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This is the first edition of WIANEWS for WIA year four of the "new look
national WIA". ie for week commencing MAY 6 2007 PEDESTRIAN MOBILE Jeff vk4xjj has now worked a couple more WIA listeners and broadcasters as he walks from the bottom to the top of Australia. Tuesday 1st May Jeff had arrived at Wirrealpa Station and he and his Brother Bill, VK2FWGJ communicated the next night, Wednesday. Although in the 'middle of Australia' VK4XJJ did manage to somehow attract some rain, so has been a 'tad' wet from time to time. Roger VK4BNQ the main relay station for Jeff, at Gympie, manages contact 75% of the time but a few extra relay stations would be appreciated. Main information required is latitude and longitude daily to VK4BNQ and next days direction and destination. Heading towards Birdsville, the Moomba maybe in two and a half weeks. Macca (ABC) is interviewing Jeff today Sunday 6th April if things work out. Jeff tries to be on time air at..... 1715 EST 7.032MHz CW 1720 EST 7.040MHz LSB 1730 EST 7.040MHz LSB *** 1745 EST 7.060MHz LSB *** An update on Jeff's time on air please. 1730 EST 7.040MHz LSB It has been crowded at times and confusing with the amount of information. If necessary he or VK4BNQ can QSY nearby. (Bill Johnson (VK2FWGJ brother bill)) AMATEUR RADIO - HOME OF THE GOOD GUYS Home of the Good Guys Grey Nomads, Campervanners or Motor homers are on the move around Australia all the time and to keep in touch many of them use HF radio. A group of them formed the HF Radio Club Incorporated in 1998 and have an ACMA licensed network of base stations to help out members in need. Late in April the club held its annual general meeting in Casino New South Wales. Making the best of the opportunity to promote the Foundation Licence was Amateur Radio New South Wales Councillor, Michael Corbin VK2YC. He says after explaining the licence and making a copy of the Foundation Licence manual available at least six people showed definite interest. While some were directed to inquire at various radio clubs that run training courses, Michael VK2YC says serious consideration is being given to running a Foundation Licence course and assessment session just before the next AGM of the HF Radio Club. That club is associated with the Campervan & Motor home Club of Australia which has over 48,000 members making it this country's largest motor homing club in Australia. The potential to recruit new radio amateurs is obvious. Michael VK2YC is one of a number of radio amateurs in the HF Radio Club who are now sharing their knowledge with the non-hams in the club on how to best operate their radios to maximise the effectiveness of HF communications. (Jim Linton VK3PC) Simbo Island Tsunami Appeal Wrap-up $820.00 was raised by the Sewing Circle net for the people of Simbo Island, this is the total amount received from the generous Amateur Radio fraternity, all monies received have gone to the appeal with any transfer fees and other costs having been paid for by outside donations. The people of Simbo are overwhelmed that a group of Australians totally unknown to them would be so generous to think of them in their plight! To all who donated, congratulations on your generosity. Once again the spirit of Amateur Radio shines again, thanks to all involved. This week is National Volunteer Week With more than 700,000 not-for-profit organisations around Australia, Among them are some 150 amateur radio organisations which includes the WIA, WICEN and scout radio groups. Volunteering is an integral part of the Australian ethos. So what does this mean for you? Well all amateur radio organisations are in need of volunteers whether it be help out with specific tasks, working bees or club activities. You're a new licensee and a bit reluctant to get involved?. Well if you have something to contribute to the well-being of your chosen organisation the fact that you are a new radio amateur, should not matter. Volunteers all have to start somewhere and often there will be a friendly long-time volunteer more than willingly to take you under their wings. And National Volunteer Week is also a time for those who have volunteered in the past to think about doing it again. There are a number of previous club committee people who have dropped back into the 'comfort zone' of the general membership who still have something to offer, be in a different capacity. Those with the attitude of ' I did my bit and so now it's something else's turn' are selling themselves short and perhaps depriving their organisation of their knowledge and experience. I'm Jim Linton VK3PC and you're listening to VK1WIA. I'm Spud VK8ZWM and it's off to the Country Music Capital of New South Wales for our first item today. New venue for the Tamworth Radio Club. The Tamworth Radio Club., now meet on the first Friday each month