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On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 19:51:49 -0700, Roy Lewallen
wrote: Now, imagine that you can draw three sine waves on a long piece of paper. They would have the frequencies and amplitudes of the three spectral components above. These are the time domain representations of the three frequency domain components. (In that sense, you *can* speak of a carrier or a sideband in the time domain -- so I was perhaps unduly dogmatic about that point.) But here's the important thing to keep in mind -- all three of these components have constant amplitudes. They extend from the beginning of time to the end of time, and don't start, stop, or change at any time. That's what those spectral lines mean, and what we get when we transform them back to the time domain. It is quite easy to visualise this using a spreadsheet program. However, it would be easier to use a much higher modulation frequency compared to the carrier frequency. Assuming a carrier frequency of 1000 Hz and a modulating frequency of 100 Hz, so the sidebands would be at 900 and 1100 Hz. In column A put the time t and for each line increment the value by 0.0001 s or 0.00005 s. In column B calculate 0.5*sin(2*pi*900*t). In column C calculate 1.0*sin(2*pi*1000*t). In column D calculate 0.5*sin(2*pi*1100*t). In column E calculate the sum of columns B, C and D. Duplicate these lines 500 to 1000 times and draw a graph, with column A or time as the X-axis and display columns B, C, D and E as separate graphs on the Y-axis. Paul OH3LWR |
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In article , Gary Schafer
writes: I understand all of the points that you have made and agree that looking at a spectrum analyzer with a modulated signal, less than 100% modulation, shows a constant carrier. I also agree that looking at the time domain with a scope shows the composite of the carrier and side bands. I understand that AM modulation and demodulation is a mixing process that takes place. My question of "at what point does the carrier start to be effected" I was referring to low frequency modulation. Meaning when would you start to notice the carrier change. As long as the AM is less than 100% there won't be any change. The qualifier there is the MEASURING INSTRUMENT that is looking at the carrier. With low and very low modulation frequencies, the sidebands created will be very close to the carrier frequency. If the measuring instrument cannot select just the carrier, then the instrument "sees" both the carrier and sidebands...and that gets into the time domain again which WILL show an APPARENT amplitude modulation of the carrier (instrument is looking at everything). I don't know how you would observe the carrier in the frequency domain with very low frequency modulation as the side bands would be so close to the carrier. DSP along with very narrow final IF filtering can do it, but that isn't absolutely necessary to prove the point. Using "ordinary" narrowband filtering like a very sharp skirt 500 Hz BW filter and variable frequency audio modulation from about 1 KHz on up to some higher, one can separately measure the carrier and sideband amplitudes. It will also show that the sidebands and carrier do not change amplitude for a change in modulation frequency, which is predicted by the general AM equations. Ergo, decreasing the modulation frequency will not change amplitude but one bumps into the problem of instrument/receiver selectivity. That problem is one of instrumentation, not theory. In my scenario of plate modulating a transmitter with a very low modulation frequency (sine or square wave), on the negative part of the modulation cycle the plate voltage will be zero for a significant amount of time of the carrier frequency. The modulation frequency could be 1 cycle per day if we chose. In that case the plate voltage would be zero for 1/2 a day (square wave modulation) and twice the DC plate voltage for the other half day. During the time the plate voltage is zero there would be no RF out of the transmitter as there would be no plate voltage. It's a problem of observation again. Even with a rate of 1 cycle per day, the sidebands are still going to be there and the observing instrument is going to be looking at carrier AND sidebands at the same time. That would be right at 100% modulation, has to be if the carrier envelope is observed to go to zero. At 99.999% (or however close one wants to get to 100 but not reach it) modulation, the theory for frequency domain still holds. Above that 100% modulation, another theory has to be there. For greater-than-100% modulation, an extreme case would be on- off keying "CW." Sidebands are still generated, but those are due to the very fast transition from off to on and on to off. Those sidebands definitely exist and can be heard as "clicks" away from the carrier. In designs of on-off keyed carrier transmitters, the good rule is to limit the transition rate, to keep it slower rather than faster. [that's in the ARRL Handbook, BTW] Slowing the transition rate reduces the sidebands caused by transient effects (the on-off thing). Modulation indexes greater than 100% fall under different theory. For on-off keyed "CW" transmitters, the transient effect sideband generation is much farther away from the carrier than low-frequency audio at less than 100% modulation. It can be observed (heard) readily with a strong signal. This is where I get into trouble visualizing the "carrier staying constant with modulation". As the above scenario, there would be zero output