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Old August 11th 07, 01:04 PM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 36
Default WIANEWS for week commencing AUGUST 12 2007

This is WIANEWS for week commencing AUGUST 12 2007

News is on as usual this weekend on RF and HF, stations that do not
intend to carry the service Sunday would have advised their Listeners
during last weekends call-back sessions. However you can hear us if your
outlet is "contesting" instead, by visiting

Saturday 0800UTC the RD contest started, opening this years event was
Brigadier Doug Formby, President of the Queensland RSL.

Lets listen to a portion of that address.

"For those of us who are no longer young men, it is hard to believe that
world war 2 ended more than 60 years ago – nor, for that matter, that the
history of your Remembrance Day Contest itself extends unbroken over more
than 50 years.

Australian servicemen performed in all theatres of that war, most closely in
the Pacific, where the war finally ended in mid-August 1945.

I think the thing that few younger people realize these days is how young
most of our servicemen really were. So many of us were just kids”.

And Kids they were, let us hope that in the years to come so many of our Kids
will never again be facing the adversity our forefathers endured, but I feel
confident today’s youth, if heaven forbid, it is necessary will again show
our Aussie Courage and answer the call."


Local area news, some areas in audio, some only on the web, some email

vk1 local news email and ask for subscription.

VK2 web service:-

VK3 web service:-

VK4 web service local news:-
news email subscribe in subject field.


VK6 web service

VK7 web service
news email

VK8 note audio news available also on this page



The Liverpool and District Amateur Radio Club VK2BTT will be putting the
retired MV Cape Don, a purpose-built vessel to service navigational aids
including manned lighthouses to air Next weekend, Lighthouse Weekend

Brian VK5BC and Richard VK5UK will be activating the Corny Point Lighthouse,
Southern Yorke Peninsula over the International Lighthouse Weekend the
18th & 19th August. They will be using the Callsign VK5CPL.

Two lighthouses in Western Australia will be active.
VK6CNL Cape Naturaliste and VK6CLL Cape Leeuwin Lighthouses in the south west
of the state.
If you are interested and in the Margaret River area feel free to go along
to the Lighthouses and see the teams in operation. Whale watching is also
possible from the coast at the lighthouses.

WICEN in Tassie will visit Cape Bruny for the weekend, they depart Kettering
on the 7.45am ferry, and remind those in the south more day visitors are


"I would like to tell you about the new Advisory Committees.

The WIA Constitution that was adopted when the WIA moved from a federal
structure to a single national body provided for Advisory Committees from
each of the areas previously covered by the Divisions, and whose task was to
advise the WIA Board in respect of more local matters.

The first members of each Advisory Committee were the members of the relevant
Divisional Council who wished to be members. The Constitution said that
after three years new Advisory Committees were to be formed, with the details
to be determined by the WIA Board.

The process to create new Advisory Committees has now almost finished.

The Constitution provides that each Advisory Committee would have one member
nominated by the WIA Board and the Board has adopted rules that provide that
three further members are to be elected. If there were just enough
nominations to fill the vacancies, then those nominating were elected, and if
there was a shortfall, then the Board made appointments to fill the vacancies.

The Board also has power to define the areas of each Advisory Committee, and
has created the Northern Territory as a new and separate area for an Advisory
Committee, and (after consulting with the Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club,
previously he ACT Division), included the ACT as part of the New South Wales
area, with a special provision to allow (but not compel) one member of the
New South Wales ACT Advisory committee to come from the ACT.

The Board has appointed its nominees to each Advisory Committee, nominations
for election have been called, in two states the number of nominations
matched the vacancies, the Board then appointed two people whose nominations
were rejected on technical grounds, then where there were still vacancies,
consulted with those already appointed and took their advice, and finally
have made the last appointments to fill each Advisory Committee.

The names of each members of each Advisory Committee can be found on the
WIA Website, under a release issued on Friday.

The new members of the Advisory Committees do not actually take their
position until 1 October, but in the mean time each Advisory Committee has
been asked to identify their chairperson, work out how they are going to
function and to work out the contact addresses and numbers for their
committee. Also, in some areas a transition has already started from the old
committee to the new, for example in Queensland where meetings are planned in
October and so both the old and the new are involved.

Finally, let me say this.

