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This is WIANEWS for week commencing AUGUST 5 2007
This weeks news presented by ALARA President Marilyn VK3DMS and with her in the news room we have from the WIA Office Margaret Williams and Dianne Ashton VK3FDIZ along with ALARA Publicity officer Christine VK5CTY, we also have regulars Kaye VK4VKS Kylea VK6MRS (nee VK6FXYL) Susan VK7LUV and from Sydney, ALARA News Editor Dot Bishop VK2DB. Rounding up the weeks neews from the USA and Amateur Radio NewsLine, Evi Simons in New York, KA0HZS Carol and Linda Reeder N7HVF. Now here's Marilyn:- Protection zones declared for submarine telecommunications cables off the New South Wales coast The Australian Communications and Media Authority said these protection zones will take effect on 1 October. Activities that could damage the cables are restricted or prohibited within protection zones, and significant criminal penalties apply for breaches of the legislation. These are the first such protection zones to be declared and are the culmination of extensive consultation over the past 12 months with affected and potentially affected parties. ACMA has established a new international benchmark by creating protection zones that safeguard submarine cables and place appropriate restrictions on other activities occurring in their vicinity. "The value of these submarine cables to the Australian economy is enormous,' said Chris Chapman, ACMA Chairman. 'It is little appreciated that submarine cables carry about 99 per cent of Australia's international voice and data traffic and in the past, breakage or damage has had serious consequences for Australian businesses conducting international transactions. The declaration of protection zones minimises the risk of such damage. Before formally declaring a protection zone, ACMA is required to develop a proposal for the protection zone, consult about the proposal and establish an advisory committee composed of key stakeholders and consisting of no more than 12 members seek and consider the advisory committee's advice on the proposal consult with the Environment Secretary, and consider all submissions. Australia Switches on DAB+ Test Australian radio broadcasters recently switched on the first test transmissions of digital radio using DAB+ in Sydney, New South Wales. The digital radio test is carrying a mix of talk and music, including pop and jazz, to allow the industry to test the sound quality of a variety of content at various bit rates. A demonstration DAB+ receiver was developed for the test, as DAB+ receivers are not yet commercially available. A number of manufacturers have indicated they will have DAB+ products ready for overseas retail sale before Christmas. All commercial, SBS and ABC outlets in the capital cities are expected to avail themselves of Digital Conversion. Australia has also joined a new DAB+ taskforce set up by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union. Warner has been appointed chair of the task force, also represented are Brunei, Singapore and New Zealand. The taskforce plans to survey of regional broadcasters to ascertain their plans for digital radio, as well as to encourage nations to adopt DAB+. (sourced in part to radioworlddotcom) Now to the WIA National Office where we hear from Dianne Ashton VK3FDIZ and Margaret Williams. "Here in sunny Caulfield Victoria, Margaret and I work for the WIA. Margaret primarily manages the Membership renewals, club affiliation, insurance etc and my primary role is to look after the WIA's examination service. Our WIA office is open for business 10:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday and if you happen to call the office outside of business hours you will be able to leave a message for us with our friendly answering machine. If you do leave a message, please leave us your name, membership number or callsign and of course a return phone number so we can call you back. Or you can alternately email us here, One of the questions I often get asked is how long does it take from completing an assessment until I receive my license from the ACMA? After the day of your assessment, your assessor will forward to the WIA office the completed assessment paperwork, it's usually sent to us in an overnight bag and they typically arrive on Tuesday for assessments conducted over the weekend. We then process the results within 5 working days and send to the ACMA the necessary paperwork for the ACMA to be able to issue your license. The License can often take a few weeks, but this timing depends very much on other factors at the ACMA. We recently published a news release on the WIA website that indicated there are currently some delays at the ACMA with the issuing of licences, however it is ACMA's aim to achieve a two-week turnaround time for issuing amateur licences. One of the other questions I am often asked, is in regard to WIA membership applications. People are often keen to know when