so zero carrier for 1/2 a day. The other 1/2 day the plate voltage would be twice so we could say that the carrier power during that time would be twice what it would be with no modulation and that the average carrier power would be constant. (averaged over the entire day). But we know that the extra power supplied by the modulator appears in the side bands and not the carrier. What is happening? A lack of a definitive terribly-selective observation instrument is what is happening. Theory predicts no change in sideband amplitude with AM's modulating frequency and practical testing with instruments proves that, right down to the limit of the instruments. So, lowering the modulation frequency to very low, even sub-audio, doesn't change anything. The instruments run out of selectivity and start measuring the combination of all products at the same time. Instrumentation will observe time domain (the envelope) instead of frequency domain (individual sidebands). There's really nothing wrong with theory or the practicality of it all. The general equations for modulated RF use a single frequency for modulation in the textbooks because that is the easiest to show to a student. A few will show the equations with two, possibly three frequencies...but those quickly become VERY cumbersome to handle, are avoided when starting in on teaching of modulation theory. The simple examples are good enough to figure out necessary communications bandwidth...which is what counts in the practical situation of making hardware that works for AM or FM or PM. In the real world, everyone is really working in time domain. But, the frequency domain theory tells what the bandwidth has to be for all to get time domain information. In SSB with very attenuated carrier level, that single sideband is carrying ALL the information needed. We can't "hear" RF so the very amplitude stable receiver carrier frequency resupply allows recovery of the original audio. With very very stable propagation and a constant circuit strength, the original audio could go way down in frequency to DC. The SSB receiver could theoretically recover everything all the way down to DC...except the practicality of minimizing the total SSB bandwidth and suppressing the carrier puts the low frequency cutoff around 300 to 200 Hz. The carrier isn't transmitted, and it is substituted in the receiver at a stable amplitude in a SSB total circuit. Yet, theoretically it would be possible to get a very low modulation rate but nobody cares to do so. There ARE remote telemetering FM systems that DO go all the way down to DC...but most communications applications have a practical low-frequency cutoff. Theory allows it but practicality dictates other- wise. The same in instrumentation recording/observing what is happening...that also has practical limitations. If most folks stop at the "traditional" AM modulation envelope scope photos, fine. One can go fairly far just on those. To go farther, one has to delve into the theory just as deeply, perhaps moreso. Staying with the simplistic AM envelope-only view is what made a lot of hams angry in the 1950s when SSB was being adopted very quickly in amateur radio. They couldn't grasp phasing well; it didn't have any relation to the "traditional" AM modulation envelope concept. They couldn't grasp the frequency domain well, either, but that was a bit simpler than phasing vectors and caught on better than phasing explanations. :-) Basic theory is still good, still useable. Nothing has been violated for the three basic modulation types. Practical hardware by the ton has shown that theory is indeed correct in radio and on landline (the first "SSB" was in long-distance wired telephony). BLENDING two basic modulation types takes a LOT more skull sweat to grasp and nothing can be "proved" using simplistic statements or examples (like AM from just RF envelope scope shots) either for or against. I like to use the POTS modem example...getting (essentially equivalent) 56 K rate communications through a 3 KHz bandwidth circuit. That uses a combination of AM and PM. Blends two basic types of modulation, but in a certain way. Nearly all of us use one to communicate on the Internet and it works fine, is faster than some ISP computers, heh heh. So, the simplistic explanations of "one can't get that fast a communication rate through a narrow bandwidth!" falls flat on its 0 state when there are all these practical examples showing it does work. It isn't magic. It's just a clever way to blend two kinds of modulation for a specific purpose. It works. In the "single-sideband FM" examples, one cannot use the simplistic rules for FM in regards to bandwidth or rate. Those experiments were combining things in a non-traditional way. It isn't strictly single sideband, either, but many are off-put by the name given it. Len Anderson retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person |
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In article , Gary Schafer
