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![]() Hallo dear MMMonVHF friends, please find below the latest NEWSLETTER of the VHF-DX-Portal "Make More Miles on VHF" (www.MMMonVHF.de) dated 2008-08-01. We attempt to distribute the NEWSLETTER one or two times per week. For more details, please be so kind and refer at the "NEWS"-page http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php and check for the latest NEWS (last 24 hours lines blinks / up to 3 days lines marked orange): ************************************************** *************** Latest NEWS/INFO for the NEWSLETTER - MMMonVHF The VHF-DX-Portal ************************************************** *************** METEORSCATTER - NEXT MS-SHOWER: PERSEIDS, with Maximum on 12.08.08 It´s now time for the most famous meteor shower of the year, the PERSEIDS: a real "must" for MS enthusiasts! Perseids peak is predicted to occur August 12, around 11.30-14.00 UT with ZHR=100. Two other subpeaks may also appear, even if their pro- bability of occurrence is rather low this year. The new MS Shower Peaks are updated and available at our MS-Propagationpage: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/ms.php As well you are able to find a Overview about active ms-stations during the Perseids & MMMonVHF / DUBUS MS-SPRINT-Contest. Have a look http://www.mmmonvhf.de/ctest.php If you wants to announce your activity yourself, please do send us a short info via the MMMonVHF Contact Form *** UPDATING the MMMonVHF DATABASES for all of us continuous... Hallo dear User of MMMonVHF. As you probably have seen our SERVICE are only as good as you are doing UPDATES at our different DATABASES. Please do yourself the favour and check periodical following links: MWS (MOST WANTED SQUARES) http://www.mmmonvhf.de/emws.php MWDXCC (MOST WANTED DXCC) http://www.mmmonvhf.de/dxcc.php VHF-DATABASE http://www.mmmonvhf.de/dbase.php and pass an UPDATE if you find anything which is incorrect... *** V-U-SHF National Contest, sponsor is URE and start at 1400 UTC of saturday 2nd august until 1400 UTC of sunday 3rd august, frecuencies a 144/432 and 1296Mhz . Not chat are allowed for all stations working on the contest during this time. Lot of EA and CT Stations are on... SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF - tnx Jorge, EA2LU *** ESTONIAN OPEN VHF/UHF/SHF FIELD DAY (Parts of the R U L E S) The purpose of this open contest is to enhance the activity of VHF/UHF/SHF amateurs in Estonia and elsewhere in Europe and to establish as many contacts as possible during the contest periods. Also to work as many amateur radio stations from as many different WWL squares as possible. All contest's participants may work each other without limitations. Contest periods and bands: The first full weekend of August every year (changed from 2001): period 432 MHz 16:00-22:00 UTC on Friday evening II period 1296 MHz 04:00-10:00 UTC on Saturday morning III period 144 MHz 16:00-22:00 UTC on Saturday evening Read all details: http://www.erau.ee/index.php?newlang=eng SOURCE: from ON4KST-Chat - tnx Eimar, ES2CM ************************************************** *************** VHF-EXPEDITIONS (specially 144 MHz MS/EME/TROPO) http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - use FILTER Event/Activity NO! ************************************************** *************** The Clubstation LZ9X will try to be active from 11 to 14 Aug from KN32AS (1536m a.s.l.) with 2x DJ9BV 4 lambda and 2x GU74B PA IC910 MGF 1302. The team consist LZ1RB, LZ1JH, LZ1DP, LZ1UK ... SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF - tnx Savi, LZ1UK *** 2008 'Expedition' DJ8MS - Past Weekend Tor, DJ8MS, was active as LA/DJ8MS on 144 MHz Meteorscatter from JQ90NA. Be ready for his next /p activities and keep an eye on his announces until mid august! Use: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php