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![]() DXNL 2179 - January 8, 2020 DX Newsletter a free and weekly service of DARC Committee "DX" (http://www.darcdxhf.de) Editor: Klaus Poels, DL7UXG (e-mail: ) translation by: Oliver Bock, DJ9AO 3D2, Fiji: Darren/VK4MAP remains active as 3D2DJ from Viti Levu Island (OC-016) until Jan. 15. QRV on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10m on SSB. QSL via VK4MAP (d). 3W, Vietnam: Wolfgang/DL5MAE is currently on the air as 3W2MAE from Phan Thiet on HF (CW, SSB). QSL via DL5MAE. DL, Germany: For more information about DL100BKW (DXNL 2178) and related awards see: https://dl0kwh.darc.de/ F, France: TM70TAAF (WAP 301), operated by Francois/F8DVD, commemorates the first amateur radio contact between the French Southern and Austral Territories 70 years ago. QRV between the 12th and 26th from Macon (WW Loc. JN26jh). QSL via F8DVD (d/B), LoTW. G, England: John/M0XIG uses the special event callsign GB200FN, starting on Jan. 7, to commemorate the 200th birthday of Florence Nightingale. QSL via M0XIG (d). JA, Japan: Members of the JARL Okinawa Branch are supporting the reconstruction of Shuri Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage building which burned down on Oct. 31 2019, with the special event station 8N6SHURI during 2020. QSL via bureau. LZ, Bulgaria: The Bulgarian Radio Club Blagovestnik (LZ1KCP) continues to honour the memory of Bulgarian saints during January with the callsign LZ1908IK. QSOs count towards the new All Saints 2020 award. QSL via bureau, LZ1KCP (d). T8, Palau: JI3DNN (T88CZ), JH3LSS (T88DK), JA3HJI (T88DN), JA3IVU (T88ED), JA3ARJ (T88EF), and JA3AVO (T88MB) will be paying the VIP Guest Hotel on Koror Island (OC-009) a visit from the 15th to 23rd; QRV on 160 to 10m. QSL via homecalls. VP5, Turks and Caicos Islands: David/KM3T operates holiday-style as VP5/KM3T from Providenciales Island (NA-002) between Jan. 7 and 14 on 160 to 10m (CW, FT8) and also during the NAQP CW Contest. QSL via KM3T (d), LoTW. VP9, Bermuda: Joe/WB9EAO signs WB9EAO/VP9 from Bermuda (NA-005) between the 9th and 14th on 160-10m (SSB, CW). QSL via homecall (d/B), LoTW, eQSL. YU, Serbia: The Serbian CW Club celebrates its 50th anniversary with the special event callsign YT50SCWC during 2020. QSL via YU1MM (d/B), ClubLog, LoTW. ZF, Cayman Islands: Pete/K8PGJ will be active as ZF2PG from Grand Cayman (NA-016) between Jan. 11 and 19 on HF, including the NAQP SSB Contest. QSL via K8PGJ (d), LoTW. Other stuff: ============ DARC 70 Years: The German national club DARC celebrates its 70th anniversary in 2020 and offers the award 70 Jahre DARC for contacts with the special event stations DP70DARC and DF70DARC. For the rules see www.70darc.club. Later during the year, DK70DARC (special DOK 70DARC for all of them) will also be active. The callsigns rotate through DARC's regional districts on a weekly basis. NB: There are also other special event calls active with a DARC-suffix that do not count for the award. In a few weeks, DM30RSV will become active as well, commemorating the formation