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Hi all. My situation is that I am very much into increasing my DXCC
numbers right now. I was almost inactive for a number of years on HF after my wife was ill and died. About a year ago I started counting my DX contacts. I found that I had apparently lost a box of qsl cards for dx in moving and am missing a number of cards that I had confirmed at one time. I am going back and trying to beg another card out of those that I find in my logs. Specifically, on some operations such as ones in the South Pacific Islands, Clipperton, etc that I have worked and even had confirmed at one juncture have had the same call sign assigned to different people during different time periods. Is there a source on the web or otherwise where one can find out who was the holder of a given call at a given time and additionally who might have been the qsl manager. Thank you so much for the information 73 and DX Kennon W4TKI |
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Try typing the callsign in Google.
Also contact your local DX club and present the problem to the members. Most likely these folks worked the same stations as you. And you can post a list here for the ones you need. I may have some of the ones you need -- so post em -- will see if I and others can help Good Luck CL "tladotse" wrote in message oups.com... Hi all. My situation is that I am very much into increasing my DXCC numbers right now. I was almost inactive for a number of years on HF after my wife was ill and died. About a year ago I started counting my DX contacts. I found that I had apparently lost a box of qsl cards for dx in moving and am missing a number of cards that I had confirmed at one time. I am going back and trying to beg another card out of those that I find in my logs. Specifically, on some operations such as ones in the South Pacific Islands, Clipperton, etc that I have worked and even had confirmed at one juncture have had the same call sign assigned to different people during different time periods. Is there a source on the web or otherwise where one can find out who was the holder of a given call at a given time and additionally who might have been the qsl manager. Thank you so much for the information 73 and DX Kennon W4TKI |
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![]() On Jan 26, 10:26 am, "Caveat Lector" wrote: Try typing the callsign in Google. Also contact your local DX club and present the problem to the members. Most likely these folks worked the same stations as you. And you can post a list here for the ones you need. Hi All. These are some of the calls that I extracted from old logs which fortunately were not in the same box with the cards that were lost. It seems that the same call in some instances is issued over and over and the operator and qsl manager/information change with the time frame worked. Thanks for your help. I think there are some more that I need but it takes quite a bit of time to go through the old logs and extract them. 73 and best of DX Kennon W4TKI CALL Mo/Day/Year Band Mode Power Time RS/T INFO 1. HV3SJ 04/09/1989 20 SSB 100 00:0358 58 02:13Vatican EU1528 2. 9K2KS 04/20/1990 20 SSB 100 00:0755 55 Kuwait AS2139 3. 7X3DA 04/22/1990 10 SSB 100 00:0733 53 Algeria Laghomat- Hamida not sure of call AF3337 7X3 4. 