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Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW)
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Default Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #763

Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 763

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 763
BID: $OPDX.763
June 19, 2006
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, ARRL W1AW Bulletins, K1XN & GoList, NG3K, W3UR & The
DL1EK & The DX News Letter, F5NQL & UFT, EA7FTR, G3SWH, HR2DMR, I1JQJ/
OQ0A, SV1EJD, UA4WHX, VA3RJ & ICPO, YT6A and YV5AJ for the following DX

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 11th-June, through Sunday, 18th-June there were 204
countries active. Countries available: 1S, 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J,
4L, 4S, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5U, 5V, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A,
9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A2, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV,
BY, C3, C5, C6, CE, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, EA,
EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FR,
FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL,
HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J6, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, K, KG4, KH0, KH2,
KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON,
OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PY, PZ, S0, S5, S9, SM, SP, ST, SU, SV, SV5,
SV9, T30, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TN, TR, TT, TU, TY, TZ, UA,
UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V4, V5, V7, VE, VK, VK9N, VP2M, VP2V, VP8, VP8/h,
VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE, XT, XW, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV,
Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZD9, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
First Worry Later" (WFWL).

5B, CYPRUS. Jim, WB2REM, will be active here as "*/*5B/WB2REM" starting
July 7th until July 13th. Activity will be on 40-6 meters CW/SSB. QSL
via his home callsign or by the bureau. Please include a SASE or SAE and
sufficient return postage for your QSL card.

8Q, MALDIVES. Vangelis, SV2BFN, will be active as 8Q7/SV2BFN from June
21st to July 4th. This will be a holiday style operation, but he plans
to be active on 40-10 meters SSB and RTTY, with some CW. QSL via his home

9A06, CROATIA (Special Event). Look for special event station 9A06P (Nine
Alpha ZERO SIX Papa) to be active now through December 31st. Operations
will be on all bands and modes. Activity is to celebrate the city of
Djurdjevac. The full story will be on a special QSL card. All QSOs will
be confirmed automatically via the bureau.

C9, MOZAMBIQUE (Update). A group of stateside operators will activate
C91HQ as the main contest station and multiplier from Mozambique during
the IARU (International Amateur Radio Union) DX Contest, July 8-9th. The
C91HQ QSLs will be handled by K5LBU, Charles Frost of Missouri City, TX.
The IARU Contest operation will be just one aspect of a five member team
operation from June 27th until July 13th at Bilene, Mozambique. Operators
include: Charles Frost/K5LBU (C91CF), Tom Anderson/WW5L (C91TL), Dr. Dave
Gomberg/NE5EE (C91EE), Art Burke/N4PJ (C91JR) and Tom Kramer/NQ7R (C91TK).
Each operator will handle their own QSLing, with Frost also handling QSLs
for C91HQ. Daniel Hubbard, ZS6JR, is the on-scene coordinator. Webmaster
is Steve Smothers, W9DX, of Cypress TX. "We will be on all bands and all
modes before the contest," said Frost, who is heading up the operation.
RTTY and PSK operations will also be on the air at various times. Frost,
a former vice-president of the Texas DX Society, and Anderson, who is
vice-president of the Lone Star DX Association, will be the main SSB
operators, while Burke, Kramer, and Gomberg will be concentrating on CW.
All will operate RTTY and PSK at different times. ICOM has donated two
IC-7000 HF radios, while Tennadyne has donated two T8 log periodics. "We
have already tested the rigs and the antennas and worked many California
W6's from South Africa with excellent copy," Frost said. Other equipment
includes: 4-40 meter sloper antennas, a 160/80/30m 72 foot vertical, an
Icom 756 with IC-2KL amp, a Yaesu FT-1000MP with Tokyo High-Power 1 KW amp,
and an Icom 746 Pro. See the DXpedition web page for additional information
In addition to the DXpedition, several team members will be visiting the
Escola Secundaria Maristas school in Bilene and presenting the school with
a donation of badly needed school supplies. "A DXpedition is not always
about DXing and ham radio," Anderson said, adding "the worldwide amateur
radio fraternity has a duty to the local community both in times of disaster
and when needs that we consider normal in developed nations, are critically
needed in third world nations. We consider ourselves fortuneate to be able
to help the school." Anderson is also an active Boy Scout leader and Eagle
Scout advisor near Fort Worth Texas. His former ham DX calls include: 7P8TA,
V31EF, and G0/WW5L, plus a guest operator at KH6BB--the Battleship Missouri
permanently berthed in Honolulu, HI (KH6). He also was a staff member,
volunteer examiner, merit badge counselor, and operator at K2BSA, the
National Boy Scout Jamboree station in 1997. The idea to provide the school
supplies was developed by Kramer, NQ7R, a school science teacher, who worked
out the logistics with the American Consulate in Maputo, Mozambique and the
U.S. Peace Corps. Besides basic school supplies, Kramer has arranged with
team members and others to help supply the school with books in basic
English, "which are in very short supply there. Each team member will be
bringing books and whatever they can to help these children's education,"
Kramer said. Also each team member is an accomplished DXer with all having
more than 200 countries and most are members of one or more DXCC honor
rolls. Frost himself holds or has operated from 16 different DX countries
including Kenya, Sudan, Cameroon, Peru, Jamaica, Saudi Arabia, plus several
more. Currently on-line logs are not planned, but the team hopes to have
high speed internet. Their QTH in Bilene will be the Sao Martinho resort,
which has excellent propagation characteristics because of its location
on the Indian Ocean. "The beach is located right outside the shack," said
Frost. "Please check the DXpedition's Web site often for any updates as
Steve will be in daily contact with us for new information," Frost said.

