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This is WIANEWS for week commencing April 22 2007
Jeff Johnson VK4XJJ mobile ( pedestrian) is walking from Port Augusta to Karumba associated with the Deafblind Association of Australia. His Brother, VK2FWGJ William, says he has passed Hawker, and is carrying a Yaesu 817 voice AND CW He would like to be contacted by "local" radio amateurs. He listens on 7.050MHz at 5:30 EST and 7.060 MHz at 5:45 EST. We spoke with our intrepid walker VK4XJJ.... ((((((pause for audio))))))) AROUND VK in 80 Seconds with VK6FIVE. VK1 Next Club meeting - Monday 23rd April At the next general meeting, Keith Malcolm VK1ZKM talks ITU issues. VK2 Westlakes will have a display stall at the Lemontree Passage Bushfire Brigades Fete on Saturday 9th June (Queens Birthday weekend in VK2). The club is seeking persons prepared to assist in setting up the radio display etc.. Contact Dianne VK2FDNE. VK3 6 METER BEACON BACK ON AIR! The NERG 6 meter beacon on 50.295 MHz is back on air with a 10 watt horizontally polarised omni-directional CW signal. The VK3RMH 6&10m beacons provide signals to indicate band openings and for testing antenna and receivers. The 6 meter FM repeater on 53.550MHz is operational but requires additional cavity resonators to improve coverage. VK3RMH is located near Wattle Glen, approximately 25km North East of Melbourne at maidenhead grid QF22OH. Please send reports to vk3rmh nerg.asn.au VK5 David Clegg, Secretary of the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society is organising to train more assessors. If your club in VK5 has any interested people in doing this training please contact David. At this stage he is only collecting numbers, venue and cost to be advised, however they expect the course to be held in Adelaide rather than interstate. David Cleg 8278 8108 VK6 This coming Wednesday should have been the Perth YL Lunch, however, it clashes with ANZAC DAY. So the gals decided to fast forward a day to this Thursday April 26th The venue is not changing nor the time. 12 midday at the Bayswater hotel Railway Prd, in Bayswater. Before we leave the YLs Lunch... this month is a very special one. As a long awaited milestone has arrived. David Coouch VK6WT (who many of you will fondly remember, as I do, as our teacher in Radio Theory) is turning 90 years of age. Never been to the Lunch... Well, make this the excuse to turn up and celebrate with David. From the teacher of the last generation, to the current Exam Team, & Neil VK6BDO informs me that: The WA Amateur Exam Service exam dates this month are closing Tomorrow. Standard & Advanced exams on, next Saturday the 28th. If you want to sit anything please contact Neil with details of which exams you need to sit by the close of work Monday. That's tomorrow! So maybe catch him, on air, after this evenings broadcast. Foundation course for May on the 19/20 with an exam on the 26th. Well that's full, so if you want to do the foundation license in WA, get in quick, as the 21st & 22nd of July's course (with exam on the 28th of July) is already one third full. The next VK6 Exams for Standard and Advanced, if you miss next weeks, are on June 30th. Think ahead, book early! Contact Neil VK6BDO. Finally, WARG members, look out in your post-box... if you haven't already got your 2007 newsletter... it should arrive on Monday, Tuesday at the latest. That's it, We're around VK, so now back to our "action central newsroom", In Perth, I'm Mark VK6FIVE. STILL IN PERTH, AND WITH EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO HERE IS KYLEA VK6FXYL GENERAL! VK4 Foundation Class gets good roll up. A Foundation instruction class was held on Saturday April 14th in Townsville. Six students attended with instruction provided by Gavin VK4ZZ, catering by Rob VK4DRT and Maureen Soter and the audiovisual equipment and radio shack supplied by Nick VK4RQA. Most of the students are from a cruising yacht background and some have already had WICEN experience, most attempted an Assessment Saturday 21. We are all looking forward to lots of new callsigns on air in the near future ! The first of a series of SARL Radio Technology in Action days was held at the University of KwaZulu-Natal yesterday, Saturday, 21 April. The programme was packed with interesting presentations and demonstrations and covered a wide spectrum of interest. The full programme should still be available at www.sarl.org.za The SARL RTA was an event for anyone who has an interest in technology, subjects like "The mystery of the frog's thigh" - the story of the invention of the battery by Tony Voorveld, to "Cognitive Radio, an emerging technology that may make more intelligent use of the available radio spectrum" by Dr