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![]() DXNL 1621 - Apr 29, 2009 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) A3 - TONGA, OC-064 Dave,W6ZL, is activating Vava'u Island (OC-064) as A35KL between Apr 25 and May 6. Radio operation takes place mostly in CW on 40m-17m running 100 wannts into a vertical dipole. QSL via homecall or LoTW. --- Paul,A35RK, is working in CW/SSB from the same island signing A35RK/p until Jun 1. QSL via W7TSQ or LoTW. A5 - BHUTAN Hisa,JA1DOT, is active as A52DT in CW/SSB/RTTY on 160m-10m between Apr 24 and May 6. He is using wire antennas in a height of 18m. Hisa obtained a licence which allows a bigger output power than normal which was the reason why he has also an amplifier with him. QSL via JA1DOT. Updates are available online at: http://www.ndxa.net A6 - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Phil,F5LTB, (ex-9Q1TB), who will stay in Dubai for the next time, got a guest licence shortly before his arrival: He will be active mostly in SSB as A65BK.Unfortunately his QSL manager SM5DJZ confirms only direct. E-QSLs are available alternatively. CN - MOROCCO Abder,CN8VO, is activating the special event call 5F1ROM until May 10 to mark the "FIA Touring Car Grand Prix" which takes place in Marrakesh from May 1-3. QSL via EA7FTR. More information at: http://www.cn8vo.com H4 - SOLOMON ISLANDS, OC-047 Mike,KM9D (H44MY), and Jan,KF4TUG (H44TO), are staying in the capital Honiara at the moment but are not active yet. They promised to announce an upcoming activity early enough. JD1 - OGASAWARA ISLANDS, AS-031 JD1BLK (QSL via JM1LJS) and JD1BLY (QSL via JI5RPT) will hit the air- waves from Chichijima/Ogasawara (AS-031) between Apr 29 and May 12. They will be joined by JD1BMT (QSL via JE4SMQ) from May 2-5 and by JD1BMH (QSL via JG7PSJ) from May 2-15. Activities are planned in CW, SSB and digital modes on 160m-6m plus satellite. Log search and further information are available online at: http://radio-dream.com/jd1blk/e http://sapphire.ganko.tohoku.ac.jp/jd1bmh and http://www.ji5rpt.com/jd1 --- Koji,JI1LET/JD1, will be QRV from Chichijima as well working in CW, SSB and RTTY on 40m-6m between Apr 29 and May 5. QSL via JARL bureau to his homecall JI1LET. SV5 - DODECANESE ISLANDS, EU-001 This time the annual holiday of Ralph,DL9MWG, and his XYL takes them to Rhodos (EU-001) from May 3-17. His equipment includes an IC-7400 with 100 watts and a G5RV antenna allowing operation mainly in CW on all HF bands. QSL via DL9MWG, bureau ok! T7 - SAN MARINO I4UFH, IZ4DPV, I4YSS, IK4UPB, IK2NCJ, IW2MJQ and IZ4EFN will be active as T70A in CW, SSB and RTTY on 10/15/20/40/80/160m from May 1-3. They also plan to take part in the upcoming ARI International Contest. QSL via T7 bureau or direct (see QRZ.com). YJ - VANUATU, OC-035 Kaku,JA6REX, is signing YJ0KS from the end of April until early May. He is working in CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK31 on 160m-6m from Espiritu Santo (OC-035) between Apr 28 and May 3 and from Tanna Island (OC-035) from May 5-7. QSLs via homecall. YV0 - AVES ISLAND, NA-020 The planned YW0A DXpedition is still on hold because the naval vessels ought to provide transportation are operating so disadvantageous at the moment that a radio