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Has anyone successfully made the easy wiring connection from the back of the
ARD 9800 to the mic connector on the 746 Pro? If so, I'd like to see your connection scheme. Ron, W6KJ |
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The best fast form to gain money=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 If really it wants to know if this functions, observes for you same, and alone sees as much as people this doing this. If this does not it convince you, nothing will do him=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1=A1 do not leave to pass this opportunity, I did not believe him but I convinced me and now all my family and friends we are improving ours =A1LIVES=A1 do not have anything that to lose but if a lot that to gain. Will give you account that is something truly ingenious and that results, he will cause he will gain you a few euro and alone he costs 5 EURO, and that is not swum compared with what would be able to report you if dedicate time and sacrifice. You WANT TO GAIN MONEY TO PAY YOUR DEBTS? BUYING THAT CAR THAT SO MUCH you LONG FOR? SPEND 5 MINUTES OF ITS TIME AND EDGE THAT THIS REALLY FUNCTIONS AND ADEMAS IS LEGAL! !!! Was navigating the groups GOOGLE, YAHOO, ALTAVISTA, ETC. When I saw an I articulate that something said of =A1=A1=A1 to obtain fast money=A1=A1=A1. "Pens=E9..=BF=BFen Internet" ????? " Good, me I told to my same one, I have to see that type of plan they can present on the Internet". This article described the way to send FOR MAIL 1 BILL OF EURO TO ALONE 5 PEOPLE AND TO GAIN $ 50.000 IN CASH IN 4 WEEKS=A1=A1=A1. Good, as much as but I thought about this but anxious was. was curious and touched, so I continued reading After meditating it and to consult it with some people I decided to try it! !!! Really it is worth so alone 5 euro and 5 postage stamps, I have spent but buying the lottery. ************************************************** *************************= *******************The $50.000 in cash could be a high point to reach, but was possible. It figure me that perhaps could have a reach of $1.000 but or less, so I did him! !!. As the instructions said in the I Articulate, I sent for mail A SINGLE BILL OF a Euro to each one of the five people of the list that contained the I articulate that I read. I included a small note that said "PLEASE INCLUDE ME IN ITS LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE OR E-MAIL" along with the Euro. Then I redid the list where I removed al first, I moved an up the position to each one of the remainders and I included my name al final of her. This it was the form to achieve that the money began to arrive me!! Then I took this list that had just modified and PUBLISH it IN ALL THE NEWSGROUPS (Groups of News or Forums of Discussion) AND BBS LOCAL THAT KNEW AND expect that the money began to arrive me, prepared to receive among $1.000 and $1.500 in cash. But that pleasant surprise when all those envelopes began to arrive me! !!. I knew immediately that they treated when I saw that the directions of return stemmed from all parts of the world, the of the united states majority, Canada and Australia! You story, WAS STIMULANT! !!. As much as I received on the whole?, $.1000? $5.000? NOOO! !!. I received a total of $20.343! It it could not believe!! Perhaps it was possible to achieve $50.000 in cash, it not itself, but DEPENDS COMPLETELY OF YOU,! You have to continue it and to publish it where be you possible, as much as but be published and but people see it, there will be but possibilities for all to gain but money, this determined as much as arrived you for mail! !!. It is really easy to do it.. We revise the reasons by that to do it: the only expenses a 5 postage Stamps, 5 envelopes and 5 EURO A EURO for each one in the list, then to publish the I articulate with your name included in ALL THE NEWSGROUPS that occur themselves you this is free and then to expect that the envelopes arrive you. All we have 5 EURO to spend in an easy investment and that does not wrap any type of effort with A SPECTACULAR Reward FROM AMONG $15.000 AND $25.000 in alone 3 to 5 weeks! So you deprive you to play the lottery today, or better eats at home instead of going outside and invests those 5 EURO in this that can give you a pleasing surprise! !!. There is not forms to lose!! As this it functions exactly? ??, carefully I provide the but detailed and simple instructions of as you are going to obtain that easy money arrive you. You prepare you to achieve it, this is the form.. ************************************************** ************ INSTRUCTIONS: STEP 1: Obtains 5 white sheets of paper and writes the following thing: "PLEASE INCLUDE MY NAME IN ITS LIST OF CORRESPONDENCE OR E-MAIL" OR "PLEASE ADD MY NAME TO YOUR LIST".