writes: I understand all of the points that you have made and agree that looking at a spectrum analyzer with a modulated signal, less than 100% modulation, shows a constant carrier. I also agree that looking at the time domain with a scope shows the composite of the carrier and side bands. I understand that AM modulation and demodulation is a mixing process that takes place. My question of "at what point does the carrier start to be effected" I was referring to low frequency modulation. Meaning when would you start to notice the carrier change. As long as the AM is less than 100% there won't be any change. The qualifier there is the MEASURING INSTRUMENT that is looking at the carrier. With low and very low modulation frequencies, the sidebands created will be very close to the carrier frequency. If the measuring instrument cannot select just the carrier, then the instrument "sees" both the carrier and sidebands...and that gets into the time domain again which WILL show an APPARENT amplitude modulation of the carrier (instrument is looking at everything). I don't know how you would observe the carrier in the frequency domain with very low frequency modulation as the side bands would be so close to the carrier. DSP along with very narrow final IF filtering can do it, but that isn't absolutely necessary to prove the point. Using "ordinary" narrowband filtering like a very sharp skirt 500 Hz BW filter and variable frequency audio modulation from about 1 KHz on up to some higher, one can separately measure the carrier and sideband amplitudes. It will also show that the sidebands and carrier do not change amplitude for a change in modulation frequency, which is predicted by the general AM equations. Ergo, decreasing the modulation frequency will not change amplitude but one bumps into the problem of instrument/receiver selectivity. That problem is one of instrumentation, not theory. In my scenario of plate modulating a transmitter with a very low modulation frequency (sine or square wave), on the negative part of the modulation cycle the plate voltage will be zero for a significant amount of time of the carrier frequency. The modulation frequency could be 1 cycle per day if we chose. In that case the plate voltage would be zero for 1/2 a day (square wave modulation) and twice the DC plate voltage for the other half day. During the time the plate voltage is zero there would be no RF out of the transmitter as there would be no plate voltage. It's a problem of observation again. Even with a rate of 1 cycle per day, the sidebands are still going to be there and the observing instrument is going to be looking at carrier AND sidebands at the same time. That would be right at 100% modulation, has to be if the carrier envelope is observed to go to zero. At 99.999% (or however close one wants to get to 100 but not reach it) modulation, the theory for frequency domain still holds. Above that 100% modulation, another theory has to be there. For greater-than-100% modulation, an extreme case would be on- off keying "CW." Sidebands are still generated, but those are due to the very fast transition from off to on and on to off. Those sidebands definitely exist and can be heard as "clicks" away from the carrier. In designs of on-off keyed carrier transmitters, the good rule is to limit the transition rate, to keep it slower rather than faster. [that's in the ARRL Handbook, BTW] Slowing the transition rate reduces the sidebands caused by transient effects (the on-off thing). Modulation indexes greater than 100% fall under different theory. For on-off keyed "CW" transmitters, the transient effect sideband generation is much farther away from the carrier than low-frequency audio at less than 100% modulation. It can be observed (heard) readily with a strong signal. This is where I get into trouble visualizing the "carrier staying constant with modulation". As the above scenario, there would be zero output so zero carrier for 1/2 a day. The other 1/2 day the plate voltage would be twice so we could say that the carrier power during that time would be twice what it would be with no modulation and that the average carrier power would be constant. (averaged over the entire day). But we know that the extra power supplied by the modulator appears in the side bands and not the carrier. What is happening? A lack of a definitive terribly-selective observation instrument is what is happening. Theory predicts no change in sideband amplitude with AM's modulating frequency and practical testing with instruments proves that, right down to the limit of the instruments. So, lowering the modulation frequency to very low, even sub-audio, doesn't change anything. The instruments run out of selectivity and start measuring the combination of all products at the same time. Instrumentation will observe time domain (the envelope) instead of frequency domain (individual sidebands). There's really nothing wrong with theory or the practicality of it all. The general equations for modulated RF use a single frequency for modulation in the textbooks because that is the easiest to show to a student. A few will show the equations with two, possibly three frequencies...but those quickly become VERY cumbersome to handle, are avoided when starting in on teaching of modulation theory. The simple examples are good enough to figure out necessary communications bandwidth...which is what counts in the practical situation of making hardware that works for AM or FM or PM. In the real world, everyone is really working in time domain. But, the frequency domain theory tells what the bandwidth has to be for all to get time domain information. In SSB with very attenuated carrier level, that single sideband is carrying ALL the information needed. We can't "hear" RF so the very amplitude stable receiver carrier frequency resupply allows recovery of the original audio. With very very stable propagation and a constant circuit strength, the original audio could go way down in frequency to DC. The SSB receiver could theoretically recover everything all the way down to DC...except the practicality of minimizing the total SSB bandwidth and suppressing the carrier puts the low