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Old September 9th 07, 04:01 AM posted to,,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 36
Default WIANEWS for week commencing SEPTEMBER 2 2007

This is WIANEWS for week commencing SEPTEMBER 2 2007


Jeff VK4XJJ who is walking across VK from Gulf to Gulf has met up with his
Brother Bill who drove from VK2 into Normanton VK4


"At 3:15 a.m. while Jeff was asleep in his tent and I was in my swag
alongside the front wheel of the retrace vehicle, someone took the keys
from my shorts from under my pillow.

The car was pushed backwards and started at the second try and took off
fast. (from 2 persons adjacent to us, who commented that "we" were noisy
leaving ).

I later thanked this couple for a loan of a pair of trousers!

Later Jeff woke me and asked "Where is the car?" I thought he was joking and
asked "Where did you put it?".

So called TRIPLE 'ZERO' and reported to police who though off duty arrived
in less than ten minutes.

After the usual descriptions of car etc, the police turned round to search
the streets etc. Just round the corner the siren started and the chase was
on. The police stopped chasing as it was too dangerous but kept following
the tail lights. The offenders jumped out of the car while moving and took
off. The car went through a barbed wire fence and came to a halt. The speed
warning alarm in the police car was set at 180 Km!

Police drove our vehicle back to Normanton.

Some things were thrown out of the windows earlier and later collected by
police. Most things seem intact including our amateur radios. An amount of
cash was taken with some cash spilt loose in the back seat. Wallet later
found under clothes etc on the front seat. Camera too, with some video
footage taken by or new "friends". Police here in Normanton have downloaded
the video for examination.

The police were very fast to respond, very kind and efficient.

Some damage to the car, dents, damaged bumper bar, paint scratches and
windscreen rubber cut by the barbed wire.

All this without number plates as the car was half way through Queensland

So Jeff is late leaving and will try to camp 20 Kms north of Normanton.

I will follow shortly later to his camp site and walk back a bit.

Regards to all,

Bill for Jeff".

VK Four or is that VK Pour(ing rain)?

As they say, it didn't rain, but it poured and poured and poured, then it
rained a bit more.

With somewhere between 350 and 800 mm of rain recorded on the Sunshine Coast
from Sunday 19th of August until Sunday 26th of August, it was going to be a
wet week. Maybe VK4 Lovely Tewantin should change his catch phrase to VK4
Liquid Tewantin...

At 0815 on Friday 24 August 2007 North Coast WICEN/SES Specialist
Communications Unit was activated by a
request from Emergency Management Queensland.

We activated the SCARC-WICEN caravan in its ideal position at Dulong which
is up on the range behind Nambour.

Additional operators were sent to EMQ HQ at Caloundra and the Maroochydore
and Tewantin SES Units. We were finally stood down at 1830 hrs that day, but
requested to stay on alert.

Approximately 10 SCARC / WICEN personnel responded with Hervey Bay and
Maryborough amateurs also on standby.

Thanks to Richard Philp VK4YRP WICEN Area Coordinator (North Coast Region)
Chair - Wicen Queensland Secretariat for his effort and the efforts of the
amateurs that helped.

This is Gordon VK4VP for WIA News

Fast net on power wire plan

A CONSORTIUM led by Optus is considering the use of powerlines to deliver
broadband to homes, as it prepares to battle Telstra for rights to build a
high-speed broadband network.

A story forwarded to us from VK6RO says G9, this OPTUS scheme was "not just
confined to copper".

A spokesperson responding to questions raised at a broadband seminar last
week said Optus was testing broadband over powerlines with several utility
providers including Integral Energy, Energy Australia and CitiPower.

The story went on to say an Optus spokeswoman declined to comment on the
trials when contacted, saying "Optus regularly conducts technology trials and
we rarely comment on them."

Broadband over powerlines would provide the G9 with an alternative to
fibre-based broadband technology that relied on Telstra's copper network.
Telstra has maintained that it would use all legal means at its disposal to
block rivals gaining access to its copper to build the new network.

There are three main proposals to boost broadband speed in Australia and all
rely on using Telstra's copper network for last-mile access to homes and


vk1 local news email and ask for subscription.

web service:-

Tim VK2ZTM, writing on the vk2 pages reminds us of the VK2WI Morse Practice
Transmissions on 3699 KHz from VK2WI.

