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Old July 14th 07, 06:33 PM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 36
Default WIANEWS for week commencing JULY 15 2007

This is WIANEWS for week commencing JULY 15 2007

Amateur Licence Fee Increased.

The ACMA has increased the cost of the amateur licence from $58 to $61 with
effect from 1 July 2007.

The WIA was unaware of this increase until the 9th July.

It was not advised of any increase by the ACMA.

The cost of amending an existing licence has not changed.

It is understood that where the old fee has already been sent to ACMA it
will be accepted, and the next renewal date will be brought forward to a
slightly earlier date to reflect the slight underpayment.

Also forms in the new Assessor Instructions on the WIA website have been
updated - the file can be identified as "Rev 5-01.pdf", and the forms on
the website have also been updated. Assessors are asked to download and use
the new forms.

'It's that Wintry time of year again and the snow gods have been kind down
vk2/3 way. The alpine regions of south-eastern Australia are recording some
of the best dumps of the white stuff for quite a while.

In accordance with established tradition, several VK3 amateurs are heading
'back-country' to the Bogong High Plains for a cross-country ski expedition.

Amongst those heading to the mountains this year will be VK3JPA, VK3HFI and
VK3SN, who are all strapping on skis to spend four days away from
civilisation in the Victorian alps from the second to the fifth of August.

Their ultra-light solar powered multimode-multiband station will be in
action each afternoon and into the late evening, so listen out on all bands
from HF through to the local 70cm repeaters for the fellas camping in the
(Stephen VK3SN)

BARC, The Brisbane Amateur Radio Club's news letter is reporting how GPS has
come to the rescue of the elderly and overcome the problems of radio in a
hilly terrain to provide a unique bus service in Toowoomba, South East

Buses now run door to door and on demand, following no set route, and the
scheme is the result of collaboration between Queensland Transport and
Transit Australia using know-how from Belengo which produced the flexible
transport system called Kan-go.

Kan-go responds to the requirements of the individual passenger and provides
the same convenience as a taxi but is as affordable as a bus.

Passengers book a bus trip by using the web-based job booking system. The
system handles bookings and amendments, tracks the buses and optimises the
route that the buses will take.

The route organization engine calculates the most efficient route to each of
the pick-up or drop locations and the driver is guided to each point via the
onboard GPS navigation system.

The bus only responds to people who have booked a service, and therefore
only operates when there are passengers to be picked up.

www. Belengo. Com


The WIA exam service forms on the website, both as incorporated in the
Assessor Instructions Revision 5 and the downloadable forms have been

ACMA increased the amateur licence fee from $58 per year to $61 per year,
an increase of $3 per year, with effect from 1 July.

On 21 January last we reported on the submission that had been lodged by
the WIA with ACMA contesting some of the published assumptions following
Peter Young and my meeting with ACMA in January this year. ACMA had
announced its review of its costs recovery arrangements just before

The cost of amending an existing licence has not changed.

I understand that where the old fee has already been sent to ACMA it will
be accepted, and the next renewal date will be brought forward to a
slightly earlier date to reflect the slight underpayment.

Next, a reminder about the closing date for the Club Grant Scheme.

The WIA has allocated $5,000 this year for grants to affiliated clubs, to
support projects that promote and advance amateur radio, the WIA and it's
Affiliated Clubs by supporting useful and/or innovative projects undertaken
or to be undertaken by Affiliated Clubs.

That is very broad, but the Board believes it should give as much latitude
to the Grant Committee as possible to balance the various factors.
The 2007 Grant Committee is Don Wilchefski VK4BY, Deane Blackman VK3TX and
Wally Howse VK6KZ.

The closing date for applications by clubs is tomorrow, Monday 16 July.
The application must be in the office by close of business tomorrow.

Let me answer a couple of frequently asked questions.

What sort of things are grants made for?

The best thing to do is to look at last years Grant Committee Report, a
link to which is on the WIA website, under clubs, on the right hand side.