frequency cutoff around 300 to 200 Hz. The carrier isn't transmitted, and it is substituted in the receiver at a stable amplitude in a SSB total circuit. Yet, theoretically it would be possible to get a very low modulation rate but nobody cares to do so. There ARE remote telemetering FM systems that DO go all the way down to DC...but most communications applications have a practical low-frequency cutoff. Theory allows it but practicality dictates other- wise. The same in instrumentation recording/observing what is happening...that also has practical limitations. If most folks stop at the "traditional" AM modulation envelope scope photos, fine. One can go fairly far just on those. To go farther, one has to delve into the theory just as deeply, perhaps moreso. Staying with the simplistic AM envelope-only view is what made a lot of hams angry in the 1950s when SSB was being adopted very quickly in amateur radio. They couldn't grasp phasing well; it didn't have any relation to the "traditional" AM modulation envelope concept. They couldn't grasp the frequency domain well, either, but that was a bit simpler than phasing vectors and caught on better than phasing explanations. :-) Basic theory is still good, still useable. Nothing has been violated for the three basic modulation types. Practical hardware by the ton has shown that theory is indeed correct in radio and on landline (the first "SSB" was in long-distance wired telephony). BLENDING two basic modulation types takes a LOT more skull sweat to grasp and nothing can be "proved" using simplistic statements or examples (like AM from just RF envelope scope shots) either for or against. I like to use the POTS modem example...getting (essentially equivalent) 56 K rate communications through a 3 KHz bandwidth circuit. That uses a combination of AM and PM. Blends two basic types of modulation, but in a certain way. Nearly all of us use one to communicate on the Internet and it works fine, is faster than some ISP computers, heh heh. So, the simplistic explanations of "one can't get that fast a communication rate through a narrow bandwidth!" falls flat on its 0 state when there are all these practical examples showing it does work. It isn't magic. It's just a clever way to blend two kinds of modulation for a specific purpose. It works. In the "single-sideband FM" examples, one cannot use the simplistic rules for FM in regards to bandwidth or rate. Those experiments were combining things in a non-traditional way. It isn't strictly single sideband, either, but many are off-put by the name given it. Len Anderson retired (from regular hours) electronic engineer person |
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![]() I've read through some of the replies and didn't see what I thought was a good answer to "where can I find a good explanation". We've been doing a series of technical seminars at work, and one of the first ones covered AM and FM modulation. (FYI...we build equipment that is very good at analyzing spectral content of signals, so it's an area we care quite a bit about.) We used a vector diagram that I think is fairly easy to understand. Wish I could draw it here! I'll try to describe it verbally in a way you could draw it yourself, and think about it. For AM: Draw a vector starting at the origin and going one unit right. This is the carrier, at time=0. It rotates counterclockwise (by convention) at the carrier frequency. Now consider, say, 50% modulation with some sinewave, maybe 1/1000 the carrier freq. To represent this, draw two more vectors. The way we've done it is to start them both at the right end of the first (carrier) vector. Both are 1/4 unit long. To start, at time=0, draw them both further to the right from the carrier. Since they are both adding to the carrier, the net at that point in time is 1.5 units long. Now if the carrier didn't move (zero freq), one of the little vectors would rotate clockwise and one would rotate counterclockwise, at just the same rates. (Careful here! The one going clockwise represents your "negative freq" if you will, but there is NO MATH, just a picture, so don't let your mind lock up on this one!) They'd get to be both pointing to the left at just the same time, and at that time they'd subtract from the carrier and leave you with a vector 0.5 units long. But before you got to that point, you'd have one of them pointing straight up, and one pointing down, and they'd cancel out, leaving just the carrier. Now just imagine all that happening as the carrier rotates them around... it's all just the same but produces the carrier plus the two sidebands. One key thing to get from this picture is that the two modulation vectors always sum together to a vector which is parallel to the carrier vector (or else zero length). For FM: Draw the same picture, but now the modulation vectors both start pointing up, at 90 degrees to the carrier. As they rotate around, they always sum to something that is perpendicular to the carrier vector. Hmmmm...but notice that if they are very short, the net result is practically the same length as the carrier vector all the time, but if they are a bit longer, you'd have the carrier amplitude changing. Draw the picture to see that! Let's say that each of the two are 1/10 as long as the carrier, so that the result is a right triangle with the carrier 1 unit long and the modulation 1/5 unit long. So the net in that case would be sqrt(1^2 + 0.2^2) = 1.02. But this is FM, and the amplitude is not allowed to change. So we have to put in a correction. One way to do that is to add a couple more