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Roadrunner NNTP wrote:
I've had enough of SC in newsgroups! Please don't answer his flaming posts. I would like for my 14 amateur radio operator girl child (who is working on her code) to be able to use newsgroups without this abuse. We should not have to put up with it either. Copy and forward the following to . They should be able to identify him from the headers and their logs. Dear Earthlink Abuse . . . Please get this clown off of usenet. There are several hobby groups where he posts regularly his inflammatory material, often with profanities. Our kids who are in the hobby certainly don't need to be exposed to this stuff. Thanks. It appears to me the only profanity was directed AT Slow Code. I am sure Earthlink will give your (anonymous) complaint the attention it deserves. You have elevated childish whining to a new level! |
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On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 15:21:16 GMT, "Roadrunner NNTP" wrote:
I've had enough of SC in newsgroups! Please don't answer his flaming posts. I would like for my 14 amateur radio operator girl child (who is working on her code) to be able to use newsgroups without this abuse. We should not have to put up with it either. You don't. Use a kill file. If you don't, you have only yourself to blame. It;s much less expensive in the long run than screwing around with everyone's first amendment rights. -- Larry |
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Hash: SHA1 wrote: On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 15:21:16 GMT, "Roadrunner NNTP" wrote: SNIP OTOH your 14 yo needs tomlearns that the world issoemtimes a hostile place. I uncourage you to see this as a learning experence and theach your daughter that there are those that get very upset over encountering anything or anybody different http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com/ OTOH I strongly suggest that your 14 year old is kept in ignorance of Usenet until she chooses, as an adult, to venture into it. My 14 year old boy has access to web based groups and I know what they are. One of the advantages of running a home network is having some control! As to the world being hostile at times, I'm sure that your 14 year old has already worked that out and doesn't need to be exposed to the abusive behaviour and language that is so common on Usenet! Thank the lord for kill files ![]() Charlie. - -- www.wymsey.co.uk -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iD8DBQFFQ7brfhKqaKFAJ/YRAqvnAJ41eK1ucN42BaVvubx+RYRf/OGf9wCfajSm adREnMfBBRRZjph8LFXQRzQ= =haBO -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- |
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"Roadrunner NNTP" wrote in
: I've had enough of SC in newsgroups! Please don't answer his flaming posts. I would like for my 14 amateur radio operator girl child (who is working on her code) to be able to use newsgroups without this abuse. We should not have to put up with it either. Copy and forward the following to . They should be able to identify him from the headers and their logs. Dear Earthlink Abuse . . . Please get this clown off of usenet. There are several hobby groups where he posts regularly his inflammatory material, often with profanities. Our kids who are in the hobby certainly don't need to be exposed to this stuff. Thanks. Long time internet user and parent. Path: be1.texas.rr.com!cyclone.austin.rr.com!news.rr.com !border2.nntp.dca.gigan ews.com!border1.nntp.dca.giganews.com!nntp.giganew s.com!newshub.sdsu.edu! elnk-nf2-pas!newsfeed.earthlink.net!stamper.news.pas.earthl ink.net!newsre ad2.news.pas.earthlink.net.POSTED!3dd4ce4a!not-for-mail Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.antenna,rec.radio.amateur.policy ,rec.radio.scanner,rec. radio.swap Subject: Stamp collecting doesn't require taking a code test. From: Slow Code Organization: None User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25 Lines: 3 Message-ID: t Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 00:30:47 GMT NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Complaints-To: X-Trace: newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net 1161995447 (Fri, 27 Oct 2006 17:30:47 PDT) NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 17:30:47 PDT Xref: be1.texas.rr.com rec.radio.amateur.antenna:257939 rec.radio.amateur.policy:343886 rec.radio.scanner:266398 rec.radio.swap:457098 Maybe you people could try stamp collecting. SC Path: be1.texas.rr.com!cyclone.austin.rr.com!news.rr.com !border2.nntp.dca.gigan ews.com!nntp.giganews.com!nntp1.phx1.gblx.net!nntp .gblx.net!nntp.gblx.net !newsfeed.news2me.com!newshub.sdsu.edu!elnk-nf2-pas!newsfeed.earthlink.ne t!stamper.news.pas.earthlink.net!newsread2.news.pa s.earthlink.net.POSTED! 