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This is WIANEWS for week commencing SEPTEMBER 9 2007
AMATEUR RADIO - HOME OF THE GOOD GUYS Pam, KF6VJR is searching for info on her Grandfather. "Grandfather was a radio officer who helped to establish many wireless stations in Australia from 1912 Mt Gambier station til 1928, when he transferred to the Receiving Station of AWA at La Perouse. He was also at the stations at Broome, Melbourne, Sydney, Thursday Island, Brisbane and Hobart. This is stated in his obituary. I live in the USA since my mother married (a Yank) at end of WW2 and moved here with my dad. I am trying to get more information on Henry (Harry) Freeman Coffey. He joined the Commonwealth Radio Service in 1912 after leaving the Marconi Company. Any assistance or information you could share would be of great value to me. Thank you, Pamela Ferges KF6VJR" HAMS ACROSS AUSTRALIA. (8zwm) VK1 vk1 local news email and ask for subscription. VK2 web service:- http://www.arnsw.org.au/html/news_vk2wi.htm Westlakes Amateur Radio Clubs Christmas Party will be held at the Eastern Tiger Restaurant, which is located in the Cardiff RSL building, December 2nd If you are interested get in touch with VK2FDNE Diane. Brett Dawson VK2CBD down in the Orana Region ARC says the CSIRO Parkes Radio Telescope will be holding open days Saturday 22 and Sunday 23rd of September. GET along and see one of the largest radio astronomy antennas in the world! Tours will be taken by Observatory staff, and visitors will walk up through the control tower directly beneath the antenna structure, out onto the azimuth track, and back down through the centre of the tower. Aside from seeing where "The Dish" movie was made, you'll also see the astronomers at work, and get an appreciation for what is done at this iconic facility. The Orana Region Amateur Radio Club, the Orange & Districts Amateur Radio Club and the WIA will be on site with interesting demonstrations and they'll be talking to anyone who wants to know about how to get involved in amateur radio. There will be other attractions as well including helicopter rides, a jumping castle and face painting for the kids, as well as an outdoors screening of the movie "The Dish" on Saturday evening. This will be quite spectacular with the real thing just meters behind the projection screen! For more information please contact Brett Dawson by email or go to the Parkes Observatory home page and follow the links to outreach and then 2007 Open days. So GET along to Parkes The 22nd/ 23rd of September. VK3 web service:- http://www.amateurradio.com.au/news/ Friday 21st September the EMDRC will present their "Two Bob Show" hosted by Bob VK3XP & Bob VK3AIC will provide some training to other club members on the use of CRO's. The training will cover the many uses of the CRO with particular attention as to the connection of the test device to communication equipment. The Ballarat Hamvention will be held this year on Sunday 4th, November at the Great Southern Woolshed located on the Western Highway on the Melbourne Side of Ballarat. A location map will be found in the October edition of our A.R. magazine. Traders tables are available at $15 each and includes admission for one person. Traders can commence set-up between 8am and 10am via a separate entrance. General entry is from 10am with entry tickets being presold to avoid the rush when the doors open. The entry fee is $6 per person with free entry to persons under 15 years of age. Make sure you attend this well organised function to purchase the goodies you've been saving for all the year. Good parking is provided for all together with catering facilities including tea, coffee and soft drinks. If you wish to book a table please contact Ian - Vk3AXH via email or by phone on 03 534 13 0 12 or look up the details at the BARG website barg.org.au Announcing Centre Victoria RadioFest No. 2. They're still talking about this year's inaugural event and it's coming back in February 2008. The organising committee met last weekend and decided on some minor changes for a repeat success. Second-hand traders, club corner, short-talk lectures, displays and the popular dipole factory will all return, plus some new exciting activities to be announced later. All major commercial traders have already made commitments to be there again in 2008. They would not miss it and neither should you. Three groups - Amateur Radio Victoria, and the Central Goldfields and the Midland radio clubs are mounting this event for the entire amateur radio community and general public. For second hand table bookings that cost only $12.50 please contact Nick Angelo VK3UCK 0488 653 201, or check out the website radiofest.amateurradio.com.au The Centre Victoria RadioFest at the Kyneton Racecourse is within an hour's drive of metropolitan Melbourne, Ballarat and Bendigo. The date, put it in your calendar now, is Sunday the 10th of February 2008. I'm Bruce Lees VK3FFF and you're listening to VK1WIA. VK4 web service local news:- www.wiaq.com/qnews/upload/qnewsbcast.htm local news email subscribe in subject field. The North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention happens in the twin cities of Townsville and Thuringowa September 21 to 23 and there are still registrations rolling in. The absolute deadline is C.O.B. Tuesday 11th September. For an electronic copy of the Programme, Venue Maps and Registration Form Google to the TARC website www.tarc.org.au VK6 web service http://www.vk6.net/newswest-index.html VK7 local area news :- http://reast.asn.au/news.php your copy of vk7 local news, email VK8 http://www.vkham.com/vk8da/ note an audio version available on this page. In the top end we will be holding one of our famous Auctions and Baaarbecues on Saturday 13th of October starting at 1600 at the clubrooms. Bring along your unwanted items any Tuesday night or at the next meeting on the first of October. See you there. Terry VK8TA advises that the morse sessions continue on Tuesday nights on 3.550 starting at 730pm. Jota of course is coming up and planning is underway. This year JOTA will be on the weekend of 20 - 21 October at the Nightcliff scout hall pandanus st nightcliff. Contact frank VK8FT if you can assist at any time over the weekend. Seanet 2007 is being held at LAMPANG in Thailand over four days 8th to 11th of November. Seanet is a great gathering of amateurs from all over the world particularly south east asia. Lots of eyeball qso's a dinner or three together, a good look around, operate the Seanet station and grab a few bargains. Checkout the website www.sabah.net.my/seanet/seanet_2007.htm or put Seanet 2007 lampang into your search engine. That's it for the top end for this week and now to vk2 news EDUCATION YOUTH AND ADVANCEMENT OF AMATEUR RADIO PRESENTED BY KYLEA VK6FXYL 22 NEW RADIO AMATEURS JOIN THE RANKS 22 New Radio Amateurs joined the South African ranks last week after successfully passing the class B examination held 23 August at examination centres around the country. Only 2 of 24 candidates did not make it. The highest marks were obtained by H J Coetzee who now holds the call sign ZU6H and H F Rolandi ZU5HR. Both achieved 97%. The youngest candidate was J Ware, 13 years old, now holding the call sign ZU6SP. Congratulations and welcome to all the successful candidates from your friends here in VK. (SARL) Saturday 22nd September the EMDRC will be running their CRO familiarization day. Members and visitors are welcome to bring along their own test equipment and ask the experts for the correct method of operation. Over the course of the day members and friends will be able to learn how to connect test equipment and interpret values using various CRO's. Also, if there is a need, those attending can bring along communication equipment to test with the CRO. This will be a full day activity with a break for a BYO BBQ lunch. The activity will be held at the EMDRC clubrooms 12 a McCubbin Street in East Burwood and kicking off around 10:00am. The EMDRC extends an open and warm invitation to visitors" To register for attendance or for further information contact FUTURE EXAMS To find out when a club in YOUR area is hosting assessments and/or training in Amateur Radio go to wia.org.au and check out the club pages. BPL Northern Tasmanian Amateur Radio Club's Next meeting at Alanvale TAFE is their "BPL SPECIAL" The clubs special presenter, non other than a 'Pollie' who has shown an interest in BPL. Mr Kerry Finch MLC will be giving as a talk on his times at the ABC through to his current position as a MLC. This is an opportunity for VK7 hams to "get in the ear" of a politician who has shown an interest in BPL. Even if you only attend one meeting a year, this should be the one. 7:30pm Wednesday 12th September. Block B Alanvale TAFE. NATO Report on BPL Interference The following story come from Ed Hare W1RFI: NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) has issued a report of the expected effects that widespread BPL (a.k.a. PLC or PLT) application would have on the HF spectrum. Particular emphasis is placed on ambient noise in "quite rural" zones and the "Absolute Protection Requirement". The calculations assume ubiquitous installation of BPL. The report concludes: "a) High probability that PLT would cause increased noise levels at sensitive receiver sites given the projected market penetration; and b) The percentages are highly influenced by assumptions on transmitter EIRP, PLT market penetration, and duty cycle." The report's title is "HF Interference, Procedures and Tools" http://reast.asn.au/vk7bplwatch_link...ificBPLStudies http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BPLandHamRadio/ (Ed Hare via the BPL and Ham Radio Mailing List) Well the fight isn't over, our friends at the SARL in South Africa tell us DRAFT PLT REGULATIONS ARE UNDER THE SPOTLIGHT IN SOUTH AFRICA. Their regulatory body, ICASA has been hard at work and has asked the EMC workgroup of the STANSA TC73 and TC80 committees to come up with draft regulations for type approval of PLT (BPL) equipment as an interim measure. Well Done. These interim standards will eventually be replaced by internationally accepted standards. There is however much debate amongst members of the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR) about