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![]() DXNL 1740 - Aug 10, 2011 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) Editor: Johannes Amchewicz, DK8JB (e-mail: ) translation by: Bob, DL7VOA (e-mail: ) 9H, MALTA, EU-023 Walter,ON7PX, is working as 9H3PW with QRP power on 40m-6m till Aug 12. QSL via homecall. 9M2, WESTERN MALAYSIA Alex,9M2/SQ9UM, is active in CW, RTTY and some SSB on 40m-6m between Aug 6 and Sep 4. QSL via homecall. 9N, NEPAL Fernando,WP4FE, is working as a pediatrician and hits the airwaves as 9N1FE usually on 20m with a Kenwood TS120S and dipole. QSLs direct to: Fernando A Cardona, PO Box 88, Kathmandu, Nepal CO9, CUBA,NA-015 Some members of the Baracoa Radio Club (CO8RCJ) supported by the Guantanamo HQ "Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba" will be active as CO9OBB from Aug 12 (1800 UTC) until Aug 14 (1800 UTC) to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the first Cuban village founded in 1511. The operators CO8CY, CO8AW, CM8RRM, CO8ZQ, CM8WAL, CO8RS and CO8MT will be QRV in CW, SSB and RTTY on 80m/40m/20m/15m. QSL via bureau. CP, BOLIVIA Rene,CP6/DF9GR, is QRV in CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK on 80m-10m till Aug 20. QSL via homecall. DU, PHILIPPINES, OC-130 Maarten,DU9/PA3GZU, will be QRV in SSB and PSK31 on 40m/20m/15m/10m in "holiday style" from Mindanao Island (OC-130) from Aug 12 until Sep 4. QSL via homecall. FP, ST PIERRE ET MIQUELON, NA-032 Mike,FP/VE2XB, will activate Saint Pierre et Miquelon (NA-032) on HF and especially on 6m from Aug 14-21. QSL via VE2XB. GU, GUERNSEY, EU-114 Bob,M0MCV, wants to work holiday style as MU0MCV from Guernsey (EU-114) from Aug 9-16. QSL via homecall. HK0/M, MALPELO ISLAND, SA-007 The team for the DXpedition to Malpelo (end of January/beginning of February 2012) is complete with 16 experienced OMs from eight countries including three members of the CQ DX Hall of Fame. The team will leave Buenaventura/Colombia on Jan 22 for the 235 miles to Malpelo Island (SA-007). Depending on the conditions they plan to hit the airwaves within 36 hours after landing for about 10-12 days. Operations are planned in CW, SSB and digital modes on 160m-6m. Elecraft supports them with seven K3 radios and five KPA 500 amplifiers while RF Concepts (Alpha) loans three Alpha 8410 amps for the lowbands and DX Engineering supplies most of the antennas. QSLs are handled by N2OO and the SJDXA (who managed also 3Y0X and K5D). Donations can be sent direct to DXARC (Colombia), DJ9ZB (Europe), K4UEE (North America) or JA1ELY (Asia/JA). More information is available on their website: http://www.hk0na.com OJ0, MARKET REEF, EU-053 Dervin,PD9DX, Marc,ON8AK, and Max,ON5UR, will be active as OJ0UR from Market Reef (EU-053, ARLHS MAR-001, TWLHD WLH OJ0-001, WLOTA LH-0542) from Aug 