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  #1   Report Post  
Old February 18th 07, 03:27 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Feb 2007
Posts: 51
Default I meet my shemale wife at roger group

you hvae a relly nice gruope thier wiseman

Posted via a free Usenet account from

  #2   Report Post  
Old February 19th 07, 04:55 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 418
Default AB8MQ Responds

Paul W. Schlock wrote:

"Andy the Perv Timberlake" wrote in

On Feb 18, 1:56 pm, "an old friend" wrote:

On Feb 18, 1:44 pm, wrote:

On Feb 18, 1:19 pm, wrote:
Speaking of stalking, Marqueer the stalker's long threads over at the
NIM board keep getting moved because womanly Marqueer has to get in
the last word.

well woger you just proved

No, idiot, he proved what an idiot you are.

Hey, Roger! How are ya? Talked to Riley lately? Gotten any correspondence
from him?

I have a five dollar bill that says Mark Morgan never received so much as a
single letter from Riley. How many have you accumulated? Two? Three? Four?
Heck. I'll toss another five spot in the pot and bet that Mark has never
been forced to retest, either.

Want to go for double or nothing? I submit that you are much higher on Riley
Hollingsworth's radar screen than Mark will ever be, if at all.

Heck, Roger. I'll even toss in an extra sawbuck if you can show that Mark
has lost as many ISPs as you have in the last five years alone. Could this
be the reason you maintain so many dialup accounts?

And so far as Mark being banned from Nimbusters? Perhaps he should strive to
have his very own Nimbusters board such as the one you have. What a badge of
shame that must be...I mean...what with a little animated .gif of a little
guy urinating on your photo and all. ( )

If I do a Google search for Mark Morgan all I'll likely find is a list of
comments he has made to Usenet groups over the years. Do the same search for
YOU Roger, and there are literally hundreds, nay, thousands of "hits" that
deal with your filthy comments, your infamous brushes with Riley
Hollingsworth, and even your low-life and illegal attempts to implicate
Lloyd Davies in kiddie porn sales by posting bogus messages over Lloyd's
name and home address.

Oh, and let us not forget to mention the half-dozen news groups that have
been created in your name. Score? Roger: 6. Mark Morgan: 0

Yessir, Roger. You sure are an upstanding citizen of Glendale, West Virginia
and an exlemplary Amateur Radio Operator indeed. Life under your rock must
be very cold and very lonely.

What else should be expected out of West Virginia White Trash.
  #3   Report Post  
Old February 23rd 07, 03:01 AM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 159
Default Queer Billy Smith Responds

On Feb 18, 10:55 pm, Billy Smith whined
while he **** himself again:
Paul W. Schlock wrote:
"Andy the Perv Timberlake" wrote in

On Feb 18, 1:56 pm, "an old friend" wrote:

On Feb 18, 1:44 pm, wrote:

On Feb 18, 1:19 pm, wrote:
Speaking of stalking, Marqueer the stalker's long threads over at the
NIM board keep getting moved because womanly Marqueer has to get in
the last word.

well woger you just proved

No, idiot, he proved what an idiot you are.

Hey, Roger! How are ya? Talked to Riley lately? Gotten any correspondence
from him?

No he hasn't, stupid, but you have talked on HF illegaly!

I have a five dollar bill that says Mark Morgan never received so much as a

Five dollars? Oh, big spender do you think you can afford it?

single letter from Riley. How many have you accumulated? Two? Three? Four?
Heck. I'll toss another five spot in the pot and bet that Mark has never
been forced to retest, either.

No, Marqueer has been forced into sodomy, and you would like to repeat
it. Besides you can't afford ten dollars on your take home pay.

Want to go for double or nothing? I submit that you are much higher on Riley
Hollingsworth's radar screen than Mark will ever be, if at all.

Don't bet on it.

Heck, Roger. I'll even toss in an extra sawbuck if you can show that Mark
has lost as many ISPs as you have in the last five years alone. Could this
be the reason you maintain so many dialup accounts?

You can't afford it on your take home, loser.

And so far as Mark being banned from Nimbusters? Perhaps he should strive to
have his very own Nimbusters board such as the one you have. What a badge of
shame that must be...I mean...what with a little animated .gif of a little
guy urinating on your photo and all. (

Just like the photo he

If I do a Google search for Mark Morgan all I'll likely find is a list of
comments he has made to Usenet groups over the years. Do the same search for
YOU Roger, and there are literally hundreds, nay, thousands of "hits" that
deal with your filthy comments, your infamous brushes with Riley
Hollingsworth, and even your low-life and illegal attempts to implicate
Lloyd Davies in kiddie porn sales by posting bogus messages over Lloyd's
name and home address.