they will be likely to receive their membership details in order that they can apply for their WIA email address or perhaps order books from the WIA Bookshop at the special members price. Again with memberships, just like exams, all membership applications are processed within 5 working days and membership certificates and welcome packs sent out, so you should expect to receive your membership pack in your letterbox in around 10 working days. Again if you have any questions regarding WIA membership or Exams, please give us a call or email us here at the office, that email address again is For the WIA news service this has been Dianne Ashton VK3FDIZ and Margaret Webb reporting from the WIA office." AMATEUR RADIO - HOME OF THE GOOD GUYS DECEASED HAMS GEAR GOES TO UNDERPRIVELEGED YOUNGSTERS Carl, WB0BZP, was passionate about being a ham. This despite physical disabilities that pretty much confined him to home. His sister, Carol, recalls how he overcame his challenges to become one of the St. Louis area's most recognized operators... "My brother was a quadriplegic, he was almost 7 foot tall," Carol recalls. "And, had he been normal, I think he would have been a basketball player at least - hands very large to take the basketball. He was always interested in sports, that was certainly a great hobby for him, the interest in sports. "But we were looking for something else to challenge his mind and to open the world for him and I heard about CB radio. And, so I believe it was in 1968 I bought him a little 69-dollar CB radio." Wait a minute! CB Radio? That's what Carl's neighbour at the time said, His neighbour, Ben Ward, W0BWD was scandalized by the purchase and Carol remembers he decided, no, Carl would need something more - as in ham radio. Carol says amateur radio became a family affair. "My dad was WB0RIP and I'm KA0HZS," Carol says. "I never was very active but I did have some rigs. And my mother, who did not get her license, however, was kind of a cook and bottle washer and made many a desert for many a meeting that we would have and it became very important to all of us." Carol says her brother died in 1996 and it was difficult for her family to part with his equipment. She says she thought about what to do with it a few times over that period, but never really had an answer. Enter, Dennis McCarthy, AA0A and Camp Wyman, a camp for urban youngsters who face a variety of challenges in their lives. And, McCarthy says, it's a place that can really use the gear. Carol donated a TS-440, a Butternut antenna, all the accessories, a power supply and other equipment, including SWR bridges and even a couple of scanners which in this tornado- and severe-storm prone area might be of great value for the kids and people out at Camp Wyman. A fitting tribute to her Brother Carl. WB0BZP, may be gone, but his station will surely bring a lot of joy to youngsters who might otherwise never even what ham radio is really all about. (ARNewsLine) HAMS ACROSS AUSTRALIA with KAYE VK4VKS VK1 This award is issued by the Canberra Region Amateur radio Club upon receipt of a correctly presented application to any licensed amateur operator or SWL. The information required is a log extract showing date and time in UTC, mode, callsign of the VK1 station worked and ciphers exchanged. Short wave listeners should include the station worked by the VK1 station being claimed. Each VK1 callsign worked counts as one point. Contacts via terrestrial repeater systems are not valid contacts towards this award. Basic award is 20 points Application for the award should be addressed to: The Award Manager GPO Box 600 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia (vk1 website) VK2 ARNSW Radio Veterans' Group Meeting Their members are mostly retired but not eligible for membership of the "Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club" which is based in Victoria. The Group has its regular meetings on the third Thursday of the month at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, only 200m from West Ryde railway station. 10am morning tea/coffee provided. Go to the club sign-in desk and they will direct you to the ARNSW Radio Veterans' Group Meeting, next meeting is August 16. (vk2 website) VK3 NERG AGM and REUNION MEETING Thursday 9th August 7:45pm Start of a new NERG year with a birthday party, and the chance to meet up with people we haven't seen for a while. Official business to be kept to a bare minimum Early planning for the Centre Victoria RadioFest Now almost recovered from running the first RadioFest at Kyneton in April, members of the organising committee are beginning to give thoughts about the next and second RadioFest in 2008. A very worthwhile debriefing was held recently that looked at all aspects of the inaugural RadioFest to see what worked well and if there was any areas for improvement. The amateur radio community welcomed the Centre Victoria RadioFest. It was made possible through the collaboration