team has to stay at least 30 days on Aves Island. They are still waiting for an opportunity to activate the island for a duration of 7-12 days. ZD8 - ASCENSION ISLAND, AF-003 Karol,G0UNU, has been announced to be active as ZD8KR from May 4-11. He will work in CW and SSB on his preferred band 20m using an IC-7000 and an inverted V antenna. QSLs via bureau to his homecall or direct to his address on QRZ.com. 3D2 - FIJI ISLANDS Jan,OK2ZAW, will show up as 3D2ZW/p activating a few islands in May: May 1: Viti Levu OC-016 May 2-4: Mamanuca Group OC-121 May 4-8: Yasawa Group OC-156 May 8: Viti Levu OC-016 Jan will use 100 watts, a vertical and dipoles. QSLs direct or via bureau to OK2ZAW. 8Q - MALEDIVES, AS-013 Cliff,SV1JG, is working as 8Q7SV mostly in CW and digital modes on 160m-10m from Apr 29 until May 5. His equipment includes a TS-480 with 100 watts and a Spiderbeam. QSLs direct or via bureau to SV1JG. 9M2 - WESTERN MALAYSIA, AS-015 Richard,PA0RRS, who already delighted many of us with a QSO on former Malaysia trips finally decided to move to Western Malaysia permanently. Starting from May 1 his new home will be Penang Island (AS-015) from where he will sign 9M2MRS in CW (SSB upon request). QSLs either direct to Richard Smeets, Reef Apartment Building, 54-7-12 Jalan Low Yat, 11100 Batu Ferringhi, Penang Island, Malaysia or via the 9M2 bureau. It is still possible to send him QSLs also via the Dutch bureau to PA0RRS but expect long turnaround times because Richard will visit the Netherlands only very seldom in the future. BELGIUM, SPECIAL EVENT STATION An European project which supports activities from the countryside is reason for the Radioclub of Zevergem to put the call ON769MS in the air mainly on May 2/3 (the call is valid until the end of October 2009). More informationis available when searching for ON769MS at QRZ.com. The special QSL card will inform about the project as well. QSL via ON6MS. FRANCE, SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS OISeau is French for bird and thus TM5OIS is active from the Bird Festival until May 3. QSL via F5KHR. --- F4EKT, F5SL, F6GCP,F6GCT and F6ICX are celebrating the 40th anniversary of their radio club F6KBK by activating the special callsign TM6KBK in CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31 on all bands until May 10. QSL via F6GCP. ITALY, SPECIAL EVENT STATION II2ERBA will be put on the air from Erba near Como from May 1-25. This station is also active in SSB, CW and digital modes on all bands to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the local radio club. QSL via IQ2ER. THE NETHERLANDS, SPECIAL EVENT STATION Adrian,PE2KP (ex PE1KHP, http://www.pe2kp.nl), celebrates the silver jubilee of his licence by showing up as PE25KP in all modes on all bands from May 1-12. QSL cards should be sent via bureau to PE2KP. LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://www.sotawatch.org --- Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: http://www.MMMonVHF.de --- Fabian,DJ1YFK, writes that the popular cluster http://www.dxwatch.com by Felipe,PY1NB, is available in several languages now. --- A new website for contesters is available at http://wiki.contesting.com UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- May 1: AGCW DL QRP Party May 2/3: ARI International DX Contest IOTA collected by Fredy,DE0MST (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: EU-008, GM/MM, Inner Hebrides: Charlie,MM0GNS, Willie,GM4ZNC, and Rodger,GM3JOB, will be QRV as MS0TJT/p from Coll Island from May 3-8. QSL via GM4ZNC (direct/bureau). EU-094, F, Bretagne (Finistere South) Region Group: Johann,F4FEP, will be active from Ile Saint Nicolas signing F4FEP/p on May 1 (1300-1600 UTC). QSL via homecall (direct/bureau). EU-131, I*3, Veneto Region Group: Members of the ARI San Dona di Piave will show up as IL3T from Isola Torcello (IIA VE-011) from May 1-31. QSL via IQ3SD (direct/bureau). EU-189, GM/MM, Isle of Rockall: A Belgian team intends to become active from Rockall signing MM0RAI/p on May 1/2 (maybe also on May 3). QSL via ON4BR (direct/bureau).More information at http://www.rockall.be NA-046, W1, MA State South Group: The "Fall River Amateur Radio Club" will be QRV as W1ACT/p from Martha’s Vineyard from May 1-3. QSL via N1JOY. NA-058, W4, GA State Group: Randy,AJ4RW, and other operators will show up from Cumberland Island for a few hours on May 2. QSLs via homecalls. NA-067, W4, NC State East Group: N0TG, WA4DAN and AA4VK will be QRV from Care Banks Island between Apr 30 and May 2. This is a test for the upcoming CY0 DXpedition to Sable Island scheduled for Oct 7-14. QSLs via homecalls (direct/bureau). OC-160, VK4, Queensland State North Group: Nao,JK1FNL/VK4, will be QRV from Hamilton Island from May 5-9. QSL via homecall. SA-021, LU, Buenos Aires Prov. Group: The radio club "Grupo DX Bahia Blanca" will be active in SSB/CW/PSK on 80-10m signing L21D from Ariadna Island from May 1-3. QSL via LU7DSY. Check also: http://www.grupodxbb.com.ar SA-079, PY1, Rio de Janeiro State Centre Group: The "Rio DX Group" will be QRV as PT1R from Rasa Island (BRA-047, DIB RJ-07, DFB RJ-10) working with two stations in CW/SSB/digital modes on 160m-10m from May 1-4. QSL via PY1NB (direct/bureau). Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS/ILLW) ---------------------------------------- AA4VK LH 0596 Apr 30-May 2 HB9SVT/p SWI-005 May 1/2 HS0ZIQ LH 0701 resident IC8ATA LH 1409 resident IC8/IZ0KRC LH 0689 ITA-132 Apr 29-May 4 MM0RAI/p LH 1694 Apr 30-May 3 N0TG LH 0596 Apr 30-May 2 PS8BBC LH 1697 Apr 30-May 3 PT1R LH 0494 BRA-047 May 1-4 TK/F5MCC/p LH 0755 May/June TK5XN/p LH 0755 May/June W1ACT/p LH 2804 May 1-3 WA4DAN LH 0596 Apr 30-May 2 ZD8KR LH 1491 May 4-11 3Z0LH LH 3454 Apr 30-May 9 A group of Polish HAMs and DK9WE will activate 3Z0LH from POL-029, 046, 047, 050 and 051 between Apr 30 and May 9. QSLs via SP1TMN. Following lighthouses were added to the WLOTA list lately: ---------------------------------------------------------- Rockall Rock, GM LH 1694 EU-189 Canarias Island, PR8 LH 1697 SA-072 Als (Kegnaes) Island, OZ LH 1693 Marhaellan (Rock), OH0 LH 1713 EU-002 SaeLSKaeR Island, OH0 LH 1690 EU-002 Caofeidian Island, BY3 LH 1689 Rangitoto Island, ZL1/2 LH 1729 OC-201 Cape Sable Island, VE1 LH 1714 Flat Rock, ZL1-2 LH 1726 OC-201 Bean Rock, ZL1-2 LH 1738 Brothers Island, ZL3/4 LH 1717 OC-134 Mujeres Island, XE3 LH 1716 NA-045 Kamome Shima, JA8 LH 1715 AS-078 Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 80m GB8IMD 3.754 2333Z eQSL GS3PYE/p 