A link to the template, which is suggested as being the first page of a
submission, is also on the same page.

What about the number of WIA Members in a club?

The rules say ordinarily participation limited to Affiliated Clubs having a
Membership Percentage of not less than 50%. The rules make it clear that
the Grant Committee must have regard to the number of WIA members in a club
in making its recommendation. However, a grant may be made to a club with
less than 50% membership if the Grant Committee so recommends in the case
of a project having particular merit.

Thank you.



Great interest is being expressed worldwide in the Irish Society's 75th
Anniversary Contest CQIR, which will take place on the last weekend in

The contest is a celebration of Ireland and the Irish, and they figure
CQIR will be one of the largest 'one off' contests ever aired on the
Amateur Bands.

It is a 24-hour single operator contest with the emphasis on participation
rather than winning and to this end every participant gains an entry ticket
for a spectacular draw for every 75 QSO's made during the Contest.

The ticket drawn out of the EI/GI drum will win an all expenses paid long
weekend in New York City for two Irish people. ARRL have confirmed that
this will include a visit to their national headquarters hosted by ARRL.

Kinnitty Castle in Offaly will host the international winners for a week
with flights for two from anywhere in the world.

The prizes have been fully sponsored at no cost to the Society and this is
really an excellent opportunity to celebrate the Society and its 75 years
of service to Irish experimenters.

The IRTS have encouraged all Irish operators to be active during the

Full rules are on the IRTS website.


The 28th July the EMDRC will be running their HF antenna build day.

Over the course of the day members and friends will be building dipole
antennas for 80 meters. This will be a full day activity with a break for
a BBQ lunch.

The activity will be held at the EMDRC clubrooms 12 a McCubbin street in
Burwood and kicking off around 10:00am. The EMDRC extends an open and warm
invitation to visitors To register for attendance.



At long last the Worked All Queensland award is up and running.

Check the article published in this months AR magazine.

Dale VK4DMC has designed a log sheet for the award. It shows all the current
shires that count towards the award.

He will email a copy to anyone who would like one.

Just send an email

with WAQ log sheet in the subject header.

If someone would like a copy posted simply send a stamped self addressed
envelope to:

WAQ Log sheet
7 Danzer Drive
Atherton Q 4883

And don't forget there may be some changes to the Queensland shire names
around February 2008. The log sheet will be amended to reflect these changes
when the Government legislates the changes, if any.


Its been a little chilly in the top end over the last couple of weeks, you
may laugh but to us it has been colllld. Especially out here in the rural

Hello to our visitors in town. The Darwin amateur radio club clubrooms are
open Tuesday nights 7pm at sports house Waratah Cres Fannie Bay. Follow the
feeders from the antenna farm.

The general meeting of the club is held on the first Monday of the month at

Keep an ear out for the Darwin crew on 40 meters in the IARU contest today
and tonight. Give us a call.

There will be a home brew competition shortly. Get your thinking and
building caps on team. No it's not a beer-making contest although that
would be fun.

Three categories, 1) own design and circuit.
2) Constructed from a Kit
3) Foundation licensees in either of the above classes.

Finally this week the club will be assisting the Topend Lions clubs with
the Darwin Beer can regatta on the 29th of July at Mindil beach. It starts
at around 10 am with junior events and building to the finale the Battle of
Mindil. Contact Trevor VK8CO if you are able to assist on the day.
The more the merrier. Come along and join in the fun

Now its back to the national news desk
This has been Spud VK8ZWM for the National WIA


The RSGB might have their educational van GB4FUN, but in the tropical north
of VK4 Townsville hams, better known as "TARCadians" have their own very
well equipped version, predating the British by several years.

the Townsville Amateur Radio Club, or "TARC" Communications Van has seen use
in such varied locations as tropical wonderlands, glorious cattle stations,
crowded university conventions, boisterous JOTA camps and serendipitous
radio field days - in short its been well used and a great way of promoting
and showing off to the general public this great hobby of ours.

