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  #11   Report Post  
Old May 26th 06, 05:35 PM posted to,
an old freind
Posts: n/a
Default get help

Saggytits Lee wrote:
On 26 May 2006 06:46:25 -0700, NIM's Cocksucker of the Year wrote:

get help

  #12   Report Post  
Old May 26th 06, 07:23 PM posted to,
Billy Smith
Posts: n/a
Default LIsten to cocksucking lisping fired pizza boy Fatass Davies

Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:

Saggytits Dave wrote:

On 26 May 2006 06:28:06 -0700, Secwet Woger, Coward wrote:
: Saggy tits Dave wrote:
: On 26 May 2006 05:58:42 -0700, Secwet Woger, Coward wrote:
: Lardass Lloyd whined:
: Note Lardass' lies Fatass Heil nor his wife showed, fatty
: Note the fact Lardass ran his mouth on the internet and was a no-show
: at Dalton hamfest. He also hid behind the HUD apartment door (it's a
: small two roomer , less than 300 square feet) and sreamed "leave me
: alone" in his whiny high pitched lisping girly voice. Google has all
: this archived.
: Google
: Quit lying you fat sack of ****. How's your wife doing laping up the
: dog's **** with her diseased tongue?

As usual, Cowardly Woger runs from the truth and tries to change the

Oh, the irony, tell us about how your wife ****laps the family dog.

Saggytits Lee steps on his own tiny dick when he tried to correct
somebody else's English use first by saying one "operates" a dictionary

instead of reading it, then uses "things" instead of "thinks" in
"Translation: Woger can't figure out how to operate a dictionary, let
alone correct someone else's language.But that's not surprising from
who things that..."

Woger was a 50 year old momma's boy who didn't work and mostly hung
around the house posting filth on the net. What a winner!!
  #13   Report Post  
Old May 27th 06, 05:32 AM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default LIsten to cocksucking lisping fired pizza boy Fatass Davies

"Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote in message

Saggy tits Dave wrote:
On 26 May 2006 05:58:42 -0700, Secwet Woger, Coward wrote:

Lardass Lloyd whined:
Note Lardass' lies Fatass Heil nor his wife showed, fatty

Note the fact Lardass ran his mouth on the internet and was a no-show
at Dalton hamfest. He also hid behind the HUD apartment door (it's a
small two roomer , less than 300 square feet) and sreamed "leave me
alone" in his whiny high pitched lisping girly voice. Google has all
this archived.


Quit lying you fat sack of ****. How's your wife doing laping up the
dog's **** with her diseased tongue?

It's in the Google archives, just like your **** ups with the Marshall
County ARES website, Eric Clapton's Layla and others.

Prove it, Wussman. Prove it, you fuc*up.

  #14   Report Post  
Old May 27th 06, 07:07 AM posted to,
Billy Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Secwet Woger Wisps Wicked Wies

Stagger Lee wrote:

On 26 May 2006 06:46:25 -0700, NIM's Cocksucker of the Year wrote:
: Saggytits Dave wrote:
: On 26 May 2006 06:28:06 -0700, Secwet Woger, Coward wrote:
: :
: : Saggy tits Dave wrote:
: : On 26 May 2006 05:58:42 -0700, Secwet Woger, Coward wrote:
: :
: : Lardass Lloyd whined:
: : Note Lardass' lies Fatass Heil nor his wife showed, fatty
: :
: : Note the fact Lardass ran his mouth on the internet and was a no-show
: : at Dalton hamfest. He also hid behind the HUD apartment door (it's a
: : small two roomer , less than 300 square feet) and sreamed "leave me
: : alone" in his whiny high pitched lisping girly voice. Google has all
: : this archived.
: :
: : Google
: :
: : Quit lying you fat sack of ****. How's your wife doing laping up the
: : dog's **** with her diseased tongue?
: As usual, Cowardly Woger runs from the truth and tries to change the
: subject.
: Oh, the irony, tell us about how your wife ****laps the family dog.

[another run away and duck by Woger] [reply terminated]

"Roger's background does have International affairs in it. Too bad."
-- International man of mystery, Secwet Woger, in message

In his case, are you saying that he has done something in International
affairs? That explains why he was living with his momma right? At the
tender ages of 40 through 50. I could give him some sympathy if he was
some pimply faced kid at 20 years old but for goodness sakes. Age 50 and
still no clue.
  #15   Report Post  
Old May 30th 06, 03:52 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default Billy Smith secretly wants to swallow Roger's cum!

