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moderated group rec.radio.amateur.moderated This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the moderated Usenet newsgroup, rec.radio.amateur.moderated. NEWSGROUPS LINE: rec.radio.amateur.moderated rec.radio.amateur.moderated Amateur radio practices, rules, etc. (Moderated) RATIONALE: rec.radio.amateur.moderated rec.radio.amateur.moderated is a moderated alternative to the existing rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroups. The rec.radio.amateur.misc newsgroup is chartered to discuss amateur ("ham") radio practices, contents, events, rules, etc., including anything related to amateur radio not specifically covered by another rec.radio.amateur.* newsgroup. The rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroup is chartered to discuss ham radio rules, regulations, and policy. Over the past several years, the traffic on both groups has become largely flame wars, spam, and personal ad-hominem discussions of past, present, and future violations and violators, having little or no bearing on amateur radio. Polite requests by serious group posters to the offenders to refrain from such behavior have not resulted in elimination of such behavior and has in fact resulted in another series of flame wars. As a result, many knowledgeable and concerned posters in both groups have ceased being active therein. Prior to the deterioration of rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy, both groups had active discussion of their chartered topics. It is expected that offering a moderated group will persuade those who formerly participated to resume their participation in rational, focussed, and informed discussion. Proper moderation will enable serious postings to the group to remain on topic while not limiting who can voice opinions or what opinions can be voiced. Combining the topics of the unmoderated rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroups into a single moderated newsgroup is offered as the most practical solution for both the moderators and the participants at this time. This proposal does not necessarily presume that any other rec.radio.amateur.* newsgroups and their topics require moderated alternatives at this time. CHARTER: rec.radio.amateur.moderated is for the discussion of amateur ("ham") radio. It is not limited to the rules of any one country or time period. Possible topics include past, present, and future operating practices; events; contests; past, present, and potential-future rules; power limitations; authorized frequencies; allowed modes and band plans (or other gentlemen's agreements) that govern how we are to operate; what constitutes the acceptable operation of amateur stations. General communications law or government policy of various government agencies is also on-topic, as long as the discussion relates to amateur radio. Examples would be emergency communications, local antenna restrictions, and property deed restrictions applying to operation of amateur radio stations. Discussion of other type of radio, such as Citizens Band, Broadcast, other Personal Radio Services, Commercial or Private Land Mobile, and Marine or Aviation services are off-topic, except when *directly* related to amateur radio. Similarly, discussion of methods violating applicable communication law and regulations concerning radio equipment or operations are off-topic. The following are prohibited: * Personal advertisements. * Commercial advertisements and money-making schemes. * Chain letters. * Posts in HTML. * EMP spam. * Binaries, apart from PGP signatures, X-Face headers, and other ancillary article meta-data. * Forgery of valid e-mail addresses. * Excessive morphing/nym-shifting. * Copyright violations. Pointers to news articles, blogs, etc. on this topic are welcome but are required to comply with fair use standards. * Personal attacks and flames, as defined by the moderation team. * Advertising items and/or services for sale. * Links to "objectionable" web content, including pornographic sites, sites encouraging illegal activities, or sites deemed unacceptable by the moderation team. * Discussion of moderation decisions. See below for information on appealing moderator action. LINKS: Amateur Radio Newsgroups in Total Meltdown (QRZ) http://www.qrz.com/ib-bin/ikonboard....T;f=7;t=119282 Amateur Radio Newsgroups: Total Meltdown (eHam) http://www.eham.net/articles/13581 Secure, Team-Based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) http://www.algebra.com/~ichudov/stump/ MODERATION POLICY: rec.radio.amateur.moderated A moderation robot will scan all submitted posts. Each post will be either automatically approved, rejected, or sent to the moderators for manual review. The moderator 'bot will enforce the following guidelines: * Crossposting is generally not allowed, with the general exception of crossposts of bulletins, FAQ's, and other informational articles to rec.radio.info, rec.answers, and news.answers. Infrequent administrative crossposts may occasionally be allowed at the sole discretion of the moderator. * Postings must be in plain text. In particular no HTML or mixed text and HTML posts will be allowed. Messages that are multipart/alternative will be automatically filtered to pass just the text/plain version to the newsgroup. * No binary postings of any sort will be accepted. Exceptions will be made for cryptographic signatures and such. * Messages must not have a 'Followup-To' header that points out of rec.radio.amateur.moderated (other than to "poster"). * Messages must not continue a thread that has been "closed" by the moderators. Individual posters may be temporarily banned for consistently violating the group charter. Posters who feel that their posts have been unfairly rejected or banned by a specific moderator may appeal the decision by contacting the Appeals Board, consisting of a rotating group of 2 or more moderators, at the Administrative Contact address below. The Board will discuss and vote on the appeal and respond within 14 days if the appeal is successful. Multiple temporary bans, attempting to circumvent the ban, or abuse of the appeal system may result in a permanent ban. MODERATOR INFO: rec.radio.amateur.moderated Moderator: Paul W. Schleck, K3FU Moderator: Bob Diepenbrock, KC4UAI Moderator: Jack Cook, VK2CJC Moderator: Jim Hampton, AA2QA Moderator: Ace Ratliff, WH2T Moderator: Jeff Angus, WA6FWI Moderator: Hans Brakob, K0HB In addition, the rec.radio.amateur.moderated Moderation Team will utilize the expertise of the following consultants: Consultant: Cecil A. Moore, W5DXP Consultant: Phil Kane, K2ASP Consultant: Brian Short, K7ON The moderators are seeking additional candidates for the moderation team in order to ensure minimal posting delays and to avoid any appearance of bias. We would especially like to find moderators in other time zones, countries/continents, etc. Article Submissions: Administrative Contact: END MODERATOR INFO PROCEDU For more information on the newsgroup creation process, please see: http://www.big-8.org/dokuwiki/doku.p...icies:creation Those who wish to influence the development of this RFD and its final resolution should subscribe to news.groups.proposals and participate in the relevant threads in that newsgroup. This is both a courtesy to groups in which discussion of creating a new group is off-topic as well as the best method of making sure that one's comments or criticisms are heard. All discussion of active proposals should be posted to news.groups.proposals. To this end, the 'Followup-To' header of this RFD has been set to this group. If desired by the readership of closely affected groups, the discussion may be crossposted to those groups, but care must be taken to ensure that all discussion appears in news.groups.proposals as well. We urge those who would like to read or post in the proposed newsgroup to make a comment to that effect in this thread; we ask proponents to keep a list of such positive posts with the relevant message ID (e.g., Barney Fife, ). Such lists of positive feedback for the proposal may constitute good evidence that the group will be well-used if it is created. DISTRIBUTION: This document has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups.proposals rec.radio.info rec.radio.amateur.misc rec.radio.amateur.policy The proponent will also post pointers to: http://www.qrz.com/ PROPONENT: "Paul W. Schleck, K3FU" CHANGE HISTORY: 2007-01-10 1st RFD |
