you. But still we wonder if the problem was in, say
hollywood, or some other well off part of the US you can bet your last
dollar action in rescue and help would have been a lot faster coming.
Thenagain, republican or democrat should make no difference in times like
these. I dont think the scale of the disaster was realised in the first
couple of days or if it was, it went un-reported to the top.
Back to the lower end or poverty class. A lot of these people prefer to take
the fish than to learn how to fish themselves. In a lot of cases, even in
the UK the help is there but its easier to take the fish. A man with the
desire to learn to fish can and will and would need no encoragement but
maybe a little direction. You can only show the way, you cant force people,
its un-democratic and against their human rights they will bleat at you.
I think the whole welfare system stinks. Its supposed to be there to help
those who cant help themselves not those who dont give two hoots..

  #5   Report Post  
Old September 13th 05, 11:24 PM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a

From: (Kevin,=A0WB5RUE)
This problem in New Orleans (and MS) is not

so much an indictment of the government

action and/or inaction but an indictment on the
liberal "war on poverty."

No,,it's a reintroduction to the poverty stricken and an awakening to
the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Since 2001, more than 4
million people have declined to poverty level.

The city of New Orleans has a Democrat

leader, the State of Louisiana has a

Democratic governor.

Indeed they do...and the local monies for flood containment and
improvements come from the federal government...the Bush admin gave a
pittance of what was recommended and asked for by the Army Corps of
Engineers in NO.

The war on poverty is a total failure in the

state of Louisiana...under DEMOCRAT


It's the republicans always waging "war" on their own people, whether it
be their lost war on drugs (that theyre too stupid and arrogant to
realize and too embarrassed to admit), their lost "war" on homeless, or
as you say,,,"poverty".
Don't lose sight of things, though, Kevin, as Bush loves the poor,,,,,he
makes so many of them.

Then why are there so many "poor" in New

Orleans (70% below "poverty level)?

The issue isn't poverty, it was the failure of the Bush admin to respond
to calamity in a timely manner. After all, this is the president who
told us he would protect us, that we were better off with him.

It certainly isn't from "Republican

obstructionism" because all of the leaders are


I think your republican clown Richard Baker (R-Baton Rouge) spoke for
the mindset of many repubs last week when he said "We finally cleaned up
public housing in NO. We coldn't do it, but God did it."
Or perhaps you prefer the words of Barbara Bush, who said those people
who were moved to Houston were so much better off because of it.

It's because the "poor" are the cash cow of the
Democratic party. Democrats get their glory

from counting the number of people they are

helping. Republicans get their glory from the

number of people who NO LONGER NEED


Un****ing real. I thought you way more intelligent than that, Kevin. You
are working the demos into your bull**** as one more way the sorry
repubs abdicate responsibility. Never mind Brownie wasn't even fired
after it was learned he lied (that's right... LIED) on his resume
concerning his personal experience with emergecy management. He said he
was an "Assistant City Manager" in Edmond Oklahoma on his resume, yet
city officials there confirmed to Time Magazine that Brown was an
assistant TO the City Manager, that they never had an "Assistant City
Manager" position and that his job was that not unlike an INTERN. But
that didn't stop Bush from giving this inexperienced cronie the
position. Gee, more failed Intel from the Bush admin,,,,this admin can't
even confirm a resume, and you want them running the country an in
charge of security. Then again, perhaps they -did- check his resume and
they didn't give a damn that he had no experience regarding emergencies
and disaster response whatsoever.

Give a man a fish (welfare check, WIC, food

stamps...) and he'll eat for a day (and come

back for more tomorrow, vote for you on

election day and teach his children the tricks

of the trade).

Tricks: Brownie was hired by Bush simply because Bush trusted his friend
Joe Allbaugh, who was W's chief of staff as governor of Texas. Allbaugh
and Brownie were college roommates. Brownie is a failed attorney from a
semi-credited law school* (*according to theNew Republic). His career
experience is largely comprised of being a judge for the Arabian Horse
Association. Unbelievable, huh? But Bush hired him to be in charge of
tis country's disaster response. Shows he really cares, eh?

Teach a man to fish (teach him skills, give him
a meaningful job, teach him accountability)

and he'll have food for a lifetime and teach it to
his children.

Of course, we know what the Bush admin teaches,,,,,,they are out of
touch. Five of the top FEMA execs of the Bsuh admin come with zero
experience regarding disaster response. They are simply Bush loyalists
who were rewarded.

