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Old September 4th 07, 09:10 PM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2007
Posts: 10
Default [DXNL] DXNL 1535 (Sep5, 2007)

DXNL 1535 - Sep 5, 2007
DX Newsletter

a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting"

editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE
(e-mail: )

translation by: Mike, DJ5AV

GD - Isle of Man, EU-116
Lars, DF1LON, intends to be active from the Isle of Man September 6th
through 10 as MD0LON on 80 through 10 m, possibly 6 m also, using SSB,
CW and RTTY. QSL via home call, also via bureau. For the WAE-Contest
(Sep 8/9th) he will be GD6IA (QSL for this call via CBA) or MD0LON.

SP - Poland
During an exhibition in the town of Kielce special call 3Z0MSPO is
active September 3rd through 6th. QSL via SP7PKI, direct or via bureau.

VP8 - Falkland-Ilands, SA-002
Chris, GM0TQJ, will be on East Falkland Insel using the call VP8CXV
September 8th through Januar 15th, 2008. He prefers SSB but will do
also some RTTY and PSK31. QSLs will be answered after his return home.

VQ9 - Chagos-Archipel, AF-006
Jim, ND9M, finished his activity as VQ9JC with the end of August.
He will be back on Diego Garcia in December 2007 after his leave for
another 4 months.

VU - India
August 31st through September 30th, 2007 there is again a temporary
authorization to use 30m band for Indian hams. NIAR special call
AT60MY will be active on 10.106 MHz in this time frame.

YB - Indonesia, OC-022
Hans, PA0HOP, will be YB9AGH on Bali in September and October using
CW, PSK31 and RTTY. QSL via PA0HOP, direct or via bureau.

ZD7 - St. Helena, AF-022
Tom, KC0W, went to St Helena September 5th for quite a time and is
hoping to have is aerials erected by September 15th to start his radio
adventure as ZD7X. Tom will take part in all great contests using SSB,
CW, RTTY and PSK on all bands 160 through 6 m. Favorite bands will be
30 m, 80 and 160 m. W0MM was selected to be his QSL manager, he will
confirm direct as well es via bureau.

3B7 - St. Brandon, AF-015
Nearly 6 months ago we spread information on the DXpedition to St.
Brandon (Isle du Sud, AF-015) by "FSDXA" in DXNL #1511. Now here the
details about 3B7C: G3USR, GM3POI, N6HC, K3NA, G4TSH, G3XTT, G3SVL,
MD0CCE, G3NUG, as well as N6OX will be active September 7th (0000 UTC)
through September 24th with twelve stations simultaneously. There will
be monobanders for 30 through 6 m and verticals for the lowbands.
August 12th the container arrived on Mauritius with six big (5 kVA)
Diesel generators.
They also looked for a special authorization for 6 m, usually not
available on Mauritius. Three fixed frequencies are authorised for
them: 50.090 (CW), 50.102 (CW), and 50.145 MHz (USB).
After uploading of the logs on their web side a software
will show those 30 top DXers with the biggest amount of bandpoints
(= QSOs in CW, RTTY, PSK, SSB and FM per band).
Feedback messages can be sent by e-mail to and will
be made available to the team on a daily basis.
QSL via Neville, G3NUG, direct or via bureau or by LoTW. There will
be an online QSL request on their web page too.
SWLs will have BRS32525 for a seperate QSL manager. They will use
split frequence for nearly all QSOs on these frequencies:
1.8 1.822 1.842 - - -
3.5 3.502 3.795 3.570 - 3.580
7 7.002 7.052 7.035 - 7.037
10.1 10.102 - 10.137 - 10.140
14 14.022 14.145 14.085 - 14.071
18 18.072 18.145 18.100 - 18.100
21 21.022 21.295 21.085 - 21.071
24.9 24.892 24.945 24.920 - 24.920
28 28.022 28.495 28.075 29.580 28.071
50 50.102 50.145 - - -
50 MHz beacon transmitting on 50.090 MHz
They will produce a video about this DXpedition, you may order the
DVD on the 3B7C homepage.

