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Old July 3rd 05, 10:18 PM
Tedd Mirgliotta
Posts: n/a
Default Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #716

Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 716

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 716
BID: $OPDX.716
July 4, 2005
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet
Clusters Network, K1XN & GoList, WS1L, W2SN, NG3K, W3UR & The Daily DX,
CX6VM, DL1EK & The DX News Letter, F5CWU & La Gazette du DX, F5NQL & UFT,
I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, IZ8CCW, JH8KYU, JI6KVR & JA-IOTA Islands News,
XQ1IDM for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 26th/June, through Sunday, 3rd/July there were 205 countries
active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S,
4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5V, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q, 7X, 8P, 8R, 9A,
9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9Y, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP,
BV, BY, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, CY9, D4, DL,
DU, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG,
FK, FM, FO, FR, FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HI,
HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J5, J6, J8, JA, JT, JW, JY, K,
KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OD, OE, OH, OH0,
OK, OM, ON, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PY, PZ, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST,
SU, SV, SV5, SV9, T32, T5, T7, T8, T9, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TT, TU,
TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9N, VP8/h,
VP9, VR, VU, XE, XU, YA, YB, YI, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3,
ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7, ZD8, ZK1/s, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
First Worry Later" (WFWL).

3DA0, SWAZILAND. Frosty, K5LBU, states, "All systems are go for the
DXpedition to Swaziland. We should be on the air starting the night of
July 8th." Daniel/ZS6JR (3DA0JR) and Frosty/K5LBU (3DA0CF) will start
putting up antennas on the 6th of July. They will have a very tall vertical
for 160-80 meters, along with three 800 foot beverages. They will have
an A4 beam with 40 meters on it along with the 2 element 12-17 meters
beam at about 60 feet. Also, they will have a 6 meters 7 element beam
along with a 2 meters 18 element beam at about the same height. Wayne/
W5KDJ (3DA0KDJ) will arive on the 8th of July, and he will be their main
CW operator. They will be on the air for the IARU Contest and hope that
they can get 3DA5HQ for the contest callsign. Their activity will last
until July 18th. QSL via their home callsigns: 3DA0JR (via Daniel/ZS6JR),
3DA0KDJ (via Wayne/W5KDJ) and for 3DA0CF & 3DA5HQ (via Frosty/K5LBU).
They hope that Andy, 3DA0TM, will join them to do some operating.

A6, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. Ghis, A6/ON5NT, provides OPDX with updated
news from A6-land. David Hardy, G4BXH, has just received his guest license
in the UAE. He's A6/G4BXH. David has been in the UAE for many years and
originally comesfrom the Falkand Islands and should be known to oldtimers
under his VP8HJ call sign. This past week there were QSNs reported on
17/20 meters CW between 1000-1030z.

C9, MOZAMBIQUE (New IOTA and Also 3DA0). Alexey, UT5UY (ex-UR4LUG, UX0LV,
EM5UIA) informs OPDX that he is the leader of a team of seven Ukrainian
radio amateurs planning to be active from Chiloane Island (New IOTA) in
the Sofala Province in the Indian Ocean July 28th through August 1st.
Activity will include the IOTA Contest. This DXpedition is expected to be
well equipped, and they will be on the air with 2-3 stations operating
simultaneously. Stations will be on 160-10 meters with Yagi antennas and
amplifiers. Alexey states, "All members of our expedition are very good
operators. We plan to use C93DX callsign." Operators mentioned a
Alexey/UT5UY, Roman/UR0MC, Dim/UT5UGR, Dim/UT7UJ, Bob/UT7UT, Andy/UU4JMG,
Alex/UX0LL and Andy/OK8ANM (UR4LRQ). Also, during the period between
July 23rd and August 10th, they plan activity from Maputo, Mozambique,
using their personal callsigns (C91UY, C91LL, etc.), and from Mbabane,
Swaziland, using their personal callsigns (3DA0UY, 3DA0LL, etc.). QSL
C93DX via UT5UGR. QSL all individual C9 and 3DA0 callsign via the operator's
home callsign, direct or by the Bureau. This is expected to be a highly
costly DXpedition, and the group is look for sponsors/financial help. If
you or club can help, please contact Alexey by:
E-mail at:
Mobile Phone: +38 067 5043408
For more information, please visit the DXpedition's Web page at:

CX, URUGUAY. In the next IARU Contest, look for members of the "Radio
Club Uruguayo" (RCU) to use their official callsign CX1AA. A very large
group of CX operators will activated this callsign on all bands 160-10
meters on both modes CW and SSB. QSLs for this operation only are via
the QSL Manager KA5TUF.

