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Old September 1st 07, 05:23 PM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2007
Posts: 10
Default [DXNL] DXNL 1534 (Aug29, 2007)

DXNL 1534 - Aug 29, 2007
DX Newsletter

a free and weekly service of
DARC Committee "DX and HF contesting"

editor: Helmut Schlaffer, DL7MAE
(e-mail: )

translation by: Mike, DJ5AV

A3 - Tonga, OC-169
Ron, ZL1AMO, will be on vacation August 27th through September
16th on Lifuka (OC-169). He renewed his licence as A35EA for this

EA8 - Canary Islands, AF-004
Heinz-Peter, EA8/DH1PS, is visiting Fuerteventura (WLOTA 0883) August
25th through September 8th for vacations mainly and will use his
IC-706 MKIIG and a wire vertical (1/2 lambda for 20 m resp. 5/8 lambda
on 17 m) on SSB. He might also activate a lighthouse e. g. CAI-040,
Punta de Jandia. QSL via bureau to his home call DH1PS.

HB0 - Liechtenstein
Giovanni, HB0/IZ2DPX, and Flavio, HB0/IW2NEF, will be in Malbun 1st
through 3rd September on 2.600 m ASL using shortwave, 2 m and 70 cm.
They will try to get a HB0-call. QSLs via direct or also via bureau
via home call.

J2 - Djibouti
Darko, T95A, is on a work assingment in Djibouti for one year at least.
he will set up his station soon and be active as J28OO. QSL via K2PF,
also sure via bureau.

J3 - Grenada, NA-024, NA-147
Gerd, J3/DL7VOG, will be in Grenada/NA-024 August 27th through 31st.
Then he will change to Carriacou (NA-147) in The Grenadines through
September 16th. Gerd prefers CW and RTTY on 6 to 160 m but will switch
to SSB on request. QSLs via homecall, bureau preferred, and also by
e-mail-request to
for a bureau card.

JD1 - Minami Torishima, OC-073
August 27th through September 18th Masafumi, JA6GXK, will be running
JD1BMM from OC-073 again on 10 through 80 m with CW, SSB, PSK, RTTY
and SSTV.

P4 - Aruba, SA-036
Bob, W3BTX (P49T), and Roy, W3TEF (P4/W3TEF), will be active on
160 through 6 m, WARC incl, Sep 1st through 15th as P41USA for
the anniversary of the events in New York on 11th September 2001.
QSLs direct or via bureau to W3TEF.

SV9 - Crete, EU-015
Dick, SV9/G3URA, will be on the air August 27th through September 4th
mostly on CW, but also in the Russian RTTY-Contest as J49XF.

VP5 - Turks & Caicos, NA-002
"J.C." VP5/W1AI will be on Providenciales (NA-002) with CW and SSB on
all bands 160 through 6 m September 1st through 8th. QSL via homecall.

VU - India
Members of the "National Institute of Amateur Radio" (NIAR) in
Hyderabad are using the special call AT60MY through November 17th
for the 60th anniversary of India's independence. QSL via VU2NRO.

YB - Indonesia, OC-022
Rich, YB9/PA0RRS, is on Bali (OC-022, LH 2589) August 26th through
September 24th on 80 through 10 m. QSL via homecall, also via bureau.

ZD9 - Tristan da Cunha & Gough, AF-030
Brian, ZD9BCB, is leaving the weatherstation on Gough Septmber 14,
some weeks later than planned. You find Brian this Sunday at 1730 UTC
on 14.315 MHz. QSL via SQ8AQD, direct only.

9X - Ruanda
Correct QSL route for 9X5SP is via DL8YA, NOT DL8YR (DXNL 1532).
Operator Peter A. Stabusch manages the Deutschen Welle in Ruanda.
Since he started with his work for DW Kigali one year ago he tried
for a restart of ham radio with the administration in Ruanda. The
necessary laws existed already since some time but they lacked any
means of official monitoring. During an official meeting of DW with
the local authorities monitoring became a task of the HAMs in Ruanda
and Peter A. Stabusch was asked to cooperate and to be president of
"Rwanda Amateur Radio Union" by the "RURA" Administratiom.

Pacific: As announced in DXNL #1531 Toshi, JA8BMK, will start for a Pacific
tour in September. He will leave Japan for Fiji and continue to Tarawa,
West-Kiribati (T30). In mid October he will go from Tarawa for Central-
Kiribati as T31XX for at least 1 week and also the CQWW SSB-Contest.
Toshi will use 160 through 6 m on CW, SSB and RTTY. Containers with
his equipment were already shipped to Tarawa in late July. There may
be activity from Rarawa (T33ZZ) befor or after operation from Canton.

Malaysia, special call
Aziz, 9M2AU, will use 9M50MB August 31st for 50 years of independence
of Malaysia.