Gert-Jan van Rooyen. Other presentations include "Research in ionospheric radio propagation", "VSWR - the persistent myths" and, "Why build it?". A great initiative from the SARL. FUTURE EXAMS Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society (AHARS) is planning to run two Foundation licence courses. These will be held at the Aviation Museum, 56 Lipson Street Port Adelaide. Two weekends have been booked, they a * August 4th and 5th. * November 3rd and 4th. The club will ask a nominal charge of $5 per person, plus costs for any books. Interested parties can contact the course convenor, Sasi Nayar on 0417 858 547 to reserve a place. Help amateur radio continue to grow Do you know someone who could be interested in joining our hobby? Then encourage them to enrol in a Foundation Licence training course. Next Foundation Licence course, and Standard / Advanced assessments ..... The CRARC will be undertaking another Foundation Licence course on the weekend 19th & 20th of MAY. Also running Standard and Advanced Licence Examinations and Assessments on the Saturday (19th May) for those who wish to sit. If you wish to sit either the examinations, or do the F.L. Course, please contact Alan Hawes VK1WX via email to or by phone (after hours) to 02 6258 2568. Please note that all monies are to be paid by May 7th 2007 ! In Victoria - the Ballarat Amateur Radio Group is now taking enrolments for its weekend training course and licence assessments on the 5th & 6th of May. For more information please contact Craig Cook VK3CMC phone 5342 2448 or VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society will run Foundation licence's at the Aviation Museum, 56 Lipson Street Port Adelaide, 2 weekends August 4th and 5th then November 3rd and 4th. Contact the course convenor, Sasi Nayar on 0417 858 547 VK6 Re-Capping advice given earlier today by Mark, VK6FIVE:- Foundation course for May on the 19/20 with an exam on the 26th. So if you want to do the foundation license in WA, get in quick, as the 21st & 22nd of July's course (with exam on the 28th of July) is already one third full. The next VK6 Exams for Standard and Advanced, if you miss next weeks, are on June 30th. Think ahead, book early! Contact Neil VK6BDO. CONGRATULATIONS - RESULTS FOUNDATION CALLS and F TROOP NET. Two F calls have come through in the Lismore area, Andrew VK2FAMA and Nathan VK2FADE. Nathan has volunteered to take on as NCS of their F Troop Net, 2000K, Wednesday nights on the Summerland 2m repeaters. In Brissy, OzGear's first 3 courses have added another eleven FL-qualified people to the VK4 total so far this year so getting close to 10% of VK4's total current FL count. From VK1WIA this is the National News Service - Tune in today...Focus on Tomorrow I'M FELIX VK4FUQ AND FROM THE RSGB, AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE AND OUR OWN WIA INTERNATIONAL SOURCES, WE LOOK AT THE WORLD SCENE IN AMATEUR RADIO. Still the most popular! Radio is still the most dominant form of communication despite major technological advancements, according to the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) on Monday. "Despite the internet and cellular phones, amateur radio continues to attract people world-wide by providing free international communications and friendships -- as it does not need pre-established supporting infrastructure," said one World President of a Radio Society, Graham Hartlett, of the South African League. Amateur Radio Day was celebrated on Monday. The theme for this year's celebrations: "Amateur Radio: Allowing the youth to connect the world" was chosen because most amateur radio programmes were geared towards educating the youth. Amateur radio clubs had helped astronauts and crew members of the International Space Station speak with youth around the world while in orbit via the ARISS programme. IARU http://www.jarl.or.jp/iaru-r3/ Chairman of IARU Region 3- Michael Owen VK3KI says the great challenge facing Region 3 is communicating with its member societies, and through them, to amateurs generally. The Directors held a meeting in early December last, at the JARL Headquarters in Tokyo. "We did this because we were very conscious of the need to make IARU Region 3 meaningful", said Michael We needed to get together, as a very new team, to identify priorities and tasks. We saw participation in the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity and particularly its preparation for WRC-07 as an immediate need. We saw better communicating what were doing as another need. We decided to continue the production of this Region 3 Newsletter, so ably managed by Selva 9V1UV, now the responsibility of Gopal VU2GMN. We saw the need to circulate very brief news releases, without