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![]() SB DX @ WW KB8NW $OPDX.774 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 774 The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 774 BID: $OPDX.774 September 4, 2006 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio) Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, NC1L, KA2AEV, N2OO, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, N4AA & QRZ DX, KM6HB, W6IZT, KA7KUZ, K8YSE, WO0Z, Pete's-DX- Newsdesk, DE1DXX/DO1DXX, DJ7IK, EA4BT, F5NQL & UFT, G0YLM, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, PH2M, RSGB IOTA, VA3RJ & ICPO and YU1AB for the following DX information. DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 27th/August, through Sunday, 3rd/September there were 207 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 3X, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5V, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EZ, F, FG, FH, FJ, FK, FM, FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J6, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PY, PZ, S5, S9, SM, SP, SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XU, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YU, YU6, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZD9, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS * PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work First Worry Later" (WFWL). 100 POUND DXPEDITION (VP2M). Members of the "Buddipole Users on Montserrat" (BUMS) will mount a DXpedition to the island of Montserrat (NA-103) from January 29th to Feburary 6th, 2007. It seems DXpeditions have now moved from Microlite to Ultralite. DXpedition team members will pack light for this DXpedition taking only lightweight transceivers and portable antennas. The maximum equipment weight taken to the island will be 100 pounds per person. With this lightweight equipment, the team plans many on island portable operations in the hills, on the beach, and from the volcano observatory on the southern part of the island. The team members mentioned a Budd/W3FF, Chris/W6HFP, Dan/WZ1P, Paul/KB9AVO, Mike/KC4VG and Scott/NE1RD. All VP2M callsigns for the team members, QSL information, operating frequencies, and operating schedules will be released prior to the team's departure in January 2007. Check their Web site for more information and updates at: http://dxpedition-vp2m.com/ Also, you can follow along with the planning, preparation, execution, and follow through on this DXpedition through NE1RD's blog, "The 100 Pound DXpedition", at: http://100pounddxpedition.blogspot.com 5A, LIBYA (Update OPDX.765). Andy, DJ7IK, Team Coordinator for the DX- pedition to Libya, informs OPDX that there is an appeal for funds/hardware and equipment for setting up a club station in Tripoli. In addition to funds, the team needs transceiver(s), microphone, headphones (or headset), morse key, GP-vertical, coax cables and antenna wire. An international team will activate Libya between November 15-29th. The callsign will be 5A7A. Activity will be on all bands with CW and SSB, and for the first time ever, digital modes on RTTY, SSTV and PSK plus another first will be FM. Club and personal sponsors are welcome. If you can help out with a donation, please contact the 5A7A team at: Please visit their Web page and see their sponsors page at: http://5a7a.gmxhome.de 9H, MALTA. Several members of the Dutch Vereniging van Radio Zend Amateurs (VRZA) will be active from Qawra (JM75fw) on Malta (EU-023), starting the evening of September 9th through the morning of October 3rd. The callsign for the group will once again be 9H0VRZ. However, group members will also use their individual 9H3 callsigns, activity will be on all bands from 80-6 meters, CW, SSB and Digital modes. They will try to activate their special callsign 9H0VRZ for the whole period and hope for good conditions. Also, they will try to be active during the WAE-SSB Contest with their VERY special callsign 9H9PA on 20 meters ONLY for stations outside Europe on September 9-10th. DX stations are asked to show some patience since many of the operators are inexperienced in working/giving QTCs. QSL via the Bureau is "OK", also direct via their managers is "OK", but please NO IRC coupons, ONLY Green Stamp(s). Here are the individual callsigns with the QSL route: 9H3AB via PA1SL 9H3YL via PA0XYL 9H3HS via PE2HSB 9H3YM via PE1OFJ 9H3IE via PA0BEA 9H3YN via PA3CUZ 9H3ON via PG9W 9H3X via PE1NGF 9H3QH via PH2M 9H3ZR via PB9ZR 9H0VRZ via PB9ZR: Ruben v.d. Zwet, Barentszstraat 1, 2161 TJ LISSE, The Netherlands. 