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![]() Hallo dear MMMonVHF friends, please find below our latest NEWSLETTER of the VHF-DX-Portal "Make More Miles on VHF" (www.MMMonVHF.de) dated 2009-02-06 We attempt to distribute our Newletter one or two times per week. For further detail please be so kind and refer at our "News"-page: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - welcome and enjoy... ************************************************** *************** Latest NEWS/INFO for the NEWSLETTER MMMonVHF The VHF-DX-Portal ************************************************** *************** Result of the Trophy for the "Best VHF DX Expedition" Year 2008 During the voting period from 1st to 20th of January 2009 we counted 70 voters from more than 21 different countries which clicked more than 183 times for 77 different Expeditions which were published on the Review Page of www.mmmonvhf.de during the year 2008. All details: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/trophy2008.php - our special congratulations for place 1 to Dirk, ON5GS (as EI/ON5GS/p), place 2 the EME Team of the Expedition 5R8EM (Jean-Marc F1HDI and Team) and place 3 to Tor, DJ8MS (as LA/SM/OH/DJ8MS from many different squares in scandinavia) All he www.MMMonVHF.de MMM Events - BEST VHF DXP - Result 2008 SOURCE: Jani, HA5CRX for the Team of MMMonVHF *** Today I had the great pleasure of completing an EME contact on 6m with TN5SN during his moonset. Nicolas has a great setup there with his I0JXX 7 element yagi and a kw. His best signal here today was -25 dB, but when I ran a sked with him earlier in the week, his signal on two sequences was strong enough to be audible at -18 and -22 dB! It sure is great to have such a well equipped 6m station and experienced operator QRV from a very rare DXCC! GL and VY 73, Lance - SOURCE: Lance, W7GJ via his MAGIC BAND EME Rfl. *** Sweden. A mail from Arne SM7AED translates into English as; New amateur radio band in Sweden from today (29 January 2009). From today we do have access to a new general amateur radio band in Sweden, 50-52 MHz. The official information from the PTS is; The 50-52 MHz frequency band is available from now, to amateur radio with an output of maximum 200 Watt. Existing 6 meter licensees will not be debited any annual fee for 2009. Licenses witch expired 31 December 2008, does not need to apply to be prolonged. Allegations is ongoing between the SSA and the PTS in a try to change the power limit to 1000 Watt. But for now the limit is 200 Watt. So now it just to hookup the 50 MHz antenna and get on with it SOURCE: Arne, SM7AED via 50 MHz DX News, by OZ6OM *** GB3BUX 50.000MHz Buxton ENGLAND. Hello MMM TEAM! I have been informed by NICK, G7EKY that after I reported this beacon down at least 6db over normal signal strength, Nick visited the site he found the Beacon has a damaged lower turnstile halfwave dipole,it is broken in the centre this is reducing the radiating patten signals may be down than normal. Repairs to be carried out in Spring 2009. 73 DE IAN G6TGO SOURCE: tnx Ian, G6TGO direct to MMMonVHF *** Hi everyone, I just wanted to let all of you know that today, after a lengthy process, I was able to obtain 6M privileges for Singapore. This will mean that there are 2 operators in Singapore currently, the other being Selva 9V1UV. Some of you may have worked me under my old call of VK8AH from Darwin. Hoping to apply the little knowledge I have obtained to a slightly different latitude! I will be very limited in capacity due to the regulations applied (6M is not normally allowed in Singapore) and as such I only have 50-50.2 at low power. However, its a start! SOURCE: Andrew, 9V1TT via UKSMG Announce ************************************************** *************** Latest DXPEDITION and EVENT NEWS - Please do use: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php and use the FILTER for your personal wishes! ************************************************** *************** 144 MHz Activity from the VK4-area in february 2009 by Hermann, VK4/DL2NUD - LATEST NEWS from Hermann, DL2NUD, dated 2009-02-06: After yesterdays first activity from QG53 today Hermann and Ray use the Call VK/DL2NUD and