vectors which correct this initial error. If you think it through, you'll see they have to rotate twice as fast as the initial two modulation vectors. So the initial ones represent the first sidebands, and the next pair represent the second sidebands...and if you draw it out right, you'll be able to see how the whole set of sidebands comes about. So...why is it FM? Because the sidebands rotate the carrier phase. In fact, that's how you have to draw the set of modulation vectors: to sum up to a carrier whose phase is modulated (which is the same as FM, of course, for this single sine freq modulation). But notice that if the modulation is low enough, practically all the modulation energy is in those initial two sidebands, represented by the first two vectors. Now if you transmitted ONLY those two and removed the carrier, and someone on the other end inserted the carrier at t=0 pointing UP instead of to the right, why you'd have -- AM! Or at least something very, very close to AM. So, I think it should be clear from that, that single sideband FM (assuming very low modulation index) should be practically equivalent to single sideband AM. By the way, back several years ago there was a lot of interest in finding ways to make more efficient AM broadcast transmitters. If you use a class C power amplifier, you can get good RF-generator efficiency, but the modulator running class AB or B is inefficient. And if you do the modulation at a low level, you have to run the RF chain AB or B. So one of the ways invented to get AM was to generate two FM signals, which of course can be amplified by class C power amps, whose modulation was generated through a pretty special DSP algorithm, so that when you combined the RF outputs of the two FM transmitters you got, ta-da, AM! I always thought that was pretty cool, but I don't think it ever caught on in a big way, because folk have come up with other ways of efficiently generating AM. Cheers, Tom (Bruce Kizerian) wrote in message . com... Can anyone direct me to some good understandable references on single sideband frequency modulation? I have no real practical reason for wanting to know about this. It is interesting to me in a "mathetical" sort of way. Of course, that is dangerous for me because my brain gets very stubborn when I try to do math. Such ideas as "negative frequency" kind of send my mental faculties into total shutdown. But I read schematic very well. It is a visual language I can usually understand. Seems like years ago there was an article on SSB FM in Ham Radio. That would probably be a good start. If anyone can send me a copy of that article I would be much appreciative. Thanks in advance Bruce kk7zz www.elmerdude.com Cheers, Tom |
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![]() I've read through some of the replies and didn't see what I thought was a good answer to "where can I find a good explanation". We've been doing a series of technical seminars at work, and one of the first ones covered AM and FM modulation. (FYI...we build equipment that is very good at analyzing spectral content of signals, so it's an area we care quite a bit about.) We used a vector diagram that I think is fairly easy to understand. Wish I could draw it here! I'll try to describe it verbally in a way you could draw it yourself, and think about it. For AM: Draw a vector starting at the origin and going one unit right. This is the carrier, at time=0. It rotates counterclockwise (by convention) at the carrier frequency. Now consider, say, 50% modulation with some sinewave, maybe 1/1000 the carrier freq. To represent this, draw two more vectors. The way we've done it is to start them both at the right end of the first (carrier) vector. Both are 1/4 unit long. To start, at time=0, draw them both further to the right from the carrier. Since they are both adding to the carrier, the net at that point in time is 1.5 units long. Now if the carrier didn't move (zero freq), one of the little vectors would rotate clockwise and one would rotate counterclockwise, at just the same rates. (Careful here! The one going clockwise represents your "negative freq" if you will, but there is NO MATH, just a picture, so don't let your mind lock up on this one!) They'd get to be both pointing to the left at just the same time, and at that time they'd subtract from the carrier and leave you with a vector 0.5 units long. But before you got to that point, you'd have one of them pointing straight up, and one pointing down, and they'd cancel out, leaving just the carrier. Now just imagine all that happening as the carrier rotates them around... it's all just the same but produces the carrier plus the two sidebands. One key thing to get from this picture is that the two modulation vectors always sum together to a vector which is parallel to the carrier vector (or else zero length). For FM: Draw the same picture, but now the modulation vectors both start pointing up, at 90 degrees to the carrier. As they rotate around, they always sum to something that is perpendicular to the carrier vector. Hmmmm...but notice that if they are very short, the net result is practically the same length as the carrier vector all the time, but if they are a bit longer, you'd have the carrier amplitude changing. Draw the picture to see that! Let's say that each of the two are 1/10 as long as the carrier, so that the result is a right triangle with the carrier 1 unit long and the modulation 1/5 unit long. So the net in that case would be sqrt(1^2 + 0.2^2) = 1.02. But this is FM, and the amplitude is not allowed to change. So we