to be up to date! SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF - tnx Tor, LA&SM/DJ8MS *** Dirk, F/ON4IMM, will be a holiday DXpedition to Noirmoutier en L’Ile IN86UX IOTA EU-064. During 10-11-12-13 august will be 24 h qrv (minus sleepingtime HI). He did test the GPRS connection for KST and the MMMonVHF DXBlog - keep an eye on KST-Chat and the F/ON4IMM DXBlog: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/showblog.php?ca=F-ON4IMM SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF - tnx Dirk, ON4IMM *** 5R8 HF + EME Dxpedition from the Team around Jean-Marc, F1HDI .... So far so good, after having cancelled our 144 EME expe in FY in May, we should be ready to activate Sainte Marie Island, north east of Madagascar on HF and 144 EME. EME activity should start September 20th and stop the 25th. Call and frequency will come later. Customs permitting ... The setup should be 4x8 horz. polar and 500w+. We will be located on the western coast of Sainte-marie. The main trafic should by in JT65. SOURCE: MoonNet and direct to MMMonVHF - tnx Jean-Marc F1HDI *** Paolo, IK7UXW, sent following message from the MMM Webside: Hello I'd like to inform that from next week I'll be active in VHF and 23 Cm from KM08HQ at 1150 asl. During this 2 Weeks operation me and SV3GKE Mike we are installing a new Beacon on 1296.803 with 4 Watts and 10 element at 320°. The Beacon is sperimental and will be SV3GKE/B for few month after this period we will recive the New Beacon Callsign from the Greek Government. Regards Paolo IK7UXW. SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF - tnx Paolo, IK7UXW *** DA0HEL will be QRV from JO34WE in Perseiden 2008 After activating HELGOLAND (JO34WE) now several times on 144 MHz Tropo during past Contests (and as well in september Contest), Thorsten, DG7TG, and Crew will try to operate from there on 144 MHz during Perseids in MS /WSJT 144MHz - RIG: 400 Watt 1x 13 el Start: 11.08. 14:00 UTC - End : 13:08. 11:00 UTC. LATEST NEWS de Tom, DG7TG, dated 2008-07-30: Call was changed to D A 0 H E L (Details: http://www.qrz.com/callsign/da0hel) SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF - tnx Tom, DG7TG ************************************************** **************** VHF-EVENTS/ACTIVITIES http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - use FILTER Event/Activity YES! ************************************************** **************** LATEST NEWS from Tom, DG7TG, dated 2008-07-29: September Contest 144MHz DA0HEL QRV from JO34WE with CW Operator, so we can be 24 hours QRV now. Over the night only QRV in CW, maybe we can reach from Helgoland 800 to 900 Kilometer must be no problem in CW (in SSB we work OE, HB9,OK by normal TR). Station 2x 13Ele Cuschraft and 400Watt. We are QRV in the Cluster and ON4KST Chat. Any Sked? send a mail to dg7tg"at"web"dot"de Hope to see u from rare Square JO34WE - 73 DG7TG Tom Info: QRZ.com DA0HEL (E20-Special call sign) In PERSEIDS also in MS! http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=1754 SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF - tnx Tom , DG7TG *** Gigi, IV3GTH, will operate during his family holiday from Banja Luka, JN84OT, using his new bosnian call E77GS. His main target is to partecipate in the MMMonVHF / DUBUS MS-SPRINT-Contest: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/ctest.php on 12th August with single antenna (probably 9 el dk7zb) and 150W PA. He hope to find a better place for contest in same QTH to have a better take-off (to improve 0-125 deg QTF). QSL direct or bureau via IV3GTH. 73 CU soon Gigi E77GS SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF - tnx Gigi, E77GS (IV3GTH) *** HB9Q JN47CG will be QRV as follows: August 2nd from about 10.00z until about 16.00z and August 3rd from 06.45z until about 19.00z 144.111 JT65b 