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Old April 17th 07, 04:40 AM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 36
Default WIANEWS for week commencing April 15 2007

This is WIANEWS for week commencing April 15 2007

The Port Macquarie News and the Sydney Morning Herald
are reporting how a radio enthusiast helped save two sailors
stranded in wild seas off Newcastle in VK2.

The operation took 19 hours in five-metre high seas and strong
winds after the propeller shaft of Bob Wilson's 14-metre ketch,
sailing from Queensland to Sydney - broke off and jammed against
the rudder, leaving the vessel stranded nearly 200 kilometres
off the coast.

Harold Ralston was in his shed about 6.30am on Good Friday when
his 25-year-old radio, which he bought for $50 on eBay a year ago,
crackled with a plea from Mr Wilson.

"I heard the boat calling for Foster Tuncurry Coastal Patrol,
or anyone who could hear him, and he couldn't get a response,"
said Mr Ralston.

WIA Director Robert Broomhead has spoken with our "Radio Fan".

(Audio recording of interview between VK3KRB and H. Ralston.)

Never one to mis an opportunity, Robert Broomhead VK3KRB has
already forwarded a ham radio info pack to Harold with the
intend of getting Harold to sit an Amateur Radio Examination!

Iran hostages used Morse code in solitary

One of the British seamen held hostage in Iran has told how
they used Morse code to stay in touch with one another while

Able Seaman Simon Massey revealed they developed a system of
'knocking in and knocking out' during their first week of
solitary confinement.

He said: "It was like keeping a mental register - checking
off the voices of comrades whenever one of them asked for a
toilet break or a cigarette.

"Leading Seaman Chris Coe was next door to my cell. We would
just sit there tapping out code. We'd check up on each other,
say goodnight, and if we went out of the cell, we would give a
little knock when we got back to let each other know we were OK.

"Just knocking with knuckles. Little things like that got us

The use of Morse code by prisoners was made famous in the 1962
classic film Birdman Of Alcatraz. It was also used by PoWs in

The 14 men and one woman sailor were seized by Iranian warships
on March 23. It took 13 days to secure their release.

John Moyle National Field Day 2007

Well the John Moyle Memorial National field Day contest has
been and gone for this year.

It was pretty successful according to reports from people taking

'There seemed to be a lot more stations on the bands than
previously' has reported one station.

'Lots more stations on the air than I have heard before,'
another station has indicated.

Well this level of activity is NOT being reflected in the
number of logs submitted.

So maybe there is something missing?

Whatever can it be?

All of those long hours of planning and preparations that you
made and agonised over for so long have either worked or not
worked as the case maybe.

The car has been cleaned to remove all of the mud, dust and the
grass seeds and even the boot has been tidied out for the first
time in a while.

The radios, the aerials, the batteries or generators, the tents,
chairs, tables, BBQ's and eskies have all been put away again.
The aerials have all been dismantled and stored safely and the all
important special gizmo that you will need for the next time has
been placed in its own 'special place' -
possibly never to be found again.

In fact all of the tasks that you 'promised to do after you have
the weekend to 'play radio' have all been done.

So what else is there that is that could be needed?

There are actually a couple of tasks that you still need to complete.

Firstly, find your log, exercise book, notebook, or what ever you
used to record the many contacts that reflect the effort you put
into this contest.

Secondly, you need to check that the contacts you made are not
duplicates and that the log is actually readable by the contest

Finally, you actually need to submit the log.

It can be submitted in any way that actually still works here in
Australia. I think that they cancelled the 'carrier pigeon post'
a while ago and the post office telegram service has also long
gone into the past?

You can however submit it via old fashioned Snail mail
(Actually via ordinary postage). A significant number of people
have chosen this way. The addresses that can be used are in the
contest rules at
and follow the links to the John Moyle.

You can also submit it by one of the newer 'electronic mail' formats.

Simply send an e-mail to: - or to

The actual format you send it in can be either a simple text message,
or a WORD document or an EXCEL spreadsheet. Please make sure it
is readable by a human as we have had several submissions that
are probably the working files of VK Contest Log (VKCL) but are
unreadable to the contest manager.

So with many options available there is only one problem.

And what is that I hear you ask?

Well all that is required now is to actually get it submitted to
arrive before the deadline of the 30th April 2007.