have to put in a correction. One way to do that is to add a couple more vectors which correct this initial error. If you think it through, you'll see they have to rotate twice as fast as the initial two modulation vectors. So the initial ones represent the first sidebands, and the next pair represent the second sidebands...and if you draw it out right, you'll be able to see how the whole set of sidebands comes about. So...why is it FM? Because the sidebands rotate the carrier phase. In fact, that's how you have to draw the set of modulation vectors: to sum up to a carrier whose phase is modulated (which is the same as FM, of course, for this single sine freq modulation). But notice that if the modulation is low enough, practically all the modulation energy is in those initial two sidebands, represented by the first two vectors. Now if you transmitted ONLY those two and removed the carrier, and someone on the other end inserted the carrier at t=0 pointing UP instead of to the right, why you'd have -- AM! Or at least something very, very close to AM. So, I think it should be clear from that, that single sideband FM (assuming very low modulation index) should be practically equivalent to single sideband AM. By the way, back several years ago there was a lot of interest in finding ways to make more efficient AM broadcast transmitters. If you use a class C power amplifier, you can get good RF-generator efficiency, but the modulator running class AB or B is inefficient. And if you do the modulation at a low level, you have to run the RF chain AB or B. So one of the ways invented to get AM was to generate two FM signals, which of course can be amplified by class C power amps, whose modulation was generated through a pretty special DSP algorithm, so that when you combined the RF outputs of the two FM transmitters you got, ta-da, AM! I always thought that was pretty cool, but I don't think it ever caught on in a big way, because folk have come up with other ways of efficiently generating AM. Cheers, Tom (Bruce Kizerian) wrote in message . com... Can anyone direct me to some good understandable references on single sideband frequency modulation? I have no real practical reason for wanting to know about this. It is interesting to me in a "mathetical" sort of way. Of course, that is dangerous for me because my brain gets very stubborn when I try to do math. Such ideas as "negative frequency" kind of send my mental faculties into total shutdown. But I read schematic very well. It is a visual language I can usually understand. Seems like years ago there was an article on SSB FM in Ham Radio. That would probably be a good start. If anyone can send me a copy of that article I would be much appreciative. Thanks in advance Bruce kk7zz www.elmerdude.com Cheers, Tom |
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In article , Gary Schafer
writes: Let's start at the other end and see what happens; If we have a final amp with 1000 dc volts on the plate and we want to plate modulate it to 100% or very near so, we need 1000 volts peak to peak audio to do it. On positive audio peaks the dc plate voltage and the positive peak audio voltage will add together to provide 2000 volts plate voltage. On negative audio peaks the negative audio voltage will subtract from the dc plate voltage with a net of zero volts left on the plate at that time. (or very nearly zero volts if we do not quite hit 100%) How does the tube put out any power (carrier) at the time there is near zero plate voltage on it? The negative audio cycle portion is going to be much longer than many rf cycles so the tank circuit is not going to maintain it on its own. Why does the carrier stay full? Gary, you are trying to mix the frequency domain and time domain information...and then confusing steady-state conditions in the time domain with repetitive conditions. The "carrier amplitude is constant" holds true over repetitive audio modulation. In conventional AM, with repetitive modulation from a pure tone, there are three RF spectral products. If you deliberately notch out the carrier component in a receiver, and then reinsert a steady-state, synchronized carrier frequency component in its place, you will recover the original modulation audio. The receiver demodulator sees only a steady, constant-amplitude carrier frequency component. There is absolutely no carrier amplitude variation then. But the original modulation audio is demodulated exactly as if it were the done with the original transmitted carrier. SSB reception is done all the time that way (except the carrier amplitude is so low it might as well be zero). That's a practical test proving only that the carrier amplitude does not have any change insofar as demodulation is concerned. As a practical test of just the transmitter, let's consider your basic old-style AM description...Class-C RF PA with linear plate volts v. power output characteristic, modulation by the plate voltage. That plate voltage is 1 KV steady-state. In steady-state, RF output has a single RF component, the carrier frequency. One. RF spectral component will follow the general time-domain RF equations with no modulation. [easy math there] Apply modulation to the plate voltage with a pure tone. Plate voltage swings UP as well as DOWN equally. [theoretical perfect linear situation] Same rate of UP and DOWN. [start thinking dv/dt] Look at the spectral components with this pure tone modulation. Now we have THREE, not just one. Any high resolution spectrum analyzer sampling the RF output will provide practical proof of that. So, if you want