of Amateur Radio Victoria, Central Goldfields and Midland Amateur Radio Clubs. Now the organising committee invites suggestions or offers from individual radio amateurs, clubs and groups, and traders, as consideration continues about mounting the RadioFest again next year. Anyone wishing to provide input can do so via email to Last Aprils event saw eager activity at the ALARA table, under the guidance of Pam VK3NK. Just across from ALARA, on the Amateur Radio Victoria display ALARA member Michele VK3FEAT was busy... Always, "ready to please", the ALARA members present apparently 'drew the line' when one OM visited saying "This would be the ideal site to find a new wife!" (Jim Linton VK3PC/ALARA newsletter) VK4 In VK4 the next round of Amateur Radio Assessor Training is being conducted next weekend, the RD weekend of 11th and 12th on the Gold Coast. This is training provided by the WIA's Nominated RTO and is free of charge. The Venue is the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society, 85 Harper St, Nerang. If you plan to attend, or if you are just your unsure and have any questions regarding the training please contact Ron Bertrand VK2DQ on 07 5573 2795. Whilst looking at VK4, a VK4 Ham currently in "the west" is Phil VK4KVK who, today at the Northern Corridor Radio Groups HAMFEST in Perth, will be presenting lectures on "Restricted Space Antennas" and promoting many of his other books. If you'd like to find out more from Kev, surf to www.kvkantennas.com.au VK5 In "5 LAND" a new comer to our bands is Shirley VK5JSH and since joining ALARA has more than made a difference. Currently Shirley is Vice President AND Historian. Sooo if YOU want to find out more about the history of ALARA, come up and talk with VK5JSH on the Monday night 80 meter ALARA net. EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO PRESENTED BY KYLEA VK6MRS (nee 6FXYL) Thanks Kaye, well over here in the west it's our big day today, the Northern Corridor's HamFest so I'll keep this segment short then I'm off to pick up some bargains! Help to grow amateur radio Julian Sortland, VK2YJS sent this note to tell us that the Hornsby and District Amateur Radio Club's trainers have assisted over 200 candidates in obtaining their Foundation Licence. Their next training and assessment session will be the weekend of 8th and 9th August in Baulkham Hills in Sydney's north-west. Well we are not too sure of the validity of those dates! No weekend exists THIS year (2007) with those dates! Meanwhile, Tony LaMacchia, VK2BTL is commencing classes for the Standard and Advanced licences in Waitara, near Hornsby. For these courses, exams for higher grade licences, or to discuss having the team train your club or youth activities group, use the contact form or telephone numbers on www.hadarc.org.au/ Inquiries about Foundation Licence classes are welcome by the Central Goldfields Amateur Radio Club based at Maryborough. Contact Peter Rafferty VK3CC on 5460 4387 At Bendigo the contact for classes is Ross Pittard VK3FCE phone 5442 8022 In the Greater Melbourne area enrolments are still available for the Amateur Radio Victoria Foundation Licence classes held at Box Hill North on August the 11th and 12th. The contact is Barry Robinson VK3JBR 0419 808 323 or Adelaide Hills Amateur Radio Society has been running Foundation licence Courses this weekend at the Aviation Museum, Port Adelaide, they do it all again November 3rd and 4th. Contact the course convenor, Sasi Nayar on 0417 858 547 CONGRATULATIONS - RESULTS Mackay AR Club in VK4 CONGRATULATE CHRIS VK4MCK IN UPGRADING TO HIS STANDARD LICENCE and already we hear CHRIS HAS STARTED STUDYING for HIS ADVANCED TICKET For more information on obtaining the foundation licence manual please visit wia.org.au INTERNATIONAL NEWS I'M CHRISTINE VK5CTY As we start this international segment today, I do have to say one of the joys of ALARA membership is meeting, be it in person or on the air, hams from right across the globe. Amateurs like Unni LA6RHA who, as she has told us, despite being a Viking still needed painkillers regularly after a knee re-construction. Victoria SV2KBS who is envious of our AMAZING DX around the Pacific, Victoria tells us so far her most exotic DX travels have been to TF Iceland, and JW Svalbard. Inger OZ7AGR and her Family are flying off to Spain, in the same plane, all TWENTY SEVEN of them! Then late August it's off to the Swedish SYLRA meet. Another of our ALARA radio friends is Noriko 7K3EOP who enjoys IOTA hunting, and recently even operated as 3V8ST in Tunisia Yes a truly INTERNATIONAL group we are!! 4 METER ALLOCATION GRANTED IN ITALY Italy now has a temporary ham radio allocation in the European 4-meter Amateur band. On July 12th the Italian Authorities released three 25-kHz segments centred around 70.100, 70.200 and 70.300 MHz for use by that nations radio amateurs for use through the end of the year. According to I0JX posting to QRZ.com, the new allocation