3.765 2320Z EU-010, via G4HUN (B) OE100M 3.793 2221Z via OE1WHC (B) TI7KK 3.506 0405Z NA-191, via DK6AO (B) TM5KDB 3.660 0624Z via F5SPW 5C2B 3.797 0207Z via IK7JWX (B) 5C2F 3.797 0136Z via IK7JWX (B) 40m C6DX 7.005 0607Z via W8GEX (B) ID9N 7.001 2132Z EU-017, via IZ0GKN (B) ID9N 7.077 2123Z EU-017, via IZ0GKN (B) TC57A 7.015 2236Z via TA1HZ (B) 5C2A 7.055 2147Z via IK7JWX (B) 5C2J 7.055 2119Z via IK7JWX (B) 30m OH3OJ/p 10.104 0700Z via OH3OJ (B) TC57A 10.110 1952Z via TA1HZ (B) TI7KK 10.107 0552Z NA-191, via DK6AO (B) 20m CO6LC 14.260 2235Z (d) GS3PYE/p 14.265 1202Z EU-010, via G4HUN (B) HI0IDT 14.280 2214Z (B) JD1BIE 14.005 1307Z AS-030, via JA8FCG (B) JT1LU 14.189 0807Z via JA7LU (B) N2YTF/p 14.342 2142Z SOTA W2/EH003 OA4/HA1AG 14.009 2016Z via HA1AG (B) TC57A 14.277 1030Z via TA1HZ (B) TI7KK 14.040 1214Z NA-191, via DK6AO (B) W2VV/p 14.345 2205Z SOTA W2/EH003 4K9W 14.008 1510Z via DL6KVA (B) 4M5M 14.222 2233Z via W4SO 5B4/GW0VML/p 14.267 1130Z via GW0VML (B) 5C2B 14.205 1026Z via IK7JWX (B) 5C2C 14.085 1813Z via IK7JWX (B) 17m E20WXA 18.135 1242Z (B) V85SS 18.080 0743Z (d) VU2SWS 18.138 1559Z (B) ZD7FT 18.140 0840Z see QRZ.com 5C2J 18.145 1107Z via IK7JWX (B) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = LoTW Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL 25Apr/04May 3D2AD & 3D2DW 1620 01May-08May 3D2ZW/p 1621 * 30Apr-09May 3Z0LH 1621 * -10May 5F1ROM 1621 * 21Mar-24Jul 5N0OCH 1613/1616 11Mar-11May 5X1NH 1614 -Jun 5X4X 1605 NOW 5Z4/RW1AU 1585 -Sep 6W1SJ 1541 29Apr-05May 8J6DON 1620 29Apr-05May 8Q7SV 1621 * -31Dec 9A09P 1615 -31Dec 9A48IFATCA 1609 -31Dec 9A800VZ 1617 NOW 9G5SW 1581 -2010 9J2YO 1614 25Apr-06May A35KL 1621 * 24Apr-06May A52DT 1621 * 27Apr-18May DL1IAI/p 1620 27Apr-16May DL7VOX/p 1620 Feb -2010 DP1POL 1598/1619 -31Dec DR09ANT 1606 NOW EY8/S57CQ 1579 01May F4FEP/p 1621 * Postponed FR/Glorioso 1568/1600 -30Nov FT5WO 1600/1605 -31Dec GB250RB 1608 24Apr-04May HB0/DL2SBY.. 1620 -31Dec HE8/HB8 1604 01Apr-31Jul HG160FNY.. 1618 29Apr-04May IC8/IZ0KRC 1620 25Apr-30Apr ID9N 1620 01May-25May II2ERBA 1621 * -31Dec II2RAI 1609 01May-31May IL3T 1621 * 19Apr-19May IO9ROTA 1619 29Apr-12May JD1BLK.. (Og) 1621 * 29Apr-12May JI1LET/JD1 (Og)1621 * 05May-09May JK1FNL/VK4 1621 * 09Oct-19Oct K4M (Midway) 1618 01May-03May L21D 1621 * -31Dec LY1000 1606 01May-03May MM0RAI/p 1621 * 03May-08May MS0TJT/p 1621 * 07Apr-May OA/DL5YWM.. 1617 -Nov OD5/W5YFN 1599 01Apr-30Apr OE100M 1617 02May/03May ON769MS 1621 * Jun /Sep PA750ASN 1613 01May-12May PE25KP 1621 * 01May-04May PT1R 1621 * 12Apr-20Jun S21UGZ 1619 -2010 S79DF 1620 03May-17May SV9/DL9MWG 1621 * 27Apr-30Apr T30DW & T30M 1620 28Apr-01May TI6/K9KEJ 1620 NOW TL0A 1616 -03May TM5OIS 1621 * -10May TM6KBK 1621 * -2011/12 TN5SN 1585/1591 12Apr-30Apr TS1LYMC 1619 -01Jul TT8CF 1613 NOW V63MY & V63TO 1614 -2011 V73NS 1604 01May-03May W1ACT/p 1621 * -Dec WA2YUN/KH9 1568 28Apr-03May YJ0KS 1621 * -31Dec Z30MCWG 1612 04May-11May ZD8KR 1621 * 21Apr-06May ZF2ZB 1619 -Sep ZS08TV 1590 29Apr-03May ZW8BBC 1620 * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- A41NB (d) A41ND (d) A41NH (d) A41NJ (d) A41NK (d) A41NM (d) A41NO (d) A41NS (d) A41NT (d) A41OA (d) A41OB via A41OR or direct A41OC via A41OR or direct A41OD (d) A41OK via A47RS A41ON (d) A41YL via A47RS A43WARD