to examine the total RF in a time-domain situation, you MUST examine it as amplitude versus an infinitely-thin slice of TIME. You cannot take a finite time chunk out of the RF envelope and "prove" anything...anymore than you can justify the existance of three RF components, not just TWO. [if this were the real classroom, you would have to prove that on the whiteboard and justify it in full public view...and maybe have to show the class the spectrum analyzer output]. Remember that the modulation signal also exists in a time domain and is constantly changing. If the "carrier sinewave goes to zero and thus power output is zero," how do you justify that, a half repetition time of the modulation signal later, "carrier sinewave goes to twice amplitude and power output is double"? You are trying an analogy that has a special condition, by neglecting the RATE of the modulation. It is always changing just as the carrier frequency sinewave is changing. You want to stop time for the modulation to show repetitive RF carrier sinusoids and that is NOT modulation. It is just adjustment of the RF output via plate voltage. No modulation at all. The basic equation of an AM RF amplitude holds for those infinitely- small slices of TIME. The series expansion of that basic equation will show the spectral components that exist in the frequency domain. Nothing has been violated in the math and practical measurements will prove the existance and nature of the spectral components. For those that like the vector presentation of things, trying to look at a longer-than-infinitely-small slice of time or just the negative or positive modulation swings is the SAME as removal of the modulation signal vector. Such wouldn't exist in that hypothetical situation. It would be only the RF carrier vector rotating all by itself. In basic FM or PM, there's NO change in RF envelope amplitude with a perfect source of FM or PM. "The carrier swings from side to side with modulation," right? Okay, then how come for why does the carrier spectral frequency component go to ZERO with a certain modulation/deviation level and STAY there as long as the modulation is held at that level? RF envelope amplitude will remain constant. Good old spectrum analyzer has practical proof of that. [common way of precise calibration of modulation index with FM] The FM is "just swinging frequency up and down" is much too simple an explanation, excellent for quick-training technicians who have to keep ready- built stuff running, not very good for those who have to use true basics for design, very bad for those involved with unusual combinations of modulation. If you go back to your original situation and have this theoretical power meter working with conventional AM, prove there are ANY sidebands generated from the modulation of plant voltage...or one or two or more. :-) Going to be a difficult task doing that, yet there obviously ARE sidebands generated with conventional AM and each set has the same information. Lose one and modulation continues. Prove it solely from the time-domain modulation envelope. Prove the carrier component amplitude varies or remains constant. Hint: You will wind up doing as another Johnny Carson did way back in 1922 (or thereabouts) when the basic modulation equations were presented on paper. [John R. Carson, I'm not going to argue the year, that's in good textbooks for the persnickety] With conventional AM the CARRIER FREQUENCY COMPONENT amplitude remains the same for any modulation percentage less than 100. Period. I not gonna argue this anymore. :-) Len Anderson retired (from regular hours) electornic engineer person |
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In article , Gary Schafer
writes: Let's start at the other end and see what happens; If we have a final amp with 1000 dc volts on the plate and we want to plate modulate it to 100% or very near so, we need 1000 volts peak to peak audio to do it. On positive audio peaks the dc plate voltage and the positive peak audio voltage will add together to provide 2000 volts plate voltage. On negative audio peaks the negative audio voltage will subtract from the dc plate voltage with a net of zero volts left on the plate at that time. (or very nearly zero volts if we do not quite hit 100%) How does the tube put out any power (carrier) at the time there is near zero plate voltage on it? The negative audio cycle portion is going to be much longer than many rf cycles so the tank circuit is not going to maintain it on its own. Why does the carrier stay full? Gary, you are trying to mix the frequency domain and time domain information...and then confusing steady-state conditions in the time domain with repetitive conditions. The "carrier amplitude is constant" holds true over repetitive audio modulation. In conventional AM, with repetitive modulation from a pure tone, there are three RF spectral products. If you deliberately notch out the carrier component in a receiver, and then reinsert a steady-state, synchronized carrier frequency component in its place, you will recover the original modulation audio. The receiver demodulator sees only a steady, constant-amplitude carrier frequency component. There is absolutely no carrier amplitude variation then. But the original modulation audio is demodulated exactly as if it were the done with the original transmitted carrier. SSB reception is done all the time that way (except the carrier amplitude is so low it might as well be zero). That's a practical test proving only that the carrier amplitude does not have any change insofar as demodulation is