began with a request by a few Italian hams to carry out an experimental propagation study under the technical coordination of a university. This to see if the band will offer opportunities of transatlantic contacts during the summer sporadic-E season The authorization expires on December 31st. I0JX says that the prospects for a permanent 4 meter allocation in Italy appear to be good. Meantime, Italian hams now join those in the United Kingdom and several other European nations who will be beaming toward the United States and Canada in search of cross-band contacts on 10 and 6 meters. (arnewsline) RSQ reporting for digital modes below 30 MHz A new signal reporting method for digital modes is being considered by the International Amateur Radio Union Region 2 Conference next month. This very busy meeting in Brasilia, Brazil from the 10th to the 14th of September has on its agenda a recommendation that RSQ reporting be used for digital modes below 30MHz. RSQ stands for Readability, Strength and Quality, and was first proposed and endorsed at the Region 1 General Conference in 2005. It was also agreed at the IARU Region 3 Conference in Bangalore last year. This in recognition that the traditional RST, Readability, Strength and Tone signal report that has been around since about 1934, is not suitable for text modes. RSQ is favoured because it can provide a more useful signal report for HF digital modes. (Jim Linton VK3PC) ================================================== ===================== NEWS FROM ARNEWSLINE AUGUST 5 RESCUE RADIO: ITS "NEWS" TO THE BIG APPLE The Big Apple and its Eastern suburbs will soon have a new emergency communications program. One which encourages the participation of all amateur radio operators to pass messages of any nature during a large-scale emergency. Amateur Radio Newsline's Evi Simons is in the Big Apple with mo Called the Neighbourhood Emergency Watch or NEWS System, the program will allow any radio amateur in New York City and on Long Island to help friends and neighbours in time of disaster. This, by providing emergency communications when all other forms of messaging are unavailable. According to the program administrators, during disasters, phone lines become overloaded, cell phones are rendered useless and most other public communication becomes nearly impossible to use. But with NEWS, Amateur Radio operators will be able to offer assistance by simply passing along messages to other hams who are able to get through to emergency services. This, using the hobby's long established network of Amateur Radio Emergency Service volunteers. NEWS will also sponsor nets that will liaison with other emergency communications systems that might be concurrently with the NEWS operations. This means that NEWS will have the capability to participate in networks that A-R-E-S and other groups have established with first-responder groups. Each borough, county and town will have a Local Operations Centre, to be developed as the NEWS network evolves. Combined with the ham resident in the Metro New York and Long Island areas, these Local Operations Centre will eventually tie into citywide and other logistical emergency nets to provide a venue and lines of communications to serve local needs. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Evi Simons, in New York. NEW KENWOOD DUAL BANDER A HIT WITH THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED A newly released 2 meter and 70 centimetre dual band radio from Kenwood is getting rave reviews from the visually handicapped ham radio community. The transceiver in question is the Kenwood model TM-V71A. Blind and visually impaired amateurs love it because when equipped with the optional VGS-1 voice chip unit, the radio announces even menu-level settings for true accessibility by audio alone. One of those most enthusiastic about this feature is Linda Reeder, N7HVF, of Salt Lake City, Utah: -- N7HVF: "The 71A is the most blind user friendly radio I have ever see in the 22 years I have been in Amateur Radio." -- N7HVF is so enthused about the new TM-V71A, that she not only bought one. She has also produced and recorded a 12 minute audio netcast that looks at the new radio and explains what its capable of doing. Heres a sample: -- N7HVF: (Descriptive audio of how TM-V71A operates demonstrating voice readout.) -- The TM-V71A is not just for the blind or visually impaired. The radios voice readout also functions as a safety enhancement that lets an operator tune the radio will operating mobile without ever having to take his or her eyes off the road. But it is the visually handicapped that are the most vocal in singing its praises. You can hear Linda Reeders entire report on the blind friendly new Kenwood radio at the HandiHam website. A link directly to it is in this weeks printed, Amateur Radio Newsline report. Its in cyberspace at http://www.handiham.org/manuals/Kenw...71A/tmv71a.mp3 More about the TMV-71A is at the