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  #11   Report Post  
Old January 31st 06, 05:20 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default more **** more lies from steve

On 31 Jan 2006 06:17:20 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

nobodys old friend wrote:

more forgery more ****
K4YZ wrote:

Nor am I stupid enough to put my name or
call in front of convicted felony stalkers such as W4AMP.

To the best of my knowledge, he's not a resident of this group.
Moreover, despite the childish whinings of KB9RQZ, there's not a person
here who's been in 1 seconds worth of danger due to "stalkers".

more attcks amore ****

More profanity from a mentally challenged, funtionally illiterate

I am better off that you

which isn't sayoing much

And a "####ing contest" certainly WAS your objective when you
found it necessary to "answer" an inquiry with answers that were, in
their very nature, confrontational and NOT within the parameters of the
initial inquiry.

aginai with micron thin skin


again yes your micron thin skin is a legend
I'm outta here.

Don't let the know...

yea exactly what you want to run ANYBODY that does bow to your will off

It's not my "will", Markie.

yes it is

"Larry", despite his self-proclaimed expertise, knowledge, and
experience doesn't seem to understand what the term "crossband" means
as it pertains to Amateur Radio application.

no he simply uses the terms slightly differently than you want him to
and you can stand no varriation from anybody

He came in purporting to "know a better way", yet obviously didn't
know what he was talking about.

no you a lying again
He offered to leave and I suggested he
duck that swinging door.

more of you attack attack **** that you have been pulling for years

Steve, K4YZ

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  #12   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 06, 01:31 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default More Markie Mularkie

On 31 Jan 2006 06:17:20 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
nobodys old friend wrote:

more forgery more ####

What forgery? And the #### is yours, FatBoy.

K4YZ wrote:

Nor am I stupid enough to put my name or
call in front of convicted felony stalkers such as W4AMP.

To the best of my knowledge, he's not a resident of this group.
Moreover, despite the childish whinings of KB9RQZ, there's not a person
here who's been in 1 seconds worth of danger due to "stalkers".

more attcks amore ####

More profanity from a mentally challenged, funtionally illiterate

I am better off that you

No you're not. Not when you have to keep depending on profanity
to "make your point".

which isn't sayoing much

What's "sayoing"...?!?!

And a "####ing contest" certainly WAS your objective when you
found it necessary to "answer" an inquiry with answers that were, in
their very nature, confrontational and NOT within the parameters of the
initial inquiry.

aginai with micron thin skin


again yes your micron thin skin is a legend

What micron thin skin?

Mine's no-more-no less than any other caucasion male in my age

I'm outta here.

Don't let the know...

yea exactly what you want to run ANYBODY that does bow to your will off

It's not my "will", Markie.

yes it is

No it's not.

"Larry" engaged himself on his own volition. I didn't bring him
in here.

He disengaged himself of the same volition. No one held a gun to
his head. Perhaps due to the fact that despite his alleged expertise
in electronics he didn't seem to know what "crossband" means as it
pertains to Amateur Radio applicatons and was unable to sustain his
"argument" in the face of that ignorance. Or perhaps because he didn't
find an immediate "Gee Why Didn't I Think Of That" convert to his "just
get on the computer" mantra.

"Larry", despite his self-proclaimed expertise, knowledge, and
experience doesn't seem to understand what the term "crossband" means
as it pertains to Amateur Radio application.

no he simply uses the terms slightly differently than you want him to
and you can stand no varriation from anybody

It's not my terms. It's the industry's.

And if he's the technician he claims to be, standardization of
terms in electrionics is basic. As it pertains to Amatuer Radio use,
"crossband" means you transmit on one frequency in one band while
receiving on another frequency in yet another band.

There's no "varriation" to it.

That's how the "crossband repeater" on the ISS works. It receives
on 70cm and retransmits on 2 meters. I addressed NO OTHER aspect of
communications to/with the ISS.

You're welcome to reference any Amateur Radio text you care to.
It's the same in all of them.

He came in purporting to "know a better way", yet obviously didn't
know what he was talking about.

no you a lying again


It's all right there.

Larry does NOT know what "crossband" means...Either that or he
convieniently ignored it in favor of promoting his own agenda, which
was the use of VoIP/Echolink.

Those are fun, I am sure, but I am more interested in the actual
ground-station techniques.

VoIP/Echolink is fine if that's all you care to do. I was hoping
to stir some interest in some ISS repeater contacts. What emerged was
the ####ing contest that "Larry" brought on and sustained by you.

I should have known better.

He offered to leave and I suggested he
duck that swinging door.

more of you attack attack #### that you have been pulling for years

Nope. More of YOUR "micron thin" skin, FatBoy.

Steve, K4YZ

  #13   Report Post  
Old February 2nd 06, 08:27 PM posted to,
an Old friend
Posts: n/a
Default more on the Sociopath of RRAP Robeson

K4YZ wrote:

More profanity from a mentally challenged, funtionally illiterate

I am better off that you

No you're not. Not when you have to keep depending on profanity
to "make your point".

I am better than you

I don't lie without a reason like you just did

I chose to use vulgarity I don't have to

OTOH the vulgarity does serve to bring your hypocrasy into sharper

Unlike you I am not afraid of word

which isn't sayoing much

learn to spell you own titles first
And a "####ing contest" certainly WAS your objective when you
found it necessary to "answer" an inquiry with answers that were, in
their very nature, confrontational and NOT within the parameters of the
initial inquiry.

aginai with micron thin skin


again yes your micron thin skin is a legend

What micron thin skin?


Mine's no-more-no less than any other caucasion male in my age

yes it is it is thin esty online skin I have ever seen its only rival
is Dave

I'm outta here.

Don't let the know...

yea exactly what you want to run ANYBODY that does bow to your will off

It's not my "will", Markie.

yes it is

No it's not.

yes it is

"Larry" engaged himself on his own volition. I didn't bring him
in here.

cut the diverationary rant
he dares to phrase thing differently than you liked and you flamed him
for it
"Larry", despite his self-proclaimed expertise, knowledge, and
experience doesn't seem to understand what the term "crossband" means
as it pertains to Amateur Radio application.

no he simply uses the terms slightly differently than you want him to
and you can stand no varriation from anybody

It's not my terms. It's the industry's.

there is no industry
cuting divertion

He came in purporting to "know a better way", yet obviously didn't
know what he was talking about.

no you a lying again



he never said anything about a better way to contact the ISS
cut the divertion technique

I should have known better.

you should have known and had better manners but you have never
displayed manners on this forum

He offered to leave and I suggested he
duck that swinging door.

more of you attack attack **** that you have been pulling for years

Nope. More of YOUR "micron thin" skin, FatBoy.


but back to name calling

Steve, K4YZ

  #14   Report Post  
Old February 3rd 06, 01:11 AM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default Here's An Interesting OPERATING Question for RRAPers

K4YZ wrote:
nobodys old friend wrote:

aginai with micron thin skin


I think he soft-stroked the "v" key.

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