FO, FRENCH POLYNESIA. Fred, F5INL, will be on a 2 year assignment in
Papeete starting August 8th. His new callsign is FO5INL. Fred states
it (seems) that this will be the first time a three letters suffix will
be issued in FO5 area. He will use a TS50, AT50, morse paddles and some
undetermined antennas. ADDED NOTES: During his stay he is scheduled to
make a visit to Easter Island (SA-001) and possibly another location in
New Zealand. More information is forhcoming.

HQ9, HONDURAS. Ray, WQ7R, will be operating from Roatan Island (NA-057)
from October 22nd to November 4th, possibly as WQ7R/HR9. His activity will
be limited due to other commitments while on the island, but look for him
on the HF bands on the modes RTTY, PSK and CW. There will also be activity
on 6 meters CW/SSB. He will also be a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry
as HQ9R in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest (October 29-30th). QSL both operations
via N6FF.

IOTA NEWS................
AS-076. Operators JN4MBO, JA5BEX and JF0BPT will be active as homecall/5
from Matsu Island (Kagawa Pref), July 7th. They will also
activate other islands in the AS-076. Their purposed schedule
is as follows: July 7-8th Awa Island
July 8-9th Takami Island
July 9-10th Oshima Island
QSL via their home callsigns, direct or by the bureau.

AS-117. Operators JA0HNA, JE0OMG and JH0OLD will be active as homecall/0
from Awa Island (JIIA AS-117-062 and Niigata Prefecture), July
8-11th. QSL via their home callsigns, direct or by the bureau.

AS-117. Operators JM4MDV and JE4EXD plan to be active as homecall/4
from Heigun Island (Yamaguchi Pref) from July 17-18th. After
the operation a JIIA number will be issued (JIIA AS-117-???).
QSL via their home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

AS-117. Operator JF0BPT will be active as JF0BPT/7 from O-shima
Island (JIIA AS-117-005), Aichi Prefecture, Honsyu Coastal
Island from August 15-16th, and Eno Island (JIIA AS-117-053),
Miyagi Prefecture, Honsyu Coastal Island, August 16-17th.
QSL via the home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

AS-147. Look for operator JN6CJR/8 to be active from Rishiri Island
(JIIA AS-147-007, Hokkaido's Coastal Islands), July 6-7th.
QSL via the home callsign, direct or by the bureau.

EU-009. Members of the Orkney Amateur Radio Club will be active as
MM0MWW/P from the Isle of Egilsay (IOSA OR-12 and SCOTIA
OI-22), July 8-10th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters CW and
SSB with two complete stations with amps. QSL via GM0IFM,
direct or by the bureau. Visit the Orkney Amateur Radio Club
Web page at:

EU-010. Dennis, M0LSB, will be active as MM0LSB/p from Harris (SCOTIA
HI-21, IOSA OH-001) and Scalpay (SCOTIA HI-19, IOSA OH-025),
in the Outer Hebrides group, between July 4-8th. Activity will
be on, or near, the usual IOTA frequencies. QSL via M0LSB.

EU-029. Rene, DL2JRM, will be active as OZ/DL2JRM/P from Lolland
Island (DIA SJ-015 for the Danish Islands Award), July 29th
to August 1st. Look for Rene to be active during the RSGB
IOTA Contest on 80-10 meters QRP CW/SSB, with a FT-817,
Windom and GP antennas, all solar powered. QSL via his home
callsign, direct or by the bureau.