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moderated group rec.radio.amateur.moderated This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the moderated Usenet newsgroup, rec.radio.amateur.moderated. NEWSGROUPS LINE: rec.radio.amateur.moderated rec.radio.amateur.moderated Amateur radio practices, rules, etc. (Moderated) RATIONALE: rec.radio.amateur.moderated rec.radio.amateur.moderated is a moderated alternative to the existing rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroups. The rec.radio.amateur.misc newsgroup is chartered to discuss amateur ("ham") radio practices, contents, events, rules, etc., including anything related to amateur radio not specifically covered by another rec.radio.amateur.* newsgroup. The rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroup is chartered to discuss ham radio rules, regulations, and policy. Over the past several years, the traffic on both groups has become largely flame wars, spam, and personal ad-hominem discussions of past, present, and future violations and violators, having little or no bearing on amateur radio. Polite requests by serious group posters to the offenders to refrain from such behavior have not resulted in elimination of such behavior and has in fact resulted in another series of flame wars. As a result, many knowledgeable and concerned posters in both groups have ceased being active therein. Prior to the deterioration of rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy, both groups had active discussion of their chartered topics. It is expected that offering a moderated group will persuade those who formerly participated to resume their participation in rational, focussed, and informed discussion. Proper moderation will enable serious postings to the group to remain on topic while not limiting who can voice opinions or what opinions can be voiced. Combining the topics of the unmoderated rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroups into a single moderated newsgroup is offered as the most practical solution for both the moderators and the participants at this time. Followup discussion in response to the 1st RFD indicated that there was significant and strongly-held opinions in favor of either opening up the proposed newsgroup to all amateur radio topics, or changing the name to reflect a misc+policy scope only. In addition to the rec.radio.amateur.misc, and rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroups, there has also been recent discussion about moderation in rec.radio.amateur.antenna and rec.radio.amateur.dx. As a result, pointers to this 2nd RFD will be posted to those additional newsgroups. In particular, some consensus about alternatives is being actively solicited at this time. The main alternatives a 1. Make rec.radio.amateur.moderated an all-encompassing moderated amateur radio discussion newsgroup. 2. Keep the topics focused on misc and policy, and come up with a better name for our proposed misc+policy moderated amateur radio discussion newsgroup. Alternative #2 then branches out to two possible outcomes: 2.a. Create additional moderated newsgroups for other topics, like .antenna and .dx, now or in the future. 2.b. No one steps forward to create additional moderated newsgroups, and the other topics continue unmoderated. Alternative #1 does not rule out the creation of additional moderated newsgroups in the future, though there is the valid point that alternative #2 fixes the name-space problem immediately for future growth, and would not have to be revisited. Alternative #2 requires a suitable name. The name of rec.radio.amateur.misc+policy.moderated was suggested by Kathy Morgan. One argument in favor of alternative #1 is: - It may not be realistic to expect that, even if strongly desired, additional moderated newsgroups for other topics are going to emerge anytime soon, or at all. Our moderation team does not intend to moderate more than 1 or 2 discussion newsgroups. We also do not feel that, as a whole, we are deep enough experts in the somewhat advanced-level topics of antennas and dx to effectively vet appropriate articles for those topics. In followup discussion for this 2nd RFD, we would like to try and separate mere opinions from realistic plans/intentions to add additional moderated discussion newsgroups for rec.radio.amateur.*. Alternatively, it may be the case that those newsgroups' readership may not favor such new moderated newsgroups, and either defer to ours, or retain their topic discussions in the existing unmoderated newsgroups. CHARTER: rec.radio.amateur.moderated is for the discussion of amateur ("ham") radio, also known as the Amateur Radio Service, as defined in Federal Communications Commission Regulations and U.S. Law (47 CFR Part 97), and in similar laws and regulations in other countries, based on international treaty. It is not limited to the rules of any one country or time period. Possible topics include past, present, and future operating practices; events; contests; past, present, and potential-future rules; power limitations; authorized frequencies; allowed modes and band plans (or other gentlemen's agreements) that govern how we are to operate; what constitutes the acceptable operation of amateur stations. The newsgroup is intended to be international in scope, not just for amateurs in the United States. It is, however, intended as an English-language forum, by custom and practice. As with General Aviation and other internationally-scoped endeavors, the Amateur Radio Service has a strong custom of the use of English and the Latin alphabet. Discussion of amateur radio in languages other than English also occurs in many country- and region-specific hierarchies, many of which have specific amateur radio newsgroups, including: de.* (Germany) dk.* (Denmark) es.* (Spain) fr.* (France) nl.* (Netherlands) pl.* (Poland) pt.* (Portugal) relcom.* (Russia) This newsgroup is only intended to supplement, not supersede, any other amateur radio newsgroups. General communications law or government policy of various government agencies is also on-topic, as long as the discussion relates to amateur radio. Examples would be emergency communications, local antenna restrictions, and property deed restrictions applying to operation of amateur radio stations. Discussion of other type of radio, such as Citizens Band, Broadcast, other Personal Radio Services, Commercial or Private Land Mobile, and Marine or Aviation services are off-topic, except when *directly* related to amateur radio. Similarly, discussion of methods violating applicable communication law and regulations concerning radio equipment or operations are off-topic. The following are prohibited: * Personal advertisements (submitters of such articles will be referred to rec.radio.swap, instead). * Commercial advertisements and money-making schemes. * Chain letters. * Posts in HTML. * EMP spam. * Binaries, apart from PGP signatures, X-Face headers, and other ancillary article meta-data. * Forgery of valid e-mail addresses. * Excessive morphing/nym-shifting. * Copyright violations. Pointers to news articles, blogs, etc. on this topic are welcome but are required to comply with fair use standards. * Personal attacks and flames, as defined by the moderation team. * Advertising items and/or services for sale. * Links to "objectionable" web content, including pornographic sites, sites encouraging illegal activities, or sites deemed unacceptable by the moderation team. The moderation team will cursorily check the contents of specific links to confirm on-topic content, but acceptance for posting does not imply endorsement or approval of the entire present or future contents of that web