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![]() DXNL 1604 - Dec 31, 2008 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) EDITOR'S NOTE: The authors of the DX Newsletter want to thank all readers for their support during the past year. We wish all readers, DXers and DXpeditioners all the best for the year 2009. The DXNL team: DL7MAE, DE0MST, DL7VOA E4 - PALESTINE A team of six Italian HAMs will shop up in CW/SSB/RTTY/digital modes signing E44M on 160-2m from Jan 1-11. They will activate three stations with up to 1 kW, yagis, verticals and wires. The OPs Simone,IZ0BTV, Bello,IZ0EGM, Giorgio,IZ4AKS, Cortesi,IZ4DPV, Pasquale,IZ8IYX, and Vini,IK2CIO, will focus on the lowbands, WARC bands and digital modes. More information can be found on: http://www.dxcoffee.com/e44m FO - FRENCH POLYNESIA, OC-046 Pascal,FO/F8AAL, is spending his holidays on Moorea (OC-046) and works in SSB and RTTY on 40m/30m/20m until Dec 31. QSLs direct or via bureau to his homecall F8AAL. H4 - SOLOMON ISLANDS / H40 - TEMOTU ISLANDS Bernhard,DL2GAC/H44MS, flies to the South Pacific again and will arrive in Honiara, capital of the Solomon Islands, on Jan 8. His return flight is scheduled for Apr 28 which means he will spend most of the European winter there. This will be his 20th visit to the Solomons since 1985. Bernhard works in SSB only and plans to focus especially on 40m/80m. He will be joined by the CW op Sigi,DK9FN, and the EME op Hermann,DL2NUD, by the end of February. All three of them are planning also a short trip to Temotu (H40) for two or three weeks. Their flight to Lata, the capital of Temotu, has been booked for Mar 2. Sigi will return to home on Mar 16 and Hermann on Apr 9. HB8/HE8 - SWITZERLAND The "Union of Swiss HF Amateurs" (USKA) celebrates its 80th anniversary and thus Swiss HAMs are allowed to use the special prefixes HE8 and HB8 during the year 2009. Owners of an amateur radio licence class 1, 2 or CEPT may use the special prefix HE8 (instead of HB9) from Jan 1 until Dec 31, 2009. Owners of a licence class 3 may use the special prefix HB8 (instead of HB3). P4 - ARUBA, SA-036 Marty,W2CG, is going to spend his holidays again on Aruba (SA-036) from Jan 3-17. He will sign P40CG on 10-80m during his early morning and late evening hours and also during the ARRL RTTY Roundup Contest on Jan 3/4. QSLs direct, via bureau or LoTW to his homecall W2CG. V7 - MARSHALL ISLANDS, OC-028 Neil,WD8CRT, will have to work on the Kwajalein atoll (OC-028) for the next two years starting on Jan 5. He will work mostly in CW on 160-6m signing V73NS. QSL via bureau or direct to Neil Schwanitz, PO Box 8341, APO, AP 96557, USA. His website is: http://www.qsl.net/v73ns VQ9 - CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO, AF-006 Jim,ND9M, is working on Diego Garcia (AF-006) again since Dec 18 for a total of four months. He had no problems to extend his VQ9JC licence and got also the special call VQ98JC which is valid until Dec 31, 2008. QSL cards will be printed after he returns home in April. Usually Jim is working in all bands and modes and via the satellites AO-51/SO-50 from 1200-1630 UTC on sundays to tuesdays and one hour longer on fridays and saturdays (sometimes also until 0100 UTC). QSLs also via bureau to ND9M. ZD8 - ASCENSION ISLAND, AF-003 Hugo,M0HSW, Tom,M0TJH, Simon,G4EAG, Gordon,G3USR, Martin,G3ZAY, and Michael,G7VJR (who is also the QSL manager), will be active as ZD8UW between Dec 31 and Jan 9. The six members of the "Cambridge University Wireless Society" will be active in SSB/CW on all bands from AF-003. The logs will be uploaded to the LoTW after the DXpedition. ZF2 - CAYMAN ISLANDS, NA-016 Gary,W2VQ, and his son Paul,WQ2N, are working as ZF2VQ and ZF2NN in CW/RTTY/SSB on 160-6m