detail, just telling people the sort of things that we are doing. VK3KI Michael Owen went on to say "Because funds of Region 3 come from every member of every Region 3 member society, we want them to know what we are doing. But all of that is not much good if we don't send our circulars, our newsletters, our releases, even our requests for information to the right address, or if we do, we don't have any responses". ================================================== ===================== NEWS FROM ARNEWSLINE HAM RADIO IN SPACE: SPACE TOURIST ON THE AIR It cost him an estimated 20 million dollars to get there, but Space tourist Charles Simonyi, KE7KDP, is on the air from the International Space Station Amateur Radio Newsline producer Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, is in our Los Angeles newsroom with the audio of some of his first contacts: Simonyi: "November Alpha One Sierra Sierra. CQ, CQ, CQ." As we go to air space tourist Charles Simonyi, KE7KDP, has only been on the International Space Station for a few days. No matter because he seems to have really taken to the idea of talking to people back on mother Earth using Amateur Radio and does it like a pro. Take a listen: Simonyi: "Kilo Echo 7 please repeater your callsign...Kilo Echo 7 Mike Henry George this is Charles. I hear you loud and clear. And a big 73 for you. Thanks for the contact. QRZ. The Whiskey 6 stand-by. Whiskey 6 Mike Echo Uniform, my name is Charles and I hear you loud and clear. 73 to you. " One of the first stations contacted by KE7KDP was Scott Avery, WA6LIE, in Salinas, California. Avery had his recorder running as KE7KDP sent a message of thank you to the ham community which worked with him to get him licensed in time for the flight: Simonyi: "Well I just want to congratulate the (ham radio) community for the great job that they are doing in performing their charter. As we learned about it (in training) and to thank everybody who helped me to get into the community and helping me along. It is not easy for me and I do the best that I can. So, thanks a lot guys, and I hope I can talk to as many people as possible. Over." We also got the chance to ask Avery what it was like to talk to Charles Simonyi and relay his message to the ham radio world: Avery: "Being one of the first to talk to Charles on the International Space Station was definitely an honour and a surprise. I feel very lucky to have had this opportunity and I hope that others enjoy their contacts as much as I did. Its pretty awesome and a once in a lifetime experience." After they chatted for about a minute, KE7KDP said 73 to Avery and went on to work station after station, almost as if he was on a DX-pedition. In some ways he was and Avery kept tape rolling until the I-S-S faded from view: Audio of KE7KDP making rapid-fire contacts. Hear it in the MP3 version of this newscast downloadable from www.arnewsline.org RADIO RULES: THE FCC AND 6.25 kHz NARROWBAND TECHNOLOGY The Federal Communications Commission has declined to mandate when the Private Land Mobile Service will be directed to adopt 6.25 kHz narrowband spacing between systems, but says that it will eventually happen. And this could be as early as 2011 or 2013. And hams in need of more repeater channels are likely watching to see how it all pans out. Amateur radio Newsline's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, has mo If you own an Amateur repeater on any of the bands between 2 meters and 70 centimetres, a decision by the FCC to force users in the Private Land Mobile Service to adopt 6.25 KHz inter-station spacing at some yet to be determined day could eventually impact on ham radio. This is because the operating standards used in commercial service usually work themselves down to ham radio operations over a period of time. The FCC has made public its Third Report and Order dealing with a mandatory shift to 6.25 KHz ultra-narrowband technology. The release says that the agency for now does not want to establish a specific fixed date for private land mobile radio systems in the 150 to 174 MHz and 421 to 512 MHz bands to transition to 6.25 kHz. That said, the FCC also says that it plans to have such a transition take place once gear is available and certified for sale. And for that reason, the FCC strongly urges land mobile licensees to consider migrating directly to 6.25 kHz rather than first adopting 12.5 kHz spacing and later making the 6.25 kHz move. But there are a few caveats. In its announcement, the FCC admitted that 6.25 kHz technology is not mature enough to warrant setting a specific migration schedule. Also, that there are no accepted industry standards for 6.25 kHz, and this could be a problem in regard to interoperability between various users. But says the FCC also says that it will expeditiously establish a schedule for transition to 6.25 kHz ultra-narrowband once the technology matures to the point that sufficient equipment is available for testing. What does this mean to hams? While the FCC is not likely to tell radio amateurs that they have to adopt the same technology, it is all but inevitable that some hams will begin looking at 6.25 kHz for their own future repeater operations. This might be especially true in the crowded urban areas like the North-East and in California where waiting lines exist for new repeaters with some hams in that line for several years. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, in Los Angeles. 6.25kHz narrowband will not be seen in the Private Land Mobile Radio for several years, but ham radio experimenters are likely to try it long before then. RESCUE RADIO: REPORT SAYS CELLPHONES SAFE IN HOSPITALS A report released has concluded that cellular telephone calls made on cell phones do not affect hospital medical devices. But the same researchers say that store anti-theft alarms might make implanted heart devices misbehave. Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, reports: According to the March issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings., tests at Rochester, Minnesota hospital showed normal use of cellular telephones caused no noticeable interference with patient care equipment. What came as a surprise was a finding that a portable CD player caused an abnormal electrocardiograph reading when a patient used it near one of the leads of the device. Most hospitals forbid the use of cell phones. Dr. David Hayes and colleagues said their tests suggest the ban is unmerited. The researchers tested cellular phones using two different technologies from different carriers, near 192 different medical devices. During 300 tests run over five months, they reported no trouble with the equipment. But not all communications technology mixes with medical devices. Dr. J. Rod Gimbel of East Tennessee Heart Consultants and Dr. James Cox of the University of Tennessee Medical Centre in Knoxville described two cases in which anti-theft devices apparently caused implanted heart devices to malfunction. Dr. Gimbel says that one of the patients had a pacemaker and she collapsed after pausing in a store doorway. Another had an implantable cardiac defibrillator that shocked him after he stood near an anti-theft unit. Dr. Gimbel adds that simply moving a person with one of these implanted devices away from the anti-theft device may save their lives. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the studio in Los Angeles. Regardless of what this report says, it is important to follow the rules that each individual hospital enforces and displays. And if the sign says to turn off your cellular telephone while on the premises, then its best that you do as asked. That goes for your H-T or any other two-way device as well. ================================================== ===================== NEWS SOURCED TO THE RSGB NEWS SERVICE AND READ BY G4NJH Beware bogus emails Listeners are urged to be cautious of emails claiming to be from the "ARRL.net user support team". The American Radio Relay League has informed GB2RS that these emails are bogus. There is no such entity as the ARRL.net user group, and the emails originate from outside the US. The bogus emails contain wording like "We have received reports that your e-mail account has been used to send a large amount of unsolicited commercial email messages during this week" and "We recommend you to follow our instructions in order to keep your computer safe." On no account follow the instructions in the email. Doing so will actually infect your computer with the MyDoom Trojan worm virus. Your computer will then be used to send out spam emails. Users of the ARRL's email forwarding services are thought to be at most risk of receiving the emails. For further information, visit the ARRL's website at www.arrl.org International Museums Weekend award The seventh International Museums Weekend special event will take place on 16th and 17th June 2007. Radio amateurs are encouraged to participate in this event by setting up stations in their local museums. Harry, M1BYT, who is organising the event, asks that all those intending to join in should please register their museum via the International Museums Weekend website. He also requests that they send their details to him by e-mail to CONTEST COLUMN - D A T E L I N E - ROB VK5MM MAY 5 - 6 Westlakes CQ Repeater contest. In past years this event was spread over one week. However to ensure that working amateurs are not disadvantaged this year the contest will start just past the stroke of midnight on the 4th May and continue until midnight on the 6th May. The aim of the contest is to encourage more use of at times inactive repeaters. Definitely a fun event and should not be missed. 