EU-040 (Cancelled)
EU-145. Carlos, CT1END, informs OPDX that authorization for the
activity to Bugio Island (EU-040) for the RSGB IOTA Contest
has been "denied due to the absence of security and conditions
in the arrival and permanence in the Island." Instead, the
members of the Portuguese DX Group (GPDX) will activate
Culatra Island (EU-145) for the contest. Look for activity
before and after the contest on 80-6 meters on CW/SSB. QSL
via CS1GDX, by the Bureau or direct to: P.O.Box 1156,
2736-996 Agualva, Portugal.

EU-096. Operators Pertti/OH6HJE, Jarno/OH6NJ and Markku/OH6UV are now
active as OH6AW/1 from Kustavi Island through July 5th. Their
operation will be mainly on the HF bands CW/SSB, but take a
look also on the VHF band.

EU-129. Look for DL0MFK/LH to be active from Usedom Island (DID/GIA
O-13) and the Karnin Lighthouse (WLH DL-014 and ARLHS FED-274),
August 20-21st. QSL via the bureau.

EU-158. Nick, SV3SJ, will be active as SY8M from Proti Island (MIA
MG-092) during the IOTA Contest. Also, during August 1st, he
will be signing SV3SJ/p with particular attention for USA and
JA stations. QSL both SY8M and SV3SJ/p via IZ8CCW, direct or
by the bureau.

NA-058. Jeff, KU8E, will be active as KU8E/p from St. Simons Island
(USI GA-003S, Glynn County) in St. Simons Sound, Georgia, July
5-8th. Operations will be limited since this is a family
vacation, so look for Jeff to operate mostly on 20 meters CW
during his free time. QSL via his home callsign.

SA-069. Members of the "Atacama Desert DX Group" will be active as
3G1M from Santa Maria Island for 3 days next August 13-15th.
Activity will be on 40-10 meters, including the WARC band
and 6 meters, on modes CW, SSB, RTTY and BPSK1. QSL via XQ1IDM.

KH0, MARIANA ISLANDS. Look for operators Nao/JK1FNL (NA8O/KH0), Jim/7K4QOK
(KG8RP/KH0) and Takky/JE1KUC (N1KU/KH0) to be active from Saipan, Nothern
Mariana Islands (OC-086), July 8-11th. Activity will be on 40-6 meters CW,
SSB and RTTY. QSL via their JA home callsigns, direct or through the JARL

KH2, GUAM. Hide, JH8KYU, has a plan to spend several days on Guam Island.
The main purpose of his trip is a general vacation like swimming, shopping
and driving with his wife. But he will be active as K8YU/KH2 in the IARU
Championship Contest (July 9-10th). The category will be the Single
Operator/All-Band both SSB and CW. QSL via KH8KYU, direct to his mailing
address in Tokyo or through the JARL Bureau. Don't send any cards to the
K8YU's callbook address or the W8 and KH2 Bureaus.

KH9, WAKE ISLAND. "The Daily DX" is reporting that there may be some
activity by Mel, W3MR, as W3MR/KH9 during his current work assignment on
the island. The length of his stay is not known. However, if Mel finds
time to operate (work comes first), look for him on 20 meters using only
100 watts and a dipole. QSL via his home callsign.

Members of the Noyelles sous Lens ARS (F8KHD) will be active as TM1MAN
from Ault Lighthouse between July 16-23rd. Lighthouse References a
French Onshore Lighthouse (DPLF) PB-056 and ARLHS FRA 175. QSL via

Look for DA0LH to be active from Robbenplate Lighthouse (FED-198) in
Germany, July 21-24th. QSL via the bureau.

LY90, LITHUANIA. Lenio Marobin, PY3DF (ILERA-General Secretary), and a
team of European members of the International League of Esperantists
Radioamateurs (ILERA) will activate the special events station, LY90E, from
the 90th Esperanto World Conference in Vilnius/Lithuania from July 23-30th.
Suggested frequencies a 7066, 14266, 21266 and 28766 kHz. QSL via
LY2FN, direct ( or by the bureau.