at the Tamworth / Oxley Scout Hall, that's the hexagonal brick building on the corner of Carthage and Hall Streets, Tamworth, at 7:30 pm. web site is http://trci.org.au/ VK3 The MAY meeting of the NERG has been cancelled due to building works at the NERG hall. To make up for this disruption the annual NERG dinner will be held at the nearby Di Riccardos restaurant in Lower Plenty on the regular meeting night, Thursday 10th May, starts 7:00 pm ($30 per person). Please contact Don Haslam on 0409 024 597 for bookings if you would like to attend. further information on the web site www.nerg.asn.au VK4 If your in the Brisbane area next Saturday, the day before Mothers day, make it along to the Mount Gravatt Showgrounds for the Brisbane Hamfest ably run by the Brisbane Amateur Radio Club. VK4 JOHN MOYLE RESULTS AND OUR WINNERS ARE---- 24 HOUR PORTABLE MULTI-OPERATOR VK4WID 2216 24 HOUR PORTABLE SINGLE-OPERATOR VK4TGL 944 6 HOUR PORTABLE MULTI-OPERATOR VK4NRL 204 6 HOUR PORTABLE SINGLE-OPERATOR VK4JAZ 80 24 HOUR HOME STATION VK4FIGA 350 AND AUSTRALIAN WINNER!! 6 HOUR HOME STATION (no vk4 station submitted a log in here) VK5 This is Bob, VK5NZ with a news item on behalf of the Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society. Our last meeting was a display of member's home made radio equipment. We had aerials made from articles featured in Amateur Radio Magazine, Receivers, antenna tuners etc. were also constructed. It was encouraging to see our members making and using their creations. We had around 65 members present. Our membership secretary believes if our last 15 renew their membership we will have around 140 members. Our next meeting will be a talk on the electric car mystery. Many years ago I collected a Zeta car for such a project but lost my way with it. Our next project, the Tregellas two tone oscillator, will be available soon in kit form. Our next meeting is at the Belair Community Centre, Main Rd Belair on the 17th of May at 7.30pm. Visitors are always welcome. Thanks to Jim VK5NB for putting pen to paper ,and keeping us informed.. well via email anyway. Now back to VK8ZWM VK8 (AUDIO CONTINUES FROM SPUD VK8ZWM) That's it, so back to our "action central newsroom". I'm Spud VK8ZWM EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO Calling CQ "Become a Radio Amateur" That is the title of the WIA's new promotional brochure. Its theme is that 'Amateur radio is the fascinating new way to communicate for everyone.' This colourful 12-panel convenient DL format publication provides information about who are radio amateurs and their multi-faceted world-wide hobby. It gives snapshots of how it can be enjoyed at home, while caravanning or four wheel driving, during interstate and overseas travel, or while yachting or boating. The educational benefits of amateur radio are covered with references to it being in schools and increasingly part of organised youth activities. Australia needs more scientists, engineers and technicians. "Calling CQ" advises that 'developing an interest in amateur radio can lead to a rewarding career in science and technology.' Home-brewing is not forgotten mention is made that radio amateurs often enjoy the challenges of building or constructing things, such as a simple wire antenna through to software or digital technique applications. It provides information on how to contact a local radio club to access amateur licence training courses. "Calling CQ" is an ideal tool for individual radio amateurs or clubs to promote amateur radio. FUTURE EXAMS To find out when a club in YOUR area is hosting assessments and/or training in Amateur Radio go to wia.org.au and check out the club pages. Participating clubs keep this site up to date and post the latest information for all to see. Also check the text edition of each news edition, where we do keep a secondary listing. On the audio broadcast we will continue to give new information when it is received, but just in case you miss it one week, you can always access our text Next Foundation Licence course, and Standard / Advanced assessments ..... The CRARC will be undertaking another Foundation Licence course on the weekend 19th & 20th of MAY. Also running Standard and Advanced Licence Examinations and Assessments on the Saturday (19th May) for those who wish to sit. If you wish to sit either the examinations, or do the F.L. Course, please contact Alan Hawes VK1WX via email to or by phone (after hours) to 02 6258 2568. Please note that all monies are to be paid by May 7th 2007 ! At Bendigo classes and licence assessments are conducted by Ross Pittard VK3FCE who can be contacted via email The Central Goldfields Amateur Radio Club, Maryborough regularly holds classes. Contact Peter Rafferty VK3CC on 5460 4387 or email On the Gold Coast and want to talk to the world through their IRLP and EchoLink systems? Or already licensed