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  #1   Report Post  
Old September 18th 05, 05:15 AM
Bob Sherin, W4ASX
Posts: n/a
Default Right here, the Destruction of Ham Radio

At a time when our ranks are thinning, as is our hair, ham radio needs
a boost. That means role models for the younger generation to emulate.

God help us if they read these nonsensical posts. You posters with
personal agendas, had you considered a global agenda, one that would
promote ham radio?

A little selflessness goes a long way.

Bob Sherin, W4ASX

  #2   Report Post  
Old September 18th 05, 06:00 AM
Kalib Arabak
Posts: n/a

And of course, you are as pure as the wind
driven snow.

"Bob Sherin, W4ASX" wrote in message
At a time when our ranks are thinning, as is our hair, ham radio needs
a boost. That means role models for the younger generation to emulate.

God help us if they read these nonsensical posts. You posters with
personal agendas, had you considered a global agenda, one that would
promote ham radio?

A little selflessness goes a long way.

Bob Sherin, W4ASX

  #3   Report Post  
Old September 18th 05, 06:52 PM
Auntie Axellubricator
Posts: n/a

"Bob Sherin, W4ASX" wrote in message
At a time when our ranks are thinning, as is our hair, ham radio needs
a boost. That means role models for the younger generation to emulate.

God help us if they read these nonsensical posts. You posters with
personal agendas, had you considered a global agenda, one that would
promote ham radio?

A little selflessness goes a long way.

Bob Sherin, W4ASX

I see that nothing has changed much since the mamby-pamby
liberal 'Oh boys, less all kiss each other and make up'
wanabe mediator you tried to be (unsucessfully I add) at the
Orlando Hamfest between Herbie and his crew of morons
and that teary-eyed old bint and her pack of el-cheapo
rich retired heebs of the Maritime Mobile Net on the other side.

Acutally it was quite funny when you rented that
room and not only did nobody show up, but K1MAN
saw (smelled ??) an opportunity and interjected himself
and not only stole your show Bob, but he managed to
esclate the whole 14.300/14.313 war to a new level
of insanity in the process!

Boy oh boy! Weren't they the good ole days?
Alas, most of the protagionists are now dead or
dottering drooling fools residing in nursing homes
who live to watch Regis and Kathy Lee on the
boob tube or have given up on ham radio alltogether.

I will say this for you Bob. You are consistent.
Unlike most hams I know. I'll be in Orlando again
this year and I'll buy you a beer or a coke.
your a good egg and I don't care what they say
about you. You're OK in my book. I want to know
however if ole CQR in DeBary (raincoat charlie) is
still around. He is (was?) one of the most entertaining
gentlemen I've met on ham radio, along with the golfing
canadian transplant from North Fort Meyrs. That guy can
play a round-o-links like Arnold Palmer!

  #4   Report Post  
Old September 19th 05, 03:33 AM
Bob Sherin, W4ASX
Posts: n/a

My friend, I have never attended any Orlando hamfest, so, quite
frankly, while some of the tangential information is cognizable, that
part about happenings at the hamfest is not. I wasn't there.

Bob, W4ASX

  #5   Report Post  
Old September 19th 05, 10:20 PM
Posts: n/a

"Bob Sherin, W4ASX" wrote in message
My friend, I have never attended any Orlando hamfest, so, quite
frankly, while some of the tangential information is cognizable, that
part about happenings at the hamfest is not. I wasn't there.

Bob, W4ASX

Isn't it amazing Bob? People just make up a lie, spread it around a bit,
and eventually it comes back to the accused....AS A FACT.


  #6   Report Post  
Old September 20th 05, 06:34 PM
Bob Sherin, W4ASX
Posts: n/a

Yes Dan, amazing how so much gets imputed to the controversial, much of
which is totally untrue. Then, before you know it, conclusions are
built on the false information.

It gets so bad that a suedo podia is formed (a new false position) that
is attributed, and everyone jumps on the bandwagon. So, with everyone
rushing so quickly to judgement, there is more misinformation here than

Fellow hams, let's change all that.

Bob Sherin, W4ASX

  #7   Report Post  
Old September 20th 05, 06:51 PM
Nomen Neseco
Posts: n/a

"Bob Sherin, W4ASX" wrote in message
Yes Dan, amazing how so much gets imputed to the controversial, much of
which is totally untrue. Then, before you know it, conclusions are
built on the false information.

It gets so bad that a suedo podia is formed (a new false position) that
is attributed, and everyone jumps on the bandwagon. So, with everyone
rushing so quickly to judgement, there is more misinformation here than

Fellow hams, let's change all that.

Bob Sherin, W4ASX

You had your chance to make a difference. You turned down
the opportunity of being Roger's mentor, when it was offered to

BTW, what is a "suedo podia"?

  #8   Report Post  
Old September 20th 05, 08:58 PM
Posts: n/a

In article
"Noballs whiny **** Davies" whined:

You had

Poor whiny **** Lardass Lloyd Austin Davies, (N0VP)Nadless Zero Vaginal
Faced Pussy, he has to get others to fight his battles for him. What a

BTW, what is a "suedo podia"?

What's the matter, Lardass, did Bob use words your tiny little pea
brain couldn't know because they weren't from "Dr. Who" or "Star Trek,"
you mentally ill genetic reject and fired pizza BOY?

  #9   Report Post  
Old September 21st 05, 06:05 AM
Posts: n/a

"Nomen Neseco" wrote in message

"Bob Sherin, W4ASX" wrote in message
Yes Dan, amazing how so much gets imputed to the controversial, much of
which is totally untrue. Then, before you know it, conclusions are
built on the false information.

It gets so bad that a suedo podia is formed (a new false position) that
is attributed, and everyone jumps on the bandwagon. So, with everyone
rushing so quickly to judgement, there is more misinformation here than

Fellow hams, let's change all that.

Bob Sherin, W4ASX

You had your chance to make a difference. You turned down
the opportunity of being Roger's mentor, when it was offered to

BTW, what is a "suedo podia"?
Someone with a false foot fetish?

  #10   Report Post  
Old September 21st 05, 12:11 PM
Posts: n/a

"Thrasher Remailer" wrote in message
In article
"Noballs whiny **** Davies" whined:

You had

Poor whiny **** Lardass Lloyd Austin Davies, (N0VP)Nadless Zero Vaginal
Pussy, he has to get others to fight his battles for him. What a pussy!

BTW, what is a "suedo podia"?

What's the matter, Lardass, did Bob use words your tiny little pea brain
couldn't know because they weren't from "Dr. Who" or "Star Trek," you
ill genetic reject and fired pizza BOY?

Of course Wogie makes his point....
about being "pea brained", that is...

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