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![]() Hallo dear MMMonVHF friends, please find below our latest NEWSLETTER of the VHF-DX-Portal "Make More Miles on VHF" (www.MMMonVHF.de) dated 2009-03-13 We attempt to distribute our Newletter one or two times per week. For further detail please be so kind and refer at our "News"-page: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - welcome and enjoy... ************************************************** *************** Latest NEWS/INFO for the NEWSLETTER MMMonVHF The VHF-DX-Portal ************************************************** *************** A new USER Tool to evaluate the MMMonVHF Most Wanted Lists! Special thanks go to Bernd, DL7UCX, who did include the eMWS and eMWDXCC inquiries meantime at his popular logbook program UCX Log From up UCX-Log 6.36 - http://www.ucxlog.org/ - you be able to evaluate your MWS files (as well eMWS as eMWDXCC) and pass it over direct to our Portal: www.mmmonvhf.de/emws.php / ... dxcc.php For further details please do refere info at our FORUM: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/minibb/index....vtopic&forum=5 SOURCE: Guy, DL8EBW, on behalf of the MMMonVHF Team *** VQ-Log of EA6VQ - Version 3.1 build 56 is available for dowloading at http://update.vqlog.com - Several improvements & changes have been done by Gabriel again in this version. 73 Gabriel - EA6VQ SOURCE: Gabriel, EA6VQ to the VQ-List on Yahoo.com *** Ham Radio on Venus! It's not April yet, so this is for real. The Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) and JAMSAT, the Japanese amateur satellite organization, are working with the Japanese University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC) to send an amateur radio payload to Venus as part of the JAXA Planet-C Venus Orbiter mission planned for next year. According to the AMSAT News Service, UNITEC-1 will transmit a CW beacon at about one bit per second. Hams around the world will be invited to listen for the signal and to help with two major science goals: 1) development of technologies to receive and decode very weak and low bit-rate signals coming from deep space; and 2) development of technologies to estimate the orbit of the satellite and the Doppler shift of its signals based on the received RF signals. These technologies will be necessary for tracking and receiving signals from satellites in deep space. More information (in English) will be on the UNITEC-1 site at: http://unitec-1.cc.u-tokai.ac.jp/en/news_en. SOURCE: tnx to Matej, OK1TEH, on MoonNet and direct to MMMonVHF ************************************************** *************** Latest DXPEDITION and EVENT NEWS - Please do use: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php and use the FILTER for your personal wishes! ************************************************** *************** EME Activity from Nigeria (5N) in next months... LATEST NEWS from Bodo, dated 2009-03-10: I will leave on the 19th to Abuja. The equipment is already there waiting for me. I will use 5N0OCH for my HF activities. If time permits it, I might be already on the moon during the weekend 21./22. of March. I will stay until July so be patient, there will be enough time to work me. All details: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2244 SOURCE tnx to Bodo, DL3OCH, HB9EHJ, KT3Q, direct to MMMonVHF *** Rolf, DK2ZF, is planning a activity from rare JO96 on isl. Gotland He, is planning to be qrv as SM1/DK2ZF from JO96CV during july 09. These will be a preferred time for SPORADIC E and METEORSCATTER so he will take 50 and 144 MHz and as well 432 1296 2320 for Tropo. More details will follow later here at MMMonVHF: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2337 SOURCE: tnx to Rolf, DK2ZF direct to MMMonVHF *** 6M and 2M dxpedition to the south Cook Islands - E51 LATEST NEWS from Bob, ZL1RS, dated 2009-03-11: Lance W7GJ and Bob ZL1RS will meet in Rarotonga in late March to operate on 6 and 2 meters from BG08dr. Activity should commence on 26 March and run until 04 April on both bands, with an additional 1 or 2 days of activity on 2M possible until 06 April... Read all: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2183 SOURCE: tnx to Bob, ZL1RS direct to MMMonVHF and MoonNet *** Hello EME gang, I would like to share info with all of you about new 432 MHz feed and whole new feed point which I am building now. More info and pictures he http://www.ok1dfc.com/EME/technic/432feed/432feed.htm So like last year, I