So you admit you assisted Lloyd in his kiddie porn venture. But then
"Bily Smith" is a registered sex offender!

Oh, and let us not forget to mention the half-dozen news groups that have
been created in your name. Score? Roger: 6. Mark Morgan: 0

How about alt.cocksucker.lardass.lloyd-davies?
Oh, your groups will be forthcoming, faggot.

Yessir, Roger. You sure are an upstanding citizen of Glendale, West Virginia
and an exlemplary Amateur Radio Operator indeed. Life under your rock must
be very cold and very lonely.

What's "exlemplary?" Learn to spell, dumbass! It's "exemplary", you
****ing retard.

You seem to have experience being under a rock. Maybe that's where you
found your ex-streetwaler wife.

What else should be expected out of West Virginia White Trash.-

Speaking of which, why is your yard looking like a public landfill?

  #4   Report Post  
Old February 23rd 07, 05:05 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 418
Default Queer Billy Smith Responds

Andy the Perv Timberlake wrote:

On Feb 18, 10:55 pm, Billy Smith whined
while he **** himself again:

Paul W. Schlock wrote:

"Andy the Perv Timberlake" wrote in

On Feb 18, 1:56 pm, "an old friend" wrote:

On Feb 18, 1:44 pm, wrote:

On Feb 18, 1:19 pm, wrote:
Speaking of stalking, Marqueer the stalker's long threads over at the
NIM board keep getting moved because womanly Marqueer has to get in
the last word.

well woger you just proved

No, idiot, he proved what an idiot you are.

Hey, Roger! How are ya? Talked to Riley lately? Gotten any correspondence
from him?

No he hasn't, stupid, but you have talked on HF illegaly!

I have a five dollar bill that says Mark Morgan never received so much as a

Five dollars? Oh, big spender do you think you can afford it?

single letter from Riley. How many have you accumulated? Two? Three? Four?
Heck. I'll toss another five spot in the pot and bet that Mark has never
been forced to retest, either.

No, Marqueer has been forced into sodomy, and you would like to repeat
it. Besides you can't afford ten dollars on your take home pay.

Want to go for double or nothing? I submit that you are much higher on Riley
Hollingsworth's radar screen than Mark will ever be, if at all.

Don't bet on it.

Heck, Roger. I'll even toss in an extra sawbuck if you can show that Mark
has lost as many ISPs as you have in the last five years alone. Could this
be the reason you maintain so many dialup accounts?

You can't afford it on your take home, loser.

And so far as Mark being banned from Nimbusters? Perhaps he should strive to
have his very own Nimbusters board such as the one you have. What a badge of
shame that must be...I mean...what with a little animated .gif of a little
guy urinating on your photo and all. (

Just like the photo he

If I do a Google search for Mark Morgan all I'll likely find is a list of
comments he has made to Usenet groups over the years. Do the same search for
YOU Roger, and there are literally hundreds, nay, thousands of "hits" that
deal with your filthy comments, your infamous brushes with Riley
Hollingsworth, and even your low-life and illegal attempts to implicate
Lloyd Davies in kiddie porn sales by posting bogus messages over Lloyd's
name and home address.

So you admit you assisted Lloyd in his kiddie porn venture. But then
"Bily Smith" is a registered sex offender!

Oh, and let us not forget to mention the half-dozen news groups that have
been created in your name. Score? Roger: 6. Mark Morgan: 0

How about alt.cocksucker.lardass.lloyd-davies?
Oh, your groups will be forthcoming, faggot.

Yessir, Roger. You sure are an upstanding citizen of Glendale, West Virginia
and an exlemplary Amateur Radio Operator indeed. Life under your rock must
be very cold and very lonely.

What's "exlemplary?" Learn to spell, dumbass! It's "exemplary", you
****ing retard.

You seem to have experience being under a rock. Maybe that's where you
found your ex-streetwaler wife.

What else should be expected out of West Virginia White Trash.-

Speaking of which, why is your yard looking like a public landfill?