site. * Discussion of moderation decisions. See below for information on appealing moderator action. LINKS: Amateur Radio Newsgroups in Total Meltdown (QRZ) http://www.qrz.com/ib-bin/ikonboard....T;f=7;t=119282 Amateur Radio Newsgroups: Total Meltdown (eHam) http://www.eham.net/articles/13581 Secure, Team-Based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) http://www.algebra.com/~ichudov/stump/ MODERATION POLICY: rec.radio.amateur.moderated A moderation robot will scan all submitted posts. Each post will be either automatically approved, rejected, or sent to the moderators for manual review. The moderator 'bot will enforce the following guidelines: * Crossposting is generally not allowed, with the general exception of crossposts of bulletins, FAQ's, and other informational articles to rec.radio.info, rec.answers, and news.answers. Infrequent administrative crossposts may occasionally be allowed at the sole discretion of the moderator. * Postings must be in plain text. In particular no HTML or mixed text and HTML posts will be allowed. Messages that are multipart/alternative will be automatically filtered to pass just the text/plain version to the newsgroup. * No binary postings of any sort will be accepted. Exceptions will be made for cryptographic signatures and such. * Messages must not have a 'Followup-To' header that points out of rec.radio.amateur.moderated (other than to "poster"). * Messages must not continue a thread that has been "closed" by the moderators. Individual posters may be temporarily banned for consistently violating the group charter. Posters who feel that their posts have been unfairly rejected or banned, either for specific content or by a specific moderator, may appeal the decision. They may do so by contacting the Appeals Board, consisting of a rotating group of 2 or more moderators, at the Administrative Contact address below. The Board will discuss and vote on the appeal and respond within 14 days if the appeal is successful. The Board will also reply within 14 days to unsuccessful submitters of any appeal that is on-topic, reasoned, civilly stated, and is not substantially an attempt to revisit the subject matter and arguments of a previous unsuccessful appeal. Multiple temporary bans, attempting to circumvent the ban, or abuse of the appeal system may result in a permanent ban. MODERATOR INFO: rec.radio.amateur.moderated Moderator: Paul W. Schleck, K3FU Moderator: Bob Diepenbrock, KC4UAI Moderator: Jack Cook, VK2CJC Moderator: Jim Hampton, AA2QA Moderator: Ace Ratliff, WH2T Moderator: Jeff Angus, WA6FWI Moderator: Hans Brakob, K0HB In addition, the rec.radio.amateur.moderated Moderation Team will utilize the expertise of the following consultants: Consultant: Cecil A. Moore, W5DXP Consultant: Phil Kane, K2ASP Consultant: Brian Short, K7ON The moderators are seeking additional candidates for the moderation team in order to ensure minimal posting delays and to avoid any appearance of bias. We would especially like to find moderators in other time zones, countries/continents, etc. Article Submissions: Administrative Contact: PROCEDU For more information on the newsgroup creation process, please see: http://www.big-8.org/dokuwiki/doku.p...icies:creation Those who wish to influence the development of this RFD and its final resolution should subscribe to news.groups.proposals and participate in the relevant threads in that newsgroup. This is both a courtesy to groups in which discussion of creating a new group is off-topic as well as the best method of making sure that one's comments or criticisms are heard. All discussion of active proposals should be posted to news.groups.proposals. To this end, the 'Followup-To' header of this RFD has been set to this group. If desired by the readership of closely affected groups, the discussion may be crossposted to those groups, but care must be taken to ensure that all discussion appears in news.groups.proposals as well. We urge those who would like to read or post in the proposed newsgroup to make a comment to that effect in this thread; we ask proponents to keep a list of such positive posts with the relevant message ID (e.g., Barney Fife, ). Such lists of positive feedback for the proposal may constitute good evidence that the group will be well-used if it is created. DISTRIBUTION: This document has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups.proposals rec.radio.info rec.radio.amateur.misc rec.radio.amateur.policy The proponent will also post pointers to: rec.radio.amateur.antenna rec.radio.amateur.dx http://www.qrz.com/ PROPONENT: "Paul W. Schleck, K3FU" CHANGE HISTORY: 2007-01-10 1st RFD 2007-01-25 2nd RFD |
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Archive-Name: rec.radio.amateur.moderated
REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD) rec.radio.amateur.moderated This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the moderated Usenet newsgroup, rec.radio.amateur.moderated. PROCEDU The B8MB plans to begin voting on this proposal after five days. Please offer any final discussion or comments before the end of this waiting period. Voting may take up to one week (7 days); a result will be posted following the end of the voting period. All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.proposals. The full group creation procedure is documented he http://www.big-8.org/dokuwiki/doku.p...cies:proposals NEWSGROUPS LINE: rec.radio.amateur.moderated rec.radio.amateur.moderated Amateur radio practices, rules, etc. (Moderated) SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: The proposal in its current form reflects the results of feedback from posters to news.groups.proposals in response to the 1st and 2nd RFD's and a Straw Poll. It is also, realistically, a reflection of what Big-8 board members - including Tim Skirvin, Steve Bonine, and Kathy Morgan - indicated that they would support, and vote for. Followup discussion in response to the 1st RFD indicated that there was significant and strongly-held opinions in favor of either opening up the proposed newsgroup to all amateur radio topics, or changing the name to reflect a misc+policy scope only. In addition to the rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroups, there has also been recent discussion about moderation in rec.radio.amateur.antenna and rec.radio.amateur.dx. As a result, pointers to the 2nd RFD were posted to those additional newsgroups. In particular, some consensus about alternatives was actively solicited at that time. The main alternatives suggested in the 2nd RFD we 1. Make rec.radio.amateur.moderated an all-encompassing moderated amateur radio discussion newsgroup. 2. Keep the topics focused on misc and policy, and come up with a better name for the proposed misc+policy moderated amateur radio discussion newsgroup. Alternative #2 then would branch out to two possible outcomes: 2.a. Create additional moderated newsgroups for other topics, like .antenna and .dx, now or in the future. 