In ALARA's latest news letter we read how Michelle VK2 FM YL, and her
Guide unit, Baulkham Hills Explorer and Possum Guides, had a sleep-over
with a difference.

Michelle set up an amateur radio station and the group spoke to other Scouts
and Guides around the world to gain the Scouting 100 Radio Award, which has
been established to celebrate the 100 years of Scouting.

Some of the countries contacted were England, The Netherlands, Germany,
Japan Brazil, Canada and USA.

The girls also learnt radio communication techniques and practised their
skills for JOTA.

Now we all know "sleep over" is hardly the end result of such an activity!
BUT some of the girls WERE between 5 and 9 years old, many of them
were falling asleep by 9 pm and this was too early for many DX stations,
although one American station got up at 3am to talk to them.

Similarly when they came on in the morning the European and English stations
wanted to go to bed as they had to work the next day. However, many stations
called and talked to the girls, so they could get the award.

VK2FMYL were the first Guide unit to receive it in the world.


To find out when a club in YOUR area is hosting assessments and/or
training in Amateur Radio go to and check out the club pages.

Participating clubs keep this site up to date and post the latest
information for all to see.

Also check the text edition of each news edition, where we do keep a
secondary listing.

On the audio broadcast we will continue to give new information when
it is received, but just in case you miss it one week, you can always
access our text

Next Foundation Licence course, and Standard / Advanced assessments .....


Enrolments are open for this month's Foundation Licence training and
assessment session held by Amateur Radio Victoria on the weekend of the
21st and 22nd of July, at Box Hill North.
For inquiries contact Barry Robinson VK3JBR 0428 516 001 or email


Enrolments are open for the Advanced Licence Course to be held Tuesday
nights commencing 24th July.

Get your name in now by contacting Kylea on 0412 704 226.


Tony VK7FACC and Roger VK7FRMH. Welcome to the hobby and we hope to hear you
on the air soon.

Entry level licences - update

The successful introduction of Foundation Licences, particularly in Britain
and Australia, continues to be food for thought in a number of other
countries. With the story, VK3PC Jim Linton.

The latest to declare such an interest is the New Zealand Association of
Radio Transmitters (NZART) which is looking at the possible introduction of
a Foundation type licence.

New Zealand currently has a single licence restructure having abandoned its
Novice licence which was not a success and in its final year had only about
a dozen on issue.

NZART says a Foundation Licence will be considered over coming months with
both the British and Australian models being examined for their suitability.

Canada is still in favour of a new entry licence. However the thought there
are the moment is that it should be of a limited tenure in order to
encourage licensees to upgrade. The regulator Industry Canada is talking
about the new licence being introduced in years, rather than months.

Our near neighbour Papua New Guinea is also looking at the possible
introduction of a Foundation Licence.

And decisions are yet to be made on a commonly agreed Foundation licence
that can be adopted by member nations of the European Community.


Hungary allocated Experimental licence for 70 MHz

An experimental radio licence was recently signed and issued to Haros
Radioklub which permits radio usage of the 70 MHz band for the first time
in Hungary for 30 radio amateurs.

The licence is valid for a period of 30 days starting 1 July 2007. The aim
of the experiment is to study propagation of radio waves in the 70 MHz band
where all FM broadcasting was stopped in February.

The frequency range permitted for the experiment is 70.000 - 70.500 MHz, and
the licence is valid for all operating modes, CW, SSB, narrow band FM and
digital modes like JT6M. Maximum effective radiated power (ERP) is limited
to 1kW.

The original request was submitted in April. In spite of lack of Radio
amateur service allocation of the band, the National Communications
Authority responded quickly and cooperatively.

In the experiment they identify by "call name" beside ham radio callsign.