international standards with an agreement seemingly some time off. The SARL even tell us that this CISPR will meet here in Australia later this month! The Work group has held meetings over the past two weeks and hopes to complete a draft to be tabled at the TC80 meeting later this month. Once agreed at TC80, the draft will be forwarded to ICASA for further consideration and once agreed by the ICASA Council, the draft regulations will be published in the government gazette for comment. The SARL is represented at the Workgroup and has made its input. There is much ongoing debate and unhappiness about the SARL's demands that all Amateur Radio HF frequencies be notched at the time of installation. In particular the vendors of PLT equipment would only like to notch when an interference complaint is received. The SARL's view is that Radio Amateurs are licensed to operate on HF and that their rights should be protected. Here Here!!! There are many other issues on the table that still need resolving, and as soon as the South African Amateur Society let us know, we'll bring it to the VK Ham populations notice... BPL truly a world wide problem child!! BPL Interference - Not a dead parrot yet Listeners may have the impression that, because there haven't been too many BPL news items from the WIA lately, that the threat of BPL interference in Australia is receding. Nothing could be further from the truth. Phil Waite VK2DKN reports "BPL remains a serious threat to amateur radio. Everybody now knows that BPL interference to radio communications services is a serious problem that must be addressed, not least BPL equipment manufacturers who are striving to find ways to reduce the interference profile of their products. Because of this, the WIA's focus has shifted from publicising BPL interference to the international Standards arena where decisions concerning permitted BPL interference limits will be made. Most industrialised countries base their EMC limits on international Standards developed by the International Special Committee on Radio Interference, IEC, otherwise known as CISPR. A group within CISPR, CISPR 22, determines the limits and measuring methods for radiated emission (through the air) and conducted emission (through the connecting cables) for information technology equipment, such as BPL equipment. However CISPR22 limits and methods were developed a long time ago, long before BPL and other new communications technologies were thought of, and need to be revisited. The WIA is a member of several Australian Standards committees having input to CISPR. In particular we are a member of a BPL working group making recommendations on BPL technology Standards. The WIA's work on Standards committees involves more than just attending meetings. Recently we have taken hundreds of measurements of BPL emissions and co-produced a major report in preparation for an international meeting of CISPR to be held in Sydney this month. We have also measured ambient noise levels in an area we believe is likely to be used for a BPL trial. This vitally important work has taken a considerable amount of time and is the focus of our present activity. Listeners will understand that much of the work we are doing in Standards committees, and elsewhere, is confidential and cannot be publicly released at this time. To have influence in these forums, we must abide by their rules and respect confidentiality requirements. The WIA will release as much information as it can to members as soon as is possible. INTERNATIONAL NEWS VU2UKR Sunil from Delhi dropped us a line through the week to say that the 30 Meter band stretching from 10.100 to 10.150 MHz has been temporarily allocated to ALL Indian Hams to operate, The month of September only. Also in India, Gopal VU2GMN in Chennai has just arrived home after attending the IARU Region 3 Directors meeting and posted this note to say "There are many items that will concern Indian amateurs". Selecting a couple which will also interest us in VK (being part of region 3) "the proposals that allocations be made to the amateur service to achieve a world wide exclusive band 7.0 to 7.3 MHz and a new secondary allocation around 5 MHz were not supported." The Directors agreed to report separately to member societies on these matters, making specific recommendations. The Directors reviewed many other matters apart from preparation for WRC-07. The Intruder report of B L Manohar "Arasu", VU2UR, the Regional MS Coordinator, was reviewed in depth, as were the concerns expressed by others. The need to provide better and more accessible information on this important service was identified and is being addressed. It was agreed to continue to seek action against certain intruders. The difficulty reported by the Chairman of the Disaster Communications Committee, Jim Linton VK3PC to get responses from some societies was discussed. Also of concern was the potential barrier in national regulations that had not been up-dated to give effect to the changes to the international regulations following from WRC-03 to allow amateurs to practice the provision of emergency communications. Gopal Madhavan "Shreyas" Apartments 128(old63) Greenways Road Chennai - 600 028 BE AWARE -- BE VERY AWARE We tried to contact the folk involved in this next story, however it is an anonymous email and web address. A station signing N6MRQ says he is giving free radios to hams in what he calls "3rd world countries!" 