You have not got much more time to actually get it completed.
Well there is still one Public Holiday left this month.
So take advantage of the time off and go to the effort of
actually submitting the log.

You owe it to yourself and of course to those others who have
helped you get on air that weekend and enjoy the contest.

So do it now!!!

You cannot put it off any longer as time is fast running out.

Wouldn't it be a shame, for you not to put in a log, and see a
log from another station get an award with fewer points than
the one that you could put in?

Thanks for listening, now go and do that log NOW.

(Denis Johnstone - Contest Manager)

Results of 2007 Election of Directors

The WIA Returning Officer David Wardlaw VK3ADW announced the
results of the 2007 WIA Election for four Directors:

Robert Mark Broomhead 761
Roger Edward Cordukes 334
Edward William De Young 433
Ewan McLeod 775
Michael John Owen 828
Peter Richard Young 554

Therefore the four positions will be filled by Michael Owen,
Ewan McLeod, Robert Broomhead and Peter Young.

Because of the long period between the finalisation of the
election and the Annual General Meeting, the WIA Board has
amended the Postal Ballot for the Election of Directors
Regulations to enable the Returning Officer to announce the
result of the election for directors before the Annual General

Glenden State School ARISS Link-up

Nineteen students from Glenden State School, Glenden Queensland had
a successful direct Amateur Radio on the International Space Station
(ARISS) contact with NASA astronaut, flight engineer Sunita Williams
the morning of Thursday April 5, 2007.

The direct contact was the culmination of about 9 months of planning.
The School applied to participate in the ARISS program in early July
of last year and received notification of the upcoming contact only
two weeks prior to the event.

Technical preparations for the contact began the Sunday before the
event. Shane, VK4KHZ installed his satellite tracking antennae and
associated Amateur Radio equipment at the Glenden Recreation Centre,
where the event was held.
The entire student population of 230, along with 25 staff members,
was present. It is estimated that another 150 others were on hand
to hear the contact.

Leading up to the contact, Shane explained to the attentive audience
what they were about to observe. Tony, VK5ZAI, the ARISS coordinator
for Australia, spoke over a speaker phone and opened the proceedings

Contact with the ISS was made at precisely 8:42am local time, with
Sunita Williams coming in loud and clear over Shanes radio. The
students managed to get answers to 17 of the 19 questions, taking just
over 10 minutes, until the contact ceased. All in the audience were
amazed to hear Sunitas voice so clearly and were impressed by her
obvious enthusiasm while talking to the students. She has inspired
quite a few students to pursue a career as astronauts and to find out
more about Amateur Radio!

A local news crew was there to film the event, and two radio interviews
with teachers and students were held, one before the contact and one
immediately after. Another local radio station was publicising the
event for the week prior to the contact.

At the conclusion of the contact it was clear that all in attendance
were truly amazed at the Amateur Radio experience they had just
witnessed. When the crowd dispersed a lone figure wandered toward the
equipment and asked Shane the question..."why do they call this amateur
radio, it doesn't look too amateurish to me"

If any listeners are interested in arranging an ARISS contact with their
local school please contact Tony, VK5ZAI the Australian Coordinator
for ARISS for details.

We thank both Ron VK4FC and Shane VK4KHZ for supplying audio recodings.


Full details have now emerged about the latest BPL trial in Queanbeyan,
NSW. The trial was announced by Country Energy on the 15th March and is
expected to be operational for at least 6 months from May this year.
The BPL trial plans to pass 300 households in the Queanbeyan CBD and
Jerrabomberra areas, and will provide both access broadband and
electricity network management information.

Freshtel will provide an Internet Telephony service to participating
customers who, in addition to receiving a modem and access to the
broadband service, will receive a free Binatone cordless phone and $30
per month of Freshtel call credit. Country Energy have been "trialling"
BPL in Queanbeyan for several years using the older generation 45Mb/s
DS2 chipset based Mitsubitishi equipment, producing emission levels
measured up to 55dB above the expected ambient noise levels on the 7MHz
amateur band. This new trial will use Schneider Electric (Ilevo)
equipment using the later generation 200Mb/s chipset, as used in the Mt
Beauty BPL trial. Country Energy, which is owned by the NSW State
Government, has around 195,000 kilometres of powerlines and 1.4 million
power poles, and offers retail electricity in five states and
territories. It employs more than 3,900 employees serving more than 870,000

Detailed maps of the BPL trial areas can be viewed online with
the story on the WIA website

AROUND VK in 80 Seconds.