Billy Smith wrote:

In his case, are you saying that he has

In his case, he actually has a college degree, unlike you, LARDASS!

And it shows:

Billy Smith wrote:

assraped by an_old_friend wrote:

Slow Code wrote:

(Dave Platt) wrote in

Reading all you wrote, what you are basically saying is that no one wants
to be a ham now days, so licensing requirements have to be low in order to
help keep our numbers up. They won't work for a license.

well your posts do tend to show you can't read what anyone write

Oh, the irony!

Markie Morgan, kb9rqz, proves his illiteracy when he slobbered
in Message-ID: .com:
"Icertainly can so I am not ileiterate"

Just like all your royal ****ups, huh Scheissman.

Or yours, Lardass the dropout:

Billy "Dumbass who can't put together a sentence" Smith shows off those
English skills, quite ironically in
"That's interesting there idiot. I bet you really did flunk high school
math and probably elementary too. Oh thats right, wasn't that when was
Floriduh. Spelled Florida but the DUH is for your Dumb Ass."

"wasn't that when was in Floriduh" - Billy makes good **** up!

Billy "shoots" himself in his palsied club foot once again in
Message-ID .net:
"Roger, shots himself in the foot"

Billy the illiterate retard Smith screws up again, and his illiteracy
is exposed. "It serves him right."
"Deserves him right."

Billy "retard" Smith confesses to his generally accepted retarded
status in . net:
"I'm a general retard. bwhahaha"

Billy "spelling champ of the general retards" Smith admits his bad
hygiene but is still in denial about his English skills in
. net
"Sure I can spell and smell."

"Billy" the NOtwordSmith ****s up again with this incompete sentence in
"So when you got divorced boy, did your finally figure out that your

Billy "cumgargler" Smith managed to awaken from his drunken stupor to
in :
"Isn't that you mom weighed"

Mr."Education" Billy Smith steps on his own dick again when he talks
about others' "educations" (or educatiion" as he spells it) in
"Uh, huh. Right LOSER. Still smoking that dope again? By the way how is
so called educatiion actually doing for you? Those online classes."

Billy Smith shows off his Pulitzer Prize writing skills in
"You're whole life has been exhaled before."

Billy "illiterate retard" Smith spikes the "HUH?" factor in this
slobbering in
"Come on, do it just have you some spiked Kool Aid."

"Didn't" your special-Ed teacher teach you how to spell, Billy?
"...didnt Marie teach you to play nice"

"Rhodes scholar" Billy Lardass Davies Smith blunders and blows his
cover again in . net:
"Rhode's scholar Scheissman blows his cover again."

Billy "dumbass" Smith steps on his own tiny dick when he tries to
criticize others' typos,but he doesn't "perform" well as usual with his
blatant "stupidity" in
. net:
"Noteed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bwhahahahahahah. You're a brilliant one
You even peform stupid acts on your blatant stupidty"

Billy "dropout Lardass" Smith steps on his own dick when he tries to
comment on others' spelling abilities, but he "can't" do any better in
Message-ID: . net:
"Woger cant spell very well anyway."

  #16   Report Post  
Old May 30th 06, 03:56 PM posted to,
an old freind
Posts: n/a
Default get help

Billy Smith wrote:

In his case, are you saying that he has

In his case, he actually has a college degree, unlike you, LARDASS!

if you have a college degree who ever you are mr Rapesboys ask for a

get help

  #17   Report Post  
Old May 30th 06, 03:57 PM posted to,
Posts: n/a
Default Lardass reveals his secret desire to suck off Roger Wiseman!

Lloyd wrote:

You should ask Roger how he kicks your ass, fatty?

Poor LARDASS, lying again, dumb****?

The fact is, Lardass, you have received visits from the FBI, haven't
you? And you will again.

  #18   Report Post  
Old May 30th 06, 04:00 PM posted to,
an old freind
Posts: n/a
Default get help

Lloyd wrote:

You should ask Roger how he kicks your ass, fatty?

Poor LARDASS, lying again, dumb****?

The fact is, Lardass, you have received visits from the FBI, haven't

if you mean Davis as I understand it he has, but by your lying to the
And you will again.

he might indeed if you get your mind together enough to tell a good
enough lie

indeed I may be visted by the FBI if you lie well enough

but you worry about a mere visit?

get help 3rd nick this morning wisemen how is it going at the library

  #19   Report Post  
Old May 31st 06, 04:38 PM posted to,
Not Cocksucker Lloyd
Posts: n/a
Default Markie lies some more!

assrapeed by an old freind wrote:
Lloyd wrote:

You should ask Roger how he kicks your ass, fatty?