Originally this robot unit had storage of 1100 words which lasted a bit over
2 hours. This has now been extended to over 2700 words which will take almost
6 hours to cycle through allowing more variation in the transmissions.

These transmissions are continuous 24/7 except for during the Sunday
broadcast periods.

The content of this transmission actually details the development of the
WIA's Dural facility itself.

(sourced to 2ZTM)

web service:-

Copies of the Proceedings volumes from all previous Gippsland
Technical Conferences (GippsTech) are available for purchase.

1998 & 1999 are available on CD, whilst years 2000 to 2005 are available in
hard copy. 2004, 2005 & 2006 include an electronic copy with full
colour and some PowerPoint presentations.

Costs range from 10 to 20 dollars plus 5 dollars postage.

Contact Peter Freeman VK3KAI

E.Z.A.R.C. PO Box 273, Churchill, Vic 3842.

web service local news:-
local news email subscribe in subject


web service

The West Australian State Government has launched a linked emergency service
communication system that it believes will provide faster and better coverage
for communities across WA.

Industry and Enterprise Minister Francis Logan launched the Emergency Connect
WA project, which he said would use state-of-the-art technology to improve
the communication capabilities of police, ambulance, fire and rescue services.

In a press release, Mr Logan said the communications network would also allow
volunteer and government emergency services to directly communicate with each
other and share real-time intelligence, which he believed would cut response
times and improve coverage at remote communities.

"This network will use the latest and best technologies available, including
internet protocol-based voice and data services and satellite technologies,"
Mr Logan said.

"Emergency organizations with bases in remote locations have little or no
telecommunications infrastructure, making contact with command base very
complicated," the Minister said.
(via vk6kad)

local area news :-
your copy of vk7 local news, email

Remember that world optical communications record set in VK7 back in February
2005? Well, a group of amateur radio enthusiasts in Utah have extended the
record to over 170km. Congratulations to Clint KA7OEI and crew.

On September 5 the REAST Presentation night is titled "Hacking HF - Linux for
Amateur Radio" at the Queens Domain clubrooms at 8pm. September 12 sees
NTARC's meeting at Alanvale TAFE Block B at 7:30pm and REAST has the weekly
ATV Experimenter's Night at 7:30pm. The regular NWTARIG broadcasts in the NW
with a different program each night of the week commencing at 7.30PM on the
VK7RNW & VK7RMD and 70CM ATV. Check the website for details.

73 from Justin, VK7TW

VK8 note an audio version available on this page.


Learners in South Africa under the age of 18 have been invited to participate
in a special project to celebrate 50 years of man's endeavours in space.

In October it will be 50 years ago that the first satellite, Sputnik 1, was
launched by the Russians. To celebrate this event several joint activities
have been planned by the S.A.R.L, SA AMSAT and the South African Amateur
Radio Development Trust.

The youth event is called "Into Space with Amateur Radio" and will give
30 Learners the opportunity to speak with South Africa's first astronaut,
Mark Shuttleworth via Amateur Radio on 10 October 2007 and ask questions
about Mark's experiences in space.

Now, how do these learners qualify?

They are required to write an essay about "The future of Space in support of
mankind", and be between 400 and 600 words.


Amateur Radio Newsline report researchers saying students who had more math
courses in high school did better in all types of science once they got to

On the other hand, while high school courses in biology, chemistry or physics
improved college performance in each of the individual sciences, taking
a high school course in one science didn't result in better college
performance in the others.

One of the study authors says the most important thing for high school
science teachers is to make sure there's lots of math in whatever
science course they teach. The head of the National Science Teachers
Association said while the "correlation with math makes sense" it's not
the necessarily the same as a cause and effect.

The research, which is being reported in the journal Science, was
supported by the National Science Foundation.


To find out when a club in YOUR area is hosting assessments and/or
training in Amateur Radio go to and check out the club pages.

Next Foundation Licence course, and Standard / Advanced assessments .....

VK2BWI Morse Practice Group

Just a brief reminder about the VK2BWI slow Morse broadcasts.

These broadcasts are held on Tuesday evenings, with Alan VK2ADB from the
Snowy Mountains, and on Thursday evenings, with Ross VK2ER from Orange.

The time is 1000 UTC, and the frequency, 3.550 MHz.

So, if you are interested in learning, or improving your CW, then VK2BWI
broadcasts might be a good start.