1st / 432.077 JT65b 1st / 1296 JT65c/CW and 144/432 CW are on request. Please e-mail (dan at hb9q dot ch) us or look for us on the logger to arrange for the QSY. We will be stand-by on N0UK logger & on our 432 logger (see EME loggers on at www.hb9q.ch) Hope to work you! vy 73! Dan, HB9CRQ/KT6Q head of HB9Q SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF - tnx Dan, HB9CRQ *** Joerg, DG0JMB, will be qrv from 4.8. to 10.8. on holiday on the island "Ruegen" from JO64. Hello Friends, During this time I will try to 20m, 40m, 80m and 2m to be QRV, JO64, IOTA island of Ruegen (EU057). Likewise, I try the summit as DM/ND-003 SOTA activation. It is, however, to a family vacation, but I try as often as I can to qrv. Kind regards Jörg, DG0JMB SOURCE: direct to MMMonVHF - tnx Jörg, DG0JMB *** The F5KAQ Granville ARC team ( F9ZG F5NKX F5RJM F5HVI F6ACH F6CMC F8PDR and guests ) will be active from BREHAT island (EU-074, IN88, MA-012, WLOTA 2010), between September 1st to 8th. 80 to 10 m SSB CW RTTY BPSK and SSB from 144MHz to 10 GHz SSB . During this week activities valid also for Lighthouses, Castles, mills and so on. A trés bientot dans le log L'equipe F5KAQ Benoit F8PDR SOURCE: tnx Maurice, F5NQL DX News *** MW0OPS will be activating several lighthouses in IO60, IN69,and IO70 over the next few days on 6m. SOURCE: tnx Steve, M5BXB on UKSMG *** 02/08/2008: Operators Doug/KD8CAO and John/K8YSE will activate the Grand Haven South Pierhead Inner (USA-1077) and Grand Haven South Pierhead Outer (USA-1078, WW Loc. EN63VB) Michigan Lighthouses during the ARLHS 2008 National Lighthouse-Lightship Week, August 2-9th. Operation from Grand Haven will be on August 2nd. On August 3rd, they will try to activate other Lake Michigan lighthouses. Look for them on all HF bands. Satellite operations on AO-51, SO-50 and AO-27 are a possibility. QSL via K8YSE. SOURCE: OPDX Bulletin *** The 'Demons DXer's Team' will be active August 5th and 6th as EE1DD from Arousa Island (IN52, EU-080, DIE O-007) using SSB and CW on 80-6 m. QSOs count for WLOTA LH-0368 and WLOL (ARLHS) SPA-222. QSLs via EA1YG, direct or bureau. More information on their web site at: www.demonsdxers.es/ SOURCE: [DX Newsletter] via ICPO Bulletin *** The 18th World Parachuting Championships in Formation Skydiving will take place in Maubeuge-Elesmes from Aug 9-14. The special event station TM0WPC will be activated in CW/SSB/digital on 160-2m from Aug 3-17. QSL via F5KEB. SOURCE: DXNL 1582 (Jul 30, 2008) ************************************************** ************************* The VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF - Newsletter Credits & Info ************************************************** ************************* Our Newsletter is compiled from the input of the USER of the VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF as well by a lot of free usable HF-V-U-SHF-Info-Sources and chats like ON4KST-, N0UK-, RU-VHF-DX-Net, EA-V-U-SHF-Chat and others... *** Many thanks to all USER who send us info and news *** Wherever we found the info we always indicate the source of the info. If you get knowledge of an expedition, which is NOT listed at our VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF or if you have additional info for an expedition, PLEASE be so kind and send us this info at http://www.mmmonvhf.de/newsuser.php or http://www.mmmonvhf.de/kontact.php The MMMonVHF-Team is always trying to spread any expedition info as much up-to-date and reliable as possible and as long as the info does not violate with our MMMonVHF-Policy. Have a lot of fun and enjoy MMMonVHF! 73 de Guido "Guy" DL8EBW on behalf of the MMMonVHF-Team (DG2KBC DK3XT DK5EW DK5YA HA5CRX IV3NDC OZ1LPR PA2DW PA3BIY & PA4EME) ************************************************** ************************* |
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