The call name is composed by a prefix "70m" and a suffix of amateur radio
callsign, for example 70M1BVC HG1BVC 70012.5kHz JN87FI beacon

long-term goal is to contribute to the joint efforts of 70MHz allocation
for amateur radio service in Hungary and worldwide.
(from a posting picked up by southgate)


Ham radio is responsible for the NASA video seen
over an Illinois mothers baby monitor during the
recently concluded STS 117 space shuttle
flight. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, reports:

A radio club in Schaumburg, Illinois says it is
likely responsible for the NASA spaceflight video
over baby monitor. But it turns out that the
signal seen only by suburban Chicago teacher
Natalie Meilinger was not on 2.4 GHz as originally thought.

It happened this way. The club was
re-transmitting STS 117 mission video on
it's 910.25 MHz amateur television
repeater. The system runs 100 watts out into a
par of horizontal yagis. These antennas are at
70 feet with one pointed north and the other to the west.

And it turns out that not all baby monitors
operate on 2.4 GHz as everyone first
thought. Some are in the 900 Mhz spectrum while
others are dual band units. If you do the math
it mean that a more than receivable signal could
easily reach the Meilinger home and be displayed on the monitor receiver.

So why was no I-D noted by the Meilinger family?
During the mission the transmitter had the call
sign K9MOT displayed in the lower right corner of
active video every 10 minutes - per FCC
identification regulations. Any properly aligned
video monitor like those used in Amateur
Television stations would have displayed it
because the I-D fell inside what broadcast
engineers call the video safe zone. That's the
screen area you are supposed to see in off air television viewing.

But a baby monitor is not a broadcast quality
monitor. In reality, most are low-end consumer
products that tend to overscan the picture tube
face. That's fine for watching the kids at play
but not for trying to see the whole picture. And
that was likely the case with Natalie Meilinger's baby monitor as well.

The K9MOT identifier was there, but the baby
monitor had to much picture width. That put it
out of the picture area her unit could display so
she and anyone else looking at the monitor screen couldn't see it.

Mystery solved thanks to some good sleuthing on
the part of some Illinois hams.

For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bill
Pasternak, WA6ITF, at the studio in Los Angeles.

By the way, this is the 5th year the club has
been re-broadcasting NASA video over its K9MOT
repeater but only the first time to their
knowledge that its been received by a non ham.


Blue Moon

When you hear someone say "Once in a Blue Moon..." you know what they mean:



Maybe even absurd.

After all, when was the last time you saw the moon turn blue?

According to modern folklore, a Blue Moon is the second full moon in a
calendar month.

Usually months have only one full moon, but occasionally a second one
sneaks in.

Full moons are separated by 29 days, while most months are 30 or 31 days
long it is possible to fit two full moons in a single month. This happens
every two and a half years, on average.

July has the first full moon on July 2nd and a second on July 31st, which
is, by definition, a Blue Moon.

(jamie pye zl2nn nzart)


JULY 14-15
The annual IARU HF World Championship is being held this weekend.
Saturday, 14 July to 1200 UTC Sunday, 15 July.
Rules are at

160M CW 21 July 2007

Boat Anchor Sprints:
August (11), October (13).
Local ZL time: 2000 to 2100 hrs

Section 1: Old radios - all valves - i.e. ZC1, 19 set, Heathkits, any
home brew set, but must have all valves.

Section 2: Any Hybrid transceiver (must have valve finals i.e. FT200,
FTDX400/401, Drake, FT 101s, etc..

Amplitude Modulated signals only.

The overall winner shall be the entrant having the highest points score
which will be published in the following New Zealand "Break-in".
(Jamie Pye ZL2NN, Editor NZART's InfoLine)

AUGUST 11/12 Remembrance Day Contest (The RD)

One club, the Redcliffe VK4 club has organised an RD spectacular at their
club rooms over the 24 hour period of this years contest.

This will include a BYO BBQ for Saturday night's tea, Movies on the big
screen on Saturday night for the families & contest working in the Radio
room for the amateurs.

