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![]() DXNL 1528 - Jul 18, 2007 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) CU - AZORES ISLANDS, EU-089 CT1EPV, CT1EGW, CT1GFK, CU2HJA, DJ2VO and HB9CRV/CT3FN will activate Flores Island (EU-089) between Jul 21 and Aug 1. All WLOTA hunters should be aware that they plan to put up their stations in the light- house Farol do Albarnaz (WLOTA LH 0947). They will be on the air as CU8/homecall in CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK on 6-80m including the beacon CU8/CT3FN on 50.113 MHz and as CU8T (multi/single) during the IOTA Contest on Jul 28/29. The QSL manager for CU8T is CT1GFK (via bureau), all other QSLs should be sent to the operator's homecalls. Their homepage is: http://www.to-mk.com/azores JA - JAPAN The special event station 8J7VENUS is very active in SSB and digital modes on 80-6m from the "Sendai Tanabata Festival" until Aug 31. QSL via JH7YES. JD1 - MINAMI TORISHIMA, OC-073 Masafumi,JA6GXK/JD1, is working from Minami Torishima (OC-073) from Jul 18 until Aug 2 and once again from Aug 29 until Sep 30. He prefers working in PSK on 20m. JW - SVALBARD, EU-026 Martin,JW/G3ZAY, and Michael,JW/G7VJR, are working from the clubstation JW5E in Longyearbyen (EU-026) on all bands but mainly on 6m and the WARC bands from Jul 15-22. QSLs via homecalls (bureau, direct, LoTW). KH3 - JOHNSTON ATOLL, OC-023 Like announced previously in DXNL 1525 Susan,W7KFI, will become active from the Johnston atoll (OC-023) during the end of July. She plans to arrive already this week. KH3/W7KFI prefers working in CW on the QRGs 7036, 10105, 14036 and 18070 kHz and in SSB on 14236 kHz. Since the atoll is now under administration of the "US Fish and Wildlife Service" all future operations have to be organized under much more difficult circumstances. However the environmental agency declared this the last official operation and the island for not accessible anymore. KL7 - ALASKA, NA-041 Rich,N7TCO, and Martin,W7ASF, will use the callsign W7ASF/KL7 from the island Prince of Wales (NA-041) from Jul 22-30. They also intend to take part in the IOTA Contest on Jul 28/29. QSL via W7ASF. SU - EGYPT Giselher "Gisel",SU9GD (DJ2AVB), writes: "I am active from Mehalla El-Kubra for three years now, mostly in CW and Feldhell, THROB and other digital modes on 20m. You can find me on the bands during the Islamic weekend (friday/saturday) starting around 1400 UTC. I run about 50 watts in the digital modes and 100 watts in CW using a vertical on the roof. Please QSL via my homecall DJ2AVB." SV5 - DODEKANES, EU-001 SX5AS is the callsign of a DXpedition to Dodekanes (Astakida Islands) with the team members Cliff,SV1JG, Nikiforos,SV1EEX, Theodoros,SV1GRM, Spiros,SV1RC, George,SV1RP, Lykoyrgos,SW1GZL, Sotirios,SV1HER, and Daniel,SV1JCZ. The Astakida Islands (EU-001) are three uninhabited rocks in the Carpathian Sea which recalls the pictures of the recent BS7H DXpedition. The team is working in SSB/CW/PSK/RTTY/FSK441/FM and via satellites on all bands from 160m-23cm activating also the lighthouse (WLOTA: LH 0393) for the very first time from Jul 17-23. Their QSL manager is SV1HER. TK - CORSICA, EU-014 Jack,TK/HB9TL, can be found in SSB on 10-80m from Jul 18-30. Unfortunately QSLs only direct via his QSL manager HB9QR. ZF - CAYMAN ISLANDS, NA-016 David,K2DBK, will stay on Grand Cayman (NA-016) from Jul 22-29. You may hear him as ZF2DK if he is not relaxing at the beach. David prefers working in SSB on 20m but has antennas for all bands from 6-40m with him. He may also try PSK but start listening on the IOTA frequencies. QSL cards will be handled by David himself, either direct or via bureau and all log data will be uploaded to the LotW as well. More information can be found at: http://k2dbk.com GREECE, SPECIAL EVENT STATION SX100VAR is a scout station celebrating 100 years of the international