of the first independent national radio club RSV in the German Democratic Republic in 1990. This activity will be limited to the time frame of March 24 until October 2, mirroring the lifespan of the RSV 30 years ago. QSOs will count towards yet another award, rules are currently being finalised. (73 Ric, DL2VFR) Preview: ======== H4, Solomon Islands: Bernhard/DL2GAC announces his return to the Solomons for February 5 until April 20. QRV as H44MS on SSB. QSL via DL2GAC. XE, Mexico: Members of the Radio Club Puebla DX plan to activate the Isla Perez (NA-153) between Feb. 11 and 17 as 6F3A. Operators are Patricia/XE1SPM, Ismael/XE1AY, David/XE1SRD, and Ricardo/XE1SY. QRV on 80-6m with three rigs. The group's actual schedule will depend on wx and sea conditions. QSL via XE1SY. Abbreviations in this DXNL: =========================== ARLHS Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society IOTA Islands on the Air LoTW Logbook of the World OQRS Online QSL Request System WAP Worldwide Antarctic Program WCA World Castles Award WLOTA World Lighthouse On The Air Award WRTC World Radiosport Team Championship Upcoming Contests: ================== 11.01. Old New Year Contest 11.01. Aktivitaetstag Distrikt Nordrhein 11./12.01. UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest 12.01. DARC 10m-Contest IOTA Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON ) ==== IOTA QRGs CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz AS-153; VU, West Bengal State group: Members of the West Bengal Radio Club will be operating as 8T2G from Sagar Island between the 10th and 17th. During this time, pilgrims meet at the Ganges Delta for a ritualistic bath. QSL via VU2NRO. NA-103; VP2M, Montserrat: Duane/WV2B plans to operate holiday-style as VP2MDT between Jan. 9 and 15 on SSB and CW. QSL via WV2B (d). OC-005; VK9, Norfolk Island: Janusz/SP9FIH operates as VK9NK from Norfolk Island between Jan. 12 and April 12. QRV on 160 to 10m on CW, SSB, and RTTY. QSL via SP9FIH (d/B). http://vk9nk.dxpeditions.org/ SA-034; HC2/3, Santa Elena/ Guayas/ El Oro Province group: Jon/EA1VE activates Puna Island (WW Loc. EI97we) as HC2JKT between the 10th and 30th on 40-6m (SSB). QSL via EA1VE. WCA Activities =============== WCA QRGs: CW: 28031 24911 21031 18081 14031 10121 7031 3531 kHz SSB: 28551 24951 21251 18131 14251 7131 3731 kHz WCA Happy Birthday: World Castles Award Program Foundation celebrates its 10th anniversary on Jan. 12 and invites operators around to world to activate castles on the weekend of the 11th and 12th of January. Calendar ======== start - end DX DXNL 01.01. - 15.01. 3D2DJ 2179* 24.10. - 31.08. 4U25B 2169 03.01. - 14.01. 5K6RM 2178 01.01. - 31.12. 8N6SHURI 2179* 01.06. - 31.10. 8N7JAPAN 2148 03.01. - 23.01. 8Q7BS 2178 10.01. - 17.01. 8T2G 2179* 06.10. - 06/2020 9J2MYT 2166 03.12. - 27.02. 