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QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events
/////////////////////////////////////////// NEW MEXICO QSO PARTY 4-13-2013 Posted: 09 Apr 2013 05:38 AM PDT http://forums.qrz.com/showthread.php...3&goto=newpost I received this yesterday ..... perhaps of interest to folks. 73 All, Old Senile Don WD5JOY Fellow New Mexico Hams --A final reminder about the New Mexico QSO Party, which occurs THISSaturday, April 13 from 8:00am MDT until 8:00pm MDT. Every Hams acrossNew Mexico is invited and encouraged to participate. Amateur radiooperators from across the United States -- and the world -- willliterally be seeking New Mexicans on the HF bands and 6 meters duringthe event period, looking particularly to contact hams from as many NewMexico counties as possible. The Land of Enchantment will essentiallybe the "DX" on this day, making for a great time for all whoparticipate. Last year's event saw the participation of well over 100hams, plus 13 New Mexico amateur radio clubs that, through theirparticipating members, were in the running for a special club award.We are looking for hams residing in (or able to set up temporarilywithin) each and every one of New Mexico's 33 counties to participatein the 2013 New Mexico QSO Party, whether for just a few convenienthours or for the entire 12 hour period.This is a super event for new and experienced hams alike, and you DONOT need to be a contester to participate -- just join the airwaveswith a desire to make enjoyable ham radio contacts. Operate from thecomfort of your home, or make it a club activity and combine forceswith your fellow members. Invite a group of friends to your shack. Hitthe road as a mobile station and activate multiple counties which createmuch needed -- and appreciated -- point multipliers for everyone whoparticipates in the QSO Party. Use this event as an opportunity tointroduce a neighbor or friend to ham radio. Or rally friends and clubmembers to set up, Field Day style, as part of this year's brand-new NewMexico Expedition category.ATTENTION HAM CLUBS AND CLUB MEMBERS: The New Mexico QSO Party is agreat club-building activity, and there are two special awards beingoffered just for clubs. The first is a plaque that will be awarded tothe New Mexico club with the highest aggregate score submitted by itsmembers. Another plaque will be awarded to the New Mexico Club whosemembers activate the highest aggregate number of New Mexico counties.It doesn't matter what operating category your members participate in,or for how long; each entrant just needs to clearly mark their clubname on their individual logs and your club will be automaticallyentered. Complete details in the New Mexico QSO Party rules. Talk thisup within your club!This year's event is hosted by the Albuquerque Amateur Radio Club.Great-looking plaques will be awarded and participation certificateswill be available for those desiring one. Complete details, rules,award information, and more can be found on the New Mexico QSO Partywebsite at http://pages.swcp.com/~n5zgt/nmqsopartyIf you are interested in joining the fun, please let us know whatcounty (or counties) you may operate from so we can list you, even iftentative, on the New Mexico QSO Party website athttp://pages.swcp.com/~n5zgt/nmqsopa...tionplans.html. Thereare still counties needing to be activated by permanent, mobile, orportable stations -- can you help?Please help spread the word about the 2013 New Mexico QSO Party and,more importantly, plan on a fun day on the HF bands and 6-meters withmany hams looking for your contact during the 2013 New Mexico QSO Party-- Saturday, April 13 from 8:00am MDT until 8:00pm MDT.Thanks and 73,Brian N5ZGT /////////////////////////////////////////// Special Event Station N4G in GQP 2013 Posted: 08 Apr 2013 05:46 PM PDT http://forums.qrz.com/showthread.php...3&goto=newpost The Southeastern Underground Radio Fellowship- W4SL- would like to announce the activation of the special event callsign N4G for the 2013 Georgia QSO Party, April 13-14. N4G will be activated from historic DeKalb County and will be active on all the contest bands (160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 Meters) using CW, Phone and Data. Please look for N4G and spot us when you find us! N4G operators plan to be active for the entire event (1800Z Saturday until 0359Z Sunday/1400Z-2359Z Sunday); however, we will have periods of downtime due to breaks, band switchovers and operator rotation. Please bear with us during these times. All QSL requests should be submitted to W4TI either direct or via bureau. Our paper QSL policy is as follows: Direct SASE/SAE+$2 or IRC Direct Return Bureau/Int. SAE + no funds Bureau Return QSL Card as postcard/States SAE + no funds Postcard Return We will also upload our logs to LoTW. We will try to update everyone on our activity via my website, address below. On behalf of W4SL, we look forward to working you during the 2013 GQP as N4G! -- Chase Turner W4TI http://w4ti.com /////////////////////////////////////////// Special Event Station W5T / Train Mobile - Saturday, 13-April-2013 Posted: 08 Apr 2013 11:04 AM PDT http://forums.qrz.com/showthread.php...3&goto=newpost W5T - “Train Mobile” Special Event Station, 13 April 2013 Springdale, AR – The ARKAN Radio Club will activate a special event “Train Mobile” station, W5T, on Saturday, April 13, 2013, from 14:00 to 23:00 UTC (08:00-17:00 CDT). W5T will operate in motion on an excursion passenger train traveling round trip from Springdale, AR, through the scenic Boston Mountains of Northwest Arkansas to Van Buren, Arkansas. On-air operations will be on 20 Meters, using both SSB and CW modes, on 14.240 and 14.030 MHz (+/-), respectively. Tracking for W5T, as it rolls through Washington and Crawford counties, will be available via an APRS beacon at: www.aprs.fi Special W5T QSL cards may be requested by enclosing a #10 business-sized SASE to AA5AR, the ARKANHAMS club call, (not the W5T address on QRZ.com). The ARKAN Ham Club also organizes and sponsors the annual Arkansas QSO Party, to be held this year on 14-September-2013. It also sponsors the “Worked All Arkansas Award,” for working all 75 counties. Additional info may be found online at www.ArkanHams.org and http://arkanhams.org/WorkedAllArkansas.pdf . Photos of the excursion train can be seen at: http://www.amrailroad.com . For more info, Contact: Scott Anderson, K5SAA - ARKAN Radio Club (479) 466-3368 · |
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