How the new Advisory Committees function will very much depends on them. The
Board sees the Advisory Committees as a local representation of the WIA, there
not only to advise the Board but also to actively promote and advance the

I thank each and every one of you who have either agreed to participate or
who have volunteered to participate in working for the WIA this way."

Get your personalised WIA email address today..

The WIA though it’s email server allows you to establish
" with all
emails sent to this address automatically forwarded to either your home
or work email account..

This provides YOU with ONE consistent email address. And should you ever
change ISP, then having a WIA address means your friends and colleague
will still be able to email you without the need for individually
providing them with your new address. All YOU need to do is to simply
advise us of your new address, through form on our website and we do the
rest. It couldn't be easier !! A further benefit of having a WIA
address, is in receiving informative Amateur Radio news as it breaks,
sent directly to YOUR inbox..

Obtaining your WIA email address is really quite easy, simply visit our
click on member services, select email address, and fill out the application


The ARRL Board of Directors have named several ARRL award recipients.

Included are the 2006 Herb S. Brier Instructor of the Year Award, the
2006 Hiram Percy Maxim Award

The recipient of the 2006 Instructor of the Year Award is Dr William P.
Birmingham, KC8WBD, of Grove City, Pennsylvania. Over a period of many
years, Dr Birmingham has demonstrated his commitment to teaching Amateur
Radio in the classroom, as well as promoting Amateur Radio outside the
classroom. Herb S. Brier, W9AD, long-time CQ Novice Editor, represented
the spirit of effective, caring Amateur Radio instruction. The ARRL, in
conjunction with the Lake County (IN) Amateur Radio Club, sponsors this
award in his memory to recognize the very best in volunteer Amateur
Radio instruction and recruitment.

The recipient of the 2006 Maxim Award is Greg S. Davis, N3ZL, of
Florence, South Carolina. This award, given annually to a licensed radio
amateur under the age of 21, takes into account the nominee's most
exemplary nature of accomplishments and contributions to both the
community of Amateur Radio and the local community. Davis, first
licensed at 14, upgraded to Amateur Extra class before he turned 16.
While his first love is rag chewing, he likes to DX, contest and operate
all digital modes and SSTV. Davis is interested in and active in
emergency communications. As part of his Eagle Scout project, he was
responsible for planning, assembling and installing emergency
communications antennas at Red Cross emergency evacuation centres.



The old adage is that there are always two sides to a story. Well that
certainly applies to an almost legendary ongoing stoush on the internet.

This concerns the sending of a box of house bricks and other rubbish, to a
radio amateur who collected it from his post office, paying cash on delivery.

There was an expectation that the box would contain radio equipment.

Not restraining his emotions one bit, the irate receiver of the box of heavy
and somewhat expensive rubbish took to his keyboard to attack the sender.

Counter claims were then made by the apparent sender of the box who tried to
put some kind of justification on what had occurred.

It all apparently stems from a dissatisfaction over an earlier matter on a
popular ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ advertising website.

Angry words like ‘integrity’, ‘rip-off’, ‘honesty’ and ‘greed’ are being used
in these public exchanges between the two.

A small blessing however is they live some 2,000 kilometres apart and may
never meet.

Nonetheless those observing the internet battle remain either bemused or
bored with the whole affair.

Neither side seemingly wants to give-up. It’s all about personal pride,
reputation and emotions continue running high over a very important issue
– not.

I’m Jim Linton VK3PC and you’re listening to VK1WIA.


The following tribute for Tom Moffat is from Brian VK7RR via VK7News

Tom was born in the United States of America. His father had contact
with Australia as he was involved with the design of the navigation
equipment for the Jindivik program in the 50's so it is no wonder
that Tom ended up out here. Tom obtained electronic qualifications
with the Bell Telephone Company for whom he worked until the
wanderlust hit him.

Tom passed away August 2 2007

He initially worked in Victoria, as Chief of Staff for GTV-9, moving
to Tasmania with his wife Gael, in the early 70's, whereupon he
became the Motorola sales and service agent for Tasmania.

Tom was involved with the first amateur television broadcast of the weekly
news, the first mobile television broadcast in the southern
hemisphere, amateur or commercial and of course, the first VK7RHT.