HAM College - VK6

Next Foundation course is set for 15th/16th September at the Whaleback golf
course scout hall - if you have nominated to attend this course then please
ensure you have made the relative payments prior to attending in order to
confirm your position. If you can not attend then please let me know so I
can allot you a place on the November course.

Ask yourself what you have done to encourage new people into the world of
Ham Radio.

I sit on the train on my way to work and read through my study notes for the
Advanced licence - you would be surprised to know that in the time I have been
doing this I have spoken to several people about Ham radio, and they were
very interested.

Recognise the importance of bringing people to this hobby - have you extolled
the virtues of Ham radio to anyone this week. How about making it your goal
for the week - tell someone about Ham radio - and be responsible for making
your hobby grow.

================================================== =====================


Amateur Radio restructuring continues in South Africa. This with word
that the South Africa Radio League will now issue the nations Radio
Amateur Exam certificates following an agreement having been finalized
with that nations telecommunications regulator.

Candidates who pass the South African Class A Amateur Examination will
be issued an international certificate. This document allows
operation in all CEPT countries and several others outside Europe who
are complying with the conditions of the internationally accepted

Those who pass the introductory level Class B examination will be
issued a Radio Amateur Exam certificate only. The class B
examination is not compliant and the license issued for passing it
cannot be used for operation in other countries. (SARL)


If you are finding some integrated circuit chips hard to find, threes
a reason. According to an industry group, the utilization rate of the
world's chip manufacturing plants stayed below 90 percent for the
second straight quarter of 2006. The usage rate was only 86.4 percent
in the quarter bending December 30th. That was down from 88.5
percent in the July to September 2006 time period


NASA and Virgin Galactic have signed an agreement to explore the
possibility of working together to develop new spacesuits, hybrid
rocket motors and other space technology.

The pact will allow NASA and Virgin Galactic to explore possible
avenues of technology research that would make use of NASA's Ames
Research Centre facilities. Some of the possible collaborations
include developing protective heat shields for spaceships and vehicles
that can travel at least five times the speed of sound.

Virgin Galactic, was founded by British entrepreneur Richard Branson.
It plans to test-fly a vehicle being built by famed aerospace
designer Burt Rutan next year and operate it commercially by 2009


The copper wire thefts at radio facilities continue. Broadcast
engineer Bill Ruck, writing in the CGC Communicator writes that he
recently received a call about transmitter problems at KDYA A.M. KDYA
operates on 1190 kHz in Vallejo, California. Ruck says that when he
arrived the transmitter looked okay but was seeing high reflected
power. So he walked out to the tower to look for problems there. What
he found was the entire the ground system was gone. The copper wire
used for it had been stolen. Ruck says that he is now in the process
of replacing it using barbed wire.

================================================== =====================


The Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society, in light of the current Foot and Mouth
Disease problems, precautionary restrictions on rambling have been put in
place on the Isle of Man.

This means that it is currently not possible to access or activate any
summits for the Summits On The Air programme.

For more information please contact John, GD0NFN, by email to

Contesting University at the HF Convention

At this year's HF Convention on 13th October the RSGB will be
running a Contest University.

This follows on from the hugely successful event held at Dayton in
the USA earlier in the year. Sponsored by Icom, the Contest
University will be a full day of lectures designed not only for
newcomers but also for improving the skills of experienced
contesters. You can learn about contesting, or improve your
competitive edge. For more information go to

Bumper participation in Lighthouses weekend

More than 380 lighthouses in over 48 countries were on the air for
the 2007 International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend on 18th
and 19th August.

The event, now in its ninth year, is organised by the Ayr Amateur
Radio Group. The weekend was more of a QSO party and amateur radio
demonstration than a contest. Its aim was to raise public
awareness of lighthouses and lightships, to promote amateur radio
and foster international goodwill.




The Second running of the Westlakes Cup is coming up on Saturday 22nd
September commencing at 8.30 Eastern Australian Standard Time (10.30 Z).

Boat Anchor Sprints:
October (13).
Local ZL time: 2000 to 2100 hrs

Section 1: Old radios - all valves - i.e. ZC1, 19 set, Heathkits, any
home brew set, but must have all valves.

Section 2: Any Hybrid transceiver (must have valve finals i.e. FT200,
FTDX400/401, Drake, FT 101s, etc..

Amplitude Modulated signals only.