Kevin, WB5RUE

And we can't forget the White House Aid who said, two days after the
disaster, "Getting truth on the ground in NO was very difficult". Guess
she didn't have a TV. See, the facts of the matter stink up your attack
of democrats and your trying to politicize this failure of the Bush
admin. The breakdown began almost as soon as Bush took office. This
disaster merely illustrates the Bush admin incompetence. Twenty four
hours after 25,000 people were trapped in the NO convnetion center,
Brown did NOT know these people were there. He learned of it only after
the WH Aid physically carried into the oval office a wire story
detailing the victims crying and begging for help on every news channel.
As Maureen Dowd said,,,"Perhaps tomorrow that same Aid will come in with
another wire story "NO WMDS in IRAQ".

  #6   Report Post  
Old September 13th 05, 11:38 PM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a

From: (The=A0Magnum)
"Kevin, WB5RUE" wrote in message
This problem in New Orleans (and MS) is not so much an indictment of the
government action and/or inaction but an indictment on the liberal "war
on poverty." The city of New Orleans has a Democrat leader, the State of
Louisiana has a Democratic governor. The war on poverty is a total
failure in the state of Louisiana...under DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP. No? Then
why are there so many "poor" in New Orleans (70% below "poverty level)?
It certainly isn't from "Republican obstructionism" because all of the
leaders are Democrats. It's because the "poor" are the cash cow of the
Democratic party. Democrats get their glory from counting the number of
people they are helping. Republicans get their glory from the number of
Give a man a fish (welfare check, WIC, food stamps...) and he'll eat for
a day (and come back for more tomorrow, vote for you on election day and
teach his children the tricks of the trade).
Teach a man to fish (teach him skills, give him a meaningful job, teach
him accountability) and he'll have food for a lifetime and teach it to
his children

No ones disagreeing with you.

Many disagree with him. The facts support it,,take a look at the new
Bush favorability and approval ratings that came out today.....many of
these polls were done by the same pollsters who the right was heralding
when his approval rating was higher,,,like when he whored out Jessica
Lynch to the media and world with made-up lies (read her book) in order
to whip the country into a false sense of patriotic fervor. This was
clearly a man using an innocent nineteen year old female soldier who
suffered in ways most of us will never know (Thank God) for his own
political gain.

But still we wonder if the problem was in, say

hollywood, or some other well off part of the

US you can bet your last dollar action in

rescue and help would have been a lot faster


Already been done. I can tell you from first hand experience that his
brother Jeb had help out and around in Florida not long after the eye of
the storm passed. Ditto for every single hurricane this state has seen.
Even with Andrew, officials took the bull by the horn and were on the
streets the same day.

Thenagain, republican or democrat should

make no difference in times like these.

Exactly,,,,but mistakes were made and accountability needs implemented.
Once again, people dies needlessly because of poor federal response and

I dont think the scale of the disaster was

realised in the first couple of days or if it was,

it went un-reported to the top.

Exactly. Another breakdown and failure in the communication chain of
command in the Bush admin. All they had to do was turn on TV from day
one. Brown himself was clueless for 24 hours and didnt even know the
convention center held over 25,000 people until almost a day and half
later. Mass failure.

Back to the lower end or poverty class. A lot of

these people prefer to take the fish than to

learn how to fish themselves. In a lot of cases,

even in the UK the help is there but its easier

to take the fish. A man with the desire to learn

to fish can and will and would need no

encoragement but maybe a little direction. You
can only show the way, you cant force people,
its un-democratic and against their human

rights they will bleat at you.

Like those in Iraq who refuse to come to an agreement? You know who I
speak of,,the majority,,,you know,,,the Sunnis, Shiites.

I think the whole

welfare system stinks. Its supposed to be

there to help those who cant help themselves

not those who dont give two hoots..

Already reports have surfaced in Buckhead-Atlanta area of some of those
federal disaster debit cards being used to buy stuff at expensive
designer clothing boutiques. Yup,,,this admin really knows what they're
doing. Never mind that the federal budget, already a mess pre-Katrina,
is now an incredible funny joke on paper. Can you say tax cuts and
intangible tax relief that affect only two percent of the wealthiest?

