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Old July 17th 05, 09:54 PM
Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW)
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Default Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #718

Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 718

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 718
BID: $OPDX.718
July 18, 2005
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, KI3O, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX, KJ4UY,
9A5ST, 9A7K, DL1EK & The DX News Letter, F5CWU & La Gazette du DX, F5NQL
and the Scottish Ham Portal for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 10th/July, through Sunday, 17th/July there were 199
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W,
4J, 4L, 4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5V, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R,
9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP,
BV, BY, C3, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D4, D6, DL, DU, EA,
EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FK, FM,
FO, FR, FW, G, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR,
HS, HZ, I, IS, J6, J8, JA, JD/m, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6,
KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OY, OZ,
P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S2, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV/a, SV9,
T32, T7, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK,
UN, UR, V3, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP5, VP8/h, VP8/o, VR, VU, XE, XT, XU,
XX9, XZ, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YU, YV,Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7,
ZF, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
First Worry Later" (WFWL).

3D2 & 3D2/R, FIJI AND ROTUMA ISLAND. Hiro, JA0SC, informs OPDX that he
will operate from Rotuma Island from July 27th to August 2nd, and after
that from Fiji, August 3-5th. Activity will be mostly digital modes
(SSTV - 14230, 21340 and 28680 kHz; RTTY and PSK31). He has requested
his old callsign 3D2HY. QSL to his home callsign, JA0SC, address is OK
at the

5X, UGANDA. Hisato, JA1DOT, informs OPDX that he plans to take his summer
vacation in Uganda. During his stay he plans to be active on 160-10 meters
on CW, SSB and RTTY. He recently received his 5X1W license from the Uganda
Communications Commission. Hisato will be using an IC-706MKIIG into a
SG-235 plus 4 meter mast and 10 meter fishing rod. Look for activity from
him between August 3-12th. QSL via JA1DOT, either direct to or via
the JARL QSL bureau. This operation is supported by NDXA (Nanchatte DX
Aikoukai). Visit their Web page at:

6W, SENEGAL. Look for F6BEE to be active as 6W1RW in the CQ WW DX CW
Contest (November 26-27th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry.
QSL via F6BEE.

A9, BAHRAIN. Operators A92FF, A92GR, A92GQ(9K2AI), A92GN and possibly
others will be active as A92C in the RGSB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st).
Operation class and QSL route will be anounnced later.

C9, MOZAMBIQUE (Reminder/Update/New IOTA). Remember to look next weekend
for a group of operators from the Ukraine (Chiloane Island Team) to be
active from Maputo during the period between July 23rd and August 10th
(See OPDX.716). The operators will be using their own personal callsigns
(C91UY, C91LL, etc.) on 160-10 meters CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL for
all individual's C9 callsigns are via the operator's home callsign, direct
or via the bureau. This team of operators will also activate a new IOTA.
Look for them to use the callsign C93DY (not C93DX as first reported)
on Chiloane Island (IOTA AF-NEW), Sofala Province, Mozambique. Activity
will take place from July 28th to August 1st, and will include an entry
in the IOTA Contest. The QSL route for C93DY is via UT5UGR, by the bureau
or direct to: Dimitry Stashuk, P.O. Box 115, Kiev-147, 02147 Ukraine.
For more information, please visit the DXpedition's Web page at:
ADDED NOTE: This group will also be active from Swaziland (3DA0) in August.
More info next week.

TM0BZM - The Finistere Hams will be active from now through July 24th
for the Corwall Interceltic Festival in Quimper Finistere (Pen
Ar Bed - The End of the World). Activity by TM0BZH (For Breizh:
Brittany, in Britton Language), will be on the air on HF, VHF,
and UHF from the Grid Square IN77WX. QSL per the operator's
TM5VIN - The Cher area Hams will be active as TM5VIN (VIN for Wine) on
August 6-7th, from the Charvet Cellar, a big cellar of the
Sancerre vineyard. QSL via F9KH.

HI3, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Mark, KB2MS, will be active as HI3/KB2MS from
Puerto Plata between July 23rd and August 21st. Activity will be on 80-10
meters. QSL only direct via his home callsign.