got qrv today from QG64NC on 144,144 MHz (JT65B 1st periode) SOURCE: tnx to Hermann, DL2NUD via N0UK-Logger *** As reported earlier, Rene, PE1L, is planning a expedition to 5Z. LATEST News by Rene, PE1L, dated 2009-02-03: Rene, PE1L, did receive now the special Moonbounce Liz from with the personal Call 5Z4EME. Because of the long delay he now need to change the trip later to the year... maybe a good periode will be begin of april, but nothing fixed. As well Rene, need some one to join the trip - pse send him info when there is any chance... SOURCE: tnx to Rene, PE1L, direct to MMMonVHF *** PI9CAM will join the 23cm eme SSB contest and will run 2 m & 70cm EME WSJT in between. The Dwingeloo 25 meter Radio Telescope PI9CAM will be on the air again. More than 30 volunteers are involved in a project at the Dwingeloo 25 meter Radio Telescope to bring this important historical dish in operation again. More than 400 people are supporting financially. Coming weekend are an activity from Dwingerloo on 2m and 23cm again. OPs are PA3FXB, PA3CEE and PE1L... SOURCE: tnx to Rene, PE1L, direct to MMMonVHF *** Moon Bounce Seminar for Young Generations The Next Operating Information of 8J1AXA on February 7. The JARL Special Station 8J1AXA at JAXA Katsuura Space Communication Center, Chiba Pref., will be active on 144MHz/432MHz, Saturday, February 7, 2008. Moon above 5 deg. after 05:56UTC & before 19:50UTC of Feb.7. (Our antenna elevation does not come down below 5 deg. ) Read all details: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2254 SOURCE: Mike, Watanabe, JH1KRC via MoonNet and direct to MMMonVHF *** Dear EME Friends, I will be running on 144MHz JT65B EME and be QRV on 50MHz and 432MHz at my EME shack (QM05) in February 7-9, if my backache will be fixed :-) My EME setup a 50MHz: 2.6wl 13ele Yagi, 3CX3000A, FT-2000D /wo PreAmp - 144MHz: 4 x 2MXP32, 2 x GU74b, mast mounted PreAmp, IC-910D - 432MHz: 2 x 20ele LongJohn, 50W, mast mounted PreAmp, IC-910D - 144MHz CW request is welcome. I look forward to contact with old/new stations. 73, Isao / JM1WBB SOURCE: Isao, JM1WBB via MoonNet and direct to MMMonVHF *** After many DXpeditions and 16 first ever activities on 23cm I am happy to announce another mile stone in EME history. I will be working in Nigeria for several month starting in March. This gives me the opportunity to bring EME to Nigeria. We already formed a EME group (5N0OBA, 5N9AYM, 5N4BRJ, 5N0ATI and myself) which will be active on 2m, 70cm and 23cm. Our focus will be on 2m and 23cm. RIG in detail see: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2244 - However, what I am still missing is a preAmp for 2m. I would prefer a SP-2000 or any other kind that is reliable and includes the relays. I am looking forward to work you. Many thanks to all of you! Vy 73 de Bodo, DL3OCH, HB9EHJ, KT3Q via MoonNet and MMMonVHF *** Special Call LM9K75Y (JO48) qrv for 75 Year Celebration Kristians andsgruppen av NRRL Radioamatørene in Kristiansand... LA9K club station celebrating 75 years. We will be qrv with a special callsign LM9K75Y in 2009. Station will be qrv on all bands SSB/CW/FSK/JT. All QSO will be confirmed with a nice QSL card. QSL via LA9K. RIG on 2m: 3WL + masted preamp + GS35b SOURCE: Jurek, LA4YGA OP at LM9K75Y direkt to MMMonVHF *** After sending us the News about activity from HELGOLAND, JO34 in July as DR3M and DC0NAC, Andy, DG3XA, told to be qrv from JO46BG as OZ/DG3XA in june 2009 as well. He will take part in the IARU Region I Contest with 3 ele. and 1 KW... Later you be able to read more at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2252 SOURCE: Andy, DG3XA direct to MMMonVHF *** A new station from India will be qrv since past days: OP Girish, VU2KGB, at MK80EA could work his first 2 EME QSOs on 144 MHz with 160W into 2x 5el Yagi. He shall become qrv with more antennas later on... SOURCE: tnx Joop, PA0JMV, direct to MMMonVHF *** By K9OT and KB9LIE as FP/K9OT and FP/KB9LIE from Miquelon Isl. (NA-032, GN17) from 20090710 to 20090718; 160-6m; SSB CW; QSL also OK via buro or LOTW; QRV for IARU contest. Website: http://hamradio.pnpfarms.com SOURCE: Tnx Bill, NG3K, via his DX-NEWS *** N8O qrv 50MHz from EN91OR : U.S.A., K. Jun 13-Jun 15, 1800Z-0300Z, Jefferson, OH. N8OFS, N8O. Caboose Portable for the AC&J (ACJR) Railroad's 25th Anniversary. FM 52.525 51.500 50.300 USB 50.200. QSL. N8OFS, PO Box 517, Jefferson, OH 44047. 