2.b. No one steps forward to create additional moderated newsgroups, and the other topics continue unmoderated. Alternative #1 would not rule out the creation of additional moderated newsgroups in the future, though there is the valid point that alternative #2 would fix the name-space problem immediately for future growth, and would not have to be revisited. Alternative #2 would require a suitable name. The name of rec.radio.amateur.misc+policy.moderated was suggested by Kathy Morgan. One argument offered by the proponent in favor of alternative #1 was that it may not be realistic to expect that, even if strongly desired, additional moderated newsgroups for other topics would emerge anytime soon, or at all. No one from the rec.radio.amateur.antenna or rec.radio.amateur.dx newsgroup communities stepped forward to express a desire to create moderated newsgroups for those topics in response to the 2nd RFD inviting them to do so. Nor was there significant or widely-shared objection to the proposed new moderated newsgroup covering those topics also. Creation of an all-encompassing moderated amateur radio newsgroup is consistent with the findings of a Straw Poll in news.groups.proposals, where approximately 60% of respondents were in the categories of "Support initial name, no stated preference for scope" or "Support initial name and all-amateur-radio scope. Trying to characterize or summarize the opinions of those who might have been leaning towards a misc+policy scope proved difficult, and resulted in two respondents out of 21 polled (Jim Riley and Kathy Morgan) following up to clarify their own positions and correct their categorization in the Straw Poll. Jim indicated that he should be moved to the Straw Poll category of "Support initial name, no stated preference for scope," instead. Kathy indicated that she would support a proposal where the newsgroup name matched the scope. No one who was initially categorized in the Straw Poll as, "Support initial name, no stated preference for scope," or, "Support initial name and all-amateur-radio scope," followed up to news.groups.proposals to object to their own categorization. Because of all of this, the alternative of a misc+policy-only newsgroup was not seen as one that could gain political traction, broad readership support, or majority Big-8 board support. Less than 15% of respondents expressed objection to the creation of a moderated newsgroup entirely. None of these respondents objected to their categorization in the Straw Poll. The rec.radio.amateur.equipment and rec.radio.amateur.homebrew newsgroups are being added to the distribution of a pointer to this 3rd RFD as a courtesy, and for their information. They were not added previously because the existence or form of a moderated discussion newsgroup was not seen by the proponents or most of the RFD discussion participants as something that would seriously affect them. Nor has there been any significant discussion in the recent past for making moderated alternatives for those topics, either specifically or generally, on the newsgroups. Making them aware of this 3rd RFD, and the opportunity to object during this Last Call for Comments, was seen as a reasonable compromise between informing them as a courtesy versus not subjecting them to unwelcome amounts of off-topic meta-discussion. RATIONALE: rec.radio.amateur.moderated rec.radio.amateur.moderated is a moderated alternative to at least the existing rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroups. The rec.radio.amateur.misc newsgroup is chartered to discuss amateur ("ham") radio practices, contents, events, rules, etc., including anything related to amateur radio not specifically covered by another rec.radio.amateur.* newsgroup. The rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroup is chartered to discuss ham radio rules, regulations, and policy. Over the past several years, the traffic on both groups has become largely flame wars, spam, and personal ad-hominem discussions of past, present, and future violations and violators, having little or no bearing on amateur radio. Polite requests by serious group posters to the offenders to refrain from such behavior have not resulted in elimination of such behavior and has in fact resulted in another series of flame wars. As a result, many knowledgeable and concerned posters in both groups have ceased being active therein. Prior to the deterioration of rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy, both groups had active discussion of their chartered topics. It is expected that offering a moderated group will persuade those who formerly participated to resume their participation in rational, focussed, and informed discussion. Proper moderation will enable serious postings to the group to remain on topic while not limiting who can voice opinions or what opinions can be voiced. Creating a single moderated newsgroup, one that would also permit all other amateur radio topics, is offered as the most practical solution for both the moderators and the participants at this time. The existing unmoderated newsgroups under rec.radio.amateur.* can, and likely will, continue with their present topics and message traffic independent of this new moderated newsgroup. CHARTER: rec.radio.amateur.moderated is for the discussion of amateur ("ham") radio, also known as the Amateur Radio Service, as defined in Federal Communications Commission Regulations and U.S. Law (47 CFR Part 97), and in similar laws and regulations in other countries, based on international treaty. It is not limited to the rules of any one country or time period. Possible topics include past, present, and future operating practices; events; contests; past, present, and potential-future rules; power limitations; authorized frequencies; allowed modes and band plans (or other gentlemen's agreements) that govern how we are to operate; what constitutes the acceptable operation of amateur stations. The newsgroup is intended to be international in scope, not just for amateurs in the United States. It is, however, intended as an English-language forum, by custom and practice. As with General Aviation and other internationally-scoped endeavors, the Amateur Radio Service has a strong custom of the use of English and the Latin alphabet. Discussion of amateur radio in languages other than English also occurs in many country- and region-specific hierarchies, many of which have specific amateur radio newsgroups, including: de.* (Germany) dk.* (Denmark) es.* (Spain) fr.* (France) nl.* (Netherlands) pl.* (Poland) pt.* (Portugal) relcom.* (Russia) This newsgroup is only intended to supplement, not supersede, any other amateur radio newsgroups. General communications law or government policy of various government agencies is also on-topic, as long as the discussion relates to amateur radio. Examples would be emergency communications, local antenna restrictions, and property deed restrictions applying to operation of amateur radio stations. Discussion of other types of radio, such as Citizens Band, Broadcast, other Personal Radio Services, Commercial or Private Land Mobile, and Marine or Aviation services are off-topic, except when *directly* related to amateur radio. Similarly, discussion of methods violating applicable communications law and regulations concerning radio equipment or operations are off-topic. The following are prohibited: * Personal advertisements (submitters of such articles will be referred to rec.radio.swap, instead). * Commercial advertisements and money-making schemes. * Chain letters. * Posts in HTML. * EMP spam. * Binaries, apart from PGP signatures, X-Face headers, and other ancillary article meta-data. * Forgery of valid e-mail addresses. * Excessive morphing/nym-shifting. * Copyright violations. Pointers to news articles, blogs, etc. on this topic are welcome but are required to comply with fair use standards. * Personal attacks and flames, as defined by the moderation team. * Advertising items and/or services for sale (also will be referred to rec.radio.swap). * Links to "objectionable" web content, including pornographic sites, sites encouraging illegal activities, or sites deemed unacceptable by the moderation team. The moderation team will cursorily check the contents of specific links to confirm on-topic content, but acceptance for posting does not imply endorsement or approval of the entire present or future contents of that web site. * Discussion of moderation decisions. See below for information on appealing moderator action. LINKS: Amateur Radio Newsgroups in Total Meltdown (QRZ) http://www.qrz.com/ib-bin/ikonboard....T;f=7;t=119282 Amateur Radio Newsgroups: Total Meltdown (eHam) http://www.eham.net/articles/13581 Secure, Team-Based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) http://www.algebra.com/~ichudov/stump/ MODERATION POLICY: rec.radio.amateur.moderated A moderation robot will scan all submitted posts. Each post will be either automatically approved, rejected, or sent to the moderators for manual review. The moderator 'bot will enforce the following guidelines: * Crossposting is generally not allowed, with the general exception of