Next CRARC Club meeting - Monday 23rd April

At the next general meeting, will be Keith Malcolm VK1ZKM talking
about ITU issues.

Keith is the WIA ITU rep and a very experienced international
radio committee person. He is, of course, very active as a
member of the Australian ITU preparatory group that determines
the Australian position in international radio forums.
There are some very complex issues that relate to AR before
the ITU.


Queensland Digital Group Amateur Radio Information night

The QDG is hosting a Amateur Radio Information night Friday
April 20.

The location is the Volunteer Marine Rescue premises,
Sinbad Street Shorncliffe, a start time of 7:30 PM.

Laurie Pritchard VK4BLE will present the talk with an
emphases on the Foundation Licence and how you can obtain
one with two to three days of study.

All people interested in becoming a Radio Amateur are invited
to hear what Amateur Radio is all about and what it takes to
become licenced.

Further information can be obtained from QDG's information officer
Bill Wilcock VK4ZWJ or 3265 3232.

Up to date information can be accessed from the QDG web site
(Alan VK4YAR)


From the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society it's over to

Jim, VK5NB.

The next meeting will be on April the 19th. It will be a
display of member's equipment built over the last 12 months.
The first project for this year will be a two-tone oscillator
kit.Jim Tregellas has given all the details last meeting.
A Pc board will be made available for the kit, more details

Unfortunately the picnic planned for April has been cancelled.
The date will be re-scheduled in the near future.

If you would like to visit AHARS the club meets at the Belair
Community Hall Belair and that is on the corner of Main Road
and Belair road. The meetings are held every third Thursday
and commence at 7.oo pm.



The VK7RAE N/west propagation beacons were finally installed
and commissioned at their new home, the SEA/FM Transmitter Site
located at Don Heads near Devonport, late November 2006.

Unfortunately the 70CM. Beacon on 432.474 caused severe
interference to an Automatic Garage Door Opener at a residence,
located approx. 50 Metres from the transmitter building. The
Door Opener is on a LIPD frequency around 433 Mhz. and
consequently the beacon rendered the garage door opener
completely useless and inoperable by apparent overload and
blocking of the receiver.

It was decided at the time to leave this beacon turned off
until alternative options can be explored.

The 2M. Beacon on 144.474 has worked well since its re
commissioning and receives regular daily reports of being heard
well on the mainland, particularly VK3.

Similarly the 6M. beacon on 50.057 was also received well
in Mainland VK with daily reports. Unfortunately it failed in
late March and is currently being repaired.

The status of all the beacons can be ascertained by amateurs
with APRS facilities. Look for the object VK7RAE BN
and check the comment field. The on / off status of the
beacons is listed for each of the 3 beacons.

Any reception reports or questions can be directed to
NWTARIG email:
or Tel. 03 64252923.
(73's Tony VK7AX)


REAST JOTA/JOTI Foundation Licence Initiative

Gavin, VK7HGO is actively pursuing and idea of raising interest with
the Wellington District Scout leaders to undertake the Foundation
Licence course prior to the 2007 JOTA/JOTI in October.

REAST will be looking at providing a special Scouting/Guiding
Foundation Licence Course to enable this to happen.

This would provide each scout/guide group with an operator per group
and would really make a great amateur radio focus for this year's
(Gavin, VK7HGO)


Help amateur radio continue to grow

Do you know someone who could be interested in joining our hobby? Then
encourage them to enrol in a Foundation Licence training course.


Next Foundation Licence course, and Standard / Advanced assessments.

The CRARC will be undertaking another Foundation Licence course on
the weekend 19th & 20th of MAY.

tHEY will also be running Standard and Advanced Licence Examinations
and Assessments on the Saturday (19th May) for those who wish to sit.

If you wish to sit either the examinations, or do the F.L. Course,
please contact Alan Hawes VK1WX via email to

or by phone (after hours) to 02 6258 2568. Please note that all monies
are to be paid by May 7th 2007 !