9H9PA (for 2006) via PH2M: Frank de Wilde, Zuidegge 4, 2391 DA Hazerswoude-Dorp, The Netherlands DO, GERMANY (Novices now on the air!). As of of September 1st, 2006, German "DO" prefix stations (CEPT Novice class E) are allowed to transmit on some HF bands. Look for them on the following bands: 1810-1850 kHz with 100 W PEP 80/15/10 meters band with 100 W PEP 1850-1890 kHz with 75 W PEP 2m/70cm with 75 W PEP 1890-2000 kHz with 10 W PEP 10 GHZ with 5 W PEP Germam class A's are allowed to transmit now even on 7100-7200 kHz with 250 W PEP and on 50 MHz. DX MAGAZINE'S 2006 MOST WANTED SURVEY is now posted on the Web at: http://www.dxpub.com DX Magazine's Editor Carl, N4AA, states, "Just click on '2006 SURVEY' and you will see the form. PLEASE be careful to select the correct CONTINENT and/or NA TIME ZONE. If you make a mistake, submit it again correctly. I will delete any surveys that are improperly marked for these two items. Thanks for your cooperation in taking the survey. Please spread the word to all your DXing friends so they can participate." PLEASE NOTE: Swains Island is not listed. Carl states, "My apologies for that. The form was already in print, for the magazine, before it became a reality. To simplify compiling the results, I left it off the web list as well. I am going to assume that the majority of you need KH8/S. However, if you wish, you can add it in the ADDITIONS & COMMENTS box at the end of the survey form." DXCC NEWS. Toma, YU1AB, informs OPDX that Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL DXCC Branch Manager, reports that the 4O3AB and 4O3ES operations from Montenegro are approved for DXCC credit effective August 15th, 2006. EA8, CANARY ISLANDS (AF-004). Stephan, DK3TNA, will be active as EA8/DK3TNA from the Island of Tenerife (S-012 for the Spanish Islands Award, WLOTA LH-1276), October 7-12th. Activity will be in the evening hours on 80-15 meters SSB, using a FT-897 w/100 watts and a vertical antenna. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau. FY, FRENCH GUIANA. Gregg, W6IZT, will be active as FY/W6IZT from September 12-20th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters CW and SSB. QSL via his home callsign. IOTA NEWS................... EU-008. The Sands Contest Group will activate the Isle of Mull from September 24-29th. They hope to be operational on most modes and most HF bands. The callsign to be used will be the club call MS0SCG. EU-049/ EU-174. Dimitrios, SV2BWC, will be active as J48LEK from Lesvos Island (EU-049, MIA MG-064) and other satellite islands such as Panagia (EU-174, MIA MG-080), now through September 7th. This activation is by the Hellenic Commando Association Radio Club. Activity will be on 80/40/20 meters CW/SSB. QSL via SV2BWC (QRZ.com). EU-088. Operators Frank/DL2SWW and Gabi/DF9TM will be active as homecall/p from Laesoe Island from now until September 15th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters CW/SSB. Possible operations will take place on 160 meters on CW and 6 meters. QSL via their home callsigns (QRZ.com). EU-129. Helmut, DL7VOX, will be active as DL7VOX/p from Usedom Island (O-013 for the German Islands Award) now through September 15th. Activity will be CW on 160-10 meters. QSL via his home callsign, by the bureau or direct. EU-159. (Lighthouse Op!) On Sepember 14th, weather permitting, look for operators Jacques/F5JY, Daniel/F5LGQ and Alain/F6BFH, to be active from Cordouan Island's lighthouse (DIFM AT-032, and lighthouse references: DPLF PB 018, WLOTA 0271, ARLHS FRA-007 and WLH F-012) starting around 1600z and ending on September 15th, around 1200z, Activity will be on 40/30/20/17/15 meters on CW and SSB. Operators will sign homecall/p. QSL via their home callsigns; and bureau is 100%. NA-029. George, K3GV, will be active as K3GV/VY2 from Prince Edward Island (CIsA PE-001) between now and September 17th. Activity will be on 20/15 meters around the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau. J2, DJIBOUTI. Jean-Claude, J28JA, who will be here for about the next