9 Ten Tec Radios away for free to deserving hams in poor nations. To win just submit a brief synopsis (about 300 words) of how you and your station serve your community! A nice idea if true, and if you happen to win one, let us know so we may give credit where credits due... until then, just be aware! Late news in say's "The Baker" was correct! HiHi. VU2GMN again says, and I quote, "Ten Tec supports the STARS**** program in IARU to promote amateur radio in developing countries and I was fooled into thinking that this was an offshoot of that. It has now been established that it is a hoax- one of our members contacted Ten Tec directly to verify and they do not know anything about it. Obviously someone went to great length to fool us by sending to our e-mail ID's and not as a general mail - So sorry if I led you all astray! Gopal." ================================================== ===================== NEWS FROM ARNEWSLINE GAREC-07 CELEBRATES EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS IN HUNTSVILLE The third Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Conference took place August 16th and 17th in Huntsville, Alabama. This, just prior to the opening of the combined Huntsville Hamfest and 2007 ARRL National Convention. Amateur Radio Newsline's Bruce Tennant, K6PZW, reports: The ARRL Letter says that some 100 delegates from around the globe came to Huntsville, Alabama, for this global emergency communications gathering GAREC as it was called had a prevailing theme of how to apply advanced technologies to emergency communications. As such attendees were provided a sampling of just about everything pertaining to the Emergency Communications arena. ARRL Alabama Section Manager Greg Sarratt, W4OZK, said many large and essential organizations that work with Emergency Communications sent representatives to Huntsville. This included representatives from the IARU, the ARRL, Army MARS, the American Red Cross, Southern Baptist Disaster Relief the Department of Homeland Security, The Salvation Army, industry and others. Also on hand were many Section Emergency Coordinators, District Emergency Coordinators and Emergency Coordinators from the ARRL field organization. The League's Media and Public Relations Manager Allen Pitts, W1AGP, and its new Emergency Preparedness and Response Manager Dennis Dura, K2DCD, were among the presenters.. Pitts spoke about the need for a Public Information Officer to be in the Joint Information Centre at any ARES deployment. Dura talked about using VoIP, EchoLink and IRLP for establishing and maintaining communications during hurricanes. The session spent time discussing the methods of combining RF links to the Internet. This, to establish a cohesive network. The Voice over I P Hurricane Net is another tool that was discussed. Amateur Radio operators, the National Weather Service, the National Hurricane Centre and emergency managers use it jointly to gather detailed information on local conditions. Other presentations included the use of new technologies such as ALE, D-Star, Winlink 2000 and TSSG. TSSG is an advanced system being developed in Ireland. The conference made a number of recommendation. Among this is to introduce the call sign suffix "/D." This would be used by those in the Amateur Radio Service who handle traffic related to emergency and disaster situations. This recommendation was made by Willem Visch, PG9W. He believes that it would let anyone listening immediately know there was emergency traffic and lessen the chances of someone unintentionally breaking in on an emergency net. Another recommendation included the extension of "EmComm Party on-the-Air." These are Emergency Communications exercises already in place in ITU Region 1. Seppo Sisatto, OH1VR, is the Region 1 representative. He proposed holding two annual international drills, lasting only 4 hours, beginning November 11. This, he said, recognizes that major calamities can and do cross international borders, and hams need to practice for such eventualities. GAREC delegates also suggested that the IARU initiate studies in cooperation with its member societies and with specialized emergency communication groups These investigations would focus on the development and possible introduction of standard codes for use in international emergency communications. They would also look at the need for the development of a list of standard resource types. They delegates also appealed to all of the IARU Member Societies, as well as specialized emergency communications groups, encouraging the acceptance to and ratification of the Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Response Operations. That's a fancy way of saying that its time for all of the worlds radio oriented emergency communications providers to work hand in hand. Other procedural issues were also covered at GAREC 2007. All