Austria, special call
August 31st through September 9th OE16B will be active for the Pope's
visit. You get a special QSL if you contribute for El Molo Mission and
School in Kenia with your QSL at least 1 IRC or 1 US $ to: ORF/OE16B,
A-1136 Wien, Austria. There will also be QSLing via OEVSV-Bureau.

Russia, special calls
Alexander Kamalagin, UA4IF, was born 100 years ago. He became a ham in
1929, was a radio pioneer for Russia, well known Contester and DXer.
For the anniversary special stations R100AK and R100IF are active
until the end of this year. QSL via RW4HB, bureau ok. There is also
an "Alexander Kamalagin Memory Award" to be found in the Web: .

Spain, special calls
During the European Basketball-Championship 2007, "EURO-Basket 2007",
taking place in Spain in Sept members of "Radio Club Henares" (EA4RCH)
will use the special calls AN0EB, AN4EB, AN5EB, AN6EB and AN7EB, Sept
1st through 16th - AN0EB only while members of the Royal Family are
visiting a game. QSLs for all calls via EA4RCH, direct or via bureau.
Get the "HAM EUROBASKET 2007 AWARD" for QSOs/SWL-reports about four
different of their special stations. Read more on .

Silent Key: Only two weeks ago we received informations for DXNL from
Sigi Kleine, DL3AMA. Now we learned that he died unexpectedly on August
14th at the age of 66 years. RIP.
QSL managing for YW5AS (SA-051) was taken over by DM4TI.

Upcoming Contests
1. September: AGCW-DL Straight Key Party 40 m;
1./2. September: JARL All-Asian DX-Contest, SSB;
1./2. September: IARU Region 1-Fieldday, SSB.

IOTA: collected by Fredy, DE0MST (e-mail: )

Island activities
EU-016, 9A, Dalmatia South Grp.: Mladen, 9A2NA, will be on the island of
Korcula (CI-041) 01.-10.09. and intends to activate Cerin and Prznjak
Mali (both IOCA-new).

EU-099, GJ, MJ, Les Minquiers Islands: A group of OPs of the Cambridge
Wireless Society will activate Les Minquiers Islands 03.-07.09. as
GH6UW/p. QSL via M0BLF (B/d).

EU-108, GM/MM, Treshnish Islands: Jim, MM0BQI/p will mainly use SSB (80-15m)
01.-03.09. from Lunga Island. QSL via HC (

EU-110, 9A, Istra Group.: 9A/OK1JK, 9A/OK1UXH, and 9A/OK1JST, will be on
Porer Island (CI-090) 24.08. through 02.09. QSL via OK1JST.

EU-170, 9A, Dalmatia North Grp.: OM Niko, 9A/DD1MAT, will activate Dugi
Otok Island (CI-018) 01.-15.09, also in the WAE-Contest. QSL via HC.

EU-170, 9A, Dalmatia North Grp.: Lada, 9A5LO, (aka OK1LO) will stay on
Pasman Island (CI-085) 03.09..

NA-029, VY2, Prince Edward Island: George, VY2/K3GV, will visit CIA PE-001
02. through 15.09., QSL via HC (B/d).

OC-138, VK4, QLD State (Torres Strait) Grp.: Nobi, JA1JCF, will be on
Horn Island 31.08. - 02. 09. as VK4JCF. QSL via JARL (B/d).

Lighthouse activities (WLOTA/ARLHS):
9A/IK5WWA LH 2833 CRO-087 through 02.09.
ID9/IK8HJC LH 1001 through 01.09.
YB9/PA0RRS LH 2589 26.08.-24.09.
OZ/DF8HS LH 0726 26.08.-08.09.
9A4WW/p LH 0815 27.08.-03.09.
J3/DL7VOG LH 0718 27.08.-31.08.
J48XG LH 4132 31.08.-06.09.
F/HB9ASZ/p LH 2010 01.09.-22.09.
9A2NA LH 1315 01.09.-10.09.
9A/DD1MAT LH 2375 01.09.-15.09.
K3GV/VY2 LH 0523 02.09.-15.09.

Bandspots of the last 7 days
KH6ZM 7.010 0507Z via I0MWI (d)

IC8/N5KME 10.115 1827Z EU-031, via N5KME
SV9/ON5NT 10.107 2029Z via ON5NT

CE3/VE7SV 14.023 1421Z via VE7SV (L)
E7/KX7M 14.254 1731Z
HR1AAB 14.200 2314Z via EA7FTR (B)
N0C 14.040 2334Z via W0WN
OH1VR/VP9 14.025 2050Z via OH1VR (d)
OX/PA3EXX/p 14.260 1809Z NA-242, via PA3EXX (B)
OX/PA3EXX/p 14.038 2313Z NA-242, via PA3EXX (B)
VE1OTA 14.278 2139Z NA-127, via VE1VOX (d)
9M6QQ 14.215 1723Z via DF5UG (B)