7X5AV 04/25/1990 20 SSB 100 03:1955 56 Algeria Bousada-Djamel qsl cba AF3337 7X5 5. S79MX 07/28/1990 20 SSB 100 03:3555 55 Seychelles Qsl HB9MX AF3953 S79 6. C56/DL7FT 18/11/1990 20 CW 100 03:50599 599 The Gambia AF3546 C5 7. FO0IGS 09/23/1990 20 SSB 100 09:1057 55 French Polynesia Jerry qsl to f6eem OC3263 FO0 8. V51P 09/30/1990 10 SSB 100 13:0258 57 Namibia Windhoek- Peter AF3857 V51 9. FO0IGS 10/13/1990 10 SSB 100 18:5159 59 French Polynesia Jerry qsl to f6eem Papayete OC3263 FO0 10. 5B4QA 05/08/1988 20 SSB 100 03:1458 59 Cyprus P O Box 291 Nicosea, Cyprus - Chirs AS2039 5B4 11. 7X5VRK 05/08/1988 20 SSB 100 03:0259 59 Algeria Bousaada, Algeria- Azdene 87 88 cba AF3337 7X5 12. CY0SAB 06/08/1988 20 SSB 100 23:1655 57 Sable I. Wayne qsl ve1cbk NA0509 CY0 13. 5B4OG 08/12/1988 20 CW 100 03:04569 559 Cyprus Larnica- Ted AS2039 5B4 14. 5B4OG 08/21/1988 30 CW 100 03:52549 339 Cyprus Larnica- Ted AS2039 5B4 15. 7X2LS 07/31/1986 20 SSB 100 23:1455 55 Algeria Sadik et net cba AF3337 7X2 15. 3D2ER 08/22/1986 20 SSB 100 02:5151 51 Fiji Suva-Raj qsl box 184 Suva Fiji OC3256 3D2 16. VK9NS 08/31/1986 20 SSB 100 05:2555 55 Norfolk I. Jim HIDXA net OC3260 VK9 17. 8R1RBF 10/04/1986 15 SSB 100 14:0258 57 Guyana Dick CBA SA0912 8R1 18. A35RY 10/30/1986 15 SSB 100 23:3359 59 Tonga Qsl oh1ry OC3262 A35 19. HC8X 10/26/1985 15 SSB 100 20:2559 59 Galapagos Is. SA1012 HC8 20. JY5DE 06/10/198620 SSB 100 01:5853 53 Jordan Majdi 1986 cba AS2039 JY5 21. OD5SM 06/19/198620 SSB 100 21:5155 43 Lebanon Sami P. O. Box 70364 Antelias, Lebanon AS2039 OD5 22. VR6YL 01/17/198720 SSB 100 04:2655 55 Pitcairn I. Betty qsl w6hs OC3263 VR6 23. 7X2LS 04/26/198620 SSB 100 23:0553 55 Algeria Sadik et net cba AF3337 7X2 24. Z32DJ 02/19/199720 CW 100 13:35579 569 Macedonia Zoki EU1528 Z32 25. GU3EJL 08/11/199720 SSB 100 17:1257 57 Guernsey Alderny Is Stan CBA EU1427 GU3 26. HK0OEP 03/04/199710 SSB 100 20:3857 55 San Andres & Providencia St Andres Is- John NA0711 HK0 27. Z32XA 04/13/199920 CW 100 00:55599 599 Macedonia Ozren EU1528 Z32 28. T32BE 11/25/199920 CW 100 01:48579 599 E. Kiribati OC31 T32 29. 3D2AG 04/21/200020 SSB 100 13:1655 55 Fiji Tony CBA OC3256 3D2 30. ZK1DD 03/24/198720 SSB 100 04:2053 51 S. Cook Is. OC3262 ZK1 31. KC4USV 03/24/198740 SSB 100 05:0556 55 Antarctica McMurdo- Craig QSL KF4VU SA3071 KC4 32. EX9DZ 02/23/199220 SSB 100 04:4555 59 Kyrgyzstan Georgia R. - Valen qsl via vf6dz AS17 EX9 33. 9K2MU 06/22/199220 SSB 100 23:1855 55 Kuwait AS2139 9K2 34. 7X2BK 09/11/199220 SSB 100 22:3155 54 Algeria Kamil- qsl i0wdx AF3337 7X2 35. 9K2CS 10/23/199220 SSB 100 22:0354 55 Kuwait Cba AS2139 9K2 36. VP8CKC 10/27/199720 SSB 100 01:1555 54 Falkland Is. Derick- qsl gm4klo SA1316 VP8 37. C56/G3RZ 01/13/199320 SSB 100 23:4557 59 The Gambia Tom AF3546 C5 38. 3X0HLU 04/03/199315 SSB 100 18:1055 55 Guinea Van AF3546 3X0 39. ZD7KT 10/16/199320 USB 100 11:5233 56 St. Helena PO Box 68, St. Helena, South Atlantic- Ken AF3666 ZD7 40. 7X2LS 10/12/199320 USB 100 22:5255 54 Algeria Sadik et net cba AF3337 7X2 41. HL9HH 10/15/199320 USB 100 23:5455 33 South Korea Harry qsl kj6yr AS2544 HL9 42. 9G1SB 10/09/199320 USB 100 07:2857 43 Ghana Sewell cba AF3546 9G1 43. ER0F 10/31/199315 USB 100 13:4555 55 Moldova Asl lu1ff EU1629 ER0 44. JY5FA 11/20/199010 USB 100 13:2655 56 Jordan Box 243 Amman Jordan AS2039 JY5 45. ZK1KH 12/13/199020 USB 100 04:3658 57 N. Cook Is. Raratonga- Ken OC3262 ZK1 46. VQ9HW 12/28/199015 USB 100 16:0155 55 Chagos Is. Wally AF3941 VQ9 47. 