In Victoria - the Ballarat Amateur Radio Group is now taking enrolments
for its weekend training course and licence assessments on the 5th & 6th
of May.
For more information please contact Craig Cook VK3CMC phone 5342 2448 or

At Bendigo classes and licence assessments are conducted by Ross Pittard
VK3FCE who can be contacted via email

The Central Goldfields Amateur Radio Club, Maryborough regularly holds
classes. Contact Peter Rafferty VK3CC on 5460 4387 or email

On the Gold Coast and want to talk to the world through their IRLP and
EchoLink systems? Or already licensed and wish to upgrade Foundation
to Standard? Well classes are held at the Nerang Clubhouse of the
GCARS, ring Roy VK4IG on 5539 3530 Exams can be taken at a time
to suit you. As a matter of fact, they are commencing study for upgrade
to Standard and Advanced licences from toorrow, Monday 16th April, 7.00pm
if your wanting to join up, still time we are told.


Last Saturday week four candidates attended a training and
examination session and qualified for their Foundation Licence.

Congratulations to Lloyd Jeffrey, Robert Lambe, Ian Parsissons
and James Swan who are now eagerly awaiting their call signs.
Lloyd is the 14 year son of Alan, VK7KAJ.
(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)

From VK1WIA this is the National News Service -

Tune in today...Focus on Tomorrow


We all know the devastation that the tsunami caused around the
North Western Provinces of the Solomon Islands.
The island of Simbo felt the full brunt of the tsunami.
The resulting damage has left Simbo Island villagers without
basic needs. Most village homes were utterly destroyed.
The loss of life has also taken its toll, with many families
loosing loved ones.

The Eighty Metre Sewing Circle Net, under the guidance of
Don Cripps VK7AY, commenced an on air appeal, on Good Friday,
to raise much needed funds to assist with the relief efforts
on Simbo Island. The generosity of Amateur operators on this net
has been overwhelming. To date, over one thousand dollars has
been raised.

One of the nets regular operators, Steve Phillips VK3JY, has
first hand knowledge of the devastation on Simbo Island.
Steves daughter, who is married to a local resident, has
conveyed some harrowing stories and that the Island is in
desperate need of assistance.

All monies raised during this appeal will be sent direct to
Simbo Island. The entire amount will be used to assist local
villagers. They are in need of immediate help and the decision
on how to best use the appeal funds will be decided locally.
It is very comforting to know that all monies raised will go
directly to the local residents that are most in need.

The Sewing Circle Net encourages all Australian Amateur Radio
operators to get behind the efforts of raising funds for this
very worthy cause. The Sewing Circle Net appeal will close in
a few days. So, please support the appeal by coming up on the net
at 5.00pm local time on 3.590 MHz and pledge a donation.

Don, VK7AY will record your donation and advise of the many donation
lodgment options that are available. Alternatively, give Don a
telephone call on 03 - 6428 7768. The number again 03 6428 7768.

Make a point of coming up on the net tonight and pledge a donation.

Your contribution will be very welcome.

This is Vince Henderson, VK7VH, for the Sewing Circle Net,
saying thanks for listening.



Iraq Amateur Radio Society (IARS) President Diya Sayah, YI1DZ, says there's
no end in sight to a ham radio blackout in his country. As part of the new
security plan for Baghdad, the Iraqi Ministry of Defense requested in March
that radio amateurs remain off the air until security improves.

Because of a miscommunication, however, word failed to reach the Iraqi
Communications and Media Commission, which was still issuing licenses.

Sayah chalks up the open-ended ham radio blackout to a misunderstanding of
Amateur Radio on the part of Iraq's defense minister. Working through the
Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, the IARS has attempted -- so
far without success -- to explain Amateur Radio to the Ministry of Defense.

"Because it's between ministries, this will take time also," Sayah told
ARRL, adding that he was not optimistic about getting an opportunity to
discuss the issue anytime soon with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

"Now anyone on the air is a pirate, as everyone is obliged not to use their
radios at the present time," he added. He said IARS members continue making
contacts using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) modes such as IRLP,
EchoLink and others.

The Ministry of Defense had asked the IARS to store all licensees' ham radio
equipment during the shutdown, but Sayah says that's not happening because
of the dangerous situation that persists within the capital.