IOTA NEWS........................................
AS-038. Operators Roman/RV3MA, Alex/RW3DTP, Sergey/RW6HJV, Eugene/
RZ3EC, Valery/RZ6AU and Leonid/UA6CW will activate a new IOTA
in the Chukchi Sea Coast West Group between August 10-17th.
Operations will take place from either Shalaurova Island or
from some of the surrounding islands (because of high radiation
on the main island!). There is also a lighthouse located on
the island. Later on, the team plans to operate from Ayon
Island (AS-038) group (from Bolshoy and Malyj Routan Islands,
where there are lighthouses located on the islands valid for
the WLOTA, ARLHS and RLHA awards programs. More details will
be available soon on:
QSL via RZ3EC (QSLs will be automatically sent via the bureau).

AS-090. Members of the Hanam Ham Club (South Korea) will activate
Taeijak Island (Kyonggi-do Province, Tokchok Islands group)
starting 1900z, July 29th ending 2400z, July 31st. They will
use the callsign D70IS. Activity will be on 40/20/15 meters
CW/SSB. Operators mentioned a HL2DDZ, DS1AXW, DS2PSI,
DS2QDY, 6K2BPT and 6K2BUV. Rigs a FT-1000MP and JST-135D.
Antennas a 40m DP, 20m 2ELE HB9CV and 15m 2ELE YAGI. QSL
Manager is: HL1OYF or KARL Bureau. DXpedition Home page is:

EU-008. Mark, MM0MMK, will be active from the Island of Tiree now
through July 31st. Activity will be on 80-10 meters SSB,
but sporadically during his stay and specifically during the
RSGB IOTA Contest. The station will consist of FT-817 QRP rig,
Tokyo High Power amplifier giving 100W to a wideband folded
dipole via an SGC 230 antenna coupler. QSL via his instructions.

EU-016. Operators 9A4W, 9A5K, 9A6C, OE1EMS and SM7VZX will be active
in the IOTA Contest this year in the Multi-Operator category
from the Island of Brac. Activity will be on all HF bands.
The callsign to be used is 9A7B. QSL is 100% sure via the
bureau. Direct requests are via 9A4W (direct or bureau is
fine). Activity is also valid for Island of Croatia Award
(IOCA). For this award, island reference is CI-010.

EU-016. Zeky, 9A5ST, will be active as 9A5ST/p from Veli Drvenik
Island (IOCA CI017) now through September 1st. Activity will
be on HF, 6m and 2m, especialy the IOTA Contest. QSL is OK
via the Bureau or direct (

EU-064. A French team of operators led by Franck, F4AJQ, will
activate Noirmoutier for the next IOTA Contest. Callsign
will be TM7C. Operators mentioned a Franck/F4AJQ, Thierry/
F4TTR, Pascal/F5JSD, John/F5VHQ, Serge/F6AML and Bernard/F9IE.
QSL via F4AJQ, either direct or by the bureau.

EU-065. Jean Claude/F6HDH and Francis/F6HKS plan to activate several
lighthouses on Ouessant, the main island and possibly some of
the other smaller surrounding islands this on same group
(EU-065, AT-001). Watch the clusters for QSNs; the small
islands and lighthouses will be choosen as weather and
transportation is permitting. They will be active each morning
on August 9th and 10th from 0500-1200z. Their callsigns will be
F6HKS/P (CW on 40/30/20m) and F6HDH/P (SSB on 40/20/17/15m). QSL
via their home callsign, direct or via the French REF Bureau.

EU-074. Jean Claude, F6HDH, plans to be active as F6HDH/p from the
Heaux de Brehat lighthouse on Brehat Archipelago (MA-012,
WLOTA 031 and ARLHS FRA 021) between August 1-5th, as the
boat permits. Activity will be 40/20 meters and possibly
17/15 meters. QSL to home callsign, direct or via the French
REF Bureau.