5H - Tansania: Scott, AC3A, will work in Tansania September 7th through
17th for "ORBIS International" (a humanitary organisation, protecting
people from blindness). In his evening hours Scott intends to be
active as 5H3EYE. QSL via AC3A.

5Z - Kenia: Chris, 5Z4/DL2MDU, is on vacation in Kenia September 10th
through 24th and intends to be mainly active on CW "holiday style"
with 100 wtts from an FT-897 with wire antennas for 10 through 80 m,
prefering 17 m, 30 m and 40/80m. Chris prefers QSLing via DARC-Bureau.

9H - Malta, EU-023
A team from the Netherlands will have the 20th visit to Malta
September 8th through October 1st and will present the call 9H20
(nine hotel two zero) on 10 through 80 m. Team members will also be
on the air with their individual 9H3 calls. QSL for 9H20 via
PB9ZR/9H3ZR: Ruben van der Zwet, Barentzstraat 1, 2161 TJ Lisse,
The Netherlands. They do not like IRCs but will confirm automatically
via bureau for all QSOs without direct request until December 2007.

Finland, special call
Finland got its indepence December 6th 90 years ago. Due to this event
Finish stations may use the prefix OF instead of OH Sep 1st through
December 31st, 2007.

France, special call
This year's CDDXC-Conventio will be held by "Clipperton DX Club"
September 22nd in Puyloubier, Southern France. Special station TM8CDX
(QSL via F5CQ) will demonstrate this event September 8th through 22nd.

USA, special call
Robert, W2IK, will use special call W2IK/WTC911 September 11th 13:00Z
through 0300 UTC September 12th on 40, 20 and 15 m on SSB in memory of
the people that lost their lives in the attack to the World Trade
Center. QSL to W2IK, P.O. Box 6731, San Antonio, TX 78209, USA. More
information by .

Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: or
Johnston-Atoll (KH3) is for sale according to these web sides:
and .

Upcoming Contests
8. September: Swiss HTC QRP Sprint;
8./9. September: WAEDC-Contest, SSB.
Find the rules for WAE on

IOTA: collected by Fredy, DE0MST (e-mail: )

Island activities
EU-037, SM7, Kalmar County Grp.: DL5ME and DG3HWO will visit Oland Island
September 6th through 11th using SD7ME. QSL for DL-stations via DL5ME,
others direct only.

EU-040, CT, Estremadura Prov. Grp.: Carlos, CT4HA/p, will be active on
Berlenga Grande Island (PIA=ES-001) September 7th through 9th.
QSL via bureau.

EU-072, SV8, Thessalia Region Grp.: OK1MBZ and OK1MKI will use SV8/...
September 10th through 20th on Skopelos Island. QSLs via homecalls.

EU-080, EA1, Pontevedra Prov. Grp.: Adolfo, EA1/EA7TV, is on Arosa Island
September 5th - 7th. QSL via HC (d/B).

EU-169, ZA, Albania Group.: Alfredo, IK7JWX, informs: If you got no reply
for your QSL to ZA0IS resp ZA0/IK7JWX about the activity in December
2002 (lost mail) feel free to request a new one by sending data of QSO
by e-mail to

NA-041, KL, Alexander Archipelago: Rick, K6VVA/KL7, will activate
Revillagigedo Island Sept 7 - 9th. QSL via N6AWD.

NA-044, VO2, NFLD Prov. South Grp.: Find Juergen, VO2/NF6J, hitting the air
waves Sept 6 - 13th from Battle Island (CIsa NF-049). QSL via DL7RV.

Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS):
EA1/EA7TV LH 0368 05.09.-07.09.
MD0LON LH 0449 06.09.-10.09.
CT4HA/p LH 1054 POR-004 07.-09.09.
GD6IA LH 0449 08./09.09.
9A/ON4LO LH 4295 08.09.-20.09.
9A/OK1JK LH 0240 CRO-014 09.-14.09.
9A/OK1UXH LH 0240 CRO-014 09.-14.09.
9A/OK1JST LH 0240 CRO-014 09.-14.09.
SV8/I3BQC LH 1740 09.09.-26.09.
9H20 LH 1113 09.09.-30.09.

Bandspots of the last 7 days
CX5BW 1.825 2340Z
9Q1EK 1.826 0020Z via SM5DQC (d), (L)

5Q1A/p 3.782 1942Z via OZ5ESB

J3/DL7VOG 7.012 0003Z via DL7VOG (B)
V55V/p 7.078 2231Z via DJ8VC (B)
YW5AS 7.003 2255Z SA-051, via DM4TI

AN5EB 10.115 1628Z via EA4RCH (B)
CX7CO 10.116 2357Z via KA5TUF (B)
FM5WD 10.104 2215Z via W3HNK (d)
PP7AR 10.106 2327Z (B)
VP9/K3TRM 10.143 2101Z RTTY, via K3TRM

AN7EB 14.216 1104Z via EA4RCH (B)
EA8/DH1PS 14.202 2002Z via DH1PS (B)
IM0MBP 14.064 1146Z RTTY, (B)
J3/DL7VOG 14.088 2309Z NA-024, via DL7VOG (B)
J3/DL7VOG 14.013 2026Z NA-147, via DL7VOG (B)
KL7HBK 14.040 2136Z NA-050, (B)
LX200D 14.020 1316Z via LX1KC (B)
LX200D 14.195 1821Z via LX1KC (B)
OA4/S57CQ 14.235 2319Z via S57DX (B)
OA4/S57CQ 14.004 2008Z via S57DX (B)
RK3DZJ/1 14.018 0851Z via RA3DZJ (B)
SV2MAC/8/p 14.210 1538Z EU-154, via SV2MAC (B)
TC25SG 14.180 1656Z via TA1HZ
TF3PPN 14.082 1725Z (B)
UN7MMM 14.278 1618Z via EA7FTR (B), or
UN7QF 14.195 1108Z via EX2A (B)
V5/DJ8VC 14.277 0915Z via DJ8VC (B)
V55V/p 14.220 1836Z via DJ8VC (B)
YW5AS 14.021 1421Z SA-051, via DM4TI
YW5AS 14.260 2055Z SA-051, via DM4TI
4X0M 14.313 1608Z via 4X6HX
9M2CCO 14.300 1606Z
9M50MP 14.158 1609Z via 9M2TO (B)

TC25SG 18.150 1546Z via TA1HZ
V5/DJ8VC 18.140 1606Z via DJ8VC (B)
YW5AS 18.160 2129Z SA-051, via DM4TI
YW5AS 18.069 2033Z SA-051, via DM4TI
9A5LO/p 18.077 0848Z EU-170, via OK1LO (B)

V55V/p 21.285 1450Z via DJ8VC (B)

(d) = direct only
(B) = bureau ok
(L) = LoTW

07Sep-24Sep 3B7C 1511/1535 *
Sep 3D2 (JA8BMK) 1534
Nov or Dec 3D2AG/Rotuma 1522
29Aug2006-2007 3XM6JR 1484
03Sep-06Sep 3Z0MSPO 1535 *
- Apr 2008 5H0RS 1515
07Sep-17Sep 5H3EYE 1535 *
10Sep-24Sep 5Z4/DL2MDU 1535 *
- Apr 2008 6W/EA4ATI 1515
ab 1Sep 6W/T98A 1531
01Aug-21Oct 8J3ARDF 1530
01Apr-09Sep 8N3IAAF 1513
09Sep-01Oct 9H20 1535 *
2007 9N7JO 1501

