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Old September 3rd 06, 10:22 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 5
Default FREEWARE - WinCAP Wizard - VOACAP


Our last invitation post was 14 Feb 2006. This one is similar but includes
new information and an extra-special offer.

What is WinCAP Wizard? WinCAP Wizard is the most powerful HF Communications
Analysis Prediction package ever developed.

Please understand I'm typically a humble type fellow. Unfortunately, if this
message isn't compelling, you will likely ignore the tool and miss the
offer. Good products do indeed sell themselves. But obviously, folks must
first try the product. In a vast sea of amateur radio related products and
tools, here is a tool you will probably like and, find very useful. Sure,
you have product X, have used it for years and know it well, plus you are
busy and don't have time to learn a new tool. But, does this logic keep you
from acquiring new hardware, like radios, antennas and computers? Of course

You want free software; all of our software now defaults to freeware and
provides basic functionality, sufficient for many users. The default WinCAP
Wizard v4 download is known as QSL-ware. QSL-ware basically means freeware.
G. We do appreciate an email acknowledgement and comments - thus our term

This QSL-ware version provides unlimited point-to point and NCDXF beacon
predictions. The extensive "Location Browser" provides a prefix search along
with other useful information. The unique "Beacon SmartChart" and the
Smart-Map-Geographic View are in this basic feature set. There are 2
point-to point charts and 3 beacon charts, each with numerous options, 4
point-to point reports and 4 beacon reports - all free.

The registered version adds a lot of tools and functionality. The
"Coverage-Analysis View", is an elaborate map with the ability to plot any
of 7 parameters, for up to 9 frequencies and all 24 hours. View any hour and
frequency for each predicted parameter with a mouse click. More? A DX-list
plot and search are provided. The Coverage-Analysis View provides several
additional unique features.

Also included in the registered version is the "User Batch" prediction type.
With the ability to analyze up to 18 unique circuits and present the results
with 5 charts and 3 reports our user batch mode is both powerful and

Special user-batch prediction "views" provide definite advantages for the
contest-oriented op. The Contest-Plan SmartChart and Contest-Plan
SmartReport deliver incredible insight into "when to be where" during the
contest. These could also be useful to the savvy DXer.

Sorry - I can't list all the advantages here - this is already too long. But
if all this isn't enough, the registered WinCAP Wizard package includes
GeoAlert-Extreme Wizard and Beacon Time Wizard, as a free bonus.

A 60-day full trial key is available upon request. Try the software tools.
If you don't think them worthy of being paid for, they revert back to the
default QSL-ware/freeware mode and functionality, without time limit.

Is there any question WinCAP Wizard is the leader in the HF propagation
prediction category? If so, that thought should soon be wiped away. The next
major version, v5, is due for release very soon. As we say, the best keeps
getting better. VBG

Before a brief introduction on the main features of the new version, the
special offer. Register v4 now and qualify for a free upgrade to v5.

WinCAP Wizard v5 provides a "Contest-Log Manager" and imports Cabrillo
format logs from 55 different HF contests; more contests can be added
easily, upon request. The logs can then be plotted to the "area coverage"
map view - with or without predictions. The logs can, of course, be filtered
and plotted by day, band, hour and any combination of these.

To my knowledge no other software exists to geocode calls for stations
worldwide. There may be software that plots US, and even Canadian, calls. Do
you know of any? Are you interested in this functionality? Can you imagine
the possibilities?

The v5 prefix search features are among the finest available. The QSL-ware
version also benefits - through the Location Browser.

Both USA and Canadian call lookup is provided. The primary purpose is log
station geocoding but the ability is "way cool" and proving interesting. G
For example, using the prefix/call search on the area-coverage view, you can
begin typing a call and the great-circle path is plotted; as you continue
typing, the great-circle plot changes to show the prefix and - as you
complete the call - the actual location is plotted.

There are other minor enhancements over v4. The new WinCAP Wizard v5
provides an extensive set of powerful tools. Hopefully users will be able to
easily do complex and interesting comparisons -that previously were too
labor intense and time consuming.

Still, if you use a competing tool, not to worry, they can surely add a few
of our choice features. VBG But it's doubtful they can add them all.

In any case, you are invited to download and use WinCAP Wizard version 4 in
the QSL-ware mode without time limit. You will also find several other
useful amateur-radio related software products at

Don't miss the ID Wizard freeware. It provides a rich set of useful "tools".

Thanks for reading this far. Hope to work you in a contest.


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