from Dec 28 until Jan 3. Gary and Paul are using 100 watt, yagis, verticals and dipoles. ZF2NN via WQ2N, ZF2VQ via W2VQ. 3V - TUNISIA, AF-073 The Provins ARC (F6KOP) organizes another large DXpedition in 2009. They will activate Kerkennah Island (AF-073) as TS7C from Jan 8-19. Activities will take place in CW/SSB/FM/RTTY/PSK31/BPSK/SSTV on all HF bands with six or seven stations but once again they will focus on the lowbands (as known from their earlier DXpeditions 5H1C, XT2C, J5C). The DXpedition is conducted by following team members: Frank, F4AJQ: team leader, SSB and digital modes Mustapha, DL1BDF: SSB, digital modes Bernard, F9IE: CW leader Bob, N6OX: SSB leader Jean-Paul, F8BJI: operations leader Sylvain, F4EGD: SSB, digital modes, QSL manager Flo, F5CWU: CW, SSB, assistant QSL manager Gerard, F2VX: SSB Bill, N2WB: SSB, CW Michel, FM5CD: CW, SSB, digital modes Sebastien, F5UFX: SSB, CW Sebastien, F8IJV: SSB Jean-Luc, F6BIV: SSB, Norbert, F6AXX: CW Alain, F6ENO: CW Dieter, OE8KDK: SSB, digital modes Stefan, OE8SKQ: CW Mathieu, F5PED: CW Eric, ON7RN: SSB, CW John, F5VHQ: SSB Romain, F8BUI: CW Gillares, F1H SSB Franco, F4EVR: SSB Michel, F5EOT: SSB Arno, OE9AMJ: CW, SSB Tony, G0OPB: CW, SSB Gabriele, I2VGW: SSB, CW, digital modes XYL Anne Marie Laurent: photographer. The pilot stations will be Pascal,F5JSD, Serge,F6AML, Thierry,F4TTR, and Bruno,F5AGB. QSL cards direct or via bureau to Sylvain,F4EGD. Check also their website at: http://www.ts7c.net 9M2 - WEST MALAYSIA Dani,EA4ATI, expects to work in Kuala Lumpur for the whole year 2009. He got the callsign 9M2TI and will work with 400 watts and a vertical in SSB and CW on 40m/20m/15m/10m. Dani plans to take part in all major contests (if possible from stations better equipped). QSL via EA4ATI. CANADA, SPECIAL EVENT STATION Canadian amateurs may use following prefixes from Jan 1 until Feb 28: CF instead of VA CG instead of VE CH instead of VO CI instead of VY This is to remember the work of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), the well- known Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer and inventor who made many important discoveries in the field of natural sciences. SILENT KEYS: Several wellknown DXers passed away during the past weeks: Junji Saito (JA7SSB), Myron D "Bud" Weisberg (K2YOF), Stanislav Julianovich Muhlja (UR5FB, ex-UB5FBO -UR5FBO), Marcus D Leuchter (AA5XM), Renato Rogna (I1ROP, former ARI president of the Piemonte & Valle d'Aosta region), Richard F Ray (KB1IGN), Charles O Fulcher (KE6SE), Russell R McDonald (N5SCQ), Viktor L Kozlov (R9WU), Alexander V Pakhomov (UA3GEV), Anatoly A Abramov (UA9SU), Vladimir N Serdyuk (UR7ISG), Fernand Plante (VE2FVD), Robert K Golder (W1WYZ), Robert V Edwards (W8KIC) and Joseph Raihshtain (RD4HF, ex-4K6GF,-UD6GF, -UD6DLJ) who passed away on Dec 7 after being licensed since 1955. LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://www.sotawatch.org --- Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: http://www.MMMonVHF.de UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Jan 1: SARTG New Year RTTY Contest Jan 3/4: ARRL RTTY Round Up IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: AN-016, various, Antarctica (main): Paul,ON3PC, is signing OP0LE from the Princess Elizabeth Base between Dec 26 and Feb 15. QSL via homecall. NA-057, HR, Bahia Islands: Paolo,HR9/IK2QPR, will be QRV from the island Roatan (NA-057) from Jan 4-12.QSL direct or via bureau to his homecall. NA-111, W2, New Jersey State Group: Members of the Old Barney ARC are active as N2OB/LH or N2OB/150 from Long Beach Island from Dec 27 until Jan 4. QSL via N2OB (direct/bureau). Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS/ILLW) ---------------------------------------- FR5BT LH 1812 resident HR9/IK2QPR LH 1671 HON-008 Jan 4-12, 2009 JA1JCF/1 LH 2376 JAP-690 Jan 20/21, 2009 M0IOW LH 2985 ENG-143 resident W4ONC/p USA-212 Jan 5/6, 2009 8P9NX LH 0999 resident Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 160m XU7ACY 1.822 2215Z via W2EN (L) 80m VK6HD 3.508 2133Z (B) XU7ACY 3.502 2133Z via W2EN (L) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = LoTW Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL 25Dec-06Jan 4A1DXXE 1603 -31Dec 4D74D 1569 NOW 5Z4/RW1AU 1585 -Sep/09 6W1SJ 1541 -31Mar 6W2SC 1597 NOW 9G5SW 1581 19Nov-06Feb 9M2MRS 1597/1600 Christmas 9M6QQ 1602 turn of year 9M8QQ 1602 Jan/09 CN98NY 1602 -31Dec DM152ZYA 1569 01Jan-11Jan E44M 1604 * -31Dec E760DPR 1597 22Nov-03Feb EA8/ON5JV.. 1598 -31Dec EI100S(I) 1501 NOW EY8/S57CQ 1579 21Sep-Feb/09 FM/F5IRO 1589 -31Dec FO/F8AAL 1604 * Postponed FR/Glorioso 1568/1600 -30Nov FT5WO 1600 26Dec-22Jan GB2HLB 1603 Mar/09 H40 (DLs) 1604 * 10Jan-28Apr H44MS.. 1604 * NOW H44MY & H44TO 1597 01Jan-Dec/09 HE8/HB8 1604 * -31Dec HG1848I 1556 -31Dec HG550REX 1556 -12Jan HF0APAS 1602 04Jan-12Jan HR9/IK2QPR 1604 * 2006 -2008 J28JA 1484/85 -31Mar J5UAP 1597 28Dec-02Jan JD1BMH.. (Og.) 1603 18Dec-07Jan JD1BMM (M.T.) 1603 24Dec-05Jan JS6RRR/JS6.. 1603 16Dec-30Jan KC4/K2ARB 1601 24Dec-31Dec KP2/NY6X 1603 12Feb-26Feb KP5 (Desecheo) 1602 27Dec-04Jan N2OB/LH 1604 * -31Dec OA4/DL1NL 1603 -Feb/09 OD/F5TLN 1591 -Apr/09 OD5/IV3YIM 1599 -Nov/09 OD5/W5YFN 1599 Dec OH9SCL 1600 -31Dec ON40BAF 1553 -31Dec ON1000NOTGER 1555 -31Dec ON1708M 1580 -31Dec ON50WAASLAND 1593 31Oct-31Dec ON55INR 1595 -15Feb OP0LE 1604 * 03Jan-17Jan P40CG 1604 * -01Jan PA30KST 1603 26Dec-04Jan PJ4/WO0Z 1603 End of Dec S2 (AS-127) 1603 -31Dec SF700BF 1558 29Dec-11Jan TM4IPY 1603 21Dec-03Jan TM5WRC 1602 -2011/12 TN5SN 1585/1591 15Dec-15Jan TR8DR/TR50R 1601 08Jan-19Jan TS7C 1604 * 25Dec-Feb TU8/F4EGS 1603 -2011 V73NS 1604 * 01Nov-07Mar VK0BP 1596 -Mar VQ9JC 1604 * -Dec/09 WA2YUN/KH9 1568 15Dec- XU7ACY 1601 -Feb XU7XXX 1599 31Dec-09Jan ZD8UW 1604 * 28Dec-03Jan ZF2VQ & ZF2NN 1604 * -Sep/09 ZS08TV 1590 2008 -Apr/09 ZS8T 1570/1586 * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- EA1/EH3CT via EA3KG EA8/DL7AU via DL7AU (B) EG3CTV via EA3RKR (B) EG8BIE via EA8BIE EG8BUE via EA8BUE (B) EG8CEI via EA8CEI EG8CEQ via EA8CEQ EG8CFY via EA8CFY EG8EY via EA8EY EG8HB via EA8HB EG8HJ via EA8HJ EG8IK via EA8IK (B), eQSL EG8IN via EA8IN (B), eQSL EG8JA via EA8JA EG8VD via EA8VD (B) EH3CT via EA3KG (B, automatically) EI/ON5GS/p via ON5GS (d) EL2DX via K8SJP (B) FR1AN via NI5DX (B) H6VA via TI4SU (d) HF75LD via SP7PGK (B) HF0APAS via SP9YI HP3TA via KG6UH (d) or W6 bureau IP9IPY via IP9IPY (B), IT9YMM (d) KH8/KK6H via W7TSQ (B) KT3Q/4 via DL3OCH (B) TI3/WA7UZO via AI4U (B) VP9BO via W4ZGR W8XGI/KH2 via JA1XGI (B) XU7XRO via M0URX (B) XU7XXX via KC0W (d) XV9TH via SK7AX (B) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) QSLs arrived bureau: C31CT (EA3QS), CE2LZR (EA5KB), CN2DA/m,CQ4IPY (CT1BWW), CU8/CT3FN (HB9CRV), F/DL3PS (EU-070), HB0/DL2OBO/p, HB0/DL3PS/p, IS0XDA (EU-024), OH0X (OH2TA), OY9R, ON50EU (ON7YX), RP1CC (RV1CC), RP62X (UA9XC), RU1A (RU1AE), SP1/DL6NBR (EU-132), ZL2AL,ZY6T (SA-023), 3B7SP (SP9SX), 3DA0WW (LZ3HI), 6K2AVL, 6W/DM2AYO, 7Q7RB (IN3BHR), 9M4SDX (AS-051, 9M2TO), 9V1UV Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WINQSL), DJ0FX, DJ5AV, DK8JB, DL1SBF, DL2GAC, DL2MDZ, DL7VOA, F5NQL, NG3K, USKA and others. __________________________________________________ __________________________ The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...8/dxmb1604.pdf __________________________________________________ ____________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm |
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