13-20. They will use a Stepp-IR Big Vertical and a Stepp-IR 2-ele-yagi on HF. QSLs via bureau or direct to M0URX (SAE plus 1 IRC/2 USDs) or via LoTW. OQRS is possible on: http://www.m0urx.com/qsl-request-form More information can be found on: http://www.united-radio.be PJ7, SINT MAARTEN, NA-105 Travis,PJ7/AF6WU, and Kjerstin,PJ7/KJ0DVA, will be active in SSB mainly on 15m, 17m and 20m from Sint Maarten (NA-105) from Aug 11-15. QSLs via AF6WU (direct preferred) and LoTW. ST0, SOUTH SUDAN Paul,N6PSE, writes from South Sudan: "Today, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Communications and his staff visited the ST0R team and observed our operations. The Undersecretary has been very supportive of our plans to conduct this DXpedition to the new country of the Republic of South Sudan. Following the visit to the radio shack, we enjoyed a cordial lunch and exchanged documents to commemorate the first DXpedition to the Republic of South Sudan. The ST0R team is also assisting the Ministry of Communications with the ITU application for their own prefix. We are also providing them guidence to establish their own Amateur Radio activities." They will go QRT on Aug 10 around 0700-0800. ST0R is good for DXCC. T32C, EASTERN KIRIBATI, OC-024 The team is almost complete and includes 41 OPs already. Some of them will be on Kiritimati (Christmas Island, OC-024) during the whole time from Sep 28 until Oct 26, while others will be there only during the first or second half. They will be active with about 30 OPs on 80m-10m all around the clock. The team includes Neville,G3NUG (team leader), Chris,G3SVL (co-leader), John,G3WGV (co-leader), Michael,DG1CMZ, Franz,DK1II, Falk,DK7YY, Paul,EI5DI, Dave,EI9FBB, Gerard,F2JD, Ian,F5VKT/G3YBY, Michel,FM5CD, Vincent,G0LMX, Tony,G0OPB, Nobby,G0VJG, Richard,G3RWL, Fred,G3SVK, Laurie,G3UML, David,G3UNA, Gordon,G3USR, Dave,G3WGN, Mike,G3WPH, Don,G3XTT, Mark,G4AXX, John,G4DRS, Nick,G4FAL, Mike,G4IUF, Tony,G4LDL, Justin,G4TSH, Michael,G7VJR, Clive,GM3POI, Bob,GU4YOX, Kazu,JA1RJU, Dave,K4SV, Paul,KG4UVU, Bob,MD0CCE, Bob,N6OX, Arnie,N6HC, Frank,ON7RU, Ronald,PA3EWP, Maury,W3EF, and Paul,WF5T. See also: http://www.t32c.com TY, BENIN The "DXCoffee" team of C31CT, IW3SQY, IT9YVO, IZ8GCE, IZ4AKS and SP3DOI is signing TY1KS with two stations in CW, SSB and RTTY on all HF bands including 6m from Aug 6-15. QSL via IZ7KHR. See also: http://www.dxcoffee.com/ty1ks VP8/A, ANTARCTICA, AN-016 Gerard,ZS6KX, is QRV as ZS6KX/7 from the SANAE IV Base. He has been spotted in SSB on 20m from 1400-1700 UTC. QSL via ZS6KX. W, USA Butch,N8CHS/4, is working from Santa Rosa (NA-142) until Aug 12. QSL via homecall, unfortunately only direct. --- The Old Barney ARC (http://www.obarc.org) will activate the special event station W2T from the Tucker Island lighthouse (USA-911) with two