3dd4ce4a!not-for-mail Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.antenna,rec.radio.amateur.policy ,rec.radio.swap Subject: VE's should be allowed to use a cattle prod to make people take a code test. From: Slow Code Organization: None User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25 Lines: 5 Message-ID: k.net Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 00:09:07 GMT NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Complaints-To: X-Trace: newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net 1161907747 (Thu, 26 Oct 2006 17:09:07 PDT) NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 17:09:07 PDT Xref: be1.texas.rr.com rec.radio.amateur.antenna:257845 rec.radio.amateur.policy:343742 rec.radio.swap:457040 And if they fail the code test they get zapped again. Bringing back 'spark' will be good for ham radio. Path: be1.texas.rr.com!news-wrt-01.tampabay.rr.com!news-wrt-01.southeast.rr.com !news-feed-01.southeast.rr.com!news.rr.com!cycny01.gnilink.ne t!peer01.wes t.cox.net!cox.net!newscon02.news.prodigy.net!prodi gy.net!border1.nntp.dca .giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!postnews.google.co m!news4.google.com!news hub.sdsu.edu!elnk-nf2-pas!newsfeed.earthlink.net!stamper.news.pas.earthl i nk.net!newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net.POSTED!3dd 4ce4a!not-for-mail Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.policy,rec.radio.amateur.antenna ,rec.radio.swap Subject: I don't remember horse and buggy, outhouses, or churning butter From: Slow Code References: .net .com Organization: None User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25 Lines: 23 Message-ID: .net Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 23:51:10 GMT NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Complaints-To: X-Trace: newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net 1161820270 (Wed, 25 Oct 2006 16:51:10 PDT) NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 16:51:10 PDT Xref: be1.texas.rr.com rec.radio.amateur.policy:343846 rec.radio.amateur.antenna:257917 rec.radio.swap:457083 lazy ass Mike "amdx" wrote in : Slow Code wrote: New hams just don't appreciate things anymore. I don't remember, cutting wood for winter, foraging the woods for berries, turning the crank on a model T, building a spear to kill a deer, washing my clothes in the river, making candles to light the night. And I do appreciate that I don't have to do these things anymore. Mike Right, and why homebrew anymore when you can call HRO or AES and buy your appliance off the shelf. 73, Back to my CW and projects. SC SC Path: be1.texas.rr.com!news-wrt-01.tampabay.rr.com!news-wrt-01.southeast.rr.com !news-feed-01.southeast.rr.com!news.rr.com!cycny01.gnilink.ne t!peer01.wes t.cox.net!cox.net!newscon02.news.prodigy.net!prodi gy.net!border1.nntp.dca .giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!postnews.google.co m!news4.google.com!news hub.sdsu.edu!elnk-nf2-pas!newsfeed.earthlink.net!stamper.news.pas.earthl i nk.net!newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net.POSTED!3dd 4ce4a!not-for-mail Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.policy,rec.radio.amateur.antenna ,rec.radio.swap Subject: I don't remember horse and buggy, outhouses, or churning butter From: Slow Code References: .net .com Organization: None User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25 Lines: 23 Message-ID: .net Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 23:51:10 GMT NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Complaints-To: X-Trace: newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net 1161820270 (Wed, 25 Oct 2006 16:51:10 PDT) NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 16:51:10 PDT Xref: be1.texas.rr.com rec.radio.amateur.policy:343846 rec.radio.amateur.antenna:257917 rec.radio.swap:457083 lazy ass Mike "amdx" wrote in : Slow Code wrote: New hams just don't appreciate things anymore. I don't remember, cutting wood for winter, foraging the woods for berries, turning the crank on a model T, building a spear to kill a deer, washing my clothes in the river, making candles to light the night. And I do appreciate that I don't have to do these things anymore. Mike Right, and why homebrew anymore when you can call HRO or AES and buy your appliance off the shelf. 