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Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) Report 1420 - October 29, 2004
Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1419 with a release date of Friday, October 29, 2004 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a Q-S-T. The ARRL Executive Committee meets to discus the future of ham radio in the U-S-A and the next Solar Minimum may be a lot closer than you think. Find out more on Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1420 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** RESTRUCTURING: ARRL EC MEETS TO DISCUSS BANDWIDTH AND BPL A draft of a petition to the FCC dealing with bandwidth regulation and the latest on the B-P-L front dominated a recent meeting of the ARRL Executive Committee held October 16 in Dallas, Texas. Amateur Radio Newsline's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, takes an in-depth look at what was discussed: -- At the Texas gathering, ARRL Executive Committee -- better known as the E C -- devoted much of its fall session to a discussion of comments received on the League's draft FCC petition seeking regulation of subbands by bandwidth rather than by emission mode. The E C also authorized the filing of a Petition for Reconsideration in response to the Broadband over Powerline Report and Order in ET Docket 04- 37, which the FCC adopted October 14. But the E C acknowledges that the drafting and filing the petition must await release of the actual Report and Order, which should happen in a few weeks. It did however authorize ARRL General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, to prepare to pursue other available remedies regarding procedural and substantive defects in the B-P-L proceeding. Responding to a synopsis of the bandwidth petition and proposed rule changes posted on the ARRL Web site, several hundred League members and others in the ham radio community offered comments and suggestions. The good news says ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ, is that the Executive Committee found considerable support for the concept of the petition. It also was happy to see some constructive suggestions to reduce both the impact of the changes on current amateur operations, as well as possible unintended consequences. By way of background, earlier this year, the Executive Committee decided to make a synopsis and explanation of the petition available before filing it with the FCC. At the Dallas meeting, the E C agreed to submit several recommended amendments to the proposed rules changes to the ARRL Board of Directors for its consideration when they meet in January. These include such items as retention of rules permitting automatically controlled digital stations including packet and other digital modes in narrow H F subbands. The draft petition had proposed dropping these provisions. Also in the digital domain the E C addressed a rule prohibiting so-called semi-automatic digital operation on frequencies below 28 MHz where phone is permitted. This addressed a concern that ''robot'' digital stations might take over the phone bands. And a segment for 3 kHz bandwidth with no phone emissions at 10.135 to 10.150 MHz to accommodate existing and planned digital operations was included. Another item adopted was the deletion of the word "continuous" from the description of test transmissions authorized on most frequencies above 51 MHz. Lastly is simplification of proposed changes to Part 97.309 of the Commission rules. This, to clarify that FCC-licensed amateur stations may use any published digital code as long as other rules are observed. The Leagues Dave Sumner emphasized that the recommendations address major issues raised to date but are not necessarily the last word on the draft petition. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in Los Angeles. -- The ARRL's bandwidth proposals take into account the League's prior ''Novice refarming'' petition to expand some High Frequency phone bands--included in the ''omnibus'' FCC Notice of Proposed Rule Making in WT Docket 04-140. (ARRL) ** RESTRUCTURING: UK HAMS GET EXPANDED 40 METER PRIVILEGES Hams in the U-K have been granted expanded privileges on the 40 meter band. Jeremy Boot, G4NJH, is in Nottingham, England, with mo -- Ofcom and the Radio Society of Great Britain are pleased to announce that all necessary procedures required for early access to the 7.1 to 7.2MHz spectrum for all UK radio amateurs have been finalized and that access is allowed from 01.00 UTC on Sunday 31st October 2004. Early access is granted on a Secondary (non-interference) basis using a maximum of 26dBW (400 watts) PEP. Notices of Variation for the U.K. Foundation, Intermediate and Full licenses have been published on the Ofcom website at http://tinyurl.com/4tuud. It is recommended that for the time being only voice and Morse code modes are used between 