crossposts of bulletins, FAQ's, and other informational articles to rec.radio.info, rec.answers, and news.answers. Infrequent administrative crossposts may occasionally be allowed at the sole discretion of the moderator. * Postings must be in plain text. In particular no HTML or mixed text and HTML posts will be allowed. Messages that are multipart/alternative will be automatically filtered to pass just the text/plain version to the newsgroup. * No binary postings of any sort will be accepted. Exceptions will be made for cryptographic signatures and such. * Messages must not have a 'Followup-To' header that points out of rec.radio.amateur.moderated (other than to "poster"). * Messages must not continue a thread that has been "closed" by the moderators. Individual posters may be temporarily banned for consistently violating the group charter. Posters who feel that their posts have been unfairly rejected or banned, either for specific content or by a specific moderator, may appeal the decision. They may do so by contacting the Appeals Board, consisting of a rotating group of 2 or more moderators, at the Administrative Contact address below. The Board will discuss and vote on the appeal and respond within 14 days if the appeal is successful. The Board will also reply within 14 days to unsuccessful submitters of any appeal that is on-topic, reasoned, civilly stated, and is not substantially an attempt to revisit the subject matter and arguments of a previous unsuccessful appeal. Multiple temporary bans, attempting to circumvent the ban, or abuse of the appeal system may result in a permanent ban. MODERATOR INFO: rec.radio.amateur.moderated Moderator: Paul W. Schleck, K3FU Moderator: Bob Diepenbrock, KC4UAI Moderator: Jack Cook, VK2CJC Moderator: Jim Hampton, AA2QA Moderator: Ace Ratliff, WH2T Moderator: Jeff Angus, WA6FWI Moderator: Hans Brakob, K0HB In addition, the rec.radio.amateur.moderated Moderation Team will utilize the expertise of the following consultants: Consultant: Cecil A. Moore, W5DXP Consultant: Phil Kane, K2ASP Consultant: Brian Short, K7ON The moderators are seeking additional candidates for the moderation team in order to ensure minimal posting delays and to avoid any appearance of bias. We would especially like to find moderators in other time zones, countries/continents, etc. Article Submissions: Administrative Contact: DISTRIBUTION: This document has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups.proposals rec.radio.info rec.radio.amateur.misc rec.radio.amateur.policy The proponent will also post pointers to: rec.radio.amateur.antenna rec.radio.amateur.dx rec.radio.amateur.equipment rec.radio.amateur.homebrew http://www.qrz.com/ PROPONENT: "Paul W. Schleck, K3FU" CHANGE HISTORY: 2007-01-10 1st RFD 2007-01-24 2nd RFD 2007-02-12 3rd RFD/LCC |
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rec.radio.amateur.moderated This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the moderated Usenet newsgroup, rec.radio.amateur.moderated. PROCEDU The B8MB plans to begin voting on this proposal after five days. Please offer any final discussion or comments before the end of this waiting period. Voting may take up to one week (7 days); a result will be posted following the end of the voting period. All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.proposals. The full group creation procedure is documented he http://www.big-8.org/dokuwiki/doku.p...cies:proposals NEWSGROUPS LINE: rec.radio.amateur.moderated rec.radio.amateur.moderated Amateur radio practices, rules, etc. (Moderated) SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: The proposal in its current form reflects the results of feedback from posters to news.groups.proposals in response to the 1st and 2nd RFD's and a Straw Poll. It is also, realistically, a reflection of what Big-8 board members - including Tim Skirvin, Steve Bonine, and Kathy Morgan - indicated that they would support, and vote for. Followup discussion in response to the 1st RFD indicated that there was significant and strongly-held opinions in favor of either opening up the proposed newsgroup to all amateur radio topics, or changing the name to reflect a misc+policy scope only. In addition to the rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroups, there has also been recent discussion about moderation in rec.radio.amateur.antenna and rec.radio.amateur.dx. As a result, pointers to the 2nd RFD were posted to those additional newsgroups. In particular, some consensus about alternatives was actively solicited at that time. The main alternatives suggested in the 2nd RFD we 1. Make rec.radio.amateur.moderated an all-encompassing moderated amateur radio discussion newsgroup. 2. Keep the topics focused on misc and policy, and come up with a better name for the proposed misc+policy moderated amateur radio discussion newsgroup. Alternative #2 then would branch out to two possible outcomes: 2.a. Create additional moderated newsgroups for other topics, like .antenna and .dx, now or in the future. 2.b. No one steps forward to create additional moderated newsgroups, and the other topics continue unmoderated. Alternative #1 would not rule out the creation of additional moderated newsgroups in the future, though there is the valid point that alternative #2 would fix the name-space problem immediately for future growth, and would not have to be revisited. Alternative #2 would require a suitable name. The name of rec.radio.amateur.misc+policy.moderated was suggested by Kathy Morgan. One argument offered by the proponent in favor of alternative #1 was that it may not be realistic to expect that, even if strongly desired, additional moderated newsgroups for other topics would emerge anytime soon, or at all. No one from the rec.radio.amateur.antenna or rec.radio.amateur.dx newsgroup communities stepped forward to express a desire to create moderated newsgroups for those topics in response to the 2nd RFD inviting them to do so. Nor was there significant or widely-shared objection to the proposed new moderated newsgroup covering those topics also. Creation of an all-encompassing moderated amateur radio newsgroup is consistent with the findings of a Straw Poll in news.groups.proposals, where approximately 60% of respondents were in the categories of "Support initial name, no stated preference for scope" or "Support initial name and all-amateur-radio scope. Trying to characterize or summarize the opinions of those who might have been leaning towards a misc+policy scope proved difficult, and resulted in two respondents out of 21 polled (Jim Riley and Kathy Morgan) following up to clarify their own positions and correct their categorization in the Straw Poll. Jim indicated that he should be moved to the Straw Poll category of "Support initial name, no stated preference for scope," instead. Kathy indicated that she would support a proposal where the newsgroup name matched the scope. No one who was initially categorized in the Straw Poll as, "Support initial name, no stated preference for scope," or, "Support initial name and all-amateur-radio scope," followed up to news.groups.proposals to object to their own categorization. Because of all of this, the alternative of a misc+policy-only newsgroup was not seen as one that could gain political traction, broad readership support, or majority Big-8 board support. Less than 15% of respondents expressed objection to the creation of a moderated newsgroup entirely. None of these respondents objected to their categorization in the Straw Poll. The rec.radio.amateur.equipment and rec.radio.amateur.homebrew newsgroups are being added to the distribution of a pointer to this 3rd RFD as a courtesy, and for their information. They were not added previously because the existence or form of a moderated discussion newsgroup was not seen by the proponents or most of the RFD discussion participants as something that would seriously affect them. Nor has there been any significant discussion in the recent past for making moderated alternatives for those topics, either specifically or generally, on the newsgroups. Making them aware of this 3rd RFD, and the opportunity to object during this Last Call for Comments, was seen as a reasonable compromise between informing them as a courtesy versus not subjecting them to unwelcome amounts of off-topic meta-discussion. RATIONALE: rec.radio.amateur.moderated rec.radio.amateur.moderated is a moderated alternative to at least the existing rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroups. The rec.radio.amateur.misc newsgroup is chartered to discuss amateur ("ham") radio practices, contents, events, rules, etc., including anything related to amateur radio not specifically covered by another rec.radio.amateur.