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Amateur Radio Newsline™ Report 1401 Â* June 18, 2004
Now, Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1401 with a release date of Friday, June 18 2004 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1. The following is a Q-S-T. A new ham-sat is made ready for launch and the B-P-L struggle continues. Find out the details on Amateur Radio Newsline report number 1401 coming your way right now. (Billboard Cart Here) ** HAM RADIO IN SPACE: ECHO PREPARED FOR LAUNCH The soon to be launched ECHO ham radio satellite has arrived safely at the launch complex in Russia and is being made ready for launch. This, according to Chuck Green, N0ADI, who is traveling with the bird to the launch facility. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, is here with mo -- According to Green, once he and the team arrived at the launch site, the satellite shipping containers were opened and placed in the clean room. ECHO was taken out of it's shipping case and set up for completion. The bottom antennas were then installed.. So was the bottom solar panel, magnets, and corner reflectors. ECHO was then powered on and the team successfully communicated with it over a hard wire connection from a computer. The four two meter receivers and the two 70 cm transmitters were all successfully tested. And that's good news for everyone waiting for the new hamsat to take its ride into space. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, in Los Angeles. -- Currently the planned launch period for ECHO is four weeks beginning June 28th. Once in orbit the command teams will be working together to assure everything is working OK and get ECHO into its initial 'normal' modes as quickly as possible. After that it will be open to the users in the ham radio community. (AMSAT) ** THE BPL FIGHT: AN UPDATE ON WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE USA The fight to keep Broadband Over Powerlines from going nationwide continues. Amateur Radio Newsline's Mark Abramowicz, NT3V, is here with the latest: -- With summer now here, expect the Broadband over Power Line Internet access issue to heat up - especially as more people get a chance to look over the latest filing from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The federal agency, which advises the White House on telecommunications policies and oversees radio spectrum used by government agencies, weighed in with more BPL comments in a June 4 filing with the Federal Communications Commission. And the American Radio Relay League and others who've analyzed the comments say it's clear the political considerations are overshadowing the engineering data which raises many questions about the viability of BPL. In its filing with the FCC, the N-T-I-A's policy makers now call BPL a win-win situation for all and make what some call an outlandish claim - that deployment of the technology could actually lead to reduction, that's right, reduction of power line noise. Now, the engineering types who've been studying the BPL and doing all kinds of test measurements are really scratching their heads trying to make sense out of that. The N-T-I-A filing also contains this comforting assertion for BPL opponents. It says that the current power line system is responsible for even greater local interference risks than what BPL would bring. And, it says, B-P-L operators would implement procedures to eliminate any harmful interference. The stack of complaints about BPL test sites and assertions by a lawyer representing one of the large utilities testing the technology might lead some to question that reassurance. A source tells Amateur Radio Newsline the FCC has failed to "properly direct" BPL complaints to the appropriate FCC regulatory office for action. And, the source says, commissioners questioned about that haven't offered any explanation. And a lawyer who has commented in writing to the FCC about some of the BPL complaints his utility company received claimed there was no basis for them, essentially saying the amateur radio operators making them don't know what they're talking about. One thing the NTIA did suggest in its filing is the exclusion of certain bands and frequencies in specific geographical areas to protect critical government systems. Does that suggest an agency confident BPL won't be an interference source? The American Radio Relay League and others who've been vocal in this fight suggest otherwise. They say BPL is far from a done deal and they're hopeful that the FCC's extension of reply comments to June 22 will net some helpful information. And, they say, they're not giving up or going away quietly. In the meantime, there is a sense BPL is on a fast-track at the FCC where the majority of the commissioners view it as an engine to help stimulate the economy. Could the FCC act on the BPL issue before the November election? Anything is possible. And some close to the BPL debate say if the Bush administration believes it will generate a much-need bump in the public opinions polls or at the ballot box...well, you get the idea. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mark Abramowicz, NT3V, in Philadelphia. -- Mark will continue to monitor the B-P-L situation and report back in future Amateur Radio Newsline reports. (ARRL, CQ, Repeater Journal, Published news reports, others) ** THE BPL FIGHT: AUSTRALIA REACTS TO THE BPL CHALLENGE The United States is not the only place planning to introduce this controversial Internet access technology. Proposals for Power Line Communications or Broadband over Power Lines in Australia have become a concern many spectrum users down-under. This includes the Wireless Institute of Australia which is that nations Amateur Radio national society. From Brisbane, Q-News Graham Kemp, VK4BB, reports: -- WIA President, Michael Owen, VK3KI has said that the WIA's position in relation to B-P-L is that it supports increasing broadband access and broadband competitiveness in Australia, but in a way that does not cause interference to legitimate users of the High Frequency spectrum. The WIA supports the development by the ACA of policies for BPL that protect existing users. The WIA believes that one of the problems associated with B-P-L is that trials on a limited basis are not good indicators, and that the full effects of a problematic technology will not be seen with such trials. The WIA considers that B-P-L will not really serve the community's long run needs because of its limited bandwidth. A deep fibber network is to be preferred to using long runs of power lines. The WIA has appointed a team to deal with this issue. WIA President has appointed Phil Wait, VK2DKN the director responsible for developing and advocating the WIA's position in relation to BPL. He has asked Owen Duffy, VK1OD Barry White, VK2AAB and David Wardlaw, VK3ADW to assist Phil, as the WIA's BPL Team. -- A report on a recent small trial of B-P-L in the city of Hobart to some 4 houses and 2 floors of one building is on the WIA website. (Q- News) ** Break 1 From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world including the VE9BSQ repeater serving St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. (5 sec pause here) ** RADIO RULES: COMMISSION ADOPTS SPECTRUM SHARING PLAN FOR L AND S BAND The Federal Communications Commission adopted a spectrum sharing plan for low earth orbit satellite systems in the 1.6 GHz and 2.4 GHz bands. The so-called Big Leo birds. And here's how it will work In the 1.6 GHz or "L-band," mobile-satellite service operators with satellite systems that utilize code division multiple access and time division multiple access technologies will share 3.1 megahertz of spectrum at 1618.25 to 1621.35 MHz. At "S-band," the Commission allocated the 2495 to 2500 MHz band to fixed and mobile except aeronautical mobile services, in order to provide additional spectrum and to accommodate the relocation of Multipoint Distribution Service channels 1 and 2. The commission says that its new spectrum sharing plan will further the agency's goal of efficient frequency utilization by increasing the number of providers offering services to consumers over the same spectrum. It will promote the deployment of more innovative services to consumers. (FCC) ** ENFORCEMENT: COUNTY HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG The FCC says that a complaint that a county is using ham radio for its routine business is without merit. The agency's Daryl Duckworth, NN0W, is here with mo -- Duckworth: "A complaint concerning Bell County Communications Center and club license W5BEC was dismissed. There is no showing that this station is operated by anyone other than amateurs, nor is there a showing that it is there a showing that it is used or intended to be used for routine county business." -- W5BEC is the club station license issued to the Bell County Emergency Operations Center in Belton, Texas. Its also the call sign of a wide area two meter repeater that covers much of central Texas. (FCC, RAIN) ** ENFORCEMENT: STAY OFF 10 METERS Meantime, the FCC's crackdown on 10 meter unlicensed intruders continues. This time the agency acts in a New Jersey case. Again, the FCC's Daryl Duckworth, NN0W: -- Duckworth: Auto Elite Transportation of Morristown, New Jersey, has been sent a warning notice about a vehicle of theirs; truck number 2113, as being the source of unlicensed radio transmissions on 28.085 Mhz." -- Auto Elite was warned that continued unlicensed operation of radio transmitting equipment without is a violation of Section 301 of the Communications Act. That it could subject the operator to fine or imprisonment, as well as seizure of any non-certified radio transmitting equipment. Monetary forfeitures for this kind of violation normally ranges from $7,500 to $10,000. (FCC, RAIN) ** ENFORCEMENT: SAN DIEGO'S 96.9 MHZ PIRATE REACTIVATES According to a news bulletin from Chris Carmichael appearing in the CGC Communicator, San Diego's 96.9 MHz pirate is back on the air. Chris says that there is no news on the location of the transmitter, but he believes that will only take the Commission a short time to figure out. (CGC) ** ENFORCEMENT: SPAMMER GOES TO JAIL A New York state man who sent out millions of "spam" e-mails has been sentenced to three and a half to seven years in prison. This according to a May 27th news release from that states Attorney General's office which said that Howard Carmack, known as the "Buffalo Spammer," received the maximum sentence for 14 counts of identity theft and forgery. A spokesman for New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer said that Carmack sent out hundreds of millions of bulk e-mail messages. That he flooded inboxes and saddled Internet providers with millions of dollars in costs. But it was his use of stolen identities and forged addresses that caused action by state prosecutors. New York has no state laws specifically dealing with spam. Carmack was found guilty of violating state forgery and identity-theft laws in April. Internet provider EarthLink