scout movement. The QTH is Varnava where the Greek scout headquarters is situated. Working/listening to SX100VAR qualifies yourself for a special award issued by the awards and QSL manager SV1VS for EUR 5. SX100VAR is working in SSB and RTTY on all bands until Dec 31, 2007. ITALY, SPECIAL EVENT STATION IA3GM is activated by Luigi,IV3LNQ, until Sep 30 to mark the 70th anniversary of the death of Guglielmo Marconi. QSLs via IV3LNQ. JAPAN, SPECIAL EVENT STATION 8J1ESP is a special callsign of the International League of Esperantist Radio Amateurs (ILERA) which will be put on the air by Lenio,PY3DF, Tanaka,JA1FXZ, and other members of the league with following schedule: Jul 31-Aug 04 from Nagano/Takato Aug 04-12 from the 92nd Esperanto World Congress in Yokohama Aug 12-31 from Tokyo. The station will work on these frequencies (+/- QRM): 7.066, 14.266, 21.266 and 28.766 MHz. QSLs via bureau or direct to JA1YAR or JA1FXZ. DXCC: The German "Financial Times Deutschland" wrote on July 10, 2007, that the independence of Kosovo will be retarded not only because of the resistance of Russia. Experts expect a decision about the future of the Kosovo to be made not before the NATO summit in Bukarest which will take place in April 2008. So we still have to wait for a new European DXCC counter... --- Due to a problem with the database it is momentarily not possible to open any online DXCC lists on the DXCC homepage. They are already working to fix the problem. LINKS: The young Montenegrin amateur radio operator Nikola,4O7AMD, invites you to visit his homepage at: http://www.montenegro-radio.net --- VHF activities can be published on the website Make More Miles on VHF: http://www.mmmonvhf.de or http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php --- Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://sotawatch.sota.org.uk/activations.php or http://sotawatch.sota.org.uk/spots.php PIRATE: Mamuka,4L2M, president of the "National Association Radioamateurs of Georgia (NARG)" writes that the station 4L6VV is a pirate! The OP calls himself Yuri and proclaims Tkvarcheli to be his QTH. Mamuka states that this is not a valid Georgian licence and asks everybody not to QSL. He thinks the pirate works from Russia. UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Jul 28/29: RSGB IOTA Contest and SWL IOTA Contest IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: EU-038, PA, Noord Holland: Jack,PD2J, and Jan-Jaap,PG7V, will be active as PC6IOTA from Texel Island between Jul 24 and Aug 1. QSL via PG7V. EU-170, 9A, Dalmatia North Group: A team of Hungarian OPs will show up as 9A6NL and/or 9A/homecalls from Pasman Island from Jul 21-31. They also plan to participate in the upcoming IOTA Contest. QSLs for 9A6NL via HA6NL, all others via homecalls. You can also check their website at http://www.c3.hu/~ha0khw/ha0hw.html EU-170, 9A, Dalmatia North Group: Claudio,IN3DEI/W1ADX, is going to activate the islands Dugi Otok, Molat, Pasman and Ugljan signing 9A/W1ADX during his holidays from Jul 19 until Aug 7. QSL via IN3DEI. Announced activities for the IOTA Contest 2007 (Jul 28/29): Callsign Island IOTA --------------------------------- JA6RGJ/6 Kuro AS-012 JK6IIS/6 Kuro AS-012 JO6RGZ/6 Kuro AS-012 HS8KAY Phuket AS-053 E21EIC/p Ko Samui AS-101 BO0K Kin Men AS-102 5B4NC Agios Georgios AS-120 BA4TB/4 Chongming AS-136 Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS): ------------------------------------ TO5J LH 1041 Jul 14-28 WB8YJF/4 LH 0466 Jul 22-29 PC6IOTA LH 0043 Jul 24-Aug 1 J48NAR LH 4186 Jul 24-31 SV8/HA0NAR LH 4186 Jul 24-31 UT9FJ/p UKR 035 Jul 25-30 UR5FEL/p UKR 035 Jul 25-30 UR5FCZ/p UKR 035 Jul 25-30 Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 160m A25OOK 1.818 2316Z via M5AAV (B) OH0JFP 1.889 2251Z 80m A25HQ 3.546 2142Z via K5LBU (B) KP2/AA1BU 3.793 0307Z PJ2/DL6LAU 3.511 0202Z via DL6LAU (B) R50KP 3.506 2001Z via RZ1OM (B) R50KP 