BA4EG/5 18.076 0720Z AS-138, via BA4EG (d)
HL0LPM/3 18.070 0820Z AS-080, via 6K2BWA (B)
VR10XMT 18.145 1415Z via VR2XMT (B)
7Q7BJ 18.077 1631Z via G4AHK (d)

SV9/ON5NT 21.260 1106Z via ON5NT

(d) = direct only
(B) = bureau ok
(L) = LoTW

07Sep-24Sep 3B7C 1511
Sep 3D2 (JA8BMK) 1534 *
Nov or Dec 3D2AG/Rotuma 1522
28Aug-04Sep 3D2MT 1533
29Aug2006-2007 3XM6JR 1484
- Apr 2008 5H0RS 1515
- Apr 2008 6W/EA4ATI 1515
01Sep- 6W/T98A 1531
31Jul-31Aug 8J1ESP 1528
01Aug-21Oct 8J3ARDF 1530
- 31Aug 8J7VENUS 1528
01Apr-09Sep 8N3IAAF 1513
- 03Sep 9A5LO, EU-170 1534 *
31Aug 9M50MB 1534 *
2007 9N7JO 1501

27Aug-16Sep A35EA 1534 *
- Apr 2009 A52VE 1512
- Nov 2007 A61TX 1496
- 17Nov AT60MY 1534 *
09Sep-14Sep CQ4IPY 1522
- Feb 2008 DP0GVN 1496
25Aug-08Sep EA8/DH1PS 1534 *
03Sep-16Sep EG7RCB 1533
2007/2008 EI100S (I) 1501
- 30Nov EW905B 1523
2008 FO/Clipperton 1521
now FW0MO/FW0YL 1530
03Sep-07Sep GH6UW/p 1534 *
01Sep-03Sep HB0/IZ2DPX.. 1534 *
- 30Sep HG5MISSION 1532
- 30Sep IA3GM 1528
- Nov IS0/I2MOV 1533
18Jul 2006-2008 J28JA 1484/85
- Aug 2008 J28OO 1534 *
27Aug-16Sep J3/DL7VOG 1534 *
27Aug-18Sep JD1BMM (MT) 1534 *

Nov 2007 KH3/W7KFI 1525/31
01Sep-03Sep MM0BQI/p 1534 *
31Aug-09Sep OE16B 1534 *
01Sep-15Sep P41USA 1534 *
- 31Dec 2007 R100AK/IF 1534 *
27Aug-04Sep SV9/G3URA 1534 *
- 31Dec SX100VAR 1528
Sep-mid Oct T30 (JA8BMK) 1534 *
from late Oct T31XX 1534 *
Oct? T33ZZ 1534 *
Feb 2008 TI9 1533
now-2007/2008 TL8QC 1459
07Sep-20Oct TM0-TM9RWC 1533
23Aug-08Sep V5/DJ8VC 1532
Jan2007-Dec2007 VI3SAA 1499
31Aug-02Sep VK4JCF 1534 *
- 31Aug VO1GAM 1531
01Sep-08Sep VP5/W1AI 1534 *
- mid Sep VP6AL 1530
Feb 2008 VP6DX/Ducie 1521
- 31Dec Z360M 1531
- 14Sep 2007 ZD9BCB 1534 *

* = new or updated
... = and other calls

QSL information
A25MC via G4RCD (B)
FS/DL2AU via DL2AU (B)
GB2PSL via G3UCA (d) or G3KUE (B)
GB2SCA via RSGB-Bureau or G0OOO (d)
GB4BL via GX0NWM (B) or G0SBN (d)
OH0W via SM0WKA (8/07)
SF0L via SM0LQB (B)
SI89B via SM6CLU
V5/DJ8VC via DJ8VC (B)
V5/OE3MZC/p via OE3MZC (B)
3B8/RX3DD via RX3DD
3Z0LH via SP1DPA
4S7HIG via ON4HIL (B)
7S7SEG via SK7CA
8S20OTC via SM7BHM
8S6LL via SM6PVB
8S7GL via SK7CA
8S8MTB via SM0LQB (B)

T61AA: POBox 99, World Trade Centre, Victoria 8005, Australia

(d) = direct only
(B) = bureau ok
(*) = new QSL manager
(L) = Logbook of the world (LoTW)

QSLs arrived direct: BS7H (KU9C was manager, card came from OK1KT),
E51QMA (via OM2SA), TY6FB (QSO 2002, via F1PJB).

QSLs arrived via bureau: JT800OK (via OK1XC), JW0IC (RV1CC), KN5G/FS,
3XM6JR (UA6JR), 4O3T (via PB2T).

Many thanks for contributing for this issue of DXNL are going to:
Carl Smith (QRZDX), 425DX News, OPDX-Bulletin, DD1MAT, DF6EX (for
DL7UFR, DL7VOA, F5NQL, F6AJA, IZ2DPX, W1AI, 9X5SP, and more.
The German PDF version can be found on the DARC homepage at:
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