Overnight sleeping on site will also be available.

7th World HST Championship will be held in Belgrade Serbia September

Spring VHF-UHF Field Day - November 2007
For everyone who likes to plan ahead - please note the dates for this
year's Spring VHF-UHF Field Day. It will be held on November 17/18, a
week later than usual. This will prevent a clash with club activities
in two states.


Ducie Island, VP6, DXpedition Gears Up:

The Daily DX reports that the Ducie Island DXpedition Team, VP6DX, has been
busy behind the scenes preparing for the much anticipated February 2008

It was also announced that the VP6DX team decided to extend the duration of
the DXpedition.

Plans are to depart Mangareva Island, part of the Gambier Islands in French
Polynesia, via ship on February 5 and head for Pitcairn Island; this trip
normally takes about 36 hours.

The ops will spend a few hours on Pitcairn before taking another 36 hour
trip boat ride to Ducie Island; they plan to arrive at sunrise on February
9, and hope to be up and running within 24 hours.

If all goes well, including the weather, they will have VP6 on the air for
as long as 19 days.


Solar Flux to Bottom Out in July as Cycle 24 Gets Closer:

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Environment
Centre released their monthly forecasts of sunspot number and 10.7 cm radio
flux, including high and low bounds to their forecasts. The S.E.C.
forecasts that the smoothed sunspot number reached its low value of 11.7 in
March 2007, and predicts that the solar flux will reach its low of 75.4
this month.

This is the fourth month in a row that the SEC predicts the solar flux will
bottom out in July.

Based on the SEC predictions, this is probably at the bottom of Cycle 23
and extremely close to the beginning of Cycle 24.

Two events will mark the beginning of the next sunspot cycle:
The observation of the first opposite magnetic polarity sunspots compared
to Cycle 23 sunspot polarity, and the observation high solar latitude

The Cycle 23 sunspots are now very near the solar equator.
(sourced to arrl letter)



The RSGB Islands on the Air scheme, sponsored by ICOM, launched its new
website on 21 June.

The new site includes many innovative improvements, and contains also many
new features including the ability to view one's own record of confirmed
island groups.

Soon it will be possible for participants to claim additional credits on
line and even to claim credit for IOTA Contest QSOs without the need for
QSL card verification.

The site at has already proved to be a great success.

Within the first week, 34,308 pages had been viewed an average of about
4,900 per day by users in 64 different countries. The homepage, search page
and island group information pages being the most popular.

About 383 users have registered to use the QSO credits part of the site, of
which 163 are new to the IOTA programme, proving the value of moving to an
on line management system.

The site was developed primarily by Dominic Smith, M0BLF, with Martin
Atherton, G3ZAY, acting as the liaison between the project team and the
IOTA Committee.


SCOUT JOTA HF Voice Calling Frequencies
3590, 7090, 14190, 21190, 28590 kHz
14290, 18140, 21360, 24960, 28390 kHz (DX)

This years 50th JOTA will run from October 19th at 22:00
hours to October 21st at 24:00 hours YOUR local time.

An official start will be given by the World Scout Bureau
radio station in Geneva, Switzerland on October 19th at
21:00 h UTC with a transmission in the 20 and 80 meter
bands and on EchoLink.

VE7JAM at Pacific Scout Jamboree on until sundown today July 14

Scouts of VE7JAM are looking for all Scouting stations and will give them
5 points for the Centennial Scouting award.

VE7JAM is operating near the official scout frequencies so check out
7090, 14.190 14.290

The full listing of Scout channels is available on this weeks text edition, click broadcast.

Also check via IRLP node 1409

There are about 2000 Scouts at the event, so says Alan VE6DE at this
Canadian Pacific Scout Jamboree
(sourced to southgate)



Sept 13 Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday
13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details.

International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009.