CN, MOROCCO. Rich, W7ZR, will be active as CN2ZR during the CQWW DX SSB
Contest (October 28-29th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry. QSL
via W7ZR. He states, "I answer 100% of SASE QSL cards. I support ARRL
Logbook Of The World. I answer 0% of bureau or eqsl cards."

DU,PHILIPPINES (IOTA Ops). Operators Chris/VK3FY and Nik/VK3FNIK will be
active as VK3FY/DU8 from several Philippine Islands between June 20th and
July 5th. Their current plans are to activate the following islands:
Bayangan Island (OC-235), Mindanao Island (OC-130), Cebu Island (OC-129),
Negros (OC-129), Luzon (OC-042) and Mindanao's Coastal Islands (OC-235).
No schedule was provided. Activity will be on all bands, CW and SSB. QSL
via VK3FY.

DXCC NEWS (DXCC Rule Change). A press from Wayne Mills, N7NG, announces
the following (dated June 14th): Upon request of the Programs and Services
Committee (PSC), the DXAC has studied the impact of a change to the DXCC
Rules. The DXAC, the Awards Committee and the PSC have concurred in this
rule change, which will become effective June 15, 2006 at 0001Z. New text
replaces the previously removed DXCC Rule, Section II, 1. Political
Entities, Paragraph c). The new text shall read:

c) The Entity contains a permanent population, is administered by a local
government, and is located at least 800 km from its parent. To satisfy
the "permanent population" and "administered by a local government"
criteria of this sub-section, an Entity must be listed on either (a)
the U.S. Department of State’s list of "Dependencies and Areas of
Special Sovereignty" as having a local "Administrative Center," or (b)
the United Nations list of "Non-Self-Governing Territories."

Rule 1c) is intended to recognize entities that are sufficiently separate
from their parent for DXCC purposes but do not qualify under Rule 1a) or
1b). The new rule will cause a change to Point 1 status for certain
entities. This in turn will reduce the mileage for a first separation for
these entities from 800 km to 350 km.

The lists referenced in the text of the rule can be viewed at the
following Web sites: the DOS list of Dependencies and Areas of Special
Sovereignty at, and the U.N. list
of Non-Self-Governing Territories at
QSOs with any new entity resulting from this rule change will count for
credit for the new entity only if the QSOs are made on or after the Start
Date for the entity. In no case will QSOs made prior to the date of this
notice be considered for credit for any new entity created under this rule.
Applications for DXCC award credits resulting from this change will be
accepted on or after October 1, 2006.

FIELD DAY NEWS (Next Weekend!)...........................
KC4AAA Amundsen-Scott Station South Pole Antarctica To Participate in
2006 Field Day: Wayne, N7NG, reports: "Robert Reynolds, N0QFQ, the
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station Antarctica on-site Satellite Communic-
ations Technician will be leading a major 2006 Field Day activity for
KC4AAA. Operations will take place 1800z, 24th June through 2100z, 25th
June. Experience shows that best opportunity for North and South American
stations contacts appears around 2300z on the eastern seaboard and moves
westward with time until the window seems to close around 0400z. There
is much less certainty for other station contact times around the world.
Primary operating frequency will be 14.243 MHz +/- a few hundred kHz
depending on band occupancy. Other bands will be monitored for openings
and may be exploited, however, 20m SSB operations will be the primary
operating mode. South Pole will be operating as a "home" station with
supplied power (Class 1D). Robert will have a team of up to 10 operators
manning the station, most of whom he's teaching in a Ham radio licensing
class on station. The team will be transmitting 1 kW and primarily be
using a pair of Log-periodic antennas aimed toward the US. Given South
Pole's location right under the auroral oval, radiowave propagation can
make South Pole intercontinental HF radio communications a challenge, so
listen carefully! Plans call for implementing a Logbook of The World
(LoTW) for QSO verifications. QSL cards will come later in the year."
For more information, contact Nick Powell, NH6ON at:

