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![]() DXNL 1739 - Aug 3, 2011 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) Editor: Johannes Amchewicz, DK8JB (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) CE0Y, EASTER ISLAND, SA-001 Frank will upload the logs for the CE0Y/I2DMI DXpedition announced in DXNL 1738 to the LoTW and eQSL after his return. CT9, MADEIRA, AF-014 John,CT9/IZ2DPX, will be active from Madeira (AF-014) on all HF bands and maybe also on 6m from Aug 7-21. QSLs via bureau to his homecall, direct QSLs via IK2DUW. http://ik2duw.altervista.org http://www.cq3l.de/viewpage.php?page_id=1 EA, SPAIN Depending on the weather the ERU Team Valencia is going to activate the summit EA5/CS-014 for the SOTA award from a peak with 1.099m height in the Parc Natural de la Serra d'Espada on Friday, August 5. Their call will be EA5URV/p mainly on 40m, 2m (SSB/FM) and if possible also 20m. EA6, BALEARIC ISLANDS, EU-004 Jordi,EA6/EA3PT, will show up from Menorca (EU-004) from Aug 8-21. He will work in holiday style (at least 1 hour per day) only in SSB on 40m/20m/17m/15m/12m/10m. His preferred band is 17m. QSL via LoTW or via his homecall. J2, DJIBOUTI Jacob,KB0ZIA, is working as J28FJ from Djibouti-City until spring 2012. He is new to the DX business and works in SSB on 40m-10m until Septem- ber. He may use also digital modes later. JD1/MT, MINAMI TORISHIMA, OC-073 Take is working as JG8NQJ/JD1 from Minami Torishima (OC-073) mainly on 17m and 30m until the mid of October. He will return to the island in December and plans to work on all bands then. A special QSL card for this activity is available via his homecall. JT, MONGOLIA Seihachi,JA7LU, is signing JT1LU from Ulaanbaatar from Aug 1-7. QSLs direct via homecall, JA stations only may send via bureau as well. He will be accompanied by JT1AWN (JH1AWN), JT1AGO (JA7AGO) and JT1ZP (JA7ZP) and they are working in CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK31 on 80m-6m (maybe 160m). QSLs via homecalls. OE, AUSTRIA The HAM scouts of the CTS (CLUB TELESCOUT) already hit the airwaves mainly on the usual scout QRGs using the scout club callsign OE1XJA/5 (or OE5J in contests) from Bad Ischl-Haiden (JN67sr) between Jul 27 and Aug 6. They have two occasions to celebrate: The 22nd World Scout Jamboree in Sweden and the 60th anniversary of the World Scout Jamboree in Bad Ischl-Haiden. Their QTH is the original campsite of 1951. See also: http://www.telescout.org ST0, SOUTH SUDAN The ST0R DXpedition has already logged more than 65.000 QSOs. They also demonstrated and explained amateur radio to local adolescents. TA, TURKEY Listen for TC1LHW (Karaburun lighthouse) and TC7LHW (Yoros lighthouse) from the Black Sea coastline from Aug 1-8. QSL via TA1HZ. TI, COSTA RICA If you are interested to become an operator of TI5N during the next ARRL DX Contest in SSB on Mar 3/4, 2012, please contact OM Kyle via e-mail to: V3, BELIZE Colin,KU5B, will show up as V31UB in SSB, CW and digital modes on 80-6m from Aug 5-10. QSL direct via homecall and LoTW. RUSSIA, SPECIAL EVENT STATION The radio amateurs of the Komi Republic are going to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Komi Republic by activating the special event station UE90K during the month of August