73, Back to my CW and projects. SC Path: be1.texas.rr.com!cyclone.austin.rr.com!news.rr.com !border2.nntp.dca.gigan ews.com!nntp.giganews.com!news.maxwell.syr.edu!eln k-pas-nf1!newsfeed.eart hlink.net!stamper.news.pas.earthlink.net!newsread2 .news.pas.earthlink.net .POSTED!3dd4ce4a!not-for-mail Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.antenna,rec.radio.amateur.policy ,rec.radio.swap,rec.rad io.shortwave Subject: Is the code requirement really keeping good people out of ham radio? From: Slow Code References: . com et et . com Organization: None User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25 Lines: 14 Message-ID: k.net Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 00:08:35 GMT NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Complaints-To: X-Trace: newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net 1161907715 (Thu, 26 Oct 2006 17:08:35 PDT) NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 17:08:35 PDT Xref: be1.texas.rr.com rec.radio.amateur.antenna:257842 rec.radio.amateur.policy:343730 rec.radio.swap:457038 rec.radio.shortwave:537344 Opus- wrote in : Don't you have some offs to ****? Why do no-coders always break down in the middle of an argument and start spewing profanities? I just don't understand it. It must be do to their limited mental abilities. Opus being a Cannuk probably doesn't help either. SC Path: be1.texas.rr.com!cyclone.austin.rr.com!news.rr.com !border2.nntp.dca.gigan ews.com!border1.nntp.dca.giganews.com!nntp.giganew s.com!newshub.sdsu.edu! elnk-nf2-pas!newsfeed.earthlink.net!stamper.news.pas.earthl ink.net!newsre ad2.news.pas.earthlink.net.POSTED!3dd4ce4a!not-for-mail Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.equipment,rec.radio.amateur.misc ,rec.radio.amateur.poli cy Subject: If you had to learn morse code for a ham license would you stay on CB? From: Slow Code Organization: None User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25 Lines: 8 Message-ID: t Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 00:30:35 GMT NNTP-Posting-Host: X-Complaints-To: X-Trace: newsread2.news.pas.earthlink.net 1161995435 (Fri, 27 Oct 2006 17:30:35 PDT) NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 17:30:35 PDT Xref: be1.texas.rr.com rec.radio.amateur.equipment:209077 rec.radio.amateur.misc:299083 rec.radio.amateur.policy:343877 5wpm ain't really learning it. I can fart 5 wpm. Lets kick the requirement up there to between 13 and 20 wpm for all classes. And no-codes that haven't passed it after a year get booted which will help clean up the repeaters. SC m.News. EarthLink Members should use their best judgment when posting to any newsgroup. Many groups have charters, published guidelines, FAQs, or "community standards" describing what is and is not considered appropriate. Usenet can be a valuable resource if used properly. The continued posting of off-topic articles is prohibited. Commercial advertisements are off-topic in most newsgroups, especially regional groups not specifically named for such. The presence of such articles in a group is not indicative of the group's "intended" use. Please familiarize yourself with basic Usenet netiquette before posting to a newsgroup. EarthLink considers "multiposting" to 10 or more groups within a two week sliding window to be excessive. EarthLink servers currently limit the number of allowable "cross-posts" to 9. EarthLink Members may not cancel messages other than their own messages. A Member may cancel posts forged in that Member's name. We may cancel any postings which violate this AUP. Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Have you ever sat on the toilet and tried to fart your callsign in morse code? You're so wound up, I bet you could fart your call at a nearly perfect 1000Hz square wave. SC |
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If Slow Code left, I would miss him.