52.525 and 51.500 is Vertical... 50.300 and 50.200 are both Vertical or Horizontal. I'll be constantly changing between Antennas, Polarities, and Modes (USB+FM)... I got enuf room, so I'll drag out the 5 Wavelength Longwire and play with it too... Plus the PAR OA-50, PAR EF-6, and the Norwalk Electronics 6 Meter Dominator 5/8 wave So, a Loop, a Groundplane, a Wire Dipole, and a Longwire (yes, longwires do work on 6)... SOURCE: Andy (NEON) N8OFS GOT6??? *** Bellevue Amateur Radio Club, W0WYV. qrv for the 50th Anniversary of the club Apr 16-Apr 18, 0600Z-0600Z, Bellevue, NE. 7.035 PSK 14.247 7.030 CW 3.850 50.125 147.390 gen portion of bands. QSL. BARC, 7518 Chandler Hills Dr, Bellevue, NE 68147-2108. URL:http://bellevuearc.org W0WYV DATE:APR16 0600Z-APR18 0600Z SOURCE: Tnx Andy (Neon), 50 MHz DX News (Got6???) direct to MMMonVHF *** We have our space reserved and will be operating our Special Event Station under the call W3C for the Washington County Annual Sports Show All are invited to come and join us and operate the club station. This has always been a nice event for the club and we've met a lot of interesting people with zero to decades of experience and the full spectrum of operating preferences. Feb 5-Feb 8, 0000Z-1900Z, Washington, PA. Washington Amateur Communications, W3C. Washington County Annual Sports Show. SSB CW RTTY 21.340 14.250 7.250. QSL. Edward Oelschlager, 60 Carl Ave B2, Eighty Four, PA 15330. www.wacomarc.org SOURCE: Tnx Andy (Neon), 50 MHz DX News (Got6???) direct to MMMonVHF *** Dani, EA4ATI, who is now active as 9M2TI from Malaysia, informs OPDX that he is preparing for a DXpedition (with a team of operators) to activate Nauru in the Pacific sometime in May. The callsign will be C21TI. Travelling through Australia to get to Nauru, tentative dates will be either from May 3-17th (after the cyclone season) or May 16-30th. More at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2261 SOURCE: [GOLIST] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #894 *** Starting May 2009, SV1DH will commence daily WSPR beacon transmissions (high TX duty, 50W to 6 element Yagi) on 6m beaming east to Asia and Pacific, trying to find rare multihop Es DX openings, like last year observed ones to DU7,9M2,9M6,BY etc. Any comments, proposals and paricipation on these tests are VERY WELCOME...73 SOURCE: Costas SV1DH via UKSMG Announce *** SOTA-News - Upcoming Activations updated at our MMMonVHF page as long these including VHF or U/SHF-Activity. A complete over- view about all SOTA-Activities are on: www.sotawatch.org/alerts.php SOURCE: tnx Summits On The Air (via SOTAwatch2 (beta) Page) ************************************************** ************************* The VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF - Newsletter Credits & Info ************************************************** ************************* Our Newsletter is compiled from the input of the USER of the VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF as well by a lot of free usable HF-V-U-SHF-Info-Sources and chats like ON4KST-, N0UK-, RU-VHF-DX-Net, EA-V-U-SHF-Chat and others... *** Many thanks to all USER who send us info and news *** Wherever we found the info we always indicate the source of the info. If you get knowledge of an expedition, which is NOT listed at our VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF or if you have additional info for an expedition, PLEASE be so kind and send us this info at http://www.mmmonvhf.de/newsuser.php or http://www.mmmonvhf.de/kontact.php The MMMonVHF-Team is always trying to spread any expedition info as much up-to-date and reliable as possible and as long as the info does not violate with our MMMonVHF-Policy. Have a lot of fun and enjoy MMMonVHF! 73 de Guido "Guy" DL8EBW on behalf of the MMMonVHF-Team (DG2KBC DK3XT DK5EW DK5YA HA5CRX IV3NDC OZ1LPR PA2DW PA3BIY & PA4EME) ************************************************** ************************* |
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