via A47RS (B) A45WG via NI5DX (d) A45ZM via 9K2ZM A60WARD via IZ8CLM (B) AO1DMR via EA4URE (B) AO2DMR via EA4URE (B) AO3DMR via EA4URE (B) AO4DMR via EA4URE (B) AO5DMR via EA4URE (B) AO5VAA via EA5JO (B) AO6DMR via EA4URE (B) AO7DMR via EA4URE (B) AO8DMR via EA4URE (B) AO9DMR via EA4URE (B) BD1HFP (d) BG1WUM (d) BY1TTY via BD1LLB C6DX via W8GEX (B) CN22TMC via EA7FTR (B) CS7FTD via CT2FTD (d) CS8CQK via CT1CQK (B) DP5K via DL2FCB (B) DR60GER via DK3DM (B) DU1/OE3SGU via OE3SGU (B), (L), eQSL DU7/PA0HIP via PA0HIP GB0GMD via MW6VHF (B) GD7VJR via G7VJR (B), (L) HA7PDM/p via ON7SU HB9/VE6TJL via VE6TJL (eQSL preferred) HB0/DL2SBY via DL2SBY (B) HF2009WARD via SP2FAP (B) HF64CGS via SP6OPZ, no eQSL HF9WARD via SP1NQF (B) HK1N via EA5KB (B) IE9/IT9AHI via IT9AHI (B) J28JA via F5JFU (B) JW/F8DVD via F8DVD (B) K7XF/KH0 via JP1PZE (B) OA4/9A5YY via 9A5YY (B) OA4/HA1AG via HA1AG (B) OA4/SP9MRO via SP9SX (B) OD5/IZ3JHP via IK3GES (B) OD5QB via YO3FRI (B) OE100M via OE1WHC (B) OK8GDB via ON4GDB (B) ON65CLM via ON bureau OZ7TM via DL1TM (B) SX8P via SV8CYV (B) T88YK via JN1WTK (B) T80K via JN3JBC (B) 5C2SG via IK7JWX (B) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok * = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LotW) VK9GMW logs lost ---------------- The Mellish Reef team bemoans the loss of some of their log information including the QSOs between Apr 9,2020 UTC, and Apr 10,0923 UTC. They will try to reconstruct the logs but ask everybody not to send any QSL cards for this period of time for now. QSLs arrived bureau: D20VB & D60VB (UA4WHX), E4/OM2DX (OM3JW), EA8/DL3KVR/p (AF-004), EI/DL5SE/LH (EU-115), ES1QD/0 (EU-034), ET3JA (OK3AA), F4ELJ/p (EU-048), F/OR7S (EU-032), FG/F5OIU, FG/OM3LA (OM1APD), FR/TU5KG (AF-016, F4EFI), FS/DL5CF (NA-105), GI/DL5SE/LH (EU-115), GM/DL5SE/LH (EU-005), HB0/DJ2MX, HB0/DJ3HJ, HB0/DL4IAL, HK3/IZ0GYP, JT1CO, LY999X, MW/DL6JZ (EU-005), OH3A (EU-096), PJ7/W1CX, OH/DL2SWW (EU-096/EU-101 & EU-173), S21ZDT (SM4XIH), S79GB (AF-024, DH3NB), ST2A (T93Y), ST2VB (UA4WHX), ST/ZS5ADU, SV9CVY, SY8B (EU-052, DL0CON), T7/IK2UJS, TF/DL2JRM/p (EU-021), TK/DL5MO, TK/F8BBL/p (EU-014), TK/F6AUS, TO3T (VE3KF), V26K (AA3B), V51VV (UA4WHX), V51XG (DL8AL), VP2ETN (JN1RVS), VQ9JC (ND9M), VP2V/W7XU, YK9SV (SV1JG), Z2/UA4WHX, 1A4A (IZ4DPV), 3DA0VB (UA4WHX), 4K0WB (UA4WHX), 4L0B (UA4WHX), 5H1CM (DL7CM), 5H3VMB (AF-074/AF-075, UA4WHX), 5T5DC (DH7WW), 5X1VB (UA4WHX), 5Z4DZ (PA1AW) QSL via LoTW: E77DO, H22H, JW9PJA, K7K, KP2D, LW9DA, LX/SP5UAF, MW/HB9CZF/p, NH7A, NK7U, OJ2F, OK2ZO, OL40JAZZ, PA143ITU, PC25DIG, PJ2/PA4JJ, PS0F, PW0S, PY0FF, S21VJ, SX9G, SY8DX, T94DO, TA4/DJ1TO, TM6M, TM9C, TN5SN, TX5T, V25TK, V4/G4FAL, V55X, VE2BR/VY2, VK9WWI, VK9XAB, VP2EFO, VP2ETL Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WIN QSL), DJ1YFK, DJ5AV, DK8JB, DL1ABJ, DL1SBF, DL2MDZ, DL7VOA, DL9MWG, F5NQL, IZ2DPX, JI5RPT, JP1TRJ, NG3K, ON7AMI, PY1NEZ, PS7AB, PT7WA, SV1JG and others. __________________________________________________ __________________________ The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls...9/dxmb1621.pdf __________________________________________________ ____________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/fedxms.htm |
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