Kenwood website in PDF form at http://www.kenwoodusa.com/Dealers/Us...rs/TM-V71A.pdf (N7HVF) OPERATIONAL NEWS - with VK7LUV SUSAN CONTEST COLUMN - D A T E L I N E AUGUST 11/12 Remembrance Day Contest (The RD) wia.org.au 6,5,4,3,2,1.........yes the countdown is on to the start of the 2007 RD contest. At 07:45utc Saturday 11th August 2007 the majority of the broadcasters of this the weekly news service will broadcast the annual 15 minute Opening Address, interviews with former WWII service personnel, Roll Call, followed by a message from the R.S.L. and 1 minute silence. THEN it is on for young and OLD, or should we say " the more experienced" rather than 'old'. For those using Electronic logging check your software versions, you may like to request a Received and or Read reply. Please ensure all ELECTRONIC LOGS are sent to Snail mail? Then get your logs away quickly. at www.wia.org.au in the RD contest section, are the links to download printable logs and other documents for your use. Let us all pay homage to the fallen and most of all ENJOY the contest, remembering every point counts, and this year see if we can get another states name on the Trophy. Heath VK3TWO/6, (is that vk3 2 6 ?? hihi) would like to tell everyone about the website that a couple have set up just for the RD contest in VK6. It shows the particular frequencies that will be used and when they will be using them. They will be working out IN THE FIELD on all modes all bands from 160m to 70cm. maybe even 23cm. They will have at least 3 160m antennas two of which are all band antennas. All are welcome to visit and can even book them for a sked if desired. VK6 will be a sought after contact so why not make things easier hey!?! www.vkfieldmasters.com At the perth hamfest we will be taking "bookings" for skeds. If anyone from other states (VK1-5) would like to make "bookings" and skeds, they can send an email from www.vkfieldmasters.com AUGUST 26-27 ALARA CONTEST. This ALARA contest is run over 36 hours to give everyone 2 bites at the 80m band. For OMs only contacts with YLs count, while YLs can count ALL stations. Club stations operated by YLs are certainly encouraged. One highlight of the ALARA contest is that you may work the same station after a one hour interval on the same band. So it is worth while staying around a tad longer for that extra contact for both yourself and the other station. ALL DETAILS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGE 47 OF JULY'S AR MAGAZINE AWARDS' THE ALARA AWARD Beautifully redesigned by VK3XBA Kathy, it's yours for contacting just 10 of our ALARA members, in 4 different call areas. AND THOSE OF YOU LISTENING/READING THIS NATIONAL NEWS OVERSEAS, JUST 5 in 3. Our first recipient was Pam VK4PTO, and you can see Pam with this new certificate on page 57 of the July Amateur Radio Magazine. Now best of all, this award, open to any Amateur, is also available to those who may have achieved / received one of the original ALARA Award certificates. Mal VK6LC the WIA Awards Manager has spoken at the West Australian Repeater Group and given an update on the WIA Awards System. Kylea VK6MRS has the details. In the year 2000 there were 8 WIA Awards, now there are 23 plus 5 DX'er Certificates, and a few Award Managers Specials. The talk was of particular interest to all the fairly new amateurs present. Mal finished with 3 presentations The first to the club, a framed A4 picture showing All the WIA Awards. The second to Christine VK6ZLZ a framed A4 picture showing all the WIA Awards in miniature with a centre piece saying thanks for Designing and Maintaining the Awards Website 2003-2007. and the Third to Robyn VK6XRE a framed A4 picture showing all the WIA Awards in miniature with a centre piece saying thanks for Hosting the Awards Website 2005-2007 Oh and Mal VK6LC will be at the Perth Hamfest to-day, with a display of all awards. SPECIAL EVENTS, BEACON AND NET ADVICE International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend This increasingly popular annual event occurs over the weekend of 18th / 19th of August. Worldwide some 37 countries have been registered so far for a total of 212 lighthouses set for activation. Australia has more than 30 listed in all mainland states. Perhaps the most interesting this year is the MV Cape Don, a purpose-built vessel to service navigational aids including manned lighthouses. She was retired in the 1980s when lighthouses were automated, and now is being restored in Sydney Harbour at the old Coal Wharf in Waverton. The Liverpool and District Amateur Radio Club VK2BTT will be putting this grand old lady of the sea on air. (Jim Linton VK3PC) The ever growing "F" Troop of the Maryborough Electronics & Radio Group in South-east Queensland have begun the "Fraser Coast "F" Troop Net " on Wednesday evenings on the frequency of 3615khz +/- QRM, commencing at 20:00 EST. Ray Stockdale, President of "MERGE" is acting as Net Co-ordinator using firstly his callsign