The All Asian DX PHONE Contest, run by JARL, takes place on the first full weekend of September. The bands range from 80 through 10 meters and for non-Asian contesters there are no hi-lo power categories, but it's still possible to compete in single or multi band.
Only QSOs with Asian stations are valid and the multiplier is the number of worked prefixes. It's worth recalling that, like in the CW portion, the report exchange is the RST report followed by the operator's age (YLs can give 00). The contest lasts the entire 48 hours of the weekend. QSOs on 10 and 80 meters are worth two points, whereas those on 15,20 and 40 meters are worth one point.
Logs must be sent to
or uploaded onÂ*in Cabrillo format by October 5th. For the rules, see