* newsgroup. The rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroup is chartered to discuss ham radio rules, regulations, and policy. Over the past several years, the traffic on both groups has become largely flame wars, spam, and personal ad-hominem discussions of past, present, and future violations and violators, having little or no bearing on amateur radio. Polite requests by serious group posters to the offenders to refrain from such behavior have not resulted in elimination of such behavior and has in fact resulted in another series of flame wars. As a result, many knowledgeable and concerned posters in both groups have ceased being active therein. Prior to the deterioration of rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy, both groups had active discussion of their chartered topics. It is expected that offering a moderated group will persuade those who formerly participated to resume their participation in rational, focussed, and informed discussion. Proper moderation will enable serious postings to the group to remain on topic while not limiting who can voice opinions or what opinions can be voiced. Creating a single moderated newsgroup, one that would also permit all other amateur radio topics, is offered as the most practical solution for both the moderators and the participants at this time. The existing unmoderated newsgroups under rec.radio.amateur.* can, and likely will, continue with their present topics and message traffic independent of this new moderated newsgroup. CHARTER: rec.radio.amateur.moderated is for the discussion of amateur ("ham") radio, also known as the Amateur Radio Service, as defined in Federal Communications Commission Regulations and U.S. Law (47 CFR Part 97), and in similar laws and regulations in other countries, based on international treaty. It is not limited to the rules of any one country or time period. Possible topics include past, present, and future operating practices; events; contests; past, present, and potential-future rules; power limitations; authorized frequencies; allowed modes and band plans (or other gentlemen's agreements) that govern how we are to operate; what constitutes the acceptable operation of amateur stations. The newsgroup is intended to be international in scope, not just for amateurs in the United States. It is, however, intended as an English-language forum, by custom and practice. As with General Aviation and other internationally-scoped endeavors, the Amateur Radio Service has a strong custom of the use of English and the Latin alphabet. Discussion of amateur radio in languages other than English also occurs in many country- and region-specific hierarchies, many of which have specific amateur radio newsgroups, including: de.* (Germany) dk.* (Denmark) es.* (Spain) fr.* (France) nl.* (Netherlands) pl.* (Poland) pt.* (Portugal) relcom.* (Russia) This newsgroup is only intended to supplement, not supersede, any other amateur radio newsgroups. General communications law or government policy of various government agencies is also on-topic, as long as the discussion relates to amateur radio. Examples would be emergency communications, local antenna restrictions, and property deed restrictions applying to operation of amateur radio stations. Discussion of other types of radio, such as Citizens Band, Broadcast, other Personal Radio Services, Commercial or Private Land Mobile, and Marine or Aviation services are off-topic, except when *directly* related to amateur radio. Similarly, discussion of methods violating applicable communications law and regulations concerning radio equipment or operations are off-topic. The following are prohibited: * Personal advertisements (submitters of such articles will be referred to rec.radio.swap, instead). * Commercial advertisements and money-making schemes. * Chain letters. * Posts in HTML. * EMP spam. * Binaries, apart from PGP signatures, X-Face headers, and other ancillary article meta-data. * Forgery of valid e-mail addresses. * Excessive morphing/nym-shifting. * Copyright violations. Pointers to news articles, blogs, etc. on this topic are welcome but are required to comply with fair use standards. * Personal attacks and flames, as defined by the moderation team. * Advertising items and/or services for sale (also will be referred to rec.radio.swap). * Links to "objectionable" web content, including pornographic sites, sites encouraging illegal activities, or sites deemed unacceptable by the moderation team. The moderation team will cursorily check the contents of specific links to confirm on-topic content, but acceptance for posting does not imply endorsement or approval of the entire present or future contents of that web site. * Discussion of moderation decisions. See below for information on appealing moderator action. LINKS: Amateur Radio Newsgroups in Total Meltdown (QRZ) http://www.qrz.com/ib-bin/ikonboard....T;f=7;t=119282 Amateur Radio Newsgroups: Total Meltdown (eHam) http://www.eham.net/articles/13581 Secure, Team-Based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) http://www.algebra.com/~ichudov/stump/ MODERATION POLICY: rec.radio.amateur.moderated A moderation robot will scan all submitted posts. Each post will be either automatically approved, rejected, or sent to the moderators for manual review. The moderator 'bot will enforce the following guidelines: * Crossposting is generally not allowed, with the general exception of crossposts of bulletins, FAQ's, and other informational articles to rec.radio.info, rec.answers, and news.answers. Infrequent administrative crossposts may occasionally be allowed at the sole discretion of the moderator. * Postings must be in plain text. In particular no HTML or mixed text and HTML posts will be allowed. Messages that are multipart/alternative will be automatically filtered to pass just the text/plain version to the newsgroup. * No binary postings of any sort will be accepted. Exceptions will be made for cryptographic signatures and such. * Messages must not have a 'Followup-To' header that points out of rec.radio.amateur.moderated (other than to "poster"). * Messages must not continue a thread that has been "closed" by the moderators. Individual posters may be temporarily banned for consistently violating the group charter. Posters who feel that their posts have been unfairly rejected or banned, either for specific content or by a specific moderator, may appeal the decision. They may do so by contacting the Appeals Board, consisting of a rotating group of 2 or more moderators, at the Administrative Contact address below. The Board will discuss and vote on the appeal and respond within 14 days if the appeal is successful. The Board will also reply within 14 days to unsuccessful submitters of any appeal that is on-topic, reasoned, civilly stated, and is not substantially an attempt to revisit the subject matter and arguments of a previous unsuccessful appeal. Multiple temporary bans, attempting to circumvent the ban, or abuse of the appeal system may result in a permanent ban. MODERATOR INFO: rec.radio.amateur.moderated Moderator: Paul W. Schleck, K3FU Moderator: Bob Diepenbrock, KC4UAI Moderator: Jack Cook, VK2CJC Moderator: Jim Hampton, AA2QA Moderator: Ace Ratliff, WH2T Moderator: Jeff Angus, WA6FWI Moderator: Hans Brakob, K0HB In addition, the rec.radio.amateur.moderated Moderation Team will utilize the expertise of the following consultants: Consultant: Cecil A. Moore, W5DXP Consultant: Phil Kane, K2ASP Consultant: Brian Short, K7ON The moderators are seeking additional candidates for the moderation team in order to ensure minimal posting delays and to avoid any appearance of bias. We would especially like to find moderators in other time zones, countries/continents, etc. Article Submissions: Administrative Contact: DISTRIBUTION: This document has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups.proposals rec.radio.info rec.radio.amateur.misc rec.radio.amateur.policy The proponent will also post pointers to: rec.radio.amateur.antenna rec.radio.amateur.dx rec.radio.amateur.equipment rec.radio.amateur.homebrew http://www.qrz.com/ PROPONENT: "Paul W. Schleck, K3FU" CHANGE HISTORY: 2007-01-10 1st RFD 2007-01-24 2nd RFD 2007-02-12 3rd RFD/LCC |