two years, has been very active mainly on 20/17 meters CW between 1330- 1400z and again afte 1800z. He has done some SSB. QSL via F5JFU: Pierre Desseneux, Le Bourg, 58140 ST. Martin du Puy, FRANCE. KP4, PUERTO RICO. James, KH2RU, will be active as KH2RU/KP4 during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 28-29th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (10m) entry. He mentions that "I will be operating continuosly on 10 meters if propagation permits, if not 20 meters or 15 meters." QSL direct to his home callsign. NEW OFFICERS FOR 2006-2007. The new officers for the Central Texas DX and Contest Club (CTDXCC) are as follows for September 2006 through August 2007: President Jay Sewell, W5SL Secretary Jim George, N3BB Vice-Pres. Larry Hammel, K5OT Treasurer Jim Wallgren, K5WWT Ken Harker, WM5R, continues as Internet Web-master and reflector support person. OH0, ALAND ISLANDS. Hadi, DJ2PJ, will be active as OH0JWH again from Eckeroe Island (EU-002), September 26th until October 8th. His focus will be on the low bands, especially 160 meters. Modes will be CW and everything except SSB (Hadi states he is microphone allergic!), even OLIVIA, CONTESTIA etc. QSL via DJ2PJ, by the bureau or direct using the QRZ.COM address. E-mail bureau requests with log extract are also welcome and go to: This is a holiday operation with plenty of ham radio. Visit Hadi's Web page for more details and pictures at: http://www.dj2pj.de P4, ARUBA. Larry, WO0Z, will operate as P40LL from September 30th through October 6th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, CW, SSB, and perhaps RTTY. QSL via WO0Z. P4, ARUBA. John, KK9A, will be active as P40A during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via WD9DZV. QSL INFO AND NEWS.................. NOT THE QSL MANAGER. Mike, KA2AEV, reports that someone has posted some info on various sites that he is the QSL Manager for A51DX. He states he is NOT the manager and please DO NOT QSL A51DX via KA2AEV. Mike will attempt to return any direct QSLs that he receives direct if they have return postage. He will not return any A51DX QSLs received via the bureau for the obvious reasons. Bob, N2OO, reports that he has IRCs for sale. Reduced price. Sales support 3Y0X. For details, visit: http://www.peterone.com/ircs.htm SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event station SN100SZ to be active through- out the month of September to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Babiogorski Park Narodowy. No other details were provided. QSL via SP9PGB, by the Bureau or direct. Picture of the QSL and probably more details about the operation are available at the following Web (but in Polish) at: http://www.sbgk.qtc.pl/ramki/sbgk.htm SPECIAL EVENT. The W6APD Anaheim Police ARC will operate as K6P from September 10-17th. This special event will commemorate POW-MIA Rememberance Day. Suggested frequencies will be 14253, 18150, 21350, 24950 and 28450 kHz as propagation permits. QSL via KM6HB: Mark McMullen, P.O.Box 27271, Santa Ana, Calif 92799 U.S.A. (w/SASE for picture QSL card). SPECIAL EVENT (ISWL). The International Shortwave League (ISWL), continue with their 60th (Diamond) anniversary celebrations throughout the month of September. Look for the following activities: GB6SWL - Will be active for 2 days, September 9-10th, from Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire. John, G8XTJ (ISWL President), will be the main operator. GB60SWL - Will be active for 1 day, Sunday, September 24th, from the Thornton Abbey, in Lincolnshire. The station is being run by the Grimsby ARS. (A Club Affiliated to the ISWL). GB6SWL - Will be active for 2 days, September 16-17th, from Belfast, Northern Ireland. The Station is being run by the City of Belfast Radio Amateur Society - COBRAS. (A Club Affiliated to the ISWL). GB6SWL - Will be active for 2 days, September 23-24th, from the Thornton Abbey, in Lincolnshire. The Station is being run by the Grimsby ARS (A Club Affiliated to the ISWL). GB6SWL - Will be active for 2 days, September 30th and 1st October, from Ivybridge, in Devonshire. Peter, G4VFG, will be the main operator. MX1SWL/p - Look for the International Shortwave League (ISWL) callsign MX1SWL/p to be used by Chris, M0DOL (ISWL G-21106), during the month of September. Chris will be mainly