  #7   Report Post  
Old September 14th 05, 07:24 PM
Kevin, WB5RUE
Posts: n/a

What's the difference, main difference, between the Florida hurricanes and
the New Orleans one? New Orleans is still under water. It's going to be
very difficult, if not impossible, to rebuild until the water is gone. In
Florida the water was gone almost immediately. In New Orleans the damage
wasn't caused so much by the storm directly but by the breach of the levies.

Regardless of the causes of the damage to bring race and/or racism into this
is totally irresponsible. Yes, most of the victims are black. So what!
They are all people, their color doesn't matter. In Florida most of the
victims were white. Did you hear any of them whining about racism?

Like I said before, it's not a question of the government's failure in this
storm. It's the fact that the liberal government of Louisiana has failed
totally for the past forty years in its "War of Poverty." Face it, the war
is lost! But then I doubt that it was ever meant to be won, the "poor" are
the Democrats' cash cow so there is no desire to fix the problem that is
multi-generational. Back in the middle of the nineteenth century the
"Democratic party" was pro-slavery. It was a Republican president who gave
the order to free the slaves. The Democratic Party has always been the
party of the "down trodden" and they do what they can to keep them there.

Kevin, WB5RUE

"I AmnotGeorgeBush" wrote in message
From: (The Magnum)
"Kevin, WB5RUE" wrote in message
This problem in New Orleans (and MS) is not so much an indictment of the
government action and/or inaction but an indictment on the liberal "war
on poverty." The city of New Orleans has a Democrat leader, the State of
Louisiana has a Democratic governor. The war on poverty is a total
failure in the state of Louisiana...under DEMOCRAT LEADERSHIP. No? Then
why are there so many "poor" in New Orleans (70% below "poverty level)?
It certainly isn't from "Republican obstructionism" because all of the
leaders are Democrats. It's because the "poor" are the cash cow of the
Democratic party. Democrats get their glory from counting the number of
people they are helping. Republicans get their glory from the number of
Give a man a fish (welfare check, WIC, food stamps...) and he'll eat for
a day (and come back for more tomorrow, vote for you on election day and
teach his children the tricks of the trade).
Teach a man to fish (teach him skills, give him a meaningful job, teach
him accountability) and he'll have food for a lifetime and teach it to
his children

No ones disagreeing with you.

Many disagree with him. The facts support it,,take a look at the new
Bush favorability and approval ratings that came out today.....many of
these polls were done by the same pollsters who the right was heralding
when his approval rating was higher,,,like when he whored out Jessica
Lynch to the media and world with made-up lies (read her book) in order
to whip the country into a false sense of patriotic fervor. This was
clearly a man using an innocent nineteen year old female soldier who
suffered in ways most of us will never know (Thank God) for his own
political gain.

But still we wonder if the problem was in, say

hollywood, or some other well off part of the

US you can bet your last dollar action in

rescue and help would have been a lot faster


Already been done. I can tell you from first hand experience that his
brother Jeb had help out and around in Florida not long after the eye of
the storm passed. Ditto for every single hurricane this state has seen.
Even with Andrew, officials took the bull by the horn and were on the
streets the same day.

Thenagain, republican or democrat should

make no difference in times like these.

Exactly,,,,but mistakes were made and accountability needs implemented.
Once again, people dies needlessly because of poor federal response and

I dont think the scale of the disaster was

realised in the first couple of days or if it was,

it went un-reported to the top.

Exactly. Another breakdown and failure in the communication chain of
command in the Bush admin. All they had to do was turn on TV from day
one. Brown himself was clueless for 24 hours and didnt even know the
convention center held over 25,000 people until almost a day and half
later. Mass failure.

Back to the lower end or poverty class. A lot of

these people prefer to take the fish than to

learn how to fish themselves. In a lot of cases,

even in the UK the help is there but its easier

to take the fish. A man with the desire to learn

to fish can and will and would need no

encoragement but maybe a little direction. You
can only show the way, you cant force people,
its un-democratic and against their human

rights they will bleat at you.

Like those in Iraq who refuse to come to an agreement? You know who I
speak of,,the majority,,,you know,,,the Sunnis, Shiites.

I think the whole

welfare system stinks. Its supposed to be

there to help those who cant help themselves

not those who dont give two hoots..

Already reports have surfaced in Buckhead-Atlanta area of some of those
federal disaster debit cards being used to buy stuff at expensive
designer clothing boutiques. Yup,,,this admin really knows what they're
doing. Never mind that the federal budget, already a mess pre-Katrina,
is now an incredible funny joke on paper. Can you say tax cuts and
intangible tax relief that affect only two percent of the wealthiest?

