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  #1   Report Post  
Old October 18th 03, 10:30 AM
Posts: n/a
Default RFI caused by BPL soon resolved ?


Do you remember the problem caused by broadcasting tests via the power line
A lot of radio amateur have to support the RFI causes by these tests
everywhere in Europe.
All hope is not lost.
ITU officially recognized this was unacceptable...


"Thierry" see my website a écrit dans le message de

Internet trials using the electricity power cabling sytem are currently
undertaken in the USA and european countries like
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland
among others by private and national electricity companies.
Such trials are in violation of the european directive about the
"electromagnetic compatibility" (ref. 92/31/EEC handling the famous CE

that states that "everybody has the right to use the frequencies at the
condition to not bother the other users". However, it appears that these
private or national companies are far to respect this law.

Amateur radio is a service that we pay yearly and as such, if we can not
practice this activity we should have the right to require an exploitation

Unfortunately neither our national representative ham associations (DARC,
UBA, REF, RSGB, etc) nor the concerned IARU delegation can oppose to this
criminal practice.

Ham associations have discussed about this problem in the offices of the
European Commission at Brussels, but without to get the slightest action

result up to day...
Confronted to such laxities and to lobbies that are standing by, recently
Hilary, alias G4JKS gave up his fight against administrations, hence the
publication of this article that the author ask us to publish as often as
possible on the Internet.

The right technology for the right job, by Peter Cochrane,

This document is a reprint from a short article published on Silicon

in which the author reminded how can be hard the fight against
administrations even when hams rights are derided.
Here are his commentaries.

For a decade now business plans have arrived on my desk, in increasing
numbers each year, but only a small percentage find their way to

success. Remarkably I see very little correlation between plans.

There is, however, a major exception where the same plan seems to arrive

my desk every year. Each time it is presented as revolutionary and
ground-breaking. But it is always the same technology and it is always as
flawed and as misconceived as the original I first saw a decade ago.
News reports often included to amplify the case are along the following
lines : XYZ Company is proud to report broadband internet trials are
underway using a ground-breaking technology that will revolutionise radio,
TV, cable TV, internet and data services to the home. Existing electricity
power cable can supply all of your digital services at speeds up to 50
Mbits. Extensive laboratory trials have proven this technology, and

with customers is at an early stage. If fully successful a commercial
rollout is planned within the next three months.
It is then customary to include a CEO interview that says something along
the lines of : "All the obstacles have been overcome. The technology is

proven, stable and economically viable, and we are in a position to
revolutionise the last mile. We also predict this technology will see the
demise of the telco in the next decade..."

Partner companies usually keep their names secret in anticipation of

announcements to be made later that year and the technical press always

convinced it is all true. But about 6-12 months after the announcements

companies involved quietly say they are ceasing trials and development
because some alternative technology has been discovered. It then goes very
quiet and nothing more is heard.
I wouldn't find this so upsetting if it only happened once but to my
knowledge there have been dozens of false dawns. If only the people

would visit my office I could save them a small fortune. At a modest
estimate, over $200m has been expended to date and no one has been
successful in transmitting significant amounts of data over power cables

the home.

I can guarantee no one will get this technology to work as advertised. It
might be appealing and economically attractive but I'm afraid the basic

of physics cannot be sidelined. For anyone contemplating the waste of
another $5-30m here is my 'don't do it' shortlist:
- Power cables employ low-grade plastic that is unfriendly to

signals as the absorption per unit length is very high. This alone

transmission of high-speed data over significant distances.
- Power cables are not physically symmetrical and are therefore very
effective antennas. They radiate energy from high-speed data signals which
becomes a source of interference for wireless services including broadcast
radio as well as emergency, maritime, aeronautical, military and

services. By reciprocity they also suck in energy from every local radio
source which further degrades data signals.
- As signals propagate along cables they become weaker but the switching
transients from washings machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners,

drills, light switches and other appliances are huge, do not decay at the
same rate and swamp data signals.
- Switching transients on power grids with generators going on and off

dynamic load sharing, fault and maintenance work, all induces massive
transients that also swamp data signals.
- Cable joints, transformers, power meters, the on/off nature of

appliances and the topology of power grids create large load changes and
multiple signal reflection points. This creates a dynamic echo environment
where the transmitted signal is further corrupted.
- Real time communications of any kind - whether by telephone, radio or

TV -
are taken out by the huge voltage transients inherent to power lines and
ultimately the data rates achievable for non-real time are also very low.
- Transformers and power meters require a workaround as they present an
absolute block to any high frequency signals.