active from various castles. There will be some special QSL cards made for this callsign used in September, so listen out for MX1SWL/p. QSL via G6XOU. More information is available on QRZ.com. ADDED NOTE: The ISWL Awards Program is open to non members for a very small fee, to cover postage to any country in the world. Please see the following Web page for all details, including QSL information and the Special Diamond Anniversay Awards etc.... at: http://www.iswl.org.uk SV9, CRETE (EU-015). Operators Roberto/I2WIJ, Salvatore/IK8UND, Cortesi/ IZ4DPV and Giorgio/IZ4AKS will be active as J49Z from Heraklio during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 28-29th) as a Multi-Single entry. QSL via IK8UND, direct ONLY. Visit their Web page at: http://www.qsl.net/i2wij/j49z/j49z.html TA4, TURKEY. Sei, JF1SQC/KH0DQ, will active as TA4/KH0DQ from September 9-15th. Activity will be on all HF bands with 100w on SSB, CW, and possibly RTTY. He will also participate in WAE SSB Contest. QSL via JF1SQC. TK, CORSICA (EU-014). Members of the "Dx4Dx Team" will operate from here between September 28th and October 5th. Callsign(s) have not yet been announced. Activity will be on 160-10 meters including the WARC bands, SSB, CW, RTTY and PSK. Operators mentioned a Pere/EA3CUU, Paco/EA4BT, Emilio/EA7AAW, Julio/EA7JB, Jose/EA7LS and Ramon/EB4EPJ. QSL via EA4BT, direct or by the bureau. Visit the Dx4Dx Web page at: http://www.dx4dx.com V3, BELIZE. Larry, WO0Z, will be active as V31LL from October 7-21th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters, CW, SSB, and perhaps RTTY. QSL via WO0Z. XE, MEXICO. Fernando, EA1CNF, will be active as XE1/EA1CNF between now and September 9th. He will be using an Icom 706 and a Buddistick vertical antenna. QSL via EA1CNF, direct or bureau (QRZ.com). XF4, REVILLAGIGEDO. A Mexican and German team of operators are planning a DXpedition to Socorro Island (NA-030), in the Revillagigedo Islands group, to take place between October 17th and November 3rd. The announced callsign will be XF4DL, and the team members mentioned a Joe/DF7TH, Gerhard/DJ5IW, Franz/DJ9ZB, Karl/DK2WV, Dietmar/DL3DXX, Juergen/DL8LE, Markus/DL9RCF, Ismael/XE1AY, Fabian/XE1FRF, Daniel/XE1FXF, Saul/XE1FXM, Victor/XE1FXZ, Rafael/XE1GRR, Parcival/XE1HBU, Margarito/ XE1MMB, Yuri/XE1UN and Hector/ XE2K. Activity will be on all bands, CW, SSB, Digital, EME and the satellites. QSL via N6AWD for North-America, and DL9NDS for the rest of the world. Visit their Web page at: http://www.xf4dl.xedx.org/ ZL, NEW ZEALAND (Update/A Few Ops Still Needed!). Brian/KA7KUZ and Brian/ZL1AZE continue (still looking) to assemble an international team entry in the 2006 CQ WW SSB Contest from the Quartz Hill (ZL6QH) super- station. Transportation will be provided to and from Wellington Airport with accommodation provided at the station. With the assortment of Vee beams, yagi beams, rhombic and low band sloper antennas available at this site, there will be no shortage of operating opportunities before, during and after the contest. This may be the last CQ WW SSB Contest from ZL6QH for some time; it is likely that the antennas will be removed in 2007 for the construction of a wind farm. If interested, please contact KA7KUZ at: Visit the Quartz Hill's Web page at: http://www.zl6qh.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the following number: 1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! ) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OPDX INTERNET HELP/SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE REQUESTS: Help: mailto ![]() ![]() ![]() http://www.papays.com/opdx.html ALSO VISIT THE NORTHERN OHIO DX ASSOCIATION'S WEB HOME PAGE: http://www.papays.com/nodxa.html -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to: - OR - Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at: 1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!) /EXIT -- Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - --or-- Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence") President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA) DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG) |
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As usual Tedd -- great DX information -- many thanks
CL |
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