EU-080. Operators Tono/EA9CP and Fernando/EA1BT will activate the
Punta del Caballo lighthouse ARLHS SPA 196 located in the
Pontevedra Province Group (DIE:O-007 D-1826) during the
upcoming IOTA Contest.

EU-123. Iain, MM0TFU will be active as MM0TFU/p from Blackwaterfoot,
Isle of Arran, July 29th to August 5th. Activity will be on
80-10 meters SSB; the RSGB IOTA Contest included. QSL via his
home callsign, by the Bureau or direct to: Iain MacAlister,
33 King Street, Crosshill, Maybole, KA19 7RE, Scotland.

EU-123. Members of the Sheffield Amateur Radio Club will activate the
Isle of Arran on July 29-31st. They will also participate
in the IOTA Contest as MM3M. Activity will be on all bands,
CW and SSB. QSL via the bureau or direct to their QSL Manager
and SARC Club Secretary G4FAL: Nick Totterdell, 35 Meadow Bank
av. , Sheffield, South Yorkshire S7 1PB, UK. ADDED NOTE: SARC
members will also activate some WAB squares (Worked All Britain)
during their stay. They will use their home callsign signing
/p or /m. QSL via operator's instructions.

EU-159. Laurent/F8BBL (CW) and Jean Marc/F4ECL (SSB) will be active
as QRP on Cordouan Island, July 22-23rd. Their 48 hour nonstop
activity will be on 80-10 meters CW/SSB. Equipment will be a
FT817ND, Buddistick (W3FF) and dipoles. Other reference numbers
a DIFM AT-032, LH 271, ARLHS FRA007 and PB 018. More info
is forthcoming. QSL via F8BBL, 100% by the bureau or direct.

EU-165. Massimo, IZ0EJQ, will be active as IM0/IZ0EJQ from San Pietro
Island during the next IOTA Contest on July 30-31st. Activity
will be on 40-10 meters SSB.

EU-182. A group of operators are planning a small DXpedition to
Ankudinov Island in the Black Sea between July 28th and
August 1st. They plan to enter the IOTA Contest using the
callsign EM5F. QSL via UX0FF. Also, look for the following
operators to be active before and after the Contest using
their home callsigns: UX0FF/P, UR5FAV/P, UR5FGW/P and F6IRF/P.
QSL via their home callsigns, direct or by the bureau.

NA-028. Hillar/N6HR and Elsie/N7YX will participate in the IOTA Contest
from Alaska's Pribilof Islands. The callsign will be KL7/N7YX,
and activity will be on both SSB and CW on whatever band is
open! QSL via the home callsign.

NA-085. Members of the Tennessee Valley DX Association (TVDXA) will
activate St. George Island using the callsign W4I. This island
is part of the Florida State group (FL007s). W4I plans on
being active about 1900z on Sunday, October 2nd, and will go
QRT sometime Sunday morning, October 9th. The group will
use 100 watt transceivers and plan to be active on 80-10
meters HF (SSB, CW with some PSK and RTTY), and 6 meter SSB
and CW. Currently operators include Barbarra/WA4RMC, Kathy/
W4KRY, Lynn/K0MAI, Kay/KI4GYS, Tom/K4VCM, Greg/WA4NFO, Tommie/
K4KWK, Kenny/AB4GG, Tony/W4FOA, Charlie/AD4F and Paul/WA4AA.
Non licensed team members include Nancy (XYL of Paul/WA4AA)
and Nancy (XYL of Tony/W4FOA). QSL via WA4AA direct (SASE) or
via bureau. Additional information and updates will be added
to their Web site during and following the activation at:

SA-046. Mac, PR7SM, will be active as PY7/PR7SM, or possibly a special
callsign that he requested for the RSGB IOTA Contest (July
30-31st), from Itamaraca Island. QSL via PR7SM (

LIGHTHOUSE ACTIVITIES..........................
Tono, EA9CP, will be in Portugal on July 29th and will activate the
Montedor lighthouse (ARLHS POR-031) for the Lighthouses of Portugal
Award FMI02.