stations in SSB mainly on 40m, 20m and 17m on Aug 13/14, from 1300-2100 UTC. QSL via N2OO. LINKS: Current SOTA activities (mountain summits) are announced at: http://www.sotawatch.org --- Detailed information about current VHF activities can be found on the VHF DX portal "Make More Miles on VHF" at: http://www.MMMonVHF.de --- The logs of the 2010 CQWW SSB Contest were published on: http://www.cqww.com/cq-ww-ssb-2010.htm UPCOMING CONTESTS ----------------- Aug 13-14: WAE DX Contest, CW IOTA collected by Ric,DL2VFR (e-mail: ) ---- Island activities: AS-055, R0B, Vize Island: OM Oleg,ZS1ANF (also R1ANF, UA1PBA), is active as UA1PBA/mm on the way to Franz Josef Land (IOTA EU-019). An activity from there may be possible. Much more interesting is the possibility that he may show up also from Vize Island (AS-055) afterwards. QSL via UA1PBA/ZS1ANF. EU-012, GM, Shetland and Fair Isle: GS4WAB wants to activate some rare WAB squares (HZ16, HZ17, HZ26 and HZ27) on Fair Isle from Aug 16-22. QSL via bureau or direct to G4IAR. His website is: http://www.worked-all-britain.co.uk EU-020, SM1, Gotland County (Gotland Island) group: SM1/DK3PZ announced to become active from Gotland from Aug 13-20. QSL via DK3PZ. EU-026, JW, Svalbard: Didi,JW/OE9SDV, is working from Longyearbyen until Aug 26. Listen for him on the usual IOTA frequencies. QSLs via bureau to his homecall. EU-038, PA, Noord Holland/Friesland/Groningen Province group: PA/IZ4AMS will stay on Texel Island from Aug 14-17. QSL via IZ4AMS. EU-064, F, Pays de la Loire Region group: The first IOTA DXpedition of F4FVI and HB9ELV leads them to Noirmoutier where they will sign TM0NOI from Aug 12-14. Bureau QSLs via F4FVI, Direct QSLs via HB9ELV. Their website is: http://www.qrz.com/db/TM0NOI EU-081, F, Basse-Normandie (Manche East) Region group: F4RTE, F5IL, F5JY, F5NKX, F5RJM, F6BFH, F8PDR and ON4LO plan to show up as TM5SM from Saint Marcouf working in CW, SSB and RTTY on all bands on Aug 11-15. QSL via F5RJM. EU-127, DL, Schleswig-Holstein South West group: DL/IZ4AMS is going to visit the German island Helgoland from Aug 11-13. QSL via homecall. EU-129, DL, Usedom Island: DK2AI/p (DLFF-075) will show up on the bands in CW/SSB on Aug 12/13. EU-136, 9A, Kvarner group: 9A/DG9MA, 9A/DO1DMI and 9A/DG1TK will be QRV from Krk Island on Aug 11-13. QSLs for 9A/DO1DMI and 9A/DG9MA via homecall (bureau/direct), QSLs for 9A/DG1TK only direct. EU-181, LZ, Bulgaria group: LZ/HA0HW, LZHA4DX and LZ1PJ/p will be QRV in CW and SSB on 40m-17m during the second half of his Bulgaria trip from the island Sveta Anastasia or Sveta Ivan until Aug 21. QSLs via homecalls. NA-045, XF3, Quintana Roo State North group: OM Keith who is momentarily active as XF1/K5ENS from Isla de Mujeres QRV states that he is using the callsign which is written on his licence. XF3/IZ2LSC