and wish to upgrade Foundation to Standard? Well classes are held at the Nerang Clubhouse of the GCARS, ring Roy VK4IG on 5539 3530 Exams can be taken at a time to suit you. TARC WIA Exams Information Exam sessions are held on demand with WIA Assessors and assessment packs available for all 3 levels of licensing. Contact theTARCinc WIA Exams Regional Co-ordinator Roger/VK4CD on mobile 0417 638366 to have a mutually suitable date and WIA Assessors assigned to your assessment. Further information also available at theTARCinc website ... http://www.tarc.org.au/tarcexam.htm VK5 Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society will run Foundation licence's at the Aviation Museum, 56 Lipson Street Port Adelaide, 2 weekends August 4th and 5th then November 3rd and 4th. Contact the course convenor, Sasi Nayar on 0417 858 547 VK6 Re-Capping advice given earlier today by Mark, VK6FIVE:- Foundation course for May on the 19/20 with an exam on the 26th. So if you want to do the foundation license in WA, get in quick, as the 21st & 22nd of July's course (with exam on the 28th of July) is already one third full. The next VK6 Exams for Standard and Advanced, if you miss next weeks, are on June 30th. Think ahead, book early! Contact Neil VK6BDO. CONGRATULATIONS - RESULTS I'd like to read a lil note in from one of our listeners, and one of our newer hams, and I quote "Hi My name is Garry. I passed a foundation assessment on Wednesday April 11 and have just recently received my call sign and licence details on the ACMA data base. For all who have assisted in me finally becoming licensed, a very big thank you. I believe I am the first blind candidate through the Wagga Wagga club and they have made me feel very welcome. My friend Wayne VK2FWHD vk2fwhd thought VK2F "No See" (VK2FNOC) would be fitting as it is very true in my case. Thank you one and all. (Licence No Licence Category Callsign Licensee 1190386 Foundation VK2FNOC Garry Bootes) From VK1WIA this is the National News Service - Tune in today...Focus on Tomorrow INTERNATIONAL NEWS Jubilee Dinner and AGM The 75th Jubilee Dinner and AGM of the Irish Society took place at the Vienna Woods Hotel in Cork. The Jubilee Dinner was on the Saturday evening and 120 sat down to enjoy a first class meal. Guests at the dinner included Dave Sumner K1ZZ, Secretary of the IARU and CEO of the ARRL, Angus Annan MM1CCR, President of the RSGB, and EI2P a Trustee of the Irish Society and one of the longest standing active call signs in EI being licensed since 1937. AMERICAN RED CROSS REFUSES TO NEGOTIATE ON BACKGROUND CHECKS OF HAMS The American Red Cross has told the ARRL that it will not back away from its demand that ham radio volunteers submit to a background check by a third party contractor. A check that that could include a examination of that persons finances. According to a news item on the ARRL website, a meeting between the League and Red Cross officials to discuss the matter lead to am impasse. One with the Red Cross holding firm to its position on the right to have its contractor conduct a background check that could include personal finance check if it deems it to be necessary and refusing to modify any aspect of it stance. In recent days, a growing number of hams have reconsidered volunteering their services to the Red Cross because of the potential of having their personal finances made a part of such a background check. They say that they are freely giving of their time to assist the relief agency and should not be subject to this level of lifestyle scrutiny. The full story is on-line at League's website. www.arrl.org/news/stories/2007/04/16/100/?nc=1 ================================================== ===================== NEWS FROM ARNEWSLINE IARU EMCOMMS PRESENTATION AVAILABLE ON THE WEB A report developed by the Regional Conference on Disaster Relief and Management is now available for on-line viewing. The Power Point presentation is from an address given by the IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Coordinator Seppo Sisatto, OH1VR. The conference was held April 14th to thr 16th in Alexandria, Egypt. The report is on-line at www.iaru-1.org/Alexandria%20presentation.ppt OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD INTERNET ACCESS The U.S. Department of Defence has named Intelsat General Corp. to proceed with initial testing of what is expected to lead to Internet Routing in Space. In early 2009, a space-hardened Cisco router will be launched into geostationary orbit to support the voice, data and video needs of the armed forces, first responders, and others who need seamless and instant communications. You can read more about it at www.telecomweb.com/tnd/22650.html ================================================== ===================== CONTEST COLUMN - D A T E L I N E MAY 5 - 6 Westlakes CQ Repeater contest. 