Berkin/TA3J/4 and Nilay/TA3YJ/4 (XYL) will be active only on SSB on
80/40/20/17/15/12/10 meters from Antalya Bababurnu Lighthouse (ARLHS
TUR065)(KM56JU) on July 23rd. Activity is in memory of Bahri Kacan,
TA2BK (SK). See Web page at:
A lighthouse QSL card will be available. QSL via the bureau or direct
(SASE+New IRC only, no greenstamp please). SWL QSL cards are OK. Further
information is available at:
ADDED NOTE: Atila, TA1DX, will also be active but only on RTTY on
80/40/20/15/10 meters (KN41JC) on July 23rd. His activity is also in
memory of Bahri Kacan, TA2BK (SK). A special QSL card will be available.
QSL via the bureau or direct. SWL QSL cards are OK. Further information
is available at:

Operators Peter/MM5PSL, Roger/MM1FJM, Lars/MM0LON and Georg/MM0ECG will
participate in the RSGB IOTA Contest as MM0ECG from Eshaness Lighthouse
(ARLHS: SCO-075) on Shetland Mainland (EU-012). There will be some
activity before and after the contest. QSL via DL1ECG, by the Bureau
or direct to: George Muehlenbruch, Abteiweg 9, D-41468, Neuss, Germany.

19th to 2359z, August 21st) look for LABRE/RN members to operate from
Calcanhar Lighthouse (BRA 035) on digital, phone and CW modes and on
160-10 meters. Callsign will be ZW7LH: QSL via PS7AA, by the bureau or
direct to: P.O. Box 251, NATAL RN 59010-970, Brazil.

LU, ARGENTINA (Rare Provinces). Operators Sylvester/DH4PB, Al/LU1DZ,
Hector/LU6UO and Fernando/LW2DX are going to operate from two "rare"
LU Provinces in August. Their schedule is:
La Rioja - August 4-10th, signing LU/DH4PB/S, LU1DZ/S, LU6UO/S and
Catamarca - August 10-15th, signing LU/DH4PB/R, LU1DZ/R, LU6UO/R
and LW2DX/R.
Activity will be all bands when propagation is available, including the
WARC bands, with an emphasis on CW, but also some SSB and possibly
others modes.

OJ0, MARKET REEF. Operators KU7B, SM3WMV, OH8K and OZ1AA will be active
as OJ0YC from July 23-31st. Their activity will emphasize 50 MHz. QSL
via OH6GDX.

OOOOPPPPSSS DEPARTMENT. Last week's OPDX.717 mistakenly listed "OL200,
SLOVAKIA (Special Event)" and it should have been listed as "OL200, CZECH
REPUBLIC (Special Event)." The editor states he is sorry for the error to
our Czech friends and repeats again, look for OL200BA and other special
event stations to be active now through December 31st, to celebrate the
"Battle of the Three Emperors" in Austerlitz 200 years ago. More information
can be found on the following Web page at:
OL200BA was heard this past week on 80/17 meters SSB and 80/20 meters CW.
QSL via OK2SW.

QSL INFO AND NEWS......................
The CY9SS logs are now online at:

G6XN CALLSIGN REALLOCATED. The callsign of CQ Amateur Hall of Famer,
antenna designer and author, Les Moxon, G6XN (SK) has just been
allocated to Wey Valley Amateur Radio Group, based in Guildford,
Surrey England. For more details, visit their Web page at:

QSL EM0ITU via UT3UZ: Alex Arbuzov, P.O. Box 7, Kiev-232, 02232,
Ukraine. Activity was by the club station the of Ukrainian State
Centre in connection with holding the ITU workshop Automation of
the Spectrum Management by the 6th ITU Centre of Excellence in Kiev.