am also for year 2009 preparing EME DX pedition with Zdenek OK3RM and new EME guy Vaclav OK3VM which is building now 144 MHz system and helping to Zdenek OK3RM with building of his 5 m dish. We have plan for E7 or GU. Now we are recognizing situation about license and possibility to use EME QRO. Expected QRGs 432 - 1296 - 2320 - 3400 MHz. SOURCE: Zdenek, OK1DFC on MoonNet *** KC3RE is looking to test his new rover configuration on moonrise and moonset from FM18dp (elevation winch not yet installed,) either 144.075 or 432.075 CW. Would anyone have time for a sked: Friday 13, 1110 UTC, set - Saturday 14, 0240 UTC, rise Saturday 14, 1140 UTC, set - Sunday 15, 0340 UTC, rise Sunday 15, 1210 UTC, set - I imagine I would have to try with fairly large stations. My rover station-probably the maximum antennas and amplifiers I can presently operate from the car is: 144: 375 W, 2X15 el K1FO H pol and 432: 120 W, 2X28 el M2 H pol Many thanks. 73 SOURCE: tnx to Martin, KC3RE to MMMonVHF and via MoonNet *** Sharon K7WZB and Garry K9WZB will be operating from Cayman Island from April 21-May 6th, 2009 as ZF2ZB. Will be operating all bands 160-6 meters. Will be monitoring 6 meters most of the time for opening to US and Europe. Operating SSB, RTTY, CW and PSK 31 all bands. --QSL direct via K9WZB Garry Fisher SOURCE: Tnx Bill, NG3K, via his DX-NEWS *** John Moyle Memorial Field day 14/15 March activity notice Gday all, I plan to operate from Mt Ginini next weekend in the John Moyle Memorial National Field Day. I plan to use 160, 80, 40, 10, 6 and 2m, 70 cm, 23cm and 13cm bands. A reminder that repeat contacts are permitted under the 3 hour time slot system, starting at 0100 UTC Saturday (noon local time). The full rules are on the WIA website (www.wia.org.au/members/contests/johnmoyle). I encourage all subscribers to make a few contacts next weekend, in particular with portable stations who are out in the field. The portables will appreciate the contacts. 73 SOURCE: Andrew VK1DA at VK-VHF-Reflector *** Hi all, the Blue Mountains Amateur Radio Club will be QRV from Mt Ovens QF46VO. he BMARC can found on or about the following frequencies... 23cm - 1296.100 70cm - 432.150 2m - 144.150 and 146.515 6m - 52.150 10m - 28.310 15m - 21.180 20m - 14.180 40m - 7.080 80m - 3.545 160m - 1.845 Everyone is looking forward to a fun time ![]() *** Hi All, The Wagga Amateur Radio Club will also be going out. Trying a new hilltop. QF34qo. 500m asl. Look forward to Catching you all up. We should be active from 160m-70cm. SOURCE: John VK2YW at VK-VHF-Reflector *** The North East Radio Group (NERG) intends to operate the club call VK3CNE from Mount Macedon, Lions Head Road, QF22HP, as a 24 Hour Portable Operation - Multiple Operator, All Band, Phone (or All Mode if someone can find a Morse key!). Working 160m-23cm SSB and 6m-23cm FM. The club's 28.2565 and 50.295MHz beacons are operational, not that I expect anyone outside VK3 to hear them this weekend. Cheers, and good luck in the contest! SOURCE: Mark, VK3BYY at VK-VHF-Reflector *** Frankston and Mornington Penisula Amateur Radio Club (FAMPARC) will be entering the VHF/UHF multi operator portable station from Foster North in QF31CJ. We will be qrv on 6m, 2m, 70cm, and 23 cm and look forward to giving out as many points a possible. Good luck and have fun. SOURCE: VK3GB at VK-VHF-Reflector *** I have arranged to be operating in the single operator all bands category from a location I have used ten to fifteen years ago near Stanthorpe, southern Queensland. The grid locator there is QG51TM. Bands available HF 160 to 10 metres, perhaps giving six metres a miss, then 2 metres plus 70, 23 and 12 centimetres. SOURCE: Doug, VK4OE, at VK-VHF-Reflector *** Hi All, The Central Coast Amateur Radio Club (VK2EH) will be operating from our usual spot at Mt Allyn. 1100m ASL QF57RU Approx 70km North of Maitland, 50km East of Scone. The following Bands/Frequencies will be active 6M 52.150 2M 144.150 70cm 432.150 23cm 1296.100 Regards Colin VK2KCM PS, It looks like we might need some tarps. SOURCE: Colin VK2KCM at VK-VHF-Reflector *** G'day all, the Tablelands Radio and Electronics Club will be active for the JMFD. Location: Hallorans Hill Atherton Far North Queensland Grid QH22rr Call: VK4WAT Bands: All HF plus 6meteres, 2 metres and 70 cm. So if you want to visit the tropics and say G'day give us a shout. Good luck in the Contest! 