2007 VK/TRAN TASMAN CONTEST 80M Phone 12 May 2007 80M CW 26 May 2007 160M Phone 7 July 2007 160M CW 21 July 2007 AUGUST 11/12 Remembrance Day Contest (The RD) wia.org.au Peter 4OD is after any form of Poetry or any document describing serving conditions or personal experience, that was written by a Serving Service Man or Woman during WW2, and was sent home or was found in an old Diary. Please send to 7th World HST Championship will take part in Belgrade, Serbia in September 19-23rd. Visit www.hst2007.org OR contact DUSAN CEHA YU1EA Amateur Radio Union of Serbia Chairman of the E.C. HST 2007 e.mail: SPECIAL EVENTS, BEACON AND NET ADVICE Some time ago we said we would update the progress on the WA Shires award. Well its finally starting to take off !! They have started an activity time of 4-30 pm Saturday arvo ( and Sunday as well if you have the time ) to come up on 40 mtrs 7.075 or 80 mtr , freq to be agreed, and have a go at getting some more shires in the log. Some are up to 20+ at the moment and others are chasing fast behind. There are many metro shires still to come up on air so the first 10-20 are relatively easy! Keith VK6XH would also like people taking part in the HF side of RD contest to give out their shires as well, that would really swell the numbers. (Keith Bainbridge VK6XH & VK6DXR Northern Corridor Radio Group (VK6ANC)) The seventh International Museums Weekend special event will take place on 16th and 17th June 2007. THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report - (Measure twice - Cut once!) L-ION BATTERIES FOR YOUR CAR Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industries hopes to start mass production of lithium ion batteries for automotive use in 2010. These rechargeable batteries would be sold to auto makers for use in electric and gas-electric hybrid vehicles. Sanyo Electric which supplies nickel metal hydride batteries to Honda and Ford is also developing the technology. Also getting into the act are electronics conglomerate Hitachi, car battery manufacturer Yuasa Corp and electronic parts maker Murata Manufacturing. Lithium ion batteries are more compact than nickel metal hydride batteries, contributing to fuel efficiency. But safety concerns such as overheating remain and the technology is still considered too expensive by many. (arnewsline) MEDIA WATCH MIT press has come out with a book on HAMs drawing on their vast experience in field of communication technology. Just 'google' MIT.Press.Ham.Radios.Technical.Culture A review and brief could be read he http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item...pe=2&tid=10967 http://www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cf...ssay_id=216929 Hope it will make interesting reading both for tech and non tech HAMs. (73 Rahul VU3WJM) As we start the new WIA year have you advised that your broadcast entry on the web page and tally sheet are still correct? Next week we start afresh so if you do want your details publicised then let the news team know. Some more figures in from the year just gone, a total of 80,000 text and RF checkins logged, the highest and most popular VHF outlet is Adelaide's VK5RAD 2 meter Sunday morning broadcast, some 2700 stations. Highest on MF was VK2's Westlakes with 300 and HF saw VK6DXA's 80 meter Sunday night retransmission with some 600 calling back. On a state wide look, we see VK1 with 350 VK8 with 600 VK3 with 4700 VK6 with 5500 VK5 with 5600 VK7 with 5700 VK2 with 6900 VK4 with 9000 (figures rounded out) WIRELESS WEATHER Solar Cycle 24 predictions from ARRL April 25, a Solar Cycle 24 Prediction Panel, consisting of members from NOAA, NASA and other agencies looked at all available predictions and attempted to reach a consensus. It looks like the minimum between cycles 23 and 24 may not occur for another year, until March 2008, a year later than recently reported. The accuracy is expected to be plus or minus six months. The peak of cycle 24 is expected to occur in October 2011 if there is a large solar cycle, and August 2012 for a small cycle. You can see their statement at, http://www.sec.noaa.gov/SolarCycle/S...tement_01.html INTRUDER WATCH - ENFORCEMENT ZONE Region III IARUMS Coordinator B.L.Manohar (Arasu) VU2UR IARU Monitoring System International Coordinator:- Robert E. Knowles, ZL1BAD. Len Martinson, ZL1BYA, is Monitoring Service co-ordinator for the NZART. VK National Coordinator VK4DU Glen Dunstan VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe VK Coordinators for I.A.R.U.M.S. VK3TZE Jimmy VK5EV John VK7BBW Paul IARUMS NETS Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David. Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an intruder, This listing by the late P29KFS, Rick Warnett. Exclusive amateur only spectrum world wide 7.050 to 7.100 14.000 to 14.250 14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters 21.000 to 21.450 24.890 to 24.990 28.000 to 29.700 CHINA: THE INTERLOPERS ARE BACK If you are trying to hold a QSO on the 17 meter band and you are suddenly trampled by two short-wave stations fighting one another then you have been jammed by a pair of broadcasters vying for the minds of the people of China. More accurately, one is trying to express its views to listeners in the Peoples Republic of China while the other is trying to jam it out. No matter as neither the "Sound of Hope" which broadcasts from Taiwan nor the music station jamming it from the city of Hainan are supposed to be on 18.160 MHz nor anywhere in the Amateur exclusive world wide 18 MHz allocation. But they are and its not the first time that either has showed up in an Amateur Radio allocation. And while several nations Intruder Watch operations have logged the stations and complaints have been filed, it remains to be seen if anything can be done to chase the interlopers away. (ARNEWSLINE) NOW ROBERT BROOMHEAD - VK3KRB. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- INTERNET --- THE HAMS DOMAIN "Just thought I let you know about a new forum created on Sunday just gone. It is a forum for vk hams located at http://adelaide.informe.com/ It is designed for members to post articles and ask for advice on upgrading etc. My motto (VK5MMM') is keeping the hobby alive and after 24 hours of operation it has attracted 18 members, which tell me it certainly is. I am need of some moderators or people to submit some advice. I am new to ham radio and would love some people to be available to monitor the forum and screen out anything that are not correct etc. Morgan (VK5MMM) 0438 887987 WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- Internet Linking of Repeaters WIN SYSTEM LINK RUNNING AGAIN. 146.575 The WIN System is now up and running on 146.575 Mhz in the Summerland region of northern NSW (VK2). This system runs 24-7, it is located near the Tuckombil tower. This is connected into about 30 repeaters in the US. Any questions just call Eric and Kym VK2TRD and VK2FABB New IRLP Node in Central Highlands Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club President Mark Robinson VK4KMR has advised that a new IRLP node has just been activated in Dysart, Central Queensland. Node 6037 will shortly give IRLP users complete access to the Central Highlands VHF solar powered linked repeater system sites near Clermont, Blackdown and Springsure as well as UHF repeaters at Rockhampton and Sarina. Mark VK4KMR also thanks Steven VK4SMW and Rob VK4HW with help in building the Linux IRLP 6037 Server and setting up of control programmes and scripts and hopes that this additional access will help members of the Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club as well as the wider fraternity of Amateur Radio operators keep in touch with other club members and events that happen throughout the year. Interested to learn more about the Central Highlands Amateur Radio Club ? A Yahoo group site exists for VK4WCH, ably administered by Bill VK4XZ and is located at URL http://au.groups.yahoo.com/group/charc/ WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR OLD-TIMERS http://www.raotc.org.au OLD TIMERS Members and friends of the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club Australia are reminded that the next news and information broadcast will take place on the first Monday of the Month. using the RAOTC callsign of VK3OTN. 10.00 am Victorian time on 7.060 and 3.650 MHz plus 1.843 MHz AM, and 145.700. On 14.150 MHz at 01.00 UTC beaming north and 02:00 UTC west from Melbourne For those not yet retired, 8.30 PM Victorian time tune 80 mtrs 3.650 MHz SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO SCOUTING http://www.scouts.com.au http://www.scout.org/jota SCOUT JOTA HF Voice Calling Frequencies 3590, 7090, 14190, 21190, 28590 kHz 14290, 18140, 21360, 24960, 28390 kHz (DX) This years 50th JOTA will run from October 19th at 22:00 hours to October 21st at 24:00 hours YOUR local time. An official start will be given by the World Scout Bureau radio station in Geneva, Switzerland on October 19th at 21:00 h UTC with a transmission in the 20 and 80 meter bands and on EchoLink. BB's DIARY ROOM - THE FUTURE, IN AMATEUR RADIO 2007 May 4 - 6 WIA AGM at Parkes www.wia.org.au 2008 Sept 13 Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details. 