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  #1   Report Post  
Old July 24th 05, 12:25 AM
Info Needed
Posts: n/a
Default Ten-Tec Pegasus info wanted

Hello All:

I'm looking for any info that anyone in the group here has regarding the Ten-Tec Pegasus
Model 550 Computer controlled HF rig.

Pro and Con

Looking for info also on this radio's Bandpass abilities. Rejecting very strong RF on other band. BC band overload ?? rejection ability. Ham band overload ??

I've read the EHAM reviews. Just looking for as much info before i decide if i want to deal for one.

Also, does anyone know if the optional keypad/rotorary dial thing can still be bought ??

Thanks to all that respond.

info needed
  #2   Report Post  
Old July 24th 05, 02:15 AM
Bob Miller
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 22:25:37 GMT, "Info Needed"

Hello All:

I'm looking for any info that anyone in the group here has regarding the Ten-Tec Pegasus
Model 550 Computer controlled HF rig.

Pro and Con

Looking for info also on this radio's Bandpass abilities. Rejecting very strong RF on other band. BC band overload ?? rejection ability. Ham band overload ??

I've read the EHAM reviews. Just looking for as much info before i decide if i want to deal for one.

Also, does anyone know if the optional keypad/rotorary dial thing can still be bought ??

Thanks to all that respond.

info needed

QST did a review, which would be available at the ARRL web site,
product reviews...


  #3   Report Post  
Old July 24th 05, 07:28 AM
Info Needed
Posts: n/a

Been there, done that. Looking for REAL operation comments.


"Bob Miller" wrote in message ...
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 22:25:37 GMT, "Info Needed"

Hello All:

I'm looking for any info that anyone in the group here has regarding the Ten-Tec Pegasus
Model 550 Computer controlled HF rig.

Pro and Con

Looking for info also on this radio's Bandpass abilities. Rejecting very strong RF on other band. BC band overload ?? rejection ability. Ham band overload ??

I've read the EHAM reviews. Just looking for as much info before i decide if i want to deal for one.

Also, does anyone know if the optional keypad/rotorary dial thing can still be bought ??

Thanks to all that respond.

info needed

QST did a review, which would be available at the ARRL web site,
product reviews...


  #4   Report Post  
Old July 25th 05, 12:44 AM
Bob Miller
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 24 Jul 2005 05:28:37 GMT, "Info Needed"

Been there, done that. Looking for REAL operation comments.


As I understand it, the Jupiter is the same as the Pegasus, but with a
front panel & knobs. The Eham reviews on the Jupiter are amazingly
varied; some love it, some hate it. You may just have to try the
Pegasus on a trial basis, if possible, and not take anyone else's word
on it.


"Bob Miller" wrote in message ...
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 22:25:37 GMT, "Info Needed"

Hello All:

I'm looking for any info that anyone in the group here has regarding the Ten-Tec Pegasus
Model 550 Computer controlled HF rig.

Pro and Con

Looking for info also on this radio's Bandpass abilities. Rejecting very strong RF on other band. BC band overload ?? rejection ability. Ham band overload ??

I've read the EHAM reviews. Just looking for as much info before i decide if i want to deal for one.

Also, does anyone know if the optional keypad/rotorary dial thing can still be bought ??

Thanks to all that respond.

info needed

QST did a review, which would be available at the ARRL web site,
product reviews...


  #5   Report Post  
Old July 26th 05, 06:09 AM
Posts: n/a

I got one and will be happy to comment...

Looking for info also on this radio's Bandpass abilities. Rejecting very
strong RF on other band. BC band overload ?? rejection ability. Ham band
overload ??

Ham band and General RF Rejection is quite good. I have one local who is
about 1/2 mile from me. When I operate on 40m CW he can be 600 cycles above
or below me and I won't hear him and he's not blocking my RX.

CON - BC Band Rejection is bad. My only ant is a 150' long wire about 30'
up. Unfortunately for me I have a 50 KW AM about 7 miles from my house and
two other AM stations about 12 miles. I can hear them when I go below the BC
band. Only thing down there is AERO Beacons. I can only pick up AM BC below
the BC band - 160 meters and above is clean.

Also, does anyone know if the optional keypad/rotorary dial thing can still
be bought ??