73 Dale VK4DMC / VK4SIX Secretary SOURCE: Dale, VK4DMC at VK-VHF-Reflector *** 16 Seasoned DX'ers Going to LORD HOWE (QF98) on HF and 6m.! LATEST NEWS from, VK9LA, dated 2009-03-06: All equipment sent via the ship has safely arrived on Lord Howe Island. When we finished packing all the gear we ended up with more space taken up than we had booked so we quickly managed to get more freight space on the boat. Read mo http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2233 SOURCE: VK4FW at GOLIST as VK9LA - LORD HOWE UPDATE 2009-03-06 *** Look for KH0/KI3DNN (QSL via JI3DNN), KH0/N3MU (QSl via JA3CEK) and KH0/K2JA (QSL via JL3SIK) to be active from Saipan (OC-086) on 19-22 March. They plan to operate SSB, CW and some digital modes on 160-6 metres. SOURCE: [TNX JL3SIK] 425 DX News #931 *** Midway Island 2009 A multi national team of 19 operators will activate Midway Isl. in October 2009. The US Fish & Wildlife Service has authorized amateur operation from this rare US entity for only a 10 day period, its first radio activity in almost 10 years Activity will be on 6 meters to 160 meters with 5 to 6 stations. More details at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2343 SOURCE: tnx Maurice, F5NQL DX News *** For the 60th anniverary of their RC, the members of the RC Quilmes LU4DQ will be active from the Railway station of Jeppener, DEF 133 D, Coronel Brandsen Region and province of Buenos Aires. HF SSB & CW, et VHF through local repeaters 145.390 Mhz. QSL : SAE + 1$ or 1 IRC to : Radio Club Quilmes Casilla de Correo Nș 6, C.P. 1878, Quilmes, Pcia. De Buenos Aires. Tks LU5CAB - SOURCE: tnx Maurice, F5NQL DX News *** Operators Ann/KP2YL and Brian/KP2HC will be heading back to visit St. Croix- Activity will be March 28th through April 7th. They are in the initial stages of planning their move back to the island, so they may be on the air less than usual on this trip. Look for them on 160-6 meters using CW and SSB... SOURCE: SOURCE: Tnx Tedd, KB8NW via Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #899 *** Colin/G3VCQ (FISTS #14065) and Sharon/M3VCQ (FISTS #14066) will be active from the island of Grenada (NA-024, WLOTA 0718) from March 12-26th. Colin is participating in the BERU CW contest (March 14-15th) and will be part of the "Rest of the World Team" Operations will be from the beach QTH with FT857d, Expert SPE solid state amplifier. Antenna's will range from a 3 el yagi for 14, 18, 21, 24 and 28Mhz. On the lower bands the antennas will be verticals and dipoles for 10, 7 and 3.5Mhz. Modes will be SSB during none contest times and CW during the BERU of course. Colin will only work Commonwealth stations during the contest. Sharon J38/M3VCQ will also be active with Colin from the island (SSB only chaps!). If your local listen out for them on 2m, 6m and 70cm. All QSL's via G3VCQ please, direct or Bureau. SOURCE: [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk] via ICPO Bulletin (March 12 - 20) *** SOTA-News - Upcoming Activations updated at our MMMonVHF page as long these including VHF or U/SHF-Activities. A complete over- view about all SOTA-Activities are on: http://www.sotawatch.org/ SOURCE: tnx the Group around Summits On The Air (SOTA) ************************************************** ************************* The VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF - Newsletter Credits & Info ************************************************** ************************* Our Newsletter is compiled from the input of the USER of the VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF as well by a lot of free usable HF-V-U-SHF-Info-Sources and chats like ON4KST-, N0UK-, RU-VHF-DX-Net, EA-V-U-SHF-Chat and others... *** Many thanks to all USER who send us info and news *** Wherever we found the info we always indicate the source of the info. If you get knowledge of an expedition, which is NOT listed at our VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF or if you have additional info for an expedition, PLEASE be so kind and send us this info at http://www.mmmonvhf.de/newsuser.php or http://www.mmmonvhf.de/kontact.php The MMMonVHF-Team is always trying to spread any expedition info as much up-to-date and reliable as possible and as long as the info does not violate with our MMMonVHF-Policy. Have a lot of fun and enjoy MMMonVHF! 73 de Guido "Guy" DL8EBW on behalf of the MMMonVHF-Team (DG2KBC DK3XT DK5EW DK5YA HA5CRX IV3NDC OZ1LPR PA2DW PA3BIY & PA4EME) ************************************************** ************************* |
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