7.1 and 7.2MHz. Band planning issues on MHz will be kept under regular review and will be dependent on the number of administrations granting early access to this band prior to full Primary access on 29th March 2009. Jeremy Boot, G4NJH. -- Thanks Jeremy. (GB2RS) ** RESTRUCTURING: AUSTRALIA LOOKS AR VOIP RULES The Australian Communications Authority -- the A-C-A -- says that it is reviewing telecommunications regulations to cover fast-emerging voice over Internet protocol services. In a discussion paper released about a week and a half ago, the A-C-A says that it aims to identify any regulatory challenges resulting from the increased availability of VoIP services and recommend to the government how those challenges might be met. What affect any changes might have to ham radio VoIP interconnects in Australia is to early to assess at this time. (WIA News) ** THE FUTU SCIENTISTS PREDICT EARLY SOLAR MINIMUM And some possible god news for hams tired of the rather poor High Frequency band conditions these days. It comes from the GB2RS News Service which says that American physicist David Hathaway believes that the next solar minimum could arrive sooner than previously predicted. GB2RS News quotes on an article on the 'Science at NASA' website. It predicts that the next solar minimum could occur in late 2006. That's about a year earlier than previously thought Dr. Hathaway bases his prediction on data from the last eight solar cycles, which show that solar minimum follows the first sunspot-free day on the sun by 34 months. In this solar cycle, the first spotless day was on 28th January this year and more recently, on 11th and 12th October, there were two more spotless days. Hathaway goes on to state that the next solar maximum might also come early. He is quoted as saying that solar activity intensifies rapidly after solar minimum. That in recent cycles, the Solar Max has followed Solar Minimum by just four years. If that is the case, the next solar maximum could be not all that far away in 2010 and a Solar Max is good news for D-Xing. (GB2RS) ** Break 1 From the United States of America and Auckland, New Zealand, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the WB3FPL repeater back in the U-S-A and serving the ham community of Monton, Pennsylvania. (5 sec pause here) ** ENFORCEMENT: CB AMP SALE BRINGS $7000 FINE A North Jackson, Ohio equipment retailer has been dinged with a heavy fine. This for allegedly selling those illegal 11 meter amplifiers that the C-B crowd calls footwarmers. The noted violations involve Paladen Communications sale of external Citizens Band radio frequency power amplifiers. In it's October 21st Forfeiture Order the FCC alleges that Paladen, which does business as the CB Shop, did willfully and repeatedly violate Section 302(b) of the Communications Act of 1934 and Sections 2.815(b) and 2.815(c) of the Commission's Rules by making these units available to the general public. Paladen was issued the $7,000 fine back on May 27th. The FCC says the company never responded to the notice. Its now been given 30 days to pay or face collection proceedings. (FCC) ** ENFORCEMENT: CB OPERATOR FINED $10,000 FOR UNLICENSED OPERATION And using an illegal C-B amplifier will cost a Washington state operator some really big bucks. This as the FCC fines Robert A. Spiry of Tacoma 10,000 for what the FCC say was operating a radio station without Commission authorization. Amateur Radio Newsline's Norm Seeley, KI7UP, has the details: -- In its letter to Robert A. Spiry, the FCC claims that it found the amplifier as part of a follow-up investigation. This, after receiving numerous complaints from Spiry's neighbors. On March 13th, April 2nd, October 29th and November 5th of 2002, agents from the Commission's Seattle, Washington Field Office concluded that the interference resulted from 11 meter transmissions originating from Spiry's residence and from his mobile station in his vehicle. During station inspections conducted on April 2nd and November 5th, 2002, the Seattle Office agents determined that Spiry was operating transmitters that were not FCC certified and that he was operating with a linear amplifier attached to his CB radio transmitter. Spiry was advised that his use of unauthorized and non- certified equipment voided his blanket authority to operate his CB station. Nevertheless, the FCC says that he continued to operate the unauthorized equipment at the expense of his blanket authorization to operate his CB radio station. On December 30th, 2002, the Seattle Office issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Monetary Forfeiture in the amount of $10,000 to Spiry. In other words, a $10,000 fine. In his January 15, 2003 response Spiry did not dispute the facts that lead to the fine. Instead he stated that he had ceased CB radio transmissions and had obtained an amateur radio license. The FCC database lists him