LOTW USERS. Mike, VE3VHB, informs OPDX that if anyone is looking for a
list of LoTW users, HB9BZA publishes a partial list of some 2700 users

The VE6/ VA6 Incoming Bureau for Alberta, Canada, is being moved to
Calgary where it will be operated by a small group of active local
amateurs led by Rich, VE6AX. The new mailing address for this incoming
bureau effective immediately is: Rich Roadhouse, 372 Cedarpark Dr. SW,
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA T2W 2J4. They have also established a new
Web site which you can link to via:

QSL STATUS (for ZK1APX, ZL7/AI5P, A35PX and 5W0HR - 2005). Rick, AI5P,
informs OPDX that he just returned home on July 6th. He states, "Will
begin answering the ZK1 cards as I have them from my previous trip in
2004. The other three cards have to be designed, printed in Europe and
shipped to me. This normally takes about 2-3 months. So the cards will
be answered in due course. Patience please."

Ken, ZL4HU, advises that the New Zealand Post will no longer accept
the old style IRC's. They will now only accept the larger type with
the bar code on the reverse side. This is a policy decision made by
the New Zealand Post effective Decemebr 31, 2004. To all those who
still require QSL cards from any New Zealand based station or New
Zealand QSL Manager, please send the NEW IRCs which have the expiry
date of December 31, 2006, on them. Please note that for the ZL8RI
DXpedition in 1996, the ZL9CI DXpedition in 1999 and the ZL7C DXpedition
to the Chatham Islands in 2002, the above information becomes effective
immediately. All cards receieved which have been postmarked after July
13th WILL be replied via the Bureau if the OLD style IRCs are sent with
direct QSL card requests. The same applies for cards sent to ZL2HU,
ZL4HU and ZK1KH.

S7, SEYCHELLES. Just a reminder that DDr. Karl, OE3JAG, is expected to be
active as S79JAG from Mahe between July 22nd and August 7th. This will be
a DX holiday style operation, and Karl will be using a FT-817, running QRP,
with random wire and dipole antennas. Look for activity on the following
suggested frequencies:
CW - 14020, 18070, 21020, 24890 and 28020 kHz
SSB - 14190, 18140, 21190, 24940 and 28190 kHz
RTTY - 14080, 18100, 21080, 24920 and 28080 kHz
PSK - 14070, 18100, 21070, 24920 and 28070 kHz.
QSL via OE3JAG: DDr. Karl Jungwirth, Adalbert Stifter Strasse 25,
2232 Deutsch Wagram, AUSTRIA - EUROPE. Further information can be
found on Karl's Web site at:

SILENT KEY. Rick, NE8Z/HC1MD/HC5EE, informs OPDX that Alfonso "Alfo"
Villavicensio, HC5AI, became a Silent Key (SK) July 13th. Alfo was 78
years old and was quite ill for the last 2 years. Alfo was an active
CW operator for 65 years!! OPDX and its reader would like to send out
our deepest sympathy to Alfo's family and friends.

SV/A, MOUNT ATHOS. It seems Monk Apollo, SV2ASP/A, has been active
lately on CW. Word has it that he is using a computer to send and
receive CW. His activity over the past weekend has been on 160/40/30/15

SV5, DODECANESE. Stefano, IV3IPS, will be active as SV5/IV3IPS/p from
Rhodes Island (EU-001), August 13-20th. Activity will be on 80/40/20/15/10
meters SSB/RTTY. QSL via the Bureau to his home callsign.

SV9, CRETE. Claude, HB9CRX, will be active as SV9/F8UFT/p from Kissamos
until July 31st. Activity will be on 40-10 meters CW only, the WARC bands
are included. QSL via F6ICG, direct or via the French Bureau.

TORINO 2006 AWARD. The Associazione Radioamatori Italiani (ARI) Regional
Council of Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta is pleased to introduce the "Torino
2006 Award" celebrating the "XX Olympic Winter Games" that will take place
in Torino, Italy, in February 2006. Full details can be found at:

UA1, RUSSIA (Mountain Activity). Look for Andrei, UA3SGV, to be active
as UA3SGV/1 on a Khibin Mountains Polar DXpeditions (RM-01-002, RM-01-003,
RM-01-004, RM-01-005 to "Russian Mountains Award"; MU-06 to "RDA") from
July 26th through August 9th. Activity will be on all HF and VHF bands.
The Khibiny is the largest mountain range of the Kolski Peninsula in
Russia. It is located between the Imandra Lake and the Umbozero Lake
150 km to the north from the Polar Circle.