is active from there as well (see last DXNL). SA-045, PQ8, Amapa State group: PY2XB and PT2OP have a landing permission for Balique in the Natural Reserve of Parazinho. They plan to become active as PQ8XB and PQ8OP from Aug 17-24. PQ8XB via PT7WA (bureau/direct) and PQ8OP via PT2OP (bureau/direct). Bandspots of the last 7 days ---------------------------- 30m LZ0I 10.118 1926Z via LZ1BJ (B) 20m EI0PL 14.240 1601Z via EI5JQ (B) EN85W 14.014 1706Z via UR5WA F5UKL/p 14.044 1100Z FFF-267 GB50RSARS 14.040 1450Z (B) J48JJ 14.022 1538Z via HA7JJS (B)I JW/OE9SDV 14.260 2102Z EU-026, via homecall (B) MW1EYP/p 14.033 1558Z GWFF-003 OH3OJ/p 14.045 0844Z OHFF-040 OZ/AL3T 14.024 1600Z via DL7ET (B) PA2JJB 14.038 1530Z EU-038 SJ22S 14.040 1647Z via SM bureau TF4M 14.011 1445Z (B), (L) TM2BI 14.023 1046Z via F6KPQ UE90K 14.046 1500Z via UA9XL 15m TM2BI 21.015 1457Z via F6KPQ UR8GX/p 21.012 1556Z EU-179 10m ST0R 28.495 1439Z via EA5RM (B), OQRS (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok (L) = LoTW (r) = bureau QSL via e-mail request Preview ------- DATE CALL DXNL -Dec 3Y8XSA 1700/1717 -25Oct 5B50J 1700 -Apr/12 5Z4RH ? 1674 -30Nov 8J1MORSE.. 1731 23Jul-14Aug 8P9XC 1737 -31Dec 9A11P 1723 11Aug-13Aug 9A/DG9MA.. 1740 * -12Aug 9H3PW 1740 * -Sep 9J2KK 1682 NOW 9M2/KM9D 1731 -04Sep 9M2/SQ9UM 1740 * long term 9N1FE 1740 * SOON 9Q1EK 1669 -Nov 9Q6CC 1699 -Aug A92IO 1663 -31Dec BP100 1684 -31Dec BV100 1684 12Aug-14Aug CO9OBB 1740 * -20Aug CP6/DF9GR 1740 * 07Aug-21Aug CT9/IZ2DPX 1739 -31Dec CW5RV 1711 -16Aug DG6PY/p 1739 12Aug/13Aug DK2AI/p 1740 * 28Jul-10Aug DK3CH 1738 -31Aug DL20Y2DM 1700 30Jul-13Aug DL0WFF 1738 11Aug-13Aug DL/IZ4AMS 1740 * -Aug DL/ON4ACA 1739 12Aug-04Sep DU9/PA3GZU 1740 * 05Aug EA5URV/p 1739 08Aug-21Aug EA6/EA3PT 1739 -Aug FO8RZ 1636 14Aug-21Aug FP/VE3XB 1740 * -Jul/12 FR8NE 1710 -18Aug GM3VLB (IOTA) 1739 16Aug-22Aug GS4WAB 1740 * -31Dec HB60LU 1711 -31Dec HG15IPA 1724 01Jan-31Dec HG200LST 1708 01Jan-31Dec IA7MM 1708 01Jan-31Dec II1ITA.. 1708 01Mar-30Sep IO4UI 1717 -2012 J28FJ 1739 -2011/12? J28JV 1680 -Jul/12 J28RO 1683 -Jul/13 J28UC 1734 -Oct JG8NQJ/JD1 (M) 1739 -26Aug JW/OE9SDV 1740 * 16Jun-05Sep K1VSJ 1732 -Jun/13 KH2/N2NL 1680 -May/12 KH4/W5FJG 1728 POSTPONED KH5 1674/1705 -31Dec LA200D 1713 -31Dec LZ85R 1721 06Aug-21Aug LZ/HA4YX/p.. 1739/1740 * 09Aug-16Aug MU0MCV 1740 * 07Aug-12Aug N8CHS/4 1739/1740 * 28Jul-04Sep OH1K 1738 Aug OL100VP 1721 06Aug-19Aug OZ0FR/p 1739 -Sep P29CW 1713 01Jan-31Dec PA30.. 