NADXC DX DINNER BANQUET. The annual "North Alabama DX Club" (NADXC) DX
Banquet held during the Huntsville Hamfest is rapidly approaching! This
year's speaker is Wes Lamboley, W3WL, and Wes will be talking about his
recent participation to Kerguelen Island as one of the operators of FT5XO.
This year's banquet will be in Ballet Room of the Von Braun Center in
Huntsville. This is the same venue as the last few years. Social time
starts at 6:30 pm and dinner at 7:00 pm, Saturday, August 20th. Tickets
to the 2005 NADXC DX Banquet are $29.00 each. Tickets may be ordered
by sending your check or money order payable to NADXC, care of Vic Holland
K4RVH, 219 Cedar Pond Dr, Madison, AL 35757 or by purchasing your tickets
at upcoming NADXC meetings in July or August. SPECIAL NOTE: OPDX Internet
Subscribers will receive a handy form to print for ordering tickets as
an additional bulletin.

PP5, BRAZIL. It was announced that the first setup in Florianopolis for
the WRTC 2006 is ready for operation. A Brazilian Team will operate from
there in the 2005 IARU Contest as a Multi/Single CW and SSB MIX with the
special callsign PP5WRTC. The callsign PP5WRTC has been specially issued
by Anatel for this contest. The Brazilian Team includes: PP5JR/Sergio,
PY2EMC/Eric, PP5WG/Walter, PP5UA/Pedro and PP5UB/Fernando. They are going
to distribute a special commemorative QSL cards with photos from their
first site setup. Voluntary donations with your QSL card will be very
much appreciated. All funds captured will be transferred to WRTC 2006

PZ5, SURINAME. Bob/N3CXM and Carroll/KG4EHW will be active as PZ5JR and
PZ5CM, respectively, until July 17th. However, their activity will be
limited to their spare time. They have been there since June 30th, but
no QSNs have been reported yet. QSL both callsigns via K3BYV.

QSL INFO AND NEWS....................
QSL 8N5SAIT/5 via the Bureau. This was a special events station
(Shikoku Information Telecommunication Month). Activity was from the
July 2-3rd: Tsu Island (Kagawa Prefecture, IOTA AS-076 and
JIIA AS-076-004)
July 3-4th: O-shima Island (AS-076 and JIIA AS-076-003)
JIIA Award

QSL JA6QDU/6 via the home callsign, direct or by the bureau. Activity
was from Hime Island (IOTA AS-012, JA6 Kyushu Coastal Island and
JIIA AS-012-001).

UA4WHX QSLS. We have been informed that the QSLs for the 2003 FO/AC4LN
activity and his other 2003 Pacific operations (A35VB, YJ0VB, 5W0VB,
T20VB...etc) are coming out. So those who are still waiting should be
hopeful and patient. Pictures of the QSL cards are available on Bob's,
W3YY, Web page under the DX section at:

Operators IP1/IK4RUX-Vanni, IP1/IK4JPR-Sergio, IP1/IK4GLV-Frank and
Albert SWL were active on from Tinetto Island (IOTA EU-083 and IIA
SP-003) this past week. QSL via their home callsigns, direct or by
the Bureau.

SN0, POLAND. Look for the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) Team to once
again participate in the IARU HF World Championship in the HQ category.
Station SN0HQ will work from many locations. About 60 operators will
take part in this event. They hope to meet everyone on the bands during
the second weekend of July. For information about their special SN0HQ
awards and the SN0HQ Team of operators, please visit the following
Web page at:
QSLs for SN0HQ go via SP2PI (bureau or direct).

SN125, POLAND (Special Event). Look for special event station, SN125LO,
to be active now through July 20th. Activity is to celebrate the 125th
anniversary of the University of Sanok. Operations will be on the following
modes: CW/PSK/RTTY/SSB. QSL via SP8PAB, bureau ok.

SPECIAL EVENT (Also IOTA Op). Members of the Metropolitan 222 Amateur
Radio Society (K2MET) will sponsor a September 11th Memorial Station on
Governors Island, NY (NA-026), September 10th. Operations will take place
between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM EDT (1500-2000z) on 21340 kHz, 14250 kHz and
7250 kHz (+/- QRM). QSL via W2SN.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for the special event station, R3K, to be on the air
July 15-21st, from the space rocket corporation "Energy". Activity is to
celebrate the 30th anniversary of Apollo-Soyuz space program. QSL via
RN3DK to receive a special memorable QSL card.