as holding a Technician class license with the call sign KD7TRB. He also claimed to have removed his CB radio antenna and asserted that he was unaware that the amount of the forfeiture could be so high. He told the FCC that he was unable to pay that amount. But in affirming the fine the FCC refers Spiry to Section 301 of the Communications Act. It says that no person shall use or operate any apparatus for the transmission of energy or communications or signals by radio within the United States without a proper license. The FCC says that Spiry's 2002 operation of his CB radio station with transmitters that were not FCC certified and use of a linear amplifier constitutes repeated violations. It also notes that his taking down the C-B antenna and getting a ham radio ticket are not sufficient actions to negate the punishment for the original offenses. The FCC says that Robert Spiry has not provided it with adequate financial information from which to determine his ability to pay the forfeiture. Based on this lack of information cancellation or reduction of the $10,000 fine is not warranted and that it stands as is. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, Norm Seeley, KI7UP, Scottsdale, Arizona. -- Spiry was given the usual 30 days to pay. If he fails to do so the FCC says that the matter may be turned over to the Department of Justice for further action. (FCC) ** ENFORCEMENT: BROADCASTER FINED The FCC has also issued an $8000 monetary forfeiture to Crown Communication, Inc. Cowner is the owner of an antenna structure in Hobbs, New Mexico. The FCC says that the fine is for willful and repeated violation of Section 17.50 of the Commission's Rules involving Crown's failure to maintain good visibility of the tower. The situation dates back to August 13, 2002, when an agent from the Denver Office inspected antenna structure and observed that unpainted cables attached to it precluded good visibility . (FCC) ** ENFORCEMENT: NO LICENSE - STAY OFF THE AIR The FCC has warned an unlicensed operator to stay off the air or face some heavy consequences. This, in a September 30th letter to Travis Lee Dameron of Stuarts Draft, Virginia. In its warning to Dameron the FCC says that it has information indicating that he has been operating radio equipment without a license on the Two Meter Amateur Radio Band. It tells him that transmitting without a license is a violation of Section 301 of the Communications Act and will subject him to fine or imprisonment, as well as seizure of any non-certified radio transmitting equipment he may have in his possession. Dameron was also requested to call the FCC's Riley Hollingsworth to discuss the matter. If Dameron fails to stay off the air, the fine he could face would range from $7,500 to $10,000. (FCC) ** RADIO RULES: FRAUDULENT STATION APPLICATIONS FILED WITH FCC Bob Gonsett's CGC Communicator reports that a number of fraudulent Form 301 applications have been filed with the FCC this month. CGC says that the agency has even accepted for filing a number of these fake applications, and has assigned them file numbers. One application in question was for a conventional, non- grandfathered Class B FM station. The petitioner was asking for a transmitter power level of 105 kilowatts E-R-P. This, in a Class B zone where only 50 kilowatts is allowed without a waiver request. And says CGC, there was no waiver request. CGC adds that it appears as if the Commission is not screening these incoming Form 301 applications. This, even when there are blatant defects in some. (CGC) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: MOLLY SCHREIBER DEPARTS AES Some names in the news. First is Molly Schreiber of Amateur Electronic Supply graphic design and marketing department who has announced her departure after 7 years with the company. The reason. Molly says she is moving to what she calls the lovely west coast adding that she will miss everyone she has dealt with during her tenure at A-E-S. October 29th was her last day with the company. (Via E- Mail) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: W1BKR INDUCTED INTO BROADCASTING AD CABLE HALL OF FAME And congratulations to Bill Baker, W1BKR, on his election into the Broadcasting & Cable Hall of Fame. Bill is the chief executive of New York Public Television, which includes WNET Thirteen which is New York's flagship public television station. Bill Baker has been head of New York Public Television since 1987. During his tenure WNET has grown and prospered, creating new program standards such as Charlie Rose, Wide Angle, Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly, and the children's math mystery series Cyberchase. Baker also established the station's Educational Resources Center, which has become America's most prolific teacher trainer in multi-media techniques, and developed its first cable channel known as MetroArts Thirteen. Ham radio