V25, ANTIGUA. Members of the Florida DXpedition Group, Inc., Larry/W1LR
(V25LR) and Bill/W4WX (V25WX), will be active from here August 15-24th.
Look for them primarily on PSK-31 and RTTY on 10-12-15-17-20 meters. QSL
direct only to their home callsigns. They will be traveling via "Space A"
on a military aircraft. Let's hope they get a seat!

V4, ST. KITTS AND NEVIS. Larry, KJ4UY/V47UY, informs OPDX that he and
his wife Mel, will once again head back to their second home on St. Kitts
and Nevis. They will be leaving Orlando on August 19th and arriving back
in Orlando on August 26th. Larry states that he has sent a tribander
(for 10-15-20m) and a dualbander beam (for 12-17m) to Karl, V44NK, to
install on St. Kitts. Larry informs, "I hope to operate from both St.
Kitts and Nevis. Hopefully propagation will be better than last year.
I have 6 meter on Nevis, but not on St. Kitts. Would like to operate more
40/80 meters and maybe 160 meters from Nevis. Anyway, I will operate as
propagation allows 160-6 meters. When on Nevis, 6 meters will be on all
the time and would really like to make a lot of 6 meter contacts. Please,
no special requests/schedules as I have a lot of friends there and my
time is not always my time." QSL via KJ4UY with SASE for U.S. stations
or SAE & return postage for DX stations. Larry mentions that he is looking
forward to being back in the West Indies with his friends. Karl and Larry
are also working on something different in December.

VB3, CANADA (CISA/Lighthouses). Igor, VA3YDX, will be active as VB3M from
the several Canadian Islands and lighthouses starting at 2300z on July
22nd, from Little La Clotche Island (a CISA new activation). His plans
are as follows:
July 23rd July 24th
--------------------------------- ------------------------------
Great La Clotche Isl. CISA: ON016 Manitoulin Island CISA: ON001
Birch Island CISA: ON017 Skinny Island CISA: NEW
Goat Island CISA: ON072 Activation
Manitoulin Island CISA: ON001 Barrie Island CISA: ON015
Little Current Lighthouse: NEW Providence Bay Lighthouse: CAN 416
Kagawong Lighthouse: CAN 259
Janet Head Lighthouse: CAN 203

His suggested frequencies a 3795/3815, 7060/7260, 14260 and 21260 kHz.
QSL via VA3YDX, by the bureau or direct to: Mr. Igor Slakva, 105 La Rose
Avenue, #803, Etobicoke, ON M9P 1A9, Canada.

VQ9, CHAGOS ISLANDS. Larry, N0QM/DU3, states that VQ9 did not make the
OPDX's "DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT" last week and says that will soon
change. Larry, currently in DU3 land until July 25th, will be back on VQ9
July 25th. He hopes to see you all in the pileups.

YL, LATVIA. Kresimir, 9A7K, will operate as YL/9A7K from the cities of
Riga and Talsi until July 19th. He plans to be operating on all HF bands.
QSL via his home callsign. For more info on his operation, visit his
Web page at:

YI, IRAQ. Ilian, LZ1CNN, now active as YI9LZ will take part in the WAEDX
Contest (August 13-14th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. QSL to
LZ1ZF via the Bureau or direct to: P.O. Box 8, 6000 Stara Zagora, BULGARIA.
ADDED NOTE: The QSL Manager Gosho, LZ1ZF, has request to inform him by
E-mail for each sent direct QSL card at:

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number: 1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via "
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mail to me via "
"...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
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via InterNet Mail to: - OR -
Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW -
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)
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Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #651 Tedd Mirgliotta Dx 4 March 10th 04 09:53 AM
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #651 Tedd Mirgliotta General 1 March 8th 04 12:48 AM
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #651 Tedd Mirgliotta Dx 0 March 7th 04 09:23 PM
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #651 Tedd Mirgliotta Info 0 March 7th 04 09:23 PM
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #640 Tedd Mirgliotta Info 0 December 21st 03 09:02 PM

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