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  #1   Report Post  
Old October 1st 06, 08:42 PM posted to,,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 73
Default heil online DX must suck tonight from WV

Mark sees you as Steve and ........

he fessed up Dave
.....Wiseman sees me as Stagger Lee.

and many other people a stagger Lee I think he may even have accused me
of being stagger lee once

Groan! Don't flatter yourself, Mark. Stagger Lee speaks and writes extremely
well. There is no way even a fool such as Wiseman would EVER think you were
Stagger Lee. You "think he may even have", but you can't quote when, if
ever, this happened. This is mere wishful thinking on your part.

Speak, Mark. Speak.
Roll over.
Good Boy!

  #2   Report Post  
Old October 3rd 06, 01:20 PM posted to,,,
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 159
Default heil online DX must suck tonight from WV

Arf! Arf! wrote:
Groan! Don't flatter yourself, Mark. Stagger Lee speaks and writes extremely

BWHAHAHAHA Oh? The source of unreliable information cuts and pastes
from others and adds a few of his own comments so it appears that the
whole article came from him.

Saggytits Lee steps on his own tiny dick when he tried to correct
somebody else's English use first by saying one "operates" a dictionary

instead of reading it, then uses "things" instead of "thinks" in
"Translation: Woger can't figure out how to operate a dictionary, let
alone correct someone else's language.But that's not surprising from
who things that..."

Saggytits Lee manages to fumble again when he tried to backpedal on his

improper use of words by once again mangling the sentence in reply
"The word "operate" can be a synonym "use" in certain contexts"

****up Stagger Lee proves he's as ignorant of

music as he is in everything else when he utters the following
stupidity in :
"Eric Clapton even wrote a song about Leila!"

Staggering Drunk Lee, the "Pulitzer prize award-winning writer"
slobbered the following Ebonics in :
"I hope yourself takes the advice you are giving to yourself."

Of, course, Arf! Oaf! can't write any better either:

"Arf! Arf!" the ill-educated spelling champ
****s up again
in :

"Arf! Arf!" the spelling bee
champ whined
about his womanless status in :
"Sisnce it is Satruday night, it is tiome to ghet a piuzza and
make some anoinymous poists about Stagger Lee."

Arf!Arf! blissfully unaware of a British variation glady
proclaims his ignorance in :
""Fantasises" That is "fantasizes", Wussman."

Perennial "Loser" Arf!Arf! spell lames but falls on his fatass
in :
"What a losser."

The empty "cavity" that is Arf!Arf!'s skull ****s up again
in :
"either of Roger's moist cavaties."

"Arf! Arf!" Doggie vomited the
following Ebonics in message
"Here we go, Rog. I be posting at three a.m."

Arf Arf shows his excitement when he gets his fatass handed to
him and posts in Ebonics,
the poor ill-educated thing never got his G.E.D. as shown
in :
"Curtian Boy"

Monkey boy "Arf! Arf!"

gibbered incoherently when the prospect of fellating a dog is
presented to him
in :
"Whoo hoo hoo hoo!!!"

"Arf! Arf!" the spelling bee champ
pondered the question of
(corn) pone and why phone sound so similar in Message-ID:

"Grab a pone book and pick out a name, any name?"

NeoNAZI RACIST ****tard "Arf! Arf!"
shows his anti-Semetism,
and ignorance about family names and their origins in
"Wiseman. That's Jewish, isn't it?"

Eternal ****UP "Arf! Arf!" steps on
his dick again in his "posts" sic
(of "posit") in :
"The trouble is, LRod, that your findings will do little, if
anything, to dissuade or stop
the posts which the two rascals posit as "fact".

Chronic alcoholic and child RAPER "Arf! Arf!"
gets egg on
his "gruesome" face as he blathers more stupidity in
"'re going to have yet more egg all over your guresome
little face"

Arf Arf the donkeydicksucker proved he is the textbook definition of
"DUMBASS" when he blathered the following, suggesting that Wiseman is
the only ham ever to be retested ever in :
"Hey Wiseman. How many Hams can you name right now who have been forced
retest? Besides yourself, that is."

Arf Arf shows his excitement when he lets his daughters give him head
while he posts in his Ebonics :
"Curtian Boy"

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