****** Then, it writes also your name, direction and e-mail (e-mail). And as a pretty detail put also in which POSITION figured each name of the people when you sent your EURO (Ej. : "Were in the position 3" or "You were in slot 3") like to do it but complete. Of that treats, to do money and to pass it well al same time, all with good will. Now it doubles this page where do writing the previous thing, around the currency of 1 Euro, Ponlo all inside 1 on and you send it to each one of the 5 people listed, the idea to double the role around the Euro is to assure that is going to arrive to its destiny, so that is recommended to wrap all, additionally, in a dark role or of coal so that itself not See bias of the envelope! What these causing is to create a service and as such, does it COMPLETELY LEGAL. From now on these sending him A EURO to some person without no motive, these paying A EURO by an I legitimize service, immediately afterwards, sends the 5 envelopes to the following directions: ************************************************** *************************= ********************* 1=2E Wilson X. Orbea B., University Avenue 550 and 18 of September Building VIPA, Of. 102, Quito =C2 Pichincha =C2 Equator. 2=2E CONCEICAO Quintal: Av. San Sebasti=E1n, Residences The Stay B, Apartment 1, Baruta, State Miranda, Venezuela, zip Code 1080. 3=2E Lu=EDs Alberto Povis Entry, Street San Judas Tadeo 534 =C2 San Antonio; HUANCAYO - PERU. 4=2E Diana Triana, Ibagu=E9 Tolima, Air Section: TO.TO. 03 Colombia_ 5=2E Pedro Molina, Avenue Juan 23, numero 9, block 2, entry 1, buzon 30, flat 15, door 2, C P: 35004, The Palms of G.C. Spain STEP 2: Listens with care, this is the form of as you are going to receive Money by mail. It looks the list of the FIVE people, erases the name #1 of the upper list, and adds yours al final of her, so the one that was # 2 passes to be # 1 and the one that was # 3 passes to be # 2, the one that was the # 4 passes to be # 3 and YOUR you are now the number 5, includes your name, direction, To. to. (separated air) OR zip code, city, state and country. And if bros it is but facil for that business about the euro podeis to put it 1 euro al bank for but facility is Box Madrid Company 2038, Office 9009, DC 49, Numero of Account: 3000112505 and another The Caixa Company 2100-Office 1670, DC 07, Numero of account: 0100194308 Now put your I articulate in at least 200 NEWSGROUPS, also called Forums of Discussion or Groups of News exist more than 24.000 groups. Alone you need 200, but as much as but quantity put, but money arrived you. Here they go some indications of as to be introduced in the newsgroups. AS TO HANDLE THE NEWSGROUPS: In the first place, your do not you need to edit again all this letter. Only put the cursor of the mouse or mouse al start of this letter and drags downward so that all the text remain "sombreado". Later, it pressures the keys CTRL + C, in this way remains in the memory of your computer. Then, it opens an application preferably Block of Notes (NotePad), Wordpad or MsWord. Then, once open any of these applications places the cursor al start of a blank leaf and pressures CTRL + V, and already you will have this letter and will be able to add your name and direction in the #5 continuing the instructions of but up. By I finalize keeps this letter with your changes in a new file of the application. IS ALL! Everything that you have to do now is to put you in different "newsgroups", forums, classified, or announcements free, etc. and to publish it. It recalls that each time that want to cause sufficed with opening the file kept, to copy it and to hit it in the area of message of the newsgroup, or classified, forum or announcement free, etc. To arrive at them in any search engine put these terms: newsgroups, forums of discussion, classified, announcements free or guestbooks; and thousands will appear of paginas. Do NOT you forget to publish all the announcement or letter but with YOUR NAME in the position 5, disappearing the 1; when already have practices alone took you some 30 seconds by each newsgroup! AS MANY AS BUT NEWSGROUPS OBTAIN, BUT ANSWERS (AND MONEY) WILL RECEIVE! BUT you SHOULD ENTER AT LEAST IN 200.