wise, W1BKR was a co-producer of the ARRL video Amateur Radio Today and his article titled Amateur Radio is Part of New Media Task Force appeared in the May issue of QST. The induction ceremony honoring W1BKR will take place on Monday, November 8th at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. (Adapted from Shoptalk) ** NAMES IN THE NEWS: N4MC "VANITY HQ" WEBSITE GOING AWAY Also, Michael Carroll, N4MC, has announced that as of Thursday, October 21st he is no longer supporting the Vanity H Q website. Vanity H Q was, and for the moment still is, a point in cyberspace where you can go to research availability of United States vanity call availability or simply find out the latest issued. According to a posting at the site, at some point in the near future the www.vanityhq.com domain will itself become inactive. N4MC says that this is not an action based upon lack of funding. Rather, its because of a shift in his personal priorities. (K2GW) ** HAM RADIO INDUSTRY NEWS: NEW QRZ CD-ROM AVAILABLE The 24th edition of the Q-R-Zed C-D ROM Ham Radio Callsign Database is about ready to start shipping. The disk contains the same 1.2 million callsigns found on the QRZ.com on-line database and you have the option of reading them from the DC ROM or installing them on your hard disk for lightning fast access. For ordering and shipping information simply point your web browser to www.qrz.com and click on the photo icon that says "New Q-R-Zed CD ROM" (QRZ) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States of America and here in Auckland, New Zealand, we are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** THE ARNEWSLINE SUPPORT FUND REPORT Now with some good news here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Support Fund Administrator, Andy Jarema, N6TCQ. -- In the month of August we heard from monthly contributor Joseph Bartzi, Jr, KC8DKF of Columbus, OH; From Indiana, the Huntington County Amateur Radio Society, K9HC: The Southwest Michigan Amateur Radio Team in Portage, K8KZO: Dean Carothers from the W4HPL repeater in Cookville, TN; Johnny Wallace, K5POP of San Antonio, TX; Albert Toering, N6TEZ of Anza, CA; Monthly contributor William Walters, WA2IBM, of San Jose; Monthly contributor Scott Hensley of the Area Communications Team, also in San Jose; Harold Hackman, W6HVH of Riverside, Brad Berryhill, WA6JJB of Anaheim Hills, The Westside ARC of Marina Del Rey and the Catalina Amateur Repeater Association, AA6DP. A big thank you to everyone. Through your help we've been able to take care of all of the Young Ham of the Year award expenses, but of course, the newscasts go on. A reminder that Newsline is a 501c 3 California non-profit corporation. Information on how to support us is on our website at www.arnewsline.org. That address will be repeated at the end of the newscast. I'm Andy Jarema, N6TCQ. -- Thank you Andy. (ARNewsline(tm) Support Fund) ** ON THE NET: JUNO FOLLOW-UP An update now to our recent story on Internet provider Juno cutting out most of its free services using off-line mail handling software. And it comes thanks to some really intensive digging by one of our listeners who happens to be a Juno subscriber. After hearing our story, John Vander Stel, WH6LY, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, took it upon himself to find out more. He says that contrary to our original story free account users will not have to go through another ISP to access their Juno E-mail after December 1st. He says that this was only made clear to him by digging into the F-A-Q about this change and then calling back to talk to another Juno phone rep. He says that the even the first one he spoke with was not well versed in this change and provided improper information. But all of John's work paid off for those of you who use Juno. The good news is that Juno access software will still allow the free account user to access the Internet and go to the Juno Webmail site to access their E-mail on-line. However, the time using that connection will be counted against their 10 free hours of connect time. We have often said that you are all an important part of the Amateur Radio Newsline team. Our sincere thanks to John Vander Stel, WH6LY, who proves this once again. (WH6LY) ** EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: WORLDS LARGEST NANOTUBES The University of California at Irvine announced what it calls a breakthrough engineering discovery that is expected to have supercomputer and health care applications. This, as researchers at the Henry Samueli School of Engineering said they have synthesized the world's longest electrically conducting nanotubes. Nanotubes that are ten times longer than those previously created. For those not aware, a nanotube is a memory unit made from carbon and consists of a graphite sheet seamlessly wrapped into a cylinder only a few nanometers wide. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter or about the size of 10 atoms strung together. The scientists who made them say that this discovery may lead to the development of extremely strong, lightweight materials and ultra dense nano-memory arrays for extremely powerful computers, ultra low-loss power transmission lines, and nano-biosensors for use in health care applications. (Science OnLine) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: ISS HAM STATION TEMPORARILY QRT Ken Ransom, N5HVO confirms that the ham radio station on board the International Space Station is back on thr air in packet mode. It had been off for several days without explanation but on Wednesday, October 19th, Astronaut Leroy Chow, KE5BRW, was able to check on the radio first thing today and resolved a minor setting discrepancy. Information on its operation is on-line at www.ariss.net and www.issfanclub.com. (M5HVO) ** WORLDBEAT: FIRST STORE AND FORWARD IN UK Turning to he internatioal desk, word from the United Kingdom that its first unattended 'store and forward' single frequency voice relay has become operationl. It as switched on at 13.30 UTC on Saturday October 16th on 70.4375 MHz in he Europen 4 meter band. Its call sign is M-B-7-F-M and it has a maximum 'store' time of 120 seconds. The installation is located in the Chiltern Hills with 10dBW Effective Radiated Power from a dipole antenna 32 meters above ground. (GB2RS) ** WORLDBEAT: HAM RADIO SAILING THE ANTARCTIC Call this one ham radio across the Antarctic. It started back on September 14th, when the famed yacht "Apostol Andrey" started out to circumnavigate the area while carrying an operational ham radio station. During the trip the yacht will travel around the shores of the Antarctica without going further to the North beyond the 60th parallel which is the border of the Antarctic region in accordance with the International Agreement. The crew will try to establish a record for penetrating sailing yachts crossing the 70th parallel of the south latitude. And for ham radio here's the best part. The skipper of the "Apostol Andrey" is Nikolay Andrey, R3AL. He plans to be on the air from the Antarctic area starting this December and continuing through March of 2005. Andrey has the QSL cards already printed for this expedition and the ship also has an official Russian postmark onboard and a special postal stationary envelope for this expedition. For details on the World-Wide Antarctic Program and the expedition, go to the World-Wide-Web. The spot is in cyberspace at www.ddxc.net/wap (Via E-mail) ** DX In D-X, word that VA6JWT is now in Somaliland. He says that he expects to be there for at least six months and plans to operate as 6O0JT. (RSGB) And F5PSA is in Cameroon until February of 2006. He is operating as TJ3SL in his spare time. (OPDX) Lastly, G4JAG, is now active from Thailand as HS0ZFP. Chris can be found on 20 meters most evenings and says the best time for contacts back home to the U-K is around 18.00 UTC. For all of these stations, QSL as directed on the air. (RSGB) ** THAT FINAL ITEM: HAM RADIO HISTORY - A ZL MILESTONE QSO And finally this week, a bit of history from right here, down-under. Its the story of the first ever two-way radio communication between New Zealand and England made on the 18th of October 1924 by Frank Bell of Shag Valley Station, Otago. Back then, Frank held the callsign Z4AA and on that date, using some rather primitive home-brew ham radio equipment, he made contact with Cecil Goyder, G2SZ at the Mill Hill school in London. The CW QSO lasted for about 1 hour and dealt mainly with issues of signal quality. It was also the start of the first scheduled contact -- or sked -- between hams in the two nations. For several nights after the historic contact the two radio amateurs kept in touch. Further details of the activities leading to the historic QSO can be found on pages 40-41 of the NZART publication Ham Shacks, Brass Pounders & Rag chewers, A History of amateur Radio in New Zealand. Detailed information on the actual QSO, complete with a transcript, can be found on the web pages of the Otago, Branch 30 of NZART. To read them, just point your browser to www.qsl.net/zl4aa/ and follow the index for more. (NZART News) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB and Australia's W-I-A News, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's(tm) only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), P.O. Box 660937, Arcadia, California 91066. For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I'm Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF, in Auckland, New Zealand saying 73 and we thank you for listening." Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. Yahoo! Groups Links * To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/arnewsline/ * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: |
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