9M2MRS 2173 24.11. - 11/2020 A35JP 2172 16.11. - 03/2020 C5YK 2173 01.01. - 31.12. DA0DOM 2178 01.01. - 31.12. DF70DARC 2178 01.01. - 31.12. DL100BKW 2178 16.12. - 17.12. DL250BTHVN 2175 01.01. - 31.12. DL30GER 2178 01.07. - 30.06. DL50NFA 2152 15.12. - 29.02. DP0GVN 2175 01.01. - 29.02. DP1POL 2178 01.01. - 31.12. DP70DARC 2178 01.01. - 31.12. DQ100SL 2178 01.01. - 31.01. DQ10CWO 2178 01.01. - 31.01. DR10CWO 2178 06.01. - 12.01. E44RU 2178 01.12. - 03/2020 EA8/HB9FIH 2175 27.12. - 11.01. EX0DX 2178 28.12. - 24.01. GB0HNY 2177 28.12. - 24.01. GB1HNY 2177 28.12. - 24.01. GB2HNY 2177 07.01. - 03.02. GB200FN 2179* 28.12. - 24.01. GB4HNY 2177 28.12. - 24.01. GB5HNY 2177 28.12. - 24.01. GB6HNY 2177 28.12. - 24.01. GB8HNY 2177 28.12. - 24.01. GB9HNY 2177 01.01. - 31.12. HB40HC 2178 01.01. - 31.12. HB40HTC 2178 10.01. - 30.01. HC2JKT 2179* 01.01. - 31.12. HE2JOJ 2178 12.12. - 04.04. HR5/F2JD 2175 12.11. - 05.04. HS0ZME 2170 14.12. - 08.01.20 HS0ZNR 2175 01.01. - 31.12. II4BRN 2178 04.01. - 11.01. J6/AI6LY 2178 01.01. - 31.01. LZ1908IK 2179* 01.01. - 31.12. OE1970WWL 2178 12.09. - 03.03. PA75LIMBURG 2162 01.01. - 31.12. PA75VERON 2178 01.01. - 31.12. R200ANT 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RA20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RC20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RG20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RK20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RL20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RM20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RN20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RO20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RT20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RU20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RW20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RX20NY 2178 30.12. - 14.01. RZ20NY 2178 30.09. - 06/2021 S79VU 2165 01.09. - 30.06.21 T6A 2160 01.09. - 30.06.21 T6AA 2160 07.01. - 13.01. T88AQ 2178 15.01. - 23.01. T88CZ 2179* 15.01. - 23.01. T88DK 2179* 15.01. - 23.01. T88DN 2179* 15.01. - 23.01. T88ED 2179* 15.01. - 23.01. T88EF 2179* 15.01. - 23.01. T88MB 2179* 12.01. - 26.01. TM70TAAF 2179* 18.09. - TR8CA 1902 - 12/2023 TT8SN 2176 05.01. - 11.01. V4/WB4M 2178 12.01. - 12.04. VK9NK 2179* 09.01. - 15.01. VP2MDT 2179* 07.01. - 14.01. VP5/KM3T 2179* 09.01. - 14.01. WB9EAO/VP9 2179* 01.12. - 01.02. YR2019REV 2174 01.01. - 31.12. YT50SCWC 2179* 11.01. - 19.01. ZF2PG 2179* 05/17 - 05/2020 ZL7DX 2040 05/17 - 05/2020 ZL7QT 2040 * = new or updated ... = and other calls QSL information =============== 3D2AG/p via 3D2AG 3D2DJ via VK4MAP (d) 3W2MAE via DL5MAE 3Z20HNY via SP6IEQ (d/B), (L) 4U25B via 9A2AA (d/B) 5K6RM via HK6RM (d/B), (L), (e) 8J130IV (B), (e) 8N6SHURI (B) 8N7JAPAN (B) 8Q7BS via RX3AMY (d/B) 8T2G via VU2NRO 9J2MYT via IK1MYT, (C) 9K2BS via EC6DX 9M2MRS via PA0RRS, (L), (e), (C) 9M6AAC via N2OO, (C) 9Y4DG (L), (e) A35JP via JA0RQV (B), (L), (C) A65BP via UA6MF (d), (L) AH2O (d/B), (L) AO2XMA via EA3RKF AO8XMA via EA3RKF AP2TN via DJ9ZB (B) C5SP via SP3PS (B), (L), (e) C5YK via ON7YK, (L), (e) CN2JF via EA5GL CO7MS (L), (e) CU3DP (d/B) D44KF via G3SWH, (L), (C) DA0DOM via (B), DL8CWA (d), (L) DF70DARC via DK5DC (d/B), (L), (C) DL0YLL via DC2CT (B) DL100BKW (d/B), (C), (O) DL250BTHVN (B) DL30GER (C), (O), (e) DL50NFA (d/B) DL70DARC via DG2FDE (B), (L), (e) DO70DARC via DG2FDE (B), (L), (e) DP0GVN via DL5EBE (d/B), (L) DP1POL via DL1ZBO (d/B), (L) DP70DARC via DK5DC (d/B), (L), (C) DQ100SL (B) DQ10CWO (d/B), (L), (C) DQ750KL via DL5KVV (B) DR10CWO (d/B), (L), (C) DU6/PE1NSQ via EA5GL (d), (L), (e) E2OH via E21EIC (B), (L) E44RU via R7AL (d/B), (L), (C) EA8/HB9FIH via HB9FIH (B), (L), (e) EG2ETS via EA2RKW (B) EG3WBD via EA3GZA (B), (L) EM10CWO (B) EM600T via UR7TWY EX0DX via HZB9DUR, (C) GB200FN via M0XIG (d) GB2KW (L) GW2CWO (L) GX4BJC/a via M5DIK (d/B), (e) HB40HC (B) HB40HTC (B) HC2JKT via EA1VE HC3AGT via EA5RM HE2JOJ via HB9HI (d/B) HL2KV (d), (L) HR5/F2JD via F6AJA (d/B) HS0ZME via SM6NT HS0ZNR via VK2BY (d), (L), (C) II4BRN via IQ4FE J6/AI6LY via AI6LY (d/B) J68HZ via K9HZ (d), (L) JD1BMH via (B), JG7PSJ (d) KL0R via N4GNR (d) KP3H via NP3LT (d) KP4JM (d/B) LZ10CWO via LZ1HW LZ1908IK via (B), LZ1KCP (d) MC0SHL via M0URX MX1SWL/a via M5DIK (d/B), (e) OE1970WWL (B), (L), (e) OL10CWO via OK1TN OP75USA via ON4JM (d/B), (C) P49X via (d), (L), W0YK PA75LIMBURG via PC9DB (d/B), (C), (O) PA75VERON (L), (e) PG10CWO via PG4I PY6/PP2RON via PP2RON (d/B), (C) PZ/PA4ARI via PA4ARI (d/B), (L) R200ANT via RZ3EC RA20NY (C), (O) RC20NY (C), (O) RG20NY (C), (O) RK20NY (C), (O) RL20NY (C), (O) RM20NY (C), (O) RN20NY (C), (O) RO20NY (C), (O) RT20NY (C), (O) RU20NY (C), (O) RW20NY (C), (O) RX20NY (C), (O) RZ20NY (C), (O) S589PMC (B) SF10CWO via SM6CUK (B), (L) T6A via S53R, (L) T6AA via S53R, (L) T88AQ via JH6WDG (d/B), (L), T88CZ via JI3DNN (d/B) T88DK via JH3LSS (d/B) T88DN via JA3HJI (d/B) T88ED via JA3IVU (d/B) T88EF via JA3ARJ (d/B) T88MB via JA3AVO (d/B) TF/MM0OKG (L) TF/OJ0Y via EB7DX, (L) TG9ANF via VE7BV TM30CDR via F6KUQ (d/B) TM70TAAF via F8DVD (d/B), (L) TR8CA via F6CBC (d), (L) TT8SN via DL9USA, (L) V31MA via M0OXO, (L) V4/WB4M via WB4M (d), (L) VK9NK via SP9FIH VP2MDT via WV2B (d) VP5/KM3T via KM3T (d), (L) WB9EAO/VP9 via WB9EAO (d/B), (L), (e) XE3ARV (d) XP1SC via OZ2CBA YT50SCWC via YU1MM (d/B), (L), (C) ZC4UW (L), (C), (O) ZD7FT (d) ZF2PG via K8PGJ (d), (L) ZL7DX via M0OXO ZL7QT (d) (d) = direct (B) = bureau ok (L) = LoTW (O) = OQRS (C) = ClubLog (e) = eQSL (*) = new manager (Q) = QRZ.COM * QSL via LoTW: 7Z1SJ, 9Z4Y, BG2WMA, BG5TOX, BI4PDD, HB0/HB9LCW, HS0ZLJ, HZ1HZ, J69DS, TF2CT, TO80SP, VO2NS Thanks for contributing to this issue of the DXNL: QRZ DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, DX World, VA3RJ, KB8NW & OPDX-Bulletin, DF6EX (fuer WIN-QSL), DJ5AV, DJ9ZB, DK8JB, DL1BAH, DL1SBF, DL7MAE, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, Islands On The Air, NG3K & ADXO, OE2IKN, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, W3UR & The Daily DX u.a. Free subscription DXMB / DXNL: ============================== Homepage and archives: http://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/dx/en/dxnl/ Change/Cancel subscription for : https://www.darcdxhf.de/dxmb/?t=11bc...e3a17d61a41f61 Subscription overview: https://www.darcdxhf.de/dxmb/ This mail was sent to: |
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