The overall winner shall be the entrant having the highest points score
which will be published in the following New Zealand "Break-in".
(Jamie Pye ZL2NN, Editor NZART's InfoLine)

NOVEMBER 17/18 VK Spring VHF-UHF Field Day

In a moment we will here again from Peter Harding the 2007 RD contest manager

Celebrating the 4th International Polar Year 2007/2008, Portugal has been
represented by the Official Special Event Amateur Radio Station CQ4IPY.

The importance of this Celebration gave to all participants the chance to get
a Special CERTIFICATE . The CQ4IPY Certificate is for all Amateur Radio
Operators and SWL's who can demonstrate the interest on this celebration and
justify the dedication working at least the CQ4IPY on 3 (three) different
Bands or 2 (two) different modes.

To get the Award just send the log with fee to cover Mail Expenses to:

CQ4IPY F.a.o. Mr. Manuel Alberto C. Marques
Post Office Box 41
2780-901 OEIRAS Portugal (Europe).

CQ4IPY, during the 4th International Polar Year in SSB/CW/PSK31/RTTY/SSTV on
80-10m will be on-the-air again from Sep 8-14. QSL CARD ok via the Bureau
(via CT1BWW)

Please visit:


And good morning listeners, this week sees another small mail bag of snail
mail and Electronic logs arrive for this years RD,

I have found some errors this week, and I have personally spoken to the
sender as to why I was correcting their logs, thus avoiding the gripes after
the finals are made public.

Some operators either have not read or fully understood this years rules in
relation to log layout, I will send a copy of the Rules and the preferred
log sheet and cover sheet layouts for their use next year.

Please get your logs in as soon as possible before the cut-off date,

Remember logs must be received by last mail on Monday 10th September, 2007.

Late entries will not be returned..

QST to all radio amateurs and IARU members:

Radio amateurs in Malaysia celebrate 50 years of nationhood by
organizing a nationwide field day from August 30 till September 1,
2007, using 9M50Mx special event call signs.

The Merdeka Field Day (MFD) has a total of 16 stations operating
simultaneously in different cities and middle of jungle to celebrate
this occasion.

The regulator, Malaysian Communications & Multimedia Commission
( has granted these 9M50Mx special event call signs
for the first time in history of amateur radio.

MARTS, which is the call signs custodian & national society, invites
amateur radio operators from all over the world to celebrate with
Malaysia on air.

The HAM (Radio Amateur) communities in Malaysia will be joining Malaysians
all over the country celebrating the 50th year of nationhood by organising
this Field Day to Sept 1.

all over the world are already catching this very rare callsign, which is a
must for DX-Chaser. In Kota Kinabalu, the Borneo Amateur Radio Club has been
given a rare privilege to operate the 9M50MS station to represent Sabah.

The BARC Clubhouse at Bukit Sierra, Bukit Padang, is the centre of the radio
operation, as the clubhouse is fully equipped to operate on all bands.

Epitomising the solidarity of the nation, all 9M50M stations would be in
constant contact with the other stations to symbolise unity.

Members of the public, amateur radio enthusiasts and club members throughout
the State of Malaysia are joining in the celebration.

QSL Bureau is: PO Box 10777, 50724 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

For more information on MFD, please visit

* Note: Merdeka means independence in Malay language. Malaysia (then
Malaya) obtained its independence from the Great Britain on
August 31, 1957.

Lance M T Lai, 9W2LAI
Honorary Secretary 2007-2008
Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society

IARU - QSL Bureau of Portugal, Azores and Madeira

Remember, the solely Portuguese IARU QSL Bureau representative, for any
contact made with any station, using on the callsign, one of the following

CQ0 to CQ9, CR0 to CR9, CS0 to CS9, CT0 to CT9 and CU0 to CU9

Being like this, QSL cards of stations of Portugal, Azores and
Madeira, send to following address:

Rua D. Pedro V, 7-4
1250-092 LISBOA

to whom, all the QSLs via Bureau must be send.

For other contacts please use:

Phone: +351 213461186
Fax: +351 213420448

Please receive our friendly regards and the best 73

Carlos Nora - CT1END
REP President

Rede dos Emissores Portugueses
Fundada em 1926
IARU Member since 1931


Last week Rex VK7MO and Justin VK7TW made some significant advances with
light communication.

Previously Justin was able to get excellent WSJT copy from Rex over 5.3 km
with cloud reflections.

Rex has now built an improved transmitter giving an additional 18 db
performance and Justin has gained a further 4 dB on reception with a
mirror reflector receiver that derives from an old X-ray machine.