What is "streetwaler"? Isn't it streetwalker like your mother was for
many years taking her nasty teeth out? Wild, wonderful West Virginia.
Full of white trash, hillbillies, toothless goobers, and people without
anything worthwhile to do. After all, Scheissman, how are things with
that license and the fact that I will be calling you out over the bands.
The question is whether you will finally come out of the closet and
talk to me.
  #5   Report Post  
Old February 23rd 07, 10:17 PM posted to
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 491
Default Queer Billy Smith Responds

On Feb 23, 11:05 am, Billy Smith wrote:

What is

What is "Floriduh?" Or


Billy "I can't read" Smith ****s up again when he claims in
"By the way, weren't you required to retest per a letter from FCC
enforcement bureau? Shall we post the record for all to see again?
don't make people retest unless you have been accused or proven to
committed rules violations."
Billy can't read the ARRL website which states:
NOTE: Issuance by the FCC of a Warning Notice indicates that the FCC
has what it believes to be reliable evidence of possible rules
infractions and not necessarily that the recipient has violated FCC
rules. The FCC has the authority, pursuant to §97.519(d)(2) of the
rules to readminister any examination element previously administered
by a volunteer examiner.

Billy "Dumbass who can't put together a sentence" Smith shows off
those English skills, quite ironically in
"That's interesting there idiot. I bet you really did flunk high
school math and probably elementary too. Oh thats right, wasn't that
when was in
Floriduh. Spelled Florida but the DUH is for your Dumb Ass."

"wasn't that when was in Floriduh" - Billy makes good **** up!

Billy "shoots" himself in his palsied club foot once again in
Message-ID .net:
"Roger, shots himself in the foot"

Billy the "Rhodes" scholar ****s up again and even demonstrates he is
an imbecile in et:
"Right you are, wannabe Rhode's Scholar!"

Billy the illiterate retard Smith screws up again, and his illiteracy
is exposed. "It serves him right."
"Deserves him right."

Billy "retard" Smith confesses to his generally accepted retarded
status in . net:
"I'm a general retard. bwhahaha"

Billy "spelling champ of the general retards" Smith admits his bad
hygiene but is still in denial about his English skills in
. net
"Sure I can spell and smell."

"Billy" the NOtwordSmith ****s up again with this incompete sentence
"So when you got divorced boy, did your finally figure out that your

Billy "cumgargler" Smith managed to awaken from his drunken stupor to
in :
"Isn't that you mom weighed"

Mr."Education" Billy Smith steps on his own dick again when he talks
about others' "educations" (or educatiion" as he spells it) in
"Uh, huh. Right LOSER. Still smoking that dope again? By the way how
is your
so called educatiion actually doing for you? Those online classes."

Billy Smith shows off his Pulitzer Prize writing skills in
"You're whole life has been exhaled before."

Billy "illiterate retard" Smith spikes the "HUH?" factor in this
slobbering in
"Come on, do it just have you some spiked Kool Aid."

"Didn't" your special-Ed teacher teach you how to spell, Billy?
"...didnt Marie teach you to play nice"

"Rhodes scholar" Billy Lardass Davies Smith blunders and blows his
cover again in . net:
"Rhode's scholar Scheissman blows his cover again."

Billy "dumbass" Smith steps on his own tiny dick when he tries to
criticize others' typos,but he doesn't "perform" well as usual with
his blatant "stupidity" in
. net:
"Noteed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bwhahahahahahah. You're a brilliant one
You even peform stupid acts on your blatant stupidty"

Billy "dropout Lardass" Smith steps on his own dick when he tries to
comment on others' spelling abilities, but he "can't" do any better in
Message-ID: . net:
"Woger cant spell very well anyway."

Billy "dropout pizza BOY" Smith ****s up his sentence again when he
blathered in :
"How about those retest letter you received for jamming."

Billy "illiterate " Smith claims to have been in the Library, but he
can't even spell "I've" correctly, maybe Billy should check out the
English tutoring books there in WpFgg.
"Ive been to quite a few libraries on Sunday and a lot of them are

Billy Smith "the" ill-educated moron ****s up again in
. net:
"Roger is about to finally have th final episode where..."

Billy Smith stumbles on his club foot in his fat mouth when he tries
to claim "hillbillies" are somehow inferior( he squeaks from
"experience"?) in 7CdRg.11366$v
"Is that another fine quality of the Hillbilly state? You know, that
third world one where you live full of miscegenation, inbreeding, and
the like. Speaking from experrience again?"

Billy the spelling bee champ Smith ****s up again while trying to make
fun of others' typos and pegs the irony meter in my5Sg.
"Would that by "that" Woger? How abou that Todd rather
than "Taod"?"

Looks like Cincinnati (they certainly don't have any decent sports
teams) hasn't got a decent school system, But then Ohio sucks
anyways. It's like the New Jersey of the Midwest.
At least Roger has a real ham license, while you have a no code tech
and have been getting on HF illegally.
You'll be calling out for gay sex on the ham bands? Hasn't Riley DFed
your qrming enough, Billy?

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