(ARLS004, dated June 16th) states that NASA ISS Ham Radio Project Engineer
Kenneth Ransom, N5VHO, has released a list of International Space Station
Field Day pass times for North and South America. See the following Web
page for pass times and any updates at:
The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program has
announced that the Phase 2 ham station aboard the ISS will be on the air
in crossband repeater mode over Field Day weekend, Saturday and Sunday,
June 24-25th. The chances of actually talking to one of the crew members
appear to be minimal, however. "Keep in mind that these are not scheduled
times for the crew to be active," Ransom points out. He says crew members
Jeff Williams, KD5TVQ, and Pavel Vinogradov, RV3BS, may work some stations
personally, but they're already booked pretty heavily during FD weekend.
"They will try to participate as time permits, but the pass times for
North America are not favorable," Ransom noted. The crew should be on its
normal sleep schedule of 2130-0600 UTC during Field Day weekend. When
they're awake, however, Williams and Vinogradov will have their hands
full preparing for the arrival of the Progress 22 supply vehicle on
Monday, June 26th, when the crew will deactivate the crossband repeater.
The crossband repeater uplink is 437.800 MHz. The downlink is 145.800 MHz.
Ransom says the crossband repeater should be active after 1900 UTC on
Thursday, June 22 to give stations time to practice working through it
and to learn how best to deal with Doppler shift on the uplink, which
can be considerable. The crossband repeater will be available only to
low-power (QRP) stations following AMSAT criteria, Ransom said. A QRP
station may run no more than 10 W to a vertical or handheld antenna. U.S.
pass times are not especially ideal for contacts with the crew members.
The only one on Saturday, June 24 (UTC) - over Mexico and the Eastern US
- falls during the crew's sleep period. Passes on Sunday, June 24 - from
0046 to 0105 UTC and from 0708 to 0728 UTC over the Central US - may offer
a better opportunity. Stations in the U.S. Southwest might look for crew
activity on Sunday from 0844 to 0900 UTC, while those in Hawaii should
check Sunday from 1152 to 1200 UTC and again from 1327 to 1335 UTC. If
Williams or Vinogradov do find time to get on the air, Ransom says, they
also will use the crossband repeater mode. Williams will give a report
of "NA1SS, 1 Alpha ISS," while Vinogradov will give a report of "RS0ISS,
1 Alpha ISS." Contacts through the ISS crossband repeater count as a
satellite contact for Field Day bonus points, but contacts with the crew
do not count for Field Day bonus points. AMSAT is making its ECHO (AO-51)
satellite available for Field Day, Ransom notes. One of AO-51's FM tran-
sponders (145.880 MHz up/435.150 MHz down, no CTCSS tone needed) will be
QRP only during the Field Day period. Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, has indicated
that PCSat2--which is mounted on the outside of the ISS--will be in packet
mode and operating on 145.825 MHz simplex during Field Day weekend.

FP, ST. PIERRE & MIQUELON. YL Peg, KB9LIE, will be active as FP/KB9LIE
from Miquelon Island (NA-032, DIFO FP-002, WLOTA LH-1417), July 28th
through August 6th. Activity will be 80-10 meters, depending on conditions.
QSL via her home callsign, direct preferred (SASE, SAE + sufficient postage)
or by the bureau.

IOTA NEWS......................
AF-004. RSGB IOTA Webmaster Steve, G0UIH, will be active as EA8/G0UIH/P
from the Isla de Fuerteventura (DIE S-006, WLOTA LH-0883),
Canary Islands, June 17th to July 1st. Activity will be mainly
on 20/17/15 meters, SSB only, with an Icom 706mk2g with 100w
and homebrew dipoles. This will be a holiday style operation,
so operating times will vary according to other activities.
Suggested frequencies a 14260, 21260 and 18145 kHz (+/-QRM).
QSL is either direct or via the bureau.

EU-028. Walter, IN3XUG, will be active as IA5/IN3XUG from Capraia Island
(IIA LI-020), between now and June 24th. Activity will be on
the HF bands, SSB only. QSL via his home callsign (by the bureau
is preferred).

EU-174. A group of Greek operators will be active as J48WT from
Samothraki Island (MIA MG-100), June 22-27th. Operators mentioned
SV2HPY. QSL via SV2HPP, direct or by the bureau.