Overall this 22 dB improvement in system performance is such that it
is now un-necessary to have clouds to communicate and the weak
scatter from particles in the atmosphere is sufficient to produce
perfect copy on WSJT.


Shades of the 1960's science fiction classic Fantastic Voyage. A news
medical telemetry capsule that when swallowed travels through the
digestive system becomes a sort of mini transponder has won federal
approval. The wireless device, about the size of a large vitamin pill,
journeys along the gastrointestinal tract collecting data and
transmitting it to a receiver worn on the patient's belt or around the

Doctors like the telemetry capsule because it can be given at the
office and is reliable and non-invasive. They say that it is a way to
diagnose an uncomfortable stomach condition and other digestive track
problems on a real time basis. The Food and Drug Administration
approved the device on July 19th following clinical trials that
wrapped up in November 2006.

Manufactured by a company called Smart Pill, each of these micro
transponders will sell for about $500 each. And for those of you not
familiar with the 1966 movie Fantastic Voyage, its plot involves a
diplomat who is nearly assassinated. In order to save him, a submarine
and its crew are shrunken to microscopic size and injected into his
blood stream. Their job is to burn away a blood clot before the
patient expires. For now, the Smart Pill is likely as close to that
scenario as medical science is going to get.

Fortunately - I guess, no information was supplied on if, or how, the
capsule is retrieved.

Leaving you With that pleasant thought ... that's the QNews work Bench
from the VK1WIA News Hub in South Australia.



Twenty Chinese students talked directly to an astronaut in the International
Space Station (ISS) via amateur radio in Nanjing on Sunday 26th.

The 20 students, aged 10 to 19 began talking to Clayton C. Anderson, a
48-year-old American astronaut at 18:50 p.m. at Nanjing No. 3 Middle School
when the ISS was passing over Nanjing.

Tang Jiewen asked the first question: "Can you see our Great Wall from the
ISS? "

"I'm sorry that I haven't seen it yet, but we hope to see it," Anderson's
voice was clearly heard from the radio.

He also answered other questions popped out by students during the 10-minute
conversation, telling students that ISS is very quiet with only sounds of
astronauts' drinking water and air flowing, and robots are used to do simple
work like fetching things.

"This is the first time for Chinese students to participate in the program of
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) to speak directly
to astronauts in the ISS," said Wang Long, a teacher in charge of the Amateur
Radio activities from Nanjing No. 3 Middle School.

And as an aside, the wall must be working well as no mention of seeing rabbits
was made!


Members and friends of the Radio Amateurs Old Timers Club Australia are
reminded that the next news and information broadcast will take place on the
first Monday of the Month.

using the RAOTC callsign of VK3OTN.

10.00 am Victorian time on 7.060 and 3.650 MHz plus 1.843 MHz AM, and

On 14.150 MHz at 01.00 UTC beaming north and 02:00 UTC west from Melbourne

For those not yet retired, 8.30 PM Victorian time tune 80 mtrs 3.650 MHz.

In New Zealand, their Old Timers' Club net controllers have unanimously
decided to change the time and frequency of the OTC (ZL) SSB weekly net.

From Today, Sunday 2/9/07 onwards there will only be a net on 3.865 MHz

at 1600 hrs.


Tony VK7AX, President of N.W.T.A.R.I.G. is seeking help for JOTA 2007.

Regular amateurs assisting Scouts and Guides at each years' Jota located at
Paton Park, being Susan VK7LUV and Alan VK7JAB, will not be available for
this year's event.

NWTARIG is seeking help from local amateurs to fill this void.

If any amateurs (or Short Wave Listeners) can help out on Jota
Weekend by providing assistance with communications at Paton Park,
for just a short period or for the entire Jota weekend, please advise
Tony VK7AX.

There is ample camping facilities for overnight stay if you so
desire, and I know from experience that you will be well fed.

Again, if you can assist in any way, please contact Tony VK7AX, by
telephone 64 25 29 23




Sept 13 Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday
13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details.

International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009.

14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 - 16 October, 2009.

SUNSHINE COAST HAMFEST at Woombye School of Arts Hall.

SEPTEMBER 9 Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club Hamfest
St. Augustine's Hall Orr St.

North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention
Happening in twin cities of Thuringowa and Townsville.

Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society Annual Hamfest at Albert Waterways Hall.