July 21 - GGREC Hamfest at Cranbourne, South of Melbourne - 10am

August 5 - HAMFEST 2007 happens in Perth at 9am.
Cyril Jackson Recreation Centre
Fisher Street

North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention
Happening in twin cities of Thuringowa and Townsville.

JANUARY 20 2008

The Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group invite all amateurs to attend the
2008 Mid North Coast Radio Expo to be held in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 20th

The Expo is held at the St Johns Church Hall, Mc Lean Street, Coffs Harbour.
Gary VK2ZKT is the Radio Expo Coordinator on 02 66 55 2 990 or visit the
Groups comprehensive web site at

(Will McGhie VK6UU is WIA National Historian)

The Pedal Radio

Australia's population density is just 6.4 people per square mile.
Eighty years ago, with almost no telecommunication infrastructure
beyond the seaboard, the tyranny of distance loomed much larger in
the Outback as the nearest doctor could be several thousand miles
away, with no method of contacting them in an emergency. Hearing that
German WW1 soldiers had used hand-cranked radios for battlefield
communications, Alf Traeger set about creating a radio powered by
bicycle pedals.

The invention of the pedal radio in the late 1920s enabled the famous
Royal Flying Doctor service (RFDS) introduced by the Rev John Flynn,
and offered remote settlements access to telecommunications for the
first time.

Flynn lived in the Outback for most of his life, setting up hostels
and bush hospitals for pastoralists, miners, road workers, railwaymen
and other settlers and families. Known as 'Flynn of the Inland', his
dream of a 'flying doctor service' came to life when H V McKay,
inventor of the McKay Sunshine Harvester left a large sum of money in
his will, and when Traegar developed the pedal radio. This gave
Outback people the voice they needed to summon a doctor if necessary
and at least to be able to get a radio consultation with one.

Pedal radios also meant neighbours, families and friends, scattered
over thousands of square kilometres, could exchange news and gossip
after normal transmission hours. This time became known as
the 'galah' session, after the noisy, chattering native bird.

The School of the Air was also established, using the Flying Doctor
Service network, and supplemented correspondence lessons sent to
Outback children.

In 2005 alone the RFDS attended more than 234,000 patients, with more
than 33,000 aerial evacuations, bringing this huge continent just a
little bit closer for people in the most remote areas of Australia
and this was all built on the groundwork of Alf Traeger and the pedal
HF radio.




Jeff VK4XJJ is still going strong on his walk across Australia.

But he still wants to hear from YOU, and it is these calls in particular
that keep him going!!

Thursday 5th July. Walked 27 Km today. Temperature 8 to 25 degrees.
Camped 2 Km south of Ayre Creek. Beautiful clear waterhole I km long.
Tons of bird life.

Friday 6th. Averaging 4.5 Km per hour. Walked 30 Km today in shirt and
shorts. 13 vehicles passed and four stopped to chat.

Saturday 7th. 10 km walk into Bedourie at 11 a.m. Walk from Birdsville to
Bedourie took eight days. Plenty of amateur and web site contacts.

Sunday 8th. Looking forward to natural spa bath, then visits round town.

Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th. Local visits, emailing and waiting for food
and spares parcel. Bedourie well worth a visit, nice and green and a very
pleasant town.

Wednesday 11th. Left Bedoulia at 9:15 a.m. 20 vehicles, 2 stopped. Walked
24 Km today. Temperature range 6 to 21 degrees. Now 220 Km north of

Thanks to Roger VK4BNQ, main relay, and to those who called Jeff. Jeff is
enjoying the AR magazine when sent.

Every Day, from 5:30pm Eastern on 40 meters, 7045 put out a call to

Now we usually don't give url's as they can be a pain to take down but in
this case very simple go to

Oh... and to contact us with your news?


WIANews 24/7 with the following bulletin in Audio
when you visit the NEWSROOM on
This weeks WIANews available in Audio after 0100hrs UTC Saturday. FM Radio quality AM Radio Quality Submit your Audio

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