Tom soon became one of the best known names in Australian amateur
circles through his monthly columns in various magazines, an interest
which became an occupation over the past ten years or so. Who will
forget Moffat's Madhouse and his monocle? Tom's optometrist made it
for him as he refused to wear reading glasses.

Tom was a highly intelligent person who had an instinct for new
technologies and took to computers like a duck to water. I wonder how
many people built his weather satellite decoder over the years? He
sold them in kit form and many yachties and amateurs were soon
checking their own weather, long before sound cards and DSP, hit the

He also built an experimental robot known as the Tasman Turtle as I
remember it.

Tom died peacefully on Tuesday evening, leaving Gael, his former
wife, who continued to care for him as much as he would let her, two
daughters, Jenny and Fiona, a son Steven and three grandchildren.

Farewell old friend.


Christchurch, New Zealand

Staff at Christchurch radio communications company, Tait Electronics Limited,
are mourning the loss of their Founder and Chairman Sir Angus Tait. Angus
died August 7.

Michael Chick, Managing Director, said the country, company and worldwide
radio industry was poorer for his passing. “He was an immensely determined
yet compassionate man, a great innovator and mentor for so many. He was
humble and curious; never seeking the limelight but never shy of making his
voice heard if it would help business and education in New Zealand.”

The Tait Foundation has donated millions of dollars to a variety of causes;
most recently in the Canterbury University’s Wireless Research Centre.

He was the Chairman and, at 88, he had been coming into work most days.

In 1948 Sir Angus formed his first company, A.M. Tait Ltd, on the back of
mobile radio sales to two taxi companies. A.M. Tait Ltd (the ‘M’ stood for
McMillan) developed the AM T4 radio, which contributed much of the company’s
success. Without any sort of business plan the company’s staff swelled to 100
people by the mid-1960s, when A.M. Tait Ltd even delved into making

Always a radio enthusiast (call sign ZL 3NL) Angus kept up to date with the
latest technologies. Until the end at 88, Sir Angus drove into work in his
characteristic red Alpha Romeo. Rather than a parking space, he pretty much
parked right by the front door. After all, it was his name on the office sign.
(originally forwarded by john stevens vk4afs)


Morse Code Study in Pennsylvania:

The ARRL Letter reports a psychology professor at the University of
Pittsburgh is conducting a study involving short-term memory and how it
correlates to Morse code.

Julie Fiez, the study's principal investigator, said she got the idea of
using Morse code in her studies from a family member who is an Amateur Radio

She said she liked the idea of using CW in her experiments to see how people
process audio tones. "Our interest is in verbal working memory," she
said, "which is the ability to keep 'on-line' for a short time,
information you can access later."

Part 1 of the experiment is an assessment of the participant's Morse

First, participants will be asked to accurately copy sentences as they are
presented in at three different rates (16, 19, and 25 words per minute). Then
they will be asked to listen to the entire Morse sentence and recall the
sentence from memory.

Part two asks participants to recall lists of letters from memory. The
letters will either be in English or in Morse.

Participants will either hear the letters through headphones or see them
on a computer screen. The study will look for differences in memory
performance between Morse lists and English lists.

================================================== =====================



A three letter special event callsign with no numeric indicator.
That's the story of the callsign W-A-R as it was used in last May 12th
in the 58th running of the Crossband Communications Test sponsored by
the Army Military Affiliate Radio System.

The historic W-A-R callsign was originally the property of the old
United States War Department as it was known in those days. This year
the W-A-R call was rolled out to be used in the cross band ham radio
test station operating at the Pentagon. This was very significant to
the members of the Pentagon Amateur Radio Club as the W-A-R call has
been in exile at Fort Detrick, Maryland for many years.

The complete story about the W-A-R commemorative call and this years
Crossband Communications Test is in the article titled Amateur Radio
at the Pentagon by Bill Sexton, N1IN. It begins on Page 29 of the
August Worldradio Magazine. (Worldradio)

================================================== =====================


Gloucestershire County RAYNET assist in floods

Gloucester County RAYNET was called upon for assistance during the floods.

The service was activated by the County Council Emergency Planning
Officer to assist in the evacuation of the county emergency centre
on 25th July. All the RAYNET contingency equipment was stripped
out of the radio room underneath Shire Hall in the city centre,
and a temporary station relocated at the Triservice Control Centre
at Quedgeley, to the south of Gloucester.