JANUARY 20 2008

The Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group invite all amateurs to attend the
2008 Mid North Coast Radio Expo to be held in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 20th

The Expo is held at the St Johns Church Hall, Mc Lean Street, Coffs Harbour.
Gary VK2ZKT is the Radio Expo Coordinator on 02 66 55 2 990 or visit the
Groups comprehensive web site at

(Will McGhie VK6UU is WIA National Historian)


And finally this week, another kind of communications. That of the
human voice and the way it could be heard for thousands of feet long
before microphones, amplifiers and loud speakers were invented. The
story is from ancient Greece. A not so ancient Jim Meachen, ZL2BHF,
takes us back in time to about the 3d Century BC:

Science Daily reports that researchers at the Georgia Institute of
Technology have pinpointed the elusive factor that makes the ancient
amphitheatre the ancient Greek amphitheatre at Epidaurus an acoustic
marvel. It's the seats.

The scientists say that the rows of limestone seats at Epidaurus form
an efficient acoustics filter that hushes low-frequency background
noises like the murmur of a crowd. At the same time it reflects the
high frequency noises of the performers on stage off the seats and
back toward the seated audience member. This in turn carries the
performers voice all the way to the back rows of the theatre.

While many experts speculated on the possible causes for Epidaurus'
acoustics, few guessed that the seats themselves were the secret of
its acoustics success. There were theories that the site's wind -
which blows primarily from the stage to the audience - was the cause.
Others credited masks that may have acted as primitive loudspeakers
or the rhythm of Greek speech. More technical theories took into
account the slope of the seat rows.

The report appeared in the April issue of the Journal of the Acoustics
Society of America.

From Auckland, New Zealand. for the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jim

Meachen, ZL2BHF,

The theatre at Epidaurus permits almost perfect intelligibility of
un-amplified spoken word from the stage to all 15,000 spectators,
regardless of their seating. What's not known if whether or not those
who designed it were aware of the science of acoustics or if it was
all nothing more than a lucky guess.

More about Epidaurus and its famed theatre is on-line at and (Science Daily



Jeff VK4XJJ is still going strong on his walk across Australia.

But he still wants to hear from YOU, and it is these calls in particular
that keep him going!!

Every Day, from 5:30pm Eastern on 40 meters, 7045 put out a call to

Good Afternoon Jeff's family and friends,

Met up with Jeff at Normanton on Tuesday at 1 p.m. Very warm but pleasant
and a very friendly town.
Bill slept out under the stars last night, first time since age 15.

Sitting in the shade garden at Norman County Snacks and Supplies trying to
keep cool. Very warm yesterday and today but lovely mornings and afternoons
with the breeze. Jeff is attending to the car registration after my trip up
from Stockton to Normanton.

Jeff has 72 Kms to walk to Karumba and finish his great walk and touch the
waters of the Gulf of Carpenteria.

Since last Thursday Jeff walked 30 Kms for each of three days to arrive in
Normanton early Sunday afternoon.

The Normanton Caravan Park allowed Jeff to erect his half wave 40m dipole
semi-permantley during his three day stay.
His five watt radio once again performed well and has made many contacts
while in Normanton.

Jeff is looking forward to using his 100 watt linear amplifier which will
be delivered to Karumba.

Jeff and Bill have been invited and will fly to Sweers Island Resort for an
overnight stay courtesy of Sweers Island Resort and Aero Tropics.

Special News: Jeff's regular sked on Thursday 6th September at 1730 hrs on
7.045 will be conducted from Sweers Island. VK4SWE Lyn has a 100 watt
transmitter so many more contacts should be possible.

Jeff again thanks all the kind amateurs who have taken the time to talk to
him. I have seen his long list of contacts in order, by state call sign.

Hornsby ARC have kindly offered to raise some money for DeafBlind through
Jeff's walk. Thank you Secretary Dot.

Kind Regards,

Bill VK2FWGJ for Jeff VK4XJJ.

================================================== =======================

WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide.

Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to
the actual broadcast date, e-mail

Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may
lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might
even get a "cheerio call".

Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA.
================================================== =============================
================================================== =============================
Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual
broadcast date, e-mail

Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a
quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a
"cheerio call".
Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of QNEWS for the National WIA.
Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time
and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast.
The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active
amateurs residing in Australia and the globe.
We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and
participation in the activities of local clubs.
Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material
and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National
Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to
WIANews wouldn't go astray...
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