VK4TPT to open the net, but then QRP to 10W pep and signing as VK4FQRP. Stations of all classes are warmly welcome to join in but Ray asks "S" and "A" class stations to consider reducing their output to the 10W level to keep all on an even basis." THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report - (Measure twice - Cut once!) Allan Bone, Chief Engineer of 2MW has 2 old AWA BTM-2 transmitters destined for the dump. but if anyone wants them, they are available for pickup from 2TM in Tamworth, and 2HD Newcastle. The transmitters are very big and heavy ... approx 2 metres wide, 2 metres tall and 1 metre deep. 3 phase tube transmitters, rated at 2 kilowatts rf output - transmitters are in working condition, and in fairly original condition for their age Enquiries to Allan Bone on 07 55 2 444 97 business hours. EMERGING TECHNOLOGY - the kitchen of the future The now common microwave oven could get a techno-cousin in the form of kitchen ovens that use the HF radio spectrum. While RF induction heating is not new, it's now being looked at for food cooking and other industrial uses. Internationally recognised British company C-Tech Innovation is developing ovens that use the frequencies 13.56 and 27.12 MHz which it claims, enables more effective cooking, including defrosting, and pre-heating processes for thermoplastic formation. It claims to have achieved food defrosting up to 10 times faster than the imperfect result of microwaves, and cooking is twice as fast. HF radiation is more easily screened the microwaves, C-Tech Innovation points out, but time will tell. (Jim Linton VK3PC) MEDIA WATCH Who listens to radio? Well to this WIA National News Service to date this WIA Year, of 13 broadcasts we see the leading state is VK2 with some 2300, followed by VK4 with 2,000 3rd is VK6, 1700 4th is VK5, 1600 (Interestingly VK5 still lead the way with greatest number to any one broadcast, the Adelaide 2 meter cast has close to 100 checkins each week). VK7 achieved 1300 in 5th VK3 brings up 700 in 6th and VK1 and 8 each around the 125 call-backs in the 13 week period. TOP 5 HAM VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE.COM Antenna Stirs Up Controversy has become the number one most viewed ham radio video on YouTube dot com. Its actually a posting of a TV news report showing how the sight of ham radio antenna has angered neighbours in exclusive neighbourhood. As of this weeks news was being prepared, it has been viewed 45,780 times. Coming in second this month is the music video "The Contest" performed by Andrew John Huddelston, OZ5E and the Ham Band. The 4 mt presentation also features a video montage of the famed OZ1ADL and OZ5E Contest Station with lots of famous guest operators. Its sitting with 43,639 views. Dropping to third place is the ARRL sponsored production of Amateur Radio Today. Hosted by retired CBS newsman Walter Cronkite, this show tells the story of ham radio in emergency situations that include the 911 terror attack on New York City and the 2003 Colorado wildfires. Its currently at 33,361. In number 4 position is the Tonight Show bit that pitted two ham radio operators using Morse code versus a text messaging champion and his assistant. As you might already know, the hams running Morse beat out the text messaging by a mile. That video has been looked at 30,781 times. Rounding out the top five the Ham Band is back with their music video titled "Come And Join Us On The Airwaves." This show again features lead singer Andrew John Huddelston, OZ5E, this time in a tuxedo and top hat hanging off the top of a 120 foot high tower while singing the praises of Amateur Radio. Its currently at 29,155 views. Moving well ahead, we discover here in Australia the BPL Hobart videos, thanks to Justin VK7TW come in with some 10,000 views. Keep in mind that the ratings system on YouTube is very dynamic. This means AIT changes all the time based on how many people stop by a given video to watch. (ARNewsLine) NOW DOT VK2DDB WITH WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- FEMALES IN RADIO ALARA - AUSTRALIAN LADIES AR ASSOCIATION http://alara.org.au Net is held each Mondays on 3.580 MHz, commencing at 1030 UTC. (1000utc during daylight saving) Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV says those who will be travelling via the Spirit of Tasmania, this will be the "Shoulder Season". ALARA will be having dinner on Friday 12th September and there will be a tour offered for Monday 15th September also. (sourced to alara newsletter) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- FINAL FRONTIER VK5ZAI is the Australian Co-ordinator for ARISS. AMSAT-VK UNOFFICIAL HF Net. 2nd Sunday each month. November through March 0900 UTC 7.068 MHz April through October 1000 UTC 3.685 MHz October 4, 1957 saw the launch of the worlds first artificial earth-orbiting satellite, Sputnik I. The editor of CQ Magazine would like Radio Amateurs' recollections of that historic event for