concerned. As a practical test of just the transmitter, let's consider your basic old-style AM description...Class-C RF PA with linear plate volts v. power output characteristic, modulation by the plate voltage. That plate voltage is 1 KV steady-state. In steady-state, RF output has a single RF component, the carrier frequency. One. RF spectral component will follow the general time-domain RF equations with no modulation. [easy math there] Apply modulation to the plate voltage with a pure tone. Plate voltage swings UP as well as DOWN equally. [theoretical perfect linear situation] Same rate of UP and DOWN. [start thinking dv/dt] Look at the spectral components with this pure tone modulation. Now we have THREE, not just one. Any high resolution spectrum analyzer sampling the RF output will provide practical proof of that. So, if you want to examine the total RF in a time-domain situation, you MUST examine it as amplitude versus an infinitely-thin slice of TIME. You cannot take a finite time chunk out of the RF envelope and "prove" anything...anymore than you can justify the existance of three RF components, not just TWO. [if this were the real classroom, you would have to prove that on the whiteboard and justify it in full public view...and maybe have to show the class the spectrum analyzer output]. Remember that the modulation signal also exists in a time domain and is constantly changing. If the "carrier sinewave goes to zero and thus power output is zero," how do you justify that, a half repetition time of the modulation signal later, "carrier sinewave goes to twice amplitude and power output is double"? You are trying an analogy that has a special condition, by neglecting the RATE of the modulation. It is always changing just as the carrier frequency sinewave is changing. You want to stop time for the modulation to show repetitive RF carrier sinusoids and that is NOT modulation. It is just adjustment of the RF output via plate voltage. No modulation at all. The basic equation of an AM RF amplitude holds for those infinitely- small slices of TIME. The series expansion of that basic equation will show the spectral components that exist in the frequency domain. Nothing has been violated in the math and practical measurements will prove the existance and nature of the spectral components. For those that like the vector presentation of things, trying to look at a longer-than-infinitely-small slice of time or just the negative or positive modulation swings is the SAME as removal of the modulation signal vector. Such wouldn't exist in that hypothetical situation. It would be only the RF carrier vector rotating all by itself. In basic FM or PM, there's NO change in RF envelope amplitude with a perfect source of FM or PM. "The carrier swings from side to side with modulation," right? Okay, then how come for why does the carrier spectral frequency component go to ZERO with a certain modulation/deviation level and STAY there as long as the modulation is held at that level? RF envelope amplitude will remain constant. Good old spectrum analyzer has practical proof of that. [common way of precise calibration of modulation index with FM] The FM is "just swinging frequency up and down" is much too simple an explanation, excellent for quick-training technicians who have to keep ready- built stuff running, not very good for those who have to use true basics for design, very bad for those involved with unusual combinations of modulation. If you go back to your original situation and have this theoretical power meter working with conventional AM, prove there are ANY sidebands generated from the modulation of plant voltage...or one or two or more. :-) Going to be a difficult task doing that, yet there obviously ARE sidebands generated with conventional AM and each set has the same information. Lose one and modulation continues. Prove it solely from the time-domain modulation envelope. Prove the carrier component amplitude varies or remains constant. Hint: You will wind up doing as another Johnny Carson did way back in 1922 (or thereabouts) when the basic modulation equations were presented on paper. [John R. Carson, I'm not going to argue the year, that's in good textbooks for the persnickety] With conventional AM the CARRIER FREQUENCY COMPONENT amplitude remains the same for any modulation percentage less than 100. Period. I not gonna argue this anymore. :-) Len Anderson retired (from regular hours) electornic engineer person |
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Avery Fineman wrote:
So, if you want to examine the total RF in a time-domain situation, you MUST examine it as amplitude versus an infinitely-thin slice of TIME. You might want to remind everyone that the mathematical Fourier transform of a signal is an integral that extends from time=minus infinity to plus infinity. Since Real Spectrum Analyzers (or network analyzer) need to produce results in something, oh, less than infinite time (probably less than the time between now and the next donut break), they're necessarily limited in the low frequency detail they can provide. True, if Gary's transmitter is transmitting a zero at the moment he connects a spectrum analyzer, he won't see anything at all on the display, but as you point out -- this is an equipment problem, not a mathematical one. I'm still a believer in SSB-FM, BTW. :-) But I have enough respect for you that I won't attempt to argue it further without first finding the time to prepare a few drawings to demonsrate why! ---Joel Kolstad |
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