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rec.radio.amateur.moderated This is a formal Request For Discussion (RFD) for the creation of the moderated Usenet newsgroup, rec.radio.amateur.moderated. PROCEDU The B8MB plans to begin voting on this proposal after five days. Please offer any final discussion or comments before the end of this waiting period. Voting may take up to one week (7 days); a result will be posted following the end of the voting period. All discussion of this proposal should be posted to news.groups.proposals. The full group creation procedure is documented he http://www.big-8.org/dokuwiki/doku.p...cies:proposals NEWSGROUPS LINE: rec.radio.amateur.moderated rec.radio.amateur.moderated Amateur radio practices, rules, etc. (Moderated) SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION: The proposal in its current form reflects the results of feedback from posters to news.groups.proposals in response to the 1st and 2nd RFD's and a Straw Poll. It is also, realistically, a reflection of what Big-8 board members - including Tim Skirvin, Steve Bonine, and Kathy Morgan - indicated that they would support, and vote for. Followup discussion in response to the 1st RFD indicated that there was significant and strongly-held opinions in favor of either opening up the proposed newsgroup to all amateur radio topics, or changing the name to reflect a misc+policy scope only. In addition to the rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroups, there has also been recent discussion about moderation in rec.radio.amateur.antenna and rec.radio.amateur.dx. As a result, pointers to the 2nd RFD were posted to those additional newsgroups. In particular, some consensus about alternatives was actively solicited at that time. The main alternatives suggested in the 2nd RFD we 1. Make rec.radio.amateur.moderated an all-encompassing moderated amateur radio discussion newsgroup. 2. Keep the topics focused on misc and policy, and come up with a better name for the proposed misc+policy moderated amateur radio discussion newsgroup. Alternative #2 then would branch out to two possible outcomes: 2.a. Create additional moderated newsgroups for other topics, like .antenna and .dx, now or in the future. 2.b. No one steps forward to create additional moderated newsgroups, and the other topics continue unmoderated. Alternative #1 would not rule out the creation of additional moderated newsgroups in the future, though there is the valid point that alternative #2 would fix the name-space problem immediately for future growth, and would not have to be revisited. Alternative #2 would require a suitable name. The name of rec.radio.amateur.misc+policy.moderated was suggested by Kathy Morgan. One argument offered by the proponent in favor of alternative #1 was that it may not be realistic to expect that, even if strongly desired, additional moderated newsgroups for other topics would emerge anytime soon, or at all. No one from the rec.radio.amateur.antenna or rec.radio.amateur.dx newsgroup communities stepped forward to express a desire to create moderated newsgroups for those topics in response to the 2nd RFD inviting them to do so. Nor was there significant or widely-shared objection to the proposed new moderated newsgroup covering those topics also. Creation of an all-encompassing moderated amateur radio newsgroup is consistent with the findings of a Straw Poll in news.groups.proposals, where approximately 60% of respondents were in the categories of "Support initial name, no stated preference for scope" or "Support initial name and all-amateur-radio scope. Trying to characterize or summarize the opinions of those who might have been leaning towards a misc+policy scope proved difficult, and resulted in two respondents out of 21 polled (Jim Riley and Kathy Morgan) following up to clarify their own positions and correct their categorization in the Straw Poll. Jim indicated that he should be moved to the Straw Poll category of "Support initial name, no stated preference for scope," instead. Kathy indicated that she would support a proposal where the newsgroup name matched the scope. No one who was initially categorized in the Straw Poll as, "Support initial name, no stated preference for scope," or, "Support initial name and all-amateur-radio scope," followed up to news.groups.proposals to object to their own categorization. Because of all of this, the alternative of a misc+policy-only newsgroup was not seen as one that could gain political traction, broad readership support, or majority Big-8 board support. Less than 15% of respondents expressed objection to the creation of a moderated newsgroup entirely. None of these respondents objected to their categorization in the Straw Poll. The rec.radio.amateur.equipment and rec.radio.amateur.homebrew newsgroups are being added to the distribution of a pointer to this 3rd RFD as a courtesy, and for their information. They were not added previously because the existence or form of a moderated discussion newsgroup was not seen by the proponents or most of the RFD discussion participants as something that would seriously affect them. Nor has there been any significant discussion in the recent past for making moderated alternatives for those topics, either specifically or generally, on the newsgroups. Making them aware of this 3rd RFD, and the opportunity to object during this Last Call for Comments, was seen as a reasonable compromise between informing them as a courtesy versus not subjecting them to unwelcome amounts of off-topic meta-discussion. RATIONALE: rec.radio.amateur.moderated rec.radio.amateur.moderated is a moderated alternative to at least the existing rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroups. The rec.radio.amateur.misc newsgroup is chartered to discuss amateur ("ham") radio practices, contents, events, rules, etc., including anything related to amateur radio not specifically covered by another rec.radio.amateur.* newsgroup. The rec.radio.amateur.policy newsgroup is chartered to discuss ham radio rules, regulations, and policy. Over the past several years, the traffic on both groups has become largely flame wars, spam, and personal ad-hominem discussions of past, present, and future violations and violators, having little or no bearing on amateur radio. Polite requests by serious group posters to the offenders to refrain from such behavior have not resulted in elimination of such behavior and has in fact resulted in another series of flame wars. As a result, many knowledgeable and concerned posters in both groups have ceased being active therein. Prior to the deterioration of rec.radio.amateur.misc and rec.radio.amateur.policy, both groups had active discussion of their chartered topics. It is expected that offering a moderated group will persuade those who formerly participated to resume their participation in rational, focussed, and informed discussion. Proper moderation will enable serious postings to the group to remain on topic while not limiting who can voice opinions or what opinions can be voiced. Creating a single moderated newsgroup, one that would also permit all other amateur radio topics, is offered as the most practical solution for both the moderators and the participants at this time. The existing unmoderated newsgroups under rec.radio.amateur.