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----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =----
  #8   Report Post  
Old September 14th 05, 08:23 PM
The Magnum
Posts: n/a

Already reports have surfaced in Buckhead-Atlanta area of some of those
federal disaster debit cards being used to buy stuff at expensive
designer clothing boutiques. Yup,,,this admin really knows what they're
doing. Never mind that the federal budget, already a mess pre-Katrina,
is now an incredible funny joke on paper. Can you say tax cuts and
intangible tax relief that affect only two percent of the wealthiest?

As far as what ive heard and been told/ read about i cant disagree with you
at all.
Take care,

  #9   Report Post  
Old September 14th 05, 09:48 PM
I AmnotGeorgeBush
Posts: n/a

From: (Kevin,=A0WB5RUE)
What's the difference, main difference,

between the Florida hurricanes and the New

Orleans one?

The hurricane Class (I, II, III, IV, V) of intensity.

New Orleans is still under water. It's going to

be very difficult, if not impossible, to rebuild

until the water is gone. In Florida the water

was gone almost immediately. In New Orleans
the damage wasn't caused so much by the

storm directly but by the breach of the levies.

Regardless of the causes of the damage to

bring race and/or racism into this is totally


Agreed, but one can not merely "disregard" the reasons for breach, as
much as the Bush administration would like. Besides, I said nothing
regrding race.

Yes, most of the victims are black. So what!

They are all people, their color doesn't matter.

In Florida most of the victims were white. Did

you hear any of them whining about racism?

Like I said before, it's not a question of the

government's failure in this storm.

Exactly, as there is no question whatsoever. The Bush admin most
certainly failed.

It's the fact that the liberal government of

Louisiana has failed totally for the past forty

years in its "War of Poverty."

So it's not about race but poverty? One can not colllectively speak of
poverty without speaking of the blacks in the same manner one can not
speak of the ever-widening gap between the haves and have-nots without
mentioning the poorly constructed government that encourages such
disparity, as has been lovingly embraced by the Bush admin from day one.
And once again, you abdicate and ignore all responsibility for the
federal positons filled by Bush (Brown) who were supposed to be on top
of things like emergency disaster response, among other items. This
shall not be ignored.

Face it, the war is lost! But then I doubt that it

was ever meant to be won, the "poor" are the

Democrats' cash cow so there is no desire to

fix the problem that is multi-generational.

Now you are getting to the crux of the matter. This government has no
desire to "fix" the disparity and the poor's plights, so one can
understand their extreme slow and incapable response to the disaster.

Back in the middle of the nineteenth century

the "Democratic party" was pro-slavery.

So was the republicans throughout much of American history. In fact,
Lincoln may very well have begun the republican hypocrisy that has
become such staple in today's usual politics of the right, as he was a
-slave- owner.

It was a Republican president who gave the

order to free the slaves.

The war was north vs south, not repub vs demo.

The Democratic Party has always been the

party of the "down trodden" and they do what

they can to keep them there.

By "they", you astutely and correctly refer the republican party. You,
sir, are right on this count.

Kevin, WB5RUE

  #10   Report Post  
Old September 14th 05, 11:07 PM
Posts: n/a

"I AmnotGeorgeBush" wrote in message

:Agreed, but one can not merely "disregard" the reasons for breach, as
:much as the Bush administration would like. Besides, I said nothing
:regrding race.

Perhaps if the local government actually spent the money they got for the
levees instead of spending it on pork they wouldnt have breached.

So it's not about race but poverty? One can not colllectively speak of
poverty without speaking of the blacks in the same manner one can not
speak of the ever-widening gap between the haves and have-nots without
mentioning the poorly constructed government that encourages such
disparity, as has been lovingly embraced by the Bush admin from day one.
And once again, you abdicate and ignore all responsibility for the
federal positons filled by Bush (Brown) who were supposed to be on top
of things like emergency disaster response, among other items. This
shall not be ignored.

Again, the local government gets a free pass? They had FAR more to do with
the relief failure that Bush ever did.

Now you are getting to the crux of the matter. This government has no
desire to "fix" the disparity and the poor's plights, so one can
understand their extreme slow and incapable response to the disaster.

The Federal Government is NOT here to take care of you.

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