SPECIAL EVENT. Look for special event station, TM5TDF, to be on 40 and
20 meters CW/SSB (and 2 meters/70 cm, SSB/FM/Repeaters), starting 1000z
on July 8th through 2400z on July 10th. Activity will take place as the
"Tour de France" (cycling race) goes through the Great Ballon pass (Vosges
area, 1350 meters ADSL). QSL via F6HAV.

SPECIAL EVENT. Hams of the North Cotentin will activate special event
station, TM1TSR, on all bands and modes from July 9-22nd. Activity is
to celebrate the "Tall Ship Races" in Cherbourg-Octeville harbor. They
expect more than a hundred of great sailboats, 3000 sailormen and half
a million visitors during this most important boat meeting of 2005.
The tall ship races have been going on since 1956, and the main goal
is to educate the young to the sea practice. They believe at least half
of the expected sailors must be between the age 15 and 25. QSL via F6KFW.

TG4, GUATEMALA. Operators Mario/TG9ADQ, Francisco/TG9ANF, Edgar/TG9AXF
and Sergio/TG9SM will operate using the special callsign TG4P from
August 6-7th (from 1800z to 1800z) near Pacaya Volcano which is erupting
constantly. It is located 17.1 miles to the south of Guatemala City, and
it is 8,373 feet high. They will be operating on SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and
CW on the bands 40, 20, 15, 10 and 6 meters, 24 hours simultaneously on
all modes. QSL Manager is TG9ANF. NO BUREAU QSLS.

TK, CORSICA. Bon, DK1EAW, will be active as TK/DK1EAW between July 26th
and August 2nd. His activity will be CW only and include participation
in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 30-31st) as a Single Op/Unassisted/CW/
Low-Power/24hr entry. Outside the contest, look for him on the WARC bands.
QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the bureau. NO E-QSLs!

OH7W, OH8W and OH9W). The IARU Radiosport event slated for July 9-10th,
2005, is a qualifying run for serious OH contesters to gain an official
Finnish slot in the Amateur Radio Olympics (WRTC-2006) to be held in Brazil
next year. The 100-watt stations listed above, all with similar antennas,
will be competing against each other and looking for your QSOs! All bands,
CW and SSB, are going to be used.
If you can log all seven (7) stations, you will qualify for a professional
WRTC-2002 video presenting a similar WRTC event organized in Finland three
years ago. James Brooks, 9V1YC, has donated these videos to those with all
seven callsigns logged.
Six competitors - OH0XX, OH1NOA, OH1JT, OH2UA, OH4JFN and OH6RX - will
be joined by a seventh dark horse racer with full power. W-suffix callsigns
will be issued randomly just prior to the event.

USI NEWS (United States Island Award).........
CO-NEW. Roger, K0YY, plans to be active from Bridge Island (New for
the U.S. Islands Award), located in the rare grid DM60, Routt
County, Colorado, July 8-18th. Activity will be on 80-2 meters
CW, SSB and Digital modes. QSL via home call (

ME-NEW. Ken, AK1Q, plans to be active as AK1Q/p from Louds Island
(IOTA NA-137, new for the U.S. Islands Award, WW Loc. FN53GW,
Lincoln County), Muscongus Bay, Maine, between July 30th and
August 1st. The RSGB IOTA Contest is the main purpose of this
expedition. Activity will be on 40, 20 and 15 meters, mainly
SSB but some CW at 15 wpm or slower. QSL via his home callsign

NC-001S. Jon, WB8YJFI, will be once again active as WB8YJF/4 from
Ocracoke Island (NA-067), NC, July 24-31st. He will also be
active in the IOTA Contest. Activity will be on 80-10 meters
CW, RTTY, and some SSB. QSL via his home callsign - direct
for a FAST QSL.

V3, BELIZE. Colin, KU5B, will be active as V31UB now through July 10th.
Activity will be on 80-10 meters CW/SSB and possibly 6 meters. QSL via
his home callsign.

** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number: 1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send
mail to me via "
"...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as
KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, please send
via InterNet Mail to: - OR -
Information can now be faxed to the following "NEW" phone line at:
1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW -
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF-80 BBS)
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