The ham radio shutdown affects members of the military and contractors
holding YI9-prefix call signs. It does *not* apply to Military Affiliate
Radio System (MARS) operations, which use military frequencies.
(arrl letter)

================================================== =====================


The shut-down of Amateur Radio in Iraq could continue for a long time.
This according to several reports that quote officials of the Iraq
Amateur Radio Society. Amateur Radio Newsline's Jeff Reinhardt,
AA6JR, has the details:

The Iraq Amateur Radio Society says through Internet postings that it
has turned down a government request to warehouse all ham gear owned
by Iraqi radio amateurs. This is because its simply to dangerous to
go out and collect the equipment.

While Iraq's ham populace may not be radiating R-F, they are still
communicating with one-another and with the outside. This, world
using Echolink and other V-O-I-P systems over the World Wide Web.

This was confirmed earlier in a posting to the QRZ dot com website
where Iraq Amateur Radio Society President Diya Sayah, YI1DZ,
indicated this would likely be the case.

Sayah wrote -- and we quote: "Echolink, CQ100, the Internet,
cellphones are still working and we had several ham radios working now
using these instead of RF." The term "ham radios" in this case
referring to operators not actual gear.

The Iraqi ham radio blackout affects anyone operating an Amateur
station from that nation. That includes its citizens, outside
contractors and even members of other nations military who are
stationed in Iraq.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, Im Jeff reinhardt, AA6JR, in Los Angeles.

As previously reported, the Iraqi Ministry of Defense last month
ordered that all Iraqi radio amateurs remain off the air until
improvements are made in what it terms as that nations overall
internal security. Some political observers in the West believe that
could take years if not decades to happen.


If you want to use the OSCAR 11 satellite, now is the time to give uit
a try. This is the last operational period for the Amsat-OSCAR 11 ham
radio satellite before eclipses start on April 20th.

Currently, good, steady signals are being heard from it on 145.826
MHz. If the satellite behaves as it did last year, once the eclipses
begin, it is unlikely to be heard for any length of time, during the
eclipse period. These continue until August 23rd.

OSCAR 11 also known as UoSAT-OSCAR 11 or UoSAT-2 is one of those long
surviving ham radio birds. It was launched into orbit way back on
March 1, 1984 on a Thor Delta rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base in
California. It was the first ham satellite to carry a digital
store-and-forward communications payload. (AMSAT, G3CWV, ARNewsline)

================================================== =====================


Last time-change signal from Rugby

British timekeeping marked the end of an era with the recent
switch to summer time.

This was the last time-change signalled from Rugby, in
Warwickshire, which has been the source of the time signal since
1927. From 31st March, the 60kHz signal is being broadcast from
Anthorn, Cumbria.

Scot wins DXCC award

Clive Penna, GM3POI, has become only the second person in the
world to achieve the nine-band DXCC award using only Logbook of
The World electronic QSL confirmations.

John Sluymer, VE3EJ, of Ontario, Canada was the first.

World Amateur Radio Day 2007 Award

A new amateur radio award has been launched to commemorate the
World Amateur Radio Day celebrated by the International Amateur
Radio Union on 18th April each year.

The WARD 2007 Award, as it is called, is the brainchild of the
Polish Radio Amateurs' Journal. It is also supported by the Polish
Amateur Radio Union. The award is available for either 10 QSOs on
the HF bands or five QSOs on the VHF bands.

All contacts must be made between 00.01 and 24.00 UTC on 18th
April 2007. The award is also available to SWLs for the same
numbers of reports.



80M Phone 12 May 2007
80M CW 26 May 2007
160M Phone 7 July 2007
160M CW 21 July 2007

The Contest Organizer has been in touch and confirms the above dates.
It is recommended that you refer to: for updated rules and operating.
(sourced to nzart)

AUGUST 11/12 Remembrance Day Contest (The RD)

Trent says VK4WIA is going Contesting !

"We are on the look out for the very best monoband HF stations
in VK4 and VK8 !

Why ? Because the IARU Radiosport competition allows for a
Headquarters station to combine all logs into one big score
for the event.

Ken Fuller, Secretary of the WIA has organised the use of the
Callsign for the VK4 effort . The contest is held the second
weekend of July every year and goes for 24 hours.