1708 14Aug-17Aug PA/IZ4AMS 1740 * 09Aug-12Aug PE1OPM/P 1740 * 11Aug-15Aug PJ7/AF6WU 1740 * 11Aug-15Aug PJ7/KJ0DVA 1740 * 17Aug-24Aug PQ8XB 1740 * 28Jul-10Aug RA1QQ/p 1739 -Dec RI1ANC 1708 SOON RI1F/UA1PBA 1740 * 13Aug-20Aug SM1/DK3PZ 1740 * 22Jul-10Aug ST0R # 1737/1740 * 28Sep-26Oct T32C 1740 * -Jun/12 T6MO 1733 -Nov T6SH 1734 11Aug-15Aug TM5SM 1740 * 12Aug-14Aug TM0NOI 1740 * 15Aug TY1KS 1740 * Aug UE90K 1739 05Aug-10Aug V31UB 1739 -Mar/12 VK0KEV (Macq) 1700/1701 13Aug-14Aug W2T 1740 * May -Aug W3CVD/4 1726 18Jul-25Aug W4/DF2MM 1736 30Jul-14Aug WA8LOW/KH8 1738 -May/14 XE1/DM3DL 1730 -14Nov XF1/K5ENS 1739 09Aug-15Aug XF3/IZ2LSC 1739 NOW XT2RJA 1712 08Aug-11Aug ZB2/VA3ITA 1738 -Sep ZC4MIS 1732 -Sep ZD9GI 1691 -31Dec ZL50GH 1711 -2012? ZS6KX/7 1740 * # = Call can change after the allocation of a new prefix * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information --------------- BV0PC via BV2DQ DM6V via DL5AXX (B) EJ0PL via EI5JQ (B) JD1BLY via JI5RPT (B) JT1LU via JA7LU (B) PJ2T via W3HNK (*), (L) SN630LW via SQ3OGV (B) SV8/HA6NL via HA6NL (B) SV8/HA7JJS via HA7JJS (B) SX8R via HA0NAR (B) TK/I5KOV via I5KOV (B) TK11QRP via F8BBL (B) TM2BI via F6KPQ (B) TM7T via ON7EQ (B) TM95SOM via F5KOU (B) UP80NR via UN7LAN (B) UT/RU2FP/p via RU2FP (B) VX1D via VE2DHD ZD8Z via AI4U (B) 5H4BL via IV3RTL (B) 7P8DEF via ZS4DEF 7P8FM via ZS4FM (d) (d) = only direct (B) = bureau ok (*) = new QSL manager (L) = Logbook of the World (LoTW) (r) = e-mail request QSLs arrived direct: 9V1YC (W5UE), CX1AA (W3HNK) QSLs arrived bureau: A71A, A71DLH (via DL0LH), BA7IO, BP100S, B7P, C56ETF (GW0ETF), D2CQ (CT1IUA), EK8SK (SP9ERV), EK8WA (SP9ERV), FM5CD (F5VU), FT5GA (F5OGL), HK0GU/1 (DL7VOG), HL105KRC, J20SA (ON7SAT, = OP), J28KO (F6DKI), OD5F (IZ8CLM), OY4TN (M0URX), PJ5/SP9EQZ (SP9EQZ), R1ANB (RN1ON), R1FJL (RK1FWA), ST2R (S57DX), T88ZM (M0URX), TO3GA (DL3GA), TO3R (RW3RN), TY1MS (PA3AWW), V47NZ (N0BSH), V85/9M8Z (M0URX), VK9NW (K9NW), VP2V/K9NW, XV3RRC (RZ3EC), XV4SP (DL7DF), 9l5A (G3SXW), 9M2TO (without request), 9N7AN (DL4SVA, = OP) QSLs arrived LoTW: J20VB, J79FCG, LA/DJ8QP, LU7HZ, LW7DUC, MJ/EA1SA, MU/EA1SA, OA4WW, OC4WW, OH0XX, OK/PA3FYG/p, OX/DL1RTL, P43E IRC SALE -------- The QSL manager of the S9DX DXpedition still has some IRCs in stock. DL1RTL sells them for 1.20 Euro/piece or 12 Euro/10 pieces incl. postage. If needed pleese contact Heiko,DL1RTL ). Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: Carl Smith (QRZ DX), 425DXNews, OPDX Bulletin, DF6EX (WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ9ZB, DK7YY, DL1MDV, DL1SBF, DL2BQV, DL7MAE, DL7VOA, DL8WX, HK1R, NG3K, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, VE2XB and others. __________________________________________________ __________________________ Many thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL are going to: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls/dxmb/2011 __________________________________________________ __________________________ Subscribe or unsubscribe to the DXNL mailing list yourself at: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls/dxnl |
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[DXNL] DXNL 1739 (Aug 3, 2011) | Info |