I do not agree with him most of the time. As a matter of fact, he is dead wrong a lot of the time. At least he stands up for what he believes in. I myself, do not think that every ham should have to be able to send/copy code at 20wpm no more that I think they should be tested on psk,rtty, slow scan tv. etc. Some people have a passion for code and some have a passion for other modes. I use them all from time to time, and to be honest, after I move next year, I am going to work on my code a bit more when I have the time to do so. However, I will still give him a hard time about his ranting. After all I have not heard anyone tell him that he is not a real ham because he does not have psk nailed down..HI HI Joe KI4ILB |
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"Merlin-7 KI4ILB" wrote in
: If Slow Code left, I would miss him. I do not agree with him most of the time. As a matter of fact, he is dead wrong a lot of the time. At least he stands up for what he believes in. I myself, do not think that every ham should have to be able to send/copy code at 20wpm no more that I think they should be tested on psk,rtty, slow scan tv. etc. Some people have a passion for code and some have a passion for other modes. I use them all from time to time, and to be honest, after I move next year, I am going to work on my code a bit more when I have the time to do so. However, I will still give him a hard time about his ranting. After all I have not heard anyone tell him that he is not a real ham because he does not have psk nailed down..HI HI Joe KI4ILB I was part of the big RRAP CW and anti-ARRL fights of the late 90's up until restructuring went into effect, then my posting tapered off. I'll disappear again once the FCC totally kills off ham radio by eliminating the code requirement. When that happens, I'll wear a strip of black electricians tape around my arm in memorial and observe twenty-four hours of radio silence in memory of a once proud service. Rest in Peace, Ham Radio. You were a good and faithful friend. SC |
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Top posted ... opps!
Please, why don't you try 24 years of r.r.a.X silence instead of 24 hours of fictitious promises. Slow Code wrote: "Merlin-7 KI4ILB" wrote in : If Slow Code left, I would miss him. I do not agree with him most of the time. As a matter of fact, he is dead wrong a lot of the time. At least he stands up for what he believes in. I myself, do not think that every ham should have to be able to send/copy code at 20wpm no more that I think they should be tested on psk,rtty, slow scan tv. etc. Some people have a passion for code and some have a passion for other modes. I use them all from time to time, and to be honest, after I move next year, I am going to work on my code a bit more when I have the time to do so. However, I will still give him a hard time about his ranting. After all I have not heard anyone tell him that he is not a real ham because he does not have psk nailed down..HI HI Joe KI4ILB I was part of the big RRAP CW and anti-ARRL fights of the late 90's up until restructuring went into effect, then my posting tapered off. I'll disappear again once the FCC totally kills off ham radio by eliminating the code requirement. When that happens, I'll wear a strip of black electricians tape around my arm in memorial and observe twenty-four hours of radio silence in memory of a once proud service. Rest in Peace, Ham Radio. You were a good and faithful friend. SC |
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![]() wrote: On Mon, 30 Oct 2006 00:55:48 GMT, Slow Code wrote: "Merlin-7 KI4ILB" wrote in m: If Slow Code left, I would miss him. I do not agree with him most of the time. As a matter of fact, he is dead wrong a lot of the time. At least he stands up for what he believes in. I myself, do not think that every ham should have to be able to send/copy code at 20wpm no more that I think they should be tested on psk,rtty, slow scan tv. etc. Some people have a passion for code and some have a passion for other modes. I use them all from time to time, and to be honest, after I move next year, I am going to work on my code a bit more when I have the time to do so. However, I will still give him a hard time about his ranting. After all I have not heard anyone tell him that he is not a real ham because he does not have psk nailed down..HI HI Joe KI4ILB I was part of the big RRAP CW and anti-ARRL fights of the late 90's up until restructuring went into effect, then my posting tapered off. I'll disappear again once the FCC totally kills off ham radio by eliminating the code requirement. you planing to turn in your licens ein protest When that happens, I'll wear a strip of black electricians tape around my arm in memorial and observe twenty-four hours of radio silence in memory of a once proud service. Rest in Peace, Ham Radio. You were a good and faithful friend. SC http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com/ -- Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com STFU faggot |
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