The modes are SSB and CW and all HF bands are used. That being
160 through ten Metres no WARC. Under the rules the station in
this case VK4WIA can have a 160M CW station and a 160M SSB
station and these stations can be located anywhere in QLD or
the Northern Territory !

So, the vk4 entry could be vk8xx (signing VK4WIA) in Darwin
on 10 M vk4fnq(signing VK4WIA) in townsville on 15 etc all
these stations would sign the same callsign..and the logs are
then combined after the test.

This means if we do this properly we should have 12 separate
stations. This is a pretty big task and will take co-rdinating.
For example we may need common contest loggers in order to put it
all together at the end of the test. It is truly one of the few
times that we truly could give the EURO and US stations a run
for their money."

So if you would like to be involved or you know someone you could
dob in to be involved contact Trent VK4TI email

or phone 0408 497550

SBMS 2GHz and Up World Wide Club Contest
Sponsored by the San Bernardino Microwave Society

For this year, 2007 the contest period runs from 6 a.m. May 12
to 8 p.m. May 13 local time.

This is a club competition in which members tally up their scores
and add them with other members' scores to make up a club score.

1. Object

Worldwide groups of amateurs (Clubs) work as many amateur stations in as
many different

locations as possible in the world on bands from 2GHz through Light.

2. Date and Contest Period

Second weekend in May. The weekend begins at 6 a.m. local Saturday though 8
p.m. Sunday.

3. Exchange

Six-character Maidenhead Locator; example DM04ww (see April 1994 QST, p. 86
www.arrl/org/locate/gridinfo.html). Signal report is optional.

4. Miscellaneous

Scheduling contacts is both permissible and encouraged.

Stations are encouraged to operate from more than a single location. A
station may be worked again on each band for additional credit after a
change of location.

For purposes of the contest, a change of location is defined as a move of at
least 16 km (10 miles).

A transmitter used to contact one or more stations may not be used
subsequently under any other call during the contest period with the
exception for multiple licenses in the same family sharing the same
equipment (family rule). The intent of this rule is to prohibit
"manufactured" contacts.

5. Scoring

Distance points: The distance in km between stations for each successfully
completed QSO. One point per kilometer (eg., 10km is 10 points). QSO points:
Count 100 QSO points for each unique call sign worked per band.

In making the distance calculations, a string (or ruler) and map may be
used. However, calculations by computer program are preferred. Several such
programs are available, including a BASIC program listing in The ARRL World
Grid Locator Atlas. For purposes of making calculations, stations are
defined as being located in the center of the 6-character locator sub-square
(most computer programs make this assumption).

6. Multipliers

a.. 2GHz to 10GHz times 1
b.. 24GHz = 2 times
c.. 47GHz = 4 times
d.. 76GHz and up = 8 times

7. Bonus points
100 points bonus may be added for each unique call worked per

1000 points bonus for each band youactivate anf make at least
one contact on

8. Awards

1st place plaque and all club entries will receive a certificate, suitable
for framing.

Send entries no later than 60 days after the contest to be considered.

Submit logs via regular mail only.

Pat Coker, N6RMJ,
40916 179th Street,
Lancaster CA 93535, USA

VK's longest continual net;
The Southern Cross DX Net has been running for 43 years, operates
7 days a week - propagation permitting - on a frequency
of 14.238.5MHz at 1215 zulu.

Saturday, April 28 is the 20th International Marconi Day.
Several dozen stations in locations with a link to Marconi
will be operating on the day.

The Hornsby and Districts Amateur Radio Club will be operating VK2IMD,
the only IMD station in Australasia. They hope to be on all HF bands.

VK2IMD commemorates Ernest Fisk receiving the first direct radio message
from Britain to Australia, at Wahroonga in 1918. This message was
sent from Marconi's station in Caernarfon, Wales.

For more information look for the GB4IMD website.

For WIA News, this is Julian Sortland, VK2YJS.



AusRadio Fox Hunt Report

Paul, VK7FPGB gives a report on last Tuesday night's Ausradio foxhunt
in Launceston.

We had a good turn out with 7 people making up 5 teams.

For the first hunt (high power) Jason VK7ZJA was the fox and picked
out a very tricky spot in Mowbray behind some buildings. Paul VK7FPGB
was the first to find him.