**********YA THIS! !... Your you will be receiving money of the entire world, of places that neither know and in a few days!! **You ASSURE YOU THAT ALL THE DIRECTIONS BE CORRECT** Now the BECAUSE of all this: of 200 sent announcements, we say that alone receipt 5 answers very low example. Then I did $5.00 with my name in the position #5 of this letter. Now, each one of the 5 people that already they sent me the $1.00 do a minimum of 200 newsgroups, each one with my name in the #4 of the list and alone they respond 5 people to each one of the 5 original, this does $25.00 but that I receive, now these people put a minimum of 200 newsgroups with my name in #3 place and alone they are received 5 answer of Each one. Would be doing other $125.00 additional. Now this 125 people put a minimum of 200 groups with my name in #2 place and I receive an additional one of $625.00. OK from here this the part but amusing, each one of the 625 people they put its letters in other 200 groups with my name in the #1 and each one receives alone 5 answers, this does that I receive #3,125.00!!! of an original investment of $5.00 but postage stamps seals. INCREIBLE!!! and as I said before, that alone 5 people respond is very little, the serious real average of 20-30 people! There that we put these numbers but to calculate. If alone 15 people respond, this does: In the #5-------$15.00, In the #4------$225.00, In the #3------$3,375.00, In the #2------$50,625.00, In the #1------$759,375.00. IF!!, BUT OF SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE THOUSAND EURO. SIMPLE ESTADISTICA! Once your name no longer this in the list, removes the I finalize announcement of the newsgroup again. What you should recall he is that thousands of people more, everywhere, they are connected to Internet each I GAVE and they will read these articles every day as your and I we do it. So I believe that nobody would have problems to invest $5.00 and to see if really he functions. Some people come they think "=BFand if nobody decides to answer me?" THAT! Which is the probability that this even when there are thousands and thousands of honest people that as your and I they seek an extra money to have way... and that are willing to treat, therefore "there is not worse fight than the one that itself is not done". It is estimated that they exist from 20,000 to 50,000 new users ALL you GAVE THEM (everywhere). ANOTHER SYSTEM TO be COMMUNICATED IS OBTAINING the E-MAIL OF PRIVATE PEOPLE. SHOULD BE AT LEAST 200 DIRECTIONS, AND THIS HAS AN EFFECTIVENESS MINIMA OF THE 5 AL 15%. IF ALONE you SEEK PEOPLE THAT SPEAK ESPANOL, SEES A SUPPLIER OF E-MAIL AND PRINTS A Latin American SURNAME AND ALREADY THIS. Another form is to publish this letter in your PAGINA Web if you have it. ***Recuerda to do this of HONEST, CLEAN, AND CORRECT form and functioned with every security. Only you have to be honest. Asegurte to print this article NOW, tries to maintain the list of all the ones that send you money and always you set you in the newsgroups and sees if all they are participating cleanly. Recalls, UPRIGHTNESS IS THE BEST METODO. THE TIME IS IMPORTANT, therefore do not leave to pass but of 7 days of the moment that see this e-mail or announcement. We continue all the rules of the business. I FINALIZE STEP: AND this is the step that more i like SIMPLY you SIT DOWN AND ENJOYS, BECAUSE =A1=A1=A1=A1 THE CASH COMES ON THE WAY =A1!!!! It expects to see a little bit one of money during the second week, but from the third week, STORM OF ENVELOPES IN YOUR MAIL. Everything that you have to cause is to receive it and tries not to shout very strong, when realize that this time =A1=A1=A1lo achieved! !!!!! When harm you to remain short of money, revives this file and re-publishes in the same places in which are going to do them now and new places that will know in the future. Always mant=E9n by hand a copy of this article, you REVIVE IT each time that need money. It IS A TOOL INCREIBLE THAT you CAN USE AGAIN AS MANY TIMES NEED CASH, IS AN EXTRAORDINARY FORM TO SHARE AND IN WHICH we ATTRACT THE ABUNDANCE TO OUR LIVES. UPRIGHTNESS IS WHAT CAUSES SUCCEEDS TO THIS PROGRAMS. IT do NOT FORGET. =A1=A1=A1BUENA LUCK! !!! Alone an annotation more, if you know to translate all this message to other languages, are able besides, insert them in forums of different countries as, France, Germany, Russia this I tell it you like counsel to expand the possibilities that see it a lot of but people. PAGINAS WED INTERESTING: Www.google.com, www.google.es, www.google.org www.google.net http://es.geocities.com/pmo178/ing.html www.inforceltelecom.com Www.hotmail.com, www.hotmail.es,, www.terra.com www.terra.es, Www.telepolis.com, www.telepolis.es, www.yahoo.com, www.yahoo.es, www.lycos.com, www.lycos.es, www.hispavista.com |
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