Inc. won a $16.5 million judgment against Carmack last year, and EarthLink officials testified in the criminal trial as well. (Published news reports) ** EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: EARTHLINK VS. PHISHERS Meantime, EarthLink claims that it has developed a program to fight phony websites like this,. The sites, called phishers are those designed to deceive e-mail users into providing personal information such as passwords and credit card or Social Security numbers. Phisher sites pronounced "fishers" but with a leading "p" are called that because they "fish" for personal information that can be used in identity theft. They work by telling an Internet user via e-mail that there is a problem with the service-provider account and providing directions to a Web site for clarification. The link takes the user to a hoax Web site that may be a perfect copy of a real page used by Earthlink, eBay or another legitimate business. That is where the user is deceived into providing personal information. EarthLink's anti-phisher program will rely on a list of known fraudulent sites. When a subscriber responds to the e-mail message, he will be linked instead to a special Web page that warns the e-mail is a fraud. The site also will provide a chance to report the hoax attempt. EarthLink says that it receives about 40,000 telephone calls or e- mails each month from subscribers who have received one of the fraudulent e-mails. (Earthlink) ** HAM RADIO BUSINESS: A SEARCHABLE CQ MAGAZINE ARCHIVE Finding an article or an advertisement in a back issue of CQ Magazine is about to become only a mouse click away. This, as CQ Communications and Buckmaster Publishing announce plans to create a searchable on-line archive of CQ magazines back issues. Buckmaster, which produces the Hamcall CD has for decades filmed issues of CQ onto microfiche for use by researchers and hobbyists. Buckmaster also provides advanced scanning and searching technology for on-line posting of documents for major corporations. Now this same technology will be applied to back issues of CQ. As currently envisioned, searches will be free, while access to reading and printing specific pages will require a subscription at a nominal fee. Eventually Buckmaster plans to have every issue of CQ available dating back to the magazine's first issue in January 1945. A beta test version covering CQ from 1990 to 2002 is already on- line. The archive may be accessed at http://hamcall.net/cgi- bin/cqcgi. (CQ) ** WITH ARNEWSLINE: YHOTY NOMINATIONS CLOSE JUNE 30TH And a reminder that the nominating period for the 2004 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year Award closes midnight on Wednesday, June 30th. If you are planning to nominate a youngster for this years award or, if you want to update a previous years nomination -- and have not yet done so -- you have only about two weeks left to do so. The Young Ham of the Year Award program is open to any FCC licensed young radio amateur age 18 or younger residing in the contiguous 48 states. He or she must have made a significant contribution to the community, the nation or ham radio though the United States Amateur Radio Service. More information and a downloadable on-line nominating form is at our website. That's in cyberspace at www.arnewsline.org. Again, the cutoff for nominations this year is midnight on June 30th. The award presentation takes place in August at the Huntsville Hamfest in Alabama. (ARNewsline(tm)) ** BREAK 2 This is ham radio news for today's radio amateur. From the United States of America, We are the Amateur Radio Newsline with links to the world from our only official website at www.arnewsline.org and being relayed by the volunteer services of the following radio amateur: (5 sec pause here) ** EMERGING TECHNOLOGY: INSTANT MESSAGING EXPANDING WORLDWIDE Wonder where some of your ham radio buddies are these days? Maybe they are now using Instant messaging instead of 2 meter FM. Norm Seeley, KI7UP, has mo -- According to Tech Web News, Instant Message use is growing steadily among corporate workers who use free services from companies like America Online, Microsoft, and Yahoo to send quick text messages to coworkers, family, and friends. And by 2008 closer to 80 percent of corporations worldwide are expected to use either public or private Instant Messaging networks. A recent study by The Radicati Group says that by 2008 the number of Instant Message users worldwide is expected to reach 670 million. Business wise, this equates to revenues in the $413 million range. Even so, the percentage of people using public networks and private networks is expected to remain the same. That's at 88 percent public and 12 percent private, respectively. The reason: Its hard to get people to pay for what someone else is giving away for free. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, Norm Seeley, KI7UP, reporting. -- Ham radio groups are also turning to Instant Messaging. According to Internet postings, it comes in handy when there is a net to be held and propagation goes away. (TechWeb Online) ** HAM INTERNET NEWS: THE VHF REFLECTOR BACK ON LINE And speaking about instant messaging, or almost instant messaging, news that the VHF Reflector is back on line. This, according to Bob Vaughan, KC6SXC, who oversees the systems operation. In a posting, Vaughn explained that the W6YX server that hosts the VHF Reflector suffered a disk failure and was off line for the past month. Vaughn says that the team has now recovered the data from the failed disk and has put the system and the Reflector back on-line. (VHF Reflector) ** ON THE AIR: KY REPEATER NEEDS A NEW HOME The Repeater Journal reports that the Danville, Kentucky, 146 point 655 WD4DZC repeater is looking for a new site. According to trustee George Griebe, WQ4Z, the tower supporting the systems antenna is to be taken down and will not be replaced. Griebe says that the Wilderness Road Amateur Radio club which sponsors the repeater plans to keep it on the air from a temporary location with reduced coverage. Meantime the club is continuing its search for a suitable, high level, wide coverage permanent site. (Repeater Journal) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: OHIO IN JULY Turning to the ham radio social circuit, the 7th annual OH-KY-IN hamfest is slated for the July 24th at the Diamond Oaks Career Development Center in Cincinnati Ohio. The event will feature commercial vendors, a flea market and much more. Information is on line at www.ohkyin.org or by e-mail to . (OH-KY-IN) ** THE SOCIAL SCENE: COLORADO IN JULY And the Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club will hold its 2004 Superfest at the Budweiser Events Center in the Larimer County Fairgrounds on July 17th. Talk-in is on the 145.115 Mhz repeater with a 100 hertz tone access. For information on this one contact Willis Whatley, WA5RVL, at his Callbook address. (E-mail) ** INTERNATIONAL - GREECE: HAM RADIO AT THE SUMMER OLYMPICS Some more good news for foreign radio amateurs visiting Greece for the Summer Olympic Games. From the August 1st through September 15th hams from CEPT signatory nations will be permitted to operate in Greece without the need to submit any papers for a license. They will also be allowed to use the special prefix J42004. Meantime, Greek radio amateurs can use the special prefixes SX2004 or SY2004 through the 15th of November in celebration of the games. (GB2RS) ** DX In D-X, word that MM0AFJ will be on the air from the Island of Harris. This, from the 27th of June until the 2nd of July, mainly in the mornings on 80 to 10 meters CW and SSB. There may be some activity on 160 meters in the evenings. Requests for skeds should be sent via e-mail to . QSL direct to MM0AFJ at his Callbook address. (RSGB) Also, IK4RUX reports he will operate portable IF9 on HF SSB from Favignana between the 19th and the 26th of June. Side trips to other islands in the Egadis group as well as some lighthouse operations are also possible. QSL to the operators home call or via the bureau. (RSGB) ** THAT FINAL ITEM: HAM RADIO HONORS THE MEMORY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN And finally this week, ham radio finds a way to honor the memory former President Ronald Reagan. Here's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW with the rest of the story: -- Two suburban Los Angeles area radio clubs are joing forces to honor the memory former President Ronald Wilson Reagan. This, by operating Field Day in his honor from the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California. According to Peter Heins, N6ZE, the two groups joing forces to honor the late United States president are the Ventura County Amateur Radio Society and the Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club. The Ventura County group has operated Field Day before from the Reagan Library. This year, the Conejo Valley club will be joining with them for the first time. Heins says that 2004 is the fourth year a special event will have been held at the Reagan Library using the special N-6-R call sign. The previous three were dedicated to all members of the former first family. This years Field Day operation will be specific in its remembrance of President Reagan who died of Alzheimer's disease on June 5th at age 93. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in Los Angeles. -- Field Day 2004 is the weekend of June 26th and 27th. Visitors to the Reagan Library will be able to listen in on amateur radio communication, talk to amateur radio stations located in other countries, and find out more about obtaining an FCC Amateur Radio License of their very own. Also, the complete Field Day rules are on-line at the ARRL website. Its in cyberspace at www.arrl.org (N6ZE) ** NEWSCAST CLOSE With thanks to Alan Labs, AMSAT, the ARRL, the CGC Communicator, CQ Magazine, the FCC, the Ohio Penn DX Bulletin, Radio Netherlands, Rain, the RSGB and Australia's Q-News, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline(tm). Our e-mail address is . More information is available at Amateur Radio Newsline's(tm) only official website located at www.arnewsline.org. You can also write to us or support us at Amateur Radio Newsline(tm), P.O. Box 660937, Arcadia, California 91066. Again, the cutoff for submitting nominations for this years Young Ham of the Year Award is midnight on June 30th. The award presentation takes place in August at the Huntsville. Full details are on our website at www.arnewsline.org Also, don't forget Field Day the weekend of June 26th and 27th. We'll see you on the air. For now, with Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the editors desk, I'm Don Wilbanks, AE5DW, saying 73 and we thank you for listening." Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. Yahoo! Groups Links * To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/arnewsline/ * To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: * Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ |
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