This is a short disaster list that says this technology will not work. And
the real nail in the coffin? Telephone and cables were designed to carry

higher frequencies than 50Hz power cables and in every aspect offer

performance for all data applications. And more recently wireless

is becoming so low cost and so high performance that signal processing
requirements for data over power cables, even if it were possible, would

prohibitively expensive in comparison.

In many locations the power companies have installed optical fibre along
their power lines for telemetry related to the control of power
distribution. Because their data requirements are so meagre huge amounts

bandwidth are available. So it does make sense for wireless technology to

used at that end point, in a distribution mode to attack the last mile.
Despite all of this there are more than 20 power companies currently

across Europe planning or conducting trials. The reported field

results are very poor, as expected! Installation costs are higher than the
telcos and cablecos. Yet they still seem determined to become the biggest
source of radio interference on the planet.

And the ultimate decider? It looks as though the politicians will be asked
to decide between the power and wireless lobbies on the legality of the
interference levels.

Contrary to a widely held belief, all the technology necessary to

the local loop is to hand, and sporadic solutions such as data over
powerline are a bit of an economically driven red herring.

So please, will the next candidate thinking of sending me another business
plan with a revolutionary technology that will exploit power cables please
employ someone who understands Maxwell's equations, data transmission and
holistic economics.

This column was compiled in a hotel lobby between meetings and despatched
via a Wi-Fi link that appeared without identification - thanks to whoever
decided to provide this charitable service.

  #2   Report Post  
Old October 19th 03, 02:26 AM
Posts: n/a

"Thierry" see my website wrote in message ...

Do you remember the problem caused by broadcasting tests via the power

A lot of radio amateur have to support the RFI causes by these tests
everywhere in Europe.
All hope is not lost.
ITU officially recognized this was unacceptable...

The problem in the States is that the ITU does not pay PAC bribes to
Congress for overlooking the obvious, and political hack FCC commissioners
have no concept of the technology they are supposed to be regulating. But,
what do expect out of a group of lawyers who were hired based on what they
could do to bring home the bacon to Congress from rich special interest
groups? But who knows, maybe a bunch of US hams buying 10 KW linear
amplfiers will help the economy out and return Congress to a balanced budget
for one more blue-moon occasion? Yeah, sure - that's it, BPL will save the
U.S. economy.

ak K4YKZ

  #3   Report Post  
Old October 19th 03, 02:26 AM
Posts: n/a

"Thierry" see my website wrote in message ...

Do you remember the problem caused by broadcasting tests via the power

A lot of radio amateur have to support the RFI causes by these tests
everywhere in Europe.
All hope is not lost.
ITU officially recognized this was unacceptable...

The problem in the States is that the ITU does not pay PAC bribes to
Congress for overlooking the obvious, and political hack FCC commissioners
have no concept of the technology they are supposed to be regulating. But,
what do expect out of a group of lawyers who were hired based on what they
could do to bring home the bacon to Congress from rich special interest
groups? But who knows, maybe a bunch of US hams buying 10 KW linear
amplfiers will help the economy out and return Congress to a balanced budget
for one more blue-moon occasion? Yeah, sure - that's it, BPL will save the
U.S. economy.

ak K4YKZ

  #4   Report Post  
Old October 19th 03, 12:13 PM
Posts: n/a

This may be true.
But if we (the USA) are treaty bound to the ITU; this treaty is
first in the heirarchy of laws in the USA (it is in the Constitution) ;-)
Thomas Jefferson and other "founding fathers" were very serious when they
warned the new nation to take making treaties very seriously.

AK wrote:
"Thierry" see my website wrote in message ...


Do you remember the problem caused by broadcasting tests via the power


A lot of radio amateur have to support the RFI causes by these tests
everywhere in Europe.
All hope is not lost.
ITU officially recognized this was unacceptable...