from following cities: DATE QTH Responsible HAM Aug 1 Syktyvkar R9XC Aug 2/3 Vorkuta R9XE Aug 4/5 Inta RA9XY Aug 6/7 Ustj-Kulom UB9XT (expedition) Aug 8/9 Petschora R9XA Aug 10/11 Sosnogorsk R9XV Aug 12 Ussinsk RA9XSK Aug 13/14 expedition to a rayon of the Komi Republic Aug 15 Ussinsk RA9XSK Aug 16/17 Uchta UA9XAB Aug 18/19 Emwa RA9XA Aug 20/21 expedition to a rayon of the Komi Republic Aug 22/23 Objatschewo R8XX Aug 24/25 Ussogorsk RW9XC Aug 26 Mikunj R8XJ Aug 27/28 expedition to a rayon of the Komi Republic Aug 29 Mikunj R8XJ Aug 30/31 Eshwa RT8X QSL cards for all activities should be sent via UA9XL. LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://www.sotawatch.org --- Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: http://www.MMMonVHF.de UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Aug 6: European HF Championship Aug 6/7: North American QSO Party WFF Activities -------------- DLFF-039: DL/ON4ACA is active until the end of August. QSL via ON4ACA. DLFF-045: DG6PY/p is working from the natural park Bergstrasse-Odenwald until Aug 16. LZFF: Laci,LZ/HA0HW, Tomi,LZ/HA4DX, and Ivan,LZ1PJ, are travelling from the Serbian border to the Black Sea from Aug 6-21. They will activate several national parks for a few hours and plan to make a side trip to IOTA EU-181 during the second week as well. Listen for the mainly in CW and SSB on 40m/30m/20m/17m. QSLs via homecalls (bureau/direct). IOTA collected by Ric,DL2VFR (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: AS-147, JA8, Hokkaido's Coastal Islands: JJ8DEN/8 is doing some island hopping along the coast of Hokkaido until Aug 7. He is working in CW/RTTY/PSK31/JT65A on 40m-6m from Rishiri, Rebun, Teuri and Yagishiri. QSL via homecall (bureau/direct). EU-009, GM/O, Orkney & EU-012; GM/SH, Shetland and Fair Isle: Andre,GM3VLB, is on tour again. He activates several islands in both groups in SSB on 14.257,5 kHz until Aug 18. Andre confirms QSOs only direct. See also: http://www.qrz.com/callsign/GM3VLB EU-016, 9A, Dalmatia South group: 9A/IK6XVO and 9A/IK6JNH are working from Drvenik Veli until Aug 5. QSLs via homecalls (bureau/direct). EU-031, I*8, Campania Region group: An Italian group plans to activate Licosa as IC8L on Aug 7. QSL via IZ8EGM. EU-146, PA, Zuid Holland / Zeeland Province group: PE1OPM and PE1OXV will show up as PE1OPM/p from Schouwen Duiveland on Aug 9-12. QSLs via homecalls (bureau/direct). EU-162, UA, White Sea Coast group: Nick,RA1QQ/1, is going to become active from Kandalakshskiy lighthouse on Malyy between Jul 28 and Aug 10. More trips to other lighthouses or islands are possible as well. QSL via homecall. EU-172, OZ, Jylland East and Fyn group: Ric,DL2VFR, will sign OZ0FR/p from Aero mainly in CW from Aug 6-19. He may visit also the lighthouses Skjoldnes and Soby Havn for a few hours. QSL via DL2VFR. See also: http://www.iota-expedition.com NA-045, XE3, Quintana Roo State North Group: XF3/IZ2LSC is going to visit Isla de Mujeres from Aug 9-15. He will upload his log to the LoTW also. Direct QSLs via EB7DX. Bureau QSLs via homecall. His website is: http://www.timpy.it/xf3 --- XF1/K5ENS is already staying on Mujeres until Nov 14 and is not using the right prefix (instead of XF3). His QTH is near to the lighthouse ARLHS MEX-139. QSL via