NA-067. Jon, WB8YJF, will be active again this year from Ocracoke
Island (USI-NC001S) from July 23-30th. Activity will be on
80-10 meters, CW, RTTY, and some SSB. He will be a Single-Op
entry in the IOTA Contest (July 29-30th) as well. Please QSL
direct for a FAST QSL; Bureau takes a lot longer. WB8YJF's
address is: Jon Severt, 5586 Babbitt Rd., New Albany, OH 43054.

NA-160. Members of the Radio Club de Honduras will activate HQ3C from
Chachahuate Island, Cochinos Cays, from June 23-25th. The team
will consist of Javier/HR2J, Lane/KC4CD, Antonio/HR2AHC, Pedro/
HR2PAC Henry/HR2H, Daniel/HR2DMR and Carlos/HR2CG. Activity
will be on 160-10 meters SSB, CW and RTTY if conditions allow
it. The QSL Manager will be HR2RCH. QSL via the bureau or direct
to: DXpedition Cochinos Cays - Chachahuate Island, PO Box 273,
San Pedro Sula, Honduras (w/SAE and IRC). More information is
available at:

J3, GRENADA. Harry/AC8G and possibly others (TBA) will be active as J3A
during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 28-29th) as a Multi/Multi entry.
QSL via WA1S. Operating site is the EOC and adjacent Grenada Club House.
Before and after the contest, operators will be using their individual
callsigns on many bands and modes.

LX, LUXEMBOURG. Operators Ivo/OQ0A, Guido/OP7A, Peter/OO7A, Jan/ON6RJ
and Rob/OR9Q will be active as LX/homecall from the castle of Wiltz in
Luxembourg, between September 29th and October 1st. Activity will be on
80/40/20/15/10 meters on CW/SSB/RTTY. QSL via the operator's home callsign,
by the Bureau or address.

MONTENEGRO NEWS (International Festival/DXpedition 2006). Ranko, YT6A,
Team Leader, reports: "Following a national referendum on May 21, 2006,
the Republic of Montenegro declared its independence on June 3, 2006.
Montenegro's independence is now recognized by a growing number of
countries. The very first amateur radio activity from this new DXCC entity
will be managed by an International DXpedition Team, and is planned to
take part very quickly after approval of the DXCC status." Crucial for
DXCC credit is either acceptance of Montenegro by the UN into its membership
or allocation of a callsign prefix block by the ITU. They expected this to
take place during the summer of 2006. "Once Montenegro is accepted into the
UN or obtains a callsign prefix block, DXers will have a new DXCC entity,"
says ARRL Membership Services Manager Wayne Mills, N7NG. The division of
Serbia and Montenegro eliminates what remained of Yugoslavia. Serbia's
parliament this week declared Serbia a sovereign nation as heir to the
former Serbia-Montenegro union. Assuming that Serbia continues to hold its
current seat in the UN, it will remain on the DXCC list as a pre-existing
and continuing DXCC entity, Mills explained. Some of the activities that
will be associated with The International DX Festival Montenegro 2006 will
be a record breaking DXpedition targeting for 200,000 QSOs. The expedition
will be held from three different locations using only one callsign (for
the very first time) from the newly acquired ITU prefix allocation to
Montenegro. Also mentioned, activity will be on all bands and modes,
simultaneously during 2-3 weeks of continual activity from several setups
located at the Adriatic Coast of Mediterranean Montenegro. Operators
mentioned a Bob Grimmick/N6OX, Hans Blondeel Timmerman/PB2T, Martti
Laine/OH2BH (Radio Operations Leader, Coach), David Sumner/K1ZZ, Linda
Sumner/KA1ZD, Wayne Mills/N7NG, Carsten Esch/DL6LAU, Vladan Kecman/YT3T
and Ranko Boca/YT6A (DXpedition Leader). Organizers a SKY Contest
Club and Radio klub BOKA. Co-Organizers and Local Supportive Comittee:
Amateur-Radio Union of Montenegro, Radio klub BAR - YU6GAA, Radio klub
Tivat - YU6FPQ and Radio klub Bjelo Polje - YU6GBP. More information about
this event can be found on:

QSL INFO AND NEWS...........................
The Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club (DARC) announced that the German's
"Bundesnetzagentur" (FCC equivalent) has released an online German
callbook. The URL address is:

QSL Manager Silvano, I2YSB, (Manager of 5U7B, TX4PG, ZK3SB, 5W0SB,
6O0CW, 6O0N and 10 other callsigns from Niger), informs OPDX that due
to the recent postage rate increase in Italy, 1 USD or 1 European IRC
does not cover mail expenses to send a direct QSL outside Europe anymore.
He requests that if you should want to receive a direct QSL outside
Europe, please include 1 IRC + 1 USD or 2 USDs or 2 IRCs. Direct requests
which do not include the mail coverage cost will be sent via the bureau.