I highly recommend it as tuning via keyboard is a real pain and YES Ten-Tec
still sells them.

My other comments:

(1) You need at least a 30 amp power supply with this rig. I had a Astron
20A and blew it up. Now using a Astron 50 amp supply. Ten-Tec tech sez this
is 80% of all problem calls are caused by using too small a supply.

(2) Outside antenna should be at least 20 to 50 feet away from the radio.
Don't stick a wire on the SO-238 in back of the PEG and expect it to work.
You'll be picking up nothing but computer and monitor noise.

(3) Computer Speed doesn't matter. I have used '386 '486 P1 P2 and P3
computers running Windows 95, 98 and NT. Performance is exactly the same.
You would expect this since the link is 56K serial. This is the bottle neck.
Getting a faster computer buys you nothing. UNLESS you want to use the radio
while doing something else. Like using the Internet or CHAT. Then it makes a
difference. After getting tired of getting infected with virus and spy-ware
and re-installing Windows a million times - I now have a computer dedicated
just to the PEG - setup exactly the way I want. It's not connect to the
Internet or anything.

(4) SSB always gets great reports. But few people know CW has a perfect tone
and the AM sounds damn good. Ten Tec makes good sounding equipment.

(5) SHORTWAVE is excellent - I have about 23 SW receivers and I hate to
admit it but my Peg beats them all including a Watkins-Johnson. Very
sensitive and yet has a high dynamic range. Widest filter is 8 KC. Would
have been nice if you could go wider say 15 KC for local BC stations.

(6) CON - No doubt about it - it takes some getting use to. Usually about 4
to 6 weeks - then you will NEVER want to go back to knobs. Most people give
up long before that. Give the rig a month and a half before you decide.

(7) MOST IMPORTANT - Why Ten Tec didn't sell this point I will never know.

This radio is the most reliable ever built. Why you say ? It has no knobs -
pushbuttons, lamps or switches. These things cause 90% of all problems on
other radios. Dirty pot or bandswitch? Burned out lamp? Busted switch?

NOT ON THIS RIG !!! The power switch is the only moving part on this radio.

The PEG consists of 3 circuit boards - each with about 5 or 10 parts -
everything else is software on the chip.

Unless the radio is hit by lightning it should stay operating maintenance
free for the next 20 or 30 years.

Like I said - I like mine but it takes some getting used to....


On Sun, 24 Jul 2005 05:28:37 GMT, "Info Needed"

Been there, done that. Looking for REAL operation comments.


As I understand it, the Jupiter is the same as the Pegasus, but with a
front panel & knobs. The Eham reviews on the Jupiter are amazingly
varied; some love it, some hate it. You may just have to try the
Pegasus on a trial basis, if possible, and not take anyone else's word
on it.


"Bob Miller" wrote in message
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 22:25:37 GMT, "Info Needed"

Hello All:

I'm looking for any info that anyone in the group here has regarding the
Ten-Tec Pegasus
Model 550 Computer controlled HF rig.

Pro and Con

Looking for info also on this radio's Bandpass abilities. Rejecting very
strong RF on other band. BC band overload ?? rejection ability. Ham band
overload ??

I've read the EHAM reviews. Just looking for as much info before i decide if
i want to deal for one.

Also, does anyone know if the optional keypad/rotorary dial thing can still
be bought ??

Thanks to all that respond.

info needed

QST did a review, which would be available at the ARRL web site,
product reviews...


  #6   Report Post  
Old July 29th 05, 09:39 PM
Posts: n/a

Great info. Thanks

Its not likely i can try one for 4-6 weeks and decide then. hi hi.

Its part of a trade deal.

As far as the BC overload problem you mentioned, i'm even closer to BC transmitters and TV and FM Broadcast transmitters. Less than 2,500 ft.

And the comment about having the antenna 20-50 feet away from the radio.

I use a fullwave 75 meter loop and is feed by ladderline to a roller inductor tuner.

I use to have all those problems you mentioned. The noise from the computer and the monitor.

All of those problems went away when i used my HP laptop and an external LCD monitor.

My current desktop computer is clean too. It also uses a LCD monitor.