3.786 2035Z via RZ1OM (B) 40m PJ2/DH7SA 7.070 0300Z via DH7SA (B) PJ2/DL8OBQ 7.084 0142Z via DL8OBQ (B) TM2CDB 7.084 1958Z via F8CKS (B) VY2/KV8Q 7.008 2357Z NA-029, via KC8VR 30m A25KDJ 10.107 1625Z via W5KDJ R50KP 10.104 1955Z via RZ1OM (B) 4O6DJ 10.107 2102Z via OK6DJ 20m A25CF 14.195 0808Z via K5LBU (B) A25KDJ 14.026 1509Z via W5KDJ GS0GRC/p 14.260 1511Z via G0RCI (B) GX8LED/p 14.182 1710Z via M0DOL KP2/AA1BU 14.156 2223Z PJ2/DH7SA 14.070 2140Z via DH7SA (B) PJ2/DL8OBQ 14.084 1945Z via DL8OBQ (B) R50KP 14.184 2143Z via RZ1OM (B) SV8/DL3SBA 14.260 0918Z EU-052 YV5ANF 14.072 0100Z PSK, via EA7FTR (B) 4O3A 14.267 2224Z 17m A25KDJ 18.076 1433Z via W5KDJ A25SL 18.070 0933Z via W5SL DT0HF 18.070 0819Z via HL2FDW (B) PJ2/DJ8NK 18.149 2138Z via DJ8NK (B) V5/HB9PHJ 18.140 0833Z 4O5JE 18.137 1855Z via ON5JE (B) 12m PJ2/DL8OBQ 24.944 2127Z via DL8OBQ (B) 10m DA0UBOOT 28.010 1847Z via DK9OS HB0/DL1SBF 28.466 1903Z via DL1SBF (B) UA2FF 28.018 1755Z via DK4VW (d) 4O3A 28.576 1706Z via YU1FW (B) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = LotW Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL 12Jul-22Jul 1A0KM 1527 07Sep-24Sep 3B7C 1511 Nov or Dec 3D2AG/Rotuma 1522 -01Aug 3G100S 1526 29Aug-2007 3XM6JR 1484 -Apr/08 5H0RS 1515 -Apr/08 6W/EA4ATI 1515 31Jul-31Aug 8J1ESP 1528 * -31Aug 8J7VENUS 1528 * 01Apr-09Sep 8N3IAAF 1513 19Jul-07Aug 9A/W1ADX 1528 * 2007 9N7JO 1501 06Jul-20Jul A25CF.. 1526 -Apr/09 A52VE 1512 -Nov A61TX 1496 13Jul-29Jul CN2GE/m 1526 09Sep-14Sep CQ4IPY 1522 21Jul-01Aug CU8.. 1528 * -Feb/08 DP0GVN 1496 2007/2008 EI100S(I) 1501 11Jul-21Jul ES0FTZ 1526 -30Nov EW905B 1523 -26Jul EU940OR 1526 Mar/08 FO/Clipperton 1521 15Jul-25Jul FS/PJ7 1527 -30Sep IA3GM 1528 * 2006 -2008 J28JA 1484/85 18Jul-30Sep JA6GXK/JD1 1528 * -Aug JA7QVK/DU7 1521 15Jul-22Jul JW/G3ZAY.. 1528 * Jul -Aug KH3/W7KFI 1525/28 * -Aug OD5/ON4JM 1522 -30Jul OX3PG 1501 24Jul-01Aug PC6IOTA 1528 * 15Jul-27Jul SV9/IK2MLS 1527 -31Dec SX100VAR 1528 * 17Jul-23Jul SX5AS 1528 * 13Jul-18Jul T80W.. 1527 18Jul-30Jul TK/HB9TL 1528 * NOW -2008 TL8QC 1459 14Jul-28Jul TO5J 1527 NOW -Sep/07 TU2/F5LDY 1486 Jan -Dec VI3SAA 1499 11Jul-18Jul VP2V/WZ8C.. 1527 Feb/08 VP6DX/Ducie 1521 May -Aug VP6TD 1517 Apr -Jul VQ9JC 1512 22Jul-30Jul W7ASF/KL7 1528 * 13Jul-21Jul YJ0CZE 1527 19Jul-26Jul YM1907FB 1527 - Sep 2007 ZD9BCB 1500 22Jul-29Jul ZF2DK 1528 * 13Jul-20Jul ZF2EK 1527 * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- CE2NKA via LA7NK CS5FAT via CT6ARL (d) EA5/US7IJT via RZ3EC (B) ED3AGB via EA3AGB (B) EI70FOY via EI8EM (B) G4ONP via G0TOC (B) GB6EHL via G0TOC (B) GX4ONP via G0TOC (B) HB0/DL1SBF via DL1SBF (B) HF15S via SP5PSL (B) HF1HF via SP1DTG HF580LP via SP5XSL IA0IPY via I0YKN (B) IE9/IK4RUX via IK4RUX (B) IQ5MT via IW5EDV (B) IR1OS via IZ4HWA (B) IR8TRT via IK8MRA (d) IS0/DK7DR via DK7DR LX1AX via LX2A NH6P via KH7Y (d) RP3YGA via RV3YR (d) RP3YY via UA3YY RP3ZES via RK3ZWK RP4AKD via RZ4AWA RP4HDP via RX4HJ RP62DWM via RN3BR VP6AL via ZL1UFB (d) 4M2L via YV5YMA (B) 4O5JE via ON5JE (B) 9X5SP via DL8YA (B) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) QSL DU7LA: Peter,DU7LA, has moved to the US and all QSL cards should be sent to his new callsign KD0AA now. QSLs arrived via bureau: CT3/DL3KWF, J5UTM (via HA7TM), KP4JRS, UA2FCC, R750A (Kaliningrad), VR2IG, YI9LZ (LZ1ZF), 3DA0TM, 7P8/JH4RHF (OE1ZKC), 9G5A (via DL4WK) Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX-Bulletin, DE2HJW, DF6EX (WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ9ZB, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL3IE, DL7VOA, DL8EBW, DL8WX, DL9RCF, F5NQL, HA0HW, HB9CRV, K2DBK, PG7V, SU9GD and others. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...7/dxmb1528.pdf ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________________________ ____________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm |
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