2007 VK/TRANSTASMAN CONTEST 80M Phone 12 May 2007 80M CW 26 May 2007 160M Phone 7 July 2007 160M CW 21 July 2007 AUGUST 11/12 Remembrance Day Contest (The RD) wia.org.au SPECIAL EVENTS, BEACON AND NET ADVICE Saturday, April 28 is the 20th International Marconi Day. Several dozen stations in locations with a link to Marconi will be operating on the day. The Hornsby and Districts Amateur Radio Club will be operating VK2IMD, the only IMD station in Australasia. They hope to be on all HF bands. VK2IMD commemorates Ernest Fisk receiving the first direct radio message from Britain to Australia, at Wahroonga in 1918. This message was sent from Marconi's station in Caernarfon, Wales. For more information look for the GB4IMD website. Link: http://www.gb4imd.org.uk/ MEDIA WATCH HAVE YOU DONE ANYTHING TO PROMOTE AMATEUR RADIO THIS WEEK? Westlakes has certainly been trying for among last weeks callbacks to this the WIA news broadcast was their 1,000 call-sign recorded from the weekly casts on their 2 meter morning session. On behalf of both the WIA and Westlakes I congratulate all those who have called in to date including the 1,000th VK2HDL for assisting in achieving this milestone. Well done WestlakesARC 2 stations have topped the 2000 check in mark this WIA year, with 2 broadcasts left to tally. Adelaide's VK5RAD leads the nation with 2534 Melbourne's VK3BWI network comes 2nd with 2127. Queensland has 4 outlets each in excess of 1000, Rockhampton 1009 Bundaberg / Gladstone 1252 Sunshine Coast 1018 Brisbane Sunday mornings on VK4RBN 1391 Perth VK6RAP Sunday mornings clocks 1301 In VK7 Hobart 2 meters has 1655 and in the north Launceston has 980 and should tick over into the 1000 this weekend. The 2 we would have expected to have reached the 1k milestone early in the year are way behind, being VK2 Sydney 2 meters and Gold Coast mornings. Please note that Ross Anderson VK4AQ located in Innisfail, is the new contributor for the monthly VK4 column in AR. VK4 Hams, please assist by forwarding news items from your area to Ross, so he can compile the bulletin to send to AR. Ross's contact details a Ross Anderson PO Box 1511 Innisfail QLD 4860 Phone 07 40617246 Email: Thanks Ross, for assisting with amateur radio in Queensland, and we look forward to seeing your column in AR. NOW ROBERT BROOMHEAD - VK3KRB. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- FINAL FRONTIER AMSAT-VK UNOFFICIAL HF Net. 2nd Sunday each month. April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz We heard earlier Space Tourist Charles during our international spot, well Friday weeks successful ARISS amateur radio contact with the Space Tourist and students at Fairborn High School in Ohio USA was in no small way thanks to Australia. No it didn't come "via the Dish" but as Dr. Charles Simonyi and his ISS passed over Australia, contact was through ARISS telebridge station VK4KHZ located at Glenden QLD. (((((((pause for audio))))))) This was the first ARISS contact for Charles and he operated like a real pro, answering 29 questions from the students in 10 minutes and 4 seconds, until the ISS disappeared over the horizon. For information and assistance on how you can get your local school involved in the ARISS program contact Tony VK5ZAI the Australian coordinator of ARISS. (Shane Lynd VK4KHZ ARISS Telebridge Station). WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- Internet Linking of Repeaters NERG News report a program called ElseeMore - EchoLink for Blind Operators has been developed by Tony VK3ZTR (tonywakefield.com.au) This program assists Blind and Visually Impaired amateurs in operating the popular EchoLink Internet linking program. Normally EchoLink requires the use of the keyboard and mouse, and the ability to read menus and text displays. ElseeMore is simplifying the user interface. Large screen fonts and simplified text displays can be used by partially sighted operators, while voice prompts are use by totally blind operators to navigate through the EchoLink controls. ElseeMore can be configured by an assistant (either locally or over the Internet) so that the blind operator can easily access pre-set favourite EchoLink nodes. Tony says the program has been quite popular not only with blind operators but also operators having 20-20 vision, the large font display and speech announcements are great for monitoring operations from across a room! WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RESCUE RADIO EMERGENCY FREQUENCIES REGION ONE 21.360 - 18.160 - 14.300 - 7.060 - 3.760 MHz. IARU Region 1 invites the HQ-stations of its member societies and stations of special emergency communication groups to participate in the "Second EmCom party on the Air" on Saturday, May the 5th, 2007 at 11.00 - 15.00 UTC. The operation will take place on and near the emergency Centre-of-Activity (CoA) frequencies on 40, 20 and 15 meters (+/-QRM). The objective of the party is to increase the common interest among member societies in emergency communication, test how usable the CoA frequencies are across Region 1, and create practices for international emergency communication between Region 1 member societies and special emergency communication groups. All traffic during the party will take place in SSB only. IARU Region 1 HQ station will be OF3F in Finland. It will be QRV simultaneously on the three CoA frequencies: 7060, 14300 and 21360 kHz +/- QRM. During first three hours each participating station will try to contact OF3F and also as many other national HQ and special group stations as possible. During the last hour, (14.00 - 15.00 UTC) these stations will contact only OF3F for reporting. The report should be sent only once, on the band on which communication with OH3F is best. More information including the exchange format is on the news page of www.aren.ie BB's DIARY ROOM - THE FUTURE, IN AMATEUR RADIO 2007 April 28 International Marconi Day www.gb4imd.org.uk May 4 - 6 WIA AGM at Parkes www.wia.org.au 2008 Sept 13 Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details. 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. SOCIAL SCENE APRIL 22 Centre Victoria RadioFest All is "GO" for the Centre Victoria RadioFest TODAY the 22nd of April at the Kyneton Racecourse. Check out the website radiofest.amateurradio.com.au for full details. See you at the family friendly Centre Victoria RadioFest, Kyneton racecourse less than an hour from Melbourne, Ballarat and Bendigo, TODAY. MAY 5 - 6 The Clareview Gathering is a yearly event where Radio Amateurs meet at a spot on the coast between Rockhampton and Mackay to relax, talk radio, re-establish acquaintances and participate in the world renown Saturday Night Mega-Auction. It happens in 2007 during the Long Weekend on the 5th and 6th of May. For further details contact Don Wilschefski VK4BY of the RADAR Club MAY 12 MDRC Hamfest The Moorabbin and District Amateur Radio club are please to announce, this years Hamfest will be held in the usual location, at the Brentwood Secondary College, Watsons Rd, Glen Waverly on Saturday 12th May 2006 - doors opening at 10am. The MDRC Hamfest is proud to be Victoria's biggest and this year will be no exception with displays and sales of new or preloved equipment, for anyone interested in Radio Communications and electronics. Major door prizes, free tea and coffee, light refreshments and a sausage sizzle will also be on offer. Trader table bookings and general enquires can be made be emailing Graeme Lewis VK3GL ) or by phoning mobile 0418 289928 MAY 12 - BRISBANE HAMFEST Brisbane Amateur radio Club is holding "BARCFEST 2007" on Saturday 12th May, venue is the Mount Gravatt Showground Logan Road. If you wish to book a table information can be found on the club's website http://qsl.net/vk4ba or you can call Les VK4ZLP on 33437247. Food will be available at the hall, Starting time is 10am. July 7+8 - GippsTech Conference for VHF, UHF & SHF enthusiasts in Australia. Held at the Gippsland Campus of Monash University in Churchill, about two hours drive east of Melbourne. www.qsl.net\vk3bez\index.htm SEPTEMBER 21-23 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Happening in twin cities of Thuringowa and Townsville. ================================================== ======================= WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but are broadcast in the spirit in which they were submitted. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. HOP TO SPECIFIC WIANews TOPICS __________________________________________________ ________________ WIA WEB ZONE, www.wia.org.au __________________________________________________ ________________ WIANews THANKS OUR REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS , OUR RELAY OPERATORS ACROSS THE WORLD FOR FORWARDING INFORMATION AND COMMENTS THEIR LISTENERS HAVE PASSED ON TO MAKE WIANews VK'S LEADING WEEKLY AMATEUR RADIO PROGRAM. E-mail WIANews WITH VK STORIES. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of QNEWS for the National WIA. Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... __________________________________________________ ________________ __________________________________________________ ________________ |
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