The problem in the States is that the ITU does not pay PAC bribes to
Congress for overlooking the obvious, and political hack FCC commissioners
have no concept of the technology they are supposed to be regulating. But,
what do expect out of a group of lawyers who were hired based on what they
could do to bring home the bacon to Congress from rich special interest
groups? But who knows, maybe a bunch of US hams buying 10 KW linear
amplfiers will help the economy out and return Congress to a balanced budget
for one more blue-moon occasion? Yeah, sure - that's it, BPL will save the
U.S. economy.

ak K4YKZ

  #5   Report Post  
Old October 19th 03, 12:13 PM
Posts: n/a

This may be true.
But if we (the USA) are treaty bound to the ITU; this treaty is
first in the heirarchy of laws in the USA (it is in the Constitution) ;-)
Thomas Jefferson and other "founding fathers" were very serious when they
warned the new nation to take making treaties very seriously.

AK wrote:
"Thierry" see my website wrote in message ...


Do you remember the problem caused by broadcasting tests via the power


A lot of radio amateur have to support the RFI causes by these tests
everywhere in Europe.
All hope is not lost.
ITU officially recognized this was unacceptable...

The problem in the States is that the ITU does not pay PAC bribes to
Congress for overlooking the obvious, and political hack FCC commissioners
have no concept of the technology they are supposed to be regulating. But,
what do expect out of a group of lawyers who were hired based on what they
could do to bring home the bacon to Congress from rich special interest
groups? But who knows, maybe a bunch of US hams buying 10 KW linear
amplfiers will help the economy out and return Congress to a balanced budget
for one more blue-moon occasion? Yeah, sure - that's it, BPL will save the
U.S. economy.

ak K4YKZ

  #6   Report Post  
Old October 19th 03, 01:07 PM
Posts: n/a

"Bill" wrote in message
This may be true.
But if we (the USA) are treaty bound to the ITU; this treaty is
first in the heirarchy of laws in the USA (it is in the Constitution) ;-)
Thomas Jefferson and other "founding fathers" were very serious when they
warned the new nation to take making treaties very seriously.

Maybe these political are reading this post, I hope. In all cases we all
hope that the ITU WP 6E's report will be in favor of spectrum users without
modifying our rights to use amateur bands as we already observed in UHF, 1.2
and 2.4 GHz some years ago, that were partly reassigned....


AK wrote:
"Thierry" see my website wrote in message



Do you remember the problem caused by broadcasting tests via the power


A lot of radio amateur have to support the RFI causes by these tests
everywhere in Europe.
All hope is not lost.
ITU officially recognized this was unacceptable...

The problem in the States is that the ITU does not pay PAC bribes to
Congress for overlooking the obvious, and political hack FCC

have no concept of the technology they are supposed to be regulating.

what do expect out of a group of lawyers who were hired based on what

could do to bring home the bacon to Congress from rich special interest
groups? But who knows, maybe a bunch of US hams buying 10 KW linear
amplfiers will help the economy out and return Congress to a balanced

for one more blue-moon occasion? Yeah, sure - that's it, BPL will save

U.S. economy.

ak K4YKZ

  #7   Report Post  
Old October 19th 03, 01:07 PM
Posts: n/a

"Bill" wrote in message
This may be true.
But if we (the USA) are treaty bound to the ITU; this treaty is
first in the heirarchy of laws in the USA (it is in the Constitution) ;-)
Thomas Jefferson and other "founding fathers" were very serious when they
warned the new nation to take making treaties very seriously.

Maybe these political are reading this post, I hope. In all cases we all
hope that the ITU WP 6E's report will be in favor of spectrum users without
modifying our rights to use amateur bands as we already observed in UHF, 1.2
and 2.4 GHz some years ago, that were partly reassigned....


AK wrote:
"Thierry" see my website wrote in message



Do you remember the problem caused by broadcasting tests via the power


A lot of radio amateur have to support the RFI causes by these tests
everywhere in Europe.
All hope is not lost.
ITU officially recognized this was unacceptable...