attending consider the gathering to have been a major success. For the Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bruce Tennent, K6PZW, in Los Angeles. ================================================== ===================== WEIRD N WONDERFUL APRS FOR HOOKERS JUSTIN VK7TW REPORTS This story concerns the use of electronic over-the-air Automatic Position Reporting Systems (APRS) by prostitutes with radio equipment built right into specially designed platform shoes. The GPS unit uses amateur radio frequencies to send data, which, ironically, was first developed at the United States Naval Academy (all the nice girls love a sailor...HIHI). Note the mentioned use of Amateur Radio frequencies which, if true, would be an unauthorized use unless the hooker is a ham. http://tinyurl.com/2xcp69 http://theaphroditeproject.tv/saftey/ http://www.bext.com/_CGC/ (Sourced from CG Communicator #807) OPERATIONAL NEWS - CONTEST COLUMN - D A T E L I N E Good morning listeners, this is Peter Harding VK4OD this years RD manager. This week sees a small trickle of mail and Electronic logs arrive for this years RD, And again I picked up some errors, and I have contacted the sender and some of the software creators as to why the errors are occurring, again some operators not fully understanding the rules, concerning the bonus points system . As this news goes to air on Sunday 9th Sept, you have less than 24 hours to get your logs in. As from 18:00 tomorrow night Monday the 10th Sept, anything that is sent electronically will be rejected in the email dept. And snail mail will be returned unopened. It was pleasing to see an operator from the very top of Cape York submit a log, well done Lyn. (for those that know my XYL no it was not her). Our thanks go to all those participated in this years RD contest, and now I am off to continue checking the entries. NOVEMBER 17/18 VK Spring VHF-UHF Field Day John Martin reports that this is a week later than in past years. The change of dates avoids clashes with some club activities that will taking place earlier in the month. There are two minor changes in the rules: 1. Stations may enter both the 24 hour and 8 hour sections, but only if the station actually operates for more than 8 hours. 2. Changing locations: It is not in the spirit of the contest for grid-hoppers to set up more than one station and move between them. The rules now make it clear that not only the operator but also the station must be moved when operating locations are changed. Dates: Saturday and Sunday November 17 and 18, 2007. Duration in all call areas other than VK6: 0100 UTC Saturday to 0100 UTC Sunday. Duration in VK6 only: 0400 UTC Saturday to 0400 UTC Sunday. The full contest details can be viewed he http://www.wia.org.au/contests/vu_fieldday/index.php MEDIA WATCH Also, importantly, when you send NATIONAL NEWS an item a couple of "must do's", and these have not changed over the years, just they seem to be forgotten or not passed on to club officers after elections etc. 1/ When you file audio always email us the script. 2/ When supplying script for someone else to read, PLEASE write as you'd expect to hear it! as an example always write in the 3rd person!! (Remember our readers are not you or your club so don't say things like "we are having a working bee... say 'club members' are having a working bee etc etc".) 3/ Don't send us links or photo's of stories , always write out the story in a manner in which it can be read and pasted to our text and audio services. 4/ If you want an item run 3 or more times, write different slants on the item, running the exact same item over and over would be dull/boring and lets face it, if you can't think of anything extra to say, that is probably a good sign that it will end up being a dull event!! 5/ WIA related material, eg BPL if Australian material will only be broadcast after clearance from the WIA unless said item is already in the public domain. 6/ Silent Keys are best sent to AR Magazine and your local state or club news rather than this WIA National News Service. ARRL ANNOUNCES NEW FALL PUBLICATIONS The ARRL has announced its new fall publications line-up. ARRL Sales and Marketing Manager Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R, said, "ARRL's fall line-up includes the biggest new publication introductions this year. These new books will keep you current with rapid advances in radio operating and experimentation." The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications - 2008 (Eighty-Fifth Edition) uniquely serves both amateur experimenters and industry practitioners, emphasizing connections between basic theory and application. This 85th edition is both a useful introduction to radio communication and a source for answers to questions about every aspect of the state-of-the-art. Topics include Amateur Radio licensing requirements and operating activities, fundamental and advanced electronics and communications concepts, radio propagation and antenna theory, practical projects, repair techniques, references and much more. The Handbook includes descriptions for new and emerging wireless technologies involving digital signal