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. SOCIAL SCENE MAY 5 - 6 The Clareview Gathering is a yearly event where Radio Amateurs meet at a spot on the coast between Rockhampton and Mackay to relax, talk radio, re-establish acquaintances and participate in the world renown Saturday Night Mega-Auction. It happens in 2007 during the Long Weekend on the 5th and 6th of May. For further details contact Don Wilschefski VK4BY of the RADAR Club MAY 12 MDRC Hamfest The Moorabbin and District Amateur Radio club are please to announce, this years Hamfest will be held in the usual location, at the Brentwood Secondary College, Watsons Rd, Glen Waverly on Saturday 12th May 2006 - doors opening at 10am. The MDRC Hamfest is proud to be Victoria's biggest and this year will be no exception with displays and sales of new or preloved equipment, for anyone interested in Radio Communications and electronics. Major door prizes, free tea and coffee, light refreshments and a sausage sizzle will also be on offer. Trader table bookings and general enquires can be made be emailing Graeme Lewis VK3GL ) or by phoning mobile 0418 289928 MAY 12 - BRISBANE HAMFEST Brisbane Amateur radio Club is holding "BARCFEST 2007" on Saturday 12th May, venue is the Mount Gravatt Showground Logan Road. If you wish to book a table information can be found on the club's website http://qsl.net/vk4ba or you can call LesVK4ZLP on 33437247. Food will be available at the hall, Starting time is 10am. FNNQARG QUEENS BIRTHDAY WEEKEND 2007 The Far North and North Queensland Amateur Radio Get Together (FNNQARG!) will be happening from the 8th to 11th June at Cardwell Village Beachcomber Motel and Tourist Park. Demonstrations of ARDF, World Championship Antenna Wrestling, Navcom Electronics ICOM Yaesu and Diamond equipment displays, the famous Sunday Morning Cricket Match plus much much more will be happening over the weekend. Amongst the attendees will by Mr Aoki, Managing Director of ICOM Australia and Mr Yoshi, Managing Director of Standard Vertex Yaesu Australia. Rumour has it that they are already practicing for the Sunday Morning Cricket Match and hope there is a healthy roll up of regional hams to make up good numbers for the FNQ and NQ teams. Secure your accommodation now by getting in contact with Toni or Bruce at - Cardwell Village Beachcomber Resort and Van Park 1800 005633 07 40668550 fax 07 40668941 43A Marine Parade Cardwell QLD 4849 JUNE 9 Westlakes will have a display stall at the Lemontree Passage Bushfire Brigades Fete on Saturday 9th June JUNE 9-10 The South East Radio Group annual convention, which incorporates the Australian Foxhunting Championships, will be held at the Scout Hall in Mount Gambier SA, on the Queen's Birthday weekend, 9-10 June 2007. Further information from: http://serg.mountgambier.org/ July 7+8 - GippsTech Conference for VHF, UHF & SHF enthusiasts in Australia. Held at the Gippsland Campus of Monash University in Churchill, about two hours drive east of Melbourne. www.qsl.net\vk3bez\index.htm SEPTEMBER 21-23 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Happening in twin cities of Thuringowa and Townsville. REWIND - A LOOK BACK IN HISTORY (Will McGhie VK6UU is WIA National Historian) Rewind, a look back at history On a recent ABC radio program quiz segment this question was put: 'In what year was Citizens Band Radio legalised in Australia?" It was 1977, in fact July the 1st of that year after a Federal Government inquiry that received a large number of submissions in favour of the move, and intense lobbying by a number of CB radio groups. Initially CB was 18 channels at 27MHz, requiring operators to have a government issued callsign, pay an annual licence fee and use type-approved equipment. The big plan was that 27MHz, the amateur 11 metre band, was only to be a temporary allocation and all CBers would move to UHF in five years. However, 27MHz was retained and expanded in 1982, and the UHF band continues today. Gone has the licensing requirement too, with CB radio now covered in 2002 by a fee-free Radiocommunications (Citizen Band Radio Stations) Class Licence. So radio amateurs can commemorate the loss of their 11 metre band, while CB operators can mark the 30th or Pearl anniversary of legalised CB in Australia. I'm Jim Linton VK3PC and you're listening to VK1WIA. ================================================== ======================= WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. HOP TO SPECIFIC WIANews TOPICS ================================================== ============================= WIA WEB ZONE, www.wia.org.au ================================================== ============================= WIANews THANKS OUR REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS , OUR RELAY OPERATORS ACROSS THE WWOORRLLDD FOR FORWARDING INFORMATION AND COMMENTS THEIR LISTENERS HAVE PASSED ON TO MAKE WIANews VK'S LEADING WEEKLY AMATEUR RADIO PROGRAM. E-mail WIANews WITH VK STORIES. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of QNEWS for the National WIA. Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We stronglyy encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... ================================================== ============================= ================================================== ============================= |
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