27Aug-16Sep A35EA 1534
- Apr 2009 A52VE 1512
- Nov 2007 A61TX 1496
- 17Nov AT60MY 1534
09Sep-14Sep CQ4IPY 1522
- Feb 2008 DP0GVN 1496
25Aug-08Sep EA8/DH1PS 1534
03Sep-16Sep EG7RCB 1533
2007/2008 EI100S(I) 1501
- 30Nov EW905B 1523
2008 FO/Clipperton 1521
now FW0MO/FW0YL 1530
03Sep-07Sep GH6UW/p 1534
- 30Sep HG5MISSION 1532
- 30Sep IA3GM 1528
- Nov IS0/I2MOV 1533
18Jul 2006-2008 J28JA 1484/1485
- Aug 2008 J28OO 1534
27Aug-16Sep J3/DL7VOG 1534
27Aug-18Sep JD1BMM (MT) 1534
Nov 2007 KH3/W7KFI 1525/1531
06Sep-10Sep MD0LON 1535 *

31Aug-09Sep OE16B 1534
01Sep-15Sep P41USA 1534
- 31Dec 2007 R100AK/IF 1534
- 31Dec SX100VAR 1528
Sep-mid Oct T30 (JA8BMK) 1534
from late Oct T31XX 1534
Oct? T33ZZ 1534
Feb 2008 TI9 1533
jetzt-2007/2008 TL8QC 1459
07Sep-20Oct TM0-TM9RWC 1533
08Sep-22Sep TM8CDX 1535 *
23Aug-08Sep V5/DJ8VC 1532
Jan2007-Dec2007 VI3SAA 1499
01Sep-08Sep VP5/W1AI 1534
until mid Sep VP6AL 1530
Feb 2008 VP6DX/Ducie 1521
8Sep-15Jan2008 VP8CXV (Falkl.) 1535 *
11Sep W2IK/WTC911 1535 *
- Oct 2007 YB9AQH 1535 *
26Aug-24Sep YB9/PA0RRS 1534
- 31Dec Z360M 1531
now ZD7X 1535 *
- 14Sep 2007 ZD9BCB 1534

* = new or updated
... = and other calls

QSL informations
N7C via W7VU (d)
N7L via K7VV
N0C via W0WN
OA4/S57CQ via S57DX (B)
ON60TWS via ON8RH (B)
OX/PA3EXX/p via PA3EXX (B)
PY5EG via K3IRV (*), (B)
R100AK via RW4HB (B)
R1000LE via UA3DDA
TC1LHW via TA1FR (B)
TC25SG via TA1HZ
VP8DIZ via G7KMZ (B)
YW5AS via DM4TI (*)
ZM3R via ZL3RG (B)
ZW5B via K3IRV (*), (B)
3D2MT via LY1F (B)
5Q1A/p via OZ5ESB
8S3SYL via SM3CVM (B)
9A5LO/p via OK1LO (B)
9M2/JH3GCN via JH3GCN (B)

(d) = direct only
(B) = bureau ok
(*) = new QSL manager
(L) = Logbook of the world (LoTW)

* QSL via 9Q1EK & 9Q1TB: QSLing used to be only direct via Osten, SM5DQC.
Now Osten added the logs to LoTW and will update on weekly basis.

* QSLs receided direct: A25HQ (via K5LBU), A25KDJ (W5KDJ), E51QMA (OM2SA),
and 3B7SP (via SP9SX).

* QSLs received via bureau: OM7M (OM3PA), OM8A (OM2VL), PJ2/K2PLF, R1ANN
(RZ3DJ), R750A (UA2FB), RW2F, ST2A & ST0RM (T93Y), ST2T (S57DX), V25WY
(W4OWY), 3A2MD, 3B8/OM0C (OM2FY), 5A7A (DL9USA), 6W/HB9DTE, 7Q7BP (G3RMC),
9M6AAC (DL2QT), and 9Q/ON7KEC.

Many thanks for contributing for this issue of DXNL are going to:
Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX-Bulletin, DF1LON, DF6EX (for
The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at:
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