inclusion in the October issue. CQ Editor Rich Moseson, W2VU says: The 50th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik is coming up in October, and we are currently working on our October issue. Many of you remember the launch well, and of course, hams were in the vanguard of listening for those beeps from above. We'd like to collect a representative sampling of your first-hand recollections to weave into an article for our October issue. Plus, we'd like to hear if this experience had a significant impact on your choice of careers, etc. - in short, did listening for Sputnik change your life? If so, how? Please respond as soon as possible by e-mail directly to a special mailbox we've set up at Many thanks in advance and 73, Rich W2VU CQ Magazine http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/ WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- INTERNET --- THE HAMS DOMAIN We have just learned from the latest FISTS club Downunder newsletter about an interesting Internet facility, W.O.T.A. This is a live database of stations on the air that are connected to the service. WOTA is used in addition to logging programs, it allows amateur radio operators world wide to "connect" to the server containing information about who is "on the air". Amateurs using this software can post their Call, Frequency, Time, and other information to other amateurs worldwide. WOTA can assist in making elusive contacts for awards. Need a country? Use WOTA to determine if anyone in that country is operating, then go to that operators posted frequency and attempt a contact. The WOTA web site is at www.wotadb.org WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- Internet Linking of Repeaters Good to see in the Wide Bay area of VK4 that the EchoLink node which had been blocking the use of the 146.5 FM national call frequency has moved. Remember, when you travel Australia and the area you are in does not have an IRLP/EchoLink supported repeater, scan the officially recolonised simplex frequencies set aside by the Band Plans in case of a simplex node. These frequencies are between 145.325 and 145.400 MHz - and they were recommended because they don't clash with any existing activity. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- RADIO AMATEUR OLD-TIMERS http://www.raotc.org.au OLD TIMERS Members and friends of the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club Australia are reminded that the next news and information broadcast will take place on the first Monday of the Month. using the RAOTC callsign of VK3OTN. 10.00 am Victorian time on 7.060 and 3.650 MHz plus 1.843 MHz AM, and 145.700. On 14.150 MHz at 01.00 UTC beaming north and 02:00 UTC west from Melbourne For those not yet retired, 8.30 PM Victorian time tune 80 mtrs 3.650 MHz BB's DIARY ROOM - THE FUTURE, IN AMATEUR RADIO 2008 Sept 13 Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details. 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. 14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 - 16 October, 2009. SOCIAL SCENE August 5 - HAMFEST 2007 happens in Perth at 9am. Cyril Jackson Recreation Centre Fisher Street Ashfield. SEPTEMBER 8 SUNSHINE COAST HAMFEST at Woombye School of Arts Hall. SEPTEMBER 9 Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club Hamfest St. Augustine's Hall Orr St. SEPTEMBER 21-23 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Happening in twin cities of Thuringowa and Townsville. OCTOBER 6 Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society Annual Hamfest at Albert Waterways Hall. JANUARY 20 2008 The Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group invite all amateurs to attend the 2008 Mid North Coast Radio Expo to be held in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 20th January. The Expo is held at the St Johns Church Hall, Mc Lean Street, Coffs Harbour. Gary VK2ZKT is the Radio Expo Coordinator on 02 66 55 2 990 or visit the Groups comprehensive web site at www.mncarg.org ================================================== ======================= ================================================== ======================= WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. ______________________________ ================================================== ============================= ____________________________ ================================================== ============================= WIANews THANKS OUR REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS , OUR RELAY OPERATORS ACROSS THE WORLD FOR FORWARDING INFORMATION AND COMMENTS THEIR LISTENERS HAVE PASSED ON TO MAKE WIANews VK'S LEADING WEEKLY AMATEUR RADIO PROGRAM. _______________________________ Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... ================================================== ============================= ================================================== ============================= |
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