The prime functions of the station were to establish links to the
district rest centres set up around the county and to provide
backup links to out-of-county sites where telephone systems would
still be operational, should the Walham substation have failed.

Liaison was kept with other RAYNET Groups at Bath, Gwent and
Bristol through Zone 7 Controller Chris, G8RXA. This ensured they
were kept abreast of the situation and could be called in to
assist if necessary. Thanks to the efforts of members working long
hours on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, voice and data communications
links were set up to the Triservice Control Centre from
Tewkesbury, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Cirencester and Stroud.

On Thursday, a callout was issued by the County Emergency Planning
Officer for radio links to be set up between the Triservice
Control and the five main bottled water distribution points for
vulnerable people. RAYNET members responded to the request by
message distribution and assisting the volunteer teams at the locations.


These from the latest FISTS club downunder newsletter.

John Kirk VK4TJ / VE6XT #9080 says it was not uncommon during the early WW2
era for Canadian radio operators to amuse themselves on long, boring training
flights by bootlegging un-issued American ham calls from the adjoining states,
complete with a credible cover QTH, handle and rig line-up.

It was after all away these ex hams, whose gear had, like Australians, been
confiscated "for the duration" to "get up on the air, whilst "IN the air".

In the brag sessions that invariably ensued in the flight crew’s mess hall
after a long flight, after a few suitable beverages, they would regale each
other with tales of the great QSOs they had enjoyed.

You can guess the conclusion – invariably, the QSO was in fact two bored
Canadian radio ops, both bootlegging US calls, talking to each other.

QSL via the buro?

I think not!

(Reference:- Conversation with the late Doug Burrill, VE3CDC, ret. Signals

Now to "Gerry"... no not THAT JERRY but Gerry # 10139 in Philadelphia.

He tells how his friend George K3MWM (now SK) told him that when he was in
the US Army he was ordered to take down his Ham Antenna from the barracks.

So he "drew" a 10-meter dipole on the wall with an electrographic pencil
(conductive lead, which used to be required on machine-gradable answer sheets
, may not be available any longer).

K3MWM put two screws in the wall contacting the two legs at the feed point.

Then he painted over the dipole and the screws.

Finally He'd connect his feed line to the screws with alligator clips.

He said he made contacts with it, including DX contacts!!

Gerry finished up the FISTS item with "I always wondered - was it an antenna?
- Or a PICTURE of an antenna?

(IBM and other equipment used electrographic pencils to mark punch cards and
test cards)


AUGUST 11/12 Remembrance Day Contest (The RD)

Please ensure all ELECTRONIC LOGS are sent to

Snail mail? Then get your logs away quickly.

at in the RD contest section, are the links to download
printable logs and other documents for your use.

Let us all pay homage to the fallen and most of all ENJOY the contest,
remembering every point counts, and this year see if we can get another
states name on the Trophy.
(peter vk4od)

AUGUST 26-27


This ALARA contest is run over 36 hours to give everyone 2 bites at the 80m

For OMs only contacts with YLs count, while YLs can count ALL stations.

Club stations operated by YLs are certainly encouraged.

One highlight of the ALARA contest is that you may work the same station
after a one hour interval on the same band. So it is worth while staying
around a tad longer for that extra contact for both yourself and the other



160 Phone Contest

The propagation conditions were perfect on 160M. - There was no QRN at any
stage, and the ZL signals were loud for the entire Contest. There was no
customary rise in the first hour, or decline at the finish. Maybe this is
why the last hour produced the most contacts for many when, usually, some
would be tucked up in bed.

Trevor Buckeridge (ZL1FF) won and collected the Trophy and certificates for
1st 160M Phone, and the Night Owl's "Bucket Mouth Award.

(You might recall that Trevor, a relative new-comer to ham radio and
contesting, also won the 80M Phone Contest), - so that will be twice that the
Contest Manager Bruce Renn has had to spend $28 on postage. - No light-weight
Trophies in the VK/ trans-Tasman !

The team from Frankston and Mornington Peninsular ARC (VK3FRC multi-op), were
equal 2nd with Luke Steele (VK3HJ).