* can, and likely will, continue with their present topics and message traffic independent of this new moderated newsgroup. CHARTER: rec.radio.amateur.moderated is for the discussion of amateur ("ham") radio, also known as the Amateur Radio Service, as defined in Federal Communications Commission Regulations and U.S. Law (47 CFR Part 97), and in similar laws and regulations in other countries, based on international treaty. It is not limited to the rules of any one country or time period. Possible topics include past, present, and future operating practices; events; contests; past, present, and potential-future rules; power limitations; authorized frequencies; allowed modes and band plans (or other gentlemen's agreements) that govern how we are to operate; what constitutes the acceptable operation of amateur stations. The newsgroup is intended to be international in scope, not just for amateurs in the United States. It is, however, intended as an English-language forum, by custom and practice. As with General Aviation and other internationally-scoped endeavors, the Amateur Radio Service has a strong custom of the use of English and the Latin alphabet. Discussion of amateur radio in languages other than English also occurs in many country- and region-specific hierarchies, many of which have specific amateur radio newsgroups, including: de.* (Germany) dk.* (Denmark) es.* (Spain) fr.* (France) nl.* (Netherlands) pl.* (Poland) pt.* (Portugal) relcom.* (Russia) This newsgroup is only intended to supplement, not supersede, any other amateur radio newsgroups. General communications law or government policy of various government agencies is also on-topic, as long as the discussion relates to amateur radio. Examples would be emergency communications, local antenna restrictions, and property deed restrictions applying to operation of amateur radio stations. Discussion of other types of radio, such as Citizens Band, Broadcast, other Personal Radio Services, Commercial or Private Land Mobile, and Marine or Aviation services are off-topic, except when *directly* related to amateur radio. Similarly, discussion of methods violating applicable communications law and regulations concerning radio equipment or operations are off-topic. The following are prohibited: * Personal advertisements (submitters of such articles will be referred to rec.radio.swap, instead). * Commercial advertisements and money-making schemes. * Chain letters. * Posts in HTML. * EMP spam. * Binaries, apart from PGP signatures, X-Face headers, and other ancillary article meta-data. * Forgery of valid e-mail addresses. * Excessive morphing/nym-shifting. * Copyright violations. Pointers to news articles, blogs, etc. on this topic are welcome but are required to comply with fair use standards. * Personal attacks and flames, as defined by the moderation team. * Advertising items and/or services for sale (also will be referred to rec.radio.swap). * Links to "objectionable" web content, including pornographic sites, sites encouraging illegal activities, or sites deemed unacceptable by the moderation team. The moderation team will cursorily check the contents of specific links to confirm on-topic content, but acceptance for posting does not imply endorsement or approval of the entire present or future contents of that web site. * Discussion of moderation decisions. See below for information on appealing moderator action. LINKS: Amateur Radio Newsgroups in Total Meltdown (QRZ) http://www.qrz.com/ib-bin/ikonboard....T;f=7;t=119282 Amateur Radio Newsgroups: Total Meltdown (eHam) http://www.eham.net/articles/13581 Secure, Team-Based Usenet Moderation Program (STUMP) http://www.algebra.com/~ichudov/stump/ MODERATION POLICY: rec.radio.amateur.moderated A moderation robot will scan all submitted posts. Each post will be either automatically approved, rejected, or sent to the moderators for manual review. The moderator 'bot will enforce the following guidelines: * Crossposting is generally not allowed, with the general exception of crossposts of bulletins, FAQ's, and other informational articles to rec.radio.info, rec.answers, and news.answers. Infrequent administrative crossposts may occasionally be allowed at the sole discretion of the moderator. * Postings must be in plain text. In particular no HTML or mixed text and HTML posts will be allowed. Messages that are multipart/alternative will be automatically filtered to pass just the text/plain version to the newsgroup. * No binary postings of any sort will be accepted. Exceptions will be made for cryptographic signatures and such. * Messages must not have a 'Followup-To' header that points out of rec.radio.amateur.moderated (other than to "poster"). * Messages must not continue a thread that has been "closed" by the moderators. Individual posters may be temporarily banned for consistently violating the group charter. Posters who feel that their posts have been unfairly rejected or banned, either for specific content or by a specific moderator, may appeal the decision. They may do so by contacting the Appeals Board, consisting of a rotating group of 2 or more moderators, at the Administrative Contact address below. The Board will discuss and vote on the appeal and respond within 14 days if the appeal is successful. The Board will also reply within 14 days to unsuccessful submitters of any appeal that is on-topic, reasoned, civilly stated, and is not substantially an attempt to revisit the subject matter and arguments of a previous unsuccessful appeal. Multiple temporary bans, attempting to circumvent the ban, or abuse of the appeal system may result in a permanent ban. MODERATOR INFO: rec.radio.amateur.moderated Moderator: Paul W. Schleck, K3FU Moderator: Bob Diepenbrock, KC4UAI Moderator: Jack Cook, VK2CJC Moderator: Jim Hampton, AA2QA Moderator: Ace Ratliff, WH2T Moderator: Jeff Angus, WA6FWI Moderator: Hans Brakob, K0HB In addition, the rec.radio.amateur.moderated Moderation Team will utilize the expertise of the following consultants: Consultant: Cecil A. Moore, W5DXP Consultant: Phil Kane, K2ASP Consultant: Brian Short, K7ON The moderators are seeking additional candidates for the moderation team in order to ensure minimal posting delays and to avoid any appearance of bias. We would especially like to find moderators in other time zones, countries/continents, etc. Article Submissions: Administrative Contact: DISTRIBUTION: This document has been posted to the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups news.groups.proposals rec.radio.info rec.radio.amateur.misc rec.radio.amateur.policy The proponent will also post pointers to: rec.radio.amateur.antenna rec.radio.amateur.dx rec.radio.amateur.equipment rec.radio.amateur.homebrew http://www.qrz.com/ PROPONENT: "Paul W. Schleck, K3FU" CHANGE HISTORY: 2007-01-10 1st RFD 2007-01-24 2nd RFD 2007-02-12 3rd RFD/LCC ========= WAS CANCELLED BY =======: Path: news.ks.uiuc.edu!news.glorb.com!news2.dg.net.ua!ne ws2.wnet.ua!news2.lucky.net!lucky.net!carrier.kiev .ua!news.te.net.ua!postnews.google.com!news3.googl e.com!border1.nntp.dca.giganews.com!nntp.giganews. com!nx02.iad01.newshosting.com!newshosting.com!130 .81.64.211.MISMATCH!cycny01.gnilink.net!spamkiller 2.gnilink.net!gnilink.net!trndny04.POSTED!760c3fd9 !big8.orgy!ceo X-Trace: toster.te.net.ua 1171413929 2562 (14 Feb 2007 00:45:29 GMT) Newsgroups: alt.test Message-ID: From: (Big-8 CEO) Sender: (Big-8 CEO) Subject: Usenet is for OPEN PUBLIC forums. It was NEVER meant to be ruled by Nazis Supersedes: Before we begin the main part: All news admins that have their servers configured to make big-8 a "managed" hierarchy, are active participants in this global nazi system, ran by the US military and intelligence agencies, [...] |
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RFD: rec.radio.amateur.moderated moderated | General | |||
Were the moderated newsgroup proponents just blowing smoke? | Policy | |||
VOTE, Moderated or Free Speech? | Policy |