The second hunt saw Paul take the "mini fox" and place it behind a
rubbish bin on Talbot Road lookout, Peter was the first to arrive and
after him Jason was not far behind both took quite a while to find
the fox.

From my point of view it was one of the best hunts we have had and I

am really looking forward to the next one where hopefully we can have
a few more people along.

Thanks to everybody who came along.

ARDF Region 3 Championship
The Mongolian Radio Sport's Federation (MRSF) will
be hosting the 7th IARU Region 3 Amateur Radio Direction
Finding (ARDF) Championships, 16 - 21 August 2007,
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Details available from

Hunting the foxes in city T'PURAM:
Buildings turned oak trees and bikes donned the role of horses
as a group of amateur radio operators set out fox hunting
in the city on Sunday morning. As many as 16 amateur radio
hams, embarked on the fox hunting organised by the Kollam
Amateur radio league here on Sunday.

The hunters spotting wireless sets and antennas set out from
the Secretariat on their mission at 9 am, as ham foxes
Nadarajan, Rajendran and Noushad occupied their position at

After one-and-a-half hours of hunting, hams Thankachan and
Rajesh bagged the first prize, winning a cash prize of Rs 1,000
and the ever-rolling C.A.S.Das trophy. Fox hunting is one of
the most popular games among hams, said Kollam amateur
radio league president K G Nadarajan. We have been conducting
fox hunting games for the last 11 years now. More than fun,
this is basically a training programme for new members on how
to track people, especially during disaster.

VK5ZAI is the Australian Co-ordinator for ARISS.

2nd Sunday each month.
November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz
April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz

Trevor m5aka tells of a new Amateur Satellite Beginners Article

The March 2007 issue of the RSGB magazine RadCom features a
superb article entitled "Getting Started on Amateur Radio
Satellites" by John Heath G7HIA. It is an excellent introduction
to the exciting world of Amateur Satellite Communications.

The Radio Society of Great Britain and the author have generously
agreed to allow AMSAT-UK to put the PDF of the article on the web
and it can be seen at

The article is Copyright 2007 Radio Society of Great Britain.
For personal use only -
no copying, reprinting or distribution without written permission
from the RSGB


IRLP Node 6444 operational

The Townsville IRLP Node 6444 is back online.
TARC IRLP Master Rob VK4RB was able to secure a
broadband Net connection and bring the node back to a
reliable mode of operation on Tuesday April 10th.
The node was out of action for about a month following
the demise of a local and popular ADSL2+ internet service

Node 6444 interfaces with the VK4RAT UHF Voice Repeater
on 438.225MHz and can be accessed from the cities of
Thuringowa and Townsville and the shires of Burdekin,
Dalrymple and Hinchinbrook plus a generous portion
of waters off the Magnetic Coast.


SCOUT JOTA HF Voice Calling Frequencies
3590, 7090, 14190, 21190, 28590 kHz
14290, 18140, 21360, 24960, 28390 kHz (DX)

This years 50th JOTA will run from October 19th at 22:00 hours to
October 21st at 24:00 hours YOUR local time.

An official start will be given by the World Scout Bureau radio station in
Geneva, Switzerland on October 19th at 21:00 h UTC with a transmission in
the 20 and 80 meter bands.


A new international Amateur Radio award has been launched to mark the
centenary of the scouting movement.

Called the Scouting 100 Radio Award it comes in two forms. One is
available only to ham radio operators while the other to S-W-L's.

To attain this award, it is necessary to accrue points by contacting
or hearing scout or guide stations during 2007. Contacts or reports
with individual scout or guide stations count for one point. Special
event scout stations are worth two points. The World Jamboree, the
Gilwell Park station in the U-K and Brownsea Island stations count for
five points each.

There are no restrictions on what bands and modes are used. The award
is also available for Echolink and IRLP mode operators. More is
on-line at


21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz.

WICEN talk at Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club

Next meeting will by popular demand be on Tuesday 17th April at
Alanvale TAFE. Special presenter will be Roger, VK7ARN and a band of
loyal followers giving a presentation on WICEN. This promises to be a
great night so come along and meet the WICEN guys from the South and
learn all about WICEN. It will be at 7:30pm - Block B - Alanvale TAFE.