processing (DSP) innovations, and radio applications utilizing software and the Internet. The book is filled with valuable references, practical examples and projects. The CD-ROM at the back of the book includes all of the fully searchable text and illustrations in the printed book! ok, as well as companion software, PC board templates and other support files. Revisions to the 2008 Handbook include new filter theory and design examples, including a HF/6 meter high-power low-pass filter project, and revised and expanded RF safety content -- including new insights into RF safety regulations and research. New projects include: MKII updated universal QRP transmitter; MicroR2 receiver and MicroT2 transmitter; ID-O-Matic-10-minute ID timer for individual, repeater or beacon control; simple computer-to-transceiver serial port interface and USB interface; keying adapter to interface vintage radios with modern gear (CW keying or amplifier TR keying), and more. The softcover edition of the Handbook sells for $44.95; the hardcover sells for $59.95. As an early bird bonus, the ARRL Software Library for Hams CD-ROM, v 2.0, will be included with each Handbook ordered before October 31, 2007; this is a $20 value. The CD includes quick access to utilities, applications, and information; software for contesting, digital voice, HF digital (PSK31, MFSK16, MT63, and RTTY), meteor scatter and moonbounce, book excerpts and more, as well as programs for APRS, Winlink 2000, packet radio and satellite tracking. Both editions will be available in early October. ARRL's HF Digital Handbook -- Fourth Edition is your guide to understanding the most active HF digital communication modes in use today. There is something here for every radio operator -- beginners and more advanced operators alike. And, as this technology rapidly advances, your increased understanding of digital communication techniques will make certain that you stay in the race as new modes and methods unfold. This 4th edition book includes expanded station setup information, discussion of PSKMail and other varieties of PSK, new content on Olivia, DominoEX, HF digital voice and image modes, and Automatic Link Establishment. Are you just getting started with exploring digital communications? All it takes is your sound-card-equipped computer and your HF transceiver. ARRL's HF Digital Handbook will guide you through the rest. This softcover book will be available in early October for $19.95. ARRL's Low Power Communication -- Third Edition shows how you can explore the excitement of low-power radio operating. Discover how to build and operate low-power radio gear - the QRP way, with sections on equipment and station accessories, antennas and operating strategies. There are new sections on Emergency Communication and surplus military equipment, including how to restore and use this classic radio hardware. This book can be purchased alone for $19.95 and includes the complete assembly manual for the MFJ Cub Transceiver Kit, or with the MFJ-9340K 40M QRP-Cub CW Transceiver Kit for $99.95. Both editions will be available in early October. FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service is now available for only $5.95. The new 8-1/2 x 11 reference contains the complete Part 97 rules from Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, effective February 23, 2007. Antenna Compendium Volume 4, the popular antenna book from 1995, is being reprinted due to increasing demand. This is the fourth in the popular ARRL Antenna Compendium series. You'll find 38 articles inside, covering a wide range of topics. There are simple, practical antenna projects, and there are heavy-duty, theoretical treatments of complex arrays. When the sunspots are low, head for the low-bands - seven articles are devoted to 80 and 160 meters including some truly gargantuan arrays. There are articles for mobile work, too. A section on portable or temporary antennas that will get you thinking about Field Day in June, regardless of what time of year you read it. The Antenna Compendium Volume 4 will be available in September for only $20. AC Power Interference Handbook, 3rd edition, revised, looks at the causes, effects, locating and correction of power-line and electrical interference, and includes a new locating concept! "This easy-to-read, very practical book, is a must for anyone responsible for solving interference problems." -- Vern Chartier, past chairman, IEEE T&D Committee. AC Power Interference Handbook is written by Marv Loftness, KB7KK, and published by Percival Technology. ARRL is the worldwide distributor for this title. These books, as well as the complete ARRL library, are available from the ARRL Online store www.arrl.org/catalog/. VHF AND ABOVE Serious 2m DX Queensland to Western Australia on 2-metres is the aim this summer of an active VHF operator John Bisgrove VK4KK who is looking for serious VK6 stations to run skeds. Jim Linton VK3PC says John is located at Gympie in grid square QF62HT and he's well equipped including being able to run a legal limit manned beacon 12 hours a day. If you're in VK6, and a VHF DXer, then John VK4KK wants to hear from