The CRT monitors are terrible for sheilding. I don't even use a CRT for anything anymore. Well, maybe a TV. hi hi. And that will be replaced with a LCD very soon.

As far as the overload on the BC band- i can live with that. Just as long as the BC overload isn't
being produced on any of the ham bands. From what i read on you comments pro & con, it appears that BC RFI isn't an issue on any of the ham band. That's great to hear.

Too bad about the narrow AM filter. At least its not as narrow as my FT-902DM HF rig.
Its like 6KHZ i think. Not very good at listening to AM. But the only AM i really listen to much is on 10 meters ( 29.000 - 29.100 ).

No problem on the power supply here. Its a 40 amp continous ability. Although 30 amps seems a bit high for a 100 watt output transmitter.

The Ten-Tec Pegasus ( model 550 ) will be a back-up HF rig most of the time.
Unless i find out it works better than my main rig. FT-902DM hi hi

Thank you very much for the report and comments. I'm getting closer now on deciding
on the Pegasus.


I got one and will be happy to comment...

Looking for info also on this radio's Bandpass abilities. Rejecting very
strong RF on other band. BC band overload ?? rejection ability. Ham band
overload ??

Ham band and General RF Rejection is quite good. I have one local who is
about 1/2 mile from me. When I operate on 40m CW he can be 600 cycles above
or below me and I won't hear him and he's not blocking my RX.

CON - BC Band Rejection is bad. My only ant is a 150' long wire about 30'
up. Unfortunately for me I have a 50 KW AM about 7 miles from my house and
two other AM stations about 12 miles. I can hear them when I go below the BC
band. Only thing down there is AERO Beacons. I can only pick up AM BC below
the BC band - 160 meters and above is clean.

Also, does anyone know if the optional keypad/rotorary dial thing can still
be bought ??

I highly recommend it as tuning via keyboard is a real pain and YES Ten-Tec
still sells them.

My other comments:

(1) You need at least a 30 amp power supply with this rig. I had a Astron
20A and blew it up. Now using a Astron 50 amp supply. Ten-Tec tech sez this
is 80% of all problem calls are caused by using too small a supply.

(2) Outside antenna should be at least 20 to 50 feet away from the radio.
Don't stick a wire on the SO-238 in back of the PEG and expect it to work.
You'll be picking up nothing but computer and monitor noise.

(3) Computer Speed doesn't matter. I have used '386 '486 P1 P2 and P3
computers running Windows 95, 98 and NT. Performance is exactly the same.
You would expect this since the link is 56K serial. This is the bottle neck.
Getting a faster computer buys you nothing. UNLESS you want to use the radio
while doing something else. Like using the Internet or CHAT. Then it makes a
difference. After getting tired of getting infected with virus and spy-ware
and re-installing Windows a million times - I now have a computer dedicated
just to the PEG - setup exactly the way I want. It's not connect to the
Internet or anything.

(4) SSB always gets great reports. But few people know CW has a perfect tone
and the AM sounds damn good. Ten Tec makes good sounding equipment.

(5) SHORTWAVE is excellent - I have about 23 SW receivers and I hate to
admit it but my Peg beats them all including a Watkins-Johnson. Very
sensitive and yet has a high dynamic range. Widest filter is 8 KC. Would
have been nice if you could go wider say 15 KC for local BC stations.

(6) CON - No doubt about it - it takes some getting use to. Usually about 4
to 6 weeks - then you will NEVER want to go back to knobs. Most people give
up long before that. Give the rig a month and a half before you decide.

(7) MOST IMPORTANT - Why Ten Tec didn't sell this point I will never know.

This radio is the most reliable ever built. Why you say ? It has no knobs -
pushbuttons, lamps or switches. These things cause 90% of all problems on
other radios. Dirty pot or bandswitch? Burned out lamp? Busted switch?

NOT ON THIS RIG !!! The power switch is the only moving part on this radio.

The PEG consists of 3 circuit boards - each with about 5 or 10 parts -
everything else is software on the chip.

Unless the radio is hit by lightning it should stay operating maintenance
free for the next 20 or 30 years.

Like I said - I like mine but it takes some getting used to....


On Sun, 24 Jul 2005 05:28:37 GMT, "Info Needed"

Been there, done that. Looking for REAL operation comments.