II0ESA QSL STATUS. Marco, IK0DWN, informs OPDX that all paper logs for
the 2005 special operations from the European Space Agency have now been
imported electronically and all bureau QSLs have gone out. The electronic
log is now available to users of the "Logbook Of The World" (LoTW) at:
Please address any queries to:

QSL Manager Phil Whitchurch, G3SWH, reports that he has recently acquired
a copy of the log for the 2002 and 2004 operations of J6/G3XAQ. Phil
states, "QSL cards are available either direct from my address,
via E-mail for a reply via the bureau or via the bureau itself. If you
choose either of the latter two routes, please remember that there may
be a considerable delay in receiving your cards, as the bureau process
is very slow and, due to the large volume of bureau cards that I handle,
I only tend to send outgoing cards to the RSGB once per year. I hope to
be able to upload the log to LoTW at some stage in the future."

NEW QSL MANAGER. Ron, AC7DX, informs that he will now handle QSL cards
for T93X and T94TT.

UA4WHX QSL STATUS. World Traveler Vladimir, UA4WHX, now in Pretoria,
R.S.A., informed OPDX this past weekend that he has been receiving
questions about his QSL cards for his previous African operations. He

QSL OH0AM via YV5AMH. Activity was during this past week by Reinaldo,
YV5AMH, of Aves Island fame. He recently visited his old diplomatic
outpost in Finland and decided to sail out to Aland Islands for the
weekend. He was accompanied and assisted by Captain Jaakko/OH1TX and
crew members Timo/OH1NX, Hannu/OH1XX and Martti/OH2BH .

SV9, CRETE (Update). Last week we mentioned that World traveler Bert, CX3AN,
would be operating from Crete as SV9/CX3AN from July 6-10th, and would be
joined by Theodooros, SV9/SV1EJD, and Fotis, SV9/SV1CIG, on the island.
Theodoros, SV1EJD, contacted OPDX and informed us that he will be on
Crete from July 6-20th and he plans to operate on SSB and possibly RTTY
on 80-10 meters. Look for more info to appear on the following Web page

V2, ANTIGUA. Nobby, G0VJG, will be active as V25V from June 23rd through
July 6th. Activity will be on all HF bands, mainly SSB, but he will also
try to work Europe on 6 meters and some digital modes. QSL via G4DFI,
direct or by the bureau.

VK9C, COCOS-KEELING ISLANDS (Update). Charlie, W0YG, informs OPDX that
he is indeed going back to VK9C in October. Barry/N0KV and Charlie/W0YG
will be going to the island on October 30th, for a three week stay. He
hopes they will have some quality time on the lower bands without QRM.
He also mentioned that Bernd, VK2IA, is going out to VK9C on October 26th
to set up for the CQWW SSB Contest (November 25-26th) as VK9AA (See
OPDX.756). Charlie states, "He is going to return to the mainland on
October 30th, on the same flight that we arrive. Bernd will leave his
antennas set up for us, as well as his station will be all set to go."
Barry and Charlie will operate right up until November 20th when they
leave and Bernd again arrives, this time for the CQWW CW Contest. They
will leave the antennas all set up for him so he can hit the ground
running. Charlie states that their callsign has yet to be confirmed
for this activity, but it will be forthcoming. All QSLs for Charlie's
VK9C operations go direct, no bureau cards, to W0YG.

YV70/YW9, VENEZUELA. The Radio Club Venezolano (YV5AJ) informs OPDX that
they will be active from the Apure State using the callsign YW9AJ, from
June 29th through July 5th. Activity will include the "Venezuela's
Independence Day Contest" (July 1-2nd), with operations on 160-6 meters
on all modes. Also, look for satellite activity using the special callsign
YV5SAT/9 (thanks to AMSAT-YV). The GRID will be FJ67hm. QSL via YV5AJ
( address) or by the bureau. Satellite QSOs go via YV5SAT (
address) or by the bureau. ADDED NOTE: The Radio Club Venezolano (RCV)
also mentioned that they will use the special YV70IARU callsign during
the upcoming IARU Contest as a HQ station signing RCV. The callsign
celebrates the 70th anniversary of RCV's membership in the IARU. Operations
will take place from various locations. QSL via YV5AJ ( address)
or by the bureau.

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number: 1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
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"...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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via InterNet Mail to: - OR -
Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW -
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)
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