The problem in the States is that the ITU does not pay PAC bribes to
Congress for overlooking the obvious, and political hack FCC

have no concept of the technology they are supposed to be regulating.

what do expect out of a group of lawyers who were hired based on what

could do to bring home the bacon to Congress from rich special interest
groups? But who knows, maybe a bunch of US hams buying 10 KW linear
amplfiers will help the economy out and return Congress to a balanced

for one more blue-moon occasion? Yeah, sure - that's it, BPL will save

U.S. economy.

ak K4YKZ

  #8   Report Post  
Old October 19th 03, 01:29 PM
Posts: n/a

"AK" wrote in message

"Thierry" see my website wrote in message


Do you remember the problem caused by broadcasting tests via the power

A lot of radio amateur have to support the RFI causes by these tests
everywhere in Europe.
All hope is not lost.
ITU officially recognized this was unacceptable...

The problem in the States is that the ITU does not pay PAC bribes to
Congress for overlooking the obvious, and political hack FCC commissioners
have no concept of the technology they are supposed to be regulating. But,
what do expect out of a group of lawyers who were hired based on what they
could do to bring home the bacon to Congress from rich special interest

Correct. The best solution to ensure our defense should be to have in our
camp a Congressist and OM (like K4TPJ and others) or a big spectrum user
(like K6EWP directing the US Strategic Command) who could speak for us all.
It should be interesting to get their opinion. Affair to be followed.


But who knows, maybe a bunch of US hams buying 10 KW linear
amplfiers will help the economy out and return Congress to a balanced

for one more blue-moon occasion? Yeah, sure - that's it, BPL will save the
U.S. economy.

ak K4YKZ

  #9   Report Post  
Old October 19th 03, 01:29 PM
Posts: n/a

"AK" wrote in message

"Thierry" see my website wrote in message


Do you remember the problem caused by broadcasting tests via the power

A lot of radio amateur have to support the RFI causes by these tests
everywhere in Europe.
All hope is not lost.
ITU officially recognized this was unacceptable...

The problem in the States is that the ITU does not pay PAC bribes to
Congress for overlooking the obvious, and political hack FCC commissioners
have no concept of the technology they are supposed to be regulating. But,
what do expect out of a group of lawyers who were hired based on what they
could do to bring home the bacon to Congress from rich special interest

Correct. The best solution to ensure our defense should be to have in our
camp a Congressist and OM (like K4TPJ and others) or a big spectrum user
(like K6EWP directing the US Strategic Command) who could speak for us all.
It should be interesting to get their opinion. Affair to be followed.


But who knows, maybe a bunch of US hams buying 10 KW linear
amplfiers will help the economy out and return Congress to a balanced

for one more blue-moon occasion? Yeah, sure - that's it, BPL will save the
U.S. economy.

ak K4YKZ

  #10   Report Post  
Old October 19th 03, 03:09 PM
Posts: n/a

"Walt Davidson" wrote in message
On Sun, 19 Oct 2003 06:13:16 -0400, Bill wrote:

But if we (the USA) are treaty bound to the ITU; this treaty is
first in the heirarchy of laws in the USA (it is in the Constitution) ;-)
Thomas Jefferson and other "founding fathers" were very serious when they
warned the new nation to take making treaties very seriously.

That didn't seem to stop the USA going its own way earlier this year,
contrary to the wishes of the UN.

Indeed and lobbying are often link to financial interests. Noone broadcaster
(and still less with the future DRM, the digital AM) will never accept that
its spectrum be reduced but the one of hams could be...

There is maybe one way to fight against a potential reduction of our bands
or increasing of the noise level.
A good way to make the pressure on ITU in order that they protect our
rights, IMHO, should be to request the help of some famous people. There are
so many celebrities whose voice carries around the world and who are
licensed hams (statemen, royalties, CEO of telecomm and Internet companies,
TV producers, Gen. of US forces and scientists Nobel prices) that if ITU
could have their support, the conclusions of their future report could
change a lot...

All these hams want that our bands be preserved but there are also involved
in the use of the spectrum. They could arg in our side.
See some names on : (first

But maybe that I dream alive


Walt Davidson Email: g3nyy

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