As I understand it, the Jupiter is the same as the Pegasus, but with a
front panel & knobs. The Eham reviews on the Jupiter are amazingly
varied; some love it, some hate it. You may just have to try the
Pegasus on a trial basis, if possible, and not take anyone else's word
on it.


"Bob Miller" wrote in message
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 22:25:37 GMT, "Info Needed"

Hello All:

I'm looking for any info that anyone in the group here has regarding the
Ten-Tec Pegasus
Model 550 Computer controlled HF rig.

Pro and Con

Looking for info also on this radio's Bandpass abilities. Rejecting very
strong RF on other band. BC band overload ?? rejection ability. Ham band
overload ??

I've read the EHAM reviews. Just looking for as much info before i decide if
i want to deal for one.

Also, does anyone know if the optional keypad/rotorary dial thing can still
be bought ??

Thanks to all that respond.

info needed

QST did a review, which would be available at the ARRL web site,
product reviews...


  #7   Report Post  
Old July 30th 05, 03:51 PM
John Ferrell
Posts: n/a

I am a very casual user. I spend a great deal of time at the computer
and the Pegasus is easy to keep out of the way, it sets on a high
shelf above the computer, no desk space required. I am powering it
with the 45 Amp MFJ supply. I also have the optional automatic tuner.
The antenna is a Cushcraft A3S beam on a crank up tower. It usually is
left at about 25 feet to minimizes the threat of foul weather. With
this setup I can move into ham mode from computer mode in as long as
it takes to plug in the beam & rotor. I never had it this easy before.
Besides that, it has more features than I can imagine using. I suppose
most of the modern gear has the multiple filters and band scan
displays and such. I suppose they also let you set the band limits
according to your liscense class and provide a visual scan of whatever
band segment you choose.
I usually use the control software that N4PY sold up to the point
where he started copy protection. I change computers pretty often and
the copy protection is just one problem too many for me!

I have been watching for another one on hoping for a bargain to
install in the Winnibago as a mobile rig, but so far they seem to be
retty scarce. The current owners must like the rig as much as me.
Since I already have a laptop mounted for GPS navigation, it would not
take any panel space.

And there is the condition that if you think you have a problem,
TenTec has been really good about answering my dumb questions!

I do have the remote knob accessory, but I have not found it useful.
My hands know the keyboard better.

As one fellow pointed out to me after I admitted that my last new rig
was a Yaesu FT-301 I would be thrilled with any modern rig!

Any one interested in a couple of old FT301's? I don't think I can go
de W8CCW

On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 19:39:54 GMT, "INFO NEEDED"

Great info. Thanks

Its not likely i can try one for 4-6 weeks and decide then. hi hi.

Its part of a trade deal.

As far as the BC overload problem you mentioned, i'm even closer to BC transmitters and TV and FM Broadcast transmitters. Less than 2,500 ft.

And the comment about having the antenna 20-50 feet away from the radio.

I use a fullwave 75 meter loop and is feed by ladderline to a roller inductor tuner.

I use to have all those problems you mentioned. The noise from the computer and the monitor.

All of those problems went away when i used my HP laptop and an external LCD monitor.

My current desktop computer is clean too. It also uses a LCD monitor.

The CRT monitors are terrible for sheilding. I don't even use a CRT for anything anymore. Well, maybe a TV. hi hi. And that will be replaced with a LCD very soon.

As far as the overload on the BC band- i can live with that. Just as long as the BC overload isn't
being produced on any of the ham bands. From what i read on you comments pro & con, it appears that BC RFI isn't an issue on any of the ham band. That's great to hear.

Too bad about the narrow AM filter. At least its not as narrow as my FT-902DM HF rig.
Its like 6KHZ i think. Not very good at listening to AM. But the only AM i really listen to much is on 10 meters ( 29.000 - 29.100 ).

No problem on the power supply here. Its a 40 amp continous ability. Although 30 amps seems a bit high for a 100 watt output transmitter.

The Ten-Tec Pegasus ( model 550 ) will be a back-up HF rig most of the time.
Unless i find out it works better than my main rig. FT-902DM hi hi

Thank you very much for the report and comments. I'm getting closer now on deciding
on the Pegasus.