Only 30 pts separated VK4WIL, VK2MA, VK2ATZ and VK2AWX (all multi-operator
Club stations), in 3rd 4th, 5th and 6th positions respectively.

Mike Dower (VK2ENG) won the certificate for 1st 160M QRP Phone.

This was 160M at its best. Even Contest Manager (VK3JWZ), with a pretty
ordinary antenna, was receiving replies from ZL's that he could hardly hear!

All good stuff




Yet another new electronic QSL service has emerged. Calling itself I
QSL USA, the founders says that it is aimed at both electronic as well
paper QSL users and contains several innovative features designed to
make QSLing a lot easier. More information is on-line at (VA3FH via

DXpedition Approved for DXCC Credit:

The ARRL DXCC desk reports that the 2007 DXpedition to Burundi, 9U0X, has
been approved for DXCC credit.

ARRL DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, said, "If you had cards rejected for
this operation, please send an e-mail and you will be
placed on the list for update."

THE QNEWS WORK BENCH - the nuts and volts report -
(Measure twice - Cut once!)

All radio amateurs are aware of the potential for interference to radio, TV
and other communication services, causes of it and cures.

Often a plain language or very basic explanation is required for the public
including our neighbours to reach an understanding of what is occurring and

This is important because the presence of an amateur radio station can give
rise to a perception that it is causing interference, when in reality it
could be any number of other resource of interfering radiating.

An excellent resource is the Radio Spectrum Management of New Zealand
website which addresses all general types of interference with text,
television reception screen shots, and a video and an MP3 audio file.

The material is right up to date and describes the effects of interference
on both analogue and digital broadcasting services.

So whether you're a radio amateur experiencing an interference problem, or
just needing to learn more about it, visit the Radio Spectrum Management
website, google it or use the URL that is included in the text edition of
this broadcast.

(Jim Linton VK3PC)



Radio Bulgaria's DX Editor Dimiter Petrov, LZ1AF is using the Special
Event call sign LZ50DX until December 31 to commemorate the 50th
anniversary of his weekly DX Program.

He is active on all bands 160 through 10 meters on CW usually for a
while around 05 UTC and after 21.30 UTC on weekdays, as well as more
on weekends.

Special QSL cards depicting the people involved in the DX Program and
Radio Bulgaria's mighty antenna array will be sent via the LZ QSL
Bureau to confirm all contacts and SWL reports. You can also arrange
a contact with LZ50DX especially on SSB by e-mail to .

Have in mind that he will be on leave vacationing in a tent on the
Black Sea coast now (August 5) through 18, thus, no activity on the air!


Region III IARUMS Coordinator B.L.Manohar (Arasu) VU2UR

IARU Monitoring System International Coordinator:-
Robert E. Knowles, ZL1BAD.

Len Martinson, ZL1BYA, is Monitoring Service co-ordinator for the NZART.

VK National Coordinator = Karl Hennig VK6XW

VK IARUMS reflector email to subscribe

VK Coordinators for I.A.R.U.M.S.
VK3TZE Jimmy

VK5EV John

Friday 0730 UTC 7.065.5 with VK4CEU David.

Amateur exclusive frequencies where any non-amateur signal is definitely an
intruder, This listing by the late P29KFS, Rick Warnett.

Exclusive amateur only spectrum world wide
7.050 to 7.100
14.000 to 14.250
14.250 to 14.350 No broadcasters
21.000 to 21.450
24.890 to 24.990
28.000 to 29.700

For the last 2 months Amateurs in Adelaide have been gathering information to
try and track the owner of what is thought to be a high powered cordless
phone operating on 2 Mtr's near the input frequency of the Murray Bridge
Repeater VK5RMB.

Several names and phone numbers have been gathered users are hoping to have
the owners traced and notified of the illegality of the phones, and heavy
fines that can be imposed.

A similar imported long range cordless phone caused interference to SA
147.000 VK5RAD repeater around 2 years ago.

The interference was promptly stopped by the ACA.
(name and call supplied)



Sept 13 Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday
13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details.

International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009.

14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 - 16 October, 2009.


SUNSHINE COAST HAMFEST at Woombye School of Arts Hall.

SEPTEMBER 9 Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club Hamfest
St. Augustine's Hall Orr St.

North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention
Happening in twin cities of Thuringowa and Townsville.

Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society Annual Hamfest at Albert Waterways Hall.

JANUARY 20 2008

The Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group invite all amateurs to attend the
2008 Mid North Coast Radio Expo to be held in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 20th

The Expo is held at the St Johns Church Hall, Mc Lean Street, Coffs Harbour.
Gary VK2ZKT is the Radio Expo Coordinator on 02 66 55 2 990 or visit the
Groups comprehensive web site at

(Will McGhie VK6UU is WIA National Historian)

Twiddling during the War!

Our final short story today is sourced from the Australian War
Memorial website which contains some fascinating stories about
Australian's involvement in war and the following story is about a
WREN who was involved in radio interception of German signals in

Elizabeth Agar - now Marshall - was visiting England when World War
II broke out. She decided her duty lay in war service and joined the
Women's Royal Naval Service (Wren) in July 1940 where she was trained
to intercept German naval signals.

Her home was in Melbourne but she kept in constant touch with her
parents through her detailed letters although she was unable to give
much information on the work she was doing.

After an intensive two-week training course at Greenwich Naval
College, her first posting was to Portland Bill, a remote wireless
receiving station on the Dorset coast. There she was involved in
intercepting messages sent by German motor torpedo and gun boats
which were attacking Allied convoys.

At Greenwich, she trained to be a 'Special Duties (linguist)'
operators," Elizabeth wrote in an article prepared in 1994 for the
Portland Naval Base 50th anniversary of the D-Day embarkation.

"We all had a good knowledge of colloquial German and our instruction
included learning naval expressions (few of us knew them in English,
let alone German), learning to receive and record messages in spoken
German (including in German phonetic code) and learning both to think
and write fast."

"We also learnt how to work our operational wireless sets so we could
intercept and identify messages from our particular targets – German
motor torpedo or motor gun boats.

When enemy signals were detected there was a burst of hectic activity.

"The speech was sometimes clear but often frustratingly faint and
fragmented," Elizabeth recalled. "And those atmospherics! How our
ears ached."

Elizabeth said that the really tiring aspect of the watches was the
never-ending need for conscientiousness.

"We had, after all, to find the German signals; they did not just
come out of a receiver, set on a particular frequency.

"We had to 'twiddle' as we called it – that is search the wave band
up and down endlessly."

The Wrens were promoted by virtue of their special duties category to
Petty Officers but after seven months at Portland Bill, Elizabeth was
sent to Kingsgate near Broadstairs in Kent, then to Torquay to open a
new station and lastly to Sheringham in Norfolk where she was
promoted to Second Officer.

In December 1942 she "married the boss" and at the beginning of 1944
left the service just four months before the birth of twin sons.

The full text of this fascinating article can be found on the email
and internet edition of this broadcast.

(Australian War memorial Website)



Jeff VK4XJJ is still going strong on his walk across Australia.

But he still wants to hear from YOU, and it is these calls in particular
that keep him going!!

Sunday 5th August in Mt.Isa, a morning disappointment with not many turning
up for the fitness walk. After 2 laps Jeff decided to save his walking for
the road.

Good hospitality and amazement at the size and splendour of the Irish Club.

Monday 6th left Mt. Isa at noon and walked 11 Km. Many vehicles and 4
stopped to chat. Very winding road and pleasant walking.

Tuesday 7th walked 29 Km, again very pleasant walking. 60 Km west of
Cloncurry. Many vehicles and 5 stopped.

Wednesday 8th walked 36 Km. A new daily walk record! Camped under a bridge
with a caravan nearby and joining them for a sausage sizzle.
Temperature ranges since Sunday ranging 1 to 29 degrees. 44 Km wet of

Roughly 400 Km to go to finish the walk.

Jeff asks via WIA News listeners in Qld for some contacts from operators in
Cloncurry, Normanton and Karumba. Also any information about their clubs and
a possible visit.


Bill Johnson VK2FWGJ

Every Day, from 5:30pm Eastern on 40 meters, 7045 put out a call to

go to

================================================== =======================

================================================== =======================

WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.
================================================== =============================
================================================== =============================
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual
broadcast date, e-mail

Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a
quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a
"cheerio call".
Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of QNEWS for the National WIA.
Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active
amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and
participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material
and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
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