Poor LARDASS, lying again, dumb****?

The fact is, Lardass, you have received visits from the FBI, haven't

if you mean Davis as I understand it he has, but by your lying to the

BWHHAHAHA Hey Markie, you've posted at NimBusters haven't you? "Davis"
That's why I know!

And you will again.

he might indeed if you get your mind together enough to tell a good
enough lie

Oh, you'll be getting some too, dumbas.

indeed I may be visted by the FBI if you lie well enough

Oh, you are a pervert who tries to lure kids in a chatroom, Markie.
They are interested in your activites with that.

but you worry about a mere visit?

No, but you sound like you are worried, dumb****.

get help 3rd nick this morning wisemen how is it going at the library

Wrong again, Markie the Dumbass.

  #20   Report Post  
Old May 31st 06, 06:43 PM posted to,
Billy Smith
Posts: n/a
Default Billy Smith secretly wants to swallow Roger's cum!

It's doubtful that you even have a college degree much less a HS
diploma. But still working at a burger flipping joint in Moundsville,
Bwahhahahahah, what a loser.


Billy Smith wrote:

In his case, are you saying that he has

In his case, he actually has a college degree, unlike you, LARDASS!

And it shows:

Billy Smith wrote:


assraped by an_old_friend wrote:

Slow Code wrote:

(Dave Platt) wrote in

Reading all you wrote, what you are basically saying is that no one wants
to be a ham now days, so licensing requirements have to be low in order to
help keep our numbers up. They won't work for a license.

well your posts do tend to show you can't read what anyone write

Oh, the irony!

Markie Morgan, kb9rqz, proves his illiteracy when he slobbered
in Message-ID: .com:
"Icertainly can so I am not ileiterate"

Just like all your royal ****ups, huh Scheissman.

Or yours, Lardass the dropout:

Billy "Dumbass who can't put together a sentence" Smith shows off those
English skills, quite ironically in
"That's interesting there idiot. I bet you really did flunk high school
math and probably elementary too. Oh thats right, wasn't that when was
Floriduh. Spelled Florida but the DUH is for your Dumb Ass."

"wasn't that when was in Floriduh" - Billy makes good **** up!

Billy "shoots" himself in his palsied club foot once again in
Message-ID .net:
"Roger, shots himself in the foot"

Billy the illiterate retard Smith screws up again, and his illiteracy
is exposed. "It serves him right."
"Deserves him right."

Billy "retard" Smith confesses to his generally accepted retarded
status in . net:
"I'm a general retard. bwhahaha"

Billy "spelling champ of the general retards" Smith admits his bad
hygiene but is still in denial about his English skills in
. net
"Sure I can spell and smell."

"Billy" the NOtwordSmith ****s up again with this incompete sentence in
"So when you got divorced boy, did your finally figure out that your

Billy "cumgargler" Smith managed to awaken from his drunken stupor to
in :
"Isn't that you mom weighed"

Mr."Education" Billy Smith steps on his own dick again when he talks
about others' "educations" (or educatiion" as he spells it) in
"Uh, huh. Right LOSER. Still smoking that dope again? By the way how is
so called educatiion actually doing for you? Those online classes."

Billy Smith shows off his Pulitzer Prize writing skills in
"You're whole life has been exhaled before."

Billy "illiterate retard" Smith spikes the "HUH?" factor in this
slobbering in
"Come on, do it just have you some spiked Kool Aid."

"Didn't" your special-Ed teacher teach you how to spell, Billy?
"...didnt Marie teach you to play nice"

"Rhodes scholar" Billy Lardass Davies Smith blunders and blows his
cover again in . net:
"Rhode's scholar Scheissman blows his cover again."

Billy "dumbass" Smith steps on his own tiny dick when he tries to
criticize others' typos,but he doesn't "perform" well as usual with his
blatant "stupidity" in
. net:
"Noteed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bwhahahahahahah. You're a brilliant one
You even peform stupid acts on your blatant stupidty"

Billy "dropout Lardass" Smith steps on his own dick when he tries to
comment on others' spelling abilities, but he "can't" do any better in
Message-ID: . net:
"Woger cant spell very well anyway."

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