A working bee is required to help VK7GC in George Town to re-erect
some antennas - contact Allen Burke on 0417 354 410 for details of
when and where.
(David VK7YUM, NTARC Secretary)



April 18 World Amateur Radio Day. Theme (2007) "Amateur Radio: Allowing
youth to connect the world."

April 28 International Marconi Day

May 4 - 6 WIA AGM at Parkes


Sept 13 Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday
13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details.

International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009.


APRIL 15 An historical display of radio

Australia's largest vintage radio show will occur in Melbourne's south-east
later this month.

It's part of the 25th anniversary celebrations of the Historical Radio
Society of Australia which has members right around the nation.

The show will include a parade of portable radios, a vintage battery store,
some military equipment, advice from the experts, radio films, and a
sound lounge playing radio shows of yesteryear.

You can even take along an old radio and have it valued on the spot.

This is all happening on Sunday the 15th of April at the Holmesglen
Conference Centre, corner of Warrigal and Batesford Roads, Chadstone.
That's a 2 minute walk from Holmesglen rail station.

The public is welcome from 1pm - 4pm, entry for adults $5.
More details check out the website

APRIL 22 Centre Victoria RadioFest

All is ready for the Centre Victoria RadioFest on Sunday the 22nd
of April at the Kyneton Racecourse.

Midland Amateur Radio Club President, Kevin Crockett VK3CKC says
there's a degree of nervous excitement with this new major event
is only hours away from opening.

Central Goldfields Amateur Radio Club President, Peter Rafferty
VK3CC is convinced the RadioFest will be talked about for years to come.

Enthusiastic volunteers from both clubs will be there to make sure
all goes well. So should anyone with an interest in radio communications
and electronics.

RadioFest has all major commercial traders. Among the door prizes,
Vertex Standard has provided a Yaesu FT857D transceiver. Who will
be the lucky winners?

Club Corner, an educational lecture series, come n try sniffer foxhunts,
IOTA DXpedition display and do-it-yourself dipoles.

WICEN emergency communications, the WIA, ALARA, ATV, APRS,
F-Troop Net Live with photo call, historical radio display,
helpful advice for anyone wanting to become a radio amateur and lots more.

Check out the website for full details.

See you at the family friendly Centre Victoria RadioFest, Kyneton
racecourse less than an hour from Melbourne, Ballarat and Bendigo, next
Sunday 22nd of April.

I'm Bruce Lees VK3FFF and youre listening to VK1WIA.

MAY 5 - 6
The Clareview Gathering is a yearly event where Radio Amateurs meet
at a spot on the coast between Rockhampton and Mackay to relax, talk
radio, re-establish acquaintances and participate in the world renown
Saturday Night Mega-Auction.
It happens in 2007 during the Long Weekend on the 5th and 6th of May.
For further details contact Don Wilschefski VK4BY of the RADAR Club

MAY 12 MDRC Hamfest

The Moorabbin and District Amateur Radio club are please to announce,
this years Hamfest will be held in the usual location, at the Brentwood
Secondary College, Watsons Rd, Glen Waverly on Saturday 12th May 2006 -
doors opening at 10am. The MDRC Hamfest is proud to be Victoria's
biggest and this year will be no exception with displays and sales of
new or preloved equipment, for anyone interested in Radio Communications
and electronics.
Major door prizes, free tea and coffee, light refreshments and a sausage
sizzle will also be on offer.

Trader table bookings and general enquires can be made be emailing
Graeme Lewis VK3GL ) or by phoning mobile 0418 289928

Brisbane Amateur radio Club is holding "BARCFEST 2007" on Saturday
12th May, venue is the Mount Gravatt Showground Logan Road.
If you wish to book a table information can be found on the club's
website or you can call LesVK4ZLP on 33437247.
Food will be available at the hall, Starting time is 10am.

================================================== =======================

WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.

__________________________________________________ ________________

__________________________________________________ ________________



Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the
actual broadcast date, e-mail

Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of QNEWS for the National WIA.

Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize
their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.

The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to
active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.

We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia
and participation in the activities of local clubs.

Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit
material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters,
nor the National WIA.

Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit
to WIANews wouldn't go astray...
__________________________________________________ ________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

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