I got one and will be happy to comment...

Looking for info also on this radio's Bandpass abilities. Rejecting very
strong RF on other band. BC band overload ?? rejection ability. Ham band
overload ??

Ham band and General RF Rejection is quite good. I have one local who is
about 1/2 mile from me. When I operate on 40m CW he can be 600 cycles above
or below me and I won't hear him and he's not blocking my RX.

CON - BC Band Rejection is bad. My only ant is a 150' long wire about 30'
up. Unfortunately for me I have a 50 KW AM about 7 miles from my house and
two other AM stations about 12 miles. I can hear them when I go below the BC
band. Only thing down there is AERO Beacons. I can only pick up AM BC below
the BC band - 160 meters and above is clean.

Also, does anyone know if the optional keypad/rotorary dial thing can still
be bought ??

I highly recommend it as tuning via keyboard is a real pain and YES Ten-Tec
still sells them.

My other comments:

(1) You need at least a 30 amp power supply with this rig. I had a Astron
20A and blew it up. Now using a Astron 50 amp supply. Ten-Tec tech sez this
is 80% of all problem calls are caused by using too small a supply.

(2) Outside antenna should be at least 20 to 50 feet away from the radio.
Don't stick a wire on the SO-238 in back of the PEG and expect it to work.
You'll be picking up nothing but computer and monitor noise.

(3) Computer Speed doesn't matter. I have used '386 '486 P1 P2 and P3
computers running Windows 95, 98 and NT. Performance is exactly the same.
You would expect this since the link is 56K serial. This is the bottle neck.
Getting a faster computer buys you nothing. UNLESS you want to use the radio
while doing something else. Like using the Internet or CHAT. Then it makes a
difference. After getting tired of getting infected with virus and spy-ware
and re-installing Windows a million times - I now have a computer dedicated
just to the PEG - setup exactly the way I want. It's not connect to the
Internet or anything.

(4) SSB always gets great reports. But few people know CW has a perfect tone
and the AM sounds damn good. Ten Tec makes good sounding equipment.

(5) SHORTWAVE is excellent - I have about 23 SW receivers and I hate to
admit it but my Peg beats them all including a Watkins-Johnson. Very
sensitive and yet has a high dynamic range. Widest filter is 8 KC. Would
have been nice if you could go wider say 15 KC for local BC stations.

(6) CON - No doubt about it - it takes some getting use to. Usually about 4
to 6 weeks - then you will NEVER want to go back to knobs. Most people give
up long before that. Give the rig a month and a half before you decide.

(7) MOST IMPORTANT - Why Ten Tec didn't sell this point I will never know.

This radio is the most reliable ever built. Why you say ? It has no knobs -
pushbuttons, lamps or switches. These things cause 90% of all problems on
other radios. Dirty pot or bandswitch? Burned out lamp? Busted switch?

NOT ON THIS RIG !!! The power switch is the only moving part on this radio.

The PEG consists of 3 circuit boards - each with about 5 or 10 parts -
everything else is software on the chip.

Unless the radio is hit by lightning it should stay operating maintenance
free for the next 20 or 30 years.

Like I said - I like mine but it takes some getting used to....


On Sun, 24 Jul 2005 05:28:37 GMT, "Info Needed"

Been there, done that. Looking for REAL operation comments.


As I understand it, the Jupiter is the same as the Pegasus, but with a
front panel & knobs. The Eham reviews on the Jupiter are amazingly
varied; some love it, some hate it. You may just have to try the
Pegasus on a trial basis, if possible, and not take anyone else's word
on it.


"Bob Miller" wrote in message
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 22:25:37 GMT, "Info Needed"

Hello All:

I'm looking for any info that anyone in the group here has regarding the
Ten-Tec Pegasus
Model 550 Computer controlled HF rig.

Pro and Con

Looking for info also on this radio's Bandpass abilities. Rejecting very
strong RF on other band. BC band overload ?? rejection ability. Ham band
overload ??

I've read the EHAM reviews. Just looking for as much info before i decide if
i want to deal for one.

Also, does anyone know if the optional keypad/rotorary dial thing can still
be bought ??

Thanks to all that respond.

info needed

QST did a review, which would be available at the ARRL web site,
product reviews...


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