you. His email address is THE LOWDOWN COLUMN INCLUDING PRECISION BEACON TRANSMISSIONS Join the DownUnder LF Group's Mailing List: http://www.egroups.com/list/lofexp/ lowexp@egroups BEACONS www.qsl.net/zl1bpu/micro/Precision SWEDEN: NORDIC HF CONFERENCE Posted by: "Ray (VU3ORN)" vu3orn The latest Nordic High Frequency Conference was held August 14th to the 17th. The 3 day program covers Very Low Frequency, Low Frequency as well as High Frequency operations. The conference was initially planned for a limited audience of Nordic countries now. It has since gone international with contributions of papers, exhibits and participants from around the globe. The Nordic conferences on H-F communications began back in 1986 in Sweden. Since then the event has been held every 3 years at Faro Island off Sweden's south-eastern coast. More about the Nordic HF Conference is on-line at http://www.nordichf.org BB's DIARY ROOM - THE FUTURE, IN AMATEUR RADIO 2008 Sept 13 Alarameet 2008 will be held in Ulverstone Tasmania on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September 2008. Susan VK7LUV for details. 2009 International Telecommunication Union's Telecom World 2009. 14th IARU R3 Conference Christchurch 12 - 16 October, 2009. SOCIAL SCENE SEPTEMBER 8 SUNSHINE COAST HAMFEST at Woombye School of Arts Hall. SEPTEMBER 9 Shepparton and District Amateur Radio Club Hamfest St. Augustine's Hall Orr St. SEPTEMBER 21-23 North Queensland Amateur Radio Convention Happening in twin cities of Thuringowa and Townsville. SEPTEMBER 22-23 Brett Dawson VK2CBD down in the Orana Region ARC says the CSIRO Parkes Radio Telescope will be holding open days Saturday 22 and Sunday 23rd of September. The Orana Region Amateur Radio Club, the Orange & Districts Amateur Radio Club and the WIA will be on site with interesting demonstrations and they'll be talking to anyone who wants to know about how to get involved in amateur radio. There will be other attractions as well including helicopter rides, a jumping castle and face painting for the kids, as well as an outdoors screening of the movie "The Dish" on Saturday evening. OCTOBER 6 Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society Annual Hamfest at Albert Waterways Hall. NOVEMBER 4 The Ballarat Hamvention at the Great Southern Woolshed located on the Western Highway on the Melbourne Side of Ballarat. General entry for $6:00 is from 10am. details at the BARG website www.barg.org.au DECEMBER 2 Westlakes Amateur Radio Clubs Christmas Party will be held at the Eastern Tiger Restaurant, which is located in the Cardiff RSL building, interested? get in touch with VK2FDNE Diane. JANUARY 20 2008 The Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group invite all amateurs to attend the 2008 Mid North Coast Radio Expo to be held in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 20th January. The Expo is held at the St Johns Church Hall, Mc Lean Street, Coffs Harbour. Gary VK2ZKT is the Radio Expo Coordinator on 02 66 55 2 990 or visit the Groups comprehensive web site at www.mncarg.org FEBRUARY 10 2008 Announcing Centre Victoria RadioFest No. 2. Second-hand traders, club corner, short-talk lectures, displays and the popular dipole factory will all return, plus some new exciting activities to be announced later. All major commercial traders have already made commitments to be there again in 2008. For second hand table bookings that cost only $12.50 please contact Nick Angelo VK3UCK 0488 653 201, or check out the website radiofest.amateurradio.com.au THE FINAL FINAL WALKS Jeff VK4XJJ has finished his walk across Australia. But he still wants to hear from YOU! Every Day, from 5:30pm Eastern on 40 meters, 7045 put out a call to VK4XJJ www.jeffswalk.com ================================================== ======================= WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of the National WIA. ______________________________ ================================================== ============================= ____________________________ ================================================== ============================= WIANews THANKS OUR REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS , OUR RELAY OPERATORS ACROSS THE WORLD FOR FORWARDING INFORMATION AND COMMENTS THEIR LISTENERS HAVE PASSED ON TO MAKE WIANews VK'S LEADING WEEKLY AMATEUR RADIO PROGRAM. _______________________________ Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail Callbacks follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Compiled by VK4BB on behalf of QNEWS for the National WIA. Thanks to to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA. Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... ================================================== ============================= ================================================== ============================= |
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WIANEWS for week commencing SEPTEMBER 2 2007 | Info | |||
WIANEWS for week commencing MAY 27 2007 | Info | |||
WIANEWS for week commencing MAY 20 2007 | Info | |||
WIANEWS for week commencing MAY 13 2007 | Info | |||
WIANEWS for week commencing MAY 13 2007 | Info |