5T5/N5JRC 12/28/199015 USB 100 15:2955 51 Mauritania Al AF3546 5T5 48. T30DQ 02/21/199115 USB 100 04:5459 59 W. Kiribati Hilda QSL DL5UF OC3165 T30 49. Z21BA 04/06/199110 USB 100 19:5855 54 Zimbabwe Sam qsl n5ftr AF3853 Z21 50. 4K2OIL 04/08/199115 USB 100 03:3555 59 Franz Josef Land Franz Joseph Land- Serge qsl ua9ma EU4075 4K2 51. EK0KBZ 04/08/199115 USB 100 03:4557 59 Armenia P. O. Box 485- Serge Cape Schmidt 686830 AS2129 EK0 52. 4U6ITU 05/19/199120 USB 100 03:3659 59 ITU HQ Geneva Tom yu2hb EU1428 4U6 53. 7Q7RM 06/08/199120 USB 100 12:0055 22 Malawi Ron qsl K6KII AF3753 7Q7 54. 3D2AG 07/24/199120 USB 100 03:1859 59 Fiji Tony CBA Rotuma OC3256 3D2 55. 5B4PW 09/20/199120 AMTOR 100 01:18579 599 Cyprus Pat AS2039 5B4 56. TT8SA 10/06/199120 AMTOR 100 00:1757 59 Chad Qsl F6FNU AF3647 TT8 57. 5B4TI 03/13/198915 SSB 100 14:4358 55 Cyprus Mike AS2039 5B4 " I may have some of the ones you need -- so post em -- will see if I and others can help Good Luck CL "tladotse" wrote in ooglegroups.com... Hi all. My situation is that I am very much into increasing my DXCC numbers right now. I was almost inactive for a number of years on HF after my wife was ill and died. About a year ago I started counting my DX contacts. I found that I had apparently lost a box of qsl cards for dx in moving and am missing a number of cards that I had confirmed at one time. I am going back and trying to beg another card out of those that I find in my logs. Specifically, on some operations such as ones in the South Pacific Islands, Clipperton, etc that I have worked and even had confirmed at one juncture have had the same call sign assigned to different people during different time periods. Is there a source on the web or otherwise where one can find out who was the holder of a given call at a given time and additionally who might have been the qsl manager. Thank you so much for the information 73 and DX Kennon W4TKI- Hide quoted text -- Show quoted text - |
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it is a new address for me is
try them. thanks Kenn w4tki On Jan 29, 7:09 pm, "Caveat Lector" wrote: Kennon I sent you an e-mail from your QRZ e-mail address or is it ?? Have some info for you CL oups.com... Hi all. My situation is that I am very much into increasing my DXCC numbers right now. I was almost inactive for a number of years on HF after my wife was ill and died. About a year ago I started counting my DX contacts. I found that I had apparently lost a box of qsl cards for dx in moving and am missing a number of cards that I had confirmed at one time. I am going back and trying to beg another card out of those that I find in my logs. Specifically, on some operations such as ones in the South Pacific Islands, Clipperton, etc that I have worked and even had confirmed at one juncture have had the same call sign assigned to different people during different time periods. Is there a source on the web or otherwise where one can find out who was the holder of a given call at a given time and additionally who might have been the qsl manager. Thank you so much for the information 73 and DX Kennon W4TKI- Hide quoted text -- Show quoted text - |
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