LoTW, eQSL or direct via K5ENS. NA-111, W2, New Jersey State group: N2OB will be QRV mainly in SSB on 20/40m from "Old Barney" (Barnegat Lighthouse ARLHS USA-039) on Beach Island on Aug 6. QSL via N2OB (bureau/direct). NA-142, K4, Florida State North West (Escambia to Walton County) group: N8CHS/4 announced to become active from Santa Rosa from Aug 7-12. QSLs only direct via homecall. IOTA Contest: A list of many participating OPs on islands can be found at: http://www.iota-expedition.com/IOTA2011/iota2011.html Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 80m ST0R 3.504 0254Z via EA5RM (B), OQRS 40m IS0/OE5IRO/p 7.118 1042Z SOTA IS-303 IS0/OE5RTP/p 7.118 1042Z SOTA IS-303 SX8R 7.024 0433Z via HA0NAR (B) 30m DQ1175E 10.115 1537Z via DL5DCL (B) F2YT/p 10.117 1510Z OZ/DL4FO 10.119 1432Z via homecall (B), EU-172 SP/DL7DF 10.119 1555Z via homecall (B) UR4MZA/p 10.105 1430Z URFF-014 20m KI6J 14.063 1818Z CT-021 LA/DL1DXA 14.040 1540Z via homecall (B) OZ/DK4MX 14.040 1808Z via homecall (B), EU-172 OZ2SPACE 14.017 1544Z via OZ7AKT (B) http://www.oz7akt.dk/oz2space/space.htm PT155FD 14.512 1002Z via PS7AB (B), eQSL ST0R 14.025 1225Z via EA5RM (B), OQRS ST0R 14.145 0640Z via EA5RM (B), OQRS TF5B 14.085 2030Z (B) TK/OE5IRO/p 14.275 1548Z TK-121 TK/OE5RTP/p 14.275 1548Z TK-121 UR4MZA/p 14.023 1515Z URFF-014 ZL4PW 14.021 0448Z 9A/DH1NAX 14.200 0605Z EU-170, via homecall (B) 17m RU6DX 18.073 1704Z EU-185 ST0R 18.074 1110Z via EA5RM (B), OQRS ST0R 18.100 0731Z via EA5RM (B), OQRS 15m OZ/DF2SD 21.260 2313Z EU-125 ST0R 21.024 0536Z via EA5RM (B), OQRS 7Z1HL 21.025 1400Z via DJ9ZB (B) 12m ST0R 24.894 1654Z via EA5RM (B), OQRS 10m ST0R 28.024 1614Z via EA5RM (B), OQRS (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok (L) = LoTW (r) = bureau QSL via e-mail request Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL -Dec 3Y8XSA 1700/1717 -25Ok 5B50J 1700 -Apr/12 5Z4RH ? 1674 Jul 7Q7MH 1734 -30Nov 8J1MORSE.. 1731 23Jul-14Aug 8P9XC 1737 -31Dec 9A11P 1723 -05Aug 9A/IK6XVO.. 1739 * -Sep 9J2KK 1682 NOW 9M2/KM9D 1731 SOON 9Q1EK 1669 -Nov 9Q6CC 1699 -Aug A92IO 1663 -31Dec BP100 1684 -31Dec BV100 1684 30Jul-08Aug CE0Y/I2DMI 1738/1739 * 01Aug-07Aug CS2W 1738 07Aug-21Aug CT9/IZ2DPX 1739 * -31Dec CW5RV 1711 -16Aug DG6PY/p 1739 * 28Jul-10Aug DK3CH 1738 28Jul-05Aug DL1WH 1738 -31Aug DL20Y2DM 1700, Finish: The special event station to celebrate the 20th anniversary DL20Y2DM is active until the end of August. 30Jul-13Aug DL0WFF 1738 -Aug DL/ON4ACA 1739 * 01Aug-07Aug EA5ENT & EA5TW 1738 05Aug EA5URV/p 1739 * 08Aug- 21Aug EA6/EA3PT 1739 * 25Jul-05Aug EO2011U 1738 27Jul-03Aug ES4GP/ES4WK 1738 -Aug FO8RZ 1636 -Jul/12 FR8NE 1710 22Jul-04Aug FP/K9OT.. 1737 -18Aug GM3VLB (IOTA) 1739 * -31Dec HB60LU 1711 -31Dec HG15IPA 1724 01Jan-31Dec HG200LST 1708 01Jan-31Dec IA7MM 1708 07Aug IC8L 1739 * 01Jan-31Dec II1ITA.. 1708 01Mar-30Sep IO4UI 1717 -2012 J28FJ 1739 * -2011/12? J28JV 1680 -Jul/12 J28RO 1683 -Jul/13 J28UC 1734 01Aug-07Aug JD1BLY (Og.) 1738 -Oct JG8NQJ/JD1 (M) 1739 * -07Aug JJ8DEN/8 1739 * -07Aug JT1FDB 1737 01Aug-07Aug JT1LU 1739 * 16Jun-05Sep K1VSJ 1732 -Jun/13 KH2/N2NL 1680 -May/12 KH4/W5FJG 1728 POSTPONED KH5 1674/1705 -31Dec LA200D 1713 -31Dec LZ85R 1721 -08Aug LZ05WFF 1738 06Aug-21Aug LZ/HA4YX/p.. 1739 * 06Aug N2OB (NA-111) 1739 * 07Aug-12Aug N8CHS/4 1739 * 27Jul-06Aug OE1XJA/5 1739 * 28Jul-04Sep OH1K 1738 Aug OL100VP 1721 29Jul-05Aug OZ7BQ/p 1738 24Jul-05Aug OZ7VEA 1737 06Aug-19Aug OZ0FR/p 1739 * 24Jul-05Aug OZ/DH3BEA 1738 -Sep P29CW 1713 01Jan-31Dec PA30.. 1708 28Jul-10Aug RA1QQ/p 1739 * -Dec RI1ANC 1708 27Jul-07Aug SJ22S 1738 22Jul-10Aug ST0R # 1737/1738 26Jul-08Aug SV5/DJ4MH 1738 -Jun/12 T6MO 1733 -Nov T6SH 1734 01Aug-08Aug TC1LHW 1739 * 01Aug-08Aug TC7LHW 1739 * 23Jul-06Aug TK11OTA 1737 Aug UE90K 1739 * 05Aug-10Aug V31UB 1739 * 30Jul-05Aug V63FAA 1738 -Mar/12 VK0KEV (Macq) 1700/1701 May -Aug W3CVD/4 1726 18Jul-25Aug W4/DF2MM 1736 30Jul-14Aug WA8LOW/KH8 1738 -May/14 XE1/DM3DL 1730 26Jul-08Aug XE3/IZ2LSC 1737 -14Nov XF1/K5ENS 1739 * 09Aug-15Aug XF3/IZ2LSC 1739 * NOW XT2RJA 1712 08Aug-11Aug ZB2/VA3ITA 1738 -Sep ZC4MIS 1732 24Jul-09Aug ZD8D 1737 -Sep ZD9GI 1691 -31Dec ZL50GH 1711 # = Call can change after the allocation of a new prefix * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- DP3LUNA via DK1PM (B) EG1URE via EA1AE (B) EN85W via UR5WA (L) EO2011U via UT7UU (B), (L), eQSL ES4GP via ES5GP (B) HR9/WQ7R via K5WW (B) IB0/OM3RM via OM3RM (B) IB0/OM7JG via OM7JG (B) II8JC via IQ8BB (B) IM0/DL2RMC via DL2RMC (B) IT9/OE5JKL via OE5JKL (B) LA/SP7VC via SP7VC (B) MM/DL5SE/LH via DL5SE (B) MW0REN via DJ6OI (B) OZ/DK4MX via DK4MX (B) OZ/DL4FO via DL4FO (B) R34CZF via RV9CVA (B) SM6/OE9LTH via OE9LTH (B) VE3ZZ/VY2 via VE3ZZ (B) WH0AU via JP3WAU (B) XE1RK via EA5ZD (d) ZD8D via DL9HO (B) 4J7WMF via RX3RC (B) 5Q2T via OZ0J (B) 8P9XC via DF1XC (B) 9A/HA5AZZ via 9A3JB (B) 9M2/KM9D via OM2SA (d), (L) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok (*) = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LoTW) (r) = e-mail request QSLs arrived direct: TJ9PF (via F5OGL), VP8ORK (AN-008, VE3XN) QSL via LoTW: 3C0C, 3C9B, 5B4AIF, 5B50J, 5H3EH, 5R8WW, 5X1VB, 5Z4/UA4WHX/A, 6V6U, 6V7W, 7P8AA, 8R1PW, 8R1RPN, 9A/DJ8QP, 9J2RI, 9L1MS, 9L1MS/p, 9M2/KM9D, 9X0SP, B7P, BA7NQ, K8LEE/CY0, N1SNB/CY0, DX1EA, EA6/DL7UCX, EW8OM, F/DL6KR, HP1WW, PY5AP, S9DX, SE1TDE, ST2VB, SV8/SV1JG, T31A, TA2EY, TF5B, TF/VE2XAA, TJ9PF, TM7CC, UA9MRX/3, V31ME, VK8PW/8, VP5/W4OX, VP8ORK, XE1/DJ4EL, YA/G0TJQ, ZA1A, ZS8MI, 3C0C, 3C9B, 5B4AIF, 5B50J, 5H3EH, 5R8WW, 5X1VB, 5Z4/UA4WHX/A, 6V6U, 6V7W, 7P8AA, 8R1PW, 8R1RPN and 9A/DJ8QP 50 MHz ------ HAMs in Portugal and Slovenia get more space for amateur radio on the 6m band. Starting from Apr 4, 2012, amateur radio operation on 6m is allowed on 50-52 MHz in Portugal (at the moment on 50,0-50,5 MHz). The Portuguese PTT explains that with the shutdown of analog television. Slovenian HAMs can work on 5260 kHz with 100 watts - for one year. This information is spread by the British Southgate Amateur Radio Club and the Swiss news portal Hamnews. Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ7RC, DL1MDV, DL1SBF, DL7MAE, DL7VOA, EA5TW, